irclog2html for #elinux on 20060227

00:05.24*** join/#elinux p-crat_ (
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01:59.06thraxispcat ?
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03:19.56T`kergoth, weed? ;)
03:20.50kergothheh, i wish :P  frustrated as hell.  this last week was the week from hell, then had to work yesterday and today, which were just as bad, and now i'm at home and have to go back to work shortly to finish what i was doing
03:21.04T`hmm.. oh man
03:21.16T`i hope you get a few days off during weekdays
03:21.18kergothdeadline tomorrow morning
03:21.22kergothyea hopefully
03:21.51T`ah i hate deadlines
04:04.06kergothwent back to work, and cant test my code due to not having a fucking flash card
04:04.14kergoththe week from hell continues
04:05.52file[laptop]it's next week here
04:43.52*** part/#elinux joe_bleau (
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13:45.22cantonaanyone know the if tinylogin works with busybox?
13:46.01prpplaguecantona: tinylogin is actually part of busybox now
13:46.29cantonaprpplague: yeah, but it wont start with initab?
13:46.32prpplaguecantona: and yes earlier versions of busybox work with the standalone version of tinylogin
13:46.42prpplaguecantona: ??
13:46.49prpplagueworks fine for me
13:47.30cantonaprpplague: can you give me a example?
13:48.23prpplaguecantona: example of what?
13:48.39cantonaprpplague: startup tinylogin with inittab
13:49.35prpplaguetty1::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1
13:50.05cantonaprpplague: yes i use this, and it is not working for my serial console
13:50.15prpplaguecantona: and what does it do?
13:52.27cantonaprpplague: it seems busybox not startup initab
13:53.08prpplaguecantona: well there are a lot of issues that could be present
13:53.22prpplaguecantona: so your problem is not specifically related to tinylogin
13:53.39prpplaguecantona: your issue is that busybox is not executing the inittab as you would expect
13:53.56prpplaguecantona: need to look and make sure you compiled inittab support into  busybox
13:54.07cantonaprpplague: yes right.
13:54.15prpplaguecantona: you also need to make sure you are using the correct syntax in the inittab
13:55.10cantona::sysinit:/etc/init.d/rcS    (at first line)
13:55.21cantonatty1::respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty1 (second line)
13:56.14prpplaguecantona: you said serial console
13:56.37prpplaguecantona: generally your serial console will be something like ttyS0
13:57.00prpplaguecantona: are you seeing anything on the serial console during boot?
13:58.26cantonaprpplague: yes
13:58.43prpplaguecantona: what is the command line you use for the kernel?
13:59.26cantonaprpplague: root=/dev/docbp mem=64M
13:59.57prpplaguecantona: nothing else?
14:00.06cantonaprpplague: yes
14:00.30prpplaguecantona: what platform is this?
14:01.21cantonaprpplague: what is the problem
14:02.12prpplaguecantona: a serial console will not be listed as tty1 it will be listed differently
14:02.22prpplaguecantona: more than likely something like ttyS0
14:02.50prpplaguecantona: is this an arm or mips device?
14:03.01cantonaprpplague: okay but actually without the second line, i can see the console still
14:03.06cantonaprpplague: it's arm
14:03.15prpplaguecantona: which processor?
14:04.36cantonaprpplague: motorola mx1ads
14:05.56prpplaguei'm not familiar with that one, but if i were you, i'd try just using an "ask first" option so atleast you could identify what tty you are using
14:11.35cantonaprpplague: it's ok, i'll check it later as i dont have the machine now
14:12.01prpplaguei see
14:29.10prpplague~exchange 199 EUR to USD
14:33.46ade|deskprpplague: what are you blowing your hard earn cash on now ?
14:37.30prpplagueade|desk: need something to test my enc28j60 driver with
14:37.55prpplagueade|desk: i've got a couple of boards here, but i'd like one more, with emphasis on one we didn't build
14:43.05chouimathi prpplague ade|desk
14:46.12prpplagueanyone know some other boards using the enc28j60?
