irclog2html for #elinux on 20060110

00:17.10vittoriopb_, hi, ive seen you wrote the epson driver in kdrive. how long did it take to write? approximately
00:18.18pb_vittorio: actually, I didn't write it; I just checked it in to the tree
00:31.34*** join/#elinux myopiate (n=me@
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01:25.01Genesisbonne nuit
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05:21.57*** join/#elinux ZeZu (i=ZeZu@
05:23.30ZeZu!seen prp*
05:23.33ZeZuseen prp*
05:23.42ZeZuhere either
05:25.16kergoth~seen prpplague
05:25.27ibotprpplague <n=billybob@> was last seen on IRC in channel #edev, 9h 52m 10s ago, saying: 'you can actually use a parallel port jtag dongle to talk to a sd/mmc card'.
05:32.27*** join/#elinux catastrop (
05:44.47ZeZuthe quit message makes it more interesting hehe, wonder if what hardware he is talking about
05:45.49*** join/#elinux Lewoco (
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07:31.57iboti guess logs is, or stats
07:32.31T0mWZeZu: logfiles of daily conversations on this, and other, IRC channels are there
07:33.06T0mWthe ibot is a nice feature
07:33.16ibotaw, gee, T0mW
07:33.16ZeZuindeed ;)
07:34.03ZeZui think someone "borrowed" 1/08 logfile but 09 is there hehe
07:34.24ZeZua bit odd to see them since 2002 and the second to last missing
07:34.54T0mWthe ibot may have been down for upgrades or something.  Tim did do something recently to ibot
07:35.31kergothnew stuff
07:35.42T0mWZeZu: of course, it would be the day you're interested, right?
07:36.01ZeZunah, just noticed it
07:36.06ZeZui'm reading yesterdays
07:36.12T0mWthis is that way
07:36.30ZeZuah well he must have just came back up, its nearly empty as well
07:36.49ZeZuguess not
07:36.54T0mWforgot the trailing slash
07:37.18ZeZutcl ?
07:37.22T0mWI suspect it only works on last sent message too
07:38.10T0mWibot, who are you?
07:38.13ibotT0mW: what are you talking about?
07:38.24ibotversion is, like, sarge 3.1
07:39.42T0mWZeZu: I know there is a lot of features like bot-mail, etc, I don't use the ibot that much
07:40.53ZeZuok ;), nothing real important anyways, i was only looking to see if prpplague was around
07:41.06T0mWkergoth: heh
07:41.13T0mWkergoth: "Your FICO score increased to 783 on January 9, 2006"
07:41.37T0mWkergoth: that has been a long hard struggle on my part
07:42.00ZeZuhe wrote a wiki entry on this juicebox media player, and i picked one up when i saw it on clearance in kmart to mess around with
07:42.16ZeZui was going to try to get a game boy emulator running on one
07:43.16T0mWZeZu: one of these days, that boy is going to try his hand at designing his own embedded system.  then his son can keep his Dad from taking all his toys apart.
07:44.47T0mWI wonder prpplague's son is going to be like after seeing his Dad take stuff apart all the time to see how it works?
07:44.51ZeZui need to get into hardware a bit more,  all i do is software and its beginning to be a bit of a drag
07:45.27ZeZuhis son will probably take apart his 60" HDTV while they are away to see how IT works one day
07:45.35T0mWZeZu: it takes time, time to learn the details.  Like doing plumbing or wood crafting, you eventually learn the tricks to it.
07:45.57ZeZuyea i know a few bits and pieces, but when it comes to details, i'm easily lost ;)
07:46.09ZeZuand i flat out suck at soldering
07:46.48T0mWbest place to be is lost, if you find that you learn something each time you get lost
07:46.59ZeZuvery true
07:47.35T0mWZeZu: you do low level access on device registers?
07:47.49T0mWconfiguring chips and such?
07:47.56ZeZumostly in the reverse
07:48.01ZeZuemulators and such
07:48.11ZeZuso i know how its done at least
07:48.21ZeZunot all high level programming
07:48.29T0mWyou know about chip select regions, etc.
07:48.54ZeZuchip select regions? i probably know them by a different name
07:49.09ZeZusounds pretty much like a register
07:49.33T0mWe.g. Flash memory from 0x0000:0000 to say 0x1000:0000, then the DRAM is at 0xc000:0000 to  0xefff:ffff, that sort of thing?
07:50.19ZeZuyea, i deal with a lot of stuff like that
07:50.19T0mWprocessors like ARM don't give contiguious memory maps, they have holes in them.
07:50.52ZeZuone of the projects i worked on, its dead now, replaced by a more current project
07:51.14T0mWpretty girl
07:51.16ZeZuit has an arm7di emulated in it (sega dreamcast emulator)
07:52.12T0mWZeZu: maybe just stay on the path you are on now.  Let someone else design the platform
07:52.37T0mWnot doing design work is not a liability
07:53.01ZeZuyea, well i mostly just want to be able to get by with some hardware mods etc
07:53.07ZeZulike i need to make SIO cable for my psp
07:53.29ZeZuit would be nice to have a few pullups for a RS232 cable or such too
07:53.38T0mWZeZu: I've always found it to be fun to do and got started in it by working as an Electronics Tech in the 1970's, then moved into programming, then into hardware design
07:53.40ZeZui have no clue about JTAG either
07:54.13ZeZuthe most electronics i've done is setup an arcade system
07:54.16T0mWI've got almost 30 years experience
07:54.59T0mWshrug, it has been quite a "ride": dawn of the personal computer, then the Internet.
