irclog2html for #elinux on 20051024

00:12.14*** join/#elinux chouimat|laptop (
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01:37.01Genesisbonne nuit
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04:42.49sorphincdm: evenin chris
04:42.56cdmhey dude.
04:51.48cdmwatching some TV.
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13:03.39prpplaguehehe, they turned on the island wide 802.11b/g service over the weekend
13:03.54sorphinprpplague: not like it's that far to shoot
13:04.14prpplaguesorphin: bigger than you think
13:04.18jbevrensorphin: Big hill in the middle, just stick an antenna on top :)
13:05.15sorphinjbevren: yep
13:05.28sorphinprpplague: bigger than TX?
13:05.39prpplaguewe already gprs access island wide, so i'm not sure how well this is gonna fly
13:05.43prpplaguesorphin: uh no
13:06.01prpplaguesorphin: but bigger than a single ap would cover, hehe
13:07.57sorphinprpplague: about to? you sound like you're already there ;)
13:08.09prpplaguesorphin: good point
13:08.12sorphinprpplague: well, i didn't say 1 AP... maybe 2 ;)
13:09.27prpplagueanyone know Matt Mackall?
13:09.35prpplaguenew hire for CELF
13:09.42prpplaguenever heard of him before
13:11.17*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
13:12.00sorphinGPSFan: moin
13:12.38GPSFansorphin: g'day
13:13.33prpplaguekergoth: ping
13:17.34prpplagueanyone seen the movie avalon?
13:18.35prpplaguepretty good low budget movie
13:18.52jbevrenyeah Ive heard its a great low-money movie
13:19.57prpplaguei was really impressed
13:20.56prpplaguegood sunday afternoon movie
13:23.02prpplaguejbevren: i saw the region 1 dvd, but i hear the region 3 is far superior
13:37.06*** join/#elinux sjhill (
13:37.38prpplaguesjhill: hey hey bud
13:38.06sjhillhey prpplague
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13:44.11sorphinsjhill: well well, if it isn't sjlackey
13:44.23sorphini thought something smelled MIPSy in here
13:46.09prpplagueanyone used this - ?
13:47.26sjhillsorphin: i don't have to take that abuse from you. i've got hundreds of people wanting to abuse me.
13:47.42sorphin~lart sjhill
13:47.56sorphinthat's rough in the morning
13:48.58prpplagueanyone know a good url with docs for doing asm with gcc?
13:49.21sjhilli had a link, but i deleted it a while ago
13:49.26sjhillah the irony
13:49.39prpplaguethats the story of my life
13:50.01sorphinplease tell me you've heard of nasm
13:50.14prpplaguesorry no
13:50.14sorphinibot: nasm?
13:50.19ibotmethinks nasm is nice and open-source, too, but most virii code is written for tasm (or non-free) masm :)
13:50.49sorphinthanks for nothing ibot
13:51.32prpplaguehmm, is slower again today
13:52.25sorphinibot: no, NASM is Netwide Assembler, or an 80x86 assembler designed for portability and modularity.
13:52.27ibotokay, sorphin
13:52.31sorphinibot: nasm?
13:52.33ibothmm... nasm is Netwide Assembler, or an 80x86 assembler designed for portability and modularity.
13:52.52prpplaguesorphin: yea that doesn't help me as i need something that does arm
13:53.20sjhillArm Super Suckey Assembler
13:54.41prpplagueguess i'll have to do ttyu method
13:54.58sorphinprpplague: i dunno why you even have an x86 box at all, you're so obsessed with ARM :P
13:56.18prpplaguesorphin: not obessed, just for once in my life, i'd like to be knowledgable about something as opposed to just knowing enough to get by
13:58.20sjhilli used to think that way
13:58.36sjhillthen i realized i can still make a lot of money sounding smart and knowing things half-assed
13:58.52sjhilli love America
13:59.08prpplaguesjhill: yea, well its kinda like our family curse, we are all good at alot of stuff, great at nothing
13:59.19sjhillme too
13:59.36sjhilli just except it and try to think of ways to help my son break that cycle
14:00.06prpplaguesjhill: yea, i work with my son alot
14:02.32sorphini'm one of like 2 people in my family w/ college degrees
14:02.46sorphinthe other is a vp for Sara Lee
14:04.23sjhillbetter than Little Debbie
14:04.28sjhillok, i need to stop right there
14:14.11*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
14:15.07sorphinouch, today's dilbert is brutal
14:15.21sorphinsjhill: actually, she's not associated w/ that division
14:15.33sorphinsjhill: ever hear of Champion? (the sportswear, etc)
14:17.49sjhillyep yep
14:18.51sorphinthat's the stuff she's over
14:19.09sorphinthey have a few other divisions
14:19.23sorphinsara lee's actually bigger than i realized till she told me, heh
14:19.37sorphinoriginally she was with earthgrains till they got bought
14:30.10sorphinmornin frenchy
14:38.15prpplaguekergoth: morning crack baby
14:44.17prpplagueanyone seen serenity?
14:45.20sorphinsome of us don't have time to go to the movies ;)
14:46.41prpplaguesorphin: this from the person who lectures me about not doing something he enjoys at work?
14:48.07sorphinhow does that even relate to having time to go to the movies?
14:48.16sorphinit doesn't.
14:49.30prpplaguesorphin: seems like you'd have time since you aren't working all the time
14:51.17sorphini'm not working all the time
14:51.48sorphincoulds sworn that when i'm not at XO, i have about 5000 other things that need to be done, house wise and personal project wise
14:52.12prpplagueat XO?
14:53.41sjhillam i going to have to seperate you two?
14:53.41sorphinmy employer
14:53.53sorphinXO Communications
14:53.53sjhilli swear i'll cause a netsplit
14:54.02sorphinsjhill: listen here lackey
14:54.12sorphinsjhill: don't make me turn this car around
15:01.34CosmicPenguinwhich means you're going to blow it off and play with your juicebox all week
15:01.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: uh no
15:02.07CosmicPenguinyeah, I know you
15:02.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: probably spend some time tinkering with gcc linker scripts and doing asm via gcc
15:02.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i can do it, but there is alot i just don't understand about doing it
15:05.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm ready to be admitted to the funny farm
15:09.56kergothprpplague: yes, serenity is awesome.  i'm planning on going to see it aggain.
