irclog2html for #elinux on 20051104

01:05.05*** part/#elinux joe_bleau (
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07:18.26mbufif i were interested in assembly language programming, optimization techniques, performance algorithms for embedded systems, what would be my area of research?
07:59.48*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
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08:15.19*** join/#elinux George (i=george@kde/developer/gwright)
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09:18.07RussBuffer I/O error on device hda, logical block 0
09:18.15RussModel=WDC WD800JB-00JJC0
09:18.22Russdamn western digital
09:20.36*** join/#elinux ade|desk (n=adavey@
10:01.15*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
11:30.19*** join/#elinux Wingnut (
13:00.17*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
13:02.09prpplaguemorning folks
13:37.47*** mode/#elinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
13:50.41ade|desklo prpplague
13:51.05prpplagueade|desk: hey hey
13:51.09prpplagueT0mW: hola
13:52.11prpplagueandersee: ping
13:52.34file[laptop]destroy mornings
13:56.41prpplagueug i want to get some work done today and no one seems to want to talk
13:57.13file[laptop]prpplague: they hate you!
13:57.21prpplaguefile[laptop]: i guess so
14:00.27prpplaguegee thanks
14:15.34*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
14:17.16GPSFanjbevren: morning..
14:18.54prpplagueargh, i have like 5 things i need to work on, but i can't seem to get any of the maintainers awake today
14:20.45file[laptop]prpplague: sacrifice a goat
14:34.46CosmicPenguinohhh... neil diamond
14:35.21jbevrenprpplague: sacrifice a neil diamond.  They'll miss that less.
14:35.53prpplaguejbevren: the purpose of a "sacrifice" is to lose something of value
14:36.10jbevrenprpplague: apparently cosmic values him
14:37.13prpplaguei should just go home
14:43.37T0mWprpplague: it's Friday, nobody works on a Friday!
14:46.53prpplagueuh, yea, jordan, hows it going? mmmk i'm gonna need you to come in tomorrow, mmmmk? and ummmm  sunday too, mmmmkkk?
14:47.47CosmicPenguinIts the opposite
14:48.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ?
14:48.22CosmicPenguinmy manager is clueless as to the amount of work required
14:50.39prpplagueCosmicPenguin: how did the letter go over yesterday? i assume it went ok since you are still working
14:52.07CosmicPenguinprpplague: heh - no response
14:52.26CosmicPenguinThats why I'm going to be here all weekend
14:54.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: getting wpa running eh?
14:54.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: peap is pretty easy to do
14:55.04CosmicPenguinThats what I need
14:57.08CosmicPenguinHmmm... I need to figure out my ssid
14:58.29prpplagueho ho hum
14:58.38prpplagueanyone else here into bootloaders?
15:02.27*** join/#elinux Crofton (
15:06.51*** join/#elinux sjhill (
15:55.28Wingnutdoes anyone know what shell Microtronix ships with their uClinux port to the NIOS?
16:05.02T0mWprpplague: you've got work that you cannot get info about to do it, and I just cannot seem to get started on the stuff I need to work on today.  :P
16:24.45prpplaguesjhill: ok so, #uclibc is strictly for uclibc, not buildroot?
16:25.03prpplaguesjhill: hmm
16:25.07prpplaguesjhill: ok
16:25.38*** join/#elinux Sieg (
16:25.46prpplagueno real need to be uclibc then
16:26.04prpplaguesjhill: i was told that #uclibc was for buildroot as well
16:26.11Siegsame here
16:26.18prpplaguesjhill: why is busybox in the topic?
16:26.36prpplaguesjhill: oh well, doesn't matter
16:26.38Siegespecially since some of the devs are there
16:26.57Siegand had answered me before :\
16:27.31sjhillwith the heavy changes going into uclibc these days, we kind of need to keep it clear i think
16:28.07Siegsjhill: so you're part of the project I guess then
16:28.25Siegproject leader?
16:28.28prpplaguesjhill: ok, so looks like you and andersee are the only two we can talk with?
16:28.43sjhillprpplague: for buildroot?
