irclog2html for #elinux on 20050816

00:53.52CosmicPenguintoo much powerpoint
00:55.04*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
00:57.43sorphinnever done any
01:12.21SarahEmmanyone know of any low-ish power (a full day on a 40Wh battery with the system in sleep mode 70% of the time) x86 SBCs? i know i've asked this before, but it's been about a year since i've been around here working on this...
01:12.24SarahEmm(with sound.... heh)
01:39.41SarahEmmsorphin: meow?
01:40.17sorphinthat's what happens when you forget a 'then' statement
01:41.21sorphinSarahEmm: hmm?
01:42.22sorphinsince he's the guru of this sort of dilema
01:43.35sorphinSarahEmm: so you a developer for a living?
01:45.42kergothsorphin: you know any good detailed references on linux's connection tracking (as used by NAT)?
01:46.07kergothman, woke up with a fever and messed up stomach this morning, emailed in sick on the third day of my new job..
01:46.10kergothnot good :(
01:46.21sorphincouldn't work from home?
01:46.27kergothdont have the vpn bits yet
01:46.46SarahEmmsorphin: i used to be a coder for a living, now i'm a netops monkey for a living
01:46.47kergothdoubt i wouldve gotten much done anyway, i cant get shit done when i have a fever, messes up my concentration
01:46.54SarahEmmand i develop software/hardware on the side
01:47.05sorphinand no, i don't, sorry, not really vered near that stuff on linux, mainly on real network gear
01:47.18sorphinSarahEmm: my condolences.. i'm network security
01:47.21kergothk, figured, but thanks
01:47.53sorphinmy only sse2 capable machien is the one i'm one
01:48.13sorphinall my crystals only have 4M onboard video
01:48.27kergothwhats that really good tcp/ip book.. the one by stevens.. tcp/ip illustrated?
01:49.07sorphinkergoth: TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols ?
01:49.20kergothhmm, wonder if i own it
01:49.38sorphin#  TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 3: TCP for Transactions, HTTP, NNTP, and the UNIX Domain Protocols
01:49.51sorphinhow to put yourself to sleep in minutes ;)
01:50.03kergothif i want to know that crap i'll read (and have read) the rfcs :P
01:51.05SarahEmmsorphin: condolences? i love my job. i changed fields because i wanted to..
01:52.24sorphinand 1459
01:52.58sorphinesp 1459 :P
01:53.09kergothnothing like being on irc via telnet
01:53.13kergothbeen there, done that
01:53.20kergotherm, via a telnet client, that is
01:53.28sorphinRFC 1459 (rfc1459) - Internet Relay Chat Protocol
01:53.40sorphinthe root of all scriptkiddies
01:53.49kergothheh, indeed
01:54.41sorphinoh yay, i just love nose bleeds... NOT
01:54.48kergothmy main ignorance used to be networking.  that changed at ti after doing a ton of online training, reading bits of tcp/ip illustrated, and mainly just fucking around in real world environments like setting up frame relay on portservers and shit :P
01:54.57kergothnose bleeds evil
01:55.05sorphindry sinuses
01:55.10sorphinframe relay
01:55.25sorphinAfter You Buy It, Let Geek Squad® Install It!
01:55.46sorphinhere, that'll be $250 to install you video card ;)
01:56.34kergothsorphin: i have a feeling i'm going to enjoy this job for a couple weeks while i get up to speed on a few networking weaknesses of mine, then i'll be bored out of my mind :P
01:56.58sorphinnow wtf would they wanna start price descending
01:57.02sorphini wanna see the chip shiz
01:57.12sorphinkergoth: so don't let yourself :P
01:57.21kergotheasier said than done
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01:58.18sorphinkergoth: uhh.
01:58.27sorphini'm not in research
01:58.38sorphinbut that doesn't mean i CAN'T research
01:58.53sorphinwe're always researching how various attacks happened, etc
01:59.35kergoththats cool
02:02.11*** join/#elinux [g2] (n=g2@nslu2-linux/g2)
02:06.48sorphinwhere's that AMD monkey
02:10.54kergoth mm, nifty
02:13.29kergothheh, i didnt see that presentation when i was at ols '04, but apparently there was one on it
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03:29.17*** join/#elinux jayakumar2 (n=jaya@
03:31.47jayakumar2hi guys. i'm experimenting with a buddy's embbedded box that had emb xp on it. it has this odd cf like storage device. i have wired it up
03:32.00jayakumar2to a normal PC so that i can see it as a standard ide device
03:32.20jayakumar2now, i'm going to need to backup the image of the device
03:33.04jayakumar2i was wondering if i can just dd if=ide of=img and be done with it
03:33.28jayakumar2or whether i will run into trouble when i put that image back on the device
03:34.00jayakumar2anyone have any feedback?
03:34.34sorphinwell, if it's just a cf device, as long as you'd be putting it back on the same device
03:34.37sorphini don't see an issue
03:35.14jayakumar2sorphin: cool. out of curiosity, have you tried that before? ie: taking an emb xp cf, dd-ing it out, then dd-ing it back on and seeing if it boots?
03:36.29kergothwould think dd would be just fine.  its a block device, so i wouldnt think you'd have to be concerned with writing data onto a bad block if one existed, which would be my only real concern (it is a concern for dd'ing to/from character devices like mtd)
03:36.41sorphinwell, dd rips everything, for the most part (as long as you're dding from the raw block device, and not a parition on the cf)
03:36.44sorphinas for embedded XP
03:36.47sorphinnever seen int
03:37.27jayakumar2sorphin: yup, i'd be dding from hdc directly, which is what it shows up as. rather than the partitions
03:38.18jayakumar2kergoth: yup, i agree. it's just that i'm frightened of killing this box
03:39.46jayakumar2btw, here's the storage device
03:40.01jayakumar2ATA-disk module
03:40.22jbevrenjayakumar2: similar to the SST flash dev in my compaq IA1
03:40.37jbevrenthe IA1s have a 16M ide "disk" on flash
03:40.38jayakumar2i wish i had a spare one so that i could experiment
03:40.54jayakumar2rather than potentially kill the xp
03:40.54jbevrencompaq, or IC?
03:41.07jayakumar2it's on a PCB
03:41.18jayakumar2it's removable
03:41.20jbevrenthis one's on the mainboard (of course, for cost reasons)
03:41.23jayakumar2but it's bare
03:41.39jayakumar2it's got a 40 pin 1mm type connector
03:42.30sorphinjbevren: whatchudoinsucka?
03:42.46jayakumar2i ought to test the assumption that i can just dd by getting a win xp hdd and dd-ing that to another and seeing if it boots
03:43.14jayakumar2if that works, then i think i could assume that this ought to work as well
03:43.32jbevrenjayakumar2: as long as it has the same geom, it should be ok
03:43.47jayakumar2jbevren: ah. why does the geometry matter?
03:44.03jbevrenjayakumar2: Paranoia on my part
03:44.51jbevrenI'm gonna be eating this for a month
03:44.56jbevrenended up with two gallons of it
03:45.03sorphinjbevren: done anything fun w/ the ppcs yet? :P
03:45.18jbevrensorphin: I might use one for a firewall at my sister's
03:45.23jbevrenshe's got 3 winboxes direct on the 'net
03:45.42jbevrenthat would rock
03:45.54sorphinalmost don't wanna use it for a firewall tho, almost too high power (to me)
03:45.59jbevrencant make an obsd ramdisk and disguise it as a linux kernel?
03:46.04jbevrenYeah, that's true
03:46.15jbevrenbut this could be run on low enough power (and silent)..
03:46.21jbevrenmy sister's against using a PC cause of the noise
03:46.39jbevrenotherwise I'd be using my niece's old pentium 233
03:47.33sorphinfootprint is small enough tho
03:47.42sorphinbut the case isn't :P
03:48.02jbevrenI also want to figure out what power lines are needed to run it
03:48.11jbevrenrun it from a 3-output psu if possible
03:48.19jbevren(I happen to have one that does 3.3, 5, 12)
03:50.04sorphinwell, the board actually only uses 3.3v
03:50.12sorphinbut 5v and 12v are routed to the pci slots
03:50.33jbevrenso it uses an inverter for the rs232 voltages?
03:50.41jbevrenI misread the schematic then
03:50.48sorphinnot sure bout that bit
03:50.49jbevren(doesnt surprise me) :)
03:51.16jbevrenneed to make a micro firewall distro
03:51.28jbevrenmore than LRP, less than smoothwall
03:51.47jbevrenoh btw
03:51.55jbevrengot any good links on learning how to set up/use MTDblock?
03:52.31sorphinand actually there is an openbsd ppc bit, but dunno if it'd work on this thing
03:52.37jbevrenI'll look at my wrt's stuff
03:53.23jbevrenopenwrt uses mtdblock
03:53.32kergothcheck out oe, there are a number of firewall distros being built out it, including the meshcube distro
03:53.35jbevren(flash chip as block dev of course) is the difinitive place for mtd info, iirc.
03:54.02kergoth is NXDOMAIN.
03:54.14kergoth"OpenEmbedded just hit the 2600 build files mark - which are used to produce over 6000 packages for your embedded Linux distribution. "
03:54.29jbevrenah ok
03:55.04sorphinkergoth: prob is, sometimes, linux-mtd is years behind in updates :/
03:55.22jbevrenI dont mind making a linux buildkit, but my sister would want a (web)gui of some sort
03:55.27kergothguess they're updating it more often.
03:56.00kergoththere's always #mtd on freenode as well, but the developers hang out there, so i wouldnt advise pestering them with silly questions you could answer by researching
03:56.23jbevrenwrt's using jffs2
03:56.36kergothjffs2 is used by countless projects, this isnt a big revelation
03:56.40kergothwhats your question?
