irclog2html for #elinux on 20050909

00:14.43*** join/#elinux Sgt-Donan (
00:44.59chouimatsorphin: :)
00:45.30chouimatkergoth: ever heard of them?
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00:52.09kergothwoot, got my new scsi drives
00:52.10kergoth~$ df|grep /srv/share
00:52.11kergoth/dev/hda8            170291756 141586504  28705252  84% /srv/share
00:52.11kergoth/dev/hdb1            195352432 152322040  43030392  78% /srv/share2
00:52.11kergoth/dev/sdb1            177287832     32840 177254992   1% /srv/share3
00:52.12kergoth/dev/sdc1            177287832     32840 177254992   1% /srv/share4
00:53.58chouimatkergoth: nice =)
00:58.06sorphinand they'r ehow big?
00:58.15kergothits sdb1 and sdc1
00:58.19kergothcouple 180s
00:58.27kergothneeded to get my archives off of my ides
00:58.38sorphini wouldn't pay what you paid i'm sure
00:58.46sorphinscsi isn't worth the price premium anymore
00:58.56kergothconsidering how many ide drives i've lost over the years, i'd say it is
00:59.04sorphini've never lost one
00:59.04kergothyou're probably speaking just from a peormance perspective
00:59.10sorphinhate to tell you
00:59.12sorphinscsi drives
00:59.14sorphinand ide drives
00:59.18sorphinare the same mechanics
00:59.20sorphinall they do
00:59.20chouimat|Zzzzkergoth: and it's free the cpu too ;)
00:59.23kergothcompare the MTBF ratings sometime.
00:59.23sorphinis change the controller board
00:59.30kergothi'd advise talking out of your ass less, and your mouth more
01:00.09sorphinkergoth: ok, then i guess someone who works for seagate doesn't know what they're talking about then eh?
01:00.20kergothmy dad worked for them for years
01:00.30kergoththank god, you've been an ass all day
01:00.32kergothbut what else is new
01:00.42sorphin[mini]fuck off chris
01:01.05sorphinand for the record, you're one every day too
01:01.14sorphingood riddance
01:01.53chouimat|Zzzzkergoth: wow
01:02.09kergoththat was easy
01:02.22chouimat|Zzzzkergoth: too easy
01:03.16chouimat|Zzzzkergoth: want to see the picture of a nice spaniard chick?
01:03.31chouimat|Zzzzemail addy
01:05.05chouimat|Zzzzkergoth: ok sent
01:08.50kergothi'll have to link sorphin some of the stats i just googled up.  most ide drives have an mtbf of 600-700 thousand.  most scsi have 1.2 million.
01:08.53kergothenterprise level
01:09.27chouimatkergoth  I just hope sorphin reaction is not the result of his recent wedding
01:10.11chouimatkergoth: i know i'm bad ;)
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01:54.43CP|HomeThrow it to Moss, you SOB!
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02:16.30CP|Homesjhill: whats the good word?
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02:51.48sjhillCP|Home: i'm afraid they're all 4-letter ones this evening
03:06.28cdmsjhill, that doesn't sound good.  
03:06.29cdmhow's NPTL?
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04:05.57CP|Homesjhill: doh
04:06.04CP|Homesjhill: I blame andersee ... :)
04:06.15CP|Homecdm: so, I'm watching football, and I see the nano ad
04:06.36CP|Homeand there's this hand holding a nano, and a black hand comes in from the side and tries to take it
04:06.46CP|HomeI know I shouldn't, but I immediately got the wrong impression
04:08.04cdmCP: :)
04:30.20anderseeCP|Home: eh?
05:01.21Genesisbonne nuit
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13:37.59prpplaguechouimat: lo
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13:51.50prpplaguei don't see how this patent could be accepted
13:56.03prpplaguecool, the ipod nano has a nand flash module
13:56.08prpplaguereally nice design
13:56.31CosmicPenguinHere's a question - has Amazon ever defended one of their patents?
