irclog2html for #elinux on 20060207

00:00.07*** join/#elinux chouimat (n=dieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
00:00.36CosmicPenguinThis is a graphic email message. If you are reading this message
00:00.36CosmicPenguinthen your email program does not support HTML format. We recommend
00:00.36CosmicPenguinupgrading the program you use to read your email.
00:00.43CosmicPenguinI recommend you kiss my white ass
00:01.09kergothi like how they seem to think that html mail is an "upgrade"
00:01.45CosmicPenguinIf mutt can't read it, it wasn't meant to be read
00:02.20kergothand mutt calling out lynx doesnt count
00:07.36CosmicPenguinhell no
00:20.36kergothhehe, the latest thedailywtf is amusing
00:21.50kergothfigured i'd actually link it, for the lazy out there
00:32.41CosmicPenguinwhat freaky languages some people use
00:36.21vittoriokergoth, amusing :)
01:04.44*** join/#elinux Soopaman (
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05:08.56*** join/#elinux cdm (
05:12.38kergothhey cdm
05:14.20cdmhey man - how is the desert treating ya?
05:16.08kergothpretty good. getting settled in the new job. hunting for a decent condo to rent
05:16.18kergothhow are you doing?
05:16.24cdmgood - moved out the country.
05:16.35cdmabout 35 minutes to work
05:19.59kergothah thats cool
05:22.50Russkergoth: you start looking a little futher out?
05:23.55Russyou might try 85282, 85284, and 85044
05:27.51kergothwell, sorta put the hunt on hold for a bit, at least until i get my next paycheck. cant afford both rent and deposit until my next one
05:27.59kergothbut i'll look out there then
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13:26.27chouimathi prpplague
13:30.50prpplaguechouimat: hey
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14:52.12prpplaguethraxisp: greetings
14:52.38prpplaguethraxisp: i've been wanting to chat with you since i saw some of your patches for buildroot
14:52.49prpplaguethraxisp: what is it you normally do with buildroot?
14:53.30thraxispI was using it to build compilers. We have a SnapGear based build system for the kernel and applications.
14:54.18prpplaguethraxisp: ahh
14:54.41prpplaguethraxisp: so you do the hacking as a job
14:55.31thraxispprpplague: Yes. There seems to be some demand here for embedded and drivers.
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14:56.45prpplaguethraxisp: where is "here" ?
14:57.01thraxispprpplague: Ottawa, Canada
14:57.12T0mW"The tool, known as Krugle, is designed to deliver easy access to source code and other highly relevant technical information in a single, convenient, clean, easy-to-use interface,
14:57.33prpplaguethraxisp: ahh
14:57.48prpplaguethraxisp: good beer and nudie bars in ottawa, hehe
14:58.53T0mWheh, booze + babes
15:01.04prpplaguethraxisp: so what cpu's are you working with?
15:01.40thraxispRight now, XScale. I have some work planned on a Coldfire based product.
15:02.47prpplaguethraxisp: ahh
15:02.54*** join/#elinux pbrook (
15:03.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: morning
15:04.03prpplaguethraxisp: nice looking designs
15:05.12prpplaguethraxisp: seems like i've looked at before
15:06.45T0mWthraxisp: any of those products RS232 over ethernet + SSL ?
15:07.15pbrookI'm running linux 2.6.15 on an emulated Arm Integrator/CP board. Has anyone successfully used a PS/2 keyboard plugged into the Arm KMI interface under linux?
15:07.22T0mWprpplague: morning Dave
15:07.43T0mWthraxisp: I have a customer who may be interested, very interested
15:07.49pbrookI'm getting "Unknown key pressed <blah>". It's possible I'be bothed the emulator, but the reported scancodes look right.
15:08.00thraxispT0mW: Sure.
15:08.26T0mWthraxisp: yeah, I took a quick look.  Nice cases btw
15:08.57thraxispMost of the products are Point of Sale terminal adapters, but we can do transparent connections as well.
15:10.58prpplagueT0mW: morning
15:11.27T0mWprpplague: heh, delayed reaction
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15:14.16prpplaguehmm, i think i've found my next device to hack
15:23.47T0mWprpplague: does your son have one yet?
15:24.26prpplagueT0mW: nope
15:24.30T0mWLOL, I don't think he does
15:24.43prpplagueT0mW: gotta get one of the new pixters though
15:24.47T0mWhe would be spending entire too much time in the bathroom
15:24.56prpplagueT0mW: dying to find out if its based on a sharp arm chip
15:24.57T0mWnew? Pixters?
