irclog2html for #elinux on 20050906

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06:07.56sorphincdm: evening chris
06:12.34cdmhey man
06:12.37cdmhow's it going?
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10:11.46eJumbowhen mapping I/O Memory into ur Virtual space using io_remap_pfn_range should we do a SetPageReserved ?
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14:10.03sorphinkergoth: lackey
14:10.08sorphinprpplague: moin hillbilly
14:10.54prpplagueanyone know of a script or app that automates retrieval of certificates from a winblows box?
14:12.13sorphinCosmicPenguin: morning mr penguin
14:16.25prpplaguekergoth: morning
14:28.03pb_hi prpplague
14:28.13prpplaguepb_: hey hey boss man
14:28.24prpplaguemallum: see the 770 got fcc approval
14:28.35mallumprpplague: yeah
14:29.49CosmicPenguinmallum: did I tell you I saw a 770 at OLS?
14:29.54CosmicPenguinreally slick
14:33.16prpplaguejbevren: google: nokia 770 linux
14:39.49prpplaguejbevren: haha
14:39.52prpplaguejbevren: good one
14:39.53Wingnutwow...I hope that's a spoof
14:45.52jbevrenWingnut: I work support
14:45.58jbevrenthat doesnt surprise me at all
14:47.32kergothCosmicPenguin: you saw one? nice
14:47.37kergothgod i love user mode linux
14:48.32kergothsaves me _so_ much time
14:51.03CosmicPenguinkergoth: yeah, the nokia guys were happy to boast... :)
14:54.07mallumCosmicPenguin: oh cool
14:55.41mallumCosmicPenguin: we will be at Linux Expo UK in early oct and I think are allowed to demo our proto's :)
14:56.16CosmicPenguinI tell everybody that you guys did the UI - I mean, its cool and stuff that Nokia did the hardware, but... :)
14:57.59sorphin~lart ACE
15:01.56*** join/#elinux zecke__ (
15:02.00sorphinjbevren: good news, i can talk to the ACE server
15:02.13sorphinjbevren: bad news, it's talking back, but it has nothing to say but Access Denied
15:02.29CosmicPenguinI applied for a SecurID, but its on hold, because our damn staff doesn't have any in stock
15:02.33CosmicPenguins/any/any tokesn/
15:02.43jbevrensorphin: doh
15:02.44CosmicPenguinHow stupid is that?
15:04.53sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh
15:04.58sorphini'm the keeper of the tokens here
15:05.51CosmicPenguin"Hey, lets only buy five at a time, since we're a technology company, and people don't travel"
15:06.26pb_hi zecke__
15:06.26sorphinwe buy boxes of them
15:06.35sorphinCosmicPenguin: but then
15:06.43sorphinour network requires them for access
15:07.16CosmicPenguinsorphin: We should be giving them to all new employees automatically
15:07.27CosmicPenguinI know they're expensive, but not *that* expensive
15:07.41sorphinthey won't order the 30 second ones anymore
15:07.47sorphinso those are a rare commodity
15:07.53sorphini have one left that was shipped back
15:07.57CosmicPenguinHere's you new thousand dollar PC on your desk, but we're not going to give you an 80 dollar token because we're trying to save money
15:07.58sorphinand of course i have one
15:08.35sorphinjbevren: what realy blows
15:08.40sorphinis everything is setup right now
15:08.44sorphinthe ipf rules let me in
15:08.56sorphini'm talking to it, have the sdconf.rec correct
15:09.09sorphinbut it's like i'm talking greek to a server that speaks spanish
15:09.39sorphinbad enough i'm having to use an old library for this perl module
15:10.12prpplaguei'm sooo confused about this ssl certs and cant seem to find anyone that can help
15:10.23sorphinprpplague: i never use em
15:10.31sorphinleast not how you are
15:11.04prpplaguesorphin: any usage would be helpful
15:11.12prpplaguesorphin: are you using client certs?
