irclog2html for #elinux on 20051019

00:52.32sorphinthis thing's psu gets a lil warm
01:08.03*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
01:57.38*** join/#elinux we0 (
02:07.34Russsorphin: did you get your 480V?
02:07.39Russer, 48V
02:08.41sorphinloaded is prolly 48
02:08.43Russclose enough?
02:08.54sorphinRuss: 1 19.5v and 2 15v laptop power supplies
02:09.08sorphinit's running fine.. tho the 48v psu gets warm
02:16.42sorphindug up a new bios
02:16.51sorphinhell if i know how i'll flash it w/ no floppy and no dos
02:18.32joe_bleaunetboot?  (Is that even an option?  Spoiled to unix iron...)
02:20.16sorphinit uses an embedded version of ummm
02:21.20joe_bleauSo just maybe the bios update app can netboot?  If you're lucky?
02:22.25sorphinit's just awdflash
02:48.37*** join/#elinux Soopaman (n=soopaman@
02:53.36sorphinit's the soopahero
02:58.03sorphinLoading pxegrub.fxp error: not a tagged image
02:58.04sorphinUnable to load file.
02:58.08sorphinwtf is a tagged image
03:01.34sorphinah, have to use mknbi on it blech
03:13.17sorphinforgot bout that
03:14.17*** join/#elinux T` (
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03:27.50sorphinthis thing uses etherboot for netbooting
03:27.54sorphinforgot about nbgrub
03:37.41ibotHello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father: prepare to die.
03:37.41sorphini could upgrade the bios netbooting freedos
03:39.41sorphinkergoth: having fun? :P
03:39.57ibotYou keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
03:40.05*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
03:41.01sorphin~lart kergoth
03:46.49*** join/#elinux Soopaman_ (
05:38.41*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
06:10.27*** join/#elinux chouimat|Zzzz (
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07:27.56*** join/#elinux chouimat|Zzzz (n=dieu@
07:38.10*** join/#elinux George (i=george@kde/developer/gwright)
08:30.42*** join/#elinux ade|desk (n=adavey@
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10:01.59*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
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12:37.13ade|desk~change 250 euro to gbp
12:37.44*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
12:38.05T0mWprpplague: gm om
12:38.38prpplagueT0mW: ??
12:38.53T0mWprpplague: Good Morning, Old Man
12:39.10prpplagueT0mW: gug
12:39.34prpplagueT0mW: Generic Universal Greeting
12:39.54T0mWprpplague: I seem to be overloaded on acronyms lately
12:40.18prpplaguehehe me too
12:40.38prpplagueT0mW: too many acronyms, too little money
12:42.06T0mWprpplague: yeah, finally got a customer to admit that they needed to pay me several thousand $$$.  Maybe I can afford to keep my place warm this winter
12:42.25T0mWcould maybe even buy food too is slow today
12:51.25ade|deskprpplague: has it ever been quick ?
12:51.34prpplagueade|desk: good point
12:52.01prpplagueade|desk: is slowER than normal today
12:53.42ade|deski remember doing a checkout of a mips kernel tree off a few years ago, it was so slow i refused to return to
13:16.52prpplagueT0mW: you see that url?
13:18.24T0mWprpplague: cool!  Was a lot of work eh?  At least a lot of work to arrive at a simple solution...
13:18.41prpplagueT0mW: yea, lots of research
13:18.49T0mWprpplague: good practive
13:18.52T0mWprpplague: good practice
13:19.13T0mWprpplague: for when you design your first embedded system
13:19.41prpplagueT0mW: hehe
13:19.58prpplagueT0mW: designed a few small one already hehe
13:20.55T0mWprpplague: yeah, it is not that hard to do this stuff, just that you have to have imagination and pay close attention to detail
13:21.15prpplaguehehe yep
13:21.15T0mWimagination is something that most electronic engineers lack
13:26.18T0mWat least the ones I interviewed for jobs
13:26.18T0mWprpplague: prolly becuase the company wasn't offering a lot of money to start?  heh
13:26.18T0mWprpplague: how is Donna doing?
13:26.18prpplagueT0mW: off to the doc now
13:26.19prpplagueT0mW: hopefully hear something soon
13:26.19prpplagueT0mW: no i mean she's there at the doc
13:26.19T0mWthought you were going, nm
13:26.19prpplagueT0mW: her sister took her
13:26.19T0mWI was reading the scrollback and thought that you said she was in hospital
13:26.20T0mWI'm just going over this board, again, today to see if I can find gotchas. I think I'm going to build a second prototype, this one has a lot of cuts / jumpers on it.
