irclog2html for #elinux on 20051007

00:16.24*** join/#elinux eggers (
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13:08.25*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
13:21.40prpplagueho ho ho
13:21.44prpplaguemerry freakin friday
13:29.08prpplaguei just don't get scox's stock price, they are getting hammered in court yet their stock price is slowly going up
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13:43.28*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
13:44.03prpplague~lart CosmicPenguin
13:44.44jbevrenthat's a larting if ever Ive seen one.
13:47.18prpplagueCosmicPenguin: just do what the drug ads say to do, "just say no to x86!" hehe
13:49.33CosmicPenguinyou all fear the power of x86
13:49.35CosmicPenguinbut thats ok
13:52.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: "Nevada Polka Kings" ?
13:58.43jbevrenthis thing's light on power
13:58.48jbevrendrawing about 25w total
14:02.19*** join/#elinux cbrake (
14:10.16prpplague~lart cbrake
14:12.04prpplaguepb_: ready for your friday night pub crawl?
14:17.05prpplague~lart chouimat
14:17.45sorphinwait... x86 has power? i thought it just wasted power?
14:18.04jbevrennono, its the current its drawing. :)
14:18.21jbevrenthe power block is at 56v
14:29.06prpplagueho diddy ho ho
14:29.11prpplagueare we having fun yet?
14:29.16jbevrenwhat's 'fun'?
14:29.21sorphinprpplague: hell no
14:31.53prpplague~lart sorphin
14:32.05sorphinprpplague: what's your problem?
14:32.17prpplaguesorphin: hehe, just being silly this morning
14:44.23prpplaguei love these books -
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14:47.33prpplagueSoopaman: everytime i see your nick, i think of how the robot on "Iron Giant" says "superman"
14:50.38filehow nice, a person online gave me a $15 gift certificate at Amazon
15:12.28prpplaguethere needs to be one of those refs for embedded developers
15:14.08sorphinwtf would anyone want an emacs pocket reference
15:21.13CosmicPenguinI need a vi pocket refrence, because its the most fscked up editor in the world
15:21.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i have nice pdf vi ref
15:21.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: its suppose to be printed and cut out
15:21.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: wanna copy?
15:23.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: another one -
15:24.09prpplagueugh ugh ugh
15:24.18prpplaguei hate doing security programming
15:24.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: wpa_supplicant uses clear text password and passphrases in the config file :(
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15:32.23prpplaguei always get nervous when annoucements like that say "don't worry"
15:35.05CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah, I know
15:35.06CosmicPenguinso does the cisco stuff
15:35.23CosmicPenguinthey have a regular passwd style app, but its a pita
15:36.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i've just added some rot13 stuff to satisfy a customer that was pissing and moaning about it
15:36.46CosmicPenguinrot13 rules!
15:38.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, i started saying that when i left the house this morning
15:40.55sorphin~rot13 prpplague is insane, but we knew that.
15:40.55ibotceccynthr vf vafnar, ohg jr xarj gung.
15:42.43sorphinsha-256 hash of password, blowfished, then sent and decrypted on the server side, and the hash is the key to decode the AES encrypted message in the database
15:42.57sorphinwhich is in a blob
15:44.46sorphinany options?
15:45.22prpplaguesorphin: hehe is that better than rot13? hehe
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15:45.48sorphinprpplague: it has to pass a Sarbanes-Oxley audit in Dec
15:45.54sorphinTimRiker: moin mr tim
15:45.58prpplaguesorphin: i'm messing with ya
15:46.10sorphinprpplague: my head is just waiting to blow up after this week
15:46.14sorphini can't even joke atm
15:46.22prpplaguesorphin: mine did last week
15:47.07sorphinprpplague: mine will be like this every week till Dec
15:47.20prpplagueok i've never claimed to be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but i think this article doesn't say a single thing -
15:47.28prpplaguesorphin: why?
15:47.35sorphinwhich by then i'll either need to be hauled off to a padded room, or fired
15:47.43sorphinprpplague: deadline
15:48.20sorphinmy phbs have become unwielding on it
15:48.46CosmicPenguindarn them for making you do your job
15:49.19sorphinCosmicPenguin: uh huh... this isnt' my job
15:49.23sorphinnetwork security is my job
15:49.26sorphinthis isn't network security
15:50.11sorphinbecause unfortunately, i code
15:50.47prpplaguesorphin: hehe the way you said that reminds me of how some biker chick talks about getting "passed around" hehe
15:52.20prpplaguesorphin: should have kept your coding skills secret
15:52.57prpplaguesorphin: hehe, if there is anything i've learn from my time at abcs, don't let them know you have skills outside the area you were hired to do, hehe
15:52.59sorphinprpplague: heh, it's why i got hired
15:53.23sorphinto do network security and code
15:53.31sorphinbut not only am i coding atm
15:53.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: btw, remember those bombing in trinadad ?
