irclog2html for #elinux on 20050824

00:07.16Soopamanhey sorphin
00:07.17Soopamanwhat's up
00:16.52*** join/#elinux eggsMTS (
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01:01.45sorphinSoopaman: nada, you?
01:06.40*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
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01:35.22chouimathey sorphin
01:35.56sjhillhey chouimat
01:36.06sjhill~ibot insult sorphin
01:36.22sjhillthat's pretty bad
01:37.04chouimatsjhill: leaving tomorrow
01:37.35chouimatsjhill: for spain
01:37.44sjhillwhere at?
01:37.47chouimatsjhill: kde conference
01:38.07sjhillput my order in for less hokey icons, okay?
01:38.23chouimatsjhill: and I will spend a few days in Switzerland on my way back
01:39.45chouimatsjhill: will take some picture of the beaches (chicks) in malaga (southern spain)
01:42.01chouimatsjhill: :)
01:57.30*** join/#elinux we0 (
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02:15.50*** join/#elinux f1shhead (
02:19.49f1shheadI am days away from moving out of this house and to my grandma's where I will have an entire basement and 2 large yards to setup mad scientist projects, I am hoping to eventually blow chippewa off the globe :)
02:29.14*** join/#elinux NuWave (
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03:18.17jbevrenasterisk says the phone is online
03:18.19jbevrenthe phone says its not
03:18.38jbevrenso much for supporting standards
03:23.06*** join/#elinux hufnus (
03:58.01sorphinjbevren: hehe
03:58.14sorphinjbevren: GPSFan was making progress to booting 2.4.31 on the ppc
03:58.28sorphindunno if he'd told you
03:59.53sorphinjbevren: my latest new toy
03:59.59sorphinone of those
04:12.09jbevrencool :)
04:18.05jbevrenuniden phone
04:18.09jbevrenwouldnt get dhcp on the lan port
04:18.15jbevrenso I configed it via the pc port
04:18.20jbevrenthen it said 'disconnected'
04:18.33jbevrenchanged configs all night, then moved cable back to lan port
04:18.40jbevrendhcp suddenly works there, and we move on to registration error
04:18.50jbevrenit works now
04:38.01file[laptop]I'd say call me, except I'm not at my desk
04:48.34jbevrenI can call my landline :)
04:49.07jbevrenactually, my landline can call the voip
04:49.11jbevrenhavent got the reverse yet
04:49.57jbevrenduhh.. echo was from calling on speakerphone lol
04:51.04jbevrenthe only remaining issues are outbound calling (will ask my provider) and the phone's clock is an hour off
04:52.44jbevrenand time for rest etc
06:53.18*** join/#elinux markl (
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13:11.41*** join/#elinux Soopaman (n=soopaman@
13:13.57*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
13:15.21prpplagueho ho ho
13:15.32prpplague*cough* *cough* *cough* *cough*
13:16.23jbevrenif you smoke one the cough goes away
13:16.41prpplaguejust drink
13:16.42file[laptop]I don't know whether this is out for delivery or not...
13:16.54prpplagueand i've been only doing that on the weekends these days
13:18.28chouimathi file[laptop] prpplague
13:18.28*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
13:20.14file[laptop]hi hi
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13:23.14*** mode/#elinux [+o ChanServ] by
13:24.21sorphinthe plague is drying up
13:24.50jbevrensorphin: how goes the signal controller?
13:24.56sorphinprpplague: "how dry i am *hick* how dry i am *hick* nobody knows *hick* how dry i am *hick* *hick*"
13:25.17sorphinjbevren: need to find the damn NEMA pinouts for these connectors
13:25.29sorphinlike 37 pins per connector or something like that
13:25.43sorphinjbevren: you looked at the pic right?
13:25.56jbevrenI somehow lost the context of your response :P I know what yorue talking about now
13:26.34sorphinit has a ton of stuff in it, including an MC68B09, and a ton of other chips i dont' have time to look up
13:26.48GPSFansorphin: jbevren: morning..
13:26.59jbevrenI hear youre making progress on 2.4.31
13:27.08jbevrenrespect etc :)
13:27.21sorphinGPSFan: see my new toy? :)
13:27.28jbevrenI'm stuck atm using mine for a firewall and voip router, it does well at that
13:27.42sorphinjbevren: oh
13:27.44GPSFanjbevren: a bit, still haven't got the openpic or timers working right. the kernel boots and gets to running init, but crashes.
