irclog2html for #elinux on 20051012

00:04.34*** join/#elinux eggers (
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02:42.36*** join/#elinux bgat (
02:43.46bgatanyone know where I can get a Linux driver for a TI TSC2003?
02:44.00kergothtouchscreen controller?
02:44.17kergothhmmm.. /me tries to remember what model of those he worked with last
02:44.19bgat2.6.12 kernel
02:44.44kergothi think the one i wrote a driver was a tsc2101, which wouldnt be any help, i dont think
02:44.53kergothtried the usual suspects? googled?
02:45.30bgatgoogle mentioned the #elinux irc, but didn't seem to be much help otherwise.
02:45.50kergothahh :\
02:46.19bgat search for "tsc2003"
02:47.18bgatlooks like some guy/gal named prpplague might be a good one to ask...
03:02.48bgaton another topic, does anyone here know much about CF?
03:03.01bgatCF ATA cards, specifically.
03:06.22T`bgat, what are you looking for
03:06.52bgatI'm trying to use CF as a root filesystem on an ARM platform.  I have it working for 256MB cards, but for some reason, 512MB cards don't.
03:07.09bgatBasically, all CF ATA cards "look" like IDE drives if you talk to them right.
03:07.21T`thats why its called "ATA"
03:07.26bgatI can't seem to figure out the relevant differences between 256MB cards and 512MB cards...
03:07.36T`there really shouldn't be
03:07.45bgatThe 2.6 IDE stack identifies the card properly, I just don't seem to ever get interrupts.
03:07.48T`are you able to access an yregister?
03:08.07bgatyes.  I can see the whole card.  pcmcia-cs works fine.
03:08.33T`i'm not too familiar with linux's CF stuff... i wrote my own PIC code to read/write CF... so i'm faimilar with the standard if you have questions
03:08.53bgatcool.  yes, I do have questions!
03:09.23bgatAccording to the spec, I don't even have to walk the CIS tuples to figure out where the ATA registers are.  Correct?
03:10.03T`nop.. you do have to know which mode the CF card is in though
03:10.18T`like ATA or PC-Card.. since yous ay ATA, i'm assuming its wired up to be an ATA
03:10.34bgathow can you check?
03:10.56T`its a hardware thing.. depends on how the compact flash connected is hooked to your processor
03:11.08T`but usually its ATA
03:11.14bgatI'll assume it's ATA, since pcmcia-cs says it's ATA and it works.  :)
03:11.33T`well, then you can just read these registered through LBA addressing
03:11.49bgatthat's the way I read the spec, too.  
03:12.36bgatand it seems to partially work, since the IDE stack can identify the CF card as a "hda: SanDisk SDCFH-256, CFA DISK drive"
03:13.17T`yea, if it can do that, it must be able to access the ATA registers...
03:13.40T`how do you know if interrupts aren't coming?
03:13.40bgatbut plug in the 512MB card, though, and it identifies the card fine but for some reason I hang with "hda: lost interrupt"
03:13.41*** join/#elinux gnufan (n=mhfan@
03:14.02T`hmm i c.. i'm not sure, but will that driver allow PIO mode?
03:14.26bgatdunno.  How could I tell?
03:14.48T`umm.. i would start at looking at the module options
03:14.57T`or googling for related stuff
03:15.25T`may be its some problem with that particular CF
03:15.34T`i wouldn't expect all 512MB cards to act the same
03:15.48T`did you try any other card ?
03:16.04bgatI have two, one SanDisk and one Toshiba.  Both appear to act the same way.
03:16.33T`but you say the 256MB card works fine?
03:16.55bgatyes.  SanDisk 256MB at that.
03:17.20T`hmm.. is this board made by you? are you sure all the IRQ lines are properly pulled down ?
03:17.34T`you could have floats when you unplug the card if you dont do that
03:17.55bgattrue.  I think they're all fine.  I can plug/play CF ATA, WiFi and other cards just fine it seems.
03:18.24T`well, i'm saying you can't predict the voltage of a floating wire
03:18.32T`so it might work sometimes .. might not some other time
03:19.52bgattrue, but it's remarkably consistent...  :)
03:20.18T`what do you get after lost interrupt?
03:20.24T`in the log.. does it say which operation failed?
03:20.57bgatno, because the kernel basically hangs at that point.  the kernel is still running, it's just waiting for a signal that won't ever happen, apparently.
03:22.10bgatI think I'm going to have to hack around in ide-cs.c a bit.
03:22.21T`another reason could be the timing
03:22.56T`cards are faster/slower in response times.. i had such probs once where i kept timing out on i/o ops
03:23.05bgatyea, if my timing was marginal then the fact that it's correlated with memory size could just be a coincidence.
03:24.30T`how about playing with hdparm?
03:24.41bgathaven't tried that.
03:25.17T`i'm not too sure if that works as your system hangs up right after inserting the card, but my best guess would be somthing wrong with timing
03:25.39bgatyea, I'll take a look at that.  gonna call it a night first, tho.
03:26.10T`there is a define in the ide driver somewhere which will enable PIO mode.. i dont remember it exactly but if you grep PIO you will find it
03:26.10bgatthanks for the suggestions!
03:26.18T`if you need CF working urgently, you can try that mode
03:26.47T`but this was in 2.4 kernel for IDE .. been a long time since i looked at the code.. things might have changed in your kernel
03:26.57T`2.4.21 to be exact
03:29.06bgatyea, I saw that one earlier today.
03:30.02bgatwell, I gotta go.
03:30.06bgatsee 'ya later.