16:28.47sjhilli would hope not
16:28.47prpplaguesjhill: doesn't look like vepier or psm are on any other channels regarding buildroot
16:29.02sjhillis psm screwing with buildroot too?
16:29.03prpplaguesjhill: hehe i'm open to suggestions
16:29.07prpplaguesjhill: uh yea
16:29.15prpplaguesjhill: according the svn he is
16:29.15sjhilloh ****
16:29.21Siegnot cow too?
16:29.52Sieganyways, I'll repost question here :)
16:29.56sjhillCosmicPenguin: are you copying that linux article with the quiet quad opteron?
16:30.10CosmicPenguinwhich one?
16:30.17Sieghi! if I built a successful bootable compact flash, shouldn't a dd image copy the boot sector as well? I'm trying to clone the flash and the new one just isn't bootable :\
16:30.21sjhillit was the Ultimate Linux box a few months ago
16:30.30Siegand now if I chroot into the new image to try and run grub manually, I get "/sbin/grub, no such file or directory". Yet ls /sbin/grub shows the file is there indeed
16:30.44prpplagueSieg: hehe, i'm pretty sure most everyone here is using OE
16:31.13Sieghadn't even seen that project
16:31.14ade|deskgod damn mother fuckers "HP" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:31.15vrmI use extlinux for boot my ext2 flash
16:32.48*** join/#elinux m4lu7 (
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16:35.08CosmicPenguinoh, well - another project I won't get done
16:35.23CosmicPenguinprpplague: there you go - there's something you can do... :)
16:35.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, i have plenty already
16:36.10CosmicPenguinOh, come on - you were looking for something the other day
16:36.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe trying to help with the buildroot stuff but having a hell of time getting some cooperation
16:36.46CosmicPenguinis andersee not helping you out?
16:37.51m4lu7funny seeing you in here, prpplague.
16:38.00prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm sure he would if he were alive
16:38.03prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
16:38.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: all the ppl who were being ignored on #uclibc about buildroot have just been invited to #elinux, hehe
16:38.46prpplaguem4lu7: hehe yea
16:39.04m4lu7prpplague, let me guess... you're in here for something... arm ... something ... bootloader...
16:39.19anderseeCosmicPenguin: eh?
16:39.28CosmicPenguinm4lu7: prpplague has been in here since #elinux was born
16:39.43filewhat did we used to be...
16:40.01m4lu7i'm 1/2 way through my 3rd scotch (tapped the 18 year), so don't mind me.
16:40.08CosmicPenguinI cleaned my office the other day, and packed away my PDAs, but I left my tuxscreen out to remind me of my roots
16:40.15fileI'm just here for the people myself
16:40.23fileandersee: I'm sorta doing that
16:40.25prpplagueandersee: just alot of ppl seen to be going #uclibc for buildroot issues
16:40.30fileI leave tomorrow night for a 17 hour train ride
16:40.43prpplagueandersee: and it seems to be an issue with discussing them there soooooo
16:40.43filebut I'm a geek so I have my cell with CDMA1X and bluetooth and a Powerbook...
16:41.42anderseeprpplague: you can always ask me directly.  Heck, for you, you can even call.  :-)
16:41.53prpplagueandersee: thanks
16:41.58T0mWfile: 17hour train ride, is that like to prison or something?
16:42.25fileto another province in Canada
16:42.30T0mWfile: I thought they banned torture
16:42.37prpplagueandersee: main issue for me at the momment is that the target/generic/target_skeleton/usr/share/terminfo directories contain binaries
16:42.41fileit was $210 CAD versus $680 CAD
16:43.00fileand, like, I'm cheap
16:43.06T0mWfile: plus the invasive body search at the airport
16:43.08prpplagueandersee: shouldn't these be generated and not checked in like that?
16:43.11anderseeprpplague: are you working with the or with the tuxscreen one?
16:46.18anderseeprpplague: that is odd
16:46.37prpplagueandersee: its also in the AMD au1500 skeleton dir as well
16:46.42anderseeprpplague: those are supposed to be generated by package/ncurses/
16:46.53CosmicPenguinyayyy alchemy!