13:27.45sorphinturns out
13:27.51sorphinjbevren: those pigtails
13:27.54GPSFansorphin: no ??? ;>)
13:28.14sorphinthe small connector, is the same connector that my Orinoco cards use :P (tho they're at the wrong angle :/ )
13:28.20sorphinGPSFan: 1 mo
13:31.00sorphinjbevren: damn connector (the pigtail from the Artis) is at 90deg from what i need, since the connector is recessed on the orinoco :(
13:31.56GPSFansorphin: are you sure about the orinoco card using U.FL? the PCMCIA card uses MC connectors IIRC. only a mini-pci would use U.FL.
13:32.21GPSFansorphin: wow a trafficlight controller...
13:32.43jbevrensorphin: d'oh.
13:33.49sorphinGPSFan: i looked at an MC-x connector up at gateway
13:33.55sorphinsure looks close to the same if it's not the same
13:34.26sorphinGPSFan: yeah.. lotsa chips i'd have to look up :P, the hard part is finding the damn NEMA pinouts
13:34.54sorphinheh, i like today's dilbert
13:35.12sorphinCosmicPenguin could relate to it after his issues yesterday w/ a diff department
13:36.05GPSFansorphin: could be that your pigtails were not the same as mine. there are lots of different kinds of smnall connectors out ther. MCX, MMCX, MC, U.FL, SMA, SMB, SMC, and a whole host of others. I've got something with just about every one on it. ;>)
13:36.47sorphinGPSFan: heh
13:37.02sorphinGPSFan: don't happen to have the NEMA pinout do ya? :P
13:37.29*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
13:37.35file[laptop]c'mon baby, show me "out for delivery"
13:38.39sorphinCosmicPenguin: he'd just get sent back
13:38.42jbevrengzip -9 file
13:38.53sorphinCosmicPenguin: today's dilbert reminds me of your fun yesterday
13:39.06sorphinjbevren: nah, gzip2 -9 file
13:39.09sorphinhigher compression
13:39.21sorphinok, i need to go back to bed now
13:39.30file[laptop]that's a good idea
13:39.35jbevrensha1sum file
13:40.11prpplaguedd if=/dev/zero of=file
13:40.17jbevrendoh! hehe
13:40.43CosmicPenguinsorphin: hehe - I'm the moron!
13:41.51sorphinCosmicPenguin: actually i figured they were
13:42.30file[laptop]2005/08/2405:49 DIEPPE, NB Item accepted and entered into sortation plant
13:42.43file[laptop]Dieppe is the local sorting center... so close
13:42.55CosmicPenguinibot: spell sortation
13:43.38file[laptop]sortation isn't a word, I know
13:43.50sorphintalk about a highly fragmented file :P
13:44.35sorphinGPSFan: u.fl looks like it'd fit MC, unless it's just an illusion
13:44.51*** join/#elinux markl (
13:45.22sorphinfile[laptop]: here we simply call it a hub :P
13:46.57sorphinseeing all the weird stuff people ship..  nice big 150lb strange looking pieces of metal that you can't get around the side of the belt/truck opening, so you have to lift it onto the belt.. that was always fun :P
13:47.04GPSFanvery different animals. On the NEMA pinnouts, you might see if your local highway dept uses similar controllers, maybe a tech manual page-or-two might be copyable.
13:50.25jbevrenprovided you dont get labelled a terrorist for asking for such info
13:52.10*** join/#elinux markl_ (
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13:59.17GPSFansorphin: do you need/want a Orinoco pigtail?
13:59.40sorphinGPSFan: :)
14:00.06sorphinGPSFan: NEMA pinouts are a standard btw, interchangeable between any controller
14:00.13prpplagueanyone using wpa EAP-TLS or EAP-PEAP?
14:00.20sorphineww no
14:00.29GPSFansorphin: I have a MC (Orinoco) to Male N about 15" long, maybe a trade?
14:01.04sorphinGPSFan: trade for...
14:01.11sorphindunno wtf i'd have that you'd want
14:01.15sorphinyou prolly got more toys than me
14:01.40GPSFansorphin: how about 2 of your U.FL pigtails?
