irclog2html for #elinux on 20051003

00:03.50*** part/#elinux SarahEmm (
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05:27.00jacquesibot, test
05:27.03ibotTest Failed!
05:48.29*** join/#elinux stefanro (
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12:56.22*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
12:57.06prpplagueho ho ho
12:57.11prpplaguemerry freakin monday
13:00.50*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
13:04.04prpplagueplus i have a @#$@#$@ load of work to do
13:08.27sorphinprpplague: saw an article on /. from last week that applies to you.. a coaster that keeps your beer full
13:10.06prpplaguesorphin: cool
13:11.13sorphinprpplague: the neverending beer glass ;)
13:11.23prpplaguesorphin: thats dangerous
13:11.39prpplaguesorphin: just wish i could get something other than a lager right now
13:12.03sorphinprpplague: you should import and stash stuff away
13:12.19prpplaguesorphin: been trying to
13:12.33prpplaguesorphin: can't get anyone that will do the importing
13:15.19prpplagueargh, i hate it when ppl ask extremely basic questions on the mailing lists, questions that have been asked a hundred times on the list, questions that are answered on the project home page, questions that are answered with a single google search
13:21.16prpplagueuclinux mailing list "does anyone know if arm7tdmi is supported?"
13:28.48prpplaguethe other thing on the mailing list is outsourcing groups who post something like "hello, i port linax to custom boord, need finished fast, pleese help!"
13:43.59*** join/#elinux jayakumar2 (n=jayakuma@
13:47.41ibothmm... monday is when everything breaks for no apparent reason, creating so many problems that it takes you until friday to get back to normal. at which point one more thing breaks that takes you the whole weekend to fix
13:47.56sorphinaccurate up to that last bit
13:48.09sorphinCosmicPenguin: morning mr penguin
13:48.33sorphinprpplague: they come in here too dont' forget
13:52.44prpplaguesorphin: yea, but generally they aren't quite as bad here
13:53.18jayakumar2CosmicPenguin, thanks for capistrano info.
13:53.30CosmicPenguinjayakumar2: heh - no problem.... :)
13:54.20jayakumar2i wish i had grepped my log before. i submited the audio driver as cs5535audio, it'd have been nicer to call it capistrano
13:54.28CosmicPenguinjayakumar2: oh, that was you?
13:55.27jayakumar2it's in 2.6.14-rc2-mm1
13:55.30CosmicPenguinjayakumar2: I haven't had a chance to see it yet, I just noticed it on the LKML
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13:56.43jayakumar2i also patched up ide-dma for capistrano
13:56.51jayakumar2that hasn't got merged yet
13:57.29CosmicPenguinjayakumar2: you submitted that too?
13:57.54CosmicPenguinjayakumar2: we do have released patches for all these things - you might want to check our version of the ide-dma driver - there are lots of little bugs that you have to worry about
13:57.54jayakumar2but that was originally ported to 2.6.11 by a couple of germans
13:58.20jayakumar2CosmicPenguin, i think so. the longmont guys had released patches for 2.4
13:58.31CosmicPenguin2.6 too
13:58.40CosmicPenguinI don't want you to think that we don't appreciate it
13:58.43jayakumar2like the audio was for oss rather than alsa
13:59.04jayakumar2CosmicPenguin, nope. just 2.4
13:59.32CosmicPenguinjayakumar2: you have to trust me - I was the guy who wrote them
14:00.02jayakumar2CosmicPenguin, the audio driver was for oss and it didn't build on 2.6.13
14:00.37jayakumar2maybe the patches up on the amd dev site are behind?
14:00.44CosmicPenguinjayakumar2: They are behind
14:00.56jayakumar2ah, then that's the cause
14:01.00CosmicPenguinjayakumar2: thiere is a 5535/5536 alsa driver, but it wasn't build against 2.6.13
14:01.08jayakumar2out of curiosity, are you based in longmont?