16:47.05anderseeCosmicPenguin: :-)
16:50.45prpplagueandersee: so shall i post a bug track for it?
16:50.47anderseeDeleting       target/device/AMD/DBAu1500/target_skeleton/usr/share/terminfo
16:50.47anderseeDeleting       target/generic/target_skeleton/usr/share/terminfo
16:50.52anderseeCommitted revision 12150.
16:53.52prpplagueandersee: will you be the one looking over my patches for buildroot?
16:54.38kergothchouimat: read michael moorcock's new book? Silverheart.  it's a collaborative work with Storm Constantine
16:55.05prpplaguekergoth: cool didn't know he had something new out
16:56.31anderseeprpplague: I also just checked in rev 12151.  Seems there was yet another copy of the binary pre-built terminfo stuff lurking deep in the bowels of buildroot.
16:56.49anderseeprpplague: yep, that would be me.
16:57.13prpplagueandersee: ok, i'm submitting a patch to add a Sharp lh79520 based board
16:58.53anderseeprpplague: cool
16:59.16anderseeprpplague: btw, I got cross-depmod working (regardless of target endianness)
16:59.36*** mode/#elinux [+v CosmicPenguin] by ChanServ
16:59.42anderseeprpplague: so despite the fact I havn't coverted all cases in buildroot, you shouldn't used anymore
17:01.18anderseeprpplague: should have the kernel target depend on cross-depmod and simply use 'make install'
17:01.23anderseeprpplague: with DEPMOD=$(STAGING_DIR)/usr/bin/$(GNU_TARGET_NAME)-depmod
17:01.53anderseebut first, some breakfast
17:02.00prpplagueandersee: yea, my initial kernel build doesn't use any modules, so i've not used the yet
17:02.23anderseek, cool
17:05.28Russsata to cf
17:05.38CosmicPenguinRuss: damn straight baby
17:07.53prpplagueandersee: ok next question
17:08.19prpplagueandersee: patches inside buildroot should be compressed or not?
17:16.18*** join/#elinux _dario (
17:17.13prpplague_dario: what kind of problem
17:17.38anderseeprpplague: only if the patches are big
17:18.06_darioWhen I'm booting my sistem it the serial console doesn't work
17:18.31prpplague_dario: might help to provide us some information about your system
17:18.49prpplagueandersee: ok, well i have the patch submitted without compressed patches
17:18.58_dariouclibc + busybox compiled for an arm9 system. That's all.
17:18.59prpplagueandersee: looks like the au1500 dir uses compressed
17:19.39prpplague_dario: do you get information from your arm bootloader?
17:20.29_darioThe kernel boots and it founds also the rfs. All is ok since I have an lcd display which displays the login correctly.
17:21.09prpplague_dario: so do you know for sure that the serial port works?
17:22.22_darioYes. For sure.
17:22.28*** part/#elinux thraxisp|away (
17:22.47_darioThis becouse I can see the kernel output via the serial port.
17:22.52prpplague_dario: what does the line with the getty in /etc/inittab look like?
17:22.58_dario::respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyAM0 115200 vt100
17:23.16_dariomy serial device is, in fact, ttyAM0.
17:23.28prpplague_dario: and /dev/ttyAM0 exists?
17:24.01prpplagueandersee: hehe bummer my patch didn't attach to the report as it was bigger than 512k,
17:24.30prpplagueandersee: guess i'll have to do it in two patches
17:24.31_darioEhmm.. No :-P
17:24.46_darioSo I should create it with mknod
17:26.23_darioDamn.. It was so easy.. I forgot I'm not dealing with a udev system :-P
17:26.42prpplague_dario: yes you will need to have that device inorder for it to work
17:26.59_darioMany many thanks :-)
17:27.03prpplague_dario: you can modify the device_list.txt file to add the device during the build process
17:27.13_darioGoing to reboot my arm9 system :-)  ...
17:27.56_darioGreat hint, prpplague!