14:02.02sorphinremind me what an N connector looks like
14:02.09sorphinheh, don't you have 4 already? ;)
14:05.01GPSFansorphin: it's what people use on cantennas.
14:05.44GPSFansorphin: yes, but I need a few more for a project, and the long ones are just too long. I need the short ones.
14:06.15sorphinGPSFan: i've noticed 2 of them are shorter, 2 are longer (on the ones from the ppc)
14:07.49prpplaguesorphin: yea, wpa sucks, but it was all the phb's think is good for them
14:08.52sorphinprpplague: ah
14:10.45sorphinGPSFan: don't have an mc to rpsma do ya? :)
14:11.55GPSFansorphin: no, just that one, but I could put a rpsma on for you, depending on the sex you wanted.
14:12.39GPSFans/sex/gender ;>)
14:12.53CosmicPenguinusually when people say they want to rpsma your sex, its for money.. :)
14:13.06sorphinCosmicPenguin: not like we're talking about bytesex.h here
14:13.30CosmicPenguinya like that endian, don't you, huh?
14:14.33sorphinGPSFan: uh.. whatever you need to hook and antenna onto
14:14.50sorphinGPSFan: which reminds me, still need to call those idiots about the Artix antennae
14:14.53sorphinartis even
14:16.27GPSFansorphin: oops, I don't have the right kind of rpsma connectors on hand. btw I wouldn't use the ones ones from cognio for that, they aren't much better than what's in the card itself.
14:16.51prpplaguewhy is getting help with wireless stuff so difficult?
14:17.18prpplagueseems like all the ppl who know about the wireless stuff treat it like black magaic
14:18.10file[laptop]ironically that's what I'm waiting on, an 802.11g router
14:18.35prpplaguethis wpa eap crap is stupid
14:18.43prpplaguethey just need a vpn or ssh tunnel
14:18.48prpplaguebut nooooo
14:19.21jbevrenBuzzword Moron(TM) to the rescue!
14:20.10jbevrenfile: Teeheeeee! (/doughboy)
14:20.51f1shheadquick question sire
14:21.06f1shheadno reason we have to use 8 meg flash right for the juicebox
14:21.18f1shheadI mean for the rom cart hack
14:21.26f1shheadwe can use a 2 meg one if it fits the code right ?
14:22.18file[laptop]I have to find a place to put it
14:22.44file[laptop]and I just found it
14:22.53file[laptop]I can hide it behind the speaker beside the TV
14:23.16sorphinyeha, that should help your signal a lot :P
14:23.25file[laptop]well there's not a lot of places to put it
14:23.50file[laptop]yeah that's a biggggg help, twat :P
14:23.53sorphinfile[laptop]: you want it somewhere high :P
14:24.12file[laptop]yeah not happening
14:24.29sorphinmount it upsidedown on the ceiling?
14:24.47file[laptop]Parental units would disagree with that :P thus the reason for hiding
14:25.42file[laptop]but first the router needs to come so I can setup WDS
14:26.18CosmicPenguindon't forget to sortation your recyclables
14:32.14prpplaguesomeone shooooooot meeeeee
14:32.31chouimatprpplague: done
14:32.55prpplaguewell aparently i had better armor than i thought since i'm still at 5 life points
14:34.25prpplagueargh i feel like dog poop sitting on a hot pavement
14:36.40CosmicPenguinprpplague: melted?
14:39.56CosmicPenguinDoes anybody know of websites that say how to format the editor directives for vi and emacs
14:40.05CosmicPenguinyou know the ones that live in a text file and say how it should be indented?