07:55.25ZeZui bet
07:55.45T0mWtoday I work from home and consult
07:56.12ZeZui work from home as well, somehow luck hit me full on in the face
07:56.22T0mWdoesn't pay a lot, but you cannot beat the hours or lifestyle.  No more early morning commutes for me!
07:56.54ZeZuyes, making your own hours  is a plus, and no one looking over your shoulder
07:57.20T0mWZeZu: that is nice.  Although, I find that I can put more pressure on myself than any boss could have
07:57.46ZeZuthe difference is mostly that you'll do it when its needed, not just all the time or randomly
07:58.09T0mWI'm dragging my feet here. heh..  I've a project to get back to and deliver within the next two weeks and cannot seem to get started today.
07:59.01ZeZuwhat kindof project?
08:00.16T0mWdual ARM7TDMI board
08:01.09T0mWbunch of SPI UARTS: 2) RS485 half duplex, 1) RS232, 1) Isolated RS232, 1) TTL level
08:01.29T0mWSD memory card w/ FAT16 filesystem
08:02.22ZeZump3 player or such ?
08:02.23T0mWThis board interfaces with Fire Alarm Control Panels and monitors their reports, then sends the information back to a Central Monitoring Station
08:02.39T0mWbasically: BURG & FIRE
08:02.50T0mWBURG == Burgler
08:03.37T0mWIt's been fun to do as I designed the electronics + built the software.  The board is 99% SMD
08:04.19ZeZuforgive the ignorance, what is SMD ?
08:06.06T0mWZeZu: surface mount
08:06.49ZeZua term i dont like tbh, mostly b/c it makes dumping roms a real pain in the ass in the arcade emulation dept.
08:07.13ZeZui suppose it must be cheaper to produce however ?
08:09.31T0mWthe perf area (lower right) is where a power supply is to go.  Customer will add their own supply to the design.
08:09.34ZeZui have a small MMC card open looking at same thing right now hehe
08:10.38T0mWI used a toaster oven to solder the parts down.  heh, it was so much easier than what I had been doing before to solder that stuff.  there are 140+ surface mount components on that board!
08:13.59T0mWfortunately, I purchased a rather expensive JTAG unit and it has made the software a lot easier to debug.
08:15.03ZeZuis it possible to use JTAG to insert your own code into ram ?
08:15.51ZeZuis it feasible to make a JTAG adapter via RS232 or such ?
08:16.32T0mWJTAG works in combination with gdb for the debugging. But, the JTAG unit I have you can telnet into it, you can tell it to do stuff like fill RAM, dump RAM, load RAM via tftp, etc.
08:16.58T0mWZeZu: JTAG is a high speed serial shift register.
08:17.16T0mWthere are about 5 control signals to JTAG
08:17.50T0mWTDI (data in), TDO (data out), TCLK (clock), TMS (control), GND, RESET, ...
08:18.11T0mWs/RESET/TRST (reset)
08:18.13T0mWs/RESET/TRST (reset)/
08:18.39T0mWTDI (data in), TDO (data out), TCLK (clock), TMS (control), GND, RESET, ...
08:18.42T0mWs/RESET/TRST (reset)/
08:19.09T0mWZeZu: with JTAG you can seize control of the CPU core
08:20.09T0mWARM processors have two hardware breakpoint registers
08:20.37T0mWI'm not sure about the watchpoint registers though.  I've set watchpoints but rarely
08:21.29ZeZudefinitely sounds good
08:21.38T0mWZeZu: from a programmer's perspective, JTAG is transparent.  You just deal with gdb
08:22.00ZeZugdb is ok with me, but i dont have a jtag adapter
08:22.10ZeZui know the memory layout
08:22.39T0mWZeZu: I purchased an Abatron BDI2000 for a little less than $3K.  It uses ethernet to communicate with the gdb host.
08:23.46T0mWZeZu: you can purchase a wiggler for about $30, it won't work as well, as reliably, or as fast as the Abatron unit though
08:24.00ZeZua wiggler eh ?
08:24.18ZeZusounds about right
08:24.28T0mWZeZu: downside is that you have to use them with Cygwin (Windows only platform).  Nobody makes a wiggler for un*x.
08:25.26ZeZuwell, i run windows quite often, until i replace my video card with an nvidia i run it 90% of the time or better and do all of my dev work on it
08:25.26T0mWZeZu: you'll want the MacCraigor OCDaemon to use as a driver for the wiggler.  lots of stuff about wigglers + OCDaemon on the net
08:27.10ZeZu404, i do have eclipse setup too
08:27.12T0mWZeZu: that will get you setup with a dev environment for the Philips LPC2000 ARM7TDMI-S processors
08:27.29T0mWZeZu: what do you use eclipse for?
08:27.31ZeZumy dreamcast emulator has a gdb stub built in so you can do source level debugging (albeit backwards)
08:28.02T0mWok then, all you need is to glean the details of the wiggler stuff from that pdf then
08:28.06ZeZuwe also have a regular debugger i wrote built in, but its hard to beat out something as large as gdb/eclipse
08:28.24ZeZugood for people who want to use it to write software for the system
08:28.28T0mWI've been using gdb for years now
08:28.52ZeZuany specific model i should look for that is around that price ?
