irclog2html for #elinux on 20050914

01:09.35*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
01:21.29*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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01:57.32*** join/#elinux weo1 (
01:58.06*** join/#elinux markl_ (
02:00.27*** join/#elinux hufnus (n=slonsiki@
02:19.54*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
02:31.02*** join/#elinux Russ (
03:07.37*** join/#elinux Soopaman (n=soopaman@
07:22.13*** join/#elinux Russ (
07:27.05*** join/#elinux CP|Laptop (
08:03.00*** join/#elinux ade|desk (n=adavey@
08:26.10*** join/#elinux ade|des1 (n=adavey@
09:39.01*** join/#elinux pb_ (n=pb@2002:5246:d929:1:20a:5eff:fe00:391e)
10:05.39*** join/#elinux CP|Laptop (
11:43.20*** join/#elinux Soopa (n=soopaman@
12:23.49*** join/#elinux chouimat|Zzzz (
12:34.53*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
12:50.48prpplaguemorning golks
12:51.03prpplagueseems my typing skills haven't improved from yesterday
12:51.23chouimatprpplague: morning and LOL "The primary purpose of the DATA statement is to give names to constants; instead of referring to pi as 3.141592653589793 at every appearance, the variable PI can be given that value with a DATA statement and used instead of the longer form of the constant.  This also simplifies modifying the program, should the value of pi change . -- FORTRAN manual for Xerox Computers"
13:08.30jbevrenshould the value of pi change .
13:11.17*** join/#elinux mallum (
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13:19.18*** join/#elinux Soopaman (n=soopaman@
13:43.34*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
13:54.54CP|Laptopthats a doozy
13:55.47prpplagueCP|Laptop: yea, and the way the jet stream is right now, its gonna go right over the top of barbados if it gets organized
13:57.20prpplagueCP|Laptop: if that gets organized that will put katrina to shame
13:57.48CP|Laptopno doubt
13:59.51CP|LaptopCertainly will be worse for the islands
13:59.53CP|Laptoppull an Ivan
14:01.12prpplaguethats at the same place ivan started
15:10.23*** join/#elinux sjhill (
15:11.24prpplaguesjhill: hey crack baby
15:11.42sjhillprpplague: hey coco no nuts
15:11.49prpplaguesjhill: whats cookin?
15:14.22sjhillabout 4 different projects
15:14.24sjhillguess what?
15:14.28sjhillthey all have to be done in 2 weeks
15:14.33prpplaguesjhill: your pregnant?
15:14.49prpplaguesjhill: love those rush jobs
15:14.50sjhillyeah, that's it :)
15:15.30prpplaguesjhill: you've got experience working with nand flash right? iirc i saw you name on some of the mtd nand stuff
15:16.05sjhillyeah, i wrote the original drivers
15:16.10sjhillevil stuff
15:16.43prpplaguesjhill: tell me about it
15:17.25prpplaguesjhill: i assume the device you were working with had the nand flash on it? or did you use some desktop interface for dev?
15:17.47sjhillno it was a ARM EP7212 board with a NAND part on it
15:32.21CP|LaptopWe have a new employee with the last name Nagaraj
15:32.31CP|LaptopIt reminds me of OfficeSpace
15:32.39CP|LaptopSamir... Samir...
15:32.59kergoth`zzzwell at least your name isnt michael bolton
15:33.20CP|Laptopcomin' through with the quote
15:35.20CP|LaptopAch - thats not good
15:35.21Soopamansorry to hear about that man
15:37.06ade|des1sorry kergoth`zzz
15:42.30*** join/#elinux [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
15:49.42sjhillkergoth: Sorry for your loss. Wife lost hers 3 weeks ago. Sucks.
15:49.50kergoththanks :\
15:51.21sjhilldoes anybody understand subsections in assembly code?
15:51.24sjhilllike '.text 2'
15:53.48*** join/#elinux pf-mobile (n=pagefaul@
15:53.50CP|LaptopI know what they're used for
15:53.58CP|Laptopbut I don't understand how they work or don't work
15:54.03filesjhill: pf-mobile might be able to help :)
15:54.05sjhilli'll take that
15:54.10sjhillCP|Laptop: what are they used for?
15:54.15sjhillpf-mobile: ping
15:54.57sjhillpf-mobile: '.text 2' what does this do? how do subsections work?
15:55.40pf-mobileis this AT&T or intel syntax?