14:45.30prpplaguesorry not me
14:45.33kergoth_CosmicPenguin: heh, for vi, you can stuff any vi command there, afaik
14:45.53kergoth_~google for tabs versus spaces
14:47.20kergoth_its been stabbing back all morning
14:47.32sorphinkergoth: never realy had that much of a prob w/ it
14:47.46sorphinhdds, flash drives
14:48.13kergoth_sorphin: the main issues i tend to see are with flakiness wrt insertion detection
14:48.13sorphinchouimat: yeah, you don't want someone breaking in and stealing your l33t KDE code ;)
14:48.18kergoth_i.e. removing/inserting media from a cf reader
14:48.20sorphinkergoth: ah
14:48.26kergoth_if i yank it from the bus and re-attach, all is well
14:48.29sorphinkergoth: yeah
14:48.29chouimatsorphin: hehe
14:48.39sorphinkergoth: that's not the fault of usb-storage tho
14:48.52kergoth_well, the windows usb storage drivers work around the quirks in the hardware
14:48.58kergoth_the linux driver doesnt have that knowledge
14:49.05kergoth_cant really blame greg k-h for it, but its still annoying
14:49.12sorphinone thign to remember
14:49.21sorphinwindows doesn't treat it as a SCSI disk eitehr
14:49.29sorphinlinux does
14:49.58sorphinwell, except vmware tries to, but you can make it ide too, heh
14:50.03kergoth_dont think thats really the issue though.  the problem seems to be with its sense of the insertion/removal events, which would be at  the hardware level more than the ide/scsi level, afaik
14:50.26sorphinkergoth: tried removing the card and rescanning the scsi bus tho?
14:50.29sorphinjust for kicks
14:50.44prpplagueargh this the sickest i've been in ages
14:50.58sorphinprpplague: that's what you get for stopping drinking
14:51.09prpplaguekergoth_: remember in early 2004 when everyone at TI was sick?
14:51.15kergoth_heh, yeah
14:51.32sorphinfile[laptop]: canada post makes Royal Mail look good :P
14:52.14file[laptop]I guess this isn't out for delivery
14:52.20sorphintho the usps sucks just as bad... that traffic controller shipped on the 18th, it got here yesterday.. a *2* day trip, took longer than 2 days :P
14:52.31sorphinwhen i got married
14:52.41sorphinthey decided to lose some of the cards w/ giftcards in them
14:53.04file[laptop]well it's like, this is in Dieppe...
14:53.09file[laptop]it should be out for delivery the lazy twats
14:53.14sorphinfile[laptop]: so go get it
14:53.19file[laptop]I can't
14:53.27sorphingo up there and demand they give you your router!
14:54.05file[laptop]a package from Taiwan took less time to get here
15:13.41*** join/#elinux T0mW (
15:14.10prpplagueT0mW: ho ho ho
15:14.22sorphinhe is not a ho
15:14.25sorphinhe's old
15:14.26sorphinbut not a ho
15:16.00sorphinT0mW: oh go soak your teeth gramps :P
15:16.36T0mWprpplague: bdi-2000 is headed my way
15:16.43prpplaguewhat gets me about this wpa crap is there is 10 names for one protocol
15:16.47prpplagueT0mW: you rocks
15:17.18T0mW~kick ibot
15:17.19ibotbugger off sod!
15:17.40T0mWibot: nasty maggot
15:17.47prpplagueibot: wpa is
15:17.48ibotprpplague: okay
15:18.28T0mWprpplague: got to teach that child everything, you'd think that it would just listen in an learn stuff, heh
15:18.42T0mWsorphin: hey what?
15:18.53sorphinprpplague: that's not what WPA is, that's just a linux thing for WPA :P
15:18.56T0mWsorphin: good morning, btw
15:19.20prpplaguesorphin: agreed however there is section there that describes what wpa is
15:19.33sorphinprpplague: ok
15:19.47sorphinT0mW: mornin...
15:20.13sorphinT0mW: my new toy:
15:20.18prpplagueibot: forget wpa
15:20.18iboti forgot wpa, prpplague
15:20.20T0mWwhat is "WPA": Wireless Protocol Authentication?
15:20.30prpplagueibot: wpa is read the section on wpa at
15:20.31ibotokay, prpplague
15:20.54T0mWsorphin: wtf is that thing?
15:21.01prpplagueT0mW: phb idea of security
15:21.08sorphinT0mW: WPA is a step up from WEP
15:21.10T0mWprpplague: yeah
15:21.16prpplagueT0mW: multi layer authentication for wireless
15:21.18sorphinT0mW: a traffic controller
15:21.37T0mWsorphin: takes then 15 minutes to break instead of the usual 5
15:22.07sorphinT0mW: i don't even use it
15:22.15prpplagueT0mW: yea its worthless
15:22.19T0mWprpplague: we use openvpn
15:22.23sorphinmy wireless doesn't even penetrate outside my house :)
15:22.37prpplagueT0mW: even cisco tells ppl they should use vpn connection
15:22.57T0mWprpplague: we don't care who uses the wifi where we have it located, they are public access points.