13:57.22prpplaguedon't know
13:57.39prpplaguethat patent could be a real problem for symbol, intermec and aml
13:57.45prpplagueas well as HHP
13:58.16prpplaguethere is so much prior art for that, i don't know how they could get it approved
13:58.48CosmicPenguinIt looks like the intention is to patent something like the cue-cat, rather then a handheld scanner
13:59.11CosmicPenguinThe devil is in the details, I guess - the summary never tells the whole story
14:00.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: if you read the actual wording, its about taking a picture of something and then retrieving information about that item
14:00.52prpplagueCosmicPenguin: well all imaging barcode scanners take pictures
14:01.16prpplagueCosmicPenguin: plus a company already owns a patent on taking pictures of barcodes via a cell phone
14:01.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: so there are already patents to some extent and tons of prior art
14:01.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: that application is way to vague to be approved
14:03.06prpplaguefirst line in that application:
14:03.08prpplague"A method for communicating information regarding a selected item to a user present at the location of a first entity, the method comprising: receiving an image from an imaging device, wherein the image contains identifying data associated with the selected item as provided by the first entity; extracting the identifying data from the image; using the identifying data to obtain item information associated with the selected item from a second ent
14:03.08prpplagueity that is different than the first entity; and communicating the item information from the second entity to the imaging device for delivery to the user while the user remains present at the location of the first entity"
14:03.20prpplaguethats the description of a imaging barcode scanner
14:31.59*** join/#elinux T0mW (
14:33.33T0mW<sigh> Friday and I still don't have what I needed accomplished for the week
14:33.56chouimathi kergoth T0mW
14:33.58file[laptop]I'm everywhere.
14:34.20T0mWfile[laptop]: like grease
14:34.46T0mWor crabgrass
14:34.59file[laptop]or the stubborn old man who won't die :P
14:35.08T0mWfile[laptop]: you play with asterix yet?
14:35.24file[laptop]you mean asterisk?
14:36.06T0mWyeah, I've someone that has 24/7 in his office and stores. he would like to use something other than the phone company to make calls between his four locations.
14:36.18file[laptop]'tis my job.
14:36.28T0mWI was looking at maybe asterisk?
14:36.36file[laptop]that would work for it
14:36.46T0mWfile[laptop]: is it stable?
14:37.03file[laptop]if you set it up properly, and don't try anything funky - yes, it can be stable
14:37.24T0mWok, I'll put that on my list of 'look ats' then
14:38.27T0mWI have only one other thing to say gentlemen: SATA SUXS! BIG TIME
14:39.39T0mWidiot customer ordered a plextor 716SA because "it was the latest & greatest".  The SATA controller conflicts with the Adaptec 2940
14:40.28T0mWchouimat: you still paying your bills?
14:40.41chouimatT0mW: yes ...
14:40.50T0mWchouimat: this is a "good thing" then
14:41.26chouimatT0mW: yup ... but I'm getting more and more bored ... so I will probably sit down and write the business plan soon
14:41.49T0mWchouimat: I got a contract to keep me alive until the Spring.  It wasn't what I wanted for it, if I wasn't so hard up for money I would have held out for more.
14:45.54chouimatT0mW: currently thinking about making a simple distro probably based on suse 10.0, with KDE and multimedia to be used in a museum, I don't have the contract yet but I want to be ready as soon  as possible
14:51.52T0mWchouimat: yeah, I did that: MunchiesLinux.  I use that for the one customer who has several Kentucky Fried Chicken stores.  A computer went down recently and it only took an hour to take a blank machine, install the distro and have it preconfigured for that store.
14:52.32file[laptop]hrm 12... I should probably get to work, but food first - er well maybe sorta
14:52.37T0mWWin4Lin, openvpn, firefox, thunderbird, etc..  All configured for that location.
14:53.06chouimatT0mW: I want also to be able to use the same thing for groupware/samba/asterisk stuff
14:55.22T0mWchouimat: it was based on the Mandrake 10.1 distro.  The only headache was customizing gi (Graphics Install) so that it would put a win4lin capable kernel in as a default bootable.  Most everything else was done in the RPMs (media/media_info/*)
14:56.35T0mWchouimat: then, I would have one file: /home/  I can then do './configure <storename>', that would then pull in the rest of the RPMs and invoke configuration scripts to customize settings.