15:10.11prpplaguekergoth: seen avalon?
15:10.14kergothit has a slightly different feel than the series, but its just as good
15:10.24prpplaguekergoth: you might like it
15:10.29prpplaguekergoth: cool
15:10.55prpplaguekergoth: i was gonna ask you about last season of Doctor Who but i someone else answer the question
15:11.21kergothi'm behind on the new dr who, havent caught any episodes past the first 7 or so
15:11.48kergothehm, dont suppose anyone here knows netfilter well
15:11.53kergothi need a good diagram of the packet flow
15:12.14prpplaguekergoth: well i was curious about if there was a reason the phrase "bad wolf" kept appearing in the episodes
15:12.17kergothcant remember stupid shit, like whether the OUTPUT table is before or after the routing of packets originated on this box
15:22.43*** join/#elinux Genesis (
15:24.40fileprpplague: I know why, wanna hear?
15:25.01prpplaguefile: uh no
15:25.09prpplaguefile: just wanted to know if it was important
15:25.12fileyes, it is
15:25.30prpplaguedon't want any spoilers
15:25.38fileyou'd never think about why though
15:26.04prpplaguefile: this is the first time i've ever been able to watch a complete doc series and don't want to spoil it
15:26.12sorphinCosmicPenguin: i blame you, since you work for a maker of x86 :P
15:27.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: familiar with this? -
15:27.29CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah
15:27.43kergoththat matt makall(sp?)'s patches?
15:27.47prpplagueCosmicPenguin: whats your impression of it?
15:27.49prpplaguekergoth: yea
15:27.53CosmicPenguinI like it
15:27.54kergothgood stuff.
15:27.58prpplaguekergoth: CELF just hired him as their primary coder
15:28.11CosmicPenguinhe's always been very closely tied into Bird
15:28.17prpplaguekergoth: i was digging around to see who he was
15:28.42kergothhe did a presentation on it at the '04 ols, though i never actually met him
15:28.47CosmicPenguinThey said at OLS that CELF was going to hire a full time developer
15:30.07CosmicPenguinlinux-tiny is nice for picking and choosing patches
15:30.47CosmicPenguinThere are some fixes l like and some I don't
15:30.57CosmicPenguinBut CELF is sufficently brain-dead - I hope he can turn them around
15:31.54kergothyeah, i like how it has all those little bits that can be individually enabled and disabled.
15:32.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh?
15:32.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: do tell
15:35.54kergothdamnit #netfilter people, help me
15:36.20filehelp is overrated
15:36.34kergothi'm somewhat stuck.
15:37.00prpplaguekergoth: hehe yea, not all channels on irc are as friendly and helpful as #elinux
15:37.36kergothactually, i've gotten a surprising amount of help there.  most of the people are devs though, its more for discussion between people hacking on netfilter than support questions about netfilter or its usage
15:38.01sorphinprpplague: which you would have seen this weekend when i had to deal w/ fbsd people
15:38.40kergothaha, theres a #iptables for support stuff
15:50.24*** join/#elinux T0mW (
15:51.14prpplagueT0mW: ho ho ho
15:51.24prpplagueT0mW: merry freakin monday
15:51.34T0mWmorning, just having my coffee here
15:52.08T0mWmonday, friday, sunday, they all seem the same to me
15:52.48prpplagueT0mW: what were you using to do your code for your philips arm project?
15:52.52prpplagueT0mW: gcc?
15:52.53T0mWprpplague: only real difference is that the online magazines stories don't change for two days
15:52.58T0mWprpplague: yeah
15:53.24prpplagueT0mW: don't suppose you have a good url for info on doing asm with gcc?
15:53.56prpplagueT0mW: there are some aspects that i'm not understanding
15:53.58T0mWprpplague: I'm having some real doubts about the version / whatever of gcc.  My code runs with -Os, but if I do an -O0, then things break badly
15:54.37T0mWprpplague: well, did you try 'info gcc', that has a lot in it?
15:55.03prpplagueT0mW: yea, didn't really find what i was looking for, but i can re check
15:55.10T0mWprpplague: I glanced briefly over the info of gcc and the section about assembly.
15:55.31T0mWprpplague: you're talking about the asm() statement, right?
15:55.52prpplagueT0mW: more about using it with .S style files
15:56.00sorphinewww files
15:56.12prpplagueand the linker scripts
15:56.33T0mWprpplague: you just don't want some code section to get something done, NOOO!  You wanna code in the crap!
15:56.52T0mWprpplague: ARM ASM still makes my head hurt
15:57.28sorphinarm asm..
15:57.31sorphinwas jsut...
15:57.40sorphini won't do it again
15:57.50prpplagueT0mW: just the way it is with bootloaders, gotta have a little asm before jumping to your main app
15:58.23T0mWLet's see, you cannot do an immediate load of a value of more than 12bits, but you can load thoes 12 bits and shift them up to a larger value, then you can or in another 12bits which have been shifted left by some extent....  gak
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15:59.18T0mWprpplague: I can give you the boot code I have if that would help ?
15:59.52T0mWprpplague: but no, ARM asm, I can read it mostly, I've even written some of it, but it is painfull
16:01.00T0mWprpplague: here's an idea, code your bootloader in C, compile it into a .lst file, then hand optimize your code.  heheheheheheheh  just don't use -Os
16:01.47jbevrentry 6502 asm
16:01.51jbevrenone accu
16:01.53jbevrentwo indexes
16:01.55T0mWjbevren: btdt
16:02.02jbevrenone status reg
16:02.03jbevrendone :)
16:02.08T0mWjbevren: I like 6502, esp the bit instruction
16:02.49T0mWjbevren: you could use the bit opcode to hide a table of 2 byte branches
16:03.14jbevrenbit rocks
16:03.29prpplagueT0mW: hehe, i already can do the bootloaders based on what i've learned from others, but i just don;t understand "why" it has to be done a particular way
16:03.40jbevrenbit is useful for hiding jumps after conditional statements
16:03.45T0mW6502, 8080, z80, 8041, 8051, 68000, 80c188, but ARM, I don't esp like
16:03.49jbevrencommodore used that a lot in drivecode
16:04.26*** join/#elinux chouimat|laptop (
16:04.46T0mWprpplague: well, you understand the structure of a C program, right?  That the BSS section needs to be zero'ed ?
