irclog2html for #elinux on 20060308

00:03.20*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
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00:13.53*** part/#elinux nitinkg (
00:51.04*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
01:09.17*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
01:13.36*** join/#elinux joe_bleau (
01:20.37*** join/#elinux eggers (
01:49.31*** join/#elinux leoncamel (n=leoncame@
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02:57.59*** join/#elinux weo1 (
03:06.17*** join/#elinux cantona (n=cantona@unaffiliated/cantona)
03:06.48cantonaany reason that busybox does not run the inittab?
03:07.16cantonaCONFIG_FEATURE_USE_INITTAB=y is used
03:09.02MonMothacantona: does your inittab conform to what busybox expects?
03:09.08MonMothabusybox init is a fair bit crippled compared to sysV
03:11.40cantonaMonMotha: busybox will run /etc/init.d/rcS even i removed ::sysinit:/etc/init.d/rcS in /etc/inittab
03:14.45MonMothacantona: IIRC, if it can't understand your inittab, it will behaev as if USE_INITTAB were off
03:15.41cantonaMonMotha: ::askfirst:/sbin/getty -L 115200 console is this ok?
03:17.01MonMothashould be.  just check the docs for busybox
03:17.38cantonaMonMotha: this is the only line in inittab,but it doesn't work ..
03:22.25MonMothacheck the docs
03:22.34MonMothabusybox may run rcS unless you tell it not to
03:22.45MonMothabusybox init is designed to minimize the size of inittab to save space, amongst other things
03:24.30cantonaMonMotha: soory, i cannot find the docs talk about inittab
03:25.30MonMothaI know it's in there, or at least it was a few years ago
03:26.51cantonathis one?
03:28.49MonMothaany particular reason you have an rcS if you don't want it to be run?
03:30.34cantonaMonMotha: actually, i want rcS and also tinylogin on my serial tty
03:36.04MonMothadunno what to tell you other than use the source then
03:59.01*** join/#elinux Russ (
06:03.30*** join/#elinux Spetznaz (
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06:53.24*** join/#elinux ade|desk (n=adavey@
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10:40.49*** join/#elinux George (
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12:07.18*** join/#elinux diJenerate (n=dijenera@
12:30.53*** join/#elinux Chocobo (
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15:44.00CosmicPenguinmissed a meeting
15:44.06*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
15:46.20file[laptop]bad CosmicPenguin
15:47.07*** mode/#elinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
15:47.15prpplagueis there any other kind of CosmicPenguin
15:50.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: did ya'll have to use LPD? their designs and support suck
15:52.51CosmicPenguinholy crap
15:53.07CosmicPenguinno wonder I never had good debugging capabilities with OE
15:53.18CosmicPenguinccache really screws up debugging information in your binary
16:11.49CosmicPenguinsource is always right
16:14.23prpplaguenot sure about that
16:26.00chouimatwow ... HR peoples are really dumb ....
16:34.14CosmicPenguinI love the verb "percpuify"
16:41.26*** join/#elinux T0mW (
16:45.45T0mWyou wonder if you're on the right mailing list if you have people on it that cannot figure out how to install a USB driver under WinXP
16:48.19*** join/#elinux andersee (
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17:20.34kergothanyone know if anyone has written something like umsdos using fuse?  that seems like a perfect candidate for a move to userspace
17:24.43*** join/#elinux thraxisp (
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18:05.03*** join/#elinux nitinkg (
18:05.13prpplaguekergoth: not i
18:05.23prpplaguekergoth: hows the new job working out?
18:05.57prpplaguenitinkg: greetings
18:06.09prpplaguenitinkg: hey is deepak still working for you guys?
18:06.20prpplaguenitinkg: i've not see him around in awhile
18:08.58nitinkgprpplague, yes
18:09.16nitinkgI will ping him that you are looking for him
18:09.25kergothprpplague: pretty good, getting things done, dont hate it, good variety in the code i'm working on, so not bored outo f my mind like at ti
18:10.02nitinkgprpplague, you can mostly find him at #montavista channel
18:10.38prpplaguenitinkg: thats ok, i was just wondering the other day since i had not seen him around
18:10.48prpplaguenitinkg: ahh didn't know there was one
18:13.19*** join/#elinux dsaxena (
18:13.31dsaxenaprpplague: u looking for me?
18:14.28*** join/#elinux T` (
18:16.08*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
18:16.08*** mode/#elinux [+v CosmicPenguin] by ChanServ
18:17.12CosmicPenguinStill chasing boxen issues
18:22.34*** join/#elinux T`2 (i=id@tor/session/x-a29fb40b7807dc05)
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18:30.35prpplaguedsaxena: not really, just saw nitinkg come in from and was wondering if you were still with them
18:30.45prpplaguedsaxena: hadn't seen you around on irc in awhile
18:31.01dsaxenaprpplague: yeah, still with them.
18:31.25dsaxenahow're things in Texas?
18:31.36dsaxena(texas, right?)
18:32.02prpplaguedsaxena: hehe, still work in texas, but living in barbados, been here for almost a year
18:33.15prpplaguehehe yea, telecommuting is fun fun
18:38.29*** join/#elinux Xires (
18:41.18CosmicPenguinperl sucks
18:41.44prpplagueand not in a good way
18:41.54CosmicPenguinnever in a good way
18:42.08prpplaguedsaxena: hows things going on your end?
18:42.31prpplaguedsaxena: still coding?
18:43.21dsaxenagoing well.
18:43.32dsaxenai'm remote too, from portland, OR
18:43.50dsaxenafinishing up some network processor porting work and then not sure what's next on my plate
18:43.55dsaxenaare you still with the same company?
18:44.06CosmicPenguindsaxena: most of the LKML is waiting with baited breath for the generic RNG code... :)
18:48.53CosmicPenguinheh - just kidding around
18:49.08CosmicPenguinI noticed that somebody else did a similar thing, and people told that guy to find you
18:49.22dsaxenayeah, and i'm just now replying to him.
18:49.31dsaxenahe's using a sysfs approach, which i like better anyways
18:49.35prpplaguedsaxena: yea with
18:50.29prpplaguedsaxena: not doing much userland stuff, mostly initial board bringup and testing
18:50.42CosmicPenguinprpplague: and SPI
18:50.45CosmicPenguinlots and lots and lots of SPI
18:52.49CosmicPenguinSPI boy
18:53.20prpplaguenot the b word i would have used
19:16.26T0mWprpplague: rhymes with itch?
19:29.57*** join/#elinux Crofton (
19:44.35prpplagueT0mW: something like that
19:44.49*** part/#elinux andersee (
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20:33.54*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
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20:37.41*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
20:50.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: something is bothering me about this spi-keyboard, but i can;t put my finger on it
20:51.52CosmicPenguinyou're a laugh riot
21:46.03*** join/#elinux libertyy (
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21:53.01*** part/#elinux libertyy (
22:20.26*** join/#elinux ljp (n=lpotter@
23:26.00*** join/#elinux sherbang (
23:26.01*** part/#elinux angom (
23:50.12*** join/#elinux Crofton (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.