15:11.49sorphinprpplague: have, we require them to talk to one particular webserver
15:11.56sorphinif you don't have the right cert
15:12.03sorphinoff you go, you'r enot welcome
15:12.07prpplaguesorphin: ok so how do you create the client cert?
15:13.54prpplaguesorphin: i'm confused on where the client cert actually gets created
15:18.53pb_prpplague: I just use openssl to create the certificates.
15:19.28prpplaguepb_: hehe, thats what everyone keeps saying, but where do you do that?
15:19.42prpplaguepb_: for the client cert, are you doing that on the server or on the client?
15:19.50pb_on the server
15:20.04prpplaguepb_: ok so the client cert has to be created on the server
15:20.10pb_since you need the CA certificate on hand to create the client certs.
15:20.21prpplaguepb_: what info from the client do you need to create the cert?
15:21.02prpplaguepb_: hmm, ok i'm confused
15:21.04pb_it depends on your environment to some extent, but for us the certificates are entirely self-contained, and don't depend on any attribute of the client.
15:21.14prpplaguepb_: then how does that uniquely identify your client?
15:21.29pb_prpplague: each client gets its own certificate, and we rely on clients not to swap certs amongst themselves.
15:21.58prpplaguepb_: ok, so how do you create a unique certificate?
15:22.58mallumCosmicPenguin: we didn't do all the UI, but 'core'-ish bits
15:23.08CosmicPenguinmallum: heh... :)
15:23.27CosmicPenguinI just shead a tear and go into old guy stories about the early days of SA development
15:23.41CosmicPenguinWhen men were men, women were women, and tuxscreens were 99 dollars... :)
15:24.19kergothi actually wasnt around back then, i dont think.  tim was just about out by the time i started hanging out in #tuxscreen
15:24.56mallumah tuxscreens worth more that 99$ now then ? I still have one boxed :) ?
15:25.16prpplaguepb_: it was my understanding that the client created a key which was sent to the server, which then used that key to generate the client cert, and then sent it back to the client
15:25.17mallumI should probably give it to RP
15:25.35prpplaguepb_: so you ended up with the CA cert, the client key, and the client cert
15:31.22prpplaguepb_: ok think i see the problem
15:31.59prpplaguepb_: i was under the impression that a private key was specific to the machine it was created on
15:32.24prpplaguepb_: as long as you have the matching public key, you can use it on any machine, is that correct?
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15:37.36filefood? FOOD
15:42.54CosmicPenguinAnyone know whats on the inside of that?
15:43.08kergothgoddamn i hate monotone
15:44.43sorphintry freshmeat?
15:45.16prpplagueyea me too
15:46.02prpplaguewhich means i'll need to include it in my rootfs
15:46.52*** part/#elinux ade|desk (n=adavey@
15:48.35CosmicPenguinkergoth: you usually know these things....  remember the Stanford Checker they used to use on the kernel?
15:48.42CosmicPenguinkergoth: they went commercial, but I can't remember the name of the commercial entity
15:49.02CosmicPenguinI know sjhill knows, because they demoed it, but he's not here... :)
15:51.10kergothumm.. shit.. i used to know.. *thinks*
15:55.41CosmicPenguinCoverity - isn't it?
16:25.52CosmicPenguinAhh crap
16:26.03CosmicPenguinmallum: you probably didn't hear from me because fcskin' freenode
16:26.07CosmicPenguin~lart freenode
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16:26.23kergothCosmicPenguin: i'm tailorizing the oe monotone repo into svn as we speak :D
16:26.41fileno more Monday to Sunday technical support!