13:26.20prpplagueT0mW: ahh, no, she was at home last night, totally miserable with chills and aches
13:26.31T0mWprpplague: I think you said that most people down there come up with this?  
13:26.43T0mWs/come up/get/
13:26.52prpplagueT0mW: yea at least once in their life
13:27.02T0mWprpplague: yeah, like chicken pox
13:27.18T0mWor measles
13:27.25T0mWheh, cannot even spell measles
13:27.25prpplaguehehe yea
13:27.58*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
13:27.58T0mWI had both, both are serious adult diseases but relatively harmless for children
13:28.26ade|deskthe trick is to get your kids ill with it
13:28.39T0mWprpplague: I didn't know that chicken pox is a very serious disease for an adult until a friend came down with it.  She never was exposed to it as a child
13:28.50T0mWade|desk: exactly
13:28.59ade|deskas soon as you hear about a kid with it, send yours to  have a party with them, works a treat
13:29.17T0mWade|desk: send them to public school
13:29.39ade|deskbuggery is not quite the same as illness
13:30.11T0mWade|desk: yeah, you know about the disease-domino effect that children experience in public school, huh?
13:30.52T0mWBOOM! measles, BOOM! chicken pox, BOOM! stomach cramps, etc. etc.
13:31.29jbevrenchildren that go through that are typically shielded from exposure in a sterile home
13:31.35jbevrenmy brother and his wife did that
13:31.42jbevrenno germs clean everythign omfg a germ oh god we'll die
13:31.53jbevrenhis kids are -always- sick now that theyre in school
13:32.02ade|deskdie twice even , just for good measure
13:32.09jbevrenMy sister, by comparison, let her kids get dirty, play with sick kids, etc
13:32.12jbevrentheyre never sick
13:32.43ade|deskanother case for using less antibiotics
13:32.56jbevrenabe: the best preventive medicine is controlled exposure
13:33.01jbevrenI mean, look at the smallpox vaccine
13:33.11jbevrenkids get sick as hell off those :)
13:33.16jbevren(mind you, not fatally)
13:33.46jbevrenI was a rough-in-the-dirt kid like my sister's kids..  I'm never sick :P
13:35.15T0mWjbevren: yeah, I went to public school, grew up in a rural environ.  Got all the childhood diseases and have led a healthy life
13:35.27T0mWhealthy == !sick
13:35.49T0mWhealthy != doing_healthy_things
13:36.22T0mWFall is in full force here, half the leaves on the ground the other half bursting into color!
13:36.31jbevrenhealthy = excersize
13:36.36jbevrenthis applies also to the immune system
13:36.48jbevrenin a sterile environment, the immune system will atrphe
13:36.51jbevrenatrophe that is
13:37.02jbevrenit'll get weak or even go dormant :P
13:37.48jbevrennot that I'm suggesting that peope go out and eat bad food :P
13:37.54jbevrensorphin: yawn.
13:39.01sorphinjbevren: see my /msg ?
13:47.10*** join/#elinux Soopaman (n=soopaman@
13:56.02CosmicPenguinMorning geekarinos
13:56.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: morning crack baby
13:56.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: updated
13:58.53CosmicPenguinHoaveyou put it on hackaday yet?
13:58.58CosmicPenguinI checked yesterday, but it wasn't there
14:01.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, called me old fashion, but i wouldn't post about myself, its ok to show off here, but thats kinda like nominating yourself for something, hehe, just not acceptable
14:02.57CosmicPenguinthats a fine piece of work
14:03.00CosmicPenguinyou should take credit for it
14:03.19CosmicPenguinBut I'll still call you old, if you want
14:06.05prpplagueT0mW: hehe, btw, the oven did better on the bga
14:06.12prpplagueT0mW: the hotplate just doesn't work
14:06.55Soopamananyone play around with one of these yet?
14:06.58T0mWprpplague: on phone, I'd like to hear more about this later
14:07.52prpplagues0not me
14:08.08prpplaguethat didn't come out right
14:08.13prpplagueSoopaman: not me
14:08.25Soopamantook you a bit to get that one out
14:08.51prpplaguenot enough coffee today
14:10.08Soopamandamn this juicebox site is offensive
14:11.13prpplagueSoopaman: the emsoft one?
