irclog2html for #elinux on 20050923

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03:11.06sorphincdm: evenin chris
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03:22.19cdmhey sorphin
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13:03.58sorphinprpplague: lo
13:04.38sorphinsup hillbilly?
13:06.26*** join/#elinux sjhill (
13:07.31ade|deskoh bugger the people the other side of the pond have woken
13:08.01prpplaguesjhill: hey hey crack baby
13:08.17prpplagueade|desk: "beware the yanks"
13:08.50ade|deskthey come over here, steal our women....
13:11.07sjhillade|desk: and your beer
13:11.15ade|desk9 hours 48 mins till hand in time
13:11.57ade|desksjhill: they dont drink beer, only larger .. they are welcome to that
13:12.37sorphin~lackeyslap sjhill
13:12.39ibotACTION slaps sjhill around like the lackey they are.
13:12.58sorphinjbevren: ok vader
13:13.13sorphinade|desk: cider and black :)
13:13.14jbevrenactually I was thinking of the girl at the end of Scary Movie
13:13.21jbevrenalthough she was more like
13:13.23sorphinjbevren: ah
13:13.37sorphinjbevren: ok file
13:13.46jbevrenalso hi
13:14.13jbevrenhe's a pretty fair musician
13:14.20sorphinanyone here happen to have lego mindstorms?
13:14.50prpplagueade|desk: good point most yanks only drink beer that is yellow
13:15.27ade|deskand tastes the same after its been drunk
13:16.10sorphinade|desk: had cider and black before?
13:16.48*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
13:16.53sorphinGPSFan: moin
13:17.02sjhillhey sorphin
13:17.05ade|deskyup when i was a first year, but we normal had 1/2 cider 1/2 beer and a touch of black
13:17.09GPSFanmorning, dan
13:17.24sorphinade|desk: ah, this was no beer, just cider and black
13:17.55sorphinsjhill: what's up mr lackey?
13:18.06ade|desktry with the beer, gives it a bit more erm tick i think is the best way to put it
13:18.20sjhillsorphin: a cold unfortunately
13:18.39sorphinade|desk: i found it extremely sweet
13:18.51ade|desksorphin: you can then move on to the 'purple blob'
13:18.51sorphinsjhill: ah, got a MIPS bug eh?
13:19.05sorphinade|desk: the what?
13:19.41ade|deskpurple blob, 1/2 cider 1/2 beer, touch of black and then 2 shots of vodka
13:20.14ade|deskthe vodka sits at the bottom, so after you drink the rest you get a real extra hit at the end
13:20.36ade|deskuse wisely
13:20.40sorphinade|desk: my fav combo seems to be variations of a mixture of baileys, disarrono, kahlua and sometimes smirnoff (vodka)
13:20.49sorphinkinda a twist on a white russian i guess
13:21.29ade|deskpure of icecream and you have a good dessert that women like too
13:21.48ade|deskpour even
13:21.58sorphinusually has icecream or atleast ice in it
13:22.10sorphinbetter w/ icecream
13:22.14ade|deskdYslex1cs are uS
13:22.25sorphinade|desk: drink more tea
13:22.53ade|deskah good point ....
13:23.13sorphinthe easy way to distract any brit
13:23.17sorphinmention tea time
13:23.58jbevrenade|desk: lysdexics untie!
13:26.22sorphinyou're gonna want to disinfect your mouth after that
13:26.26sorphinthat dude doesn't bathe
13:26.34sorphinor wear deoderant apparently
13:26.44jbevrenyouve met him or heard stories?
13:26.57sorphinfrom all the video i've seen, him running around like a monkey boy w/ sweat pools under his arms
13:27.22sorphinprpplague: cool
13:27.37jbevrendeodorant doesnt stop sweat
13:27.39jbevrenjust fyi
13:27.40prpplaguesorphin: might try that soon
13:27.44sorphinjbevren: someone took his developers speech and nother video and made a song of it
13:27.55sorphinjbevren: i know.. i meant antiperspirant
13:28.02sorphinbut deoderant is shorter
13:28.06jbevrenI dont use AP cause I stink when I do :)
13:28.14jbevrenso I use deodorant and put up with sweat :P
13:28.22sorphinAP usually has deoderant in it
13:28.25jbevrenap = stink do = no stink
13:28.34jbevrenits strange heh
13:28.59jbevrenbesides, fat ppl have no gap in their pit for air passage, so sweat just gets trapped and never evaps
13:29.02jbevrenbut anyway
13:29.26sorphinwho votes for banning sjhill from any MIPS contact for life?
13:29.29sorphinraise your hand
13:29.39jbevrenwant sjhill to go batty do ya?
13:29.46sorphinjbevren: go?
13:29.50jbevrenI vote we move him to arm
13:29.52sorphinhe's long past batty
13:29.53sjhilli'd live longer
13:29.56jbevrenor worse, x86
13:30.04sjhilli hate x86
13:30.04sorphinjbevren: or ppc
13:30.08sjhillppc would be great
13:30.12sjhillarm would suck less than x86
13:30.16jbevrenppc's not so bad, you can change your endianness
13:30.25jbevrenhmm look its some LE cod
13:30.31sjhilljbevren: and you can on arm and mips too dufus
13:30.44jbevrensjhill: you cant change on mips on the fly (?)
13:31.03sorphinwho says?
13:31.04jbevrensomething gave me that impression
13:31.07sjhillwell, maybe not
13:31.23jbevrenI was reading something about the BE vs LE debate some time ago, dont ask me where since its been ages
13:31.27sorphinsjhill can
13:31.35sorphinbut he's a MIPS master
13:31.38jbevrenand I think it was mentioned that (at least r5k) can only switch once
13:31.49jbevrenmaybe MIPS4 can
13:31.50prpplaguesjhill: hey, got a question for ya
13:31.54sorphinsjhill: run
13:31.57sorphinrun fast
13:32.05jbevrenprpplague: 42.
13:32.14sorphinprpplague: 1
13:32.24sorphinthat's the meaning of life
13:32.41sorphinor if you're backwards
13:32.50prpplaguesjhill: some of these arm chips have internal sram, you ever written/used code that runs from the internal sram and was uploaded via jtag?
13:33.25jbevrenI was going to make a SCSI cartridge for my c64 based on an Atmel ARM7
13:33.32jbevrenbytebanged scsi :)
13:33.42prpplaguesorphin: ?
13:33.57sorphinprpplague: you always end up working on the weirdest things
13:34.05prpplaguejbevren: hehe, i broke down and ordered a c64 dtv
13:34.10sorphinthat make you pull the hair you don't have out
13:34.29prpplaguesorphin: method to the madness, these are ways for me to learn
13:34.44sorphinwhatever sinks your battleship
13:35.46prpplaguetrying to make up for my lack of formal education
13:36.03sorphinspeaking of education
13:36.07jbevrenprpplague: have you put a keyboard and drive on it yet?
13:36.09Lethalprpplague, most of the SRAM is memory-mapped, but it may require going through the MMU, in which case your init scripts for the JTAG get a lot more complicated. it's easier to run there though when prototyping some loader and trying to init the bus controller.