15:53.51sorphini'm swamped w/ an army of useless luser who have no business touching a production backbone network
15:54.08sorphinthat all want access, and are approved by upper PHBs
15:57.29CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah?
16:04.27CosmicPenguinI hate ticketmaster
16:04.31CosmicPenguinhow can they already be sold out?
16:05.29CosmicPenguintwasn't meant to be
16:06.28prpplagueCosmicPenguin: cia and state department have issued warnings for trinidad and tobago
16:06.45prpplagueCosmicPenguin: seems then have creditable evidence that its al-queda
16:07.27CosmicPenguinwhat beef does al-queda have with the islands?
16:07.46prpplagueformer british colonies i guess
16:09.53sorphinprpplague: "Nuke em all, let God sort 'em out"
16:10.12CosmicPenguinUnfortunately, if we nuke them, then God will be sorting us out too
16:11.36sorphini'm back to my place where, when i go.. i hope there isn't anything after this.. just blink, and nothing
16:11.51sorphinstress does that to me
16:11.54prpplaguesorphin: i'm with you on that, lets make iraq the biggest glass factory in the world
16:13.30sorphinprpplague: you'd have to include afganistan and iran
16:13.44prpplaguesorphin: yea
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16:15.40sorphinprpplague: works for me
16:15.50sorphinthey can take their jihad
16:15.53sorphinand stick it
16:16.16jbevrenprpplague: if we made iraq into a sheet of glass, we'd lose our oil
16:16.21jbevrenthis isnt about getting rid of the arabs
16:16.30jbevrenits a plot by the us gov't to take over oil production
16:16.35CosmicPenguinNo, no
16:16.37CosmicPenguinhaven't you heard?
16:16.40CosmicPenguinIts a mission from God
16:16.53jbevrenCosmicPenguin: In english, that means 'a government plot'
16:17.02jbevrenreligion should nto be allowed in office
16:17.25jbevrensoon enough, bush will incite terror on his own nation by enacting martial law in the name of the 'bird flu'
16:17.26sorphinjbevren: bs
16:17.33sorphinwe have oil, they just won't use it..
16:17.36sorphinjbevren: also
16:17.48prpplaguesorphin: exactly
16:17.50jbevrenbtw, how dya like the natural gas hike?
16:17.53sorphinthere's this nice deposit of oil shale out in the rocky mountain areas
16:17.57jbevrensince natural gas comes from the mideast
16:18.01jbevrenand it comes from crude oil
16:18.02sorphinlargest fossil fuel deposit
16:18.05jbevrenit makes sense
16:18.07sorphinin the world
16:18.33CosmicPenguinMuch of that oil shale is in wilderness areas, though
16:18.39CosmicPenguinkeep the hell away from my mountains, you flatlander
16:18.40jbevrensorphin: a summarized history
16:18.41sorphinjbevren: anyone (esp prpplague) seen the bushbuzz thing?
16:18.46jbevreniraq and us get along on the same planet :)
16:18.53prpplaguesorphin: bushbuzz?
16:18.56jbevreniraq switches their oil trade to the Euro.
16:18.57sorphinin 2000 he was coherent (or was it 1998)
16:18.59jbevrenUS attacks iraq
16:19.00sorphinspoke well
16:19.04jbevreniran and us get along
16:19.10jbevreniran switches oil to euro
16:19.13jbevrenus threatens attack
16:19.14sorphinnow he's a babbler
16:19.19jbevrenI mean, come on :)
16:19.25sorphinhas to be prepped for every question
16:19.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe me too
16:20.14jbevrenjust do your research.. look up oil, war, the euro, and the american dollar
16:20.21sorphinprpplague: check that out
16:20.30sorphinit's not bashing
16:20.45sorphinit's an honest question.. wtf happened? he used to be a very good speaker
16:21.52prpplaguei would disagree with that, i never felt bush was a strong public speaker
16:21.57CosmicPenguinhe didn't have to be this forward
16:21.59prpplaguejust not his thing
16:22.18CosmicPenguinremember when our spy plane had an accident in China?
16:22.18prpplaguehe's always been better in groups that on stage
16:22.32CosmicPenguinBack in early 2001?  His speechs after that were horrible
16:23.17CosmicPenguinI love Jon Stewart's imitation of him
16:25.22sorphinprpplague: some people think he had a stroke
16:25.34CosmicPenguinReally?  I never heard that theory
16:25.47sorphinlook at the before and after... in that before clip, he never stuttered
16:25.51sorphinor mashed words
16:26.06sorphinhe cant' even speak a sentence w/o fumbling
16:26.25sorphinhe's had a seisure before
16:26.28sorphinthey cover it up
16:27.51prpplaguesorphin: yea i've heard that
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16:34.03jbevrenfrom the video
16:34.06jbevrenOur enemies are resourceful and so are we.  They never stop thining about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.