14:59.54chouimatT0mW: currently playing with yast-instserver module ... might be interesting for what I want to do :)
15:03.59T0mWchouimat: I installed the base system and packages I specified in media/media_info/[rpmsrate,].  Then the rest of the customization was a series of RPMs I'd built which went in after the first system boot.  Mandrake does it differently from SuSE, SuSE installs basic stuff, then reboots the REAL installer.  Mandrake's installer is a one-pass.
15:04.45chouimatT0mW: I tried mandrake last month and I iddn't liked it so
15:05.04T0mWI don't like the SuSE runlevel stuff, looks like an abortion
15:05.58T0mWchouimat: heh, I own stock in Novell
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15:48.29jbevrendistlcean doesnt work on buldroot
15:48.36jbevrenI want to remove a package, and it doesnt remove
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15:56.26prpplague~dict speradic
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15:56.44prpplague~spell speradic
15:56.58prpplague~dict sporadic
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16:16.20prpplagueho ho ho
16:16.24prpplaguemerry freakin friday
16:26.49CosmicPenguinwoo - my securid token showed up
16:27.29kergothwhats securid?
16:34.06T0mWprpplague: whot's up doc ?
16:36.35prpplagueT0mW: hey hey bud
16:36.52prpplagueT0mW: hey, i need you expertise
16:37.24prpplagueT0mW: i need an easy to build device to read/write nand flash from a pc
16:37.42T0mWwhy not a reader
16:37.43prpplagueT0mW: i've got one design, but its not very easy to build
16:38.02T0mWnand flash being MMC ?
16:38.04prpplagueT0mW: usb->nandflash chips don't allow full access to the flash
16:38.17prpplagueT0mW: non, nand flash being nandflash or smartmedia
16:38.21prpplagueT0mW: :P
16:38.31T0mWI haven'
16:38.31prpplagueT0mW: mmc has a controller inside
16:38.36CosmicPenguinkergoth: securid is some RSA thing - it has an internal key and a clock and displays a passcode that expires every minute
16:38.39T0mWI haven't heard of "nandflash"
16:38.48prpplagueT0mW: really?
16:38.57prpplagueT0mW: i figured with you experience you would have
16:39.07T0mWunless you just mean the chip and not a product
16:39.24T0mWe.g. SmartMedia, Compact Flash, MMC, ...
16:39.40prpplagueT0mW: nand flash is a description of a specific type of flash(eeprom)
16:39.46T0mWprpplague: you want to program the raw chips?
16:39.49prpplagueT0mW: yea
16:40.43T0mWthen, best bet is a eprom programmer type thingy.  e.g. BP Microsystems, Needham Electronics, ...
16:41.05prpplagueT0mW: hmm, thats a little overkill + no linux support
16:41.16T0mWshrug, vmware works for me
16:41.30prpplagueT0mW: hmm, you can dcc a file?
16:41.47T0mWI'm assuming that you want to program raw chips, then solder them onto the board.
16:42.13T0mWproduction purposes
16:44.07prpplagueT0mW: sorta, the smartmedia cards are standard flash
16:44.34prpplagueT0mW: other nand flash i want to use are also on removable cartridges
16:44.56prpplagueT0mW: did you get that dcc image?
16:46.30T0mWprpplague: no, didn't get the image, was making tuna sandwich
16:46.41T0mWdo it again
16:47.18prpplagueT0mW: might not be able to receive dcc, depends on your firewall
16:47.32ibotfrom memory, t0mw is at, or has a website at
16:47.55T0mWprpplague: I write my own firewall
16:49.10prpplagueT0mW: sending via email
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17:00.40kergothhm, pptp and l2tp are interesting
17:00.58file[muon]PPPoE forever! ...or not
17:04.18T0mWprpplague: ok, then you take that circuit, run their software and bang the data in/out of the smartmedia
17:05.06T0mWprpplague: wha'dya got? just a binary or did they give you sources?
17:05.33jbevrendhcp and vpn
17:05.37jbevrenwho needs pppoe
17:08.08*** join/#elinux T`_ (
17:08.36T0mWlife must be tough for advertisers.  I have a "do not call" on my phone, "do not mail me" on the snail-mail, spam filters, and I pause live tv for 15 minutes before watching it, or record it to skip commercials later.
