irclog2html for #elinux on 20060202

00:15.54*** join/#elinux Russ (
00:35.30*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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05:10.24*** join/#elinux Russ|iPAQ (
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05:56.57Russhem hem
06:07.12*** join/#elinux Spetznaz (
06:16.03Russkergoth: you finding a place to rent?
06:19.00*** join/#elinux Shimei (
06:19.04cdmker - you move?
06:30.32kergothRuss: looks like i'll be in the extended stay for another 2 weeks.  most of hte decent apartment complexes i've found online dont have anything available until march.  found a couple nice condos, but the first month's rent + deposit is too much to afford on just one paycheck, especially with a car paymetn coming out of it
06:30.45kergothcdm: yep, down in the phoenix area now
06:41.42Russ|iPAQhave you just checked south scottsdale and tempe?
06:43.47cdmkergoth - sweet.  Who you working for?
06:43.56cdmI like phoenix
06:44.16kergothworking on land warrior (google it)
06:44.43kergothi like it here so far.  will see how much i like it once summer hits though :)
06:45.35cdmgame huh?
06:46.21kergothwrong land warrior
06:47.59cdmmilitary stuff huh?
06:48.09cdmyou guys using linux or something else?
06:48.26Russ|iPAQyou might try expanding your search a little
06:48.40Russ|iPAQlinux and qt
06:48.46cdmokay - there are enough people here...
06:48.48cdmmake question
06:49.01cdmI am trying to get a build to run under Linux that works perfectly under cygwin.
06:49.25cdmbut it's taking a shit on what looks like a busted regex expression that turns into a make target that shouldn't be around.
06:49.36cdmI have tried "make -d" to get it to show stuff.
06:49.50cdmbut I can't figure out how to figure out where it is getting that target from....
06:50.16cdmany ideas?
06:50.27cdmmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `sRrI'.  Stop.
06:51.17kergothheh, make -d is rarely of much use.  either it doesnt have what you want, or it does, but its buried in so much information that you'll never find it
06:52.11cdmyeah - i can't find it at all.
06:52.25cdmthankfully both builds (the one that works, the one that doesn't) are using the same version of GNU make.
06:52.31cdmand the same tools (ARM's)
06:52.40cdmbut man, I can't figure out where this bogus target it coming from.
06:53.06cdmthe make -d logs are exactly the same except when one gets the rule for 'all' and works while the other one gets this bogus rule.
06:53.58kergothhard to say without having it in front of me, you know
06:54.12cdmof course
06:54.25cdmjust looking for general tips.  This isn't my build system, and it's horrible
06:54.29cdmand I can't change it. ;)
06:55.57kergothi dunno, rogue targets arent fun.  $(warning...) can be your friend, ala the usual printk/printf debugging
06:57.06cdmwhat are the rules for using $(warning ...)?
06:58.21kergothits just like an echo, but from make, so you can dump the current contents of variables and such. i usually put it on a line by itself after assigning something to a variable to confirm its value is what i expect it to be
06:58.29kergoth$(warning FOO is $(FOO))
07:12.54cdmfound it
07:13.01cdmthat is a great thing
07:14.19cdmjust gotta figure out how to fix it. ;)
07:26.08kergothno luck?
07:32.52cdmwell - it's screwy
07:33.02cdmlooks like it is an issue with the passing/inheritence of MAKEFLAGS
07:37.05cdmgotta pass in MAKEFLAGS on the command line
07:37.10cdmfreaking wierd
07:37.23cdmmake MAKEFLAGS="$MAKEFLAGS" target
07:38.21kergothare you calling 'make' instead of $(MAKE)?  if so, try the latter
07:53.27cdmand I had go thru and add $(MAKE) MAKEFLAGS="$(MAKEFLAGS)"
07:55.08cdmI wonder if it is some whacky ubuntu thing
07:58.42*** join/#elinux cougarvt (
08:09.39kergoththat doesnt make any sense. MAKEFLAGS is always supposed to be propogated into submakes
08:16.48cdmcheck this
08:21.35cdmthose are the options, but in reduced form
08:22.58cdmbut it has dropped the -I
08:25.23*** join/#elinux Crofton (
08:25.59cdmany ideas?
08:31.12kergothnot offhand, havent seen that one before
08:32.00cdmon cygwin the options turn into...
08:32.08cdm--unix -sRr
08:32.13cdmon Ubuntu
08:32.17cdmno -
08:32.30cdmand I am noticing people pass in the flags as...