03:57.01sorphin2.4 dropped?
03:57.07kergothjffs2 doesnt use mtdblock.  it needs lower level flash access than block
03:57.15sorphinlet's FORCE 2.6 on people then
03:57.16jbevrenanyway, my thought was to replace the space in the ppc's flash reserved for ramdisk with a jffs partition
03:57.26jbevrenkergoth: as I'm reading now. :)
03:57.36jbevrensorphin: not 2.0.40?
03:57.41sorphinyou know what i mean
03:57.56kergothi rely on far too many 2.6 functions to use 2.4 anymore for anything, even desktops.
03:58.16kergothnot to mention i wouldnt touch 2.4 kernel code with a 10 foot pole, unless i was paid to
03:58.55sorphinand it offered no benefit for me
03:59.00kergothi presume you're pretty happy about the change in development process, then
03:59.58kergothmuch more focused on stabilizing the tree.  refusing to accept anything but bugfixes after the first week after a new release or whatever
04:00.16jayakumar2ok. i found a way to test the theory. dding out a cf img now
04:00.27jbevrenjayakumar2: fun :)
04:00.37sorphinkergoth: oh yeah, that
04:00.50sorphinwhat's the damn point of adding new toys if the base isn't even *stable*?
04:01.13sorphinmaybe it's just me
04:01.21kergothfrankly i'm surprised they didn't do that sooner.  any decent size project _needs_ a development process like that.
04:01.34jayakumar2sorphin: out of curiosity, are you saying that 2.6 is unstable?
04:01.58sorphinjayakumar2: the 3 times i tried 2.6
04:02.17sorphinlet's just say... aside from lockup, corruption and downright annoyance
04:02.24sorphinthere was no benefit ;)
04:02.29jayakumar2interesting. which platform?
04:03.07kergothcountless, countless benefits.  take the new pcmcia stuff that lets you finally ditch cardmgr and just use hotplug, for example
04:03.20sorphinkergoth: course, you couldn't pay me to use Reiser either, but that's neither here nor there
04:04.57jayakumar2ok. dd-in is done. now to dd that img out to another cf
04:06.26sorphinhonor your damn auction
04:06.43sorphinhad i known at the time he was local, i'd have had a lil chat with him
04:10.51sorphinslackware or centos
04:11.57sorphintoo many damn distros out these days
04:12.26fileOnce again you really shouldn't mumble cause its kinda startin' to bum me out.
04:12.28kergothi recommend ubuntu.  solid easy to use distro for users, yet its essentially a more up to date debian.  apt-get, etc.
04:13.00sorphinfile: eh?
04:13.12fileWonka reference.
04:13.21sorphinkergoth: eeeeeeeeeek! dependancies! run!
04:13.29jbevrenapt-get install
04:13.34sorphinall the overdependancies is what killed debian for me
04:13.36kergothsorphin: thats the appropriate response to an rpm based distro, not a debian based one
04:13.51sorphinapt-get won't even run on any of my boxes now
04:14.03jbevrenwhy so?
04:14.04sorphinit wants me to install shit that's far from even remotely related to what i want installed
04:14.06kergoth90% of all debian package deps are autogenerated based on binary linking with the libs, just like rpm does.
04:14.22kergothperhaps this is like your 2.6 issues.  something else only you experience
04:14.41sorphinkergoth: your mopar die yet? ;)
04:15.47sorphinkergoth: it's one thing to depend on a lib
04:16.44sorphinit's another to depend on debconf or kerboes(sp) or debian's linux kernel header package when you have your own kernel :P
04:17.02kergothit should be using debian's linux kernel package.
04:17.06kergotherm, kernel header pckage.
04:17.19kergoththe kernel headers used by glibc's api is completely independent of the real running kernel
04:17.23kergothwhich is as it should be
04:17.34kergothits not like the old shitty days when /usr/inlcude/linux pointed to /usr/src/linux/include/linux, thank god
04:18.02sorphinwell, it nicely has borked up compiles because the 'libc kernel headers' didn't have something the real kernel did
04:18.25kergothif a userspace app if requiring that it links against the real kernel headers, it needs -I lines to the user specified kernel source directory
04:18.41kergothif it relies on the default header search paths having runtime kernel headers, its broken, period.
04:19.01kergothand if you're trying to compile a kernel module against anything but your real kernel sources, its you thats broken
04:19.39kergothno, but i know how things should be, and i dont blame the distro for trying to compile broken apps.
04:19.46kergothunlike *coughs* some people
04:20.36sorphinatleast give you the option to permanently ignore a dependancy, if you say, choose not to use THEIR package and install a custom compile
04:26.22*** join/#elinux DeltaF (
05:03.12jbevrenalmost works :)
05:03.56jbevrenit apparently didnt like hitting the end of the mtdblock
05:03.58SarahEmmwhat hardware?
05:04.01jbevren(I put that in for testing)
05:04.10SarahEmmright at the top there ;)
05:04.15jbevrenartis microsystems a3000
05:04.23jbevrenquite similar to a sandpoint board
05:04.28SarahEmmyeah i saw that at he top after hehe
05:04.49jbevrenI read 512 bytes to /dev/null
05:04.56jbevrenbut when I tried to dump the data it panicked
05:05.16jbevrenso I'm rebuilding the kernel from make clean to ensure I didnt muck it up by not doing dep/clean (grr 2.4)
05:05.41jbevrenkernel segfaulted :)
05:06.59jbevrencrap its midnight
05:08.38jbevrengrr delay-loop freeze
05:15.46jbevrenppc:~# file testfile                                                            
05:15.47jbevrentestfile: PPCBoot image                                                        
05:15.54jbevrenexACTly what I should get
05:16.07SarahEmmgo you!
05:16.13jbevrenlets see if it crashes when I read to the end of the blockdev again :)
05:16.30jbevrenum d'oh
05:16.37jbevrenI panicked it by sshing to the onboard ethernet
05:16.47jbevrenI know the flash alignment is mostly right
05:17.15SarahEmmntie nite
05:18.13jbevrenftl_cs: FTL header not found.
05:18.20jbevrenthink that might be causing the panic?
05:20.47jbevrenand now bedtime for real
05:20.48jbevrenclick. :)
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06:39.42sorphincdm: sup chris
06:40.18cdmnot too much man.
06:40.28cdmhacking on u-boot for a board I bought.
06:42.54sorphinwhat kinda board?
06:44.44cdmSamsung S3C2410A
06:45.12sorphinthese lil "G2" boards aren't bad
06:46.58cdmof course, they never properly registered the board on rmk's site.  Nor did they submit their u-boot changes back.
06:47.05cdmlazy bastards. ;)
06:47.12jayakumar2it worked. dd-ing out to img and than dd-ing back to cf worked
06:47.45jayakumar2now to try on the ADM
06:47.59sorphinjayakumar2: cool
06:48.03sorphincdm: nod
06:48.35jayakumar2sorphin: i just finished dd-ing in from the adm. there's one oddity
06:48.47jayakumar2here's what the adm looks like
06:48.54jayakumar2/dev/hdc1   *           1         979      493384+   7  HPFS/NTFS
06:48.58jayakumar2/dev/hdc2             980         989        5040    1  FAT12
06:49.01jayakumar2/dev/hdc3             990         990          63   45  Unknown
06:49.15jayakumar2but doing an fdisk -l on the resultant dd output
06:49.30jayakumar2xp.img1   *           1          62      493384+   7  HPFS/NTFS
06:49.36jayakumar2xp.img2              62          63        5040    1  FAT12
06:49.39jayakumar2xp.img3              63          63          63   45  Unknown
06:49.47jayakumar2so the block counts match
06:49.58jayakumar2but the start and end
06:50.02jayakumar2are different
06:53.09sorphinwell, you are fdisk'ing on a file
06:53.15sorphinrather than a physical block device
06:53.51jayakumar2are the start end values not block counts?
06:55.24sorphinif you take the dd'd output and redd it somewhere do the counts line back up?
06:59.50jayakumar2the block counts, (the 493384,5040,63) seem to match
07:01.23sorphinthen you're fine :P
07:26.48Russmy phone mocks me
07:26.52Russit gets IM messages
07:27.03Russbut I can't read them, and when I try to open IM, it says communication error
07:30.12RussPXE r0ckzors
07:30.15Russsorry, rocks
07:30.31Russgood pa today (
07:32.31sorphinRuss: well, it's not working now :P
07:33.38sorphingoes to tftp
07:33.39sorphintimes out
07:33.57sorphinother boxes tftp fine, including one running very very old pxe code
07:35.38jayakumar2just curious, have any of you guys seen any 6" or more wallmount touchscreens for under usd$400
07:36.02jayakumar2that's what i thought
07:36.22Russits not really dhcp
07:36.24Russits bootp
07:36.31Russyou need to put the mac address of the machine in a bootp stanza
07:36.33jayakumar2there's a company called ncoretech claiming usd$250 for a 6" touchscreen with a pxa-255 on it
07:36.47jayakumar2but i'm not sure i can believe that their price is real
07:36.58sorphinRuss: well, this says DHCP, and pulls the DHCP server info fine, and attempts to tftp
07:37.02Russallow booting;
07:37.02Russallow bootp;
07:37.10Russgroup {
07:37.29sorphingot that
07:37.36Russthe group part belongs in a subnet block
07:37.45sorphini know
07:38.15sorphin100bT negotiation should be quick
07:38.47Russwhat do you see on the wire?
