irclog2html for #elinux on 20060304

00:11.11*** join/#elinux ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:11.11*** topic/#elinux is #elinux Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at
00:11.11*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
00:28.32cougarvtjoe_bleau: i just successfully ran the lcd_2 demo after recompiling it.  thanks for laying the groundwork
00:43.45*** join/#elinux bldr (
00:50.57joe_bleauGlad to hear that it worked.  I saw the updates to the Wiki, BTW.  Maybe it'll help the next hacker.
00:51.56*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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01:32.26*** join/#elinux jacques (n=username@nslu2-linux/jacques)
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03:56.22mackiliafanyone tried to get Xorg 7.0 into buildroot?
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05:13.21*** join/#elinux ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:13.21*** topic/#elinux is #elinux Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at
05:13.21*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
05:35.01*** join/#elinux mackiliaf (n=joe@tor/session/x-ce643f71e5254668)
07:33.21*** join/#elinux ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
07:33.21*** topic/#elinux is #elinux Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at
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17:15.45marklwhat's new
17:18.15*** part/#elinux bldr (
17:19.14markldoes cosmic penguin still hang around here
17:22.41prpplaguemarkl: yea
17:22.47prpplaguemarkl: mostly during the week
18:34.40prpplaguei always have trouble bringing this one lcd
19:09.26prpplaguehmm, one step closer
19:09.33prpplaguetux is visable
19:10.21filenot... invisible?
19:10.40prpplaguefile: i can now see tux on my lcd
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23:21.05*** join/#elinux ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
23:21.05*** topic/#elinux is #elinux Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at
23:21.06*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
23:21.29sherbangsure Tom, the linux stuff?  I can try to help.
23:21.49T0mWI've got a new installation up and a failure:
23:21.59T0mWmd6 : active raid1 hda11[0] hdb11[2](F)
23:22.09T0mWthat's from /proc/mdstat
23:22.32T0mWfrom what I see: hdb is failing on the 11th partition (/dev/hdb11) ?
23:24.05T0mWcan I take another drive, partition it with the same partition sizes as the first and replace the bad drive?
23:24.38T0mWthen run mdmadm to add the new partitions to the mirror list?
23:25.00sherbangumm, I'm not familiar with the mdstat output.  do mdadm -D /dev/md6
23:25.05sherbangthat's easier to understand.
23:25.43sherbangsame partitions, then just add the partitions to the different raids
23:26.52T0mWgood thing I check the system.
23:27.00sherbangthere ya go..
23:28.11sherbangif it's not actually a hardware failure then you can do "mdadm --zero-superblock /dev/hdb11" and then re-add hdb11, but obviously the safe thing to do is swap the drive.
23:28.12T0mWsherbang: I was tinkering with mdadm before I built the "real" system and I did do that.  Pulled a drive from a system with a single md volume and put a raw drive in. After I did the mdadm --add, it went through resync-ing.
23:28.17sherbangmdadm can also be setup to email you on a failure.
23:28.25T0mWbut I was not sure this was the "proper" way to do things.
23:28.47T0mWsherbang: yeah, I've several spares for that machine
23:28.49sherbangit is as far as I can tell.
23:29.09T0mWmaybe I should go to RAID 5 on that box instead of RAID 1
23:30.46T0mWat least the software raid has an indication of the mirror volumes' health
23:31.18T0mWwe were using a (IIRC) promise "hardware" raid, and that had no indication of the /dev/md health
23:31.45sherbangyeah, you find out when all your drives are dead.  ugh..
23:32.02T0mWbtdt, we had it only show a failure on reboot
23:32.42T0mWthe power supply finally went in the old server so I decided to bite the bullet and rebuild it completely, fun, fun.
23:32.59sherbangI just purchased an IBM sata raid card. 6-ports real hardware raid.  nice unit.  I think it was $150, but that's the way to go on a real critical system.
23:33.02T0mWstill not 100% back to where I was before
23:33.28T0mWsherbang: I cannot seem to get the through put that they claim for SATA
23:33.59sherbangto be honest, I really haven't checked.
23:34.13T0mWit is supposed to be ATA-150 and all I get from the hdparm is an indication that it is running at UDMA-66 / 100
23:34.29T0mWthat is without mirrors and such
23:34.39T0mWjust the raw setup
23:35.03T0mWit may be the new unified kernel driver: SATA + PATA
23:35.34T0mWsherbang: ok, thanks, I'll have to take a drive up there to the site tomorrow and do the deal
23:35.59sherbangno problem
23:36.29T0mWfortunately, I've the old raid drives sitting there unused, so, if the system loses that volume then we only lost a few days.
23:36.46T0mWbackup is a bitch, we need an offsite rsync mirror
23:37.00T0mWover the VPN pipe
23:41.01T0mWwell, the server "evolved" from something small to something that they just throw sh!t on when they don't take the time to backup to media.  There's 47G of stuff on that box.
23:41.40T0mWI keep telling them to get rid of the temp dirs, but they don't even know what is in some of the subdirs.  Typical windows shop
23:41.55sherbangso why don't you get a tape drive for it?
23:42.53T0mWWell, we have tape, it is complicated.  The deal is that you need to be disciplined about doing tape backup.  The owner is stretched thin
23:43.06T0mWyou know the deal.
23:44.06T0mWI think that what I'll do is move some stuff onto another volume, critical business stuff.  Then setup an offsite mirror to run overnite to backup the really critical stuff, the stuff that would put him out of business if he lost it.
23:44.44T0mWheh, my imap folder is one "critical" peice of data!
23:45.16T0mWnice thing is that he lets me play with his computer stuff and pays for the hardware
23:45.39T0mWso, the computers are "mine", he only buys them
23:45.56sherbanggood arrangement
23:46.34T0mWinteresting thing is that he came to me about three years ago and told me that he wanted to replace win98 in his stores with linux.  Then told me to figure out how to do it.
23:46.47sherbangI work for a small company.  Only 1 site so I'm always there to deal with things like backups.
23:47.16T0mWI thought of doing the backup over the net, something like a tape buffer.
23:47.25T0mWI've DAT3 here
23:48.10T0mWhe just put in new POS terminals at the three stores and they all run linux
23:48.28T0mWthe only place we have windows now is in the office
23:48.52T0mWthat won't change, I cannot see PeachTree bringing out a linux package
23:49.11T0mWnor Lotus, and he has a large investment into Lotus macros
23:49.45T0mWI'm going to try that resync of the superblock
23:50.37sherbangWine?  :)
23:51.32T0mWwine sux
23:51.54T0mWthe only thing I've ever gotten wine to run properly is notepad
23:52.34sherbangI've run some games, haven't run any real apps.
23:54.37T0mWthat little thrill of fear when I ran: mdadm -a /dev/md6 /dev/hdb11
23:54.59sherbang:) absolutely
23:55.11T0mWfear is a good thing
23:55.18T0mWkeeps you honest
23:55.53T0mWit is resyncing now, should take an hour or two to finish.
23:56.12T0mWwell, it claims 30 minutes
23:56.41T0mWsherbang: time enough to slip out to the cigar shop and get a new box!
23:56.59sherbangthere ya go..
23:57.06T0mWthanks again!  cul

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