08:32.35cdm$(MAKE) -$(MAKEFLAGS)
08:32.40cdmin my google searches
08:34.47cdmand --unix is a cygwin thing
08:40.58cdmso it's just a difference between linux and cygwin
09:05.11*** part/#elinux cdm (
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11:47.58ibotit has been said that logs is, or stats
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13:03.18*** join/#elinux sherbang (n=sherbang@
13:27.40prpplaguechouimat: hey hey
13:28.08prpplaguechouimat: <nag> don't suppose you had a chance to test that dtelnet under mingw? </nag>
13:28.49chouimatprpplague: no ... was studying for this afternoon exam ...
13:29.25prpplaguechouimat: exam? how can you study for a prostrate exam?
13:30.26chouimatprpplague: I took a german course at university
13:32.50chouimatprpplague: ROFL
13:47.14*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
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15:12.25chouimathi CosmicPenguin
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16:19.43ibotMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
16:21.10filevery true
16:26.29kergothlcov, is that code coverage stuff?
16:26.34CosmicPenguinfor the kernel
16:26.41CosmicPenguinIts really sweet looking stuff
16:26.46CosmicPenguinGood eye candy
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16:29.34CosmicPenguinIts old though - not sure the last time anybody bothered updating it
16:30.24fileso, linuxworld eh?
16:32.46CosmicPenguinYou're funny
16:34.55CosmicPenguinkergoth: you should checkout
16:34.58CosmicPenguinyou would dig it
16:52.00kergothi've heard good things. i usually use myself
16:52.10kergoth or os
16:52.37CosmicPenguinIn a "discover new music" mode these days
16:53.03kergothi'm almost always in that mode. it saddens me that my fileserver is in minnesota
16:53.17kergothpractically suffering from withdrawls due to lack of music and movies
17:04.41*** join/#elinux ljp (n=lpotter@
17:15.25*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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17:15.32filehail Tim
17:15.53kergothhey TimRiker, ljp
17:33.28*** join/#elinux toi_ (
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17:37.06ljphey kergoth. how goes it?
17:38.58kergothpretty good, got a new job out in the phoenix area.  qt coding, actually
17:41.59ljpdoing good.
17:42.08ljpyou got a job coding qt.
17:42.13ljpthats cool :)
17:42.35ljphopefully you are using qt 4
17:44.28kergothmostly 3, though theres some 4 on a related project
17:44.39kergoth4 is nifty.  i still need to get used to the whole MVC pattern thing
17:45.58ljpyou and a lot of other qt developers :)
17:46.20kergothseems like a Good Thing(tm) though
17:47.43filekergoth: have you done the QT4 dance?
17:48.12filewhat? it's a perfectly good question! :P
17:48.49ljpwhats funny is the torrent for the qt4 dance video got more hits than the source code
17:49.06kergothljp: how are things at tt?
17:49.29ljpworking on qtopia 4 stuff for 3gsm thing
17:49.44kergothah, cool
17:49.52ljpwe are still expanding like crzy here.
17:50.07ljpmoving to a new office location this year sometime.
17:50.13kergothi need to pick up Design Patterns, work on the c++ skill a bit more
17:50.43ljpya, except my current deskspace is the best view in the office
17:51.06ljpcorner office with windows on both sides
17:51.24kergothi hate you
17:51.46ljpi have had to fight to stay put
17:52.34ljphm.. and my kid is 5 months old now :)
17:52.55kergothwow, hows that going for you?
17:54.33ljpreally good!
17:54.51ljpexcpet i have no money now
17:55.11ljpexcept, that is
18:04.21kergothRuss: guess your analysis of the situation was correct eh :)
18:05.51kergothmeh, i hate making api changes and having to :wn through like 60 vim buffers fixing all the calls to it
18:11.27*** join/#elinux nitinkg (
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18:55.45CosmicPenguinwow - its been a long time since I've hacked on a makefile
18:55.46CosmicPenguinhow sad
18:56.22T0mWmake is an interesting thing, sometimes it is a belligerent God
19:22.40CosmicPenguinor rather, gcov-kernel
19:22.58CosmicPenguinnext up lcov - see if I can't get rid of this pesky perl requirement
20:30.07*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (n=Ken@
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22:08.27*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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22:45.18*** join/#elinux TorbaX (
22:45.39kergoththank god, my first paycheck arrived at the hotel today
22:45.50CosmicPenguinmoney is good, mkay?
22:46.14ljpmoney is evil also
22:46.58CosmicPenguinWhen you don't have it, its good, when you ahve too much of it, its bad
22:47.04ljp3gsm is evil too
22:49.06kergothlocal moneys = if moneys < 0 then return "bad" else if moneys >= 0 then return "good, mmk" end
22:49.14kergothor some such
23:12.41*** join/#elinux cougarvt (
23:13.15Croftondo you have any left over after bills?
23:14.33kergothyep, only bills are cell phone and the car, and of course more money for the next week at the hotel
23:14.56kergoth$260 a week in a teeny hotel room is lame, i need a condo or something
23:15.01Croftonthe hotel guys like to stay current

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.