13:36.17sorphinprpplague: missy is now formally a graduate student
13:36.19sjhillprpplague: nope
13:36.28prpplaguejbevren: just ordered it monday, hasn't arrived yet
13:36.30sjhillprpplague: i haven't touched arm in like 6 years
13:36.35jbevrenyou can get 'em from KB
13:36.37sorphinheh, lethal's still alive?
13:36.46Lethalsorphin, to some extent ;)
13:36.49prpplagueLethal: actually i'm running on an arm7tdmi so no mmu
13:36.52jbevrenI want a second edition DTV
13:37.00Lethalprpplague, even easier then ;)
13:37.07jbevrenthey can swithc pal/ntsc on the fly, and have better support for the undocumented 6502 opcodes
13:37.09sorphinnever had one
13:37.13prpplaguejbevren: yea the schematics for v2 are now available
13:37.19jbevrenatari eh?
13:37.21jbevren8bit or 16?
13:37.26sorphinatari 800xl
13:37.27prpplaguethis will be my first c64, hehe
13:37.48sorphinyou were just a z80 dave
13:38.01sorphinsjhill: no wonder you're so sick
13:38.10sjhilli had the piggybacked ram and everything 64KB baby!
13:38.18jbevrenI occasionally get interested in cp/m systems
13:38.24sorphinno one'll ever need that much ram
13:38.25jbevrenand shop ebay pretending I'm going to buy one
13:38.30sjhillhad the floppy drive too
13:38.39prpplaguei still want to get some ppl together to do a arm port for uzi
13:38.39sorphinsjhill: ditto on the atari
13:38.45jbevrenI got a trs80 system once
13:38.48prpplagueso that it can run on the lpc series chips
13:38.50jbevrenhad some under-monitor expansion thing
13:38.55jbevrenand 4 floppy drives
13:38.59jbevrenit never worked :(
13:39.07Lethalprpplague, what JTAG are you using? I have some scripts for lauterbach for running some debug code out of SRAM on OMAP 2420.
13:39.11sorphinjbevren: that's why they were called Trash-80s
13:39.16jbevrensorphin :)
13:39.28jbevrenI had a m16 for a while running trsdos off a 8" drive
13:39.39sorphin8" floppy
13:39.39jbevrenbut I really liked my cdc system, dont remember its model
13:39.43jbevren1.4M on a 8" disk
13:39.46sorphina place my mom worked
13:39.49sorphinhad one of those
13:39.55prpplagueLethal: i have about 4 i'm tinkering with including lauterbach, but my objective is to be able to use a wiggler to upload some bootstrap code to sram
13:40.00sorphinwell after i'd moved on from floppies
13:40.04sorphinit was humorous
13:40.26Lethalprpplague, should be pretty easy with just about anything if you don't have the MMU to contend with.
13:40.27sjhillwow, what an incredible piece of hardware
13:40.28jbevrenprpplague: dont they have a bootstrap loader in their internal flash?
13:40.44Lethalsjhill, it's quite nice for multi-core debugging.
13:40.58sjhilli think we have about 6 on order
13:40.58sorphintoo much ARM
13:41.13Lethalfor instance, if you need to individually debug each core in a multi-core with only one set of JTAG pins out of the package ;)
13:41.42prpplaguejbevren: yea, i'm trying to circumvent the flash'd bootloader
13:41.49LethalBDI2000 still has a nicer interface, though..
13:41.51sorphinsjhill: you should bought an A3000 when we all did :P
13:41.59jbevrensorphin :)
13:42.00sorphinsjhill: mmm ppc
13:42.09jbevrenmine's still faithfully running asterisk and nat'ing for me
13:42.12sjhilli'm toying with buying a mac mini
13:42.17sorphinsjhill: got one
13:42.18jbevrensjhill: I set up the partitioned mtd driver :)
13:42.21jbevrenmy first kernel mod
13:42.29sjhilluh, ok
13:42.32jbevrensj: me too (mini)
13:42.38jbevrensjhill: 2.4.19 doesnt have partitioned mtd
13:42.44jbevrenso I had to rip off 2.4.20's stuff
13:42.57sorphinjbevren: and gpsfan ported us up to 2.4.31
13:43.05jbevrenI havent rebuilt yet
13:43.05sorphinand fixed a couple serial bugs
13:43.20jbevrenyou mean like the one where serial stops until you send something?
13:43.33sorphinyeah, that too
13:44.27prpplaguesjhill: i though you were doing arm dev for the DoD
13:45.07sorphinsjhill do arm?
13:45.13sorphinon a regular basis?
13:46.37prpplaguesorphin: btw, how did your sleep study go?
13:47.03sorphinprpplague: it was supposed to be this weekend, but i had to postpone it due to $ (aka, my current insurance won't pay any)
13:47.10sorphinprpplague: i'm sure he is
13:47.56*** join/#elinux Soopaman (n=soopaman@
13:48.02prpplagueLethal: any other gotchas on working with bootstrap from internal sram?
13:49.18Lethalprpplague, without an MMU and running uncached, not really.
13:50.22Lethalprpplague, though you should check the TRM to see what kind of memory map visibility you have from SRAM, plenty of them can be fairly isolated. but I guess if you are just trying to bring up the bus controller and sdram/ddr interface then it's not an issue.
13:51.38prpplagueLethal: this internal sram seems pretty functional
13:52.35Lethalprpplague, then you shouldn't have any particular issues that I can think of off the top of my head.
13:52.48prpplagueLethal: lovely
13:53.05prpplagueLethal: thanks for the info, i'll let ya know how it turns out
13:53.18Lethalprpplague, I'm working on an arm7tdmi with an MMU (not visible from the ARM7) with 4 banks of SRAM, each behind another co-processor and only accessible with DMA. now _that_'s a world of pain ;)
13:53.45sorphinLethal: and you love every minute of it
13:53.46prpplagueLethal: yikes sounds that way
13:54.07sorphinLethal: you know you do.. just like sjhill does with mips
13:54.12Lethalsorphin, it's an interesting technical challenge at least. ;)
13:54.20prpplagueLethal: ti omap related?
13:54.27Lethalprpplague, yes
13:54.35Lethalprpplague, 2420 IVA
13:54.42prpplagueLethal: ahh, hehe
13:54.57sjhilli install my dual-opteron motherboard this weekend
13:55.05sorphinsjhill: you suck
13:55.20sjhillyeah i know i suck at being humble
13:55.54sjhilli bought a tyan motherboard, it was expensive, but at least i can upgrade to dual core opterons later on
13:55.55prpplagueLethal: i interviewed at TI for three different OMAP jobs
13:56.04Lethalsjhill, did you get any of those fun multi-threading BCM toys yet?
13:56.11CosmicPenguinsorphin: you have go to relax man
13:56.15sjhillLethal: i'm not sure
13:56.22CosmicPenguindoes kergoth have his toys yet?  
13:56.27sjhillLethal: i have the next-generation settop box with dual HD encoder/decoders on it
13:56.35sorphinCosmicPenguin: my fastest cpu is a P4
13:56.37sorphinand it sucks
13:56.41CosmicPenguinsjhill: nice on the dual opteron... :)
13:56.49CosmicPenguinsjhill: I actually just got a dual dual core boxen up...