03:35.17jbevren"spammers giveth, spamguard taketh away"
03:35.30sorphindid you get my mail atleast? :P
03:35.43jbevrenfinally yeah
03:35.50jbevrenoh, and I can check out debian's reply to my bug report
03:36.03jbevren(debian kernel pkg for 2.6 doesnt have working serial console, 2.4 works fine)
03:38.29T`whats up guys
03:38.29jbevrennot much
03:38.41T`trying out synce here :-)
03:39.00sorphinT`: oh no, not you ;)
03:40.09T`damn hungry.. have to make somethnig for dinner
03:44.20jbevrenour local pizza joint claims to be open at 4p
03:44.25jbevrenwent there with my sister at 6
03:44.28jbevrenthey were closed
03:44.37jbevrenso I think I'm going to go there some night and scrape the hours off their door
03:44.53jbevrentheyre only open at 4 on fridays
03:44.56jbevrenthe door says m-f
03:45.08jbevrenstupid bowling alley/bar/pizza place
03:45.37sorphinjbevren: hurry up and install biotch
03:45.49jbevrentesting that kernel for the deb ppl first
03:46.10jbevrenI hate fall sometimes
03:46.39sorphinjbevren: yeah, they were hanging around our house in the spring
03:46.42sorphinnow w/ the siding up
03:46.47sorphini don't think we'll see too many
03:47.06jbevrentheyre attracted to box elder trees
03:47.09jbevren(dunno if you know this)
03:47.14sorphinjbevren: we had damn roaches coming up the damn basement drain in the winter
03:47.16jbevrenthey just go to houses to sun themselves
03:47.32sorphinonce summer came
03:47.35sorphinnone ever came again
03:47.43jbevrenpray your luck doesnt change.
03:47.55sorphinthey just came in for warmth
03:48.06sorphinthe only tree i can think the elders liked
03:48.10sorphinwas the 3 trunk maple
03:48.13sorphinit sucked ass
03:48.18sorphinthat's where teh ants nested
03:49.08sorphinBox elder bugs normally feed on the leaves, flowers, and seed pods of the boxelder tree or silver maple.
03:49.16sorphinbet that was it
03:49.20sorphinwell it's gone now
03:49.22sorphincut down
03:49.23jbevrendidnt know that they liked silver maples too
03:49.24sorphinand ground out
03:50.22sorphinjbevren: been looking.. that's a weird machine
03:50.56jbevrenwhat is?
03:50.59jbevrenthis kontron?
03:51.09jbevrenoh, it has an apparently gpio controlled led or two
03:51.12jbevrenI'd love to heartbeat one :)
03:51.19jbevrensorphin: theyre hotswappable :)
03:51.26jbevrencan be a slave cpu
03:51.38jbevrenthe bios has a neat option, to disable the resetting of nontransparent pci bridges
03:51.48jbevrenthat way it wont step on a master cpu's bus
03:52.00sorphinthe new dell garbage has a switchable color (orange or blue) LED and a remote one, and a heartbeat
03:52.19jbevrenthere's also some sort of RACKnet, basically tcp/ip over pci
03:52.36jbevrenfor linux, qnx, and winNT5
03:53.13sorphinwhich means
03:55.21sorphintheir search finds 1 result
03:55.26sorphinbut has nothing in it
03:55.34jbevrenlet me find my pdf
03:55.37jbevrenI dont remember where I found it
03:55.41jbevrenI think cp604 filetype:pdf
03:55.46jbevrenhe also has a link on the listing I think
03:56.45sorphinand it took me to their page
03:56.50sorphinand said, you're goin to emea
03:57.57sorphinleast their links are alterableish
03:58.16sorphinchanged it from the 605
03:58.38sorphini'll see if it's the same one
03:58.41sorphinmanual that is
03:59.01jbevrenwhat the f/ck
03:59.07jbevrenfirefox wont view it
03:59.10jbevrenit wants to download
03:59.25sorphinmime types
03:59.25jbevren"you have chosen to open 4debian.txt"
03:59.30sorphinsame thing happens with JPG vs jpg
03:59.30jbevrenwhich is a: Text File
03:59.33sorphinjpg it opens
03:59.38jbevrenno, I can open txt files
03:59.39sorphinJPG it prompts
03:59.45sorphini dunno
03:59.51sorphini've seen it do that on files i've opened before too
03:59.55sorphini.e. pdfs
04:00.00sorphinsometimes it'll open in browser
04:00.01sorphinsometimes not
04:00.23sorphinthat RDR place has some other neat toys
04:00.29jbevren4debian2.txt is fine
04:02.08jbevrenif you have an ansi viewer, you can see the bios's behavior during boot :)
04:04.15jbevrenif minicom can read from stdin yeah
04:04.18jbevrenI use minicom for my terminal
04:08.01*** join/#elinux Soopaman (
04:09.41jbevrenttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a XR16850
04:09.50jbevren2.6 identifies the serial chip differently
04:10.04jbevrenttyS00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a ST16650V2
04:10.06jbevren(2.4's id)
04:10.26jbevren16650.. nice big buffer (128byte iirc)
04:19.35jbevrenHitler was not the first dictator to eliminate anyone who objected.
04:19.45jbevren(and he wont be the last.. *cough* bush *cough*)
04:36.54T`man that was some good pizza!
06:05.02*** join/#elinux weo (
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07:02.40sorphincdm: evening chris
07:11.29cdmhey man.
07:11.31cdmg'night :)
07:38.41*** join/#elinux T` (
07:46.32*** join/#elinux mhfan (n=mhfan@
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12:58.44*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
13:19.12*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
13:23.59sorphinGPSFan: moin ken
13:29.31GPSFansorphin: morning, how's life?
13:29.49*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
13:30.13sorphinGPSFan: alright, you?
13:30.34sorphinprpplague: and there's our beer expert himself, the man, the myth, the ARM dealer. hehe
13:30.35*** join/#elinux toi (
13:31.18*** join/#elinux Soopaman (n=soopaman@
13:31.22prpplaguegreetings earthlings
13:32.05Wingnutprpplague: good morning
13:32.19*** join/#elinux cdm-work (
13:34.17GPSFansorphin: yeah, spent the last part of last week over on CosmicPenguin's side of the mts.
13:37.45sorphinGPSFan: scary, you didn't run into any AMD flunkies did ya?
13:39.07prpplagueWingnut: hey
13:40.14Wingnutprpplague: when is your next trip out here?
13:40.29prpplagueWingnut: don't know, haven't made any plans as of yet
13:41.46GPSFansorphin: nope, and I just escaped on sunday before the storm dumped all that snow ;>)
13:43.57T0mWprpplague: eep eep
13:46.46prpplague~lart T0mW
13:47.05prpplagueT0mW: i need a solder station
13:47.15prpplaguethese cheepy soldering irons are getting the better of me
13:47.18T0mWI need a woman
13:47.45T0mWtrade you a solder station for one
13:48.56T0mWok, give me your boat^H^H^H^H shipping address
13:49.05prpplagueT0mW: quick question, nCE , should i really use something like a 97ohm resister to pull that low, or is it safe to just ground it?