16:26.52CosmicPenguinkergoth: how frickin cool
16:26.57CosmicPenguinI'm here to help any way I can
16:27.06fileMonday to Friday 9-5 technical support on phone, with extended support available after hours/weekends via e-mail
16:27.14kergothat the very least we can maintain an anonymous svn repo for end users to grab oe without fucking with monotone
16:27.21kergotheven if people dont want to switch to hg or svk or whatever
16:28.21pb_later all
16:29.09CosmicPenguinkergoth: that would be nice - I want to set it up internally too
16:29.16CosmicPenguinI should take what you did and add perforce support too
16:29.35kergothhehe, i didnt actually do it.  while i wasnt looking, someone added source support ;)
16:29.40kergothwhich works for me
16:29.56CosmicPenguinyou could have taken credit.. :)
16:30.01CosmicPenguinnobody would have known the difference
16:32.09CosmicPenguinperforce is pretty nice, but the whole "root" thing is annoying
16:32.17CosmicPenguinIf it didn't have that, it would easily be my favorite RCS
16:36.38sorphinbtw, for anyoen that has to vpn in to a cisco vpn thing... vpnc works nicely ;)
16:36.40kergothi've never actually used perforce
16:36.44kergothjust clearcase
16:36.49sorphinkergoth: heh, tivo uses perforce
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16:42.50CosmicPenguinperforce shares many characteristics with bitbake
16:43.09CosmicPenguinheh - I'm conditioned to type 'bake' after 'bit'.. :)
16:45.45kergothi should get oe emitting a rootfs thats exactly like the current one we're using from snapgear
16:45.55kergoththeir library and package versions and patchsets
16:46.06kergothfor the existing product.. cant switch to an oe style rootfs til the next one
16:49.25CosmicPenguinI've been there
16:52.14CosmicPenguinWell, you don't know what you have until its gone
16:52.23kergothno kidding. i miss bk
16:52.51sorphin~cluebat prpplague
16:52.52ibotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps prpplague.
16:52.58sorphinsnap out of it hillbilly
16:53.08prpplaguesorphin: i need some clear docs
16:53.19sorphinprpplague: there are none that i'm aware of/have ever seen
16:53.30prpplaguesorphin: figures
16:53.39fileI'm convincing my coworker we should drop asterisk for authentication and stuff
16:53.56sorphinfile: uhhh
16:53.59fileI'm winning!
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16:54.14kergothfile: why?
16:54.18prpplaguesorphin: i see all the commands and file names, but can't figure out what's suppose ot be done where
16:54.19filebecause it can't handle our load
16:54.27kergothi mean, whats the better option?
16:54.35filewe're switching to SIP
16:54.42CosmicPenguinI thought you hated SIP?
16:54.55fileCosmicPenguin: it'll scale a lot more
16:55.02fileand has better compatibility
16:55.10kergothSER seems nice
16:55.17filewe reached the tipping point on Asterisk with IAX2
16:55.41fileplus I'm trying to take load off of our MSSQL server
16:55.52prpplaguesorphin: does a certificate request have to be signed by the ca server, or can you sign it as long as you have the root ca cert?
16:55.55sorphinuse a real DB ;)
16:56.03filesorphin: it is a real DB
16:56.09fileit's the only one that can handle our load, except for Oracle
16:56.13sorphinprpplague: you're the ca server (as it were)
16:56.19prpplaguesorphin: ?
16:56.21sorphinit doens't ened to be signed by a REAL ca
16:56.21filebut we're cheap.
16:56.37sorphinjust by your ca cert
16:56.40prpplaguesorphin: are you saying i have to run as a ca on the client as well?
16:56.41kergothwhee, c hecking in a 1.1 gig snapgear tree into svn
16:56.50prpplaguesorphin: ?
16:56.58sorphinprpplague: you sign it on the server w/ the ca cert
16:57.05sorphinthe client doesn't sign anything
16:57.12prpplaguesorphin: ok thats what i was asking
16:57.27prpplaguesorphin: so the server has to sign the client cert
16:58.15prpplaguesorphin: so is there a tool for submitting a client cert to the server via the ssl port?
16:58.22CosmicPenguinHeh - so we were at the bar on Sunday night, and we couldn't remember who founded Microsoft with gates
16:58.29CosmicPenguinso we ended up SMSing gogle
16:58.29sorphinprpplague: you run a script
16:58.35sorphinyou don't need to submit anything
16:58.38CosmicPenguinthats a pretty cool interface
16:58.46sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh
16:58.50prpplaguesorphin: what script is that?