13:56.56sjhillCosmicPenguin: just trying to keep you employed :)
13:56.57CosmicPenguinsjhill: and can I just say... *wow*
13:57.03sorphinCosmicPenguin: now i really hate you :P
13:57.09sorphinnot just dual opteron
13:57.16sorphinbut dual dualcore
13:57.16sjhillyeah, i started with that
13:57.20sjhillby accident
13:57.20Lethalsjhill, ah. I just recall what the bcm guys were talking about at OLS, seemed interesting, even though I'm mips-free these days.
13:57.37sjhillLethal: probably the next-gen 64-bit follow on to the SB1 core
13:57.57sorphinCosmicPenguin: how's your compile time? 2 seconds? ;)
13:58.11sjhilli'm looking forward to seeing how long a complete buildroot takes
13:58.18CosmicPenguinsorphin: nah, these things are slow... the kernel took about 82 seconds
13:58.22sjhillhopefully my U160 scsi drives can keep up
13:58.29sorphinCosmicPenguin: bah
13:58.46sjhillsorphin: you can hit him if you want, you have my permission
13:58.56CosmicPenguinIt will be interesting to compare a OE build on this box compared to the the plain jane dual opteron
13:59.05LethalCosmicPenguin, you should try to get anton's scripts for kernel benchmarking. see how many kernels per second your systems can pump out ;)
13:59.07sorphin~cluebat CosmicPenguin for being a showoff
13:59.08ibotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps CosmicPenguin for being a showoff.
13:59.21CosmicPenguinyeah, a little
13:59.37CosmicPenguinbut hey, this is the only joy I get from working for this company, so let me have my fun, mkay?
14:00.24sjhillthis should be the last peer review i have to do this week
14:00.49sjhilloh, much more demented than that :)
14:00.53sorphinoh crap
14:01.16sorphinsjhill: put down the thermonuclear device
14:01.34sorphinsjhill: and the MIPS toolchain
14:01.41sorphinsjhill: and step away
14:02.09*** join/#elinux CP|Laptop (
14:02.42CP|Laptopyeah, sjhill has a cool job
14:03.01sorphinCP|Laptop: meetings suck.. you have my sympathy
14:05.51prpplaguesjhill: hehe, i think i could have done well doing some of that work as i have the soldier experience, hehe
14:13.02sjhillprpplague: you probably still could, but not down there unfortunately
14:13.16prpplaguesjhill: hehe, no degree
14:24.35sorphinnew windows are scheduled to go in wednesday
14:24.35CP|Laptopabsolute zero?
14:24.44CP|Laptopsorphin: vista? hehehe
14:26.16sorphinCP|Laptop: no
14:26.30sorphinwindows for hte house :P
14:28.40sorphinKDE running on OSX
14:28.47sorphinthat's.... wrong, very very wrong
14:29.01jbevrensorphin: I concur.
14:29.05jbevrenI remember trying kde once
14:29.07jbevrenon jaguar
14:29.11jbevrenit froze the gui solid :)
14:29.25jbevrenI had to ssh in and reboot :P
14:29.39CP|Laptopwell, kDE is very very wrong anyway
14:29.47sorphinCP|Laptop: so true
14:29.55jbevrenyeah, shame rosegarden is a kde app
14:30.00sorphinchouimat: :)
14:33.47prpplagueCP|Laptop: you ignoring me? or just have time? hehe
14:33.54sorphini have to say.. i must be blind, because even w/ /.'s new CSS, etc.. they still look the same, meaning like crap
14:34.12*** join/#elinux mindfunk (
14:34.20CP|Laptopprpplague: you pinged me
14:34.26sorphinprpplague: did you say something? i was ignoring you *grin*
14:34.42Lethalsorphin, actually it looks much worse. it used to render well in lynx, now it looks like ass.
14:35.01sorphinLethal: right, cuz lynx won't do css, for obvious reasons
14:35.28Lethalsorphin, yeah, cause css sucks ;)
14:35.35prpplagueCP|Laptop: hehe, i /msg'd you a couple of times
14:35.57prpplagueCP|Laptop: i need you advice on quoting for a project
14:36.56sorphinLethal: lots of things suck
14:37.05Lethalsorphin, yeah, like css. ;)
14:37.46sorphinand Intel (the only exception was the PPro, and their nic chipsets)
14:38.13LethalI think they did one or two other things right, but I can't think of them off the top of my head.
14:38.36sorphinLethal: they didn't kill Tulip
14:39.03*** join/#elinux vrm (
14:39.03Lethalwell, i960 wasn't bad either. i960 workstations were though.
14:39.09sorphini dont' count that in w/ the nic chipset stuff, since it isn't native like the 82558/559
14:39.24sorphinnever used an i960
14:39.47sorphintheir flash isn't bad
14:39.53Lethalalmost everyone used them for raid controllers in the 90's
14:40.16Lethalmylex pushed a lot of i960 volume.
14:40.25prpplagueyea tons for raid
14:40.32sorphinaMD flash
14:40.39sorphinas much as i like amd
14:40.49sorphini hate their flash
14:40.53Lethalnow we have abominations like OneNAND ;)
14:40.59prpplaguesorphin: NOR only? hehe
14:41.17sorphinprpplague: actually, i hate it because it's a whole different way to program it
14:41.45sorphinthat's too easy
14:42.01sorphinLethal: OneNAND to rule them all
14:42.28Lethalsorphin, it's tough to beat for density, but programming it is less fun than any number of activities.
14:42.45sorphinLethal: like underwater basket weaving :P
14:43.01Lethalsorphin, indeed. that actually rates several orders of magnitude higher on the general appeal scale.
14:43.26sorphinwhats funny tho
14:43.37sorphini can source atmel and sst flash easily
14:43.43sorphinintel not only stops sourcing it
14:43.51sorphinthey remove all traces of it from their website
14:44.10sorphinwhen all i want is a GD pinout
14:44.22sorphinso i can verify compatibility w/ a chip that's still around
14:44.29Lethalsorphin, they probably do that preemptively. it's easier to stop sourcing once there is no more demand due to no one being able to find out how the hell to order it.
14:44.54sorphinLethal: that's fine, but leave the damn specs/pinout
14:45.00Lethalsorphin, google ;)
14:45.02prpplaguesorphin: yea NAND is definetly more difficult
14:45.04sorphini have
14:45.05CP|Laptopprpplague: I'm on my laptop - I'll get your msg when I get back to my office
14:45.16sorphinLethal: and it didn't help
14:45.22Lethalprpplague, OneNAND == NAND array behind a NOR interface. fun fun fun.
14:45.39sorphinprpplague: something like that
14:45.48Lethalprpplague, they use some crappy SRAM for block prefetching. really lame.
14:46.02sorphinLethal: then their's intel's strap^Htaflash
14:46.07sorphinthere's even
14:46.31sorphindpeending on the series it (read: older stuff)
14:46.36sorphinit's cake
14:46.41sorphinsome of this newer crap
14:46.44sorphini'm like.. uh...
14:46.53sorphinand i program this with what?
14:46.57sorphindoing what?