17:08.53T0mWI just don't want to hear about it
17:08.57kergothi'm really starting to not like the term 'VPN'
17:08.59kergothits so ambiguous
17:09.38T`2moin guys
17:09.57T`2T0mW, wasn't aware of a do-no-mail-me list.. does it work?
17:10.28prpplagueT0mW: that circuit was originally for an amiga box so i had to write some code myself
17:10.46pb_hi prpplague
17:10.52prpplaguepb_: hey hey bud
17:11.01prpplaguepb_: whats cookin in cambridge?
17:11.07T0mWeventually these guys are going to understand that the only way to advertise to Americans is to use lasers to illuminate the sky with billboards...  then we are fscked
17:12.05prpplagueT0mW: basically i erase the pages, check to make sure it erased, then program a page, check to make sure it programmed, if it didn't i mark the page bad, and move to the next page
17:12.54T0mWT`2: yeah, Direct Marketing Association or some such, it is a national registery for mail
17:13.28pb_kergoth: heh.  well, I dunno about ambiguous, but it's certainly generic.
17:13.46T0mWprpplague: you could hand it off the parallel port, then run ioctls via /dev/parport0 ???
17:14.04pb_prpplague: not too much, just debugging some wifi problems
17:14.21pb_thinking of heading home in a minute, in fact.
17:15.36prpplaguepb_: yea, i'm still cleaning up this wpa crap
17:15.43*** part/#elinux ade|desk (n=adavey@
17:15.55prpplagueT0mW: yea, i was able to bit bang the parport
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17:16.33prpplagueT0mW: just trying to think of a better way of doing it
17:16.46prpplagueT0mW: i was considering using a pic or avr
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18:24.02prpplaguehmm, looks like you can use a custom firmware on several different usb->smartmedia readers
18:43.48T0mWprpplague: probably could find a "better way" to do it.  But, sometimes, it is a question of getting it done, or, getting it done elegantly
18:44.14prpplagueT0mW: i want something i can replicate
18:44.49prpplagueT0mW: i intend on working with nand alot so i really something versital to do some reading and writing
18:44.57prpplagueT0mW: but i understand what you are saying
18:46.34T0mWwell, if you were going to use a lot of various nand / nor flash media type thingys..  Maybe look at a reader, something that you can mount the device as a block device.  Then you can always 'dd' the data back / forth
18:46.57prpplagueT0mW: right, really nor flash isn't an issue
18:47.03prpplagueT0mW: thats easy to deal with
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18:47.09prpplagueT0mW: its the nand thats the issue
18:48.23prpplagueT0mW: ideally, an off the shelf usb->smartmedia adapter with a custom firmware would be what i'd like to see
18:49.20T0mWprpplague: got the parts in the other day for the LPC2106 / LPC2138 board.  Now, to check the parts against the pcb gerbers to make sure I can solder them to their footprints.
18:49.38prpplagueT0mW: fun
18:49.52T0mWprpplague: that is the job for this weekend, verify the gerber and put the pcb order in.
18:49.52prpplagueT0mW: i was actually considering ordering a lpc2138 for this
18:50.10T0mWprpplague: lpc2106 has 64K RAM...
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18:51.22T0mWprpplague: that is 4 times the RAM I had in my first computer
18:52.48T0mWkergoth: ooo! that language will give you brainfarts!
18:53.42T0mWkergoth: more like that language will make your brain fart
18:53.44kergothhehe. {} is a table. passing a table to the new() function to initialize the class
18:54.39T0mWkergoth: why don't you try something simpler, like do so dereferencing of perl hash arrays of hashes?