16:58.52fileCosmicPenguin: geek.
16:59.10prpplaguesorphin: hmm you just said that the cert has to be signed by the server?
16:59.38kergothCosmicPenguin: yeah it is pretty cool
16:59.43kergothhmm, does google have a WAP page?
17:00.01fileprobably, they have a mobile page too...
17:00.04prpplaguekergoth: suppose to, i see it advertised at the airport all the time
17:00.12filefor low bandwidth devices like my Pocket PC
17:00.17sorphinprpplague: *sigh*
17:00.24sorphinprpplague: it has ot be signed by the CA cert
17:00.38sorphindoesnt' have to BE a physical server signing it
17:00.54sorphinprpplague: you've seen this sort, right?
17:00.54T`2kergoth, i think so.. gets me somthing
17:01.03prpplaguesorphin: yea, clear as mud
17:01.16sorphinprpplague: drink more beer then
17:01.23prpplaguesorphin: let me give you the layout
17:01.28T`2prpplague, really! i didn't ever see a google ad!
17:01.46prpplaguesorphin: winblows server running the CA , linux handheld
17:01.58prpplaguesorphin: linux handhelds needs to have a client cert
17:02.06prpplaguesorphin: how the hell does it get there?
17:02.21sorphinprpplague: can you get the CA cert from hte windows box to a linux box?
17:02.23prpplagueT`2: was in concourse H of miami
17:02.25T`2file, lemme guess.. u run windows ;)
17:02.39fileT`2: ah well, not totally
17:02.50fileOSX, 64-bit XP Pro, and 32-bit XP Pro
17:02.51T`2file, j/k... linux clients are supposed to implode
17:02.57prpplaguesorphin: i have a CA cert from windows box, thats as far as i can
17:03.06prpplaguesorphin: don't understand what needs to go where
17:03.08T`2prpplague, coool :)
17:03.17kergothhmm, wonder when these drives will ship
17:03.19kergothordered two of
17:03.39kergothshould really pick up a few more and set up a raid 5
17:03.41T`2they had some serious deals on HDDs at frys this weekend
17:04.07sorphinprpplague: well, you have the ca cert, you can sign with it on a linux box or a solaris box, it doesn't matter, the cert just gets used by ca for the signing
17:04.39sorphinprpplague: wtf format is your ca cert in?
17:04.48prpplaguesorphin: i thought the ca cert was already signed
17:04.58sorphinread what i said
17:05.13sorphini said sign _with_ it
17:05.15sorphinnot sign it
17:05.54sorphinkergoth`food: that sounds like a good idea
17:06.23prpplaguesorphin: which seems to answer my earlier question, as long as i have the CA cert from the server on my linux box, i can use it to sign my new cert request
17:06.25T`2is it advisable to do raid5 in software?
17:06.28prpplaguesorphin: is that correct?
17:06.33sorphinprpplague: yes
17:06.43sorphinT`: not if you want performance ;)
17:07.00prpplague"sorphin: does a certificate request have to be signed by the ca server, or can you sign it as long as you have the root ca cert?"
17:07.07T`2heh ok
17:07.30sorphinprpplague: and as i've said, a 'server' is irrelevant
17:07.42prpplaguesorphin: what do you mean?
17:07.43sorphinyou could sign the damn thing on the juicebox
17:07.53sorphinas long as you have openssl and the ca cert
17:08.03prpplaguesorphin: which is what i was asking
17:08.28sorphinwell, is the mud clearing?