14:01.11CosmicPenguinI am
14:01.16jayakumar2oh cool
14:01.33jayakumar2i worked briefly together with tim morneau
14:03.45CosmicPenguinjayakumar2: when did you submit your ide patch?
14:04.16jayakumar2CosmicPenguin, about a week back
14:04.54jayakumar2and then a 2nd cleanup sometime yesterday night longmont time
14:05.08jayakumar2it's on linux-ide
14:06.21CosmicPenguinOk - I'm going to push ours up too
14:06.39CosmicPenguinI'm not trying to offend you, I just want to make sure we have a good discussion
14:06.48jayakumar2no worries
14:07.00CosmicPenguinI do appreciate your help
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14:07.06jayakumar2we should merge the work as much as possible
14:07.10CosmicPenguinjayakumar2: do you need anything from AMD?
14:07.39jayakumar2you mean like hardware wise?
14:13.50*** mode/#elinux [+v CosmicPenguin] by ChanServ
14:15.20prpplaguevery very interesting, anyone remember me telling about the sa-1100 based device i built in removable drive bays?
14:16.21prpplaguei really should start patenting my ideas, hehe
14:17.27*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
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14:18.37jbevrenprpplague: this isnt new
14:18.52jbevrenTotal Impact has been doing 5.25" form factor bay units with PPCs
14:19.38prpplaguejbevren: but with the core of the system in the removable tray?
14:19.47jbevrenoh the CORE's in a tray? nice.
14:19.52jbevrenI'm getting to reading it now
14:20.03prpplaguejbevren: yea
14:20.08jbevrenlooks like the drive's in the tray by the pics, so I was confused :)
14:20.18jbevren595 in qtu 1k :(
14:20.25jbevrenI want one for my winbox
14:20.27jbevrenexternal fw :)
14:21.21prpplaguejbevren: uh wait, no you are right, re-reading it looks that only the hd is removable
14:21.40*** join/#elinux lnwlf (n=lnwlf@
14:21.46prpplaguejbevren: my proto was a completely removable system
14:21.58jbevrenprpplague: ah, like my IFT SanNet controllers
14:22.11jbevrenthe cpu and interface cores can slide out hot
14:22.15prpplaguejbevren: the top of the cause even had a lcd/ts
14:22.29jbevrenprpplague: a drop-down door?
14:23.06prpplaguejbevren: hehe, well the production model would have, but the prototype just had a lcd as the top
14:23.26jbevrenwell, better get to patent'ing :)
14:23.31prpplaguejbevren: hehe
14:23.48jbevrennow that youve mentioned it publicly on irc, in a channel where several corps are :)
14:23.53prpplaguei wish it was cheaper to do
14:24.22prpplaguejbevren: hehe, thats the thing, i really don't care about the $$ part its more of the recognition
14:40.29prpplague~quote scox
14:40.45chouimathi prpplague
14:41.14prpplaguechouimat: hey hey
14:45.34CosmicPenguinanyone know of a good app to strip whitespace?
14:45.42CosmicPenguintrailing whitespace?
14:46.01jbevrenno really
14:46.02CosmicPenguinbut I guess he's right
14:46.07jbevrensomething like um
14:46.10jbevrenI'm bad at regex
14:46.24jbevrens/ * $//g ?
14:46.34CosmicPenguinseriously - you need to be smacked
14:46.38jbevrentr can do trailing whitespace?
14:47.11prpplaguejbevren: not easily
14:48.25jbevrenhey I was right
14:48.33jbevrensed 's/ * $//g' test.txt
14:49.44CosmicPenguinThat works
14:49.47CosmicPenguindoesn't get tabs
14:49.51CosmicPenguinbut thats ok
14:49.58jbevrenadd a \t :)
14:50.07jbevrenor pipe it through expand
14:51.39jbevrenme too
14:51.42jbevrenthat was just dumb luck
14:51.42prpplaguehehe, i saw danny glover over the weekend
15:00.04MonMothagogo process creation overhead
15:00.33MonMothaI really need to find a better way to do this that doesn't involve spawning thousands of processes every second
15:01.30prpplagueargh i'm lost without my broadband
15:01.41MonMothastuck on a dialup?