08:29.07T0mWI'm used to command line debuggers.  Although, I use Insight to do source level debugging most of the time
08:29.28T0mWZeZu: Olimex, but they are in Romania (?)
08:29.53ZeZuthat could make shipping cost a bit
08:29.59T0mWZeZu: for $150, you can get one from MacCraigor
08:30.12T0mWZeZu: google it
08:30.25T0mW~google jtag wiggler
08:30.56T0mWhmm, ibot doesn't google anymore
08:31.03ZeZuyea i will, just putting back together this juicebox
08:31.17ZeZusomehow its lcd is stuck on and i dont feel like prying it atm
08:31.20T0mWhave fun, I'm going into town for a Latte
08:31.50ZeZuok, thanks
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11:47.58tinyHas anyone tried to setup grub to a CF card that is seen to the system as ide device(in my example hdc)?
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12:32.20T0mWchouimat: morning glory
12:33.02T0mWtiny: what?
12:33.40tinyT0mW: I'm trying to setup grub to a compact disk
12:33.43T0mWtiny: like add grub to be the bootloader on the CF and the CF is the default drive
12:34.44T0mWtiny: well, I don't use grub, I do use lilo.  If I were to add lilo to a CF and the CF was /dev/hda, I believe that would be do-able.  Assuming that I was booting an X86 system.
12:35.23T0mWtiny: CF == hard drive, what you can do with a hard drive you can do to a CF
12:35.28T0mWCF is IDE
12:35.30tinyT0mW: thanks ... things are moving forward .. I'm on a #grub and getting some help there
12:35.35tinyT0mW: ok ...
12:36.03T0mWtiny: if in doubt, try doing same to a hard drive, learn what to do there, then do it to a CF.
12:36.25tinyT0mW: ok ... :)
12:43.35*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
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13:36.20prpplaguemallum: greetings earthling
13:38.14mallumhey prpplague
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14:32.43T0mWprpplague: Yo! Dave! you awake ?
14:33.34prpplagueT0mW: yep
14:33.38T0mWprpplague: just checking...
14:34.13*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
14:34.14T0mWmust be working too 'cause it took a while for you to respond
14:36.33prpplagueyea doing some cvs cleanup/checkin
14:40.51T0mWprpplague: just one last major section and I can do the initial delivery
14:42.14prpplaguenice looking board
14:42.46T0mWthanks, the SD card is the bestest part
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14:51.55mbufprpplague, are you busy ?
14:52.56mbufanyone using the ln2410sbc from i need some help with this,
14:52.57CroftonT0mW, 404 on the url
14:53.20T0mWCrofton: I killed it, I can put it back again..
14:53.32Croftonoh, no problem
14:53.33prpplaguembuf: what kind of help do you need?
14:53.36Croftonwhat was it?
14:53.51prpplagues3c2410 based board
14:54.03mbufprpplague, i am not able to get the leds, D2 and D3 to blink
14:54.06T0mWCrofton: it is there again
14:54.42mbufprpplague, if you have tested the leds, and if you have any code, i would like to refer to see what i am doing wrong in the above
14:54.43prpplaguembuf: get them to blink doing what?
14:54.56mbufprpplague, just get the led to glow
14:54.58prpplaguembuf: from bootloader, from jtag, from linux, form ecos?
14:55.01prpplaguembuf: from what?
14:55.03mbuffrom u-boot
14:55.26Croftondoes it run linux?
14:55.31prpplagueCrofton: yea
14:55.53T0mWCrofton: who you talking to? me or prpplague
14:55.54CroftonI guess not much ram though
14:56.00Croftonyou T0mW
14:56.30T0mWCrofton: no, no linux, that is a dual LCP2000 ARM7TDMI-S board: LPC2106 + LPC2138
14:57.05T0mWCrofton: LPC2106 == 128K Flash 64K SRAM, LPC2138 == 512K Flash 32K SRAM
14:57.53CroftonI am calibrated again
14:57.58T0mWCrofton: 5 serial interfaces: 2) RS485, 1) RS232, 1) TTL, 1) Isolated RS232.  Plus 4 BURG zone inputs.
14:58.01Croftonnice looking board though
14:58.16T0mWCrofton: toaster oven special, :P
14:58.25CroftonI have never tried that
14:58.43Croftonarm7 has no MMU?
14:59.10T0mWCrofton: it worked very well, there are 140+ SMD components on the board, mostly 0805 stuff + TSSOP type stuff
14:59.18T0mWCrofton: not the ARM7TDMI
14:59.46T0mWCrofton: LPC stands for "Low Pin Count"
15:00.18MonMothaT0mW: so the toaster oven does work well...
15:00.29T0mWMonMotha: very well
15:00.31MonMothaI'll have to remember
15:00.47MonMothaI've got an upcoming project that involves a chip avaialble only in TSSOP or HQVFN (guess which I picked)
15:00.52T0mWI was surprised how accurately the stencil put the paste down.
15:01.11Croftonhow did you make the stencil?