17:09.01prpplaguesorphin: is clearer, but not pottable yet
17:14.44prpplaguesorphin: hmm, says i need a CA private key as well as the ca cert
17:24.11kergoth`foodmm, the arbys market fresh sandwiches arent bad
17:34.31jbevrenI like the ham one
17:34.37kergoth`foodthats what i got :) good stuff
17:38.53kergothhmm... motorola razr v3 w/ cingular service from amazon for free after $150 mail in rebate
17:47.31T`2wow.. good deal
17:47.56kergothyeah, i'm really tempted.  sick of my old nokia 3650, and my contract w/ t-mobile is up
17:56.40jbevrenget it, get it
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18:23.12kergothwhew, this tailor is taking forever
18:24.28sorphincingular has shite service around here
18:24.43sorphinand i'm not impressed by the "razr"
18:25.17kergothi keep hearing bad things in reviews
18:25.25kergothi just need a good clamshell phone with bt
18:25.41sorphinblech bluetooth
18:26.04kergothaw, the tailor died.. one of the svn add's failed
18:26.06sorphinwhy gsm? not like you're ever going overseas ;)
18:26.20kergothheh, i've been considering it
18:26.39T`2kergoth, i have good experience with nokia
18:26.49file[muon]gah dang it
18:27.13kergothyeah, me too.  i used to have a 5100 back in the day, and currently have a 3650.. getting tired of the non-clamshell formfactor though
18:27.13sorphinfile[laptop]: pottymouth
18:27.31kergoththough i have to say, the ability to replace the frontpanel with different colors and patterns is nice
18:27.41sorphinif you care how your phone looks
18:27.51file[muon]I can't get David to go to the data center until like next Thursday
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18:50.45prpplaguesorphin: hey, i think i figured out what is confusing me
18:51.10prpplaguesorphin: looks like i need to run the handhelds as a ca authority as well as the server
18:51.41prpplaguesorphin: from what i'm reading about EAP-TLS both the client and server have to exchange public keys
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19:09.27prpplaguesorphin: still around crack baby/
19:09.31prpplaguesorphin: /
19:09.37prpplagueargh freakin key stuck
19:14.42CosmicPenguinuh huh
19:29.34jbevrenstickey keys
19:29.39jbevrenwe wont inquire the reason
19:33.30CosmicPenguinWow, I didn't even think about that
19:45.01kergothCosmicPenguin: hit a bug in tailor, made an assumption about monotone that wasn't correct.  i think its fixed now, and its running again from scratch..
19:45.03kergothreally time consuming.
19:47.22prpplaguehmm, i wonder why they don't sell the giant altoids tin any more
19:47.56prpplaguewonder if its only available during xmas
19:51.26CosmicPenguinmmm... altoids gum
19:54.48fishheadgiligan :(
20:37.33CosmicPenguin~lart groklaw
20:48.27sorphinprpplague: work work work
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21:27.41zinosathi, I spent the last few days building a powerpc toolchain: anybody know how can I change the version string (gcc --version)? I tried to change gcc/version.c but it gives me "2.95.3"
21:31.35sorphinyou wanna lie about your compiler version?
21:31.46CosmicPenguinThats what I was thinking
21:31.48kergothhe probably just wants to add an extra string to the version
21:31.55kergothor whatever
21:32.01kergothto make that particular patchset obvious
21:32.07sorphindoesn't it pull that from an after build config file?
21:32.16kergothi could see doing that if i wanted my csl vs non-csl builds to be obvious
21:32.19sorphinlike in /usr/lib/gcc-lib or whatever
21:32.37kergothah good point, maybe its in the specs
21:32.47CosmicPenguingcc -v on my system shows all sorts of extra version information - so it must be easy enough to do in the Gentoo .ebuild
21:32.50sorphinthe specs file
21:32.52CosmicPenguinunless they download a patch
21:33.30sorphinin the specs file
21:33.37sorphinzinosat: try changing it there
21:34.08kergoththat cross_compile value..