15:02.52prpplagueMonMotha: yea, adsl is down, not getting in rx packets
15:03.43prpplaguei don't have much experience with the debugging of adsl/dsl
15:04.38prpplaguei'm getting line sync, but nothing beyond that, so i suspect that the line is good and that its probably the device on the other end thats got a problem
15:04.59MonMothaprpplague: yup.  The upstream line on their DSLAM is probably dead or similar
15:05.08prpplaguespeak of the devil, its just came up
15:06.44*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
15:16.42jbevrensorphin: Found our lovely cpu on a compactpci card
15:19.54jbevrenwonder if I could fire this up without a backplane.
15:21.40CosmicPenguinjayakumar2: btw - I've been to KL before, and its a very nice place
15:29.12sorphinjbevren: eh?
15:30.35jbevrensorphin: just rambling on..  its a 3u cpci board with everything needed to make an XTerminal :)
15:30.48jbevrenebay for 'inova'
15:39.04CosmicPenguinI was bidding for some dual AMD 1U servers, but the price too high
15:39.05CosmicPenguinoh, well
15:39.08sorphin249 items :P
15:39.22CosmicPenguinbad my typing is
15:39.23sorphinjbevren: care to narrow it a bit more?
15:39.24jbevrentwo are in computers :)
15:39.57CosmicPenguinsorphin: inova is also the name of a disc golf maker... :)
15:40.21sorphinand an LED flashlight maker
15:41.03sorphinjbevren: ah.. neat
15:41.11sorphinmy traffic gear should be arriving today
15:41.26sorphinnewer controller than th other one i bought.. the backplane, load switches
16:00.33*** join/#elinux mindfunk (i=mindfunk@
16:01.28kergothhey mindfunk
16:01.37kergothmornings = evil
16:01.45prpplague~whaleslap kergoth
16:01.47ibotACTION slaps kergoth upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
16:02.03prpplaguekergoth: morning crack baby
16:02.23prpplagueyou might be having a bad day if........
16:02.40prpplagueyou are eating welbutrin pills like tic-tacs
16:07.37mindfunkkergoth: hola
16:08.09mindfunkmornings are especially evil when you have a sick child
16:08.20mindfunkI should be used to the lack of sleep by now
16:13.51*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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16:14.32*** join/#elinux mallum (
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16:15.31sorphinmallum: wotcher mr allum
16:15.37sorphinTimRiker: moin mr timmyu
16:23.54mallumhey hey sorphin
16:31.17CosmicPenguinOk - code going upstream
16:31.59prpplagueCosmicPenguin: much better than piss downstream
16:33.28prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i know you like cycling
16:33.43CosmicPenguinheh - cool
16:33.47CosmicPenguincdm would like that too
16:34.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, gloria estfan was suppose to be on the island last weekend
16:35.00prpplagueCosmicPenguin: they had a cuban cultural fest
16:36.39sorphinfile: there ya go
16:36.48sorphinmallum: alright mate?
16:37.24CosmicPenguinprpplague: did you see that the PIC went on sale in the US?
16:37.31CosmicPenguinprpplague: did you ever get yours, by the way?
16:38.14mallumsorphin: yeah, and you ?
16:38.32prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hell no
16:38.39prpplagueCosmicPenguin: they keep giving me the run around
16:39.23sorphinmallum: nope.. hell week of many weeks started today for me at work
16:40.27Lethaljbevren, that's a really bad way to trim trailing white space, something like s/[ \t]*$// is more what you want, at least with any sensible version of GNU sed.
16:42.30TimRiker - $3000 e-ink/gumstix kit
16:42.44Lethaljbevren, your version missed tabs and single spaces ;)
16:44.02CosmicPenguinprpplague: bastards
16:44.15CosmicPenguinNow, there's a toy worth having
16:44.44kergother, ooh
16:47.12jbevrenLethal: I think I mentioned it missing spaces. :) Thanks for the update
16:47.33Lethaljbevren, yeah, probably. I didn't read that far. ;)
16:49.52Lethalbesides, sed is only fun when you can find an excuse to use branching.
