irclog2html for #elinux on 20060327

00:59.01*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
01:05.46pigeonhmm... has anyone been using 2.6 kernel with skyeye?
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01:33.59sjhillchouimat: you around?
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05:20.01pigeonwhat's the typical page size on an arm 26 kernel?
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07:01.39pigeonhmm CONFIG_FRAME_POINTER is not supported for arm kernels right?
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12:51.27prpplaguemorning folks
12:56.13YazzYanyone has util-linux_2.12-10.diff.gz ?
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13:53.17prpplaguesjhill: hey hey
13:53.30prpplaguesjhill: all done with your presentation?
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13:55.45sjhillTuesday is my goal
13:55.56sjhilli'm quite pleased with how it is going though
13:56.09sjhillmy only concern is the length
13:56.32prpplaguesjhill: ahh well, thats what counts
13:57.30sjhillwell, it's getting long
13:57.41sjhillnecessary for the technical content however
14:00.46prpplaguesjhill: yea, i always find i tend to get too technical for alot of people when i dicuss stuff
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14:27.18prpplaguesjhill: got a sec for a question?
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16:00.26prpplaguechouimat: lo ho
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16:07.27prpplagueman i need two more days to finish this, and i barely have today
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16:57.47prpplagueho ho hum
16:57.51prpplaguethis driver is a mess
17:00.40chouimatprpplague: you should have seen the code I had to evaluate last week  ... porting job they told me it was only a matter of refactoring some classes .... it was object-oriented spaghetti code business logic and ui code mixed together ... the database stuff was a mess (they were loading all the tables in memory and they were doing all the operation there using global variables etc etc )
17:02.17prpplaguechouimat: hehe, this wouldn't be so bad, but......
17:02.21prpplaguechouimat: i wrote it, hehe
17:02.22chouimatprpplague: I simply refused to do the job ... I didn't want to spend the next 3 years rewriting this and being yell at by incompetens morons
17:02.26chouimatprpplague: lol
17:02.54prpplaguechouimat: i've been spending so much time just getting it to work, that i've let the code become a mess
17:03.13chouimatprpplague: :)
17:03.17chouimatanyway time for lunch
17:09.57prpplaguei think i've reached an impass for today
17:10.07ibotit has been said that cosmicpenguin is Jordan Crouse or (work) or (home)
17:10.12prpplague~seen cosmicpenguin
17:10.24ibotcosmicpenguin <> was last seen on IRC in channel #oe, 9d 15h 56m 31s ago, saying: 'Alright - vacaition time for me - catch you crazy cats in a week'.
17:18.10*** join/#elinux mbuf (n=mbuf@
17:19.01sjhillword up dog
17:20.24kergothjust moved buildings at work
17:20.31kergothnow in tiny cubicles with no drawers for pens adn such
17:21.06filekergoth: at something... like... something?
17:21.12kergothyes, just like that
17:24.08prpplaguekergoth: where are you work again?
17:26.54prpplaguei can only code non stop for about 7 hours now
17:26.56kergothprpplague: same place russ does, in scottsdale, az
17:27.16prpplaguekergoth: ahh, for some reason i was thinking you were working with sjhill
17:27.28prpplaguekergoth: hows it working out?
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17:28.48kergothprpplague: pretty well. dont hate it, and thats a nice change
17:28.56prpplaguespeaking of OLD
17:28.58prpplagueT0mW: hey
17:29.02prpplaguekergoth: cool
17:29.09fileold people are silly
17:29.21T0mWfile: they also smell bad
17:30.40*** join/#elinux Gnulnulf (
17:32.52T0mWprpplague: would I be so fortunate to get that old!
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18:20.14sjhillprpplague: so you're pretty much vibrating, eh?
18:20.19sjhillchouimat: hey you
18:21.44T0mWprpplague: with 20 cups of coffee, you ought to be able to plug the computer directly into yourself and save on electricity!
18:23.26prpplaguei just normally haven't reach 20 by 2pm
18:24.00prpplaguei really need to finish this today, and i can't seem to pull the last bits of this together
18:28.26chouimatsjhill: yes?
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18:38.12prpplagueok no more coffee for me today
18:42.30prpplagueT0mW: thanks
18:43.04prpplagueT0mW: i hate it when i get this close to finishing something and i started to get tired and bleery eyed
18:54.11T0mWprpplague: instead of coffee, go down to the local drugstore and get some Clariton-D and take about 3 of those.  They contain psuedo-phenophedrizene which is, essentially, speed.
18:54.32T0mWprpplague: that'll get you going!
20:22.18*** join/#elinux T`2 (n=total@pdpc/supporter/student/T)
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20:41.18prpplaguehmm, my skb is only showing 42byte packet sizes :(
20:45.15prpplaguehmm something isn't correct
20:57.05YazzYinit for busybox has some opts like CONFIG_HALT, CONFIG_POWEROFF, CONFIG_REBOOT. What are those?
20:57.57YazzYi thought it may have something to do with the opts in my inittab like l6:6:wait:/etc/rc not used
20:58.04dfarnsworth_YazzY, commands to halt, poweroff and reboot the system
20:58.21YazzYdfarnsworth_: are those for inittab ?
20:58.36dfarnsworth_man 8 halt
20:59.36YazzYdfarnsworth_: so this will produce the /sbin/reboot etc binaries ?
20:59.55dfarnsworth_well, they are related.  these commands will change run levels
21:00.29dfarnsworth_I think it will incorporate the equivalant of /sbin/reboot into busybox.
21:00.33YazzYdfarnsworth_: i dont understand, isnt inittab to execute different comands in different runlevels ?
21:00.43YazzYdfarnsworth_: oki
21:01.07YazzYdfarnsworth_: so any idea why initab does not honour commands for different runlevels ?
21:01.14dfarnsworth_yes, but these commands change the run level so that the commands in inittab are run
21:01.52YazzYdfarnsworth_: sure but when i want init to run a specific command in runlevel 3 it does not (when booting up)
21:02.04dfarnsworth_YazzY, I don't know.  your /sbin/init or whatever is using inittab should honor it
21:02.10YazzYhalt, reboot and poweroff are just to take the system down
21:02.20YazzYrunlevel 0 and 6 afair
21:02.35YazzYdfarnsworth_: k, thanks
21:02.50YazzYdfarnsworth_: could you please show me your inittab ?
21:05.04dfarnsworth_my inittab is just a standard debian inittab
21:05.09YazzYi found
21:05.18dfarnsworth_ok, good
21:05.28YazzYit's different from a standard one
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.