irclog2html for #elinux on 20051017

00:01.47*** join/#elinux file (
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01:20.03chouimathi sorphin
01:35.45sorphinchouimat: evening mat
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11:52.12*** join/#elinux vittorio (n=andreas@
11:57.33vittoriohi, anyone knows distributions which support RTAI? so far i have found SysGo ELinOS and Koan K-Linux
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13:44.13ibotSounds like _somebody_'s got a case of the Muhhndays!
13:44.35prpplagueyou could get killed for saying something like that
13:49.26jbevrenre prpplague
13:50.09prpplaguejbevren: morning
14:03.51*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
14:08.30prpplague~lart CosmicPenguin
14:09.01sorphin~lart prpplague just because it's monday
14:11.34CosmicPenguinol ibot isn't so good at the natural language procesing
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14:20.34CosmicPenguinguten tag
14:20.50CosmicPenguin^ 4 classes, and I can speak two words of german
14:23.20sorphinCosmicPenguin: guten morgen
14:23.34GenesisCosmicPenguin : 6 and i can't tell more :)
14:23.50Genesisbitte schon CosmicPenguin :p)
14:24.09sorphinCosmicPenguin: wie gehen Sie heute?
14:25.42CosmicPenguindanke gut
14:25.56CosmicPenguinun dir?
14:28.58sorphinund dir :)    und ich habe einen crappy Tag bereits.
14:29.36CosmicPenguinyeah, yeay
14:29.58CosmicPenguinI can't type in english, why would it be different for any other language?
14:32.07sorphinjbevren: well, now i see if FedEx does the right thing despite the memos on the tracking :P
14:36.08prpplaguesorphin: what are you bablying about?
14:42.02sorphinprpplague: my electrical backpanel for my traffic gear :P
14:42.37sorphinsorry, next time i'll just /msg :P
14:48.38jbevrensorphin is collecting traffic lights
14:49.10CosmicPenguinIts all part of his plan to start his own country
14:49.55sorphinnot quite
14:50.31CosmicPenguinHe might not have a military or a government or anything
14:50.37CosmicPenguinbut his traffic will be very organized
14:50.40sorphinnah, today, i'd just be happy if someone would put me outta my misery, i would say today can't get any worse, but i'm sure it would just to spite me
14:53.00CosmicPenguinSo, if I wanted to semi-accurately emulate a temp sensor on a mobo, could I set up an event and randomly add or subtract a few degrees every half second or so
14:53.13CosmicPenguinOr would that result in very stupid results?
14:53.46sorphinCosmicPenguin: sadly, i understood you
14:54.04sorphinand that would work
14:54.21CosmicPenguinI figure over time it won't drift that much
14:54.24sorphinall the ones i've seen dont' fluctuate that much
14:54.31CosmicPenguinyeah, I know
14:54.31sorphinthe fans are what jump
14:54.53CosmicPenguinbut this is a fake sensor, so if it doesn't move, then people won't think its working... :)
14:55.33CosmicPenguinI thought about actually connecting it to the sensor on my server, but that would proably be overkill
14:55.51CosmicPenguinPlus I think the opteron is probably running a bit hotter then the athlon I'm trying to emulate here
14:56.20sorphini dunno
14:56.38sorphinmy athlon runs pretty damn hot even w/ a decent fan :P
14:56.44sorphinhotter than the P4
14:59.16sorphinCosmicPenguin: have them bring an Alchemy ;)
14:59.25sorphinso i can atleast die w/ something cool
15:00.05CosmicPenguinAt least you still believe the Alchemy is cool
15:00.08CosmicPenguinthe deception is half complete
15:03.08vittorioasking again maybe with more luck, does anyone know commercial embedded linux distributions which support RTAI? so far i have found only two: SysGo ELinOS and Koan K-Linux
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15:05.57CosmicPenguinSounds like you've done more research then we have
15:07.10vittorioCosmicPenguin, what did you found?