17:28.21prpplague_dario: if you are running a ramdisk image the device will have to be in the ramdisk, a reboot will erase the node
17:29.14_darioThere shouldn't be this problem..
17:29.35_darioBusybox + uclibc really rocks!
17:31.10prpplague_dario: yep
17:31.23_darioToday I built a linux system in 7.5 Mb
17:31.37_darioBut I can also delete the header files :-)
17:34.26_darioCan I suggest adding this IRC channel in ?
17:34.30prpplagueandersee: hmm, i guess i'm gonna have to email you this patch, there is no way i can get it down below 512k
17:36.34anderseeprpplague: sure, np
17:37.10*** part/#elinux ade|desk (n=adavey@
17:39.42prpplagueandersee: i'll be submitting a patch for adding some arm bootloaders
17:40.30prpplagueandersee: email otw
17:44.41prpplagueugh i need another week to get all this cleaned up
17:47.59anderseeprpplague: got it
17:48.04anderseeprpplague: will review shortly
17:48.13prpplagueandersee: thanks
17:48.45prpplagueandersee: i'd like to write up a doc with some basic rules for adding new devices
17:51.59prpplagueandersee: next question
17:52.19prpplagueandersee: the buildroot now just asks for the arch type, in this case just "arm"
17:52.34prpplagueandersee: but uclibc has builds for several different arm types
17:53.07prpplagueandersee: shouldn't we add a sub option to the arm config to set the type?
17:53.29prpplagueandersee: as well as the endianesse ?
18:15.19anderseeprpplague: probably so
18:15.55anderseeprpplague: I've left those unspecified (so buildroot prompts) since I've never gotten around to adding such options
18:16.23anderseeprpplague: but specifying those for arches that swing both ways, like arm and mips, would be a good idea
18:18.51prpplagueandersee: testing now
18:20.34CosmicPenguinits been literally three years since I've touched that stuff
18:22.28anderseeCosmicPenguin: it is still limping along?
18:22.47anderseehasn't greg long since lost interest?
18:23.01CosmicPenguinnah, he's still plugging away
18:23.18CosmicPenguinnano-x just can't compete with stuff like Twin
18:23.28CosmicPenguinThe future is in vector based drawing
18:24.35anderseeCosmicPenguin: vectors are for wimp.  The future is in tensor drawing.
18:25.45CosmicPenguinph34rs even
18:27.32*** join/#elinux Soopaman (n=soopaman@
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19:03.24prpplagueuh had TPYE instead of TYPE
19:17.09T`2hey plague.. hows it goin
19:22.27prpplagueT`2: makefile bug driving me nuts
19:23.58T`2whats the prob?
19:30.33*** join/#elinux andersee (
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20:10.01prpplagueandersee: hehe just submitted the arm variant patch
20:10.32anderseeprpplague: k, cool
20:11.58prpplagueandersee: assuming it gets accepted i'll add the mmu option as well
20:12.13anderseesounds like a plan
20:12.23chouimathi prpplague andersee
20:12.32prpplaguechouimat: hola
20:12.36anderseechouimat: howdy
20:12.52prpplaguechouimat: curious though, the uclibc config doesn't give an option for the arm7tdmi
20:13.09chouimatprpplague: hmmm
20:14.03prpplagueoops that was for andersee
20:14.12prpplagueandersee: curious though, the uclibc config doesn't give an option for the arm7tdmi
20:14.27chouimatprpplague: I was starting to wonder why you told me this ... probably the sun :)
20:14.27anderseeprpplague: it should...
20:21.34prpplagueandersee: i guess you would probably need to use the generic_arm option
20:42.02*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
20:43.24prpplagueandersee: made a few changes to the patch
21:08.45CosmicPenguinI don't know whats funnier - the dailywtf or the comments
21:09.00CosmicPenguinfull of people that have gone down a horribly wrong path in their computer careers and try to justify their decisions
21:11.59prpplaguesome of the comments
21:12.18CosmicPenguinof course, if I was a java developer, I would be in a state of denial too
21:16.18prpplagueT0mW: ping
21:17.00CosmicPenguinspeaking of denial
21:58.47*** join/#elinux Crofton (
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22:19.36*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
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22:40.56*** join/#elinux BeBrA (
22:42.04BeBrAhi! I'm testing my first image with busybox and I've a problem with getty: I can't login, because I have no prompt for login
22:42.27jbevrenheh. my initial tests always had no inittab
22:42.32jbevrenthat way it'll spawn an askfirst shell :P
22:43.27jbevrentry without an inittab, it should do an askfirst shell on tty1
22:43.35jbevrenor an rc script
22:44.19BeBrAjust remove inittab?