13:49.09prpplagueT0mW: hehe
13:49.24T0mW97 is kind of small
13:49.35prpplagueT0mW: oh?
13:49.48prpplaguemaybe i miss read
13:50.18prpplagueright 97k ohms
13:50.46prpplagueT0mW: think i'll burn it out just grounding?
13:51.04T0mWdepends on what is driving the nCE line...
13:51.12prpplagueT0mW: nand flash
13:51.16T0mWis there a chip output pin on that line?
13:51.55prpplagueT0mW: just want to force the nCE to be always low, the line is only connected to the nand flash
13:52.34T0mWmost chip output will tolerate a 1 second short to either VCC / GND, any longer and you will break something.
13:53.17T0mWprpplague: ok, so, the nCE line is only an input?
13:53.38prpplagueT0mW: yea
13:53.44T0mWground it
13:54.14T0mWchips have internal current limiting on their inputs
13:54.26prpplagueT0mW: it works just was worried about burning it out
13:54.51T0mWprpplague: shaping up to be "that kind of day" eh?
13:54.58prpplaguei need some smaller white wire
13:55.07prpplagueT0mW: yea, got a @#$%@#$ load of work to do
13:55.13prpplagueT0mW: jtag for the s3c2410 and uboot
13:55.18T0mWprpplague: I like 30ga wire wrap wire for jumpers
13:55.32prpplagueT0mW: problem is i can't find any for sale on the island
13:55.56T0mWprpplague: small island, too bad God stopped making land
13:56.01prpplaguehehe yea
13:56.09T0mWunless you are in Hawaii
13:56.24T0mWGod is still manufacturing it there
13:56.43T0mWprpplague: no radio shack store?
13:56.46prpplagueT0mW: actually we have two volcanos in the area
13:56.51prpplagueT0mW: are you kidding?
13:57.10T0mWhmm, maybe you need to quit your day job and open one
13:57.23prpplaguehehe no demand i gues
13:57.49T0mWprpplague: think of all those bamian children who will grow up without an electronics shop to haunt
13:58.43T0mWprpplague: I'm beat, working through the schematic playing "what if" with the electronics.
13:59.36T0mWprpplague: after some testing, I can put the board into a dead-sleep-idle mode where the board only consumes 20ma
14:00.18T0mWprpplague: this board will probably have one processor in powerdown and the other in either powerdown or idle.
14:01.16T0mWcan't see that I can idle at 14MHz clock and wakeup at 59MHz though.  I might miss something on the UART.
14:01.53T0mWsomething in the doc about an external input clock to the uarts...
14:03.51*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
14:05.29*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
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14:05.33sorphinprpplague: RS isnt' an electronics shop anymore, it's a joke shoke, and all they sell now are bad jokes and cell phones
14:05.40CosmicPenguinand over priced AMD products
14:05.52T0mWprpplague: hmm, "Herbal elargement for your <member>"  wonder if they are talking about a wooden stick?
14:06.06sorphinCosmicPenguin: God save the Opteron (forget the queen :) )
14:06.14T0mWsorphin: yeah, they got lots of nothing
14:06.16prpplaguesorphin: i was gonna make a joke about that, but......
14:06.32CosmicPenguinsorphin: the who? :)
14:06.49sorphinCosmicPenguin: gpsfan says he sent all that snow
14:06.53sorphinjust for you
14:07.04CosmicPenguinhe missed
14:07.10CosmicPenguinit all went south of denver... :)
14:07.11sorphinT0mW: just cell phones
14:07.14T0mWprpplague: you need your boss to ship you an electronics Care Package
14:07.29prpplagueT0mW: yea, this isn't exactly work related
14:07.35sorphinT0mW: and a nudiebar
14:07.46CosmicPenguinThey don't have nudie bars in Barbados?
14:07.47sorphini don't think barbados has many, do they plague?
14:07.56prpplagueT0mW: found a place listed in the phone book for supplies, gonna try it in about 30 minutes when they open
14:08.02prpplaguesorphin: 3
14:08.03T0mWsorphin: he can motor over to one of those islands
14:08.10CosmicPenguinIsland folk like naked wimmin, too, don't they?
14:08.25sorphinya know
14:08.25T0mWCosmicPenguin: land folk do too!
14:08.30prpplaguesorphin: the island folk are pretty religious, so they aren't advertised like they are in the states
14:08.37prpplaguesorphin: you just have to know where they are
14:08.38sorphinevery time i think of plague going to a nudiebar, i think of Al Bundy
14:08.51T0mWwho is Al Bundy?
14:08.51sorphinwhen he sings about it
14:08.56prpplaguesorphin: thats exactly me, i also singe the song
14:09.03sorphinprpplague: ha
14:09.33sorphinprpplague: except i don't think your wife is a bonbon eating oprah watching couch hold-downer
14:09.40sorphinleast i hope not
14:09.54prpplaguesorphin: hehe, no she cooks and cleans, hehe
14:10.04prpplagueshe does like to spend money though
14:10.12sorphinprpplague: that's in their generics
14:10.15sorphingenetics even
14:10.39T0mWwomen are good for the economy
14:21.06sorphinprpplague: if we win tonight (which i pray we do), i'll open a nudiebar down in barbados, and you can run the joint ;)
14:23.13prpplaguesorphin: hehe, win what?
14:24.08sorphinprpplague: here at work we have 125 tickets for the powerball tonight, $240 million
14:24.32sorphin125 tickets (not 125 people tho)
14:26.28prpplaguesorphin: wow
14:26.55sorphineven 20 people
14:27.00sorphinif cashout is 120
14:27.03sorphinthat's 6mill each
14:27.14sorphinminus taxes, should still get a couple mil
14:27.15CosmicPenguinmm.... open space
14:27.34sorphinCosmicPenguin: the powerball include too?
14:28.02sorphinprpplague: i could even pay chouimat to NOT code KDE ;)
14:28.14CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah, we joined it in 2001
14:28.15sorphinchouimat: oh, hi mat
14:28.21chouimatsorphin: hmmm?
14:28.26CosmicPenguinsorphin: we spend all our money on parks and conservation
14:28.29CosmicPenguinsorphin: how about you?
14:28.29sorphinchouimat: nevermind, you missed it
14:28.41sorphinCosmicPenguin: hell if i know what spends it on
14:28.50sorphini just live here
14:28.51CosmicPenguinThey don't advertise?