15:01.11MonMothaah, so you were using stencils
15:01.30T0mWMonMotha: do the sparkfun thing, order the stencil from the same place: IIRC
15:01.55prpplagueguess he couldn't wait for me to answer him
15:02.01MonMothaT0mW: I've found that with the student deal, I can get better prices and faster turnaround from 4PCB than sparkfun
15:02.14MonMothaat least on PCBs
15:02.41T0mWMonMotha: then get one of these:
15:03.11T0mWMonMotha: no no no, use 4PCB but follow what sparkfun did
15:03.22MonMothaah, ok
15:03.49MonMothaI just wish I hadn't screwed up my last board
15:03.58MonMothaso close (one fixable error, but one not so fixable)
15:04.21MonMothahad way to much capacitance between my poor-man's ground plane and a xtal trace.  Couldn't get it down to the proper frequency
15:04.25MonMothaor up, I should say
15:04.40T0mWMonMotha: only, with tssop (fine pitch spacings) tape everything down, including stencil when you get it aligned.  No way in H*ll can you hold that thing accurately by hand as sparkfun did.  Thier boards are SOP.
15:05.43MonMothasmallest thing I've done so far is SOP.  I just used a good iron, a steady hand, and a LOT of time making sure it was right
15:05.49MonMothaI can do 0805 SM parts too
15:05.55MonMothathough I prefer 1206 if I have room
15:06.27T0mWMonMotha: use the Kester Solder Paste, No-Clean Easy Profile 256, it will stay "wet" for at least an hour.  I know, I had to do that as there were many parts to put on this board!
15:07.04vittoriodoes anyone here use or have some experience with netsilicon processors?
15:07.16MonMothathis board shouldn't be too complicated.  It's mostly bigger stuff I could solder by hand if need be (I've got plenty of room since the limiting factor is a freakin' JAMMA edge connector), but that part is only available in tiny packages
15:07.25T0mWMonMotha: other than that: 120C for one minute, 145C for one minute then 180C for one minute, the board will be "done"
15:07.44prpplaguevittorio: hehe, no, as digi and their netsilicon minions haven't made friends in the OSS community
15:07.56T0mWMonMotha: yeah, the one connector I have is 0.5mm FPC connector.
15:08.01vittorioprpplague, why this?
15:08.13MonMothafar cry from my 156mil edge fingers :)
15:08.15prpplaguevittorio: you'd have to ask them
15:08.41prpplaguevittorio: up until around 6 months ago, netsilicon totally ignored most embedded linux developers
15:08.43T0mWMonMotha: magnifier lamp (3X) is really needed to place the fine lead stuff!
15:09.42T0mWMonMotha: once you use the stencil + toaster oven, it will open new horizons for you! heh
15:10.00T0mWyou start thinking uBGA
15:10.01vittorioprpplague, they have a linux implementation form fs-forth. dont they play well with open source ?
15:10.28T0mWprpplague: hey
15:10.43T0mWprpplague: did your boss ever try a BGA on his own?
15:10.55prpplagueT0mW: no not yet
15:11.02T0mWprpplague: I know he did a cop-out and went next door...
15:11.06prpplaguevittorio: no netsilicon has never played well
15:11.11T0mWprpplague: wimp
15:11.19prpplaguevittorio: or atleast thats been my experience for some time
15:11.26prpplagueT0mW: hehe yea
15:11.42MonMothaT0mW: you can do BGAs with a toaster oven?
15:11.51T0mWprpplague: think he'd send me some parts + pcb to build one of your boards?
15:12.05prpplagueT0mW: he might
15:12.06T0mWMonMotha: I'm wondering that myself
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15:12.19MonMothaT0mW: I don't really have the $$$ to find out :)
15:12.34MonMothaJust having simple boards made at the student price is a big deal for me
15:12.54MonMothaeven considering that I panelize it out the wazoo
15:13.32MonMothabeing able to use a BGA would be really awesome though
15:13.38T0mWprpplague: you got a contact number for him?
15:13.38T0mWprpplague: I'll call him up and see.  I have another project coming up soon and would like to consider BGA
15:13.50MonMothawould let me design boards to go with my FPGA designs rather than having to wire it up to a dev board
15:14.16T0mWMonMotha: agreed, there is some nice tiny stuff out there
15:14.34prpplagueT0mW: he's not in today
15:14.51prpplaguei'll get you his email and phone
15:14.55vittorioprpplague, oh, we are about to choose between atmel and netsilicon this week. if you have any more infos could you please tell me? regarding experience ...
15:15.09T0mWprpplague: he's not there, but you're working... What's wrong with this picture? eh?
15:16.07MonMothaok, I seem to have some phantom process that doesn't show up in ps claming over 400MB of RAM
15:16.28MonMothavittorio: I've not had experience with netsilicon, but Atmel has been very helpful to me
15:17.05prpplaguevittorio: we just tried to do a project with them, basically they didn't want to provide any help or information, they just wanted up to sign a contract for like 10,000 chips before we even had a prototype running
15:17.25prpplaguevittorio: essential we felt they just wanted to sell chips regardless if they worked or not
15:19.53vittorioprpplague, thats interessting. luckily we will need 10000+ chips and its easier to get infos from netsilicon than from atmel
15:20.27vittorioMonMotha, helpful? what kind of support did you get?
