irclog2html for #elinux on 20060217

00:00.46*** join/#elinux Crofton (
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12:42.55T0mWmy ZipIt should be here Monday
12:44.46*** join/#elinux T0mW (
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14:39.45prpplaguedijenerate: ping
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15:04.06prpplaguechouimat: lo
15:13.51T0mWprpplague: I've found a way to lower the price of SCOX
15:14.14prpplagueT0mW: oh do tell
15:14.32T0mWprpplague: all I'd have to do is buy 100 shares of it and it is guarenteed to go lower
15:15.27T0mWprpplague: sort of like the TV show effect, I find something I like to watch and it goes off the air
15:15.51prpplagueT0mW: hehe
15:16.08prpplagueT0mW: yea, if i like a tv show its absolutely gurranted to be cancelled
15:16.31prpplagueT0mW: dead like me, carnival, farscape
15:17.01T0mWprpplague: face it, we are no longer in the TV Prime Viewer age group of 7..15 years old
15:17.28T0mWthe movers & shakers of the TV world
15:18.11prpplagueT0mW: yea well, it just goes to the point that hollywood is having a completely meltdown because they can't figure out why so many men have stopped watching tv and going to the movies
15:19.04prpplagueT0mW: with crap on like "wife swamp", "nanny 911", "dancing with the stars", "the bachelor" and "the bachelorette"
15:19.15T0mWThere is absolutely nothing that interests me on TV anymore.  The only thing I watch is: Antiques Roadshow, Stargate Atlantis, and some old movies
15:19.42prpplagueT0mW: yea the only thing i watch these days is from the bbc
15:19.50T0mWOh, and some History Channel, but that is getting to be tons of commercials per hour.
15:19.54prpplagueT0mW: we watched the 2005 season of dr.who and loved it
15:19.59prpplagueT0mW: it was awesome
15:20.22prpplagueT0mW: its suppose to be arriring on sci-fi this summer
15:20.49T0mWWell, I've got to figure out my finances and then go do some clothes shopping today.
15:21.02T0mWtime to get away from this code for a while
15:21.38prpplagueokie dokie
15:23.55T0mWthe local PBS station used to run Dr Who
15:30.13prpplagueT0mW: yea
15:30.26prpplagueT0mW: i was really impressed with this new series
15:30.35T0mWprpplague: so, what are you working on lately?
15:30.54prpplagueT0mW: a subdermal hemotoma
15:31.17prpplagueT0mW: with a side order of nervous break down
15:31.30T0mWI usually get one of those after getting a blood test.
15:31.53prpplagueT0mW: i've got too many problems in my plate for the last few weeks
15:32.16T0mWit seems that only recovering alcoholics are the only nurses doing the blood tests, their hands shake too much to hit the vein.
15:33.30T0mWI went for a test 6 months ago and the nurse's hands were shaking so badly I was fearful.  Fortunately, one of the other nurses saw this and took over for her.
15:34.34T0mWprpplague: well, I do have to finish the software for this project, finish the freakin' project, sheesh.  I keep finding more stuff that I forgot to put in there.
15:35.21T0mWprpplague: I've got an inter processor communications link that is giving random data errors.  Got to fix that.
15:37.45prpplagueT0mW: btdt
15:38.41T0mWprpplague: just how do you get data errors on 3inches of wire is beyond me.
15:39.35T0mWprpplague: so, the solution of course is to throw that code away and write something new.  heh
15:45.46prpplaguecbrake: hey hey
15:46.53T0mWgetting near time for more drives:
15:47.12T0mWor another box
15:48.02prpplagueT0mW: you might like that
15:49.36T0mWprpplague: ZipIt will be here Monday!  So, I have to finish this project by then!
15:49.54prpplagueT0mW: well hop to it
15:51.01T0mWprpplague: oh, those 20 webpals I got?  I got the bill for them, they cost me $6.35 each
15:57.42prpplagueT0mW: uh
15:57.50prpplagueT0mW: i thought you said they gave them to you?
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16:05.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: if you say so
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16:09.10T0mWprpplague: yeah, but I had to pay shipping
16:10.17T0mWall of them have 33.6 modems in them. heh, not much use for ISA 33.6 modems, but they are in there.  they stripped all the IR keyboards out of the boxes though, not a big deal.
16:10.37T0mWguess the keyboards are more valuable
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16:24.23dijenerateprpplague: hey what's up?