21:34.12kergoththe logic that generates it is wrong
21:34.16kergothif you do a canadian cross
21:34.46zinosatoh, here I am... well I tried to change it so I can recognize which test version I am running... no interest in cheating :)
21:35.22sorphinzinosat: find the specs file it generates
21:35.26sorphintry changing it in there
21:35.31zinosatI've built both gcc2.95.3 and gcc-4.0.1 on a cygwin host targeting powerpc-eabi
21:36.09CosmicPenguinhmmm... I've always wondered how to wire gcc not to use as
21:36.18CosmicPenguinYou learn something new every day
21:36.58sorphinCosmicPenguin: so.. i'll trade you a securid for that alchemy board *grin*
21:37.13sorphinsorry, had to
21:37.15zinosatI did not try to change version.c with gcc-4.0.1, but in 2.95.3 it was something like "2.95.3 some-date" and after I changed it to "2.95.3 my build1" gcc --version gave me "2.95.3"
21:37.27sorphinzinosat: don't try version.c
21:37.33sorphinbuild your gcc
21:37.36CosmicPenguindear IT - forget my request, I'll get my own damn SecurID, love Jordan
21:37.37sorphinfind the file called 'specs'
21:37.50sorphinfind the line that says *version:
21:38.11zinosatsorphin, yes, thanx: obviously I've to change it before compiling roght?
21:38.29sorphinthe specs file is created after gcc is built
21:38.43zinosatoops, iirc I try to change specs a while ago and it did not work
21:39.02sorphindebian got theirs to say
21:39.03sorphingcc version 3.2.1 20021111 (Debian prerelease)
21:39.03zinosatit was an old binary toolchain
21:39.21zinosatsorphin, I looked at debian/rules last night but I got lost
21:39.31sorphinthat's easy to do
21:39.45sorphini like debian
21:39.46CosmicPenguingcc driver version 3.3.5-20050130 (Gentoo Linux, ssp-, pie- executing gcc version 3.3.5-20050130-foo
21:39.47CosmicPenguinWorked for me
21:40.28zinosatCosmicPenguin, you mean you changed the specs file?
21:40.30sorphinworked here too
21:40.32sorphingcc driver version 3.2.1 20021111 (Debian prerelease) executing gcc version 3.2.1-CosmicPenguin-sucks
21:40.42CosmicPenguinSee?  gcc is always wrong
21:40.46zinosatit might be different with old 2.95.x
21:40.59sorphinzinosat: you changed the installed specs file?
21:41.05zinosatwait, my waoody chroot should have 2.95
21:41.06sorphinzinosat: when you type gcc -v
21:41.21sorphindoes it say "reading specs from..." ?
21:41.44zinosatsorphin, I think I changed the installed specs when I tried
21:41.47sorphinkergoth: link don't work
21:42.00sorphinzinosat: lemme try on one of my cross compile chains (2.95.3)
21:42.12sorphinkergoth: i tried
21:42.14sorphinand it didn't work
21:42.22sorphinwtf is it?
21:42.23CosmicPenguinOhhh... purty
21:42.25kergothenter 'nokia 6260' in the search box and click on the black one
21:42.27CosmicPenguinI wonder if Verizon supports it
21:42.44kergothits an unlocked GSM phone. i dont think verizon is gsm, i think they're cdma
21:43.01sorphinthey are cdma
21:43.02sorphini have them
21:43.08CosmicPenguinThey have GSM too, don't they?
21:43.15sorphinjust cdma
21:43.29zinosatsorphin, I'm sure I tried "gcc --version" and not "gcc -v"...