16:05.41prpplagueT0mW: yea
16:05.46T0mWprpplague: DATA section may have to be copied from ROM into a target location in RAM ?  DATA == intialized variables, BSS == uninitialized data.
16:06.26prpplaguefound a linux asm howto, looking it over now
16:06.50T0mWprpplague: ok, basically that is all you do there, other than to setup the processors RAM controller, chip select logics, supervisor / user mode, just to get you running into the C code where you'll do the real hardware init.
16:07.25prpplagueT0mW: right, thats what i do already
16:08.07T0mWIMHO, you do the least possible asm init, then branch into the main() to do the real hardware init
16:08.33T0mWheh, get into C as quickly as possible!  
16:09.09T0mWprpplague: forgive me, Dave, you asked this after 1/2 cup of coffee
16:09.10prpplagueT0mW: yea, just want to make sure i understand so i can do some of this code from scratch if i need to
16:09.26T0mWchouimat|laptop: your parole expires then?
16:09.43chouimat|laptopT0mW: no the stupid contest finish ...
16:09.46T0mWchouimat|laptop: your divorce is final?
16:10.10chouimat|laptopT0mW: since 2001 :)
16:10.20T0mWchouimat|laptop: ?
16:10.32chouimat|laptopT0mW: philips arm design contest
16:10.36T0mWchouimat|laptop: oh
16:10.55T0mWchouimat|laptop: oh, I see, this is the reason you've been messing with the LPC2000
16:11.33T0mWchouimat|laptop: well, I guess any reason to do "truely" embedded code is a good reason... heh
16:12.48chouimat|laptopT0mW: the hardwares guys told me saturday morning that the deadline was today ... and nothing worked this weekend ... i debugged the threading code and the can code all night now ... my brain is empty but nothing work yet ... the frame of the code work ...  
16:12.50T0mWprpplague: I've got something really strange going on with gcc and the -O switch.  I turn off all optimization so I could stop the debugger from jumping around in a wierd fashion.  So I could follow my code while debugging it.
16:13.13T0mWprpplague: now, the processor is doing data aborts and undefined aborts
16:13.29T0mWprpplague: take that same code, turn on the -Os and it runs
16:13.48prpplagueT0mW: and with -02 ?
16:13.49kergoth# tcpdump -i tunnel0 &
16:13.49kergoth[1] 59
16:13.49kergoth# tcpdump uses obsolete (PF_INET,SOCK_PACKET)
16:13.49kergothtcpdump: unknown physical layer type 0x30a
16:14.14T0mWprpplague: -O0 and -Os , -O0 blows up and -Os works: gcc 3.4.3
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16:15.00T0mWunder -Os my code doesn't even look like my code, that optimizer optimizes across functions!
16:15.07*** part/#elinux sorphin (n=sorphin@
16:15.32prpplagueT0mW: interesting
16:15.34kergothtcpdump cant listen on gre tunnel interfaces. goddamnit.
16:15.36T0mWit will cause branches from within one function to use a code snippet from inside another function
16:16.04T0mWjbevren: yeah, I didn't expect this
16:16.06prpplagueT0mW: ug, that would be hard to follow
16:16.42jbevrenreminds me of a cpu arch a friend and I came up with ages ago
16:16.54T0mWprpplague: it is, you get a Mixed display of source + asm and you ask "wait, where is the call to XXXX()??"  but put a breakpoint on function XXXX() and it will hit it!
16:16.56jbevrenrisc encoding, every instruction has a conditional branch in its encoding
16:17.01jbevrenspaghetti coder's dream
16:17.07T0mWjbevren: that is ARM
16:17.13jbevrenno, you dont understand. :)
16:17.17jbevrenI know enough arm to know it doesnt have this
16:17.29T0mWIIRC, you can do that, conditional execution of instructions
16:17.38jbevrenyeah, that I know of
16:17.43jbevrenthis is conditional branching on each
16:17.51jbevreneach instruction has a branch address encoded into it
16:17.57jbevrenwhich is normally the next instruction :)
16:17.58kergothyou are a sick, sick man
16:18.21jbevrenthe branch is taken conditionally depending on the flag mask before the branch addr
16:18.31jbevrenotherwise it follows to the next instruction
16:18.42T0mWlsr_bz r1, r1, 8, not-zero-found
16:19.32T0mWnot that arm does that, just an example of your nightmare
16:20.29T0mWI like the opcodes, they are compact, predictable number of bytes in each instruction, just that you have to stand on your head sometimes to get something done
16:21.09jbevrenencoding was something like [instr][src][dest][flags][flagmask][branchaddr]
16:21.13jbevrenisntr was 4 bits
16:21.16jbevrenonly 16 ops :)
16:21.27jbevrensince conditional branching was part of the encoding,t here were no branches
16:21.49T0mWwell, first cuppa is downed, one more cuppa and I'll go back to jtag'ing that -O0 code to see what is what.  :(
16:21.57jbevrencant remember if it was 64 or 128bit
16:22.01jbevrenI think 128
16:22.19T0mWjbevren: somebody prolly patented the idea on you
16:22.31jbevrenyeah within 5 seconds of me posting it here
16:22.39jbevrensome corp firewall admin is talkig to his boss
16:22.43jbevren"this is cool"
16:22.48jbevren"we should patent it"
16:23.04jbevrenlike amd's admin
16:23.18jbevrenthey have to figure out what 8 instructions are most important
16:23.41jbevrencause the high bit determines whether the op is system or usermode
16:24.39CosmicPenguinjbevren: oh, like AMD needs your crap to be successful
16:24.54jbevrenCosmicPenguin: Funny,
16:24.58jbevrenat first I thought I read 'unsuccessful'
16:26.01CosmicPenguinOk, I'll add you to my "people I'll never send stuff to" list
16:26.08CosmicPenguinTHat way you won't be infected with AMD goodness
16:26.15jbevrent'was a joke, son
16:34.52*** join/#elinux Crofton_|laptop (
16:57.37prpplagueis down?