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15:10.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ho ho ho
15:10.48filehail CosmicPenguin
15:10.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i found a cute patch to do spi via a parport
15:10.57CosmicPenguinprpplague: oh?
15:11.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, i'm gonna try it out tomorrow
15:12.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: also found a uclinux dev board that has a enc28j60 on it
15:12.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ordering one now
15:12.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: they supposedly have a uclinux driver
15:12.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: was curious about it
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15:59.36CosmicPenguinstupid $%*$% proxy
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16:42.57prpplaguesjhill: ho ho ho
16:43.02prpplaguesjhill: merry freakin monday
16:44.18sjhillhey prpplague
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17:06.29prpplaguei just don't understand it
17:06.42prpplaguesco's stock is still going up
17:06.58prpplagueafter that flat out loss in court on friday
17:07.03*** join/#elinux chouimat (n=dieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
17:07.54prpplaguewho would be sooooo stupid to purchase a new product from sco?
17:09.42CosmicPenguinfortunately for sco, stupidity isn't in short supply these days
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17:23.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea seems that way
17:25.11CosmicPenguinAnd when people here either multimedia or portable, they get stupid anyway
17:34.10mindfunkanybody want a tuxscreen?
17:37.13*** join/#elinux TheCollector (
17:37.55mindfunkTheCollector: hola
17:37.55TheCollectorI know this is old stuff, but does anyone want a tuxscreen for free + S/H?
17:38.03TheCollectormindfunk: howdy
17:38.22TheCollectormindfunk: already tried to offload yours here?
17:38.30prpplaguemindfunk: hehe, i;ve not had time tinker with mine in ages
17:39.08mindfunkI have 2 now... I gave one to the utdlug, they descided they didn't want it and gave it back
17:39.09TheCollectorI had such grand plans for mine, too
17:40.26prpplaguehehe, what happened to those plans?
17:40.47TheCollectortechnical difficulties + being lazy + too busy
17:42.14prpplaguei guess thats a good combo
17:53.31prpplagueTheCollector: i wanted to do a small web pad with mine, but it basically turned out to just be a nice dev platform
17:55.52TheCollectorthe hardware in ther sure is neat, though
17:56.11TheCollectortoo bad there isn't an omap 2420 tuxscreen :)
17:58.09prpplaguehehe wouldn't be hard to upgrade
17:59.42TheCollectoromaps are bga, though, right?
18:00.22prpplagueTheCollector: most iirc, but there is the osk kit you could use
18:00.25ibotosk is, like, the OMAP5912 Starter Kit, a $295 development board with 32/32, serial, ethernet, usb host/client, CF, jtag, and expansion connectors available from or, or
18:01.05TheCollectorwell, time for lunch :)
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20:24.29prpplaguemallum / kergoth greetings
20:24.39mallumhey prpplague
20:24.40fileyay flight itinerary
20:24.55prpplaguemallum: whats cookin in the UK?
20:25.08prpplaguemallum: recovered from a friday night pub crawl?
20:25.24prpplaguemallum: or was it indian take-away and a couple tins?
20:25.29mallumprpplague: just got back from FOSDEM
20:25.34mallumso belgium bear blanc
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20:25.36prpplaguemallum: oh oh oh
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20:25.44prpplaguemallum: nice
20:25.54mallumyeah but knackered now
20:25.58prpplaguemallum: mmm duvel, chimay
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20:26.53prpplaguemallum: don't suppose you went to the presentation on openocd?
20:27.08mallumno, what was that ?
20:27.36prpplaguemallum: On-Chip-Debugging
20:27.41prpplaguemallum: jtag stuff
20:27.49mallumhmm, RP may have caught it
20:27.52filekergoth_: are you ok?
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20:30.28CosmicPenguinmallum: you better come to OLS, and you better be packing OH t-shirts.. :)
20:30.44mallumCosmicPenguin: I promised RP at least he would go
20:30.48mallumCosmicPenguin: when is it ?
20:31.22mallumhmm, maybe yes then
20:34.12CosmicPenguinI'll trade you for AMD swag
20:36.51fileyay another flight itinerary
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20:38.20mallumCosmicPenguin: okey deal
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.