18:55.04chouimatT0mW: he proobably want to be able to read the code after
18:55.13kergothlua is commonly used as a configuration language, and glue/logic language
18:55.33kergothits used by monotone for its source control stuff internally, by world of warcraft for UI logic, the ion window manager for configuration, etc
18:55.40kergothclean, small, fast, easy to embed
18:55.44T0mW... anything but derefing perl hash arrays
18:55.49kergothand relatively easy for non-programmers to understand
18:55.54kergothheh, indeed
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18:57.12T0mWwell, gotta go mess with apic / acpi to figure out why this new MSI m'board won't do a power off
18:57.18kergothhave fun
18:57.29T0mW$1600 box and it won't power off
18:59.34T0mWCosmicPenguin, CP|Home: and it is an Athlon box
19:17.55CosmicPenguinI blame MSI
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20:07.43prpplagueT0mW: you've done alot of 8051 stuff right?
20:55.31prpplaguehehe roftl -
21:30.36*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
21:36.35kergothi forgot to charge my cell lastn ight
21:38.53*** join/#elinux Speedy2 (
21:39.07kergothhey Speedy2
21:39.11Speedy2hi kergoth
21:39.15kergothhow ya been?
21:39.21Speedy2Oh, I've OK.
21:39.24T0mWprpplague: tons of 8051 stuff
21:39.26kergotheh, soso
21:39.29Speedy2I've been OK
21:39.36kergothnot at ti anymore, back in minnesota, employed at least
21:39.49Speedy2Doing fun stuff?
21:40.17kergothyeah.  hated the job there, just wasnt a good fit.  hacking on network appliances here, learning lots of networky bits
21:40.24kergothwhat are you up to nowadays?
21:40.47Speedy2Working on buncha random things
21:41.02Speedy2Some MIDI stuff
21:41.35Speedy2Maybe an embedded linux project
21:42.22kergothfound the arm sdt cd you sent me long long ago the other day when i was cleaning my closet. now itll collect dust next to my zaurii
21:42.28prpplagueT0mW: looked at the cypress ez-usb fx chips?
21:42.42T0mWprpplague: nope
21:42.53kergothi think scanline may have played with those
21:42.59T0mWprpplague: no reason not to, just haven't
21:43.06prpplaguekergoth: cool
21:46.52prpplaguelater folks
21:47.30Speedy2kergoth: Heh. The SDT.  I think the newer stuff is less buggy
21:47.55kergothi'm messing with x86 devices at work, not doing much arm anymore
21:47.57kergothi miss it :(
21:48.00kergothbios = evil
23:11.40CosmicPenguinOk, I'm bailin for Dresden tommorrow
23:11.54CosmicPenguinSee you all in a different timezone
23:12.59T`2kergoth, are you still at TI ?
23:13.19T`2was aware you switched jobs
23:13.43kergothwasnt happy in that position at all, dreaded going into work, so quit and moved back to mn.  working for now
23:15.28T`2ooh.. hehe i think i remember you asking about astrocorp in the chan.. so i figure you got the job there
23:15.32T`2u liking it there?
23:15.53kergothso far.  i dont hate it, and thats good enough for me
23:15.58kergothlearning quite a bit about networking
23:16.07T`2hehe i c.. good for you
23:16.18kergothwhere do you work?
23:16.34T`2well.. just started here
23:16.42kergothoh cool
23:16.45kergothi know 2 people that work there
23:16.47T`2used to be undergrad at CMU.. gonna be grad at stanford soon
23:16.50kergothi hear its a great place to work
23:16.52T`2yea i think you told me
23:16.55T`2yup its really nice
23:16.57T`2i like it a lot
23:17.04kergothwhat are you doing for them?
23:17.09T`2kernel dev
23:17.12T`2mostly hardware stuff
23:17.17kergothahh cool
23:17.22Speedy2VMWare does hardware?
23:17.30T`2no.. hardawre level.. in the kernel :)
23:17.40kergoththey pretend to be hardware, if that counts
23:17.45T`2hehe yea
23:17.59T`2kergoth, oneof the guys u said was a Gaim dev?
23:18.17kergothyeah, thats christian hammond.  he doesnt do gaim anymore though
23:18.22T`2aah lol i know that guy
23:18.29T`2didn't know he did gaim
23:18.35T`2i knew him even last year .. lol
23:18.41T`2(i was an intern here last year)
23:18.58T`2he sits a few offices from here..
23:19.04kergothwhats your name?
23:19.10T`2in ur pm.
23:59.23*** join/#elinux hufnus (n=slonsiki@

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