16:57.52kergothseems flaky.  i reloaded a page 6 or 7 times, then it loaded
16:58.22fileit's been flaky for a bit
16:59.52prpplaguekergoth: was trying to pull some cvs but not getting any login
17:01.20kergoththis is fucked up
17:01.42kergothi have a match in iptables, mangle table, in PREROUTING
17:01.48kergothi have -d
17:01.59kergoththen i telnet to, and it doesnt hit that rule
17:02.06kergothif i remove the -d from it, it hits it
17:02.24kergothi dont have any dnat happening, so its not like its mangling the destination on me..
17:02.39prpplaguekergoth: hehe, got an inverse property set somewhere?
17:03.07kergothnope, the only difference is having -d and not
17:03.13kergoththe latter hits those packets, the former doesnt
17:03.14kergothi'm quite confused
17:06.22prpplaguekergoth: you need to watch that movie avalon, curious to see if you like it]
17:09.56*** join/#elinux andersee (
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17:11.10prpplagueandersee: ho ho ho
17:11.22prpplagueandersee: merry maniac monday
17:12.48ibotI don't know what today is, but it probably sucks.
17:14.54CosmicPenguinHow can ibot not know what day it is?
17:15.31anderseeprpplague: morning
17:16.07prpplagueandersee: whats cookin?
17:16.07chouimatCosmicPenguin: amnesia?
17:19.49TimRikerCosmicPenguin: patches welcome.
17:19.52ibotYou are educated stupid and therefore too dumb to understand nature's perfect time cube!
17:20.01ibotMon Oct 24 17:20:01 2005
17:21.42*** join/#elinux zinosat (
17:23.09CosmicPenguinSorry boss, I can't make my delivery, but I just *had* to teach ibot what damn day it was!
17:23.38CosmicPenguinHe'll understand - I would if i was in his shoes
17:33.11*** join/#elinux andersen (
17:37.36prpplagueits amazing what you can find scavenging the web
17:37.59filehrm, a free toaster?
17:40.07prpplaguefile: hehe, no u-boot configured for the right sdram and flash for my board
17:40.18prpplaguefile: found it on a site in china
17:40.52T0mWprpplague: you don't deserve to be so lucky
17:40.59prpplagueT0mW: hehe
17:41.15prpplagueT0mW: its called work, hehe, took me almost 2 hours to find it, hehe
17:41.49T0mWprpplague: I once had a boss tell me that at some point, you hire someone for their experience, not for their abilities
17:42.04T0mWprpplague: you're gettin there
17:42.32*** join/#elinux hufnus (
17:42.49prpplagueT0mW: hehe
17:42.56CosmicPenguinIn my experience, experience is never useful
17:43.16prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ha
17:43.32CosmicPenguinIf I have to hear one more time how somebody brought up a chip with DOS 3.0 and thinks that Linux should be the same, I'm going to snap
17:43.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: someone in the office?
17:45.00CosmicPenguinYou have to understand that things change very slowly in the silicon world
17:45.21CosmicPenguinAggressive development just doesn't happen when it costs a half a million bucks to spin a chip
17:45.56T0mWCosmicPenguin: so, a fifty million dollar payoff is "peanuts" then?
17:46.33T0mWCosmicPenguin: like maxim, they have chips for sale that they haven't even manufactured yet, heh
17:47.23T0mWhmmm, data abort, again
18:00.33prpplaguelordy this chinesse site is sooooooooo sloooooooow
18:00.49prpplaguemust be hosting with a 9600baud modem
18:01.52prpplague~emulate abcs
18:01.54ibotselling used products as new isn't unethical!
18:02.22CosmicPenguinI need an automatic door opener
18:02.34CosmicPenguinpress a button under my desk
18:02.37CosmicPenguinand a fog generator
18:02.43CosmicPenguinand something to play ride of the valyrikes
18:02.51CosmicPenguin"Come forth and be recognized"
18:03.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: thats what you have kids for, you also get yard service, and trash service all at the same time
18:03.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: no, for my office at work
18:03.32prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh
18:16.28*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (n=Ken@
18:38.26T0mWlooks like I just toasted two CPUs
18:39.04T0mWnot sure how, I ran the same code on each and now JTAG won't dump memory without encountering a "DATA ABORT"
18:39.21T0mWI didn't think you could do that via JTAG, abort data
18:44.59*** join/#elinux T`2 (n=total@pdpc/supporter/student/T)
18:46.08Genesisbonne nuit
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19:07.34chouimat|busythis piece of moose shit is starting to royaly piss me off
19:09.02T0mWchouimat|busy: it looks like I just destroyed two LPC2138 processors from running some software on them.
19:09.36chouimat|busyT0mW: ouch
19:10.11T0mWchouimat|busy: all I did was some interrupt entry / exit code changes to a empty function.
19:11.21chouimat|busyewww ... currently got the interrupt working in ecos ... but when I add a function to fill the data buffers from the one I receive via the sja1000 (can controller) everything stop working
19:12.24TimRikeribot: today
19:12.25ibotToday is Monday (2005.10.24) and it probably sucks.
19:12.33T0mWchouimat|busy: you saw that there was some errata about the CAN controller on the LPC2000 not being correct?
19:14.02TimRikerkergoth: ok... this better?