16:24.58prpplaguedijenerate: nada, just seeing if you were alive, hehe
16:25.21dijenerateprpplague: barely, I need a vacation so badly
16:25.50prpplaguedijenerate: hehe
16:25.52dijeneratehey what do you guys think about that OSX86 shutdown by Jobs and Co.?
16:26.00prpplaguedijenerate: i'm headed to the states next month
16:26.28dijenerateprpplague: cool, bring me back some proper
16:27.04dijenerateprpplague: good luck with the VISA issue
16:27.16dijenerateprpplague: hope everything works out
16:27.19prpplaguedijenerate: yea thanks
16:27.52dijenerateyou guys, it's like Apple is Sharp with the Zaurus project...
16:28.15prpplaguedijenerate: ?
16:28.31dijeneratethey expolit the Open source community then turn tail and try to make all the work theirs
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16:29.17dijenerateSharp had the Opensource effort going to get the Zaurus where it is, then when it's what they wanted they pulled the plug
16:30.15dijeneratebut thank goodness for the brain embodied in our own kergoth... the Opensource community fought back with OpenZ
16:30.22dijeneratethen OpenEmbedded
16:30.58dijenerateOSX is Darwin Linux then Jobs shuts down a community sight for postings on how to run it on non apple hardware?
16:31.04dijeneratethat's not right
16:31.24prpplaguedijenerate: yea well whats even more funny, is that Sharp makes a who line of arm processors for handhelds, but their own handhelds don't use them
16:32.15dijenerateprpplague: how about Sharp was the first to integrate half the features we see in today's handhelds
16:32.35dijenerateprpplague: but their Zaurus line seriouly sucks now
16:33.04dijenerateI think it's just because it's all about the cash and nothing more for these cormporations
16:33.18dijenerateprpplague: like SUN and StarOffice
16:33.46dijenerateprpplague: they made it GPL, we made it better then they turned around and locked it back down
16:33.54prpplagueits always about cash to a business
16:33.55dijenerateprpplague: how hard is it
16:34.20dijenerateprpplague: how difficult will it be to design opensource hardware?
16:34.49dijeneratelike we create a reference design and get some company that isn't only about the cash to build it
16:35.17dijenerateso like OpenEmbedded and the OpenPDA to match it based on input from the entire community
16:35.46dijenerateprpplague: 'cause I'm sure we could all come together and build something better than even the uPCs
16:36.02dijenerateprpplague: blow away the corporate designers
16:36.16CosmicPenguindijenerate: the problem isn't so much that the companies are all about the cash, its that cash is needed to bulid it
16:37.38dijenerateCosmicPenguin: but aren't their engineers and hardware designers who are members of this forum who could help us design it without actually building physical stuff
16:38.08CosmicPenguindijenerate: there are people everywhere who can design the devices
16:38.15dijenerateCosmicPenguin: like CAD all the way but the hardware experts implement the shematics
16:38.58dijenerateCosmicPenguin: then using the GPL make a reference desigh so that any company can build it but does not own the rights to the design or its variations
16:39.18CosmicPenguindijenerate: but that is easy - those designs exist today
16:39.32dijenerateCosmicPenguin: that way the competion between hardware vendors becomes possible to lead to perfection
16:39.33CosmicPenguindijenerate: heck, we give away the schematics and gerbers to many of our reference designs
16:39.39dijenerateCosmicPenguin: they do?
16:39.55dijenerateCosmicPenguin but are they GPLed?
16:40.05CosmicPenguindijenerate: what part of give away didn't you understand?
16:40.08Wingnutdijenerate: are you trying to create a PDA or a SBC?
16:40.23WingnutCosmicPenguin: aren't most of the reference designs for SBCs tho?
16:40.35CosmicPenguinThats not the point
16:40.44CosmicPenguinthe point is that the hard part of device design isn't the design of the device
16:40.51dijenerateWingnut: SBCs? explain...
16:40.58Wingnutsbc = single board computer
16:41.07dijenerateWingnut: ok gotcha
16:41.13Wingnutthe hard part of the design is routing the PCB PWB
16:41.27Wingnuts/PWB/\/ PWB.
16:41.29Wingnuts/PWB/\/ PWB/
16:41.57Wingnutit's the signal integrity work that's the killer for lots of designs
16:42.08CosmicPenguinIts very expensive to build a production device - you need to negotiate for the parts, inventory them, arrange manufacturing, etc
16:42.09dijenerateWingnut: I'm thinking more PDA, it's portable as is, no external terminal or Display required
16:42.24prpplague95% of my bring up issues are related to noise
16:42.47dijeneratewe are problem solvers here right?