14:47.08sorphinok, where's my atmel rep
14:47.26prpplagueCP|Laptop: ok thanks
14:47.49sorphinsheesh, only 9:47
14:47.54sorphini feel like i've been here longer
14:55.27Lethalindeed. time to head to the pub. bbl.
14:56.52prpplagueLethal: have a good brew, not some yellow stuff
14:59.02sorphinprpplague: or some nasty bitter brown stuff :P
15:03.21CosmicPenguinprpplague: I have no msgs from you
15:03.31CosmicPenguinprpplague: are you identified to the freenode engine?
15:04.00prpplagueCosmicPenguin: uh no i guess thats why
15:04.16*** mode/#elinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
15:05.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you get that one?
15:05.55*** mode/#elinux [+v CosmicPenguin] by ChanServ
15:06.05CosmicPenguinnow it was my turn to not be registered
15:06.37ibotMornings MUST be destroyed! (see also
15:14.14sorphinCosmicPenguin: fyi
15:14.20sorphinyou can set a flag w/ nickserv
15:14.25sorphinto accept msgs from non identified
15:14.32sorphini've never gotten spammed
15:14.34sorphinso i set it
15:16.41kergothhmmm, looks interesting
15:26.42prpplaguekergoth: are you using hermit with your snapgear build system?
15:28.03kergothdont even know what hermit is :)
15:30.46prpplaguelooks like a combo of shoehorn and hermit is what i need for my jb dev
15:30.57CosmicPenguinyeah, I make up words too
15:31.02kergoth* rici just had an insight: XML is the Assembler of the new web generation
15:31.02kergoth<rici> and appeals to exactly the same macho masochism
15:35.32prpplagueCosmicPenguin / kergoth neat little method of getting initial code on devices
15:35.42prpplagueCosmicPenguin / kergoth mainly for devices with no jtag
15:43.59sorphinok, i know atleast one of you are guilty.. who has an epia?
15:44.24ade|deskoh dear , mate of mine just rm'rd him 600 gig xfs array... no backups
15:45.02sorphinade|desk: d'oh
15:45.26ade|deskhe just stormed off icq and is heading for the pub to get very very ratarsed!
15:45.30sorphini remmber back in the day when i'd rm -fr *, thinking i was in /tmp... i wasn't.. i was in /
15:45.42sorphini caught it
15:45.45sorphinbut lost 1/2
15:46.11sorphinade|desk: bout the only thing i'll give ext2
15:46.14sorphinis ext2undelete
15:46.22sorphinwhen i've used it anyways
15:46.33ade|deski know nothing about xfs
15:46.39CosmicPenguinsorphin: I have an epia... :)
15:47.07sorphinade|desk: xfs when it's gone it's gone
15:47.19sorphinCosmicPenguin: and which side of the fence are you on?
15:47.23sorphini see haters
15:47.26sorphinand lovers
15:47.31sjhillsorphin: yeah, that's why i'm migrating to ext3 from xfs
15:47.32CosmicPenguinwell, officially I hate em
15:47.38CosmicPenguinbecause thats my job
15:47.42sorphinCosmicPenguin: right
15:47.55sorphinCosmicPenguin: and you want officially everyone to Geode
15:48.08CosmicPenguinbut unoffically, its the only mini-itx platform I can have shipped over night for about a hundred bucks
15:48.23sorphinhow's it do?
15:48.32CosmicPenguinits ok
15:48.38CosmicPenguinyour typical low power x86 platform
15:48.42sorphinsjhill: heh, i went from ext3 to xfs
15:48.48sjhillsorry CP
15:48.57sorphinsjhill: ext3 was pointless.. why even journal at all
15:49.05CosmicPenguinsjhill: prepare to be disappointed... :)
15:49.10sorphinsjhill: it just corrupts the damn journal
15:49.22sjhillsorphin: i should be more specific, ext3 is my system stuff, all my files and things i care about are xfs
15:49.30sorphinCosmicPenguin: where's a damn AMD cheap mini ITX? :P
15:49.36sorphinsjhill: ah
15:49.49sjhillCosmicPenguin: HD audio in hardware, encryption in hardware, etc.
15:50.02CosmicPenguinsorphin: man, I ask that question every day
15:50.03sjhillGeode doesn't have those afaiks
15:50.03sorphinsjhill: </fantasy>
15:50.07*** join/#elinux jbevren (
15:50.15sjhillsorphin: that's in the specs
15:50.17CosmicPenguinsjhill: yeah, but the encryption is really just a bunch of BS - its a shell game
15:50.30sjhillwhat about 5.1 audio in hw?
15:50.39CosmicPenguinHD audio in hardware is nice, but the AU1200 has that... :)
15:50.51sorphinya know
15:50.59sorphini need to write a filter
15:51.00sjhillcan you tell i haven't had time to play with it? :)
15:51.12jbevreneveryone see if you can spot where my isp screwed up just now
15:51.13CosmicPenguinsjhill: let me be more precise - that particular board you have doesn't have it, but we could easily hook in the codec
15:51.16sorphinthat filters the world Alchemy or the letters AU w/ a number :)
15:51.17CosmicPenguinIt being I2S and all
15:51.22jbevrenwhat's wrong with this picture :P
15:51.32sjhillCosmicPenguin: ah
15:51.39sorphinjbevren: your gateway is on a diff subnet
15:52.22jbevrensorphin: theyre claiming theyre not sending me that netmask
15:52.29jbevrenso I told them I'm going static till they fix it
15:52.31sorphinuh huh
15:52.40sorphinCosmicPenguin: sicko
15:52.47prpplaguejbevren: dsl line?
15:52.47jbevrenI told them exactly whats up heh
15:52.55sorphini'm always static :P
15:53.04prpplaguejbevren: i'm having problems with my adsl at home
15:53.05sorphinwhen i moved
15:53.13sorphinthey tried to put me on "Sticky Static"
15:53.20sjhillg'day gents
15:53.21sorphina PPPOE assigned "static"
15:53.23sjhillhave a good weekend
15:53.26sorphinsjhill: cya
15:53.27CosmicPenguinsjhill: take it easy
15:53.29prpplaguejbevren: stupid c&w can't seem to understand that its nothing to do with the line, its there authentication thats failing
15:53.32jbevrenI dont mind a static ip assigned via dhcp
15:53.35jbevrenthats what I use at home
15:53.40sorphinjbevren: this isnt' dhcp tho
15:53.42sorphinit's pppoe
15:53.45sorphinand if
15:53.50jbevrenpppoe is kinda dhcpish hehe
15:53.52sorphinthe ppoe does down
15:53.56sorphinyou lost your gateway
15:53.57jbevrenso you want raw eth?