14:12.21prpplagueSoopaman: pretty crappy
14:17.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: the xd fits inside perfectly
14:17.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i measured out some stuff, and i suspect that the case was made to accomodate a flash chip even if the pcb didn't
14:19.15CosmicPenguinI'm sure
14:28.06CosmicPenguinThis weekend, I'm upgrading my desktop
14:30.25prpplaguesigh, donna doesn't have dengue, but she doesn't have local flu strain that is particularly nasty
14:31.08prpplagueibot: is it friday yet?
14:39.19sorphinthe way it'll be divided up if we win tonight (based on how much you gave), i'll still take home 2.8mil
14:39.26sorphinunless i go buy a couple tkts on the side :P
14:39.37prpplaguesorphin: hehe
14:39.43CosmicPenguinwhat, did like 50 people put in?
14:39.46sorphini hope a group wins (even if it's not ours, tho i hope it's ours)
14:40.00prpplaguesorphin: what method are they using for selecting numbers?
14:40.01sorphinbecause no individual should get 340mil
14:40.06sorphinprpplague: quick pick
14:40.12sorphinCosmicPenguin: 33 ppl
14:40.15sorphinwe have over 300 tkts
14:40.29sorphinlargest group that's ever won was 44
14:40.37sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh, the quicktrip the gal went to
14:40.44sorphinsaid they'd sold 1500 tkts yesterday
14:40.50sorphinthey ran outta paper
14:40.53CosmicPenguineveryone in line today bought at least 3
14:42.15CosmicPenguinlottery fever
14:42.25sorphinthat mean you did too since you were in line?
14:42.26CosmicPenguinTake two tickets, and call me in the morning
14:42.30CosmicPenguinHell yeah
14:42.34CosmicPenguinI got three bucks
14:42.38sorphinDual Dual Opterons for everyone
14:43.10sorphinif we win, i'll take 1/2 my money and mutual fund it
14:43.32sorphinnice safe investment
14:45.29CosmicPenguinheh - nice to dream
14:45.35CosmicPenguinbut its not going to happen
14:45.45sorphinwhy? cuz you're gonna win?
14:46.03sorphinsomeone's gonna win eventually
14:46.07CosmicPenguin141 million is a lot of zeros
14:49.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: the meterologists have a technical term for a storm that goes from tropical storm to cat 5 in 24 hours
14:49.31CosmicPenguinthey call it a "bomb"
14:49.33T0mWprpplague: so, you were able to do bga with the toaster oven?
14:49.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
14:49.56prpplagueT0mW: thats what he said
14:50.03prpplagueT0mW: i'm not there remember, hehe
14:50.10CosmicPenguinLowest pressure ever recorded
14:50.11*** join/#elinux vittorio (n=andreas@
14:50.16T0mWprpplague: any idea what type of bga?  uBGA ?
14:50.36prpplagueone sec and i can tell ya
14:53.06T0mWprpplague: got the datasheet, wow, that is cool!
14:53.14T0mWprpplague: does the board run?
14:54.42T0mWprpplague: or did he simply solder that one chip and assumes that becuase the chip is stuck to the board that it went ok?
14:56.38T0mWI've avoided working with BGA not so much from the physical positioning of the chip before soldering, but from the reflow aspect.  I had thought that you needed a hot nitrogen flood to get the heat under the IC to solder the innermost pads.
14:56.47ade|deskCosmicPenguin: if you win may i have a dual dual in a half size rack please
14:57.57CosmicPenguineverybody gets the same
14:58.44CosmicPenguinAnd you'll all have to sign a confidentality agreement
14:59.01CosmicPenguinBecause if I happened to win, the last thing I want is anybody to know about it
15:09.43prpplagueT0mW: just jtag flashed uboot and its up with a serial console
15:15.04jbevrenprpplague: what'd you flash? :)
15:16.41prpplaguejbevren: ?
15:17.13jbevrenprpplague: Your uboot rom?
15:17.57prpplaguejbevren: i'm sorry, i must be out of it because i'm not understanding what you are asking
15:24.08jbevren<prpplague> T0mW: just jtag flashed uboot and its up with a serial console
15:24.14jbevrenwondering what youre playing with
15:25.06prpplaguejbevren: s3c2410 based board that the boss did the bga package in a toaster oven
15:28.36jbevrenI'd be afraid of my bga not aligning
15:28.58Wingnutjbevren: I've seen the solder actually pull the part into place when it flows
15:29.01jbevrenalthough I listened to a discussion about using a toaster oven for mounting
15:29.19jbevrenWingnut: Yeah, I understand surface tension pulling things into place.. my fear is being off by one pad
15:29.51prpplaguehe tried it with the hot plate, wasted three boards before trying the toaster oven
15:33.02jbevrennow we just need a method for homebuilding multilayer pcb
15:33.07jbevren(yeah I know.)