15:07.33CosmicPenguinLet me rephrase - you have done research, and we haven't
15:07.41vittoriooh :)
15:44.52prpplaguei have sooooo much 2#$!@#$! to do
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16:53.46*** part/#elinux ade|desk (n=adavey@
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17:05.20prpplagueargh i can't figure out what i'm doing wrongs with this s3c2410 jtag
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17:49.39T0mWWell, I stopped grumbling about newlib and started to take a real look at it.  Now I'm using newlib for the stdc funcs and file streams.
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19:36.21prpplaguejtag is killing me today
19:36.29prpplaguei can't seem to talk to this nor flash chip
19:42.10CosmicPenguindoesn't sound funny to me
19:44.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: not at all
19:44.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: can;t seem to get it talking
19:55.52T0mWprpplague: heh
19:56.07T0mWprpplague: life sux, then you have to debug
19:56.31CosmicPenguinthen you fix it, and you have to break it again
20:39.38*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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21:15.16sorphinjbevren: yay, it was delivered
21:21.03jbevrensorphin: awesome
21:21.12jbevren19200n8 com1
21:21.31jbevrenuse linux 1 to boot it up w/o password, and change root's bash_profile
21:21.34jbevrenthere's no root pass iirc
21:39.17jbevrenFC-AL toys are expensive :(
21:50.46sorphinjbevren: yep, and pointless
21:51.08sorphinjbevren: i still have to find a way to power these things when i get home
21:51.35jbevrensorphin: really?
21:51.41jbevrencause I have a 4bay box thats rather fast
21:51.51jbevrenI just have probs in linux (win2k is on the drives in the box)
21:52.09jbevrensorphin: stop on the way home at walmart and get 4 marine batteries lol
21:54.39sorphinjbevren: standard ATX hookup on the MB?
21:55.36jbevrenthe 1u kontrons?
21:56.08jbevrenthey get power from the cpci slot
21:58.54sorphinthe 48v psu
21:59.02sorphinit's an ATX psu, no?
21:59.10jbevreneh? its a compactpci psu
21:59.29sorphinwell, i guess i won't be using these things for a whiel then
21:59.29jbevrenCPCI has a 'power' slot
21:59.48sorphincuz i'm not stacking marine batteries in my basement
21:59.56jbevrenthere are 48v power sources for $20 on lamebay
22:00.17sorphinor i could just change the psu to a 120v cpci psu
22:00.29jbevrenand rewire the backplane :)
22:00.31jbevrenbut yeah
22:00.36jbevrennot backplane
22:00.40jbevrenthe rear bulkhead is set up for 48v
22:00.48jbevrenbut that'd be a simple project to redo
22:00.54sorphinit's called a dremel
22:01.03jbevrennod. and rip out the 48v input electronics
22:01.15jbevrenI figured I wanted to ups mine, so I went ahead and got a battery equipped 48v source
22:01.26sorphini alreayd have a nice big UPS
22:01.33sorphinthat's backing up the network
22:01.58jbevrenI dont agree with the 120v -> XXv -> 120v -> XXv ups concept :)
22:02.02jbevrenhuge waste of power :)
22:02.12jbevrenyour ups is 120v
22:02.18jbevrenAC kicks out, so it switches to battery
22:02.21jbevrenupconverts to 120v
22:02.30jbevrenyour PC psu.. guess what.. converst back to dc :)
22:02.36jbevrenmost psu's are 20% waste power
22:02.45jbevrenmost upconverters on ups'en are 30-50% waste
22:03.02sorphinjbevren: well, i can't run everything have on 48v :P
22:03.06jbevrensystems designed to run on DC are better, around 15% normally :P
22:03.11sorphinmost of it wont' take a 48v psu
22:03.15jbevrensorphin: heh
22:03.29sorphinas much as i have
22:03.32jbevrenbeer thirty
22:03.35sorphini'd need 10 batteries
22:03.49sorphinto cover the amperage draw there would be at 48v
22:04.11jbevrenit's surprising how little systems really use, unless you have p4's etc
22:04.13sorphin120v@ draws less from the line than at 48v@
22:04.23jbevrenits the same wattage my friend
22:04.24sorphinjbevren: or an athlon tbird ;)
22:04.31sorphinwattage smattage
22:04.40jbevrenbah. :P
22:04.51jbevrennot that I gradiated college
22:04.57jbevrenuseless run in the muck that was
22:05.01CosmicPenguinhow ironic
22:05.08jbevrenbtw, brb.. dropping my fibrechannel card in the workstation
22:05.11sorphinuh oh
22:06.17jbevrenok afk
22:18.31jbevrenI just tried to alt-drag my window
22:25.13*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
22:25.57sorphinjbevren: heh, atleast the rack ears are movable.. i don't need them in the middle
22:26.06jbevrentheyre set up for telecom racks
22:26.19jbevrenI thought it'd be neat if you could turn em 90 degrees for wall mounting
22:26.35file[laptop]who broke my ISP's DSLAM?
