irclog2html for #elinux on 20051229

00:29.03*** join/#elinux zu (
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04:55.47Genesisbonne nuit
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12:42.46lupzis there a good list of embedded linux-capable devices ?
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13:35.35prpplagueug i've not used tcpmux in so long i've forgotten how to set it up
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18:40.30beeble_anyone using buildroot with macosx? because i would like to know if i had to patch that gnu tool specific parameters (like cp -a) myself or if there are some setting i could not find
18:41.44beeble_broken english at its best... sorry ;)
18:42.16prpplaguebeeble_: not too many ppl here using mac
18:44.21beeble_im just curios because there are some posts from mac user on the mailinglist and there is allready a darwin target in the toplevel
18:44.53beeble_at least it workes without any problems on my linux boxes
18:53.01prpplaguebeeble_: yea i mainly ment in #elinux
18:53.23prpplaguebeeble_: as a matter of fact i can't name a single person i know that uses a mac
18:54.50beeble_maybe i should reconsider to buy macs as terminals for the embedded lecture we are planning ;)
18:55.24prpplaguebeeble_: hehe yea
18:55.25sjhillyeah, you should
18:58.07beeble_hmm i think i stay with the macs. the students should use the toolchain on the server ;>
18:58.21beeble_so the could learn the use ssh and screen proper too ;)
19:02.47prpplaguebeeble_: what embedded hardware will you be using?
19:03.05beeble_arm920t based
19:03.11beeble_cirrus ep93xx
19:03.38prpplaguefrom which vendor?
19:03.55beeble_maybe some alchemy mips later
19:04.07beeble_cirrus logic
19:04.18prpplaguebeeble_: i ment the development board
19:05.27beeble_must look at the schematics. i have allready forgotten the name. cause the boards are not as good as the could be...
19:05.54beeble_its the official cirrus eval board
19:08.10beeble_Videon Central Inc
19:08.10beeble_State College, PA 16803  
19:10.51beeble_but i know most of the flaws allready, so i can fix them and they are cheap ;)
19:54.45*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
20:02.45T0mWI have a 250G drive that is dying, so I get another overnighted to me.  It turns out it is a Hatachi Deskstar
20:03.32T0mWI lost valuable data with an IBM SCSI Deskstar, anyone think I should trust this EIDE rendition?
20:04.04T0mWIt's the name "Deskstar" that give me the willies
20:10.45kergothi've lost no less than 3 ide ibm death^H^H^Hskstars myself
20:10.53kergothover the years
20:11.05T0mWkergoth: it takes them about a year to die, right?
20:11.34T0mWthat was those scsi's, 14 months or so and they took a dive
20:12.43T0mWI've got another 250G Western Digital in this machine with 100G of data on it, I think I'm going to free it up and use that one.  Send the freakin' Deskstar back and get another brand / model.
20:23.31T0mWkergoth: cul, time to strip out the 250G I have, then ship the other back.
20:23.34*** part/#elinux T0mW (
20:26.31pb_heh, gotta love that deskstar superstition
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.