15:49.53*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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16:05.26sorphinCosmicPenguin: woo
16:05.37sorphinchalk another one up for AMD
16:08.36ade|deskif only they'd price it lower
16:12.32ade|deskgrr hp dont sell the 280 in the uk still, its there on the website but no go to buy it ... grrrrrrrrr
16:19.25sorphinbased on how things are going this round
16:19.30sorphinif we won the jackpot
16:19.55sorphini'd get 2.8, since igave $5, it's about 3mil per $5 you gave
16:20.08sorphinthat'd buy atleast one dual dual core
16:20.13sorphinand a beer
16:20.45ade|deskhmmmm beer
16:23.48sorphin~guinness ade|Desk
16:23.49ibotACTION pours a creamy pint of dark bitter guinness stout and hands it to ade|Desk
16:24.31sorphinade|desk: i'd rather have cider and black again or vodka and redbull or something w/ baileys :)
16:30.39*** join/#elinux Crofton (
16:32.47prpplaguei wanted to show him my homebrew cartridge
16:33.38ade|desk~seen pb_
16:33.44ibotpb_ <n=pb@2002:5168:d214:1:a00:1fff:fe06:93c> was last seen on IRC in channel, 18h 45m 58s ago, saying: 'joshua_: not offhand, sorry.  try the X-Men in #freedesktop.'.
16:33.49ade|deskcheers sorphin
16:34.07ade|desk~seen pb____
16:34.09ibotpb____ <> was last seen on IRC in channel #gpe, 941d 21h 46m 55s ago, saying: 'chrisime_: direct your grep towards main.c'.
16:34.18CosmicPenguinsorphin: heh
16:34.22CosmicPenguinI was just reading that
16:34.48ade|desk~seen pb__
16:34.50ibotpb__ <n=pb@2002:5168:d214:1:a00:1fff:fe06:93c> was last seen on IRC in channel #oe, 52d 18h 45m 19s ago, saying: 'hi treke'.
16:35.00ade|desk~seen pb___
16:35.01ibotpb___ <n=pb@2002:5246:d929:1:20a:5eff:fe00:391e> was last seen on IRC in channel #gpe, 2d 5h 52m 9s ago, saying: 'zecke: yeah, it seems.  I guess I have been telling too many lies or something.'.
16:35.27ade|deskprpplague: i like the pb____ one best
16:35.27CosmicPenguinWith all due respect - I want to make sure the dual cores stay up in price a bit more
16:35.31CosmicPenguindaddy needs a job
16:36.41ade|deskquad cores ?
16:37.07CosmicPenguinMD?s top of the line dual-core Opterons are quite a bit more expensive compared to the top of the line 2.8 GHz Dual Core Xeon (which will sell for ~$1,000 per CPU), putting it roughly on par with AMD?s Opteron 270 (2.0 GHz) processor. Even comparing the Opteron 270 to the Paxville Xeon 2.8 GHz, we still would opt for an AMD based solution.
16:37.14prpplagueade|desk: ibm actually has a cpu board that has 16 on it
16:39.59ade|deskprpplague: they have ceramics with quite a few PE on them too, like 64+
16:46.30sorphinthe dies are already so damn small
16:49.15fileonly a dual CPU Opteron
16:50.19CosmicPenguindude - what l0ser
16:50.29fileI know!!!
16:53.41T0mWprpplague: just spoke with Rusty
16:55.17T0mWprpplague: they didn't mount the BGA with the toaster oven, they took the chip + pcb over to the board house and they mounted it for them using a hot-air rework station.
16:55.54T0mWprpplague: he didn't know what the rework equipment was as he didn't see them do it.