19:14.05ibotextra, extra, read all about it, monday is when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems that it takes you until friday to get back to normal. at which point one more thing breaks that takes you the whole weekend to fix
19:14.26TimRikeribot: literal today
19:14.27ibot"today" is "<reply> see $day"
19:14.38chouimat|busyTimRiker: that remind me of my weekend :)
19:15.28chouimat|busyT0mW: lpc2138 as no CAN controller .... so the hardware guys build a "bus" plugged the sja1000 to it and on one board a s1d13706 graphic controller
19:16.18chouimat|busyT0mW: at least I have coke and about 7 bottles of red wine to help me .... and a lot of good music
19:18.12kergothi forgot my mp3 player at home
19:18.16kergothits too fucking quiet
19:19.40filekergoth: have any bosses/coworkers said anything?
19:22.24*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
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19:32.46T0mW#@!$$$$44 this is freaking wierd!  Now the fscking chip is working!
19:33.38T0mWchange two lines of code an the chip won't work via jtag!
19:33.56jbevrenthe heck
19:34.07prpplagueis it time to start drinking yet?
19:34.18prpplagueits got to be 5oclock somewhere
19:34.30kergothi'm stuck here till 5:30.  started at 9
19:34.45prpplagueoffice space was on 3 times over the weekend
19:34.57ibotSounds like _somebody_'s got a case of the Muhhndays!
19:35.10T0mWprpplague: 3:30 here, but you can try England, that is +5hours ahead of me
19:35.25kergothonly 2:30 here :(
19:35.42CosmicPenguinIts afternoon - thats good enough for me
19:35.47T0mWkergoth: yeah, but you guys start work an hour later than I do
19:35.48kergothTimRiker: if you have a chance, do me a favor and switch the key for purl on ##ace from ! to ~
19:35.51kergothTimRiker: killed off the other bot
19:37.26prpplagueamd flash is just screwy
19:37.55CosmicPenguintechnically its not AMD flash
19:37.57CosmicPenguinnot for long, anyway
19:38.23chouimat|busyT0mW: welcome to the club ...
19:38.51chouimat|busycoool Bell Canada owe me 25cad since I switched to primus canada
19:39.00kergoth~stab ade|desk
19:39.01ibotACTION runs at ade|desk with an origami Swiss Army knife, and inflicts a nasty paper cut.
19:39.05kergothtake that!
19:39.14chouimat|busyade|desk: which wine?
19:39.20prpplagueade|desk: holiday?
19:40.00T0mWchouimat|busy: this is weird, it looks like between the time that the BDI2000 asserts a HARD RESET and when it taps it into JTAG mode, the code has time to run an hammer the processor!
19:40.07ade|deskvina mara 99
19:40.28prpplagueT0mW: check this out -
19:40.34ade|desksome spanish stuff, not too bad prefer chilian red
19:40.55CosmicPenguinprpplague: what a horrible name
19:41.08ade|deskprpplague: half term for folks here so am taking it off to be with the wife
19:41.49chouimat|busyT0mW: I'm trying to get this piece of moose shit working ... and the hardwares guys just changed the crystal so all the timing are screwed ...
19:41.49T0mWprpplague: right, and it is only a 256pin uBGA package, right?
19:41.49prpplagueT0mW: thats why on our jtag dongle design we have nRESET pulled low as soon as you plug in jtag
19:41.49T0mWchouimat|busy: :P and they forgot to tell you
19:42.48chouimat|busyT0mW: yup and they screwed up a part of the electronic too ... but I'm the one who get yelled at ... will take 2 weeks of "business plan writing" starting tomorrow
19:43.03T0mWprpplague: well, a software delay loop in the code should show if my theory is correct...
19:46.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that is a bad name
19:46.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: come to think of it, OMAP is kinda an odd name as well, i wonder how many ppl asked what OMAP stands for
19:47.29T0mWprpplague, chouimat|busy : that is it, between the time a HARD RESET is issued and before the BDI2000 can tell the core to enter DEBUG mode via the JTAG chain(s), the processor gets hammered.  Result is that JTAG will no longer function as expected.
19:47.30ade|desk'oh-my, a processor'
19:47.48chouimat|busyade|desk: hehe
19:47.54chouimat|busyT0mW: wow
19:48.19T0mWprpplague: you'd almost have to set a breakpoint on 0, then do a "reset run"
19:49.34CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah, but OMAP doesn't try to make any punny names
19:54.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: true
19:54.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: just obscure
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19:57.42T0mWchouimat|busy: nope, cannot do that.  Nor can I stop the processor fast enough from the BDI script
19:58.16*** join/#elinux sorphin (n=sorphin@
19:58.27T0mWI guess that is saying something that the processor is fast enough that it will fly to it's death before you can stop it!
19:58.40sorphinT0mW: hey old timer, got a question
19:58.53T0mWsorphin: yah
19:59.00chouimat|busyT0mW: I just removed my modification and a code which was working this morning doesn't work with but work when the others upload it ... the cpu doesn't like me I think
19:59.26prpplagueT0mW: looks like we jtag odities today
19:59.28sorphinT0mW: turns out this cpci board, among other crap it has on it (like a UART that blows, and is gonna get replaced), it has a CPLD
19:59.41T0mWsorphin: ok
19:59.48sorphinwtf would they use a CPLD for? (granted they left off the cpci controller)
19:59.57T0mWsorphin: glue
20:00.39T0mWsorphin: I use them for simple decode logic for chipselects and conditioning reset, etc
20:00.48sorphinthis board has a quad uart on it
20:00.51sorphinthat sucks badly
20:00.54sorphin2.4 likes it
20:00.55sorphin2.6 doesnt'
20:00.57sorphinfbsd doesn't
20:01.08sorphinit does have an SMSC Multi IO controller
20:01.18T0mWsorphin: is that a philip quad uart?
20:01.29sorphinwas pondering killing the quad uart and tapping the serial from the multiio
20:01.43sorphinhold, lemme see if i can read my blurry picture
20:01.57T0mWsorphin: 28L194 ?
20:02.06sorphinT0mW: fyi
20:02.19sorphinwas hard to get a pic that wasn't either blurred or flash blinded
20:02.37sorphinthe chip below the Altera is it
20:03.41T0mWsorphin: I cannot read it from the photo, try some oil from the side of your nose and rub it onto the chip, sometimes that will "lift" the printing up so you can see it.