07:39.37Russ<on hold music commences>
07:39.51Russ[Your call is very important to us, please remain on the line[
07:40.10Russ[your call will be processed in the order it was received]
07:40.35Russ[sometimes we go to lunch for hours, so be patient, especially on margarita fridays]
07:41.13sorphinas yo ucan see here
07:41.14sorphinAug 16 02:40:01 giga tftpd[6560]: tftpd: trying to get file: /pxelinux.0
07:41.15sorphinAug 16 02:40:01 giga tftpd[6560]: tftpd: serving file from /tftpboot
07:41.31sorphinbut it times out
07:41.31Russok, I remember the directory structure is weird...
07:41.36Russso its dhcping
07:41.37Russthats good
07:41.46sorphinand attempting tftp
07:42.00sorphinif i point it elsewhere, of course it says file not found and quits
07:43.35Russhow big is pxelinux.0?
07:43.46Russtftp is slow
07:43.56Russupping the link speed doesn't really speed it up
07:44.00sorphintcpdump speaks
07:44.14sorphin02:43:27.465802 > icmp: udp port 32784 unreachable [tos 0xc0]
07:44.28sorphin02:43:30.981757 >  udp 516
07:44.29sorphin02:43:30.991754 >  udp 516
07:44.56sorphinmean anything to you?
07:45.08Russnot sure
07:45.13Russhow big is the file?
07:45.36sorphini've tried pxegrub too
07:45.45sorphinall works on other pxe boxes
07:45.51sorphineven w/ old ass code
07:46.06sorphinbut of course, this is a real handy dandy intel pci card
07:53.54sorphinwhat gets me now
07:53.59sorphinit's hitting port 32786
07:55.44sorphindunno why it's hitting so high
08:04.20sorphinRuss: changed tftp daemons...
08:04.24sorphinstill nada
08:29.38*** join/#elinux SarahEmm (
08:47.42SarahEmmanyone here used gumstix?
08:49.54jacquesa long time ago - probably too long ago to be of help
08:50.08SarahEmmahh hehee
08:50.22SarahEmmit looks perfect for a mobile TTS platform if i can get a TTS engine for it
08:50.29SarahEmmand Cepstral seems willing to help otu with that
08:50.44SarahEmmlow power, high speed, linuxable, lots of I/O for input and output
08:50.54SarahEmm(... as opposed to I/O not used for input and output...)
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08:58.06SarahEmmthis project has gone from being designed around an x86, but tossing that due to power issues (too high!), then moving to a tiny embedded platform (rabbit) with hardware TTS, but that has TTS quality issues... now looking like it's going inbetween with a small embedded xscale platform ;)
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13:45.32prpplagueho ho ho
13:45.51Soopamangreen giant
13:46.07prpplaguemerry freakin tuesday
13:47.47sorphinprpplague: blasphemer
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13:55.53sorphinnow you made me think of that depeche mode song :P
13:56.21prpplaguesorphin: which song is that?
14:01.05jbevrenI thought jffs2 doesnt use mtdblock
14:01.11jbevrenwhy do I have to have mtdblock on to use jffs2
14:01.54jbevrenmorning :)
14:02.08jbevrengrr, and when I read beyond end of device it panics
14:02.20sorphinprpplague: blasphemeous rumors
14:02.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: email ?
14:03.08sorphino/~ I don't want to start any blasphemous rumors, but i think that plague's got a sick sense of humor and when someone uses windows, i expect to find him laughing o/~
14:03.37sorphinCosmicPenguin: mr penguin
14:08.46jbevrenthe flash chip is 8M, I have the phys lenght set to 6M, and linux sees it as 16M
14:09.04sorphinCosmicPenguin: pagnign mr penguin
14:09.08sorphinpaging even
14:09.44sorphinjbevren: maybe you just can't code? ;)
14:09.50jbevrenI didnt even write it :P
14:10.00sorphinuh huh
14:10.15sorphinwhat's this in? the ppc?
14:10.34jbevrenbtw, want the bootimg for the original ramdisk?
14:10.41jbevrenI did get that before it panicked
14:10.57sorphinhow big?
14:10.57jbevrenk let me scp it to this box
14:11.20jbevrenit'll be a bit, I'm gzipping and / is mounted sync for debugging
14:11.27sorphinjbevren: btw.. intel strataflash (which is what's in the ppc), is a royal PITA
14:11.32jbevren4.2M gzipped
14:13.09jbevrensee thats what gets me.  It panics at 6M like it should
14:13.23jbevrenit stops at 6M
14:13.24jbevrenbut panics :)
14:13.37jbevrenwonder if the 2.4.19 flash driver has a bug
14:13.39sorphinruss woulda been the man to prod last night
14:13.49sorphinhe's all about flash code
14:13.57jbevrenmight try that later
14:14.40sorphinman, i'm telling missy not to get these imitation poptarts again, these things suck
14:36.05sorphinman, where's that AMD flunky when you need him
14:38.58sorphinprpplague: so you back in the Isle of Plague again?
14:41.08sorphinCosmicPenguin: whilst looking at AMD cpus yesterday
14:41.36sorphinspecifically Athlon 64s
14:41.59sorphini see a normal 3000, i see a 90nm Rev E, and i see 939
14:42.27sorphinwhere is there, if any difference, heh
14:44.18sorphinbut it doesn't help w/ it vs the 90nm and the well.. neither
14:45.58CosmicPenguin939 is the socket
14:46.59sorphinand i know 90nm is the die
14:47.18sorphindoesnt' tell me if theres a diff between what i'm being sold, cuz there's sure 3 price differences
14:47.58GPSFansorphin: g'day..
14:48.23sorphinGPSFan: mornin ken
14:50.12CosmicPenguinI thought all athlon64s were socket 939
14:50.52CosmicPenguinAnd, I might be wrong, but 90nm is the new process - less leakage and less heat
14:51.09GPSFansorphin: have you seen the ppc box report a decrementer frequency of 25MHz? that is what it is supposed to be, and whenr I boot my rebuilt kernel it comes up 100MHz. looking at the code I think that there are some tweaks to the kernel that are not in the source we got.
14:51.14CosmicPenguinWell, I know its th new process, but I can't remember why its better
14:56.34sorphinGPSFan: haven't looked, but that's possible.. jbevrens' the one breaking the ppc atm
14:58.45GPSFansorphin: ah, just did a dump of the first bit from ppcboot, and at least the ppcboot header is different from the kernel image we got on the cd. That may have to do with the time problem jbevren has been having, as well as my problem with the USB2.
14:59.02sorphinCosmicPenguin: then becomes.. who makes the better athlon64 motherboard, heh
14:59.37sorphinGPSFan: could be, there's no hw rtc, so things are prolly gonna skew
15:00.09CosmicPenguinsorphin: I just got a Gigabyte K8 Triton
15:00.37sorphinnever used gigabyte before
15:01.28CosmicPenguinnforce chipset, but these days, you're gonna deal with propritary crap whatever you use
15:01.43sorphinthe nforce has improved then?
15:01.46GPSFansorphin: when the decrementer is reported as 100mhz, it is 4x too fast, since it is hardwired to sys_logic_clock/4 and sys_logic_clk is a max of 100MHZ, something is amok.
15:01.53CosmicPenguinsorphin: yeah, I think it has
15:02.03sorphinGPSFan: indeed
15:02.40GPSFansorphin: I think that is why jbevren was seeing time slowed down.
15:02.49sorphinCosmicPenguin: keep seeing the K8NSC
15:03.06sorphinGPSFan: wonder what borked the RTC in the box next to me, it does similar, but it's a peecee
15:03.12sorphin1 sec = 5 real seconds
15:03.23sorphinby the end of the day it was 6 hours off
15:04.23GPSFansorphin: mouse turd on the 32KHz crystal.. (don't laugh, I've seen it)
15:04.40sorphinthat's sick ken ;p
15:05.06GPSFanno, it's true..
15:05.38sorphini know
15:05.50sorphinno 32khz xtal i nthis box
15:05.59GPSFanguess it's time to disassemble the startup of the ppc kernel code.
15:06.16CosmicPenguinsorphin: not familiar with that one
15:06.31sorphinand pricewatch comes up w/ nil mentioning Triton
15:06.51CosmicPenguinwell, the Triton is just what I had end up in my office
15:07.31sorphinso does AMD have a lean towards gigabyte ? or was this just random sampling?
15:07.43sorphinin what they like to use
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15:08.38CosmicPenguinsorphin: we use external vendors for stuff like that
15:09.02CosmicPenguinsorphin: so we called up our local computer guy, told him we needed socket 939 mobos, he gave us some options, and we chose this one
15:09.16CosmicPenguinmainly for the nforce chipset
15:09.21sorphinGPSFan: well, if i can't center the image on that lcd, i just wasted $25+$5 overpriced shipping
15:09.49sorphinCosmicPenguin: amd not doing their own chipset anymore?
15:10.00CosmicPenguinNot really
15:10.14CosmicPenguinWe sort of decided that partners were better for that
15:10.28sorphinwe'll make the engine
15:10.32sorphinyou make the rest of the car
15:10.35CosmicPenguinI think we still do our mobile chipsets, such as they are
15:11.36sorphinCosmicPenguin: happen to know by chance the lowest amd that has SSE2 ? and maybe SSE3?
15:11.49CosmicPenguinthats a good question
15:13.13file[laptop]I should try OSX on my Dell
15:13.19sorphinfile[laptop]: hehe
15:13.25sorphinfile[laptop]: it works on my P4
15:13.38file[laptop]how much works though?