15:21.36MonMothavittorio: well, I called up the local rep asking for a couple samples (for a personal project, not even school related).  He went out of his way to make sure I got exactly the parts I requested and made sure I had all the docs.  Even offered to put me in touch with an engineer if I had questions
15:22.49vittorioMonMotha, nice to hear. cause the only uncertain part left to choose atmel is the kind of support
15:23.25prpplaguevittorio: we were doing 20000 units
15:23.38prpplaguevittorio: so i would say that wasn't an issue
15:23.46vittorioprpplague, oh
15:24.16prpplaguevittorio: we just didn't take to the fact they wanted all these signed contracts and stuff before we had even evaluated the product
15:24.46prpplaguevittorio: makes me think "hmm, that want to lock us in _before_ we test , what are they hiding?"
15:24.55vittorioprpplague, yeah
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15:25.44vittorioprpplague, do you have infos regarding external interrupts on netsilicon. they only provide 4 ext. interrupts. arent this a bit few?
15:26.24vittorioon atmel every I/O pin is interruptable
15:26.56beebleyou should look if this 4 ext interrupts are interrupt lines only
15:27.21prpplaguevittorio: like i said, we didn't even get to the point of doing an eval
15:27.30beebleon some cpus the gpio pins are able to generate interrupts to
15:27.32vittorioprpplague, ok
15:27.45beeblebut they didnt cout as external interrupt
15:27.55vittoriowhat do you mean by interrupt lines?
15:28.07beeblecount (sorry cold here, finger are a little bit frosty)
15:28.11vittoriothere are four dedicated I/O pins for ext. ints
15:28.49beebleyes, cirrus for example call there deddicated pins for interrupts external interrupt
15:29.04beeblebut most of the gpio pins are interruptable too
15:29.26beeblebut in the datasheet you read it first as 3. external interrupt
15:29.53vittoriobut it doesnt seem for the netsillicon looking at the docs. i did take a look at the IO modules too
15:30.53beeblewhats the part number?
15:31.52CosmicPenguinfile[desk]: ping
15:33.41beebleuser guide only on registration :/
15:35.28beeblebut if there is somewhere a reference to this topic then the interruptcontroller chapter in the user guide ;)
15:36.05vittorioyeah, i looked at this too
15:36.30vittoriobut youl would count only 4 ext. interrupts as very low too?
15:36.46beebleit depends on your application
15:38.16vittorioyes thats the problem. it should be used for future applications where we dont know the specs (and specs change). so if using an I/O for input and later turns out this needs to be an interrupt the hardware needs to be changed, not on atmel
15:38.49CosmicPenguinthat dude always disappears when I need him
15:42.24CosmicPenguinfile[desk]: I've got a guy telling me that integrated graphics is important to get into the home VoIP gateway market
15:42.26CosmicPenguintrue or false?
15:42.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: uh what?
15:42.58file[desk]what does the mean exactly?
15:43.02file[desk]er he
15:43.04CosmicPenguinYou tell me?
15:43.28prpplaguewasn't aware that my linksys vonage box needed graphisc
15:43.35CosmicPenguinSee, thats what I'm getting on about
15:43.42CosmicPenguinSO I'm not just smoking crack?
15:43.45file[desk]if it's a VoIP phone, not an adapter... then I can see it
15:43.55file[desk]I can see it, get it?
15:44.15CosmicPenguinEven then - would low end phones need 640x480 graphics?
15:44.22CosmicPenguinnot unless they did PIMish things too
15:44.35file[desk]unless you're taking on the very high-end Cisco phones
15:45.05CosmicPenguinMuch more of a market in low end stuff, though, I would wager
15:45.16file[desk]oh hell yes
15:45.29file[desk]people are cheap... so they want VoIP equipment cheap...
15:45.45CosmicPenguinespecially fanless and low voltage
15:45.48file[desk]and then when they buy a Grandstream Budgetone (*cough*Barbietone) for like $60 they freak because it sucks
15:45.49beeblevittorio: i would really like to take a look at the user guide. so if you have a copy you can put online somewhere
15:48.05vittorioi dont have a place to upload for public. can i email you the guide?
15:48.26vittorioor do you know a place to upload?
15:50.02file[desk]well that was close... almost got pizza sauce on my nice new white shirt, plus almost smashed a plate
15:56.06vittorioits 4MB, will take a while
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15:58.27beebleoh damn, greylisting on that host. so it will take quite sure a while
16:17.38beeblevittorio: danke
16:17.41beebleoeh, thx ;)
16:26.27beebleok no interrupts on the gpios
16:26.47beeblepage 124 (deadtree version 148 in the pdf)
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16:44.19vittoriobeeble, yeah, thanks for checking this. on thursday a netsilicon guy will call so im more confident i didnt overlooked something
16:44.55beebledo you have any prices?
16:47.08vittorio11,71 eur. dont know were this price comes from (maybe only from newark)
16:47.54vittoriono, its from atlantik for 5k pieces
16:48.07beeblewhat do you need on features?
16:49.28vittorioARM9, lcd display, ethernet, usb host and device, touchscreen, 2xCAN, uarts, (maybe A/D, PWMs)
16:50.48vittorioyeah, we would have liked to chose samsung, but they are not reliable regarding longtime availability. its more for consumer devices not industrial
16:52.42beeblehmm, oh industrial too. ok, than you should not consider cirrus ;)
16:52.52vittorioi knew from a bigger company whic had chosen samsung that they just stop to produce so they made the chip for themself in  VHDL (kinda crazy)
16:52.58prpplaguevittorio: odd
16:53.05beeblebut they lack of can anyway
16:53.06prpplaguevittorio: thats one reason we chose it
16:53.18prpplaguevittorio: because of their long product life
16:53.40vittorioprpplague, chose what?