15:54.05jbevrenours is raw eth
15:54.10jbevrenno ppoe bs
15:54.13sorphinright now, i'm bridged to SBC
15:54.15jbevrenI have no idea why they use ppoe anyway
15:54.21jbevrenaside from not knowing how to route networks :)
15:54.23sorphinand they steal 1 ip
15:54.25sorphinfor their end
15:54.31sorphinwhat i WANT
15:54.37sorphinis them to route to me
15:54.58sorphini'm a bridged connection
15:55.05sorphinwhen i moved
15:55.07prpplaguejbevren: virtually all of the carib uses PPPoA
15:55.08sorphinand stuff wasn't working
15:55.21sorphini had a nice chat w/ Tier 2 management
15:55.37sorphinstill didn't work for a week
15:55.39sorphincome to find out
15:55.46sorphinsomeone listened to me it seems
15:55.53sorphinwhile me and the tech were trying to get sticky working
15:55.59sorphindid a manger override
15:56.03sorphinand put me back legacy static
15:56.07sorphinmanager even
15:56.28jbevrenI mailed the NOC
15:56.30sorphinjbevren: you pppoe your gateway address
15:56.32jbevrenthey mailed back (less than 5min)
15:56.39jbevrenthanks for catching it! we fixed it just now.
15:56.45sorphinand then the rest of the block is yours
15:56.50sorphinif you lose ppoe
15:56.54sorphinyou lose everything
15:57.02sorphini don't lose anything
15:57.09sorphinunless ATM drops :P
15:57.12jbevrenyou lose access, but not the connection states?
15:57.41sorphinw/ sticky, i'm routing through a pppoe server
15:57.45sorphinso technically i have my routing
15:57.55sorphinbut i don't trust a pppoe server
15:58.10sorphini'm straight through the dslam and redback
15:59.01jbevren77ms over network
15:59.13sorphini can't ping you directly
15:59.22sorphinicmp echo blocking?
15:59.53jbevrenits the only icmp I block
16:00.52sorphinso you block UDP too :P
16:01.05sorphinhigh port
16:01.15jbevrenI block invalid connections
16:01.18jbevrentracert udp is invalid
16:01.22sorphini tracerouted
16:01.28prpplagueCosmicPenguin: another storm brewing off the coast of africa
16:01.29sorphinyou're odd
16:01.42jbevreninvalid-state connections are potential risks
16:01.51sorphinHurricane Plague
16:01.52jbevrenhijacking, network stack attacks etc
16:02.02sorphinjbevren: you forget what field i work in
16:02.09jbevrennaw, I just like to bs.
16:02.58sorphinand there's port 22
16:03.07sorphinjbevren: any alarms going off yet? ;)
16:03.24jbevrennaw, I dont bother with that
16:03.38jbevrenpeopel that log firewalls are just dillusional and paranoid
16:03.47jbevrenthe only thing I log is ssh attempts
16:04.01jbevrenand isp's that attempt to log in as admin get their entire netblock dropped
16:04.02sorphinjbevren: up 10.712 days huh?
16:04.07jbevrenpower outage
16:04.21jbevrenthis is the ppc btw
16:04.40sorphinit just withstood a full syn scan :P
16:04.49CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah, I saw that
16:04.54CosmicPenguintwo well defined waves
16:04.57jbevrenhow'd you get the uptime btw?
16:05.08sorphinjbevren: normal timing btw, i could do insane ;)
16:05.14sorphinjbevren: nmap
16:05.22sorphinjbevren: mini flood
16:05.29sorphinDevice type: general purpose
16:05.29sorphinRunning: Linux 2.4.X|2.5.X
16:05.29sorphinOS details: Linux 2.4.0 - 2.5.20, Linux 2.4.18 - 2.4.20
16:05.30sorphinUptime 10.712 days (since Mon Sep 12 17:58:28 2005)
16:05.30sorphinTCP Sequence Prediction: Class=random positive increments
16:05.32sorphinIPID Sequence Generation: All zeros
16:05.40jbevrenwhat swtiches did you use :P
16:05.48sorphinnmap -P0 -v -sS -O
16:05.57jbevrenahh -O eh?
16:06.03sorphinOS detection
16:06.03jbevrenit should survive Tinsane
16:06.11jbevrenfeel free to try
16:06.49sorphinjbevren: cooked on that drive bay where they since the 12v and 5v lines? :)
16:07.06sorphinsink even
16:08.12*** join/#elinux jbevren (
16:08.20jbevrendoh :)
16:09.46sorphinjbevren: it took 1 second longer using -Tinsane
16:13.35jbevrendunno maybe you knocked me off irc
16:13.42jbevrendoubt it, but I lost connections to both efnet and freenode
16:15.48*** join/#elinux toi (
16:16.04sorphinjbevren: try hitting port 25 on
16:19.26jbevrenwhy :)
16:19.46sorphinSep 23 11:19:35: %SEC-6-IPACCESSLOGP: list 102 denied tcp ->, 1 packet
16:20.04jbevrenyay firewall logging
16:20.10sorphinjust on your entry
16:20.30sorphini have... *counts*
16:20.51sorphinnot counting yours
16:20.54sorphin170 blocks
16:21.04sorphinof which
16:21.34sorphin34 are for each public host
16:22.57filetoday is turning out to be too productive
16:23.00sorphin80,135,137,138,139,443,445,1023,1025,1026,1027,1029,1080,1433,2100,2745,3140,4899,5000,5554,6129,9898,17300 then 9 udp ports
16:23.20filenoooooooooooo ok
16:23.41sorphinpreemptively even
16:24.08sorphini think for lunch today will be my usual friday lunch.. since this is the last week i can have it
16:24.29sorphinsesame chicken, steamed rice, 2 crab rangoon
16:27.33sorphinchouimat: not KDE v2 ? :P
16:29.32jbevrensorphin: any suggestions for sending routes over ppp?
16:29.50jbevren(for vpn, I dont want to defaultroute my lan over the vpn hookup)
16:30.35jbevrenThe servers I'm accessing are on public networks, but you have to go through the vpn server (also on public net) to get to admin ports
16:30.48jbevrenthe easy method is to defaultroute on the vpn.  I dont wanna. :P
16:31.01sorphinwhy can't you route/gateway ?
16:31.09jbevrencurrently, I wget a known list of servers and parse with a shell script to add routes
16:31.22jbevrenI just dont want my entire lan's traffic to go over the vpn
16:31.27sorphini know
16:32.02jbevrenso anyway, I didnt know if there was some way to have pptpd pass the routes over the line
16:32.24jbevrenthe current setup 'works'.
16:32.26sorphinpppd? not that i'm aware of
16:32.28kergothheh.  have the machine on each end proxyarp? :P
16:32.43jbevrenkergoth: that defaultroutes heh
16:33.03jbevrenbesides, last thing i want is 4000000 arp entries in my cache
16:33.05jbevrenj/k :)
16:33.09sorphinjbevren: well
16:33.26sorphinnot that i'd use pppd for a vpn :P
16:33.35jbevrenwe use pptp (shrug)
16:33.40jbevrenit works witht he windows lusers
16:33.44sorphinbut, can't you just treat the vpn server as a gateway? (but not a default gw)
16:34.00jbevrenI do, for a specific list of IPs
16:34.13sorphini.e. route add gw
16:34.17jbevrenthe question is whether or not the host end of the vpn can send me these routes instead of me setting them 'manually'
16:34.27jbevrennod.. route add destbox dev ppp0
16:34.46sorphini don't do it via device
16:35.01sorphinbut if it works that way
16:35.15jbevrenit does
16:35.20jbevrenI could do gw vpnIP
16:35.34jbevrenI'm a lazy sob and just installed the webmin pptp client module
16:35.48sorphinseeing as our vpn device
16:35.51sorphinis a cisco 3000
16:35.57chouimatsorphin: it's a cat not a software project
16:36.18sorphinchouimat: same difference in your world :P
16:36.22kergothheh, i have the same issue as jbevren right now.  work and home are both  adding explicit routes that nexthop to the vpn server via the vpn link
16:36.26jbevrensorphin: The question is more of a question of possibility I guess
16:36.39jbevrenppc:~# route -n |wc -l                                                          
16:36.41sorphinkergoth: i guess i'm lucky
16:36.54sorphinkergoth: our vpn assigns 172.x.x.x
16:37.05sorphinthe corp EDN uses 10.x.x.x and 172.x.x.x
16:37.08sorphinnot 192
16:37.20sorphinguess i caught a break that way
16:37.23jbevren172's a class A?