16:34.12jbevrenthat's great
16:39.03CosmicPenguinheh - thats like that screenshot from the news channel after Katrina
16:39.15CosmicPenguinthe little "alert" at the bottom said "Bush:  The largest disaster ever to hit the US"
16:43.40prpplaguei guess i'm in a small minority, but i'd rather have bush any day over that scum back clinton
16:45.04jbevrenwhy what'd clinton do? get a blowjob?
16:45.27jbevrenits not really bush that worries me so much, its the people controlling him that bother me
16:49.01prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, i went net fishing for email addresses for the local brewery
16:49.27prpplagueCosmicPenguin: found about 15, started send emails to then one at a time trying to find someone who would answer my questions
16:50.11prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, finally got someone to respond, she wanted to know how i found their "private" email server and how i knew so much about their company, hehe
16:50.31chouimat|busyprpplague: wow :)
16:50.36CosmicPenguinIts called google
16:50.40CosmicPenguinyou might want to check into that
16:50.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: she was like "OMG" when i told her all the info i told her was available out on the net
16:51.07chouimat|busyprpplague: you're kidding right?
16:51.12prpplaguechouimat|busy: uh no
16:52.32CosmicPenguinpeople are stupid
16:52.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: although i did collect alot of info
16:53.03prpplagueyou guys know how much of a info junky i am
16:55.23prpplague"I received your email, however these are not questions I can readily
16:55.23prpplagueanswer myself. As a result,  I'm passing them on to our General Manager
16:55.23prpplagueChris St. John for his attention."
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16:59.21sorphinprpplague: as the CIA comes knocking on plague's door in barbados
16:59.33sorphin"mr anders, we need you to come with us"
17:01.05prpplaguesorphin: ?
17:01.59sorphinprpplague: see above where you freaked that chick out
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17:07.21prpplaguesorphin: why would the cia be involved?
17:07.29prpplaguesorphin: just a brewery
17:07.34sorphinit was a joke :P
17:08.12CosmicPenguinNow he's worried
17:08.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
17:09.46prpplagueit was an interesting find though, i did a whois lookup on their domain(, and then looked to see if they had any other registered domains using the same biz name and found
17:10.20prpplagueno website configured there but i did a MX record lookup and found they had a mail server
17:11.04prpplaguethen i just used google and searched for "" and turned up a bunch of addresses
17:12.32CosmicPenguinwe should get a .bb address for OE
17:12.36CosmicPenguinthat would be cute
17:12.53prpplagueCosmicPenguin: easy to do
17:13.31CosmicPenguinSPeaking of which, I hope kergoth is ok
17:13.42prpplaguekergoth: ????????
17:13.52prpplaguedid i miss something?
17:13.52CosmicPenguinheh - he slept until about 4:00 PM yesterday
17:14.11prpplaguenot feeling well?
17:14.16CosmicPenguinNot sure
17:14.20CosmicPenguinhe did say his boss would be pissed
17:15.18prpplaguesorphin: i even turned up some m$ doc files where a former brewmaster was leaving and going to the states to work for a brewery in MN
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17:28.58prpplaguethis is soooooooooooo boring
17:30.19prpplagueanyone know what time the sco hearing is today?
17:33.08jbevrenis it closed?
17:34.00CosmicPenguinDon't think you're going to make it to Utah in time
17:34.10CosmicPenguinI mean, god speed if you try
17:34.11*** join/#elinux cantona (n=cantona@unaffiliated/cantona)
17:34.12jbevrenis it telecast?
17:34.16jbevrenis it webcast? :D
17:34.27jbevrensorphin has enough bandwidth at work to netcast it :)
17:34.54prpplaguegroklaw usually posts a summary immediately following the hearing
17:38.02prpplaguechouimat|busy: has it been hot up there in canada this year?
17:40.30jbevrenif the jetstream Iowa is getting from canada is any indication
17:42.07prpplaguecurious about how those ppl got legionares there in toronto, usually its related to water cooling based airconditioners
17:53.43jbevrenswamp coolers?
17:58.20sorphinit's been in the 50s here lately
17:59.09jbevrenwhere's sorphin again? :)
18:06.21chouimat|busyprpplague: it was about 27C yesterday ... today it's around 15 to 17C
18:07.31chouimat|busyjbevren: no "no maintenance of the cooling system" usually and no cleaning of the air conduct (?)