20:04.12T0mWsorphin: works
20:04.40T0mWsorphin: God knew we'd be working on cruddy ICs
20:06.24sorphinwish i could search in my BX backscroll
20:07.46sorphinthe altera is an EPM7128STC100
20:07.55sorphinlooking for when i searched for the uart
20:08.54ade|deskdamn bottles of wine just dont last as long these days
20:10.04sorphinT0mW: 16C2850
20:10.16T0mWodd number
20:11.13T0mWsorphin: who is the manufacturer?
20:12.41sorphinlooks like it might be exar (xr)
20:13.01sorphinsupposed ot be a good uart.. but it downright sucks
20:13.13sorphinif 1/3 OS's can handle it
20:13.46sorphinfbsd polls on it, and won't take input, and from what jbevren said 2.6 won't even talk to it
20:14.40T0mWsorphin: it looks to be a standard 16C450 type chip, registers look like it.
20:15.03*** join/#elinux ade|des1 (
20:15.18sorphinwell, doesn't seem to act like one
20:15.24T0mWsorphin: only thing you should have trouble is in computing the baudrate divisor as it may not be fed from a standard clockrate?
20:16.12sorphinT0mW: think i'd be hard to fudge in the port from the SMSC chip inplace of that uart and just disable the uart?
20:16.17ade|des1hop dang steam/windows sucks, kills wpa when hashing new games ... that sucks
20:16.54sorphinade|des1: what're you on about now you commoner? :)
20:17.20ade|des1~kill ade|desk
20:17.21ibotACTION shoots a charged neutron gun at ade|desk
20:17.37chouimat|busyT0mW: it's currently seems to be working ... they forgot to give some initialisation changes .... GRRRRR
20:17.51sorphinade|des1: i think you meant to use nickserv? :)
20:19.01sorphinT0mW: 2.4 says its ttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a ST16650V2
20:19.12sorphinfbsd won't even tell what it is
20:19.53ade|deskthats beter
20:20.15ade|deskoh yeah the wine has hit that sweet spot
20:20.15sorphinade|desk: :)
20:20.56ade|desksorphin:  what -gmt are you ?
20:21.12sorphinade|desk: -5 atm, -6 normally
20:22.15T0mWgridsquare FN21
20:23.10ade|deskT0mW: sunk ... ah you got me
20:24.05chouimat|busyT0mW: ade|desk you're playing battle shit?
20:24.06T0mWade|desk: ham radio: maidenhead gridsqaure co-ordinate system: you can specify a global position within a few miles with it.
20:24.35T0mWade|desk: easier than spelling out LAT & LONG
20:24.37sorphinprefers even
20:24.57T0mWsorphin: yeah, but try sending that info via phone / cw
20:25.10sorphinT0mW: i won't send anything that way ;)
20:25.29sorphinphone just give
20:25.34ade|deskT0mW: i'm a radio ham , yet never heard of it
20:26.03sorphinade|desk: don't worry, you have ot be as old as tom to have heard of it ;)
20:26.17T0mWade|desk: there are guys that chase counties, others collect countries, and then there are those that QSL for gridsqaures
20:26.36T0mW~lart sorphin for his attitude
20:26.58ade|deskT0mW: whats your call sign ?
20:27.20T0mWade|desk: WN3L
20:27.35sorphinade|desk: KB0OLZ
20:27.38sorphinis mine
20:27.53sorphinT0mW: think i'd be hard to fudge in the port from the SMSC chip inplace of that uart and just disable the uart?
20:27.59sorphinthat was the question
20:28.24T0mWade|desk: if you say sorphin callsign as a word, it sounds like a toilet flushing: KBLOOOZISH
20:28.49sorphinexcept it's not KBL... :P
20:29.18sorphinT0mW: excuse me for not being as old as you to have a W callsign :P
20:29.19ade|deskwhat meter are you guys on ?
20:29.38T0mWsorphin: I worked for it, I earned it, I paid for it (vanity call)
20:29.50sorphinT0mW: points at the Q
20:29.59ade|deskcos I aint going to get as far as you I'm on 2m
20:30.01T0mWI missed the W's 2x1 group by four months
20:30.04sorphinade|desk: 2m and 70cm
20:30.30T0mW40m & 17m here, although I haven't put the HF rig on the air in two years
20:30.36ade|deskand they said the net would kill ham :)
20:31.04sorphinade|desk: the net saved my license, i renewed online :P
20:31.05T0mWnaw, it is like fishing, you throw your signal out there and you never know what will come back
20:31.40ade|deskwhen i took the exam i couldn't do below 30megs, but now the UK have stopped that, as post office morse is dead, we can all go sub 30 :)
20:31.49ade|desksorphin:  :)
20:32.21ade|desksorphin: i had to call up to get my 25 quid in on time, i had 12mins remaining
20:32.23T0mW<sigh> I had to pass 20wpm
20:32.58sorphinade|desk: ididn't have to pay to renew
20:33.07ade|deskmy father and i were going to do the test together, but hehe never mind
20:33.10T0mWmy ticket renews next year in November
20:33.24ade|deski hope to take his call sign when he move on
20:33.43T0mWsorphin: oh, you prolly could substitute another chip there, but I'm sure you'll have fun soldering it in
20:33.52sorphinT0mW: nono
20:34.04sorphini meant using the serial on the IO chip under that phoenix sticker
20:34.14sorphinit's an SMSC multiio chip
20:34.24sorphintis what does the IDE
20:34.40sorphinthose generally have serial ports built in
20:34.54T0mWoh, one of those, IIRC the webpal has one of those chips on it and the linux code uses it as the serial ports.
20:34.58sorphini think they just used this chip for quad serials
20:35.12sorphinthis dorky uart
20:35.35T0mWsorphin: are the others having problems with that chip. or only you?
