irclog2html for #elinux on 20050815

01:11.26*** join/#elinux noclouds (n=mhfan@
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01:29.22*** join/#elinux SarahEmm (
01:29.52fishheadhey CANUCKette
01:30.15SarahEmmheya fishHEAD
01:31.14jacquesJTAG ?
01:31.24fishheadJTAG OWNS YOUR CANUCK
01:31.42fishheadsarahemm did you see the url I pasted earlier
01:31.49fishheadabout the new plc/fpga hybrid
01:32.05fishheadsorry PLD/FPGA
01:32.19SarahEmmjacques: yeah, i'll have to.
01:32.23SarahEmmjacques: just reading the wiki on how to how
01:32.29SarahEmmerr the second how should read now.
01:32.49SarahEmmno i didn't fishhead, but thanks
01:33.23jacquesI'm glad to hear people are still using the tuxscreens
01:34.00sorphinSarahEmm: it's actually not that hard.. and if you happen to have a parallel port that's 3.3v it's even easier
01:34.06sorphinjacques: hola mr miata
01:35.28SarahEmmjacques: heh :)
01:35.31SarahEmmsorphin: i don't, afaik.
01:35.43sorphinSarahEmm: my athlon's port is 3.3v
01:36.05SarahEmmmy xilinx jtag interface might help me.
01:36.34SarahEmmhave to play with it later.
01:36.43sorphinjacques: my tuxes are being used to hold the shape of the boxes they're packed in ;)
01:37.29SarahEmmmine is useful as a paperweight right now.
01:37.35SarahEmmpossibly as a load on a power supply too
01:37.45SarahEmmor to heat up very small spaces by a very small amount.
01:37.54sorphinthey're fairly easy to unbrick
01:38.00sorphineasier than my Zaurus :P
01:38.05SarahEmmyeah it looks fairly easy.
01:38.13sorphinthankfully i wasn't too bad off on that tho
01:39.02SarahEmmyeah, looks easy. just solder in  a header, hang it off your parport with some buffers, and reflash it
01:39.11SarahEmmand it's a nice standard header
01:39.29sorphinand if the port is 3.3, buffers aren't really mandatory
01:39.38sorphinunless you have lots of parallel port surges :P
01:39.59SarahEmmbuffering it should be easy anyway
01:40.22SarahEmmhopefully this is the last time i brick it so i'll prolly just mount the header the other way
01:40.51SarahEmmthe holes look plated through, i might not even need a header, heh
01:41.08sorphinit's easier with one
01:41.20SarahEmmhopefully i only have to do this once ;)
01:41.24sorphinunless you can guarantee you'll never brick it again ;)
01:41.29SarahEmmi hadn't up to now
01:41.43SarahEmmand i've been playing with it trying to get a good kernel and wifi and SIP/IAX stuff on there for awhile
01:42.16SarahEmmi accidently did 'erase blob' instead of 'erase ramdisk' tho.. and for some reason couldn't get a new blob to xdownload
01:42.43SarahEmmnot sure what changed heh
01:42.55sorphinalignment of the planets?
01:42.56sorphinwho knows
01:43.07SarahEmmit'd been idle for about 6mos, so who knows.
01:43.15sorphinmaybe it rusted out ;p
01:43.32sorphinor the electrons all ran away
01:43.36sorphincould be anything
01:43.39SarahEmmthe card works in my laptop
01:43.41SarahEmmso it's not the card
01:43.57SarahEmmi likely changed something just before i got sidetracked onto another project that broke it, and forgot what i changed
01:45.28fileSarahEmm: I'm working on app_dial, shoot me now - PLEASE
01:46.22sorphinfile: suggestion on box usage?
01:46.37fileuh, hrm... dunno
01:48.08SarahEmmfile: heh
01:48.21SarahEmmfile: hey, file is here too
01:48.29SarahEmmi was just going to say 'wow, i didn't recognise sorphin from asterisk'
01:55.43sorphini.e. people i could live w/o harrassing me, and hence increasing my /ignore list
01:56.53SarahEmmsorphin: err.. recognise?
01:57.19sorphinwasn't refering to you
01:57.39*** join/#elinux we0 (
01:58.16SarahEmm*Confuzzled kitrich look*
01:58.52filesorphin and I used to dislike eachother, but we've come to an understanding
01:59.08sorphinfile: yes, that someone else in the channel is worse ;)
02:00.35fileI really don't want to have to rewrite the PBX core to make this work like I want
02:00.48sorphinfile: hit it with a very large hammer then
02:01.37fileSarahEmm: you should go look at my messaging branch, espically the text chatroom app
02:03.04SarahEmm*nods* will do :)
02:03.14SarahEmmright, we've both been working on TEXT stuff right?
