irclog2html for #elinux on 20060312

00:03.40jacqueshmm, does sshd run the shell directly or does it run login?
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00:32.38rob-ixI assume it runs login
00:32.40rob-ixbut I dunno
00:34.53jacquesif it runs login, that could be a clue
00:34.59rob-ixI'm not 100%
00:35.03rob-ixhow would I find out?
00:35.25jacqueshmm, I'm not sure
00:35.49rob-ixI read somewhere that openssh had a dependancy on tinylogin, but I've installed that and it's still no good
00:36.07rob-ixit's just a standard-ish buildroot environment
00:36.18rob-ixlogging in on the serial terminal is fine
00:36.23jacquesso it's openssh and not dropbear ?
00:37.16jacquesI just built a powerpc buildroot env with openssh a couple of days ago, and didn't have this issue
00:37.24jacques(not that that means much)
00:37.53jacquesare there any errors in the logs on the host?
00:38.04jacquessshd should log an error somewhere
00:38.05rob-ixI've had this a few times.  Once in Oct when I initially built the box (that I never sorted out) and again over the past few days when I rebuilt it
00:38.43rob-ixnothing in the logs, well the syslogs anyways
00:39.42rob-ixalso, I'm not sure if this would be connected.  When I run 'ssh root@box /bin/ash' it doesn't set the TERM/SHELL, and tab completion doesn't work and the PS1 prompt is set but doesn't appear
00:40.11jacquesprobably related to login not being run
00:40.45jacquesit's not e "login shell"
00:41.13anderseeTimRiker: still using the ol Cisco 678
00:41.37anderseeTimRiker: I picked up a USB speedtouch modem a while back, but have never made it go
00:43.40rob-ixrunning 'ssh root@box /bin/login' does nothing (well apart from ssh sending ENV's across), but if just dies
00:44.52rob-ixI did have bash installed on it at one point, but this caused similar problems
00:48.01jacqueslogin might need an option or two, not sure
00:49.03TimRikerandersee: you still have an account on it's using it and has the required firmware bits setup.
00:49.28TimRikerI just picked up another as a spare so I can test on your raq to see if I can get ipv6 and the speedtouch to play nice.
00:50.00TimRikeron if I load up ipv6 I get odd network issues using the speedtouch. the cisco worked fine but then I loose an IP.
00:55.34anderseeTimRiker: I've been working on building mythtv this afternoon
00:55.50anderseealmost have all the dependancies built
00:55.55TimRikersweet! did you pickup an hdtv tuner?
00:56.19anderseenah, still have my trust ol hauppauge wintv card (NTSC)
00:56.30TimRikergood for a start.
00:56.46anderseebut seriously thinking of picking up an pcHDTV HD-3000
00:57.12TimRikeryep. that seems to be the card of choice.
00:57.23TimRikerthere are a few folks in #utah that have them running.
00:58.46jacquesyeah I want a couple of those too
00:58.57jacquesprice just went down
01:06.16[g2]andersee I'm guessing that MythuClibc :)
01:06.27[g2]s/that/that is/
01:07.22TimRikerif you've got a gob of disk space for videos anyway, easier to do normal debian packages.
01:09.31anderseecurrently building just for my dev box (glibc)
01:09.52anderseemaybe next time I've give it a try for my uClibc dev box
01:10.32MonMothaI have a pcHDTV 3000.  Works like a charm if you can get a halfway decent signal to it
01:12.04anderseeat least, plenty to make a Samsung SIR-T451 standalone HDTV tuner happy
01:13.05MonMothain major cities, you'll be fine
01:13.23MonMothain smaller cities, many of the broadcasters are running their digital signal at rediculously low power levels
01:13.37MonMothaso low that getting a signal 5 miles away is almost impossible with a log periodic on a 35 foot tower
01:19.18rob-ixjacques: just rebuild the environment using Dropbear and I still get the same problem....
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10:40.20Leonall: In buildroot there exists TARGET_CC, but how can I find out the toolchain prefix (.../bin/i386-linux-  for example)?
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14:55.41T0mWGPSFan: ping
15:42.09GPSFanT0mW: pong. good morning..
15:42.27T0mWGPSFan: good morning
15:42.40T0mWmore time on the ohmmeter today, question
15:43.09T0mWhow did you identify the LT4054 ?
15:44.59T0mWthe mark on the device was LTA5, on the Linear Tech site, an LTA5 is the "S5 Marking" for the LT4054.  But, did you cross reference "LTA5" to get to "LT4054" or just stumble upon the fact that it was an LT4054 independant of the "S5 marking"?
15:47.18GPSFanT0mW: I forget... I think I just poked around on the LT site, I knew the logo, so I knew it was Linear tech, and found the LTA5 designation somewhere. I tent to be pretty lucky at finding obscure part #s.
15:47.40T0mWcheck this out!
15:47.41GPSFanmemory it's the first thing to go... or is it the second??
15:48.12T0mWS5 markings for small semi's
15:49.01T0mWthe freakin' transistor I've been puzzling over all morning is marked "L43", according to that PDF it is a BAT54C
15:49.14GPSFancool, thanks. have you seen this one?  => printenv
15:49.31GPSFanbootcmd=diskboot 400000 0:1 ; bootm 400000
15:49.33GPSFanbootargs=root=/dev/hda3 console=ttyS0,9600
15:49.51GPSFanmeant to paste this:
15:50.30T0mWOH! WONDERFULL!  Thank you, thank you!
15:51.00T0mWI've pretty well doped out the power supplies and most of the CPU pinouts.
15:51.11T0mWNo RAM / FLASH / WIFI pins as yet.
15:51.27T0mWOh, the LCD circuit is doped out.  
15:51.44T0mWnext up is the LPC915, WM8751, and audio
15:52.23T0mWthis is more of an intellectual excersice to see how an EP7312 is wired up.
15:54.04GPSFanyeah, it's a good excercise. I only rung out what I was interested at the moment, I just assumed that the rest was hooked up similar to the design guide.
15:55.12chouimatm orning
15:55.37T0mWI figured I'd take a lot closer look to see how they did things, it is always good to look at other's schematics and learn some new thing
15:57.43GPSFanT0mW: right, that's why I did the schematic for the TuxScreen. lots of water under the bridge since then. but it was a good learning experience.
15:58.29T0mWsolder braid helps
15:58.49T0mWuse it as a "broom" to sweep the PCB looking for a hit.
15:59.31GPSFanhehe, when I did the TuxScreen schematic, I did it on a working unit, which still works!!
15:59.53GPSFanmuch bigger parts & traces.
16:00.07T0mWI've reverse engineered competitive products when I worked at one company.  
16:01.04T0mWthat was before DMCA when "trade secrets" could be discovered and used without legal ramifications.
16:02.14T0mWGPSFan: I see that the part I've been puzzling over is neither transistor nor FET, it is a dual diode.  doh!
16:02.57GPSFanah ha!
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20:15.29tarawahas anyone seen a compile error on package udhcp specifically statement 135 in dhcpc.c on not having a default: in that case stmt ? 20060228 snapshot
20:44.37prpplaguei rarely use udhcp stand alone
20:44.48prpplaguetarawa: i almost always use whats in busybox
20:45.14prpplaguetarawa: but you have to remember snapshots are of the repo so its possible something was broken on that day
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21:51.54^Xiresgg, super-cell storm is here & tornado headed for the city...yay..God apparently doesn't want me to have a happy b-day
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22:49.32tux1800Hello, I need help with buildroot
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22:54.34tux1800buildroot fail when creating jffs2 root image
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.