22:44.35jbevrenmy test setup was just a busybox install, no rcS or inittab
22:44.48jbevrenbusybox will spawn as /sbin/init, and do a shell on tty1
22:45.08jbevrenI do that on one of my laptops for mp3 playback btw.. linux in initramfs with a mp3 player.
22:45.15jbevrenload mp3s to ram, shut the laptop mostly off, and play :)
22:46.10BeBrAI'm going to modify image and booting on qemu
22:46.34jbevrenheh. I've been arguing with bochs recently to get something of a compaq firmware update
22:46.37jbevrenI did finally get it out
22:48.50BeBrAinittab removed and again no shell...
22:49.10BeBrAhmmm there's still rcS
22:51.48BeBrAI think I also need to test oe... do you know if it can generate bootable images?
22:52.34BeBrAit's very tricky how I get this image from ptxdist
23:01.36CosmicPenguinOE has no trouble generating bootable images
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23:12.09Genesisbonne nuit
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23:16.58BeBrAhmm ok, bb asks to activate console, but tell me /bin/sh dows not exists...
23:17.17BeBrAis it enough to create symlink ?
23:17.20jbevrendid you build a shell? heh
23:17.27BeBrAthere's ash
23:17.41jbevrennormally if you build a shell into busybox, it'll launch as sh.  A link should work
23:19.24T0mWwhew, 1226 drills (holes) on this PCB
23:19.41T0mWthat's a lot of via's
23:19.51jbevrendo you do your own vias?
23:19.57jbevrenor do you ahve the pcb's made
23:20.33T0mWha! I have do my boards, I won't mess up my house, clothing, countertops, ... with chemicals anymore
23:21.10T0mWthey do a much better job at working with 0.010" traces and 0.007" spacing
23:21.23jbevrenI bet :P
23:21.48T0mWbtdt, I used to have a laser printer and used that press-n-peel stuff
23:21.51BeBrAhmmm where d o Isetup busybox to use sh? on default shell i can only choose between ash, hush, lash and msh
23:22.13T0mWBeBrA: then, that is all you got
23:22.20jbevrenas I said, if you build -a- shell, it should launch as sh :)
23:22.36BeBrAhmm probably i just need to enable "Standalone shell"?
23:22.44jbevrenthat'll help
23:23.32BeBrArecompiling again ;)
23:25.03T0mWjbevren: now to run up Win98 and use gcprevue
23:25.15jbevrenwin98? gah. :)
23:25.37T0mWall tools for linux to view gerbers cost $$$, the win98 stuff is free
23:25.45jbevrenI should um do something other than sit in the same chair Ive been in since 8am
23:25.55jbevrendoesnt pcb read gerbers?
23:26.38jbevrenpcb - printed circuit board (pcb) design program
23:26.42jbevrendebian's apt cache has it
23:27.01jbevrenit can 'provide .. gerber output'
23:27.03jbevrenwonder if it can read it
23:27.23jbevrenanyway, check it out.  I dont like the UI much myself though
23:27.28jbevrenI'm off to do something different :)
23:27.31jbevrenenjoy the eve
23:30.00T0mWjbevren: not usually, you don't want to use the same program that produced the gerbers to view them.  Good to get "another opinion"
23:30.36T0mWjbevren: early versions of OrCAD would do that, fsck up the viewing of the gerber
23:34.22BeBrAdo you know where I can get a 40 pin (male or female) ide adapter to *male* 44 pin IDE
23:59.41*** join/#elinux joe_bleau (

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