02:03.23SarahEmmchatroom an irc-like thing with text on channels?
02:03.25fileyes :)
02:03.30fileit's simple code
02:03.33SarahEmm*crosses tty conferencing off her list*
02:05.01filemy problem right now is, a voice channel and a text channel can be bridged ;)
02:05.06sorphinmaybe someday i'll get to build another * box, but who knows wtf that'll be..
02:05.10SarahEmmahh file
02:05.29filemy devel box is a 2.8GHz Celeron-D
02:05.46filemy real PBX is a... AMD Athlon XP 2600+
02:06.14sorphinit's more the motivation, and what to run it on
02:06.27filemeh pick a box
02:06.36sorphinfile: i meant os/distro
02:06.48fileDebian is easy enough :P
02:07.15sorphinand 20 years behind, which is why my boxes are more custom than debian anymore
02:07.27fileI'm getting rid of my server here at home...
02:07.45filegetting drive rails from Dell so I can use the hardrives in my Dell... then putting mail on one of my dedicated servers
02:07.52filebecause right now I have all my files distributed across everything
02:08.05fileand mail can go remotely so I can access it easier
02:08.24fileplus all these hardrives are overheating and failing ;)
02:08.42sorphinthen stop using MAxtors and seagate medalists ;)
02:08.58filethe SCSI one just keeps on going, I luv it
02:09.11fileI love SCSI
02:09.13sorphinmewp has a rather noisy 18G scsi drive
02:09.26fileit's like, I always get a 40MB/sec transfer rate... IDE is so much slower
02:09.28sorphinwhen my friend dawn logs in to use her shell, i can hear her login
02:09.33fishheadfile wtf are you talking about
02:09.53sorphini dunno
02:09.54fishheadseagate is much better now btw
02:10.01sorphinmy barracuda is quite stable speed wise
02:10.06fishheadmedalists = metalPISS
02:10.53fileI wish I could run Debian on my dedicated servers
02:11.31fishheadfile if you lose scsi
02:11.34sorphinwhy can't you?
02:11.34fishheadyou should see SAS
02:11.43filethey won't let me
02:11.53fishheadlsi's port expander silcon turns SAS into fiber channel lite
02:11.55fishheadbasically :P
02:11.56sorphinthey're your servers right?
02:12.30filethey're not colo servers... they're dedicated servers... with preset list of distros you can run
02:12.49sorphinaka you lease the box from them
02:13.00filein fact the Celeron-D box was supposed to be 2.4GHz
02:13.04filebut they were nice and gave me a 2.8GHz CPU
02:13.20sorphinprolly never will
02:13.34fileif I want to colo something, work has space at the Equinix place in Virginia
02:13.53sorphinif i wanna colo something, i just take it to work ;)
02:14.08fileof course in order to get it coloed I'd have to ship it to David, and whenever he touches something it breaks
02:14.37file"Drone 2 is down!" "Yeah - David touched it." "Oh."
02:14.56sorphincourse, it doesn't hurt that we're the core of st louis
02:15.26sorphinmaybe i'll take one of the 600s to work, since the stupid black box there i was gonna use, was flakey
02:16.01sorphinnice try
02:16.16sorphinyour voice isn't deep enough
02:16.39filesorphin: guess what I get!
02:16.41sorphinscared people ;)
02:16.46sorphinfile: sick?
02:16.52sorphinfile: killed?
02:16.57sorphinfile: injured?
02:17.01filea copy of the O'Reilly Asterisk book, with my name in it, signed by all the authors
02:17.32filethere is now.
02:17.36fileit'll be released in September
02:17.45sorphinonly $59.95 :P
02:17.55file$39.95 if you order early! :P
02:18.08sorphin(with 75% going to pay for Mark's Ego)
02:18.23fileactually $26.37
02:21.31sorphinwoo, /. = connection refused
02:32.08SarahEmmfile: in our currency or foreign currency?