15:13.42sorphinanything else (including my old PIII's), it says go away you n00b
15:13.51file[laptop]ie: hardware support
15:14.11sorphinfile[laptop]: if you have sse3, everything works in the OS
15:14.18sorphinfile[laptop]: there's a growing HCL
15:14.30file[laptop]details boy
15:14.42CosmicPenguinsorphin: far as I can tell, any Athlon64 will have SSE2 and SSE3
15:14.48sorphinCosmicPenguin: k
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15:25.19sorphinfile[laptop]: :)  (the name is just the song i was listening to when i did the screenshot)
15:26.21file[laptop]quite nifty
15:27.46jbevrensorphin: now install it on an amd for me
15:27.58sorphinjbevren: give me one that has sse2 :P
15:28.00jbevrenor is that the vmware hack :)
15:28.03sorphinmy TRbird don't
15:28.12sorphinjbevren: both
15:28.17sorphinTBird even
15:28.24sorphinjbevren: i've ran natively and vmware
15:28.31GPSFansorphin: well if it's the exact same lcd, and same camera, and same firmware, and it doesn't work, then something is broke, or the cable isn't in quite right.
15:28.39sorphinjbevren: i typoed :P
15:29.25sorphinGPSFan: same LCD, diff camera it came from, cuz the backlight was different, but that was an easy swap, and yeah, the cables almost look like mirrors.. so i dunno how they can call that the same LCD :P
15:29.27GPSFanjbevren: were you able to extract the kernek from the flash as well as the ramdisk?
15:29.51jbevrenGPSFan: I could, but Ive already replaced my kernel
15:30.02GPSFansorphin: ah.
15:30.09jbevrenGPSFan: Just set up the flash base addr in the physmap mtd driver :)
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15:30.42GPSFanjbevren: do you see the decrementer reporting as 100MHz? in your new kernel messages?
15:31.15jbevrentime_init: decrementer frequency = 100.000000 MHzm
15:31.57GPSFanI think that the kernel in the flash is somewhat different from that on the cd & in the source.
15:32.15jbevrenI do know that the flash kern doesnt have rtc
15:32.18CosmicPenguinSo, can OSX run natively on a AMD with SSE2?
15:32.30jbevrenCosmicPenguin: I wanted to find out but sorphin doesnt have a 64
15:32.55CosmicPenguinI had not heard it was even possible without vmware
15:32.57CosmicPenguinif it does, then snap
15:33.07GPSFanjbevren: reading the hw ref manual, the decrementer is driven from sys_logic_clk/4 and sys_logic_clk is 100MHz max.
15:33.48GPSFanjbevren: so the decrementer should be 25MHz, which is is when I boot the original kernel.
15:33.58jbevrendo hou knwo where that's set?
15:34.04jbevrenI can patch/edit my kernel to see if that fixes things
15:34.45jbevrenno such file :-X
15:37.25jbevrenline 497
15:37.32GPSFanright at the end, yeah, and in the kernel in flash it is 25MHz...
15:37.57GPSFanthat's where the 799bogomips comes from.
15:40.32jbevrenok I'll change it to 25 and rebuild/reboot
15:42.31GPSFanjbevren: I also don't see the "calibrating delay loop" message in the flash kernel,
15:42.50jbevrenpossibly due to the random freezes I get
15:44.01jbevrensure thats the right one? I set it to 25 with no help
15:46.46GPSFanjbevren: no, I not sure (or a real programmer) but I think that's where the message comes from. However there is no hw rtc in this box. so I don't know why this code is compiling at all. Maybe is't a mistake in the config or setup.
15:47.05jbevrenthere are a few files like this in the tree
15:47.08jbevren(in ppc/)
15:47.34jbevrenafter this build, I should be able to use the .o files to identify which gets used
15:47.41jbevrenprogrammer I'm not of course
15:47.49SarahEmmanyone here used gumstix?
15:48.03jbevrenI want a mips gumstick :)
15:48.53SarahEmmif i can get a TTS engine for it, i think i'm changing my platform to be based around that for this project...
15:49.04jbevrentime_init: decrementer frequency = 25.000000 MHz                                
15:49.06jbevrenCalibrating delay loop...
15:49.19jbevrenit freezes there randomly so I'll try again
15:50.14GPSFanjbevren: maybe that's why the flash kernel doesn't have a claibrating delay loop message.
15:50.34jbevrentime_init: decrementer frequency = 25.000000 MHz                                
15:50.34jbevrenCalibrating delay loop... 199.88 BogoMIPS                                      
15:50.54jbevren'sleep 1' is 1sec now
15:51.23jbevrendmesg |grep mtd
15:52.26jbevrenphysmap flash device: 600000 at ff800000                                        
15:52.26jbevren0: offset=0x0,size=0x40000,blocks=64                                            
15:52.29jbevrengrr again
15:52.32jbevrenit says first 6M
15:52.34jbevrenthen it reports 16M
15:52.37jbevrendo I have a 16M flash?
15:53.11GPSFancheck the chip type, the board can use either 8 or 16 M part.
15:54.14jbevrenBank # 1: Intel 28F640J3A (64Mbit = 128K x 64)                                  
15:54.17jbevren(from firmware)
15:54.33sorphinCosmicPenguin: it's possible, yes
15:54.45sorphinCosmicPenguin: go look at that url i gave file
15:54.47CosmicPenguinstupid e-mail, stop coming in
15:54.52sorphinit has a growing HCL
15:54.57sorphinlotta AMD on it ;)
15:55.25jbevrenthe chip says the same
15:55.32sorphinjbevren: mine always randomly hangs at Calibrating
15:55.36sorphinbut it recovers
15:55.41sorphinafter about a minute
15:55.42jbevrenresetting fixes
15:55.42GPSFanjbevren: always good to have ground truth..
15:55.48jbevrenGPSFan: of course :)
15:55.54sorphinjbevren: taht's the poinnt, i don't have to reset
15:56.02sorphinjust wait a min and it continues on :P
15:56.05jbevrenI dont think Ive waited a whole min
15:56.22sorphinsometimes it just flies by, most of the time it doesn't tho
15:56.43GPSFansorphin: have you seen both 799bogomips and 199bogomips?
15:56.44sorphinjbevren: we all have 8M strataflash
15:56.53sorphinGPSFan: no, just 199.88
15:57.09jbevrenhm and serial console stalls
15:57.20jbevrenI wonder if the calibration stall is teh serial console stalling
15:57.29GPSFansorphin: and decrementer frequency always =25MHz?
15:59.01GPSFansorphin:when it boots is this what the ppcboot says the kernek is? Image Name:   Kernel:11/24/0319
16:02.57jbevrenwtf is the delay loop used for?
16:07.45GPSFanit happens in arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c
16:09.18jbevrenwas wondering what it's used for :)
16:10.11GPSFanalso in main.c. don't know..
16:11.39sorphinGPSFan: lemme vnc over to the box that i serial consoled from and see if  can scroll back
16:12.05jbevrensorphin: if it stalls on the delay calibration, try tapping a key to see if its the serial console stalled
16:12.37sorphinor not, i'll just look when i go home for lunch
16:12.49SarahEmmanyone know any decent text-to-speech engines that'll run in sa/xscale arch?
16:12.54sorphinjbevren: right.
16:12.57SarahEmm(on linux obviously, not wince)
16:12.58GPSFansorphin: 's'ok
16:13.00jbevrennod :)
16:13.08sorphinforgot i killed vnc
16:13.34sorphinoh, and since i forgot to do this last night
16:13.44sorphin~lart PXE for not booting correctly last night
16:13.56jbevrenpxe's a pita
16:14.00jbevrenbut its wonderful when it works
16:14.14jbevrenI built a hands-off redcrap installer where I used to work
16:14.19sorphinjbevren: works fine from my small box that's only version .99 (and it's mbedded in the bios, so no upgrade)
16:14.26jbevrenit'd post a big fat warning about total system erasure, and then proceed to install and config redhat
16:14.32sorphinbut will it work with my nice shiney intel card?
16:14.36sorphintftp timeouts
16:14.45jbevrendo you have mtftpd installed?
16:15.24sorphinwas using normal tftp before that, but then that dind't work so i snagged HPA
16:15.33sorphinnormal tftp always worked w/ the small box
16:15.59sorphintalk about perspective, heh
16:16.08jbevrenI've seen those. :)
16:16.14jbevrenpretty impressive that guy
16:16.30sorphinlooks 3d
16:16.34sorphintill you look from another angle
16:19.44jbevrenstill cant figure out jffs2 though
16:34.08CosmicPenguinCompiling X now, and there's some heat coming off this FX-57, but nothing crazy
16:34.13CosmicPenguinI wouldn't touch it right now, but still
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16:37.02sorphinCosmicPenguin: liquid oxygen ;)
16:39.37*** join/#elinux prpplague (n=billybob@
16:40.15kergothnetlink interface to the linux connection tracking database
16:40.30kergothand an app that uses it that you can use to directly manipulate it, adding nat and non-nat entries, flushing the table, etc
16:49.36*** join/#elinux T` (n=total@tor/session/x-944e18c7892c6e32)
16:56.42ibotwell, dontdiff is
16:56.51kergothbah, thats a 404
16:56.55jbevrensorphin: the delay loop stall isnt console
16:57.16kergothanyone have a dontdiff handy?