14:28.55chouimatsorphin: if you want to pay me I will gladly take the money and sit on the couch all day :)
14:29.13sorphinchouimat: and entertain women ;)
14:29.22CosmicPenguinRight about when the jackpot gets high, then ads start coming on TV thanking coloradans for spending all their social security money on powerball tickets
14:29.50CosmicPenguinWhats always funny to me is that the places that do the highest amount of powerball sales are always on the border with other states
14:30.11CosmicPenguinThere is a little podunk gas station on the Idaho Utah border that must bring in millions of dollars a year in just powerball ticket sales
14:35.48CosmicPenguinerr.. $2.50
14:37.00*** join/#elinux Genesis (
14:47.33sorphin2.50 ?
14:47.37sorphinth tkts are a $1
14:48.14sorphinCosmicPenguin: some old person that's gonna die soon better not win.. that's a waste of the $ and they damn well know it
14:48.30sorphinwhat're they gonna do? buy their funeral plot?
14:48.45sorphinnot trying to be callus
14:48.48sorphinbut c'mon
14:49.18sorphinmost people even young couldnt' spend $120/$240 million in their lifetime
14:49.32sorphinhow's some 70 year old lady from podunk nowhere gonna?
14:49.46sorphinshe'll prolly have a damn heartattach when she wins
14:49.52sorphinfrom the excitement
14:50.43CosmicPenguinIf i win, I will buy dual dual opterons for everybody in the room
14:52.05CosmicPenguinsorphin: no, I need 2.50 for a burrito
14:52.28sorphinCosmicPenguin: if i win
14:52.45sorphini'll take everyone to barbados to party w/ plague
14:52.59sorphinand even buy the beer
14:53.13sorphinCosmicPenguin: ah
14:53.51sorphinCosmicPenguin: guy in my group was gonna budget for dell server for next year.. then he saw the sun opteron server prices
14:53.59CosmicPenguinI love it
14:53.59sorphinhe's switching his bid :)
14:54.41sorphinas AMD's stock slowly ticks up a few more points
14:54.47CosmicPenguinI've seen some of the Sun adds
14:54.53sorphinand Intel and Dell's heads the otehr direction
14:55.00CosmicPenguin"No wonder our competitors name rhymes with hell"
14:55.02sorphinCosmicPenguin: you see the "serverofthemonth" one?
14:55.21sorphinthe risque one
14:55.21CosmicPenguinheh - no
14:55.26sorphincandles, all that
14:55.29sorphinand instead of a chick
14:55.37sorphinits a Sun X4100
14:57.19sorphinCosmicPenguin: google for sun sweetdreams ad
14:57.24sorphin1st find
14:57.26sorphinthe pdf
14:57.32sorphinit's actually funny/scary
14:57.51sorphingot it in hardcopy from some tech magazine
14:58.35CosmicPenguinThat is awesome
14:59.10CosmicPenguin"By viewing them, you are making the following statement:  I am viewing explicit material"
14:59.14sorphini think AMD's scored a major home run w/ the opteron
14:59.36sorphinthe guy was shocked
14:59.44sorphindell servers budget $6k
14:59.50sorphinonly $2k
15:00.01sorphinmaybe 3
15:00.02CosmicPenguinand chewy opteron goodness
15:00.04jbevrenvery nice
15:00.08sorphinCosmicPenguin: yep
15:00.17sorphinCosmicPenguin: and even dual core available :)
15:00.31sorphinjbevren: morning
15:01.02CosmicPenguinyou haven't multiprocessored until you've multi*dual*processored
15:04.29jbevrenyou havent multiprocessed if you havent operated on more than 4 individual cpu's
15:05.29jbevrento think it'll get erased soon
15:41.57sorphinCosmicPenguin: we need some RC5 key numbers off that dual dual
15:42.10sorphini suspect 1,000,000,000 keys/sec
15:42.30sorphinwhat w/ the FPUs per core
15:42.33sorphinand 4 cores
15:45.35CosmicPenguinOk - I'll give it a shot
15:45.38CosmicPenguinwhat do  I need to install?
15:48.59CosmicPenguinMy boxen isn't visiible to the world
15:51.16sorphinCosmicPenguin: can it get out?
15:51.23sorphindoesn't need to get in
15:51.56CosmicPenguinit can get out
15:52.16sorphinthat's all you need
15:52.58sorphinit occasionally will submit keys and get new packets to work on, but that's just normal tcp traffic, nothing needs to conenct to it
15:53.06sorphinjbevren: saw a nice chassis
15:53.10sorphin$599 tho
15:53.25sorphinjust search for compactpci in All Items
15:54.00sorphin3 hours 42 mins, no bids
15:54.26sorphinanyone else here use/used phpMyAdmin?
15:54.26*** part/#elinux ade|desk (n=adavey@
15:54.49jbevrenthey had a 3u chassis that was actually a testbench dev
15:54.54jbevrenthe microwave one
15:54.57CosmicPenguinsorphin: bulding
15:54.59filesorphin: yes, I have
15:55.11jbevrensorphin: what chassis am I looking for?
15:55.48jbevrenjust a couple
15:56.14CosmicPenguinsorphin: ok, now what?
15:56.31jbevrensorphin: the inova?
15:57.46sorphinCosmicPenguin: building? heh, it has premade binaries
15:57.50sorphindnetc -config
15:58.05sorphin1 (to configure)
15:58.13sorphinput in email addr
15:58.27sorphinfor buffering stuff
15:58.49sorphinput =0 after the non RC5-72 (OGR i think it is)
15:58.53sorphinso it only does RC5-72
15:59.03sorphinto get back to prompt
15:59.10sorphinthen just ./dnetc
15:59.21jbevrenisnt there a bandwidth test? :)
15:59.25sorphinjbevren: no, you showed me the inova
15:59.31sorphinjbevren: no
15:59.36jbevrenso which chassis
15:59.40jbevrenthts the only one I get on the search :P
15:59.42sorphinhold on
16:01.00sorphinCosmicPenguin: got it? :)
16:01.12jbevrenwhy isnt that in my search
16:01.18sorphinit is
16:01.47jbevren(saw it last night btw)
16:01.50jbevrennice chassis indeed
16:02.11sorphinbut not for that green
16:04.09CosmicPenguinOct 12 10:04:33 UTC] Automatic processor type detection did not
16:04.12CosmicPenguinthats right baby
16:04.38CosmicPenguinoh, crapy
16:05.09CosmicPenguinsorphin: sorry, man - it can't make it through the ol' proxy
16:06.43fileso since I haven't been paying attention
16:06.47fileCosmicPenguin: wth do you have for a server?