15:56.37pb_sjhill: have you consulted the fine manual?
15:56.59sjhillpb_: yes, and it still does not make sense after reading it
15:57.20pf-mobileoh poop
15:57.32sjhillno, i did not read that
16:00.05sjhillokay, that makes more sense
16:00.20sjhilli'm getting too old for this
16:06.29*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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16:18.54*** join/#elinux pf-mobi (n=pagefaul@
16:37.25*** join/#elinux hufnus (n=slonsiki@
16:48.29CP|Laptopnight fellas
17:41.20jbevrenand to think theyre willing to go back after its all over
17:41.23jbevrenyou'd think they'd learn
17:42.39prpplaguejbevren: what?
17:44.14jbevrenthe people that live in the hurricane path
17:44.18jbevrentornado alley is safer
17:44.58prpplaguejbevren: oh
17:45.08prpplaguejbevren: i assume you are refering to ophelia
17:45.25prpplaguejbevren: i was mainly posting regarding the storm to the east of the windwards
17:45.30prpplaguejbevren: thats the one i'm watching
17:46.02jbevrenmy geography's bad.. where's barbados?
17:47.15prpplaguefind the weather channel logo in bottom right corner, take the left edge of the logo and go straight up
17:47.22prpplagueits the island off by itself
17:48.26jbevrenthe one almost directly west of the panama canal?
17:48.27jbevrencan barely see it through the storm
17:50.22jbevrenI'm looking at the wrong stinking block of text
17:50.36jbevrenget stormed on much?
17:51.06prpplaguejbevren: mild rain
17:51.19prpplaguejbevren: we are generally protected by strong winds
17:58.45jbevrenthats very equatorial heh
18:05.26prpplaguejbevren: i live just south of the airport where the beach section is
18:06.00prpplaguejbevren: actually this is a little better to view,+barbados&ll=13.054730,-59.483414&spn=0.035665,0.060176&t=k&hl=en
18:06.22jbevrenhow's the cost of living there :)
18:06.53prpplaguejbevren: well, most things are pretty much the same as the states
18:07.01prpplaguejbevren: just availabily is low
18:07.18jbevrenso a winter hideout would be expen$ive
18:07.30prpplaguejbevren: the major expenses are, electricity, imported food(i.e. beef), and school fees
18:08.00jbevrenI'm not worried over school, since I have no kids
18:08.03prpplaguejbevren: you could expect on spending about 10% more than some place like dallas or austin
18:08.08jbevrenhow about internet.. I kinda need that to do my job :)
18:08.21jbevrenI mean you obvously have it.. heh
18:08.40prpplaguejbevren: adsl 1.44 for $25USD a month
18:08.56jbevrenbeats my $120 for 1.544
18:14.20jbevrenthe hell
18:14.25jbevrenI should have bought a handful of shares
18:15.16jbevrenthat's since 10a?
18:44.22*** join/#elinux sjhill (
18:53.27*** join/#elinux T` (n=total@pdpc/supporter/student/T)
19:34.47*** join/#elinux hufnus (n=slonsiki@
19:36.15*** join/#elinux andersee (
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19:52.39*** join/#elinux TimRiker (n=timr@pdpc/supporter/bronze/TimRiker)
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20:45.20*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
20:51.56chouimatprpplague: do you know how to reset the flash of a lpc2138? I upload stuff but it doesn't execute the code, only the previous one there
21:03.36prpplaguechouimat: sorry haven't gotten my hands on one yet
21:09.01chouimatprpplague: ok
21:21.44jbevrenspamcop blacklisted gmail
21:53.19*** join/#elinux fishhead (i=none@unaffiliated/fishhead)
21:53.34fishheadare there are cheap windowsCE pda's on the market now for $350 that will run linux
21:53.38fishheadlike at circuit city
21:54.02fishheadI am about to return my t5 after a few months now that it appears palmsource is gone and palm has discontinued the t5 after 1 yr
21:54.21fishheadI have the option to do so, at the lost of about $100 in case and extended warrenty fee
21:55.50jbevrenyou could just hold out for a nokia 770
21:59.47file[laptop]jbevren: VoIP on a 770, hrm...
22:00.51jbevrenfile: indeed :)
22:00.55jbevrenafk for a bit
22:55.30*** join/#elinux Soopaman (n=soopaman@
23:19.18*** join/#elinux Soopa (n=soopaman@

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.