16:42.52Wingnutdijenerate: indeed
16:42.59CosmicPenguinno - we're software engineers
16:43.10dijenerateso I say we detail the problems and get to work on solving them
16:43.34CosmicPenguinWe cannot possibly think that we can "solve" the problem of manufacturing
16:43.46dijenerateit's not impossible (I don't knwo what thar word means anyway)
16:43.59CosmicPenguinNobody in here even understands the problem, with the exception of T0mW
16:44.05dijenerateiit's difficult so let's work oin making it easier
16:44.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, not me?
16:45.12dijenerateeven it it means we go back to basics and design a simulation environment where we teach the software how
16:45.29dijeneratewe simulate manufacturing processes
16:45.37dijeneratewe research and write the code
16:46.03prpplaguedijenerate: you'll find that most of the folks here are OSS advocates, but they are also pretty pragmatic about paying the bills
16:47.37dijenerateprpplague: that's understandable, I'm the same... but I have learnt one thing if nothing else since 2001 when I joind the OpenSource Community
16:48.02dijenerateprpplague: I can pay the bills much more effectively with a prettier resume
16:48.26dijenerateprpplague: not everyone is Torvalds, we can't do a transmeta
16:48.59dijenerateprpplague: but our individual experience levels count after we cause revolutions in the industry
16:49.22dijenerateprpplague: the more we can do the more we can get paid and the more effectively we can pay the bills
16:49.48dijenerateprpplague: plus we get to see our dream systems in existence which is the initial goal anyway
16:49.59dijenerateprpplague: looks like a win win to me, what do you guys say?
16:50.32Wingnutdijenerate: I'll help where I can
16:51.09dijenerateWingnut: thank you
16:51.18dijeneratewho else is with me?
16:51.27CosmicPenguinI say that you would spend a ton of time and money, and that you would get nowhere
16:51.49WingnutI do that with most of my projects
16:52.13dijenerateCosmicPenguin: you sound like Thomas Edison's neighbor... his name was 'no electricity for a decade'
16:52.16dijenerateCosmicPenguin: lol
16:53.23dijenerateCosmicPenguin: it's just another OpenSource project except the end result is hardware
16:54.16dijenerateCosmicPenguin: no differenct from what we do now....
16:54.29prpplaguedijenerate: try joining #openhardware
16:55.04dijenerateprpplague: you mean someone is already doing this?
16:55.07CosmicPenguindijenerate: except what we do now costs no money at all
16:55.09dijenerateprpplague: woohoo
16:56.08dijenerateCosmicPenguin: don't misunderstand, I'm speaking of developing the hardware as sim first all the way to the manufacturing process
16:56.52dijenerateCosmicPenguin: it's still code, and we can test our code on non PDA hardware until we the knwo the simulations are solid
16:57.26dijenerateCosmicPenguin: that way we have created a software method for design not just for initial design but for the manufacturing and testing
16:58.03dijenerateCosmicPenguin: we would be able to build anything and not spend money on a single piece of PCB until we want to make a unit
16:58.34dijenerateCosmicPenguin: btw, have you ever seen any inkjet printed PCBs?
16:58.52dijenerateCosmicPenguin: it's not that expensive anymore to build prototypes
16:59.30dijenerateCosmicPenguin: boards that are flexible and look like transparency film
16:59.42dijenerateCosmicPenguin: printed on your own desktop
16:59.53dijeneratethe layers are connected by pins
17:00.09CosmicPenguindijenerate: fine - then take your best shot at it
17:00.14CosmicPenguinGood luck
17:00.39dijeneratestill can't build an LCD that way tho' lol
17:00.45dijenerateat least not yety
17:04.57dijenerateanywayz yiou guys I have a business meeting in an hour so I must bid you all adieu
17:05.33dijeneratelet's continue this convo later, everyone give som thought to it please as Wingnut has
17:05.47dijenerateI'll see you guys in a few hours
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18:03.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i like about 98% of songs on that pandora channel
18:05.32CosmicPenguinits doing its job then
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18:29.34CosmicPenguinlike how classses and devices interact
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18:57.38Gnulnulfis there anybody familiar with the eminent EM4012 (CX84200) router ?
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20:20.30CosmicPenguinsjhill: ping
20:29.46sjhilllo' kergoth
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20:33.07kergothhey sjhill
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21:27.32kergoth~emulate fry
21:27.35ibotSpace. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.