16:07.13CosmicPenguinfile: I have a brand new dual opteron 880 server
16:07.14sorphinfile: dual core dual opteron
16:07.36sorphinCosmicPenguin: oh well
16:07.44CosmicPenguinthats four cores at 2.4 Ghz, and 4778 bogomips a core
16:07.48sorphinguess i'll have to go buy one w/ my lottery winnings ;)
16:08.00CosmicPenguinThere's no way to sneak it out via http proxy?
16:08.10sorphinyou can proxy
16:08.14sorphinhold on
16:08.24filePlease hold while we connect your call.
16:08.50CosmicPenguin-ha and -hp
16:08.55sorphinandersee would be proud
16:09.03sorphinit's compiled statically w/ uclibc :)
16:09.23sorphinCosmicPenguin: you can set that in the -config stuff too
16:09.29CosmicPenguinI totally couldn't find it
16:10.00sorphinmaybe i'm seeing things
16:10.02CosmicPenguinstill didn't work
16:10.09sorphinoh well
16:10.24sorphinCosmicPenguin: was gonna have you make one other change but oh well, if it don't work that change don't matter
16:10.34CosmicPenguinno - hook me up
16:11.00sorphinfile: oh, mr file
16:11.10fileyou can ask questions
16:11.41sorphinfile: your employer
16:11.45sorphingot a person here at work
16:11.55sorphinwho's on a vonage trial.. i'm steering him away from the dark side
16:12.00filehaha... vonage...
16:12.12sorphinPAP2-NA (Which i'll buy from you/yourfriend/whatever)
16:12.27sorphinwas gonna see if you have/can get any rates
16:12.30sorphinLD only
16:12.45file2 cents per minute billed in 6 second increments to US48+Canada
16:12.47sorphinhe's gonna use his pots for local calls
16:13.02sorphinany monthly fee? or just what you use?
16:13.16sorphinCosmicPenguin: hmm.. it was just on the crunchometer...
16:13.29sorphinCosmicPenguin: not sure why -ha and -hp aren't working
16:13.30filejust what you use.
16:13.37CosmicPenguinsorphin: I'm doing random keys
16:13.38sorphinname again?
16:13.52CosmicPenguinAll four processors pegged
16:13.56sorphinCosmicPenguin: so it's working now?
16:13.59sorphinCosmicPenguin: quit
16:14.06CosmicPenguinsorphin: no, I just disabled the network
16:14.06sorphingo back in config
16:14.30sorphinCosmicPenguin: 1
16:14.34sorphinchange it to 3
16:14.42sorphinkeys/sec is 3
16:14.51sorphinfile: tnx
16:16.07CosmicPenguinI love that I have processors so new, that they don't know about them
16:16.23CosmicPenguinOk, I have numbers
16:16.28CosmicPenguinwho wants to guess?
16:16.46filenot I.
16:23.59sorphinspill it
16:26.15jbevrenone key/hr
16:26.30fileone key/fortnight
16:26.52sorphinfile not found.
16:27.14sorphinfile: gave 2 people the asterlink url
16:27.23fileoh goody
16:27.27sorphinfile: would it help you if i told them to mention you? :)
16:27.34filenot really
16:27.37fileit's all automatic
16:27.44filenote it's not really for residential :P
16:27.53sorphinone question one had
16:28.19sorphinbuy minutes in bulk ahead of time? or like nuvoice where you can add minutes whenever
16:28.40fileyou prepay.
16:28.54fileand then if you run low, it can automatically bill you if you want
16:29.44sorphinso they won't do residential then?
16:30.22filewe're like a prepaid company...
16:30.27filedoing residential is insane and yields no profit
16:31.18sorphinoh well
16:31.22sorphinwish you'd told me that :P
16:31.37filenever said I did residential :P
16:31.49sorphincan you still get the PAP2-NAs? :P
16:32.06filethey actually stopped their little "need to be a provider thing"
16:32.11fileyou can get them off
16:32.54prpplaguehehe, nice news, juicebox booting from home brew cart made up of a xD card
16:33.53sorphinfile: wow, that's a change
16:34.15kergothmmm, gre tunnels are my friends
16:34.19sorphinprpplague: cool, but can you drink out of it yet? (it's a juicebox after all)
16:35.02prpplaguesorphin: not untill i have the pumps and valves connected for the automated beer dispenser
16:35.51sorphinprpplague: hehe
16:36.46CosmicPenguinI need guesses
16:39.03CosmicPenguinRC5-72: rate: 38,094,172 keys/sec
16:39.32sorphinthat's all?
16:39.50sorphinmy mac mini w/ a 1.5ghz (oc'd) G4
16:40.00sorphinis 15,8xx,xxx
16:40.11sorphin38mill ain't bad
16:40.14*** join/#elinux hufnus (
16:40.17CosmicPenguinI have four crunchers going
16:40.20CosmicPenguinmaybe thats affecting things
16:40.41sorphinit'll start as many as you have cpus automagically
16:40.50sorphinit pools the keys together statistics wise
16:40.59CosmicPenguin#a is doing 37M/keys, #b is doing 30.41, #c and #d are doing 9
16:41.14sorphinmy dual ppro 200 has about the same key rate as a PII 400
16:41.16CosmicPenguinAt least according to the summary
16:41.36sorphinthat makes more sense
16:41.55sorphin38M keys per core
16:42.16CosmicPenguinNot sure - I'm sure somebody smarter could figure out whats happening
16:42.23sorphinCosmicPenguin: i'm still impressed w/ how the athlon's doin
16:42.32sorphinguess it realy does have good FPU
16:45.55CosmicPenguinzillions and zilliions and zillions of keys
16:46.21sorphint`2_ got klined?
16:46.28sorphini hope that was just an exitmsg
16:46.58sorphinanyone else use phpMyAdmin? :)
16:47.07sorphinjbevren: install :P
16:50.12*** join/#elinux Crofton|laptop (
16:52.22CosmicPenguinhe odds are 1 in 322,475 that we will wrap this thing
16:52.23CosmicPenguinup in the next 24 hours.