16:37.27jbevrenI thought it was a class B
16:37.31sorphinit's a B
16:37.38sorphini just don't remember the rest of it
16:37.45sorphini personaly dont' use 172.x addresses
16:37.45jbevren16 or 17, cant remember which
16:37.47jbevrenI dont use it :)
16:37.48sorphinonly 192 and 10
16:37.58jbevrenI used to use 10
16:38.11sorphinjbevren: but as i said
16:38.15sorphinusing what you're using
16:38.17sorphini dunno
16:38.19sorphinbut  i know
16:38.28sorphinthe vpn crap i use
16:38.28kergothactually, i wonder if DNAT can just modify a single octet in the destination address
16:38.30sorphinthrows routes at you
16:38.33kergothif so, DNAT would be perfect
16:38.43kergothDNAT traffic going to 192.168.2.x to 192.168.1.x
16:38.50kergothall stateful and happy
16:39.00sorphinkergoth: i'm assuming you mean dynamic nat :P
16:39.11fileI use 192.168.0.x for VPN, 192.168.2.x for LAN, and work is.. 10.100.254.x, and 10.200.x.x
16:39.15kergothno, DNAT is a netfilter thing. destination
16:39.19kergothas opposed to SNAT, which is source
16:39.22filetoo many IPs...
16:39.31sorphinkergoth: never touched it
16:39.39sorphinbut i hate NAT, in any form
16:40.26chouimatshit .... my laptop problem is the logic board and it's not covered by the warranty and I won't pay half the laptop price to get it fixed
16:40.53sorphinchouimat: that'll teach you to not buy Dell :P
16:41.03chouimatsorphin: apple
16:41.15sorphinthe ibook?
16:41.31sorphinshoulda gotten the powerbook instead ;)
16:41.37kergothi'm not a fan of nat either, but in this situation, itd be handy
16:41.42sorphingood friend lost an ibook
16:41.50sorphinthe powerbooks seem built better
16:41.55CosmicPenguinLinux demursus 2.6.13-gentoo-r2 #1 SMP Thu Sep 22 08:58:27 MDT 2005 x86_64 Dual Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 880 AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
16:41.55sorphinkergoth: nod
16:41.56chouimatsorphin: the line in the screen is annoying but I can live with it
16:42.09sorphinCosmicPenguin: have i mentioned i hate you yet today?
16:42.27chouimatCosmicPenguin: how much for one of those?
16:42.41sorphinchouimat: $100,000,000,000
16:43.07chouimatsorphin: just how much I have to spend before next year taxes report ;)
16:43.31*** join/#elinux hufnus (
16:43.38sorphinnext year's taxes are gonna be funky
16:43.39sorphinw/ the house
16:43.42sorphinand now the timeshare
16:43.52sorphinmajor deduction fun
16:53.01*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
16:53.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: re
16:53.44CosmicPenguinI didn't even know I was gone
17:01.37sorphinCosmicPenguin: yeah, your peer reset you
17:03.29*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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17:04.07CosmicPenguinproxy smoxy
17:04.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you see that storm off the coast of africa
17:07.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: definettly hot at the center
17:08.16CosmicPenguinThere's one just south of bermuda too
17:08.29CosmicPenguinbut noaa already has their eyes on that one near the cape verde islands
17:10.46prpplaguehehe my landlord lives in bermuda
17:10.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: they don't get hurricanes often
17:20.21jbevrenprpplague: how much is rent (if I may ask)?
17:25.04prpplaguejbevren: $800USD
17:29.24CosmicPenguinok, so I understand how to make gdm do XDMCP, but how do I disable it locally?
17:29.57CosmicPenguinoh, I see
17:30.15pb_later all
17:39.40CosmicPenguinYou know, we need the ability to drag tabs to different mozilla windows
17:39.59kergoththatd be really nice
17:46.43prpplaguehmm wonder whats inside this -
17:47.35*** join/#elinux T`2 (n=total@pdpc/supporter/student/T)
17:48.00CosmicPenguinmaybe just an asic
17:48.10CosmicPenguinDoesn't sound like it does too much that requires a processor
17:48.43T`2moin guys
17:48.46prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, lcd support, usb, backup a wide range of cards without a pc
17:49.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: granted it could be done with an asic, but that sounds like alot to me
17:49.22CosmicPenguinI guess - but it wouldn't be much of a processor - no mmu, maybe a low end ARM or a SH5
17:49.32prpplagueT`2: greetings earthling
17:49.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea
17:49.57CosmicPenguinWatching this beast compile is really kind of mesmerising
17:50.18T`2prpplague, hows the hurricane down there? any affect?
17:50.41CosmicPenguinof course you realize that the gulf of mexico is a gigantic region, right?
17:50.55prpplagueT`2: not even close to us
17:51.07CosmicPenguinheh - its closer to us then it is to prpplague
17:51.10T`2cp, did you see the hurricane satellite pics?
17:51.15T`2lol i c
17:51.25T`2ok my bad.. i agree i'm an idiot in geography
17:51.55CosmicPenguinnot that prpplague isn't in a prime location for hurricanes, mind you
17:51.57T`2woohoo.. its friday!
18:00.35ibotFriday sucks, because it should be the weekend, but you're stuck working anyway.
18:01.14filehow the hell did this API call ever work
18:02.13prpplaguefile: chewing gum, bailing wire, and a whole lot of luck
18:03.23sorphindon't knock the SH5 penguin :)
18:04.07CosmicPenguinI'm not knocking anything
18:04.12sorphini know
18:04.16sorphinjust making sure :)
18:04.20CosmicPenguincept intel
18:04.22CosmicPenguinbut then again, don't we all?
18:04.51sorphincuz of a modem... taht still amuses me now that i know that
18:04.55sorphin1 bit
18:04.56sorphinmessed up
18:05.27sorphinCosmicPenguin: ya know the 1 good thing about intel?