18:09.22prpplague~convert 27 celcius to farenheit
18:09.33prpplaguecan't type
18:10.21prpplague~convert 27 Celcius to Fahrenheit
18:10.47jbevren~google 27 f in c
18:10.49prpplague~convert 27 C to F
18:10.58jbevrenwtf :)
18:11.00prpplague~convert 27C to F
18:11.15kergoth~help convert
18:11.20jbevren<jbevren> google 27 f in c
18:11.20jbevren<workingbo> 27 degrees Fahrenheit = -2.77777778 degrees Celsius
18:11.38jbevrengoogle 27 c in f
18:11.42jbevrenwrong chan
18:11.52prpplaguealready got it
18:12.06prpplaguechouimat|busy: sounds kinda warm for canada
18:12.41prpplaguekergoth: morning crack whore
18:12.52prpplaguekergoth: you get fired or what?
18:13.38kergothheh, at work, havent talked to the boss about my insane oversleeping yesterday yet
18:13.57sorphinit shocks you till you wake up
18:14.00sorphinand get up
18:14.21kergothi discovered that my alarm stops going off if you snooze for more than like 2 hours continuously
18:14.24kergothit just gives up
18:14.30kergothi can almost hear it go 'ah fuck it' and stops going off
18:14.39sorphini never snooze
18:14.47fileI don't have an alarm clock.
18:14.52sorphinthat button was the worst invention
18:15.04fileyou could rewire it kergoth
18:15.17fileso that everytime you hit it, it sends an e-mail to your boss
18:18.58MonMothakergoth: mine has the opposite problem: it never stops going off if you don't snooze it or otherwise
18:19.21MonMothaso you snooze it, get up anyway, walk out, come back two days later and it's been blaring for the whole time
18:20.22kergothugh, i hate that
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18:30.26prpplagueAMDPenguin: re crack baby
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18:37.18chouimat|busyprpplague: it's warm for october anyway ...
18:38.30prpplaguechouimat|busy: would it be warm enough for ppl to be using airconditioning?
18:39.15kergothit was around 40f here last night.  methinks its gonna be snowing by holloween again
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20:44.17*** topic/#elinux is #elinux Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at
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21:53.21CosmicPenguinman, I hate groklaw
21:57.23CosmicPenguinPJ doesn't have an unbiased bone in her body
22:00.41T`2biased to ?
22:03.15CosmicPenguinbiased towards what ever she percieves as the popular opinion of the people visiting her website
22:03.34T`2arguably, they are pro-linux imo
22:03.50T`2and anti-sco.. but i think it also has some truth to it
22:04.06CosmicPenguinFor sure
22:04.07T`2i'm not an avid reader of groklaw though.... i get my snippets from /.
22:04.11CosmicPenguinbut she takes it to the extreme
22:05.55T`2i c.. sorry no comment.. dont know enough of her articles :/
22:06.33T`2wow i'm looking at "The Cast" link on groklaw... a good number of them are SCO vs. <insert some random company>
22:06.47T`2SCO v. IBM | SCO v. AutoZone | SCO v. DaimlerChrysler | SCO v. Novell | Red Hat v. SCO
22:06.58T`2i wasn't aware fo the others.. only v. IBM
22:07.35CosmicPenguinHeh - you didn't know about those?
22:07.58T`2umm.. not until now! kinda surprised.. i might ahve missed the /. article if they ever made it
22:08.06T`2and i'm usualyl one of those guys who doesn't RTFM
22:08.41T`2esp the ones concering legal stuff
22:08.46T`2too boring and wordy
22:09.00MonMothaT`2: SCO pioneered the RIAA's new business model
22:09.05MonMothathey should have patented it.  Would have made millions
22:09.23T`2patent to enfore patents?
22:09.30T`2would be prior-art ;)
22:09.39MonMotha"Next on the docket is SCO v. Everybody."
22:09.52MonMothano, patenting suing your customers as a business model
22:10.12MonMothaas counterintuitive as it may be, it seems to work
22:10.14T`2haha.. well if theyt are sooo keen to dig their own grave.. let em
22:11.00T`2it worked? last time i checked SCO is going bankrupt and loosing their law suits
22:11.08MonMothawell, I'm going to get dinner
22:11.13MonMothait seems to work for the RIAA ratehr
22:11.26T`2yea.. too bad SCO didn't have 13 year old customers
22:13.57CosmicPenguinI think the thing I hate most about C++ is that I find myself using its more evil features when I actually program in it
22:14.13CosmicPenguinIts like I know its wrong, but I do it anyway
22:20.22T`2* (int*) 0 = 0 ?
22:20.41T`2i use to get a quick core dump once in a while ;)
23:23.29*** join/#elinux CL__mike (n=CL__mike@VDSL-130-13-155-36.PHNX.QWEST.NET)
23:34.16Genesisbonne nuit !

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