16:53.47prpplaguevittorio: the s3c2410
16:54.08vittoriowhy do you think they have a long product life?
16:54.31prpplaguevittorio: compared to intel, they were willing to give us a guarantee for 5 years
16:55.03prpplaguevittorio: intel was only willing to give 18 months
16:55.44vittorioprpplague, do you have infos for netsilicon and atmel regarding that?
16:55.52prpplaguevittorio: sorry no
16:56.18prpplaguevittorio: netsilicon and atmel never made it through the first round of eval
16:56.25beeblevittorio: what atmel are you considering? the at91rm2000?
16:56.30vittoriowhy not atmel?
16:56.35vittoriobeeble, yes
16:56.55prpplaguevittorio: just didn't have the features we needed
16:57.11beebleworking today on the at91rm2000
16:57.46vittoriobeeble, what kind of application. do you use linux?
16:58.09beebleand the linux support from atmel is very broken
16:58.14vittoriofrom where did you get linux?
16:58.17vittoriofrom atmel?
16:58.35vittoriobeeble, what board are you using?
16:58.42beebleits based on it, but most of the work is from us
16:59.51beeblevittorio: its a board from a customer. its a stripped down at91rm2000dk board with cheaper components (with fsck documentation)
17:00.25vittoriobeeble, do you need/have a realtime extention?
17:00.40beebleyou will need rtai for it
17:00.55vittorioyes, thats why we have chosen sysgo elinos
17:01.43vittoriobeeble, whats your experience on support from atmel?
17:02.02beebleyou know that there is a rtai company in austria?
17:02.03*** part/#elinux ade|desk (n=adavey@
17:02.09vittoriobeeble, do you have any infos about long time availability?
17:02.15vittorioyes firmix
17:02.19beeblenot only
17:02.24beeblethere is another one
17:02.30vittoriowho else?
17:02.39beeblechecking for the url
17:04.18beeble  (scroll a little bit down)
17:04.22beebleafaik its rtai based
17:04.30beeblebut maybe im mixing things up
17:05.10vittorioafaik contec doesnt have rtai (only some realtime enhanced kernel)
17:05.54vittorioa friend is using contec in company. and they use cirrus
17:06.49beeblelong time availability, hmm no idea. but i hope our customer checked for that. because its still about 6 months till final products and they want to use that layout for at least 2 years as far as i know
17:07.26vittoriowe would need it alot longer - more like 5-10 years
17:07.40beebleand support, doesnt know, we didnt asked for one. but it must be better then cirrus ones ;)
17:07.43beeblewow 10 years
17:07.50beeblei doubt that you will get that
17:08.37beeblehow many parts do you need?
17:09.02beeblea little bit to low for nec
17:09.23vittorionec does have a good ARM9?
17:09.44beeblethey have custom SOC arm9
17:10.01beeblebut this only a option if you go for 100k+
17:11.00vittoriobeeble, why do you doubt the availability for atmel wont be 5-10 years?
17:12.12beeblejust bad feeling. but you can ask anyway ;)
17:12.23vittorioyeah :)
17:13.04beeblechances are not that bad, i know a few big volume at91rm200 projects
17:13.14beeblebut they are all more in a 5 year plan
17:13.33beeblebut atmel will sure have more infos on that topic ;)
17:13.37prpplagueall of our products are based on 5 year cycles
17:14.55vittoriobeeble, did you have found some shortcomings using atmel 9200?
17:19.13kergothRuss: ping
17:20.59beeblevittorio: just that you have to do dma transfers if you have higher uart traffic
17:21.12beeblebecause of the lack of real buffers
17:21.46vittoriolack of buffers doesnt sound good
17:21.59beebleits "just" for the uarts
17:22.10vittoriodo you have a display and touch?
17:22.13beebleand we got around it with the dma transfers
17:22.24beebleno just a keypad and a small display
17:22.38beeblemost of the time the cpu is oversized
17:23.20beeblegraphical, but its only 100x80 or something like that
17:24.03vittoriook, so you dont need a graphic controller or have one on display
17:24.23beebleyes, i think its on the display. but i didnt work on that part
17:24.47beebleim just debugging now some strange things. im not full time on that project
17:24.53vittoriodo you have CAN,  A/D ?
17:25.09beeblehave to deny this too
17:25.50beeblejust iso7816 and ethernet the most time
17:26.21vittoriodo you know (did i read this right) that the atmel is able to generate 12 PWMs?
17:27.25beeblehmm, i arent that only 2?
17:29.10vittorioive read it this way. there are 2 timer blocks. 1 timer block has 3 timers. 1 timer is able to generate 2 PWMs. 2*3*2=12
17:35.06beeblehmm, seems to be right
17:39.21beeblewe need only one pwm so didnt checked on that before ;)
17:40.16beeblebut the manual says you can enable waveform on any of the timer channel
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17:43.59beeblebut you should check the manual carefully. because every of the pin has at least 2 functions. most 3
17:44.08file[desk]TimRiker: I blame you!