18:05.47sorphinCosmicPenguin: they give AMD someone to learn how not to make certain mistakes from
18:05.56sorphini dunno if that came out right
18:06.03sorphinthey can watch intel make mistakes
18:06.04CosmicPenguinThat, and they messed up Itanium so bad, it gave AMD a chance to take the lead
18:06.08sorphinand avoid them
18:07.18CosmicPenguinC builds on this machine are almost too fast to read
18:07.26CosmicPenguinbut even 4 cores struggles with C++
18:07.36CosmicPenguinanother reason why C++ sucks in general, and g++ sucks specifically
18:08.25sorphinCosmicPenguin: i had to take c++ for my bachelors
18:08.33sorphini went in only doing C, picked up C++ in 5 mins
18:08.36sorphinaced the class
18:08.38CosmicPenguinyeah, I had to do my fair share of C++ too
18:08.39sorphinnever coded c++ again
18:08.46CosmicPenguinI had to do C++ again with FLTK
18:08.48sorphinCosmicPenguin: the fun part
18:08.54CosmicPenguinI see the sense it makes for GUI, but barely
18:08.58sorphinCosmicPenguin: i'd be done w/ the assignments in 5 mins
18:09.04sorphinthe intructor would be like..
18:09.08sorphinthat's not how i want it done
18:09.28sorphini'd be like, that's nice, but your way also doesn't work that well
18:09.38sorphinman i got him fuming
18:10.10sorphinwhen i got done, i'd get up and start helping others
18:10.16sorphinhe didnt' like that
18:10.18jbevrensorphin: I remember doing that to one of my profs
18:10.23jbevrenhe was an engineer
18:10.40jbevrenasked for a design using an 8088 and a specific flipflop IC
18:11.37jbevrenI used another one, and he tried failing me
18:11.37jbevrenI got two other profs to compare the designs (blind test after he assembled his)
18:11.37jbevrenmine won cause timing was tighter and it could run at higher speeds
18:11.47sorphinmmm hot braised chicken
18:11.49jbevrennothing an 8088 and 2k of SRAM wont teach you :)
18:12.02jbevrenhe wanted to use 74ls573s for the latches, and I went with 373s
18:12.07jbevren(iirc, the 5xx part was his)
18:12.15jbevrenmmm chicken
18:12.33jbevrenmmmmm chicken
18:12.42CosmicPenguinAnd just to be sure that C++ doesn't suck enough, I also have to deal with QT
18:12.54jbevrenCosmicPenguin: gak!
18:12.58sorphinCosmicPenguin: heathen
18:13.03chouimatCosmicPenguin: QuickTime?
18:13.07CosmicPenguinnot my choice
18:13.11MonMothajbevren: interestingly, the 573 and 373 are supposed to have identical timings, just different pinouts
18:13.12sorphinjbevren: i don't think that it's that everything tastes like chicken
18:13.23sorphinjbevren: i think it's that chicken tastes like everything
18:13.26jbevrensorphin: I also steamed up another prof on an amplifier with a clean gain of 12k
18:13.37jbevrensorhpin: I think its like this
18:13.42jbevrenGod had all these flavors in his db
18:13.46jbevrensquirrel, quail, girls
18:13.50jbevrenthen his system crashed
18:13.56jbevrenthe only taste he had left was chicken
18:14.01jbevrenlol :)
18:14.36jbevrenthat said, quail tastes mor elike cornish hens than chicken
18:14.52sorphinwhat i'm gonna say
18:14.56sorphini'm not saying in channel
18:16.35sorphinCosmicPenguin: then turn off that intel box :P
18:16.41sorphinit's emitting too much heat ;)
18:17.14sorphinjbevren: yeah
18:17.17sorphinbut those 2 resistors
18:17.22sorphinare sinking more than 2W :P
18:17.36jbevrenso is my scsi drive
18:17.40jbevrenI was talking about the cpu
18:17.42sorphinjbevren: i guess we gave up on clocking them properly?
18:18.52jbevrenI guess?
18:18.55jbevrenI havent tried heh
18:19.04jbevrenif it works, dont fix it? :)
18:19.42jbevrenrm -f wall
18:20.04sorphinjbevren: heh, true, however
18:20.12sorphinjbevren: my mac mini
18:20.21jbevrennodnod yeahyeah :)
18:20.23sorphinwas a 1.34ghz or whatever
18:20.27sorphinit's now at 1.5ghz
18:20.29jbevren1.2 -> 1.42
18:20.31jbevrenyay 200mhz
18:20.32sorphinand you *can* tell the diff
18:22.05CosmicPenguinonly if you think you can
18:28.07jbevrenon a g4, a few hunderd mhz will make a diff
18:28.12jbevrenespecially when youre clocking the bus up too
18:29.05jbevrenfound a sound card for my project
18:29.13jbevren8bit pc/104 ess audiodrive
18:32.31sorphinman this is good
18:32.42sorphinit's not realy hot, but the peppers give it a realy good flavor
18:39.00jbevrenguilty until proven innocent
18:39.06jbevrenand after proven innocent
18:39.10jbevrentreated as guilty
18:39.18jbevrenwhat a lovely world we live in
18:48.42prpplaguesorphin: hehe, finally found a smartmedia card reader that provides raw access
18:48.49sorphinprpplague: oh?
18:49.07kergothman, i love my new phone
18:49.11sorphinprpplague: do tell
18:49.16sorphinkergoth: what now?
18:49.47kergothjust got it yesterday, they finally shipped it
18:50.06jbevrenI want a motorola linuxphone
18:50.20sorphinkergoth: um... cool? heh
18:50.55kergothit is.  flip phone, bluetooth, symbian, expandable memory (MMC), unlocked
18:51.48kergothonly annoying thing was trying to get my contacts off my old phone onto the sim card or mmc so i could get them to the new one
18:52.01prpplaguesorphin: those two
18:52.08sorphinprpplague: k
18:52.12prpplaguesorphin: average price on the net is about $15.00
18:52.51jbevrenwhy support the device
18:52.59sorphinprpplague: cool
18:53.04jbevrenjust boycott the thing and use standard blockdevs
18:53.13sorphinjbevren: he needs raw access
18:53.32sorphinprpplague: you wanna tell him?
18:53.53prpplagueactually i think i've already gone over it with jbevren, he's jsut not remembering, hehe
18:53.57kergothjbevren: most readers apparently have a translation layer of some sort. he needs byte by byte, untranslated access
18:53.59sorphinCosmicPenguin: trouble in Dual-Dual-Core land?
18:54.05CosmicPenguinsorphin: heck no
18:54.21jbevrenuse an ez-usb? :)
18:54.22CosmicPenguinthis thing is the greatest non female thing I've ever had the pleasure of being logged into
18:54.32prpplaguejbevren: already working on that too
18:54.36CosmicPenguinjbevren: just assume for a moment, that prpplague knows what he's doing
18:54.40prpplaguejbevren: just like to have options
18:54.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: wrong assumtion
18:54.52sorphinprpplague knows what he's doing?
18:54.58sorphintaht's a lie
18:55.03sorphinif i've ever heard one ;)
18:55.03jbevrenhe must
18:55.07CosmicPenguinwell, more then say, to pick a name at random, fishhead
18:55.10jbevrenhe's the one getting away with living on barbados
18:55.22sorphinjbevren: dont' let him fool you
18:55.22jbevrenI remember my nephew's friend making fun of me
18:55.26jbevrencause I rarely shave
18:55.29jbevrenand have long hair
18:55.29sorphinjbevren: prpplague runs barbados
18:55.35jbevrenand was at th time wearing a tattered shirt :)
18:55.39jbevrenI told him
18:55.42jbevrenI get away with being like this
18:55.45CosmicPenguinWe actually all live in barbados
18:55.59CosmicPenguinand we're secretly running the embedded linux cabal from the beach
18:56.01jbevrenone of us isnt making $xk/year, so shut it :)
18:56.18jbevrenfi the feds find out..