20:35.38sorphinT0mW: fyi, w/ the quad serials enabled, it crashes the bootloader... nice chip there
20:35.58sorphinT0mW: he discovered it don't work in 2.6
20:36.03sorphin2.6 don't like it
20:36.44*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (n=Ken@
20:36.48T0mWwell, I've got some code to strip out, now that I know what is causing the data abort
20:36.53sorphinGPSFan_: re
20:37.00ade|desktime to hit virtual people while slightly tipsy
20:37.08ade|deskcya in a bit
20:37.21sorphinthis board is just odd
20:37.25sorphinhas the SMSC chip
20:37.40sorphinbut yet, the southbridge reports back that it's doing the IDE
20:45.49GPSFan_sorphin: HEY..
20:51.54CosmicPenguinMaybe he's just happy to see you
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20:52.07*** mode/#elinux [+o kergoth_] by ChanServ
20:56.09sorphinuh huh
20:56.32sorphinCosmicPenguin: what's new in the land of the 64bit king?
20:57.05CosmicPenguinnot a whole hell of a lot
20:59.30sorphinkergoth: cool
21:03.05prpplaguehehe, dr-dos in violation of gpl
21:03.09prpplagueimagine that
21:03.35prpplagueisn't dr-dos owned by canopy?
21:05.38*** join/#elinux cbrake (
21:06.10prpplaguecbrake: hohoho
21:06.19prpplaguecbrake: its past 5, time to start drinking
21:07.24kergoth_sorphin: i know you dont know the linux mess well, but does that sort of thing seem sane to you?
21:08.00kergoth_sorphin: i basically have site A and site B. site A may have any number of wan links, site B may have any number of wan links.  we want to transparently bond all traffic going to the nat box at site B from A over all the available links
21:08.14kergoth_naturally i cant use ethernet bonding, since these are normal internet connections
21:08.21kergoth_unless i were to do ethernet bonding on top of vtun or something
21:08.26kergoth_but thatd add a lot of overhead
21:08.41kergoth_just distributing the packets across a bunch of lightweight gre tunnels makes more sense to me
21:10.30sorphinkergoth: looks fine
21:10.48kergoth_k, just needed a sanity check
21:10.56GPSFan_sorphin: yeah, that was a result of finger-slip from the tab key down to the capslock. ;P doh...
21:11.11sorphinGPSFan_: did you see my talking about about the UART, etc ?
21:11.15prpplaguekergoth_: shouldn't someone sane do that?
21:11.42GPSFan_sorphin: a bit, looks like 2.6 doesn't like that flavor of uart..
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21:12.37sorphinprpplague: i hope you're not suggesting yourself :P
21:12.45sorphinGPSFan_: nor does fbsd
21:12.59sorphinit polls (1000ms) then outputs
21:13.04sorphinnever accepts input
21:13.07prpplaguesorphin: HA, are you nuts? (pun intended)
21:13.36sorphinprpplague: this from the man who lives and dies and buys by the POS
21:14.07prpplaguesorphin: and drinks in about 2 minutes
21:15.01GPSFan_sorphin: sounds like it's time for kgdb and some debugging, but wait you need a serial port for that!
21:17.39sorphinGPSFan_: :P
21:23.32sorphinGPSFan_: well, jbevren can do the video console atleast, i cannot, seems my monitor can't handle the odd crap this thing dumps out
21:24.54CosmicPenguinIts called VGA
21:24.56CosmicPenguinlook into it
21:27.32GPSFan_sorphin: hmm, usually the video is in vga text, standard timing, during post. most modern monitors should be able to see it.  
21:30.23sorphinCosmicPenguin: you say taht
21:30.30sorphinCosmicPenguin: but there's *1* video line
21:30.37sorphinand a ttl sync line
21:30.52sorphinlast i checked, normal vga uses 3
21:31.02chouimat|busyT0mW: cool the device freeze now in some printf
21:31.35GPSFan_sorphin: thought it had a 15pin connector for vid out, guess ont.
21:31.39GPSFan_not even
21:32.07sorphinGPSFan_: heh, no, it could come w/ one, but this one has a39 pin header w/ it stuffed on it
21:32.17sorphinjbevren gets video off pin 1
21:32.20sorphinworks w/ his monitor
21:32.33sorphinbut not w/ my handy dandy non BNC connected monitor
21:32.46T0mWchouimat|busy: heh
21:33.25chouimat|busyT0mW: it's fun ... probably no ram left on the poor thing
21:33.58T0mWchouimat|busy: I've figure out my problem, I was using some THUMB-->ARM switcher code for the interrupts (save registers, switch to ARM MODE) and when it would exit the interrupt, it would switch it to THUMB mode (oops!)
21:34.38T0mWchouimat|busy: all I needed was : void adcISR (void) __attribute__ ((interrupt))
21:34.47chouimat|busyI'm in arm mode ... thumb mode binaries were bigger ...
21:34.49T0mWchouimat|busy: now it behaves
21:35.11T0mWchouimat|busy: thumb has too many possiblities of barfing on you
21:35.50T0mWchouimat|busy: I made sure that newlib + gcc could not create thumb code
21:36.00chouimat|busyT0mW: I'm using eCos
21:36.08sorphinsounds like chouimat's in the ARMy now :P
21:36.23jbevrenI use eCos on my dreamcast
21:36.25jbevrenits not arm
21:36.26T0mWchouimat|busy: thumb-internetworking was really killing me with the linker
21:36.29jbevrenalthough the soundchip in it is
21:36.55chouimat|busysorphin: lpc2138
21:37.31sorphinjbevren: mmmm SH4
21:37.48jbevrensorphin: where float is faster than int
21:37.52jbevrenwhat an upside down land
21:38.00GPSFan_sorphin: 15pin vga con has red on pin 1, green 2, blue 3, normally mono would be where green is on pin 2, what do you see with your scope?
21:38.23chouimat|busyjbevren: work well on the dreamcast? I still have to get the cable, the keyboard, the mouse and the vga adapter
21:38.26sorphinGPSFan_: what do you mean?
