irclog2html for #elinux on 20060108

00:09.58*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
00:10.04*** join/#elinux woodgrain (
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00:10.22*** part/#elinux TimRiker (i=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
00:22.27*** join/#elinux ibot (
00:22.27*** topic/#elinux is #elinux Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || <prpplague> hmm, never had a problem with yahoo mail before
00:28.52*** join/#elinux ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
00:28.52*** topic/#elinux is #elinux Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || <prpplague> hmm, never had a problem with yahoo mail before
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00:32.24*** join/#elinux sjhill (
00:56.34*** join/#elinux joe_bleau (
01:27.30*** join/#elinux Soopaman (
01:41.54Genesisbonne nuit
01:53.58*** join/#elinux Soopaman_ (
02:57.44*** join/#elinux we0 (
03:29.16*** join/#elinux George (i=george@kde/developer/gwright)
04:03.41*** join/#elinux Evanrude (
04:18.29*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
04:27.19*** part/#elinux joe_bleau (
05:08.35*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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05:35.16*** join/#elinux Blue_Sky (
08:55.30*** join/#elinux Lewoco (
10:42.14*** join/#elinux Lewoco (
12:28.37*** join/#elinux Genesis (
12:46.16*** join/#elinux |nico| (
13:13.33*** join/#elinux Sgt-Donan (
14:00.56*** join/#elinux chouimat (n=dieu@kde/developer/chouinard)
14:26.24*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
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15:58.18*** join/#elinux vittorio (n=andreas@
16:05.34*** join/#elinux mindfunk_ (
16:33.38*** join/#elinux Blue_Sky (
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16:55.35*** join/#elinux Crofton (
17:14.22*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
17:15.59*** join/#elinux Soopaman (
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18:24.37*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
18:28.58*** join/#elinux mbuf (n=mbuf@
18:49.31mbufwhat is the best way to learn a current specification and its driver implementation?
18:50.42prpplaguembuf: pretty much just like you just said, you get the spec, read it, and compare it to the docs and code in the kernel
18:51.34mbufprpplague, its like, you have a spec, you see a driver implementation, and you already know it works - but you want to understand how it works, where and how control flow occurs etc.
18:52.39prpplaguembuf: i usually install a ton of printf's or printk's
18:52.48prpplagueand just experiment
18:54.34mbufprpplague, but wouldn't that lead to timing mismatches or missed interrupts, especially when dealing with drivers ?
18:55.55prpplaguembuf: possible, but mostly i just place them in areas where decisions are mad
18:56.12mbufi see
19:14.29*** join/#elinux runxctry (
19:15.49runxctryhi everyone!  i'm interested in learning how to write embedded linux drivers
19:16.15runxctryi got a book -- writing linux device drivers -- and i'm going to start just writing drivers on a ubuntu desktop
19:16.23runxctrydo you think that's a good place to start?
19:19.10prpplaguerunxctry: yea
19:19.40vittoriorunxctry, never wrote a driver, but i think its a good place to start
19:20.09runxctryawesome, thank you for your responses!
19:20.11vittorioor get a board with linux and write drivers for this board
19:20.18runxctryoh yea that's actually the goal
19:20.35runxctrywe have a TI board w/ dsp on it
19:20.46runxctrylinux is up and going on it already
19:20.47Croftonwhich ti board?
19:20.49runxctrybut no drivers
19:20.50prpplaguerunxctry: which kit? the OSK?
19:20.52runxctryit's an OMAP
19:20.56*** join/#elinux mbuf (n=mbuf@
19:20.59runxctryyea i think OSK
19:21.00prpplaguerunxctry: omap covers alot of chips
19:21.00vittoriowhich bard?
19:21.01filedear god, there's life in here
19:21.08ibotsomebody said osk was the OMAP5912 Starter Kit, a $295 development board with 32/32, serial, ethernet, usb host/client, CF, jtag, and expansion connectors available from or, or
19:21.15runxctryit's awesome
19:21.23Croftonwhat driver do you need?
19:21.40vittoriorunxctry, do you have a URL?