18:56.21sorphini know what davey makes
18:56.26sorphinand it's more than me
18:56.29jbevren<- a dave too
18:56.32sorphinnot you
18:56.45sorphinhe's dave #1
18:56.48sorphinyou're dave #2
18:56.52jbevrenits hard to get a bamboo flute to play half notes
18:56.54sorphinin more ways than one
18:57.12jbevrenoh.  I'm on the clock
18:57.15jbevrenI should um do somethign work related
18:57.24sorphinjbevren: delete more users!
18:57.57sorphinCosmicPenguin: so.. how many bogomips? :)
18:58.14CosmicPenguinx 4
18:58.19jbevrensorphin: did 3 today
18:58.22sorphini hate you
18:58.28jbevrenthat stupid spam ring
18:58.34jbevrensign up, spam, get terminated
18:58.35CosmicPenguinless bogomips then the FX-57 that the guy next to me has
18:58.41CosmicPenguinbut then again, he only has one core
18:58.45sorphinjbevren: you saw the googlemaps spam tracking thing, right?
18:58.54sorphinCosmicPenguin: single core is so passe'
18:58.59CosmicPenguinthats sooo January
18:59.21sorphinjbevren: was on /. a few days ago
19:00.04sorphinCosmicPenguin: so..
19:00.20sorphinhow does linux show them on boot? on my dual PPro board, it shows #0 then #2
19:00.23jbevrenI dont pay too much attention to /.
19:00.28sorphindunno why it skips #1
19:00.44jbevrenthus my sharing the tube link to the chan
19:00.49jbevrenif I had known it was on slashdot I wouldnt have
19:00.58CosmicPenguinsorphin: no, it shows 0 - 3 here
19:01.03CosmicPenguinYou know, that whole 2.6 thing
19:01.15CosmicPenguinI dare say, 2.4 doesn't know how to count
19:01.45sorphinguy here (pretty sharp too) can't get wine working on 2.6, but 2.4 works flawless
19:01.50CosmicPenguinWe have new soda coolers, like they have in stores - with the glass fronts?
19:02.02sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh
19:02.05CosmicPenguinanyway, they gave us limited supplies last week to track usage, and the water disappeared in about four days
19:02.16CosmicPenguinso they just filled two of the coolers completely full with water
19:02.29CosmicPenguinThats just a crapload of bottles
19:02.45sorphinCosmicPenguin: time to watercool that dual-dual-core ;)
19:02.47CosmicPenguinThe Germans would freak out at the unrecyclablity of it all
19:02.54sorphinCosmicPenguin: watch it penguin
19:02.56CosmicPenguinsorphin: actually, this thing has two really badass looking fans
19:03.26sorphinCosmicPenguin: and probably doesn't come w/ the cpus :P
19:03.45CosmicPenguinThose, only a bit more progressional grade
19:03.47sorphini learned my lesson w/ the athlon
19:04.21sorphinsolid copper base, bout 1/4" thick, w/ aluminum pins out the top
19:04.25sorphin68cfm fan
19:04.36sorphinwhined to all hell pushing that much air
19:04.41sorphintaht stupid athlon
19:04.45sorphinstill ran hot
19:05.10CosmicPenguinyeah, because AMD is the company with the head and wattage issues
19:05.18sorphinit was the 3rd of 3
19:05.28sorphinthe 1st 2 lost their magic smoke
19:05.37sorphin1st was killed by a copper shim that slipped
19:05.56sorphinshorted 2 of those stupid lil traces amd puts on top :P
19:06.31sorphinnow i've seen it all
19:06.35sorphinthis board someone gave me
19:06.51sorphinthe heatsink had thin foam attached (on the northbridge)
19:07.11sorphinto provide standoff so the heatsink wouldn't short the 4 *capacitors* on the top of the chip
19:07.24CosmicPenguinproably a rework
19:07.57CosmicPenguincheaper then a complete silicon respin
19:08.15sorphinseen those
19:08.28sorphinwhen i was looking at a heatsink for something
19:08.31sorphinthose just look...
19:09.45jbevrenTHOSE are coolers
19:09.48jbevrensoda-can sized
19:09.54jbevrenalso note the lovely power rails
19:09.59fishheadhow much static will a hair dryer yield ?
19:10.20jbevrenfishhead: none if you run it while youre in the tub and drop it in the water
19:11.09fishhead<fishhead> drying a wet motherboard
19:11.24jbevrenhow'd you get it wet?
19:18.18jbevrenI hsould lunch soon
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21:43.48T0mWwell, that was a total failure: cooking a PCB on the electric stove, too much heat and copper seperated from fiberglass
21:44.43sorphinT0mW: doh
21:44.59T0mWwell, have to find out somehow
21:45.12T0mWI'm considering a toaster oven
21:46.04T0mWI've got some raw pcb stock to play with, I'm not going to commit good pcb with silkscreen, etc., until I am satisfied with junk boards.
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21:52.22black_13i am trying to buld busybox using build root and i am getting a lots of "extra linkage"
21:55.25CosmicPenguinextra linkage?
21:55.50black_13take a look at
21:56.11CosmicPenguinI haven't seen mallum in a while
21:56.58CosmicPenguinblack_13: looks like you have library contamination
21:57.22black_13is that what it should be called "library contamination"
21:58.14black_13i didnt know what to call it but i knew it would prevent busybox from work correctly (As it doesn when the linux system tries to load busybox init and has a kernel panic)
21:58.54black_13how do i fix it?
22:00.40CosmicPenguinYou need to figure out which library is bringing in libc
22:00.49CosmicPenguinI'm guessing its either libcrypt, libm or libgcc_s
22:01.58black_13oh crap that doesnt sound fun
22:02.49CosmicPenguinNo, I know from experience it is indeed, not fun
22:03.41black_13i am just going to download the prebuild tool chain and chroot into it
22:13.44black_13there is more than one way to skin a cat (or penguin)
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22:57.20anderseefile[laptop]: ouch
22:59.33CosmicPenguinandersee: those alchemy boards still treating you alright?
23:06.44CosmicPenguinNow, thats just plain cool
23:08.42jbevrenvery nice, I agree
23:10.59T`2interesting... their direction prediction's accuracy isn't too bad
23:11.54CosmicPenguinI think thats from noaa
23:12.01CosmicPenguinthey have some pretty impressive models
23:12.22anderseeCosmicPenguin: they are awesome
23:13.02anderseeCosmicPenguin: far better test boards than the crappy broadcom mips boards that clients have sent me
23:15.13CosmicPenguinandersee: good
23:16.04CosmicPenguinWe're hopefully going to get some updated code out here pretty soon
23:16.19CosmicPenguinI need to shake loose a resource to update to head
23:19.59CosmicPenguinbut not tonight, because its home time

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