16:56.32T0mW~lart prpplague for false advertising
17:02.33prpplagueT0mW: doh, yea i just got off the phone with him
17:02.37prpplagueT0mW: i miss understood
17:04.35prpplaguehmm the wiki is acting funny today
17:05.47*** join/#elinux zinosat (
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17:30.14*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
17:39.44sorphinGPSFan: hola ken
17:40.38prpplagueGPSFan: hola crack baby
17:42.16sorphinprpplague: dude, hte only crack baby around here is you ;)
17:42.29prpplaguesorphin: no i'm crack daddy
17:43.09sorphinyou ain't our daddy ;p
17:43.56prpplaguesorphin: finally got all the bugs worked out of my jtag stuff this morning
17:44.52prpplaguesorphin: you really have to keep practicing with jtag or else you waste alot time trying to back into the swing of working with it
17:45.23prpplagueT0mW: hehe rusty said he was impressed with you
17:45.38T0mWprpplague: loser
17:45.54prpplagueT0mW: hehe
17:46.00chouimathi sorphin CosmicPenguin prpplague T0mW  and *
17:46.02T0mWprpplague: Rusty is a nice guy, I liked talking with him. You got a good boss
17:46.14prpplagueT0mW: yea the best
17:46.26T0mWchouimat: good morning
17:46.35T0mWchouimat: ;-)
17:46.50*** mode/#elinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
17:47.36chouimatT0mW: I'm awake since 9:00am ... I'm trying to do my fscking laundry since then .... 100 apartments in the building, only 6 washing machines
17:47.52T0mWchouimat: heh, but the rent is affordable
17:48.26chouimatT0mW: about 835cad/month for a 2 bedrooms apartment, heat and electricity included
17:48.29T0mWchouimat: be thankfull you have your own toilet + shower
17:48.36chouimatT0mW: haha
17:48.52prpplaguechouimat: 835cad isn't that like $10USD ? hehehe
17:49.21T0mWprpplague: no, the exchange rate has improved a bit over the past 15 years.
17:49.28T0mWever since NAFTA
17:49.54chouimat835 cad == 710.86 usd (1 cad == 0.8513 usd)
17:49.58T0mWIIRC, the CAD is now 80 cents on the US Dollar
17:50.07prpplaguechouimat: i was joking with you
17:50.15chouimatprpplague: I knowing
17:50.31chouimatT0mW: they forecast a cad at 0.87-0.88 next year
17:58.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i shamelessly submitted my page to
17:59.40CosmicPenguinyou da man
17:59.45CosmicPenguinI don't care what sorphin says about you
18:02.24chouimatprpplague: better taste?
18:04.40prpplaguechouimat: adds a nice smoky flavor
18:04.49chouimatprpplague: hehe
18:12.57prpplaguewounder what chipset is in this -
18:14.42*** join/#elinux T`2 (n=total@pdpc/supporter/student/T)
18:26.12jbevrenprpplague: do you know if those are supported chipsets?
18:26.20jbevrenIve been eyeing them for some time :)
18:26.44prpplaguejbevren: no i was gonna see if i could find out
18:26.54prpplaguejbevren: i suspect that they are prism 2.5 or 3
18:28.06*** join/#elinux eggers (
18:30.08jbevrenworks with OZ apparently
18:30.33prpplaguejbevren: yea its a prism2
18:31.11jbevrenfurther temptation hhe
18:33.39jbevrenprpplague: Might need to get me a couple-three
18:33.55jbevrenwonder how easily one could attach an external ant
18:34.33prpplaguejbevren: most of those have an invertered F antenna with solder pads
18:34.40prpplaguejbevren: so adding one should be a problem
18:34.49jbevren'should' hhe :)
18:34.52jbevrennod. I understand
18:34.57prpplaguejbevren: we do it to our zcomax cards
18:35.13jbevrenI still need to find a p166 cpu for one of my devices :X
18:35.41prpplaguejbevren: hehe, call nasa i think the remaining shuttles still use them, hehe
18:36.20sorphinnasa would just say
18:36.21sorphincheck ebay
18:36.22sorphinwe do
18:38.38jbevrensorphin: my lucent has a dead battery
18:38.41jbevrenthe power unit works
18:38.48jbevrenI told 'em, and theyre sending a whole new kit
18:38.55jbevrensaid to keep this one
18:40.38sorphinjbevren: i was gonna use that for bill gates ;)
18:40.47sorphinfile[laptop]: i dont run a kernel
18:43.24sorphinfileradio over packetradio
18:43.36prpplaguedoesn't say much for people in LA
18:43.48sorphinprpplague: nothing says much for people in LA
18:44.34jbevren~tinyurl prpplague
18:44.40prpplaguejbevren: yea yea
18:44.43prpplaguejbevren: i forget
18:44.49jbevrenthat'd be handy actually in the bot
18:45.03jbevrensearch backwards for the most recent url posted by the user
18:45.06jbevrenand tiny it
18:46.10prpplague~rot13 jbevren
18:50.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: argh, why has AMD got to be sooooooooo non-compatible with their flash interfaces?
18:55.50prpplaguethis is best price i've seen on these -
18:56.13prpplaguejbevren: i can run my arm7 board from the one i have
19:01.03sorphin~rot13 prpplague
19:01.22ceccynthrPOS! POS! juicebox! POS!