15:23.24T0mWprpplague: and they sit outside the firewall
15:24.23T0mWsorphin: prolly because of the aluminum foil backing of the insulation / vapor barrier?  acts like a Faraday Shield
15:24.34prpplaguemy problem is i don't know crap about these certifcates
15:24.41prpplaguesorphin: whats a ca_cert?
15:24.55T0mWprpplague: yeah, they always get me with the ssl certs
15:25.08T0mWprpplague: certificate authority
15:25.24T0mWprpplague: to certify the certifier
15:25.56prpplaguehmm, why would i need one if i'm not using certificates?
15:26.09prpplaguewpa-peap only uses server side certs
15:27.02T0mWprpplague: somebody has to certify the certificate issuer as being a valid issuer.
15:27.22T0mWprpplague: it's ssl
15:27.28T0mWprpplague: right?
15:28.43sorphinkergoth: they're gonna brand you n00b soon :P
15:28.48sorphinif they haven't already ;)
15:28.52T0mWprpplague: you can be your own certificate authority, there is a consequence.  for example, mozilla and others have copies of the known ca-certs, when they find an unknown CA, they popup a dialog questioning it.
15:28.59kergoth_as long as i learn what i need to know, thats fine with me
15:29.26T0mWkergoth: agreed, firewall is one thing you have to do right
15:29.27sorphinT0mW: good point
15:30.32T0mWprpplague: it is a mere annoyance, if you have a closed system and control over the devices connecting to it, you can preload your CA cert into them and avoid confusion.
15:30.56prpplagueT0mW: so is the ca key exactly the same for all clients that download it?
15:31.18prpplagueok thanks that'll work
15:31.36prpplaguehehe, so i could actuall put it out on a ftp server?
15:32.18T0mWthat is the master certificate that, in essence, says "they other cert you got was from a valid issuer".
15:32.45T0mWprpplague: well, I wouldn't go that far, ssl still confuses me
15:32.51T0mWprpplague: on the cert level
15:33.17T0mWprpplague: I did play with that about two years ago and we setup an ssl access to http
15:33.17kergoth_prpplague: check out mickeyl's mockup of a ui menu for the bootup menu in the next release of the familiar/openzaurus/etc distro:
15:34.19T0mWkergoth: I guess that Star Trek is a bit dated
15:36.10prpplagueT0mW: iirc thats the stargate atlantis symbol
15:36.38T0mWprpplague: the symbol for planet Earth, isn't it?
15:37.41T0mWcould be atlantis i guess, I just watch it every week and record it into my video pile
15:37.54T0mWprpplague: up to 190 videos so far in the server
15:38.48T0mW[tom@huey tom]$ df
15:38.48T0mWFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
15:38.48T0mW/dev/hda1             788M   83M  705M  11% /
15:38.48T0mW/dev/mapper/Huey-1    834G  412G  422G  50% /DataStore
15:39.09T0mWcould do another 180 or so and then I'll have to upgrade
15:39.58jbevrenFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
15:40.04jbevrenthe VG is 1.3T
15:40.05T0mWprpplague: well, today I have to order parts, gerber the engineering board and get that out to fabrication
15:40.07jbevrenmost of it unallocated
15:40.13jbevrenI grow the archive as needed :)
15:40.27T0mWjbevren: what you got in there?
15:41.16kergoth_everyone even remotely interested in openembedded should read that
15:45.10jbevrenT0mW: lots of data :)
15:45.14kergoth_hehe, check out the screenshot of e17 running on a zaurus
15:45.16kergoth_just twisted
15:45.55jbevrenT0mW: I stopped deleting things about a year ago
15:47.03T0mWjbevren: I just stuff videos in mine, interestingly, they seem to show the same shows week after week. it is getting harder to find new stuff to add
15:47.25prpplagueargh, my thumb on my right hand has gone to sleep
15:47.54T0mWprpplague: that's old age creeping in
15:48.08prpplaguei think this flu has got me anemic
15:48.31prpplaguei'm freazing in the office, and even outside only feels slightly warm
15:50.08sorphinprpplague: if you're that damn sick, stop working and get well :P
15:51.34prpplaguesorphin: because i'm stupid, i have a ton of work to do, i hate taking off for being sick
15:51.51sorphinprpplague: would you rather end up 6ft deep?