15:25.10prpplagueT0mW: yea, the next generation is out
15:25.33T0mWwonder if they are cheaper than the old units, they are fairly pricy
15:25.51T0mWbut cheaper than an IPod
15:26.07prpplagueT0mW: still based around $90.00 -
15:26.56prpplagueT0mW: fisher price was suppose to have had a 10 year contract with sharp for all of their gamming toys
15:27.05prpplagueT0mW: starting with the pixter color
15:27.26prpplagueT0mW: i'm suspecting that the pixter MM is based on the LH79520
15:27.52prpplagueT0mW: as the original color using was based on the LH75410 which has some serious memory limitations
15:28.38T0mWthat would be cool to take a '520 and play with that!
15:28.40*** part/#elinux pbrook (
15:29.13prpplagueT0mW: go to the store and get one!!!
15:30.06T0mWyeah, that is a sad situation over Mohammed
15:31.45T0mWseems odd that fisher price would be bringing the new pixter model out now instead of during the holiday season
15:34.00T0mWprpplague: krappy looking case on that pixter, not something I'd want to carry with me into a jobsite
15:34.17prpplagueT0mW: yea well fisher-price hasn't been that smart as of late, nor their parent company mattel
15:34.39prpplagueT0mW: seems their electronic division has little or no direction at all
15:35.02T0mWprpplague: naw, probably their Marketing department is out of control
15:35.33prpplagueT0mW: well their products are missing their mark alot these days
15:36.03CosmicPenguinMattel is the sort of company that throws thousands of products out a year, and is happy when 4 or 5 get bit
15:36.05CosmicPenguinbig even
15:36.08CosmicPenguinIts like Samsung
15:36.33CosmicPenguinDid you know that Samsung releases a new cell phone model pratically weekly?
15:36.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea that seems accurate
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16:57.55chouimathi T0mW
16:58.07T0mWfscking udev crap
16:58.12T0mWchouimat: hello
16:58.37chouimatT0mW: yes udev is crap, dbus  and hal too ...
16:59.28T0mWwhy isn't there an elegant way to create a needed device beyond editing rc.sysinit and putting mknod in there?
16:59.57T0mWat least with devfs devices would be carried through reboots
17:00.03chouimatT0mW: overdesign ;)
17:00.24T0mW"ooo, ooo, we have a better way!"
17:01.02T0mWabout the only thing useful hot-plug does is automount my USB keyfob
17:01.25chouimatT0mW: GHK is an asshole :) imho
17:02.27chouimatT0mW: why not  if it work and it simplier to use ... or you could also tar the /dev
17:02.47T0mWyeah, and explode it on boot
17:03.02T0mWexplode being the operative word here
17:03.08chouimatyup ...
17:03.58T0mWI'm just messing with software raid.  Some raid1 for a full o/s mirror (all volumes) and maybe some raid5 for performance.
17:05.54chouimatT0mW: ok
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17:10.45prpplagueTimRiker: hey
17:36.05kergothT0mW: what exactly are you trying to do?
17:36.13kergothudev isnt difficult to work with
17:37.06prpplaguekergoth: get paid yet?
17:37.56kergothyep, got the first check.  should be able to get an apartment when i get my second.  tired of this hotel
17:38.26prpplaguekergoth: hehe, btdt
17:38.47prpplaguekergoth: going by the week?
17:40.28prpplaguekergoth: mind if i ask how much? most of the extended stay places i've used are between $175 and $225
17:41.23kergothit was like $190 or something, but just got bumped to $250
17:41.57T0mWkergoth: full raid1 on the whole system
17:41.57prpplaguekergoth: ahh, throwing tv's into the pool again? that'll do it every time
17:42.02kergothphoenix area in february.. all the temporary lodging prices skyrocket due to the tourists / snowbirds
17:42.16T0mWkergoth: I think I may have it, still playing
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18:27.49prpplagueTimRiker: didn't realize you were still doing busybox dev
18:36.52*** join/#elinux sjhill (
18:37.31prpplague~lart sjhill
18:37.45prpplaguesjhill: greetings crack baby
18:38.44sjhillprpplague: hey clam bake
18:42.24prpplaguesjhill: "clam bake" ? is that a yankee insult? hehe
18:43.31sjhillhey, i call them like i see 'em
18:44.28prpplaguesjhill: hehe
18:45.23T0mWwow! that was some lart
18:45.40T0mWsjhill: what'd you do to ibot?
18:50.04*** part/#elinux cdm (
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23:58.45kergothCosmicPenguin: you see today's thedailywtf? its great
23:58.46CosmicPenguinquilt like app for git
23:59.16CosmicPenguinkergoth: I can honestly say - I have no idea what today's dailywtf is talking about

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.