16:52.27CosmicPenguinTHats better then the lottery, by far
16:53.51sorphini'm 1 in 7,507 that i'll find the key
16:56.03CosmicPenguinI'll just leave this running - build up a few hundred stat units for giggles
16:56.54CosmicPenguinThis is probably against company rules, though
16:57.19sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh, we're wanting to put either it or seti on the junipers in the core
16:57.27sorphinthey have cpus that aren't doing anything
16:57.33sorphincuz all the routing goes to an ASIC
16:57.47sorphinthe cpu is just there to run the OS
16:58.42kergothsorphin: do you know of any uses for the 'seq' flag on GRE tunnels? (packet sequencing/serializing)
16:59.31kergothit doesnt make much sense to me
16:59.39kergothtcp can handle reordering itself
16:59.44kergothand udp applications should handle it there
16:59.52kergothso whats the point of doing it at the tunnel level?
17:01.44sorphinno idea
17:01.52sorphinmini flood:
17:02.06sorphinscribbler2> ./
17:02.06sorphinEncrypted: x-dFYIvATv45hQDhJj4kR6wSXHWMpYBpyUxEWYdcUKC9B3Z0
17:02.06sorphinscribbler2> ./
17:02.06sorphinEncrypted: Fe-C9YbI2F-FD5CY_94WOit2yYRxGjuPrzAmOVlRupHVMs4o
17:02.08sorphinscribbler2> ./
17:02.10sorphinEncrypted: BxiyyRIl3No1qcXXoK46eGLnpuOlbdy72kTKve8Tk2_DLncI
17:02.14sorphinscribbler2> ./
17:02.16sorphinEncrypted: x-dFYIvATv45hQDhJj4kR6wSXHWMpYBpyUxEWYdcUKC9B3Z0
17:02.22sorphintell me wtf
17:02.26sorphinis the encrypted output changing
17:02.28sorphinw/ the SAME KEY
17:02.30sorphinand the SAME DATA
17:02.32sorphineach run
17:02.35CosmicPenguinbecause the IV is changing?
17:03.03CosmicPenguinwhat algo are you using?
17:03.12sorphinTEA, unfortunately
17:03.25sorphinwhy? because there's XXTEA for javascript, but only XTEA for php
17:03.30sorphinand blowfish
17:03.36sorphinwell, blowfish can't make up it's mind what the output wants to be
17:03.41sorphinit's one thing in javascript
17:03.47sorphinanother in 1 php version of it
17:03.55sorphinand another in a diff php script
17:04.19sorphini'm -><- close to XOR and Rot13 at this point
17:05.22CosmicPenguinYeah, with TEA it seems like it should be the same
17:05.48CosmicPenguinbut for algos that use IVs, then your output will always be different depending on how you purturbed the initial vector
17:05.49kergoththis man page has "It isn’t work. Don’t use it."  on one of the options
17:07.13*** join/#elinux joe_bleau (
17:07.45sorphinkergoth: ha
17:07.48sorphinCosmicPenguin: IV ?
17:07.55CosmicPenguininitialization vector
17:08.02kergothsorphin: thats what 'man ip' says about the 'seq' option for gre :P
17:08.03CosmicPenguinAES CBC uses it
17:11.02sorphinkergoth: doh
17:11.10sorphinCosmicPenguin: hmm
17:12.23sorphinCosmicPenguin: welp
17:12.25sorphinit decrypted
17:12.30sorphindunno why it does that
17:12.34sorphinbut it decrypted ok
17:12.50sorphinkidna stupid that it outputs on 2 lines
17:12.58sorphin(2 blocks for 1 string)
17:13.01sorphinhave to join them to decrypt
17:13.08sorphinelse you get 1/2 the message
17:15.45sorphinah well, least it works
17:15.48*** join/#elinux zinosat (
17:19.15sorphinleast i can s/\n//g to get it all on 1 line
17:20.42sorphinCosmicPenguin: weirdest thing i've ever seen, oh well
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17:30.01CosmicPenguinsorphin: according to Wikipedia, it uses a variable number of rounds, so possibly thats why they come out different
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19:05.40fanuqerzcxwell that's just.....JUICY!
19:09.27joe_bleauprpplague: good work!  I'm heading to the Wiki now.
19:09.40prpplaguejoe_bleau: hey didn't see you sneak
19:10.11joe_bleauYeah, stayed home from work today with a sick headache.  Been lurking for a few hours, since I got out of bed.
19:10.54prpplaguejoe_bleau: expoxied a xD card to one of the sd carts
19:10.58prpplaguejoe_bleau: works great
19:11.07prpplaguejoe_bleau: even fits inside the original case
19:11.24prpplaguejust have to be careful with epoxy
19:11.51joe_bleauYeah, saw your post this morning on the bb.  How'd you write the xD card--Linux driver, or straight from JB?
19:12.15joe_bleauI think I've got the PCMCIA/SM slot pinout figured out.  Do you still need it?
19:12.43joe_bleauMy xD/SM adapter came in yesterday, so I just need to settle down and melt some metal.
19:13.54prpplaguejoe_bleau:  yea i still need it
19:14.13prpplaguejoe_bleau: right now the xD is only doing boot code
19:15.15joe_bleauStill, you're booting from flash, so the door has been thrown wide open.
19:16.59sorphinCosmicPenguin: found my multiline issue
19:17.01joe_bleauLooking at the cart, all the fingers are on one side.  You could do a dual sided board with two side up is custom NAND boot, other side up is a copy of the MMC slot MP3 kit.
19:17.10sorphinIf is not being invoked from a CGI script (as
19:18.21prpplaguejoe_bleau: yea you could do that
19:19.47sorphin~lart phpMyAdmin for not working anymore
19:20.54joe_bleauI think my JB hacking days are numbered, as I've already got my next toy ordered.  eBay 8704081975.  Couple of those el-cheapo ADS strongarm SBCs.
19:23.25prpplagueholy-dev board batman
19:23.35prpplaguei paid almost that x1000
19:25.17joe_bleauI emailed some of the previous bidders/buyers, and one got back to me.  I was concerned about ordering from .ca, the shipping, not sure if they worked, etc.  He's got his running Linux, and he's thinking of ordering more.  That was enough for me to make up my mind.