16:56.01fileugh I swear these SunOS boxes will be the death of me
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18:08.23mindfunkfile: j/c what is wrong with them (other than they are expensive, the parts are lots of money, and they run a proprietary OS)?
18:08.50fileI can't get them to use the public key for authentication on SSH
18:08.52*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
18:09.20mindfunkthat does suck
18:10.01fileI copied the exact same authorized_keys file from one working box to another, and it doesn't work
18:10.07fileand verified that it's enabled
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18:25.41LethalCosmicPenguin, I see what you mean about the license tags, doesn't seem like anyone has flamed you yet.. ;)
18:28.38LethalCosmicPenguin, also lots of the hw_random.c changes look superfluous. the ifdef around the enum for instance? or the pciid table?
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18:30.08Lethalthe read/write routines are also using a variable for seemingly no reason, at least geode_data_read/present()  don't need val for anything.
19:13.03*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
19:17.44prpplagueahh much better
19:17.51prpplaguegot some headphones for the desk
19:18.54CosmicPenguinSee how bad we suck?
19:20.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ??
19:20.19CosmicPenguinDid you see slashdot?
19:20.36prpplagueuh no been out purchasing a new switch, the other one died
19:21.28LethalCosmicPenguin, the PIC thing?
19:21.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: nothing like groovesalad with a good set of headphones
19:22.29CosmicPenguinLethal: yes - from the bottom of my heart, I apologize
19:22.35prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ?? i still don't understand
19:22.43LethalCosmicPenguin, heh, ironically it follows an announcement of the 770 being delayed. that's not my fault though ;)
19:23.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: the comments in the article are exactly accurate
19:23.53Lethalthe 770 comments are largely incompetent. no surprise given the audience.
19:24.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ok guess i'm brain dead
19:30.36LethalCosmicPenguin, what's the demographic for the PIC?
19:30.47*** join/#elinux andersee (
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19:30.50CosmicPenguinIn the other parts of the world, people below the poverty line
19:31.01CosmicPenguinhere, I guess kids and parents who don't want to deal with messing with software
19:31.54Lethaldoesn't sound like an overly profitable demographic ;)
19:32.00prpplagueCosmicPenguin: assuming you can get your hands on one
19:32.07CosmicPenguinwell, its not about profit, at least in the third worlds
19:32.16CosmicPenguinbut the profit is nice
19:32.23prpplagueLethal: unless you really think about how little it costs amd to build the unit
19:32.26CosmicPenguinbecause its embarassing how much this board acutally costs
19:32.32CosmicPenguinor rather, how little
19:32.43Lethalit's an interesting idea at least. perhaps you'll have better luck than the ill-fated simputer ;)
19:32.56CosmicPenguinI don't know how ill fated the simputer is - it was just quiet
19:33.17CosmicPenguinI think the PIC did as well as the simputer in India - they don't seem to crow about their successes
19:33.39prpplaguesimputer failed in several ways, first the hardware was based on EOL products, second they needed to ramp up production to a large number quickly and they never could do that
19:35.13Lethalindeed. AMD is likely in much better shape for ramp up costs and general volume ;)
19:35.26anderseeCosmicPenguin: looks like your geode patches are getting a shave and a haircut
19:35.42CosmicPenguinIts good for them
19:36.12Lethalandersee, compared to the other 2 useless threads on l-k at the moment, anything is better.
19:37.20Lethalthat's just mind boggling
19:37.33Lethalclearly he's never used oskit. he's already demonstrated a complete lack of comprehension on a multitude of other things.