19:21.53runxctryhmm i'm not really sure yet i'm just assigned to researching and developing the project
19:22.03runxctryi suppose a simple rs232 driver
19:22.06vittorioah ibot told the URL already
19:22.10mbufaccess to FS partitions can be done only from user-space? can another driver write to a filesystem partition from and to kernel-space ?
19:22.15runxctryand understanding it is in the realm of learninng already
19:22.21Croftonthat should already work
19:22.38Croftonthe 2.6 kernel pretty much has support for everything on the osk
19:22.56runxctryactually one of our goals is to boot the OS from the onboard??? flash
19:23.04runxctrybut to load our extensions and programs from CF
19:23.30runxctryyea ibot listed all the links  i have visited
19:23.58runxctrywell the OS is already booting but we want to be able to access the CF automagically, im guessing using symbolic links
19:24.04runxctrybut we don't even know how to access it
19:24.09runxctrywork in progress
19:24.29Croftonits not hard
19:24.44CroftonI used a microdrive in the cf port
19:24.58Croftonand sym linked thing like /usr to the micrdorve
19:25.39runxctryi see
19:25.58runxctryhmm so the kernel natively supports the CF
19:26.06Croftonit should
19:26.12runxctrygot it
19:26.16Croftonyou using the one that came with it?
19:26.23runxctrywrote our own
19:26.44Croftonthe 2.6 omap version?
19:27.50runxctryi don't think so
19:28.23runxctryi think my buddies had to make a lot of modifications to get it to run on the processor
19:28.41runxctrythey used a suse distro
19:29.01runxctryokay very cool
19:29.11runxctryyou guys have been a lot of help for getting me started
19:29.13runxctryi'll be back!!
19:31.23Croftonyou need to find to the linux-omap kernel list
19:35.43vittorioafaik the nokia 770 uses the 5912
19:35.45runxctryhmm haven't found it on
19:36.07*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
19:36.35vittorioi thought the 5912 is only available when order in high volumes?
19:37.49runxctryoh not an irc channel got it
19:38.00Croftonyou can try #ol
19:38.27Croftonbut most of the omap sorts also hang out here
19:38.35runxctrysweet deal!
19:38.44runxctryi've seen the 1st one
19:38.46runxctrybut the 2nd one is sweet
19:39.06Croftonwhat are you going to do with your osk?
19:39.54runxctryrun some image recognition software on it
19:40.14runxctryit's already built and running on desktops
19:40.22runxctrybut it'd be cool to get a mobile version of it going
19:45.50beeblesorry very offtopic. but can somebody explain me what a twin bed is?
19:46.14beebleis this a normal one person bed?
19:51.37runxctryit's like 1 m wide by i dunno
19:51.42runxctryjust under 6 feet long
19:52.30beebleoh, thats not so good
19:52.38runxctryyea kind of small actually
19:52.56beebleim 6.5 feet tall ;)
19:53.05runxctryyea you're screwed
19:53.17runxctrya lot of ppl your size get like a nightstand that they put bheind the bed
19:53.21runxctryyour feet go on it
19:53.40runxctryor i have what's called an  extra-long twin
19:53.45runxctrybut it's only longer by like 3 inches
19:54.14beebleok, so i must cuddle with my colleague and get a double bed
19:55.46runxctryyea my gf & i are two little asian people
19:55.54runxctrybut at 6.5 feet, i think that will be more difficult
20:17.25*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
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21:36.34woodgrainHow can I find an IRC channel for embedded arm7 ??
22:35.11*** join/#elinux FireEgl (i=Atlantic@Atlantica.US)
22:46.29MonMothawoodgrain: well, if it involves Linux, here is just fine
22:46.37MonMothaeven if it doesn't, other embedded type discussion does go on
22:52.14woodgrainMonMotha, no looking for arm7 irc for use w/o OS.
22:54.34MonMothaI'm not aware of any channels dedicated to such a thing, sorry
22:54.51MonMothathough if you have questions, it is possible someone in here could help you.  ARM7 is a rather popular platform
23:37.34*** join/#elinux Crofton (
23:39.11woodgrainAnyone here develop for ARM7 w/o OS?
23:44.27*** join/#elinux myopiate (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.