21:38.39sorphinchouimat|busy: heh, vga adapter? how lame :P
21:38.41jbevrenchouimat|busy: I just used it to tftpboot kernels until I fiugred out how to dcload 'em :)
21:38.49chouimat|busyjbevren: hehe
21:38.50T0mW?? wtf is __attribute__ ((naked))  ??
21:38.53sorphinjbevren: i use that ip loader cd
21:39.02jbevrensorphin: yeah, 'dcload'
21:39.06jbevrensorphin: you have a bba?
21:39.07GPSFan_sorphin: well, when your monitor wouldn't sync did you look at the signals on the connector with your scope?
21:39.12jbevrenthe 8139 one?
21:39.25sorphinthe original one, if that's what's in it
21:39.41*** join/#elinux cbrake3 (
21:39.42sorphinGPSFan_: i looked at all the signals
21:39.50sorphinGPSFan_: lotsa dirty squares
21:40.06sorphinvsync was the cleanest, 2nd only to the ttl sync
21:40.36jbevrensorphin: squares everywhere?
21:40.37jbevrenyour ground is bad
21:40.47jbevrendid you ground your probe? :P
21:40.49GPSFan_sorphin: ttl sync? sounds like a bad ground.
21:40.51jbevrento pin5 on the serial port? :)
21:40.53sorphinaccording to monmotha
21:41.00sorphinit should be square waves
21:41.04jbevrenthere are two power pins
21:41.09jbevrenyou shouldnt get squares on them
21:41.11sorphinjbevren: no, pin 2 on the header
21:41.18sorphini didn't mean every pin
21:41.30sorphini meant on pin 1 and the sync pins
21:41.36sorphinand pin a
21:41.41jbevrensync shouldnt be dirty
21:41.42GPSFan_sorphin: what's the p/n of the cpu board?
21:41.44jbevrenshould be regular
21:41.54sorphinjbevren: no load :P
21:42.03sorphini don't have a 75ohm load to use when scoping :P
21:42.14sorphinso it was ringing
21:42.26sorphinGPSFan_: cp604
21:42.41sorphini'm 1/2 tempted to call kontron :P
21:42.49sorphinspeaking of calling, crap need to call laclede
21:43.16sorphindamn, too late
21:44.16*** join/#elinux cbrake2 (
21:44.54sorphinGPSFan_: it uses a chips and technologies 69030 or something chip, got the # at home
21:44.57GPSFan_sorphin: the spec says it's a c&t 69030, that puts out nice vga all the way to xga.
21:45.16sorphinbut it sure don't make it to that header
21:45.24sorphinonly 1 vid line does
21:46.04GPSFan_sorphin: but it also says that the vga con is a 9-pin shared with com2.
21:46.06sorphini either need a uart worth a damn or video :)
21:50.34jbevrenso about that 4port PMC card I linked you to..
21:50.48sorphinGPSFan_: any thoughts on why what's aupposed to be a normal UART
21:50.55sorphingets treating like a bastard child?
21:51.01sorphinjbevren: me or gpsfan?
21:51.44jbevrensorphin: you.  You asked me what it'd be useful for ;-)
21:55.12GPSFan_sorphin: there are 3 versions of the cp604, one with a 15pin vga, one with a 9pin for com2 and one with an lvds conn, which do you have?
21:55.50GPSFan_jbevren: been busy, sorphin & I haven't finalized our deal yet (my fault)
21:55.54sorphini was gonna trace back to the video chip's BGA
21:56.17sorphinthe vias are all over
21:56.20GPSFan_sorphin: you don't have vga comming out that conn then.
21:56.42sorphinbut there's osme sort of video signal on the 39 pin header (called Con 14 )
21:56.46sorphinjbevren's used it
21:56.51GPSFan_sorphin: do you have the pdf of the manual?
21:56.59jbevrenand it worked until I tried re-enabling the serial agent today
21:57.01sorphinon drawing, they show it as "VGA configuration header"
21:57.45sorphinGPSFan_: yeah... google for cp604_manual.pdf
21:57.57sorphinthe kontron-emea link
21:59.26T0mWfinally, -O0 code to debug!
21:59.39T0mW-Os was driving me nuts
21:59.50sorphinGPSFan_: make that VGA Ext.
21:59.54sorphineither way
22:00.03sorphinbbiab, heading home
22:05.47GPSFan_jbevren: how did you connect to the video connector con14?
22:06.36anderseeevening all
22:06.54anderseeanybody need a ~10 day project?
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22:07.20anderseesomebody emailed me about some sortof short term linux project
22:08.30anderseeso if anybody wants the project, its all yours
22:13.25GPSFan_jbevren: mis-understood, I missed your link. pls repeat..
22:26.57GPSFan_sorphin: re
22:26.59sorphinGPSFan_: he has bnc scope probes that happen to fit his BNC capable monitor
22:28.24GPSFan_sorphin: I can't find any real data on that connectro, the manual say it's non-system relevant ..
22:29.10sorphinand if you look at the drawing of the board
22:29.14sorphinVga Ext
22:29.25GPSFan_sorphin: I'd bet that all the signals are there.
22:30.22sorphini probe the whole connector
22:30.43sorphinand i found the vid, the 2 syncs, that ttl sync which i thought was video as well, but it's not (it's 5v p-p)
22:30.48GPSFan_they just want you to buy the rear transition module/the other version of the board.
22:30.49sorphinthe rest was all GND and +v
22:32.18sorphinas i said
22:32.21sorphinif i can't have vid
22:32.24sorphini need a useful uart
22:32.43sorphintaht damn smsc chip should ahve one
22:32.50sorphindunno why they used this quad uart thing
22:33.04GPSFan_that board would find it's way into the "not-to-be-used" box if I wre eval'ing it for a client..
22:33.24sorphinGPSFan_: they used it for element controllers
22:33.32sorphinworks fine under 2.4 serial wise
22:33.38sorphinhas a serial agent for the bios
22:34.06GPSFan_what's a serial agent? or an element controller.
22:34.45sorphinyou see what the video sees as text
22:35.24GPSFan_ah, never heare it called that, my soekris board has that.
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