19:26.07prpplaguethey are good dev boards, i paid about $3200.00 for one back in 2000
19:26.27joe_bleauWait, the exact same board, the "Graphics Client Plus"?
19:26.59joe_bleauWhoa.  Am I gonna be happy?
19:27.33jbevrenprpplague: really?
19:27.41jbevrenno, really really? :)
19:27.46jbevrenI'd been podnering those for a while
19:36.15GPSFanjoe_bleau: I jhave one on order, did the other buyer say how easy it was to get linux going? the doc's say that ther are 2 bootloaders, one for wince, one for linux. loaded in a 29lv1024.
19:37.03joe_bleauNo, didn't ask.  
19:37.56GPSFanjoe_bleau: any clue as to how long it took to get from .ca?
19:38.45joe_bleauNo, didn't ask.  I'm guessing three days to ship, 1 week transit time min.  Maybe 2 weeks at the outside.
19:39.05jbevrenIw as thinking
19:39.08jbevrengotta leave this for prpp
19:39.12jbevrenbut there are 31 of em
19:39.41joe_bleauThey've been listed before, BIN, at something like $50.  Can't believe they didn't sell out then.
19:40.10GPSFanI had a Graphics Client once several years ago, ADS was a royal pia to work with... good board though.
19:42.01CosmicPenguinhehe - ads
19:42.04CosmicPenguinhaven't heard that name in a while
19:44.12GPSFanCosmicPenguin: drove through your side of the rockys last week, Loveland, Denver, greeley, Ft. Collins..
19:48.04CosmicPenguinprobably less snowy here then it is over there
19:49.05GPSFanVail pass some snow on the way back and the weather guessers were predicting lots in the Denver area, bailed out at 10am got through before they closed I70.
19:49.34CosmicPenguinYeah, down south between denver and colosprings got hit hard
19:49.40CosmicPenguinso did i70
19:49.41GPSFanhere the snow level was/is about 9000'
19:49.46CosmicPenguinwe got a buttload of rain, but no snow
19:50.22GPSFancolorado springs got a bunch I hear..
19:53.15*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
19:54.12kergothforgot how fast and efficient ion is
19:56.05prpplaguejoe_bleau: if you do the epoxy just make sure you are careful, my first test i got some in the sd socket from the back side holes
19:56.48joe_bleauI picked the right style SD socket, so I didn't have that problem.
19:57.02*** join/#elinux samrobb_ (
19:57.21joe_bleau(Actually, I ordered both mounting arrangements, and glued down the one that seemed to fit the best...)
19:58.07sorphinjbevren: install :P
19:58.08prpplaguejoe_bleau: ahh so you are gonna socket the xD card somewhere inside the case?
19:58.09joe_bleauMy MMC slot is just flopping in the breeze with wirewrap wire to the connector slot solder tails.
19:58.43sorphinjbevren: i shoulda buyitnow'd
19:58.48sorphini sniped at 100
19:58.52sorphinsomeone bid 107.50
19:58.59sorphini hope he has more left
19:59.09joe_bleauI think I'll go cart to wirewrap wire to SM socket.  That way I can plug the xD adapter and still be able to easily scope it.
19:59.36prpplaguejoe_bleau: ahh
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20:00.47prpplaguejoe_bleau: i'm going for the unmodified format
20:00.58jbevrensorphin: doh.
20:01.18CosmicPenguinWow, that was one mustardy sandwich
20:01.45joe_bleauI still think an xD slot (and SD slot!) on a small PCB is the clean solution.
20:02.23prpplaguejoe_bleau: yea, what i've got is the xD hardwired and the sd slot together
20:02.48joe_bleauI'm just thrilled that we don't have to do a PIC jtag bootload hack.  Loading code from the cart was a truly magnificent gift.
20:03.14joe_bleauSo, you've dedicated that xD card to the JB, with no possibility of sticking it in a card reader, correct?
20:04.43prpplaguejoe_bleau: at the moment yes
20:04.56prpplaguejoe_bleau: program the bootloader via jtag to xD
20:05.06prpplaguejoe_bleau: once i'm booted i can access the xD and Sd
20:05.17joe_bleauYep, make sense.
20:05.22prpplaguejoe_bleau: so if i need to upgrade the bootloader i can do it from uclinux
20:05.27joe_bleau(I'll be doing the same, just with a slot.)
20:05.47joe_bleauDid the NAND detection demo code work with the xD card?
20:07.01prpplaguejoe_bleau: yea i grabbed a 64mb xD which shows up as a matrix 64mb
20:07.24joe_bleauSo much for the manufacturer code...
20:07.46joe_bleauSupposed to be a unique serial number in there too, I think.  No idea where it's at.
20:07.52prpplaguejoe_bleau: well actually they usurped toshiba's code 98
20:08.07prpplaguejoe_bleau: yea there is a vendor code command
20:08.16prpplaguejoe_bleau: matrix is using toshibs code 98
20:08.25joe_bleauYeah, that's what I saw with all my carts.
20:12.09prpplaguejoe_bleau: another reason i didn't go with a socket is that without a socket the xD fits directly in the original sd/mmc cart
20:12.17prpplaguejoe_bleau: pictures on the wiki this weekend
20:13.00joe_bleauI've got so much wire out the side, I can't get the plastic cart housing in place anyway.  That can change, of course...
20:13.23*** part/#elinux sorphin (n=sorphin@
20:13.27prpplaguejoe_bleau: yea i just mounted one of my jb's to a pcb
20:13.56prpplaguejoe_bleau: supplies power, speaker, lcd mount, buttons, rs-232, and jtag
20:15.32prpplaguejoe_bleau: you get my post about changing lines 12 and 18 for the sd to pins 2 and 4 ?
20:15.36joe_bleauSounds like my dev hardware at work; no plastic case anymore, just bare boards.
20:15.38joe_bleauSure did.
20:16.33joe_bleauBTW, what sort of build system do I need to build uclinux?
20:16.44joe_bleauGot to be linux, or will any unix work?
20:17.18joe_bleauOr is it one of those 'builds anywhere in theory, but you're in for much pain unless you're running this exact version of tools'.
20:18.08joe_bleau(Now that we're starting into the fall, I can think about powering up the SGI Octane again.)