16:58.40sorphinjbevren: no shhhhhh sherlock
16:59.12sorphinkergoth: never heard of it till now
16:59.31kergothsorphin: its a well maintained list of files in the kernel that shouldnt be diffed (i.e., you pass it via diff -X (exclude))
16:59.45kergothfor diffing two kernel trees without getting spammed with genertated file changes and shit
17:00.31jbevrennice :D
17:00.40sorphinhouse equity, heh
17:01.13sorphin$1000 towards the vacation, the other $13,000 is for windows/siding to make it worth even more ;)
17:02.12sorphinCosmicPenguin: fyi
17:03.15sorphinyou want deadmoo's vmware image, (it's the easiest), tho it's 2G compressed, then you just dd it over a drive, and add anotehr partition after it to get the rest of yoru space, or you get the dev dvd and patch
17:03.46sorphinyou find out the hard way if your cpu doesn't do sse2
17:04.18fileor you can just look at the cpu flags on a Linux box, or pull up a CPU info app in Windows :P
17:04.32sorphin1 graphic screen that essentially says go reboot sucka, and in the case of my P3s, panic
17:04.46sorphinfile: not if the box has never had an OS since youve had it ;)
17:05.04filethat's silly
17:05.37sorphinfile: and fyi, can't realy view cpu flags under JunOS :P
17:06.00filepure sillyness
17:06.07CosmicPenguinIts going to take me forever to get this damn system up
17:06.12sorphinCosmicPenguin: ?
17:06.14CosmicPenguinI have so much config on my old desktop
17:06.16SarahEmmsorphin: lol. olive?
17:06.22sorphinSarahEmm: yep, 2 of em
17:06.48CosmicPenguinI can drink a martini in < 15 s
17:07.00fileSarahEmm: bkw is on a killing spree
17:07.10sorphinfile: that's new... how...
17:07.17sorphinCosmicPenguin: we know
17:07.19SarahEmmfile: huh?
17:07.22file'tsk 'tsk
17:07.25fileAsterisk is being evil
17:07.50sorphinSarahEmm: well, our border routers are Cisco, as are the internals, but the core is Juniper
17:07.58SarahEmmsorphin: ahh. we use a mix of both.
17:08.00sorphins/border/border and peer/
17:08.48sorphinsuch as it were
17:08.53SarahEmmbibi sorphin[mini]
17:09.01SarahEmmgah that comes up before sorphin in the tab complete heh
17:09.17sorphinSarahEmm: we're AS2828
17:09.49SarahEmmi know :)
17:09.53SarahEmm'tis easy to remember
17:09.55jbevrenmtdblock: read on "Physically mapped flash" at 0x800000, size 0x1000            
17:09.55jbevrenOops: kernel access of bad area, sig: 11                                        
17:10.03jbevrenGrr. I have the size set to 600000
17:10.45jbevrenyep. right number of 0s
17:11.43CosmicPenguinthats always important
17:11.51jbevrenyep :)
17:17.31*** join/#elinux Soopaman_ (n=soopaman@
17:19.00kergothfile: found a patch to add connection tracking and a NAT helper to the linux kernel for SIP/SDP!
17:19.16kergothfile: so the NAT box wouldnt have to run a SIP proxy to get it through the NAT, making it much less intrusive
17:19.22kergothmuch niftiness
17:21.50jbevrenNice, where'd you find that :)
17:22.25kergothjust happened to be looking through the netfilter patch tracking system and saw it
17:22.33kergoththen hopped to the netfilter-devel mailing list archives about it
17:22.40filework well?
17:22.46kergothwill find out soon enough :P
17:23.26GPSFankergoth: still need a dontdiff?
17:24.36kergothGPSFan: nah, found it.  there's a current one in Documenation/ in 2.6 kernel trees.
17:24.41fileaha found the problem
17:25.00kergothjbevren: a file listing files you dont want to include in a diff between kernel trees.  i.e. diff -X dontdiff linux-1/ linux-2/
17:25.06GPSFankergoth: ok, mine was sorta old, but worked ok on 2.4.x stuff..
17:25.09kergothso you dont see generated bits
17:25.23kergothjbevren, file:
17:25.47kergothaw, 2.6 only though, These patches are against lastest revision of pmo-ng, and only works in
17:25.51kergothnew > 2.6.11 nat framework.
17:26.00kergothguess i could backport it to the old framework, but thats really more than i wanted to take on
17:26.05jbevrenNo such file.
17:26.32jbevrener, oh.  Missed the l in devel
17:27.22kergoththis would be nice, since itd let you easily put the SIP proxy itself berhind the NAT box if you so desired
17:28.46filenothing like having fiber cut... and then ping times go from 8ms to 300ms for interconnects
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17:30.52filejust don't sell me on eBay
17:45.31jbevrendmesg says size 600000, /proc/mtd says 1000000
17:45.38jbevrenaint that just grand
17:45.54jbevrenand I know why it dies at 800000
17:46.02jbevrencause there's no more flash
17:46.26jbevren~lart 2.4.19-pre8's intel flash driver
17:46.54jbevrenI mean, its not even a 16M flash
17:46.58sorphinjbevren: ready to give up and ping russ? ;)
17:47.07jbevrenI have a file he can look at :)
17:47.19jbevren <-
17:48.34sorphinwhy length=600000h ?
17:48.41sorphinthat's only 6M
17:48.43jbevrenso it doesnt overwrite kernel/ppcboot
17:48.48jbevrenppcboot is at the 7M mark
17:48.51jbevrenkernel's above it
17:48.54sorphini know
17:49.05jbevrenI dont want the driver to smash my firmware ;-)
17:49.06sorphinbut you kinda need to treat the whole flash as an mtd device iirc
17:49.23sorphinw/ partitions
17:49.25jbevrenok, that said,
17:49.34jbevrenwhy does linux see 16M in /proc/mtd
17:50.06sorphinconsidering i haven't looked at your code, no idea
17:50.14jbevrenmy code?
17:50.19jbevrenI havent written anything :P
17:50.26sorphinwhatever damn code you're breaking
17:50.34jbevrenI havent edited anything
17:50.47sorphinyou know what i mean
17:50.54jbevrenyou have said code :)
17:51.01sorphinremove head from rectum
17:51.23sorphinwhat file(s) are you 'worrying about'
17:52.01sorphinyou had to define the MTD stuff somewhere :P
17:52.34jbevrenI dont want the mtd driver to erase the ppcboot firmware.
17:53.05sorphinhave fun then
17:53.18jbevrennot that I mind partitioning, just have no idea how to do it :)
17:53.33sorphini think he knows
17:53.48sorphinseeing as the zaurus does it
17:53.49jbevrenphysmap flash device: 800000 at ff800000                                        
17:53.52jbevrenmtd0: 01000000 00040000 "Physically mapped flash"                              
17:53.56jbevrenit still says 16M
17:53.59jbevrenafter saying 8M
17:54.24sorphinso use a diff kernel
17:54.26jbevrenpartitioning would be a nice way to keep linux from using the other half :p
17:54.30sorphinnot like their kernel is special
17:54.30jbevrenI tried another kernel
17:54.31jbevrenwouldnt boot.
17:54.38jbevrenI tried another kernel (2.4)
17:54.40jbevrenwouldnt boot. :P
17:54.46jbevrentried with a different compiler, wouldnt build.
17:54.58jbevrenso then I finally went to their kernel, wouldnt boot :P
17:55.02sorphinwell, if i could get a hold of gpsfan's working toolchain
17:55.03jbevrenthen I went to their devkit
17:55.05jbevrenfinally, it booted :)
17:55.14sorphini could fire up a kernel :P
17:55.25sorphinmy tivo toolchain is too old
17:55.39GPSFanjbevren: on the todc issue, there is some doc's in Documentation/powerpc/todc.txt
17:55.57sorphinGPSFan: that was your hint btw :)
17:56.16kergothjbevren: confirm that your physmap settings arent being overridden by the commandline or something. cat /proc/cmdline
17:56.19kergoth</wild guess>
17:56.20GPSFansor I know you don't like buildroot, but that's what I built mine with.
17:56.42sorphinGPSFan: well, i'd rather have one already done than go through and build another one ;)
17:56.48jbevrenkergoth: good thought
17:56.56jbevrenmem=128M root=/dev/sda1 ro                                                      
17:57.00sorphinjbevren: kergoth occasionaly has those ;)
17:57.26sorphinjbevren: i don't see your settings in that
17:57.29jbevrenI have an env var ('net') that sets that cmdline, tftp's the kernel, and boots it
17:57.32jbevrenmy settings?
17:57.40sorphinsets physmap
17:57.44jbevrenright there
17:57.58sorphinthat don't look like your 8M setting to me ;p
17:58.06jbevrenthats from my online txt file
17:58.09jbevrenphysmap flash device: 800000 at ff800000                                        
17:58.13jbevrenit does pick the 8M up
17:58.43sorphini guess i'm gonna have to fire back up one of the ppc's tonight :P
17:58.47jbevrenI'm going to attempt 2.4.31 in a min
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17:59.46sorphinand there's mr timmy
17:59.48jbevrenre Tim
18:00.08sorphinjbevren: dunno how much, but mr timmy might have insight too
18:00.35jbevrenTimRiker: (I've changed the config to 8M per sorphin's recommendation, doesnt help)
18:00.48jbevrenlinux always reports (and tries to use) 16M
18:01.57kergothTimRiker: know any good links/references on linux high availability bits in general?
18:02.08kergothwtf, this patch wont apply, patch says its garbage, but it looks flawless
18:02.12kergothmaybe line endings
18:03.49jbevrenfromdos <patch >patch.unix
18:04.56jbevrenhmm they changed the target from pImage to uImage in .32
18:05.01kergothhmmmmm, i should use svk's star merge functionality to sort out what patches are in this monolithic patch.  use its 3 way merge handling
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18:22.23jbevrendoesnt build
18:22.24kergothwhat doesnt?
18:22.31jbevrensince I dont have a video card for it yet
18:22.32kergothheh, having fun yet?