15:52.22sorphinprpplague: if you're realy sick, then there's no big deal w/ taking off, it's if you're not realy sick, that it's a big deal, heh
15:52.24prpplaguesorphin: hehe, that'd just mean you get to fly to barbados for the funeral
15:52.46sorphinprpplague: fraid not, doubt they'd let me leave the country for that, heh
15:53.03prpplaguesorphin: oh yea forget about that
15:53.14sorphinprpplague: wish i could forget about it :/
15:53.22prpplagueguess you'll have to watch via gnomemeeting
15:53.31T0mWsorphin: leash isn't that long, eh?
15:53.49sorphinT0mW: hell, i dunno if i can even just go across the river for an hour :P
15:53.53sorphin(to IL)
15:54.17prpplagueputs a crimp on holiday then
15:54.26T0mWsorphin: still on your honeymoon?
15:54.43sorphinno word, guess i'm gonna have to try getting a hold of him directly
15:54.47sorphinT0mW: eh?
15:55.56prpplaguewish i could find a doc on how to retrieve certs from a winblows box
15:56.19sorphinprpplague: eh? whatdya mean retreive the certs? heh
15:56.33sorphinyou need the certdb? or something?
15:57.31prpplaguesorphin: right, i have a cert server running on a winblows box
15:57.59prpplaguesorphin: it works with a winblows laptop, just don't how to get it working with a linux device
15:59.05*** join/#elinux TorbaX (
16:02.51prpplaguesorphin: and i can seem to find any docs to help
16:03.05prpplaguesorphin: i know i'm not the first linux person to have to do this
16:05.25sorphinprpplague: you're not? ;)
16:31.30jbevreno=username 0 0 IN IP4
16:31.30jbevrens=Whoa there dewd
16:31.33jbevrenwhat the
16:31.51fileput someone on hold?
16:31.59jbevrenplaying with kphone and my uniden
16:33.22jbevrenkphone hates it when I hang up on an asterisk-routed call
16:33.25jbevrenfreezes solid
16:33.28fileIAX2/ to give me a ring :P
16:33.31jbevrenshrug. good thing I dont use it for stuff that matters
16:38.38jbevrenadded it to my shortcuts extension
16:38.40filebleh my new router isn't out for delivery I guess
16:38.46fileoh no, shortcuts extension!
16:38.56jbevrenits hard to type IAX2/ on a dial pad
16:38.59jbevrenhehe :)
16:39.14jbevrenI should consider allowing guest calls
16:39.18jbevrensome day
16:39.43jbevrenfile: the * box is the MPC board gpsfan, sorphin, and I have
16:44.04jbevrenof course, I didnt fit * into the flash
16:44.15jbevrennot that it's impossible, apparently a slim version's available for openwrt
16:44.38filehehe yeah
16:44.44fileCapouch did that
16:45.29jbevrenyou live in canadia eh? :)
16:45.41jbevrencool :)
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16:52.44sorphinjbevren: yeah, file's a big mapleleaf taht says eh? all the time ;)
16:54.08jbevrenactually he didnt say 'eh' once during our conversation
16:54.21jbevrensounded more like he was from indana than anything
16:54.23jbevrenlol :)
16:55.04jbevrenfile: care to msg me your iax incoming section for iax.conf? :)
16:56.16fileit should be in the default iax.conf
16:56.37filebut that's it :P
16:57.12jbevrenI created an empty one
17:05.59CosmicPenguinHeh - my development policy is up to 31 pages
17:06.10kergoth_hehe,d amn
17:07.43jbevrendoes it include not allowing marketing to bump version numbers?
17:07.53jbevrenmy friend's marketing dept wanted to bump a versoin number
17:08.00jbevrenjust to make the software 'attractive'
17:11.19CosmicPenguinyeah - we set the version number
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17:18.51jbevrenmental note: get a slower drive for this thing.. the 10krpm drive resonates the case too well
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17:50.02jbevrentrue sign of boredom
17:50.07jbevrenI'm playing mp3's through my sipphone
17:53.01T0mWjbevren: maybe try adding some material inside the case to break the harmonic resonance sympathy?
17:53.33jbevrenT0mW: sure
17:53.33T0mWjbevren: like if it is a plastic case, glue some polystyrene strips inside?