19:01.39jbevren~rot13 POS! POS! juicebox! POS!
19:01.39ibotCBF! CBF! whvprobk! CBF!
19:01.44*** join/#elinux Genesis (
19:02.11purpleplaguedamn jtag #*#($*#@
19:02.58sorphinjbevren: we have a 48v psu here like the 10A one on ebay, w/ the 2 big caps
19:03.33sorphinGenesis: bonjour, ca va?
19:03.39Genesislol are you fun of prpp ? :d
19:03.51Genesisbien bien
19:03.53Genesisun peu fatigué :)
19:11.39jbevrenBlack Cobra 150,000 Volt Mini Stun <- weee
19:13.29prpplaguesorphin: hehe you do good impressions of me
19:17.35CosmicPenguinprpplague: re the flash - yeah, we're bad about that
19:44.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm gonna have to add a whole bunch of #ifdef amd_bastard_flash
19:44.39CosmicPenguinjust don't support it
19:44.58CosmicPenguinThey should legitimately support CFI - if they don't screw em
19:49.39CosmicPenguingah - udev miscompiled - its segfaulting
19:49.47CosmicPenguinmy seestem is deed
19:50.19prpplagueCosmicPenguin: have to support it as alot of dev boards use them
20:16.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ??
20:17.05CosmicPenguinI did a lot of editing in a file, but I forgot to quilt add it first
20:38.35sorphinblanket it next time
20:43.03chouimathi kergoth
20:51.44sorphinchouimat: heh
20:51.50sorphinchouimat: good luck on that one
20:51.57sorphinmy car has a CAN bus
20:52.06sorphinand bmw's real open about it, let me tell ya
20:52.10MonMothayou mean CANT?
20:52.26sorphinMonMotha: the CAN bus is what all hte engine management uses in my car
20:52.29sorphinthe radio, etc
20:52.29chouimatsorphin: the problem is to interpret the data from the device correctly ...
20:52.30MonMothaI know
20:52.31sorphinis the IBus
20:52.38MonMothathat's the normal thing for cars these days
20:53.05sorphinMonMotha: the only thing not controlled by computer in my car are the seats :P
20:54.23sorphinok, anyone here use memdisk?
20:54.26sorphinor used
20:55.28jbevrenme! me!! (I used it to do a netinst fbsd 4.3 installer)
20:55.37jbevrenbut um it worked, and I loaded it via syslinux/pxe
20:55.56jbevrenhave you tried xmodem'ing the floppy to the agent a: drive?
20:55.58sorphinnot talkin about our new box are ya?
20:56.56jbevrenbut it did work on several different systems ;-)
20:57.04jbevrenthat said, the only thing Ive booted successfully is nbgrub
20:57.07sorphintried 3 diff dos disks
20:57.17sorphini grub memdisk
20:57.28sorphinw/ the initrd being the floppy
20:57.37sorphinmemdisk directly from netboot
20:57.40sorphindoesn't do anything
20:59.04sorphinguess i'll hook up a cd
20:59.46sorphinjbevren: how'd you do the fbsd anyways? there's 2 floppies, and memdisk would only give 1
21:00.02jbevrensorphin: there's a single-disk 2.88M image
21:00.42sorphinboot.flp ?
21:00.52jbevrenis it 2.8M? :)
21:01.07sorphin(fyi, this is for junos, so that's why it's not linux talk, sorry people)
21:01.07jbevrenits the same one used for el torito boot on the mini.iso
21:01.19sorphintaht'd be the one them
21:02.13CosmicPenguinI guess I'm just hungry
21:02.25sorphinCosmicPenguin: go eat then
21:02.32CosmicPenguinYOu can't tell me what to do
21:02.59sorphinplease go eat? :)
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21:07.21CosmicPenguinOooh - I had that last night
21:10.56sorphinsteamed rice
21:10.59sorphin2 crab rangoon
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22:58.27sorphinthis sucks
22:58.39sorphinminicom starts losing the text from this thing at the bottom
22:58.44sorphinansi or vt102
22:58.56sorphinser2net can't handle it
22:59.05sorphinguess i'll have to use the 2511
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23:25.47sorphinany quick tips for stripping ansi crap from a file?
23:25.48sorphini'm sure i could do it w/ sed  stripping between the ^[ and the H
23:25.59sorphinbut i forget how to midway wildcard that
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23:26.57sorphinTimRiker: hey

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