17:44.27prpplagueTimRiker: hey
17:44.30CosmicPenguinMe too
17:45.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
17:45.23prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that new gx2 board looks nice
17:45.32prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you in germany yet?
17:45.38vittoriobeeble, so that maybe one feature exclude some other important feature? thanks, will check
17:46.21TimRikerthat's ok. It's probably my fault anyway.
17:51.17CosmicPenguinprpplague: no, not until Saturday
17:51.32CosmicPenguinYou probably won't see me while I'm there, I'm usually gone by the time you come in
17:54.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh lovely
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17:56.13prpplaguembuf: re
17:56.26mbufprpplague, hi
17:58.43prpplaguembuf: got that url for your posted code
17:59.11mbufprpplague, yes, thanks,
17:59.43prpplagueok so this isn't from uboot
17:59.50prpplaguethis is a stand alone program
18:00.01mbufprpplague, i have put it in u-boot-1.1.1/examples/led
18:00.07mbufit is using u-boot headers
18:00.29mbufi have also posted the Makefile there
18:00.49prpplaguembuf: but it is compilied as a stand alone application
18:01.01mbufprpplague, yes, indeed
18:01.31prpplagueone sec, let me look up a few things
18:01.34mbufprpplague, the compilation is fine, 1. i have tested with printf, 2. writing to SDRAM location, 3. shifting a value and writing it to SDRAM
18:03.29prpplaguembuf: i assume you have linux booting right?
18:09.11*** join/#elinux ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
18:09.11*** topic/#elinux is #elinux Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || <prpplague> hmm, never had a problem with yahoo mail before
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18:10.19mbufprpplague, where do i look? /dev/ ?
18:11.01prpplaguembuf: would be in bin or sbin
18:11.27prpplaguembuf:  if you don't have it, you need to get a copy, its very useful for testing and debugging
18:11.30mbufnope, nothing likie devmem2
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18:12.50mbufprpplague, i'll write a driver for the same operations and see what happens
18:14.10prpplaguembuf: ?
18:14.14prpplaguembuf: no need
18:14.17prpplaguejust boot linux
18:14.21mbufprpplague, yeah booted
18:14.37prpplagueok then compile devmem2 and copy it to the linux ramdisk
18:14.54prpplaguethen you can use devmem2 to simulate your code and test
18:14.59mbufi see
18:15.22prpplagueonce you know the addresses and values are correct then you can compare it to your code
18:15.53mbuflet me compile it
18:17.12mbufprpplague, how to compile it?
18:17.34CosmicPenguingcc -o devmem2 devmem2.c
18:17.36CosmicPenguinjust a thought
18:17.38mbufcan you post a Makefile in pastebin?
18:17.57mbufnah, i am crosscompiling, /path/to/arm-linux-gcc devmem2.c -o devmem2.o is fine
18:18.17mbufwhen i try to link it i get _init, _start definition errors
18:19.06prpplaguethat sounds odd
18:19.31prpplagueyou need to do this  /path/to/arm-linux-gcc devmem2.c -o devmem2
18:19.39mbufyeah, that works
18:19.42prpplaguelet gcc do the right thing
18:20.10CosmicPenguinyeah - don't try to link it yourself - or if you do, use gcc to link it
18:21.20mbufbooted Linux, now copying devmem2 to ramdisk
18:23.02mbufhow to use tftp, looks little different
18:25.03prpplaguetftp is your only method of transfering files to the linux ramdisk?
18:25.36mbufright now, yes
18:26.26prpplaguei assume you have an ethernet connection, why not just use ftp?
18:26.32mbufit says something like, tftp, Options -b SIZE Transfer blocks of SIZE octents, -g Get file, -l FILE transfer local FILE, -p PUT file, -r FILE transfer remote FILE
18:26.37mbufthere is no ftp in the ramdisk :(
18:27.07prpplaguembuf: are you using the default ramdisk provided by little chips?
18:27.11mbufi have tftp server running in my host, all files in /tftpboot, it works as i use it to download files when using u-boot, not sure how to use tftp on Linux
18:27.14mbufprpplague, yes
18:27.23prpplagueok one second
18:27.45mbufprpplague, appreciate your patience and time and help
18:29.17prpplaguembuf: rename the ramdisk image from LN2410disk_gz to LN2410disk.gz
18:29.30prpplaguembuf: i.e. mv LN2410disk_gz LN2410disk.gz
18:29.51prpplaguembuf: then unzip it like this: gunzip LN2410disk.gz
18:30.24prpplaguembuf: then make a directory to mount it, something like: mkdir /loop
18:30.30mbufprpplague, ok
18:30.43prpplaguembuf: then issue the command to mount it: mount -o loop LN2410disk /loop
18:30.55prpplaguembuf: this will mount the image on the directory /loop
18:31.11prpplaguembuf: you can then copy the devmem2 program to the /loop/bin directory
18:31.16mbufprpplague, cool
18:31.24mbufi didn't think of it before
18:31.29prpplaguembuf: make sure the permissions on devmem2 are set for executable 0755
18:31.55prpplaguembuf: once you have copied the file unmount the image by issuing the command: umount /loop
18:32.17prpplaguembuf: you will then need to re-compress the image with the command: gzip -v -f -9 LN2410disk
18:32.40prpplaguembuf: then you can move the file back to the tftpd directory you are using with the name of LN2410disk_gz
18:35.27mbufprpplague, ok booted, devmem2 is in /bin, how to use it ?