18:22.38jbevrenoh this is old
18:22.43jbevrenIve been through 3 toolchains and 2 kernels :)
18:22.48jbevrener 4 now
18:23.25GPSFanjbevren: what is this set to? CONFIG_MTD_PHYSMAP_BUSWIDTH=
18:23.43jbevrenI figured it was a word rom
18:23.58GPSFanit's a byte wide rom
18:24.11sorphin~cluebat jbevren
18:24.11ibotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps jbevren.
18:24.21GPSFanmaybe taht's why it thinks it is 16mB
18:24.34jbevrenyou'd think it'd think 12M when I set it to 6.
18:24.46sorphinjbevren: got one of the A3000's wired up now w/ a console to one of my servers :P time to beat up on this thing now :P
18:25.06jbevrensorphin: you should wire reset to the paraport :)
18:25.45sorphinGPSFan: just make install in the buildroot again, to a different PREFIX ?
18:26.13sorphinparallel ports are generally turned off on these boxes
18:26.18sorphinwaste of an irq
18:26.24jbevrenyou dont need an irq
18:26.27jbevrenuse polling mode
18:26.32sorphinhell, even my laser printer doesn't talk to a parallel port ;)
18:26.38jbevrenthat said, a pport used for GPIO doesnt need irq anyway
18:26.57sorphinjbevren: gonna tell the bios that then when it assigns one?
18:27.14jbevrenbesides, dont you have an apic?
18:27.39sorphindepends on the box
18:27.55jbevrenapparently GPSFan is correct
18:28.01jbevrenthe 'size' is in words, not bytes
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18:28.59sorphinjbevren: ken usually is fairly accurate ;)
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18:29.05sorphinTimRiker: re timmy
18:31.13jbevrengrr segfault reading mtdblock0
18:31.25kergothwoo, the stateful failover for linux nat compiled
18:31.28kergothwonder if it actually works
18:31.56SarahEmmwhen did they add that?
18:31.58jbevrenOops: kernel access of bad area, sig: 11                                        
18:32.07jbevrendidnt even get the first block read
18:32.10jbevrenwe're not making progress :)
18:33.00GPSFanjbevren: thought that might help, the z1pit's rom is 16 bits wide and for Adam's mtd work he used CONFIG_MTD_PHYSMAP_BUSWIDTH=2
18:33.10jbevrenwell, you were right, it now reports 8M
18:33.35GPSFanone step forward, 2 back :P
18:33.42jbevrenok trying 2.4.31
18:34.03jbevrenor trying make clean (it did help once already today)
18:34.10GPSFanjbevren: you got the patches for the A3000 for 2.4.31?
18:34.18jbevrenthere are patches? :)
18:34.49kergothSarahEmm: dunno, google for ct_sync.  seems quite nifty.
18:34.53GPSFanwell, there is quite a bit of difference between 2.4.19-pre8 and the sources we got on the cd
18:34.58SarahEmmcool kergoth, thanks :)
18:35.21kergothseems to just transmit the contents of the conntrack database to the slave via the link between them.  dead simple, right what you'd expect
18:35.28kergothmy only concern would be how much latency there is
18:35.54GPSFanjbevren: and the A3000 isnt quite a Sandpoint. no hw RTC for instance.
18:36.02jbevrenkergoth: conntrack only really applies when a new port nees to be assigned/removed
18:36.10jbevrenGPSFan: true.
18:36.24jbevrenkergoth: I dont suspect latency would be too bad
18:37.02kergothconntrack applies always.  every new connection gets a new entry in the table.  stateful failover would ensure that the user doesnt lose their existing connections to the outside world when the master nat box goes down
18:37.19kergothobviously you'd want a seperate ethernet connection between the two
18:37.22jbevrenjust dont use a 2400bps link for the table transfer :)
18:37.29GPSFanjbevren: I was hopint to figure out what GDA did to "port" to the A3000, I am slowly going through a 500k diff between 2.4.19-pre8 and the sources we got.
18:37.31kergothserial! ppp! woot
18:37.45jbevren500k, ouch.
18:37.47SarahEmmthat's how we do failover...
18:37.50SarahEmmwell, db9
18:37.53SarahEmmserial cable between the two
18:37.57jbevrenkergoth: PLIP!
18:38.01jbevrenI used to use PLIP
18:38.04kergothitd work, there isnt exactly a ton of data that has to go over
18:38.09kergothplip, hah
18:38.16SarahEmmi've used that for tlaking to SBCs that didn't have ethernet, faster than SLIP :)
18:38.16jbevrenthe 4bit one
18:38.30jbevrenI never tried the ecc/dma version
18:42.20sorphini never did get a response from Artis Micro
18:42.37jbevrenthey dont care :P
18:43.01sorphinshut up
18:47.29jbevrenI just dumped the whole flash with no panic
18:48.13sorphinjbevren: thought we didn't make progress? ;)
18:48.26jbevrenI'm used to 2.6, where there's proper dependancy tracking
18:48.29jbevrenthis isnt true in 2.4. :)
18:48.41jbevrenyou have to make clean all day
18:48.56jbevrenI changed the bus width, did make pImage, and got segfault before one block
18:49.01sorphinwhat're you using for a toolchain?
18:49.03jbevrenso I made clean
18:49.06jbevrenthe one on the cd :)
18:49.16sorphinwon't work for me
18:49.18jbevrenand then made pImage again.  Works like a champ
18:50.12sorphinjust dumped it into /usr/local ?
18:50.32GPSFanjbevren: that's great, I couldn't get the cd's toolchain to work either.
18:50.44jbevrenflash is fast too
18:50.48jbevren5M/sec on dd with bs=1M
18:50.57sorphinjbevren: stop bragging :P
18:51.16jbevrenit has the usr/local path in it
18:51.20jbevrenso I untar'ed in /
18:51.25sorphinthat's what i meant
18:51.59jbevrenmtd in char mode doesnt panic
18:52.01jbevrenmtd in block does
18:52.25jbevrenfigures dont it? ;)
18:52.27sorphinwhat configs did yo uset?
18:52.33sorphinconfiguring the kernel now
18:52.55jbevrenI can mail you my .config
18:53.09jbevrenor dcc, whichever
18:53.27sorphinrename it :P
18:53.28jbevren2.4.31 no boot (of course)
18:53.36sorphini dont' need an overwritten file risk ;)
18:54.00jbevrenGPSFan: want a copy?
18:54.05jbevrenhot off the grill
18:55.02*** join/#elinux pb_ (n=pb@2002:5168:d214:1:20b:6aff:fe40:e27f)
18:55.09sorphinpb_: wotcher
18:55.28pb_hi sorphin
18:55.35sorphinpb_: alright?
18:55.44pb_yah, not too bad
18:55.45sorphinjbevren: didn't even turn on partitioning eh?
18:55.49jbevrenfor mtd?
18:55.51jbevrenthat's step 2
18:55.55jbevrenI want to read the dev first :)
18:56.14jbevrenpartitioning wasnt in the plan
18:56.21jbevrenbut thats not the (current) problem
18:57.26GPSFanjbevren: yes please
18:59.18jbevrenthe strataflash block diagram shows 16 bits
18:59.33sorphinit's being used in 8bit mode
18:59.50sorphinread the hw doc :)
19:00.29GPSFanlook at page 7 of the schematic..
19:00.39jbevrenyou sure? I see all 16 hooked up
19:00.48jbevrencrap thats the dimm
19:00.53jbevren<- sucks
19:00.58sorphin~cluebat jbevren
19:00.58ibotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps jbevren.
19:01.16jbevrenwe use clue-by-four
19:01.24jbevrenor gift certificates to clue-mart
19:01.36GPSFanjbevren: is that the config for 2.4.19 or .31?
19:01.43jbevrenGPSFan: thats for the on-cd kernel tree
19:01.51GPSFanjbevren: thanks..
19:01.56sorphinkergoth: chrome plated it yet? ;)
19:01.59jbevren31 doesnt boot yet
19:03.08sorphinbetter change crosscompile in the makefile back
19:04.29sorphinmake Pimage you said?
19:04.54jbevrenmake sure the mkimage binary is execuatble (its in the kernel tree)
19:05.02sorphinas: unrecognized option `-mppc'
19:05.33sorphinits using the right gcc
19:06.36sorphinjbevren: ok, what'd you do? :P
19:06.40jbevrencd /
19:06.49jbevrentar xf /path/to/cross/tools.tar.gz
19:06.54jbevrencd /path/to/ppckernel
19:07.01jbevrencp DOTCONFIG .config
19:07.04jbevrenmake menuconfig (adjust)
19:07.07jbevrenmake dep pImage
19:07.14jbevrener dep clean pImage
19:07.30jbevrencheck your path and make sure youre not hittin gthe tivo assembler
19:07.43sorphinthe tivo compiler is in /usr/local/tivo
19:07.44jbevrenthe Makefile in the on-cd kernel tree has CROSS_COMPILE set already
19:07.53jbevrenI assume thats not in your path? :)
19:08.22sorphinwell that worked
19:08.26jbevrenI have like 4 arm chains, and the new uclibc doesnt use linux-uclibc-gcc :-X
19:08.35jbevrenso I cant run them concurrently anymore grr
19:08.44jbevrenerm arch-uclibc-gcc
19:08.59jbevrenI dont mind /usr/local
19:09.04jbevrenyou can move the path I bet
19:09.16jbevrenmov ethe bins, it'd probably run fine
19:09.21jbevren(probably) :)
19:09.23sorphinyeah, prolly in gcc's config file
19:09.37sorphinwell, its compiling now
19:11.43jbevrendoesnt take long
19:11.45jbevren3-4 mins
19:12.28jbevrenbtw that has adaptec and qla1280 turned on
19:12.34jbevrenfeel free to put an adaptec pci in :)
19:15.35jbevrenbtw sorphin did you figure out how to get ;'s in env vars?