22:26.40jbevrennot me :)
22:26.46jbevrenyou were the one with a bomb
22:27.23file[laptop]1733 rxerrors on that ATM interface
22:27.37jbevrencall 'em
22:27.42sorphinjbevren: i'd just move them forward
22:27.45file[laptop]I've never gotten through in soooo long
22:27.50sorphinfile[laptop]: i did! i did!
22:27.56jbevrensorphin: my plan
22:28.01jbevrenonce, of course, I get a rack :)
22:28.09sorphinjbevren: were some of your ports covered w/ little red covers?
22:28.11jbevrenthe local hardware store sells rails that will work for rack mounting
22:28.14jbevrenI just need to build the frame
22:28.21jbevrenthey all were
22:28.28sorphini have a 2 post relay rack
22:28.33jbevrenyeah. the screw rails.
22:28.35sorphinno rails needed here
22:28.44jbevrenor, in your definition, posts
22:28.58sorphinjbevren: one the parallel isn't coverd
22:28.59file[laptop]on hold
22:29.08sorphinand the other they have a cable between the switch and one of the ethernets
22:29.09jbevrenmine was
22:29.24jbevrenthe parallel btw, is not a parallel port for the system
22:29.27sorphini really need a workbench down here
22:29.30jbevrenits a config interface for the switch
22:29.42jbevrenuses a bitbanged interface
22:29.46jbevrenread the pdf I sent you
22:29.48sorphini'll be removing that card anyways
22:29.52jbevrenthe switcH?
22:29.56sorphindon't need it
22:30.01jbevrenyou'll want to cover the hole
22:30.05sorphini know
22:30.07jbevrenso you dont interrupt the airflow :)
22:30.15sorphini need a cpci slot cover
22:30.17jbevrenat any rate, I'll be phasing my nortel out
22:30.31jbevrenor making a router out of it
22:30.31sorphinswitch i'm assuming?
22:30.36jbevrenl3 router
22:30.41jbevren12 10/100, 1 gbit sx
22:30.46jbevrenI have two units
22:30.51sorphinyou mean layer 3 switch?