18:35.44prpplaguembuf: first lets see what the value of gpbcon is
18:36.03mbufi think it was 0x44555
18:36.15prpplaguembuf: devmem2 0x56000010
18:36.47mbufError at line 79, file devmem2.c (2) No such file or directory
18:37.21prpplagueare you sure you compilied the file properly
18:37.48mbufyes, devmem2.c line 79, is opening /dev/mem, i don't have that in /dev
18:37.58mbufshould i mknod ?
18:38.17mbufwhat's major, minor number ?
18:38.29prpplaguemknod /dev/mem c 1 1
18:38.57mbufcook, devmem2 0x56000010, as i told is 0x44555
18:40.19prpplaguembuf: ok that would indicate that GPB5 is set for output
18:40.39mbufprpplague, indeed
18:40.43prpplaguembuf: devmem2 0x56000014
18:40.51mbufdevmem2 0x56000014, shows 0x7ff
18:41.32mbufbut it says memory mapped at 0x56000014 (0x4001b000) is 0x7ff
18:42.04prpplaguethat is correct
18:42.25prpplaguembuf: now do this: devmem 0x56000014 0xdf
18:42.58mbufillegal data type '0'
18:43.05prpplagueoh sorry
18:43.12prpplaguembuf: now do this: devmem 0x56000014 w 0x000000df
18:43.29prpplaguembuf: i always forget to add the w
18:43.43mbuf:), written 0xdf, readback 0x5df
18:43.53prpplaguembuf: is one of the leds on?
18:44.10prpplaguembuf: ok lets check the pullups
18:44.26prpplaguembuf: devmem2 0x56000018
18:44.56mbufValue at address 0x56000018 (0x4001b018): 0x7ff
18:45.02mbufpull-up is disabled
18:45.37prpplaguehmm thats should be correct
18:45.46prpplagueone last item to check
18:46.37prpplagueone sec, let me check the schematic again
18:46.56mbufprpplague, yup
18:49.06mbufnXBACK/GPB5 from U3A S3c2410X goes to _LED1; nXBREQ/GPB6 from U3A S3c2410X goes to _LED0
18:50.33prpplaguewait you saud the GPBUP is 0x7ff right?
18:50.46mbufprpplague, yes
18:51.09prpplagueok that should be correct though
18:52.05prpplaguembuf: ok i would suspect that you have a problem with the hardware then
18:52.19prpplaguembuf: do you have a multimeter ?
18:52.34mbufprpplague, yet to buy one
18:52.54prpplaguethat will make it to test hardware failure
18:52.54mbufi should be going to the electronics shop this Friday to get lot of stuff, will buy it then
18:53.01prpplagueone sec
18:53.18mbufbut, is the led working on your board ?
18:53.35prpplaguembuf: yes
18:53.45prpplaguembuf: you either have a failure of RA7 or U23
18:54.16mbufi see
18:55.49prpplaguehmm, just for kicks you might want to try turning on the pull up resistor
18:56.00mbufprpplague, yeah, i tried that too :)
18:56.00prpplaguelooks like that 74lvc245 might need it
18:56.10prpplaguembuf: with the devmem2 ?
18:56.15mbufprpplague, yes
18:56.45prpplaguethen i would suspect that either the gpio has been blown, the RA7 is bad or the U23
18:57.00prpplaguembuf: no way to tell without a multimeter
18:57.09mbufprpplague, indeed, i will get it and let you know
18:57.23mbufprpplague, its 0035 and its been a long day; thanks for all the help
18:57.39CosmicPenguinanother happy prpplague customer
18:57.43CosmicPenguinThat makes what now, 3?
18:58.05prpplaguehehe no that up to -1052 from -1053
18:59.00mbufled is not that important for me, but, it helps in debugging
18:59.09mbufok, i am hitting the sack, later prpplague
18:59.11mbuflater CosmicPenguin
19:00.09CosmicPenguinI hate those things
19:01.04prpplaguecommunications meeting? "hi my name is jordan, and i would like to communicate to you that someone stole my redbull from the frig!"
19:01.44CosmicPenguinPlus, our VP sounds just like Shrek
19:01.55CosmicPenguinSo its hard to follow
19:02.06prpplague"geode development is like an onion....."
19:03.11CroftonJobs made the intel inside announcement
19:03.27CroftonI told the lab apple nerd before he found out
19:03.44prpplaguespeaking of apple
19:03.48CroftonI was very lucky
19:03.51prpplaguei've not seen cdm around lately
19:11.03Croftonanyone here a sound card guru?
19:26.31beebledont buy a creative ;)
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20:15.40CosmicPenguinHere's hoping that the mac nerds rebel
20:16.09beeble5 times faster!!!!!!!cos(0)
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21:48.43Genesisbonne soirée
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23:56.25CosmicPenguin~quote amd
23:56.38CosmicPenguinYay us!
23:56.50beebleeven after intel macs? ;)
23:57.23khemCan someone help with thumb uclibc question
23:57.59CosmicPenguinbeeble: yeah, can you believe it?
23:58.08CosmicPenguinWe don't need no stinkin' macs
23:58.53*** join/#elinux joe_bleau (

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