19:18.31jbevrenproblem is in the readonly mtdblock
19:18.37jbevrenr/w mtdblock's (so far) reading
19:19.48sorphin./utils/mkimage.wrapper: Permission denied
19:20.03kergoththankfully modern toolchains are relocatable. older ones were not, and the paths were compiled into the bianries
19:21.39sorphinjbevren: i do have a couple external sparc drive cases
19:21.54sorphin"mkimage" command not found - PPCBoot images will not be built
19:22.04jbevrenok hold
19:22.06sorphinuh... it's right -> <-
19:22.13jbevrenthere's a ./mkimage
19:22.28jbevrenadd it to your path or put it where your path searches :)
19:22.41sorphinor put it there
19:22.54sorphinminus the mkimage.wrapper part
19:23.15sorphinjbevren: looked at ./mk ?
19:23.28sorphinand mkzipimage
19:23.55jbevren-that- is where the zvmlinux file the docs talk about comes from :0
19:25.31kergothwhat device are you guys playing with?
19:25.39jbevrencomplete. yay!
19:25.46jbevrenkergoth: artis microsystems a3000
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19:31.51jbevrenexistx: trying to get fired again? :)
19:31.56jbevrenoopth :)
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19:45.05kergothhey andersee
19:47.29anderseekergoth: hey
19:47.33anderseekergoth: how goes it?
19:47.45kergothpretty good, not unemployed anymore, which is always a Good Thing
19:48.26anderseekergoth: pretty good
19:48.38anderseekergoth: do tell re employment?
19:49.06anderseekergoth: last I heard you were tired of embedded and planning on taking up farming or some such...
19:49.21kergoth$15k pay cut from what i made in texas, but at least its income so i wont lose my car.  wanted to avoid moving out of minnesota just now.  load balancing across wan links and stuff.
19:49.33kergothdoing more userspace stuffs here
19:49.41kergothchange of pace fromt he old position, here's hoping i dont hate it
19:50.10anderseework is work
19:50.28anderseeI work for myself, and I still hate it sometimes
19:50.32kergothi dont expect to like it, but to not dread getting up and going into work in the morning would be a Good Thing
19:50.55anderseehelps to work with cool people
19:51.15kergoththis place is so tiny.  they didnt even have source control
19:51.18kergothi dont have a cube yet :P
19:51.25anderseesince I work for myself, I never get to work for anyone cool (it is hard to impress myself with my own coolness)
19:51.52kergothseems like it culd be hard to focus on work when working at home
19:52.36anderseeI usually work at night.  otherwise it a constant 'dad, can I play a game on your computer?'
19:54.15kergothmm, potato.  you know what sounds good.  a baked potato with cheese and bacon bits and stuff
19:54.19kergothhavent had one of those in years
20:05.57sorphinkergoth: ditto
20:06.05sorphinjbevren: sounds like you're making progress boy
20:06.24sorphinjbevren: btw, result of doing: ./mk
20:06.26sorphinmage Name:   Compressed Kernel Image
20:06.26sorphinCreated:      Tue Aug 16 14:24:18 2005
20:06.26sorphinImage Type:   PowerPC Linux Kernel Image (gzip compressed)
20:06.48sorphinnow i just have to wait till i get home since i didn't hook up the ethernet
20:08.56jbevrendoh :)
20:11.46jbevrenbbl, lunch
20:28.16kergoth~seen mallum
20:28.19ibotmallum <> was last seen on IRC in channel #gpe, 22h 45m 41s ago, saying: 'koen: php isn't a programming language, it doesn't count'.
20:31.23SarahEmmnow i understand why people cut a hole in the tux case to put a jtag header in... it's a pain to get to it :P
20:32.34sorphinSarahEmm: yup
20:33.11SarahEmmwell hopefully i'll never have to JTAG this again
20:33.16SarahEmmstupid typo *grumbles to self*
20:33.18sorphingot some really small switches that hide in the vents for the 5v/3.3v mod
20:33.29SarahEmmi just live with 3.3v
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20:40.51sorphinjust noticed that the group on the a3000 ramdisk is odd, and not even in /etc/group
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20:44.24MonMothaI had to JTAG mine was indeed a pain
20:45.02SarahEmmit's all apart now, soldering iron is heating up.. then i need to find a parport and a jtag cable
20:45.16MonMothawell, you're going to have to make the cable
20:46.26SarahEmmi have a xilinx jtag cable here i use for cpld programming
20:46.36SarahEmmi can't remember if that will work here but i suspect it might
20:50.42MonMothait's not likely that that will have the same pinout
20:51.47sorphini made the cable w/ cat5 :P
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20:52.12sorphinGPSFan: well, it would seem you're the only one who's cd toolchain didn't work :)
20:52.27SarahEmmerr, i know the pinout won't MonMotha, but that's fixable with just alligator clip leads heh
20:52.29MonMothasorphin: so did I
20:52.37SarahEmmthis is, hopefully, just a one time JTAG
20:52.39SarahEmm*knocks on wood*
20:52.41MonMothawell, at that point you're just using it as a bunch of wire
20:52.56SarahEmmerr, buffering too
20:53.04sorphinbuffering schmuffering
20:53.06MonMothaoh, ok, yeah, the buffers
20:53.23MonMothasorphin: well, unless you have a 3.3V pport (which is out of IEEE spec for a pport), you need something
20:53.41sorphinMonMotha: my athlon board's port is 3.3v
20:54.07MonMothasorphin: I didn't say they didn't exist.  I actually have one on an add-on card
20:54.16SarahEmmi don't know *where* have one...
20:54.22SarahEmmi must on something heh
20:54.26MonMothait just uses whatever voltage you feed it, which means that in 3.3V PCI systems (the card is keyed universal), you get a 3.3 pport
20:55.14MonMothathe buffer part isn't hard.  Any ol' 74 CMOS ceries buffer should work
20:55.22MonMothanot the TTL compatible kind, though
20:55.38SarahEmmi have lots of them if worst comes to worst
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21:37.00CosmicPenguinworst....proxy..... ever!
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21:47.46jbevrenre GPSFan
21:49.01sorphinCosmicPenguin: is it "Powered by AMD"? ;)
21:49.07GPSFanjbevren: hey, I guess I need some new batt's for my ups..
21:49.27sorphinGPSFan: welp, you're the only 1/3 left taht can't use the included toolchain ;)
21:49.28jbevrenI can find this much information on MTD partitioning: -><-
21:49.54sorphinit a blockdevice now?
21:50.11jbevrenmtdblock works yeah
21:50.17jbevrenbut reading the whole thing gets me ppcboot and kernel too :)
21:50.32GPSFanjbevren: email adam, he basically did the same process for the z1pit, he might have some insights
21:50.40jbevrenso following your idea, 3 parts (user flash, ppcboot, kernel)
21:50.48jbevrenGPSFan: I had that thought
21:51.04jbevrenI cant find his agt install info anywhere online, but still had a local copy
21:51.13sorphinwhen i get home and see this kernel works, i'll see if i can point you the right direction :) (if someone else doens't beat me to it)
21:51.18jbevrenthere's no specific info so he must have edited drivers
21:51.27sorphinagt? he?
21:51.37GPSFanjbevren: he sent me his kernel patch, want it?
21:51.38jbevrenadam made some replacement firmware for the zipit
21:51.43jbevrenGPSFan: Sure
21:51.46jbevrenmight have some pointers in it
21:51.58jbevrenyou can dcc if its not large
21:52.27jbevrensure dcc
21:52.32jbevrenlarge = >3M
21:55.03sorphinare you crossing topics?
21:55.03GPSFansorphin: no, adam took the OpenZipit kernel patch that I did and added MTD partitioning, with a small r/w partition.
21:55.33sorphinwtf is adam?
21:55.38sorphinbbl. heading home
21:55.39GPSFansorphin: this is what jbevren seems to want to do in preparation for adding jffs2 so that it resembles what the tux had
21:56.01GPSFansorphin: adam=guy on yahoo group
22:00.59jbevrenhm it'd be straightforward on 2.4.21 :)
22:01.34GPSFanjbevren: it's that different from 2.4.19-pre8?
22:01.52jbevrenphysmap.c is
22:02.02jbevrenI'm going to dig around and see if the stuff he's using is elsewhere in this kernel
22:03.52GPSFanI'd really like to be able to move up from 2.4.19-pre8, there are some ehci and usb-storage improvments after 2.4-2x or so that may help my usb problems.
22:04.10jbevrenoddly, there are some between 2.6.8 and 2.6.11
22:04.19jbevrenf/e I can only use the first slot in my multicard reader in
22:04.33jbevrenwhich means its useless for me, cause the CF slot is slot 2
22:05.08GPSFanprobably same ones, no changes between 2.4.28 and 2.4.31 to those files.
22:05.38jbevrentried applying patches to the cd kernel?
22:06.14GPSFannot yet, wrangling with my ups after a thunderstorm shut everything down. ;>(
22:06.52jbevrennod.  I need a (really big) ups
22:09.55jbevren2.4.19 isnt indexed on
22:12.13GPSFanjbevren: it's not really 2.4.19, but a pre-release. ie. 2.4.18 with patches.
22:12.57jbevren2.4.20 has the 'old' physmap too
22:21.52jbevrenshould I leave the kernel flash r/w? :)
22:22.39GPSFanthat would make it easy to update from linux.