22:31.01jbevrenbut it does route
22:31.06sorphincuz routers are natively layer 3 ;)
22:31.08jbevrengive ti an ip and feed it static routes or RIP packets
22:31.16sorphina layer 3 switch
22:31.28sorphini need a damn workbench
22:31.33jbevrenme too
22:31.38sorphini have no where to work on things here
22:31.45sorphinif i took a pic of my basement atm
22:31.50sorphinit'd scare everyone here
22:32.03sorphinstuff everywhere
22:32.07sorphinboxes, etc too
22:32.28jbevrensounds like my house
22:32.31sorphinwhat's sick
22:32.37sorphinis i figured out (new subject)
22:32.42sorphinall my boxes running together
22:32.59sorphinis still less key rate than CosmicPenguin's dual core box (on 1 core)
22:33.06jbevrenlol :)
22:33.15jbevrenman, I'd love to measure my o2k
22:33.24jbevrenI should have while I had it online at my old workpalce
22:34.09sorphinjbevren: my U30 @300mhz
22:34.25sorphinbout 624k keys/sec
22:34.44sorphinmy PIII 550
22:34.50sorphin1.3mil keys/sec
22:35.08sorphini'm pushing about 26.1millions key/sec
22:36.04sorphinjbevren: wow
22:36.10sorphinthese cards are smaller than they look online
22:36.19sorphinpictures really do add 10lbs :P (or make things look huge)
22:36.37sorphinmitel semi
22:36.43jbevrenI want to put my sb live into 2ch mode
22:36.50jbevrenbut the f/ing creative software wont install
22:36.53jbevrencause I dont have a sblive
22:36.55jbevrenyet I do
22:37.28sorphinoh cute
22:37.32sorphinyou can pop out the swtich
22:37.39sorphinbut have to removes screws to pop out the MB
22:37.42jbevrenits a standard 2slot chassis
22:37.54jbevrenthe sswitch was already unscrewed
22:37.56sorphinglad i found my little Adtran screwdriver
22:38.34sorphinfits the crystal screws perfect
22:38.36sorphinfits these
22:38.40sorphinjust the right size
22:38.50jbevrenyep. a #1 philips
22:38.57jbevren#2 fits but not in the handles' holes
22:39.46jbevrenman I really wish the video scaler in these cards worked in linux
22:39.52sorphinleast there's screws on the cpu's heatsink
22:40.18jbevrenI couldnt remove mine
22:40.22sorphinthe scale is definately different
22:40.29sorphinthe header sizes
22:40.44jbevrenthe grommits in the motherboard turn with the screws on mine
22:41.03jbevrenwindows is wonderful!
22:41.07jbevrencant even play a standard mpeg file
22:41.10sorphinuh huh
22:41.39sorphinwtf do they say vga/com2 ?
22:41.44sorphinwhen it's only com2
22:41.48jbevrenbecause if you have a board with vga
22:41.51jbevrenthen there's no com2
22:41.58sorphinAND include a kb/mouse connector
22:41.59jbevrenthat way theyt can manufacture one bulkhead for both setups
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22:42.13jbevrenthe kbd/mouse is there in case you have the vga on rear IO
22:43.01sorphinah yes.. afterfab jumper wires
22:46.25jbevrennow to build a recent kernel to retry the adapter
22:46.49sorphinwtf no wonder these screws turned weird
22:46.53sorphinthey're not phillips
22:46.56sorphinbut not flathead
22:46.59sorphinthey have a flat
22:47.01sorphinbut are torx
22:47.11sorphinbtu a philips just fits
22:47.43sorphinok they are philips, just oddly short on the cross
22:48.05jbevrendidnt linus kill the a.b.c.d kernel versioning scheme?
22:48.59sorphinjbevren: ah, i see the psu problem ;)
22:49.25sorphinMade in Slovakia :P  one of the split countries :P
22:50.31jbevrenanyway, the cpci power slot would be easily convertible to 120v
22:50.39jbevrenjust put an emi filter input module in and youre set
22:51.45sorphinman these screws are easy to start stripping
22:58.24sorphinjbevren: i don't see no blue led :P
23:01.28jbevrensorphin: its the h/sw led on the right side
23:03.36sorphinjbevren: ah the one that's an odd blue that looks green when it's off
23:03.41sorphini'm used to clear lens blue leds
23:04.02jbevrenshrug :P
23:04.20jbevrenits probably not really blue, and uses a green lens to clean up the other colors
23:14.19*** join/#elinux Soopaman (
23:45.04Genesisbonne nuit

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