17:53.37jbevrenor put a book on it :)
17:53.44jbevrenits a little micro-atx box
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17:54.19T0mWI've noticed that Western Digital has their SE series drives, those things are whisper quiet!
17:54.46T0mWyou can barely hear them spinup
17:56.24jbevrenwell, I'm sorta stuck with scsi here
17:56.32jbevrencause I dont have an ide pci card, and these dont have ide onboard
17:56.49jbevrenso I'm using a wd enterprise 9gig 10k
17:57.02jbevrenits not bad, its just that its LF vibrations are resonating a little
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18:05.39kergoth_thats interesting.
18:06.09kergoth_normally when an interface goes down, and you're NATing out of it, the connection tracking database entries dont get removed, they just sit there, so that they can be continued when the interface returns, or time out
18:06.30kergoth_however, if you're using MASQUERADE rather than SNAT, and you bring down the interface and remove the ip, it removes the associated conntrack entries
18:06.43kergoth_must be becuase it expects the IP to be about to change on a MASQ interface, since its most often used with dhcp
18:06.58kergoth_anyway, that was a difference that i didnt realize existed
18:11.13sorphinCosmicPenguin: we'll make a PHB out of you yet :P
18:11.28CosmicPenguinI don't like the touchy feely stuff
18:11.37CosmicPenguinI prefer the this is how we're going to write code - here let me show you stuff
18:11.55sorphinCosmicPenguin: we'll even have you surgically altered to look like the PHB in dilbert too
18:11.59kergoth_i wouldnt mind doing that sort of thing.  i think i'd like being in an architectural role
18:12.47CosmicPenguinkergoth: yeah, thats my goal in life right now
18:12.49sorphinT0mW: the seagate barracudas are quite quiet too (the ide ones), my 200G is realy quiet
18:12.56CosmicPenguinkergoth: but to begin with, it includes writing lots of policy documentation
18:13.22kergoth_CosmicPenguin: nod.  i hear its kinda hard to get in to.  companies probably want people with degrees covering both technology and management, i'd think
18:14.13CosmicPenguinyeah, thats why I really can't go anywhere
18:14.22CosmicPenguinI don't have the credentials to do this anywhere but AMD
18:14.26CosmicPenguinbut thats cool - this is a decent company
18:14.35kergoth_what credentials do you have?
18:15.47CosmicPenguinI have a BS in CS, and going on 7 years of industry experience
18:16.02kergoth_ah, so justmissing the management bits
18:17.13sorphini prefer to be in the trenches
18:17.29kergoth_i like figuring out _how_ to go about doing something, but not so much the actual doing of it :)
18:17.50sorphinprpplague: i'm too ethical to be a manager
18:44.31CosmicPenguinSo all ya bastards can read it and yell at me
18:47.53kergoth_its probably overkill for the little company i'm at, but i might swipe bits of it for a policy here ;)
18:49.49CosmicPenguinThats only fair
18:49.58CosmicPenguinI totally swiped your build system rules of thumb
18:51.30kergoth_hah, cool
19:17.07kergoth_cool little presentation. i'm using it to show the guy that runs this company how we can use user mode linux to simulate network environments for our product, as well as the device itself
19:18.02CosmicPenguinAhh cool
19:25.12CosmicPenguinOk, thats enough screwing around
19:25.15CosmicPenguintime to get back to work
19:26.05sorphinthat's a first
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20:06.58CosmicPenguinkergoth: you ever see this before:
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20:12.44CosmicPenguin378 bucks
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20:31.43sorphinCosmicPenguin: uh... bit pricey innit?
20:32.37CosmicPenguinbout 200 bucks pricey
20:32.40CosmicPenguinbut thats Japan for you
20:42.20CosmicPenguinOk, lets see - most important OSS projects for Geode
20:42.56CosmicPenguinuclibc - maybe
20:43.04CosmicPenguinbusybox, but there is no geode specific extensions in there
20:51.57jbevrenI think mythtv is a very important project
20:52.11jbevrenits like tivo, but the linux side is much more publicly known
21:04.19kergoth_CosmicPenguin: not really a specific project, but i'd expect router type applications to be important for it
21:06.22CosmicPenguinGOod call
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21:16.44*** topic/#elinux is #elinux Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at
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22:17.03CosmicPenguingah - I'm such a dumbass
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