22:23.05sorphinBytes transferred = 780656 (be970 hex)    
22:23.13kergothgod i hate sorting through a monolithic vendor kernel patch trying ot figure out where they got it all from, tracking down the original lpatches... bleh
22:23.29sorphindidn't boot my kernel
22:23.45sorphinjbevren: ok, what am i missing
22:23.50sorphindid tftpboot
22:23.51sorphinit loaded
22:24.15sorphinboot (tho boot calls bootm <addr> <addr>
22:25.21GPSFansorphin: tftpboot 400000 your kernelname..... bootm 400000 ff800000
22:25.58sorphinwell, just tftpboot polled for an image so i symlinked, but ok
22:27.51GPSFanbootm 400000 will boot assuming the new mtd stuff (IIRC)
22:28.10sorphinphysmap flash device: 800000 at ff800000                                        
22:28.11sorphinmtd: Giving out device 0 to Physically mapped flash    
22:30.42GPSFansorphin: you  may need jbevren's patch for the decrementer clock.
22:31.12jbevrenunknown field `name' specified in initializer
22:31.21jbevren'name' is specified in the struct in mtd/partitions.h
22:31.40sorphinmy crap never hung like this before :P
22:32.02sorphinthere it went
22:33.00sorphinGPSFan: now where are you seeing this decrementer?
22:33.21jbevrendidnt include partitions.h :)
22:33.22sorphinheh, now i have the Calibrating delay loop... 799.53 BogoMIPS  :P
22:33.55GPSFanwith 799bogomips time goes slowly, and may effect other things too.
22:35.12sorphinso where's this decrementer you keep talking about? :P
22:35.22sorphincan't check it if i don't know where it is
22:36.44GPSFanthe message just before "calibrating delay loop", the code that was patched is in todc_time.c, jbevren may have done other things as well.
22:37.04sorphintime_init: decrementer frequency = 100.000000 MHz
22:37.36GPSFanyep that should be 25MHz, and it's hard coded in todc_time.c.
22:38.12GPSFanso the world moves in slow motion..
22:39.29sorphinand the fix is...
22:39.32jbevrenand it BUILDS
22:40.06GPSFanjbevren: what other things did you patch for the 100 vs 25MHz decrementer.
22:40.07jbevrenOpenPIC timer frequency is 104.857600 MHz
22:40.10jbevrenheh. getting warm in here
22:40.25jbevrenGPSFan: The only thing I did was change 100 * 100000 to 25 * 1000000
22:41.04jbevrenmethinks it took the partition changes
22:41.27jbevrenonly changes were to drivers/mtd/maps/physmap.c
22:41.52sorphinnow 'reboot' doesn't work
22:42.02sorphinit's slooooower :P
22:42.24jbevrenyeah, need to chagne the counter
22:42.29jbevren1s=4s unless you do that
22:42.32jbevrendev:    size   erasesize  name
22:42.32jbevrenmtd0: 00800000 00020000 "Physically mapped flash"
22:42.32jbevrenmtd1: 00600000 00020000 "User Flash"
22:42.32jbevrenmtd2: 00100000 00020000 "Linux Kernel"
22:42.32jbevrenmtd3: 00100000 00020000 "PPCBoot Firmware and variables"
22:43.01sorphinlil reversed innit?
22:43.26jbevrenthat lines up with the map in the software guide
22:43.34jbevrenwell, I used the whole top meg for ppcboot
22:43.37sorphinfirmware 1st partition, then otehr stuff
22:43.48jbevrennope, its laid out that wya in the flash
22:43.51jbevrengonna verify in a sec
22:43.59sorphinweird layout
22:44.09jbevrenyeah but I think ppc starts at FFF00000
22:44.14jbevrenso firmware has to be high
22:44.31sorphinstill says time_init: decrementer frequency = 100.000000 MHz    
22:44.33jbevrenI'm used to high firmware from working with 6502-based systems
22:44.40jbevrensorphin: I had to make clean :)
22:44.46jbevrenor remove the .o file so it rebuilds it
22:44.58sorphinhow lame
22:46.42jbevrenmounting -o sync really slows things down
22:47.00sorphinthen don't do that
22:47.10jbevrenwell, I had corrupted fs thrice due to kernel crashing
22:47.17jbevrenso I'm doing -osync until I'm done testing
22:47.32sorphinyou're running from a ramdisk aren't you? :P
22:48.07jbevrenno :)
22:48.55sorphintime_init: decrementer frequency = 25.000000 MHz  
22:48.58sorphinthere, better
22:49.19jbevrenso far so good
22:49.20sorphinjbevren: release patch :P (the mtd stuff)
22:49.30jbevrenverifying stuff :)
22:49.57jbevrenpart1: data                                                                    
22:49.57jbevrenpart2: PPCBoot image                                                            
22:49.57jbevrenpart3: PPCBoot image version 1.1.6 (Jun 13 2003 - 12:18:58)                    
22:49.59jbevrenyep. :)
22:50.06jbevrenpart1 is data cause I smacked it with jffs earlier
22:50.15sorphinoh goodie now i get to waits... Calibratiing and the ethernet pause
22:51.02GPSFanI think that the cognio kernel didn't have the calibrating delay loop coed in it.
22:51.31jbevrenI cant remember for certain
22:51.39sorphinback to 199.88 bogos
22:52.30GPSFanbogomips may be bogus, but too many or too few ain't good..
22:53.07jbevren1file patch
22:53.27jbevrenthe ppcboot image is RO
22:53.36jbevrenthe linux and user flash are RW, so you can replace your kernel image :)
22:56.06jbevrenI also added #ifdefs around the partition info cause I didnt at first, and didnt have partitioning enabled
22:56.14jbevrenspent a few mins looking at what I hadnt done wrong hehe
22:56.47GPSFanjbevren: nice work. I'll patch my kernel up after dinner..
22:56.52jbevrenThanks :D
23:00.35jbevrenyay :)
23:00.42sorphinok, wtf
23:02.16sorphinthis calibrating hang is annoying
23:02.42jbevrenyeah mine seems to be stalling more often than not lately
23:03.01SarahEmmwoot! Manufacturer: DEC Part: SA1100
23:03.03jbevrenbooted off jffs2 /
23:03.12jbevrenSarahEmm: congrats :) Gumstix?
23:03.21SarahEmmtuxscreen :)
23:03.24SarahEmmi don't have my gumstix yet
23:03.32SarahEmmi'm jtaging my tuxscreen 'cuz i bricked it 2d ago by mistake ;)
23:04.05SarahEmmi have to take a picture of this professional-looking arrangement i have set up *giggle*
23:11.17jbevrenmy ppc's sitting on the floor on top of a few screwdrivers next to my cereal bowl
23:11.50SarahEmmmine's sitting on the floor with a huge mess of aligator cables hooked up to a floppy disk cable with little jumper wires, plugged into a xilinx jtag cable
23:19.16jbevren :)
23:20.15jbevrenyay now what do I do with it :)
23:23.40SarahEmm <-- not exactly clean, but it works :)
23:25.06CosmicPenguinAhhh, memories
23:25.09jbevren :)
23:25.23jbevrennice wire-tie reset switch eh?
23:26.01SarahEmmnice! ;)
23:26.12jbevrena NOP test for 65816 cpu
23:26.19jbevrenmy analyzer's on the ribbon
23:27.21jbevren is my old workshop, but Ive moved since then
23:27.29jbevrenhavent had the energy to put it back together yet
23:27.52SarahEmmthat's the same pic :)
23:28.27SarahEmm is the kitrich's desk (which is about my 'workshop' area heh) abotu 6mos ago.. it looks slightly cleaner now
23:28.58SarahEmmis that a tek scope?
23:29.14jbevrenthats an image index
23:29.18jbevrenfeel free to knock the jpg off
23:29.36jbevrenno thumbs though since I'm too lazy and dont trust current gallery software
23:29.45SarahEmmahh cool with the analyzer under it :)
23:30.01SarahEmmmmm, oreos.
23:30.11jbevrenthe left display is composite/15khz rgb/rgbi
23:30.24jbevrenthe disp on teh tek is 15-35khz rgb/rgbi/ega
23:30.29SarahEmmahh cool :)
23:30.35SarahEmmit's all so tidy! heh
23:31.12jbevrenI just cleaned up
23:32.13jbevrenin 43, the adding machine device is actually an hp 1602a analyzer
23:32.30jbevren64-word storage
23:32.33jbevren16 probes
23:32.54jbevrenI dont know its ranges, no docs
23:33.18SarahEmmnice scope :)
23:33.21SarahEmmlittle bit nicer than mine heh
23:33.28jbevrendoes its job
23:33.31jbevrenebay special :)
23:33.42SarahEmmheh :)
23:33.46SarahEmmmine's a local surplus store special
23:34.01SarahEmmwith a bit of calibrating and some new light bulbs, it works nicely up to.. err. 20mhz? or 30. something like that
23:35.14jbevren20'll do more than people suspect
23:35.48SarahEmmyeah, i've never needed more
23:35.52SarahEmmand it was like $50
23:35.54SarahEmm*shrug* :)
23:35.58SarahEmmwhat's the board in 44?
23:36.01SarahEmmtwo blobs and some flash heh
23:36.23SarahEmmooh, eprom gear.
23:36.35jbevrenone blob (core chip), one blob (small, mask rom)
23:36.39jbevrenthe 'flash rom' is a 128k static ram
23:36.47SarahEmmahh okay
23:36.49SarahEmmwhat is it?
23:36.52jbevrenC64-DTV (the all-in-one 30-game commodore joystick)
23:36.56SarahEmmahh cool :)
23:37.00jbevrenthe grey cable is a ps/2 keyboard
23:37.11jbevrenpower it up holding 'N' and you get commodore 64 basic
23:52.46jbevrenshame I dont know the kernel build structure
23:52.56jbevrenit'd be nice to surround the partition map with ifdef's regarding the a3000

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