20:19.34prpplaguejoe_bleau: uh, well i would say you probably could find some build systems for uclinux other than a bsd or linux based platform, however since i've been m$ free since july of 1997, i would be hard pressed to tell you anything
20:20.44joe_bleauBSD is ok?  Most of my boxes run OpenBSD, but the Octane is IRIX.
20:21.06jbevrenlinux runs (somewhat) on octanes :)
20:21.28joe_bleauYeah, I've noticed.  Can't believe that guy actually figured out some of the graphics hardware.
20:22.37*** join/#elinux zino_ (
20:23.19prpplaguegot to take some photos
20:23.27prpplagueand get everything written up for the wiki
20:25.48chouimatjust had another phone interview ... and I'm scheduled for 2 others (in person) tomorrow and friday afternoon at the same place ... first thing they asked me was if I had a pen and a piece of paper before starting the interview
20:27.22chouimatkergoth: was a difficult interview
20:34.16prpplaguechouimat: did they asking things like, so the boss comes up on friday and says,"uhh yea, i'm gonna need you to come in tomorrow, and uhh yea, sunday too...." how do you respond?
20:34.45chouimatprpplague: you have 10 computers on a network and you want to backup them on a central location how to you do it with the basic linux installation ... etc etc
20:35.12prpplaguechouimat: uh you crazy french canadian, hehe that was a joke, hehe
20:35.34chouimatprpplague: was the easy one
20:35.37CosmicPenguintrick question - Linux people don't back up
20:35.53Crofton|laptopjust uploda stuff to ftp sites and depend on mirrors
20:36.31CosmicPenguinheh, and I would have said that too
20:36.41CosmicPenguinI guess I'm lucky to have a job
20:41.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, i'm hope'n to get some credit on the new juicebox cart from hehe
20:41.46CosmicPenguinthey should give it to you
20:41.52CosmicPenguinyou want me to submit it too, for double the hype?
20:42.21prpplaguehehe, not till i have the wiki updated with pics and info
20:42.30prpplaguegotta give joe_bleau so credit too
20:42.51joe_bleauHey, easy there.  I came late to the party and stood against the wall.
20:44.54prpplaguejoe_bleau: the last little bit of code to do the cart dump was what i was needing
20:45.58jbevrenare you on aim atm?
20:46.17prpplaguejbevren: ??
20:46.23jbevrenprpplague: not you. :)
20:46.46jbevrentrying to get freebsd's installer booted with serial console
20:47.24prpplagueand watch lost
20:47.28prpplaguelater folks
20:47.37chouimatprpplague: bye
20:47.38prpplaguejoe_bleau: thanks  for the help again
20:53.05CosmicPenguinyay for him
20:53.12CosmicPenguinhe's been working on that forever
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21:20.43CosmicPenguinok - so there has to be a decent open source initrd for booting from a CD right?
21:20.56CosmicPenguinI don't expect every person with a livecd to reinvent the wheel
21:20.59CosmicPenguinor maybe I should
21:22.11*** join/#elinux joe_bleau (
22:14.14*** join/#elinux ljp (n=lpotter@
22:20.20CosmicPenguinwhy does gentoo make it so damn hard to download code?
22:27.52CosmicPenguinthese people all suck
22:27.59CosmicPenguinevery single one of them
22:36.09T0mWTV sucks
22:36.29T0mWnewlib sucks
22:36.35T0mWgcc sucks
22:36.51T0mWgcc won't do integer math without a library call.  :(
22:37.04T0mWtherefore, gcc suck
22:47.33*** join/#elinux garrapatta (n=garra@
22:49.45garrapattaanyone know the tslib module for arm?, I'm trying to compile a kernel for an Acer n30 handheld, and I don't know if it will be run...
22:50.23kergothtslib is a userspace library.  what do you expect compiling your kernel has to do with that?
22:50.52garrapattause the touchpad of my handheld...
22:51.54garrapattawhat is a userspace library?
22:53.23T0mWmeans that it is not part of the kernel
22:53.57T0mWanything outside of the kernel code is considered userspace
22:54.12garrapattaok, I know, thanks...
22:54.55garrapattaI must compile it width my cross compler, and lather run into the handhled?
22:55.20kergoth-> would be more appropriate place for this
22:55.28T0mWIIRC, there was a lot of discussion about tslib creation a while back.  The problem was that tweaking the X + Y offsets and range for the screen was such that it was not felt that a user had to be root to affect this inside the kernel
22:55.51T0mWthat a user should be able to re-align their touchscreen external to a kernel module
22:56.09T0mWsince most kernel code require root access...
22:56.33T0mWtherefore, tslib was created and tacked onto X libs
22:56.52T0mWwell, not just X, but a seperate lib in general
22:57.01garrapattaok, thanks T0mW....
22:57.25T0mWgarrapatta: kergoth suggested that you change to and talk with those guys
22:57.44garrapattaok, I'll go, thanks a lot...
22:59.55T0mWitoa.c:9: undefined reference to `__divsi3'
23:00.12T0mWwon't gcc generate simple code to do integer math?
23:00.20kergoththats generally provided by libgcc
23:00.26T0mWyeah, and
23:00.31kergothshould be linking to that automatically unless you're disabling linking against the standard libs
23:00.54T0mWI don't want standard libs
23:01.05kergoththen add -lgcc
23:01.13kergothor provide your own integer math functions
23:01.16T0mWwhat does that do?
23:01.21T0mWthe -lgcc
23:01.21kergothit links against libgcc
23:01.28kergothwhich is what provides those functions
23:01.38T0mWand that is just simple math stuff? not printf etc?
23:01.47kergothlibgcc != libc
23:02.09T0mWI don't want to get into a situation where I make a simple statement and have huge amounts of code introduced
23:02.22T0mWI'll try it, thanks
23:03.33T0mWI don't mind building code for "toupper(ch)", so I don't need libc
23:04.16T0mWkergoth: ah, thanks kergoth, that looks okay (-lgcc)
23:05.08T0mWI've got a ton of code to write and I've spent the past week getting my tools together.  :(
23:05.26kergothknow how ya feel.  i keep getting stuck on environmental issues, tools, build infrastructure, etc
23:05.32kergothslowing things down quite a bit
23:05.34T0mWI was about to listen to some commercial source sales pitch on a dev kit
23:08.06T0mWthe code even runs, heh
23:46.19*** join/#elinux Soopaman (
23:57.44chouimatT0mW: hey

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