19:37.55*** part/#elinux sorphin (n=sorphin@
19:38.26anderseeLethal: but he must know everything -- after all he _did_ design an encryption algorithm
19:38.53Lethalandersee, indeed. he sure puts people in their place well ;)
19:39.08Lethalandersee, I'm sure martin is terrified of google at this point ;)
19:41.04andersee"I'm the leader, everybody follow me now!"  "Come on guys, follow me!"  "I guess none of you are smart enough to realize you should be following me?"
19:41.24anderseeusually followed by "Fine, then I'm taking my marbles and going home"
19:41.41Lethalandersee, it's a good thing he has his broad range of kernel contributions to back up his points. oh wait ;)
19:46.02Lethalandersee, still, the adaptec thread isn't that different in terms of tone and general usefulness.
19:47.37Lethalwhich is pretty amusing, since the adaptec thread seemed like a pretty natural continuation of hans demanding reiser4 inclusion.
19:48.15anderseeI figured Hans just changed his name and the name of what he was trying to foist on the world
19:49.13Lethalandersee, I don't think so, luben hasn't threatened to sit down and make someone read his code yet.
19:49.31prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh i sure missed my groovesalad, it sure improves my productivity, hehe
19:50.22CosmicPenguinheh, I haven't listened to it lately
19:50.27Lethalandersee, ironically andre seems to be one of the most rational posters in that thread. how the hell that works out I don't know ;)
19:52.04anderseehad to happen eventually I suppose
19:52.47Lethalstill a pretty amazing accomplishment
19:57.07LethalCosmicPenguin, 16-byte cacheline size on x86? that's pretty surprising.
20:08.31CosmicPenguinIts an old ass processor
20:10.37*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
20:10.53LethalCosmicPenguin, so most of the focus now is on alchemy stuff?
20:11.41CosmicPenguinIts about half and half
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20:46.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that sound like AMD?
20:47.16CosmicPenguinthats either Sun or IBM
20:47.18CosmicPenguinprobably sun
20:54.54CosmicPenguinI don't think we have a Toronto site
20:55.04CosmicPenguinand of course, like Sun and IBM, we often share the same cities... :)
20:55.28TimRikeranyone every changed the alt-sysreq-foo keystrokes to something else? Any way to do that without a recompile?
20:55.36CosmicPenguinBut Boulder is either IBM which has 5000 employees north of Boulder, or Sun which has a site east of boulder
20:55.47CosmicPenguinPlus boulder just bought out StorageTek, which was based in that area
20:56.01CosmicPenguinAnd by boulder, I mean sun
20:58.33*** join/#elinux osofete (n=osofete@
20:59.20osofetewhat can go wrong with public key authentication? busybox grants me access to sftp but not to ssh
21:00.39prpplagueosofete: i'd think we;'d need a little more info to help you out
21:01.42*** join/#elinux ibot (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
21:01.42*** topic/#elinux is #elinux Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at
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21:02.12prpplagueosofete: first of all, which busybox app is the one "granting" you access
21:04.51osofeteprpplague: now that I recall, right now, I can't just blame busybox- when not using public keys, I am given a shell
21:05.14osofetewhen using pk, the thing just seems to block
21:05.42osofeteI have seen some ssh traffic going between the hosts anyway
21:05.44prpplagueosofete: you need to explain you setup, what you want to accomplish, and then whats not working as expected
21:06.46osofeteOnce I get all that I'll have it solved :) Thank you prpplague
21:07.01*** part/#elinux osofete (n=osofete@
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21:43.28*** part/#elinux lnwlf (n=lnwlf@
21:50.16CosmicPenguinits so true
21:50.20CosmicPenguinwe're lame
21:51.05CosmicPenguin(Gratuitious simpsons refrence)
22:08.02MonMothaibot seen timriker
22:08.08ibottimriker is currently on #botpark #linuxfund #ol #bzflag #utah #debian-bots #elinux # #fossfund #classiccmp
22:08.14MonMothabah, no idle time?
22:13.12CosmicPenguinHe's a busy man
22:13.35MonMothaanyone have a memory map of the DCT5000?
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23:18.16*** topic/#elinux is #elinux Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.