21:43.38sorphinzinosat: use gcc -v :P
21:43.52sorphintaht's what the rest of the world uses ;)
21:44.02zinosatsorphin, tomorrow I'll try at work... it might be there :)
21:44.10*** join/#elinux fishhead (i=none@unaffiliated/fishhead)
21:44.21kergothsorphin: what annoys me is even within gsm the us/canada deviates, using non-standard frequencies like 850
21:44.22kergothits weird
21:44.48sorphinzinosat: fyi
21:44.50sorphin[root@giga /usr/local/powerpc-linux/bin]# ./gcc -v
21:44.50sorphinReading specs from /usr/local/lib/gcc-lib/powerpc-linux/2.95.3/specs
21:44.51sorphingcc driver version 2.95.3 20010315 (release) executing gcc version 2.95.3-thisisforzinosat
21:45.09zinosatsorphin, cool :)))
21:45.24sorphingcc --version
21:45.27sorphindoesnt' read the specs file
21:45.33sorphingcc -v does
21:45.40sorphinso use gcc -v :)
21:45.44sorphinand everyone's happy
21:45.47sorphingota go
21:45.49CosmicPenguinOh, the Treo supports both
21:45.53sorphingotta pick up my $14,000 check :P
21:46.00zinosatsorphin, mmm... one day I'll play again with that
21:48.30zinosatanother question: I tried to recompile an old prj with gcc 4.0.1 and it failed badly. I got it compiled after changing the link process as to use powerpc-eabi-g++ in place of ld and after adding some sections to the linker script.Is there a sort of guide about gcc migration?
21:48.43CosmicPenguinI would go with T-mobile, but I'm worried about the coverage out here in the wild wild west
21:49.14CosmicPenguinzinosat: it sounds like you were using the wrong ld
21:49.19CosmicPenguinbut your toolchain found the right one
21:49.39zinosatthe project now compiles but fails to run because I spread sections everywhere....
21:50.30zinosatCosmicPenguin, with 2.95.3 I did not use libstdc++, now I have to use it
21:51.17zinosatCosmicPenguin, 2.95.3 was happy with -lgcc -lc, gcc-4.0.1 is not
21:52.34kergothld doesnt implicitly link anything. g++ does, it pulls in stdc++.  in old versions, you could get away with linking c++ code with gcc if you didnt use stdc++, but that's no longer the case.
21:52.54kergothif you're building, say, a qt app that doesnt use the stl, you need to either link with g++, or gcc and have a -lsupc++
21:52.56CosmicPenguinThere you go - from a guy who knows what he is talking about
21:54.14zinosatkergoth, thanx, is there any tutorial or such about this? I always thought there's a sort of magic behind this stuff
21:54.53kergoththe gcc changelog? ;)
21:54.56kergothnot that i know of
21:55.17zinosatabout libraries like stdc++
21:55.33kergothi'd advise always linking with gcc rather than g++, and explicitly link the libraries you need.  relying on things happening implicitly never seems to be a very good idea
21:55.40kergothbut thats just imho
21:56.04zinosatkergoth, ok, I got to do that after googling and getting lost
21:56.36zinosatI put my hands on those things about 3 years ago and seems like i erased my brain
21:57.03zinosatI can't believe I did write that bloody linker script from scratch
22:00.52*** join/#elinux pigeon (
22:05.02file[muon]yay the FBI just called
22:08.44file[muon]"you must turn over all information about this client."
22:10.34T`2file[muon], u can't say that on freenode! u know sorphin is affiliated with the FBI !
22:11.01file[muon]oh noooooo
22:11.10T`2cya after 25 years buddy
22:58.03sorphinT`2: no i'm not, but we have been subpeona'd but them
22:58.45CosmicPenguinDoh - dresden is not on google maps
23:03.24sorphinit's AMD classified ;)
23:03.54sorphinbut i've never even seen nor played said game
23:03.57sorphinand likely never will
23:05.26CosmicPenguinour admin got me on a direct flight to frankfurt from Denver, and I got an extra day in dresden on saturday
23:06.17CosmicPenguinTime to do some mad sightseeing
23:06.24CosmicPenguinsiteseeing even
23:07.37CosmicPenguinI cut my total flight time down from 11 hours to 9
23:09.02iboti guess mallum is author of matchbox and xkbd and stuff or famous, see or available in handy icon form: or an insane person, or "he also worked with nokia on this"
23:09.31CosmicPenguintoo cool for an e-mail address, I guess
23:46.15*** join/#elinux T` (n=total@pdpc/supporter/student/T)

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