02:32.23sorphinUSD prolly :P
02:33.57SarahEmmyou could mail it here
02:34.01SarahEmmi'm sure i can 'dispose of' it
02:34.33sorphinno offense, but i'd sooner trust file with my money ;)
02:34.47SarahEmmokay :)
02:53.50*** join/#elinux andersee (
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02:58.24sorphinandersee: hola mr andersen
03:40.00*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
04:58.31anderseesorphin: evening
06:15.39*** part/#elinux SarahEmm (
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12:57.37prpplagueanyone able to access
12:58.37prpplaguepb_: hey
12:58.58prpplaguepb_: how do you guys mount your usb 802.11b sticks inside your products?
13:00.43pb_we just strap 'em down with a cable tie.
13:01.35prpplaguepb_: hows the range/performance of those?
13:01.59prpplaguepb_: we purchase several including the edimax one, and their attenna's were very small
13:02.40pb_yeah, the antennas are pretty small, but we haven't found that to be much of a problem.
13:02.59pb_fwiw, the AIN 802.11b ones that we used to use had larger antennas, and the Z-Com XG-760A has a socket for an external antenna.
13:04.14prpplaguepb_: ahh cool
13:04.24prpplaguepb_: thats one thing we were looking for
13:05.04prpplaguepb_: we are planning to remove the usb connector and solder a flex cable instead
13:05.36prpplaguepb_: wish we could find a good sdio 802.11 card
13:05.49*** join/#elinux Soopaman (n=soopaman@
13:06.01fishheadjust the man I wanted to talk to
13:08.43prpplaguefishhead: about what?
13:08.58fishheadjust wanted you to see that
13:09.10fishheadfpga/pld hybrid
13:09.13fishheadlooks neat
13:19.15prpplaguepb_: hmm, they only have the specs for the xg-750 posted, wonder what the difference is
13:26.36prpplagueahh thanks
13:27.06prpplaguepb_: we've been looking at using this
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13:27.37pb_looks neat
13:27.48pb_what's the driver situation with the Marvell chip?
13:28.18prpplaguepb_: zcom tells use that its full open source, but i was just about to start digging to find out for sure
13:38.35*** join/#elinux cbrake (
13:41.58pb_ah right, cool
13:47.25*** join/#elinux CP|Weekend (
13:50.07jbevrenXG-880M V0.3 is really cool
13:50.13jbevrena SoC with wireless onboard
13:57.54prpplaguejbevren: spi interface is the kicker
13:58.00prpplaguejbevren: easy implementation
14:04.32jbevrenspi can drive MMC's right?
14:04.49prpplagueyea, mmc/sd
14:04.54jbevrennice :)
14:05.02jbevrenjust need a gpio for cardselect :)
14:05.26prpplaguejbevren: our next handheld design is gonna revolve around spi devices
14:05.36prpplaguejbevren: to make all of the parts more modular
14:05.40jbevrenwho's "our"? :)
14:06.30prpplaguejbevren: keyboard matrix will have a small avr that does the decoding and passes it to the cpu via spi
14:06.46prpplaguejacques: the lcd contrast will be a spi dac
14:07.31prpplaguejacques: the wireless will be spi
14:07.35jbevrenI like the 7170 on the frontpage ;-)
14:07.43prpplaguejacques: the sd/mmc will be spi
14:08.17prpplaguejacques: yea i like the 7140 and 7170
14:10.01prpplaguejacques: all the linux drivers will be pretty generic so i we can use the same hardware with multiple designs
14:10.38*** join/#elinux TorbaX (
14:11.29prpplagueCosmicPenguin: morning
14:16.09prpplaguehmm, my box is acting a little weird today
14:20.52jbevrenyes but what does it say?
14:22.38jbevrensilly asians
14:22.41jbevrenI solly!
14:43.27prpplagueho ho ho
14:43.52prpplaguecbrake: hey, ping cole when you get a chance
14:44.35cbrakeprpplague: OK, will let him now.
14:44.40prpplaguecbrake: thanks
14:44.49cbrakeprpplague: what's "progress"?
14:45.39prpplaguecbrake: been able to copy code from a homebrew cart into ram and jump to it
14:45.56cbrakeprpplague: cool
14:46.06prpplaguecbrake: still got a little ways to go
14:46.13prpplaguecbrake: but its been very educational
14:46.25cbrakeprpplague: nod
14:47.02prpplaguecbrake: i expect that withing a couple weeks i should have documented procedures for building your own cart
14:48.16*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
14:57.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: whats cookin?
14:58.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: (read "have you still got a job at AMD?" )
14:58.16CosmicPenguinAs far as I know
14:58.20CosmicPenguinWhy, are they laying people off?
14:59.23prpplaguenot that i know of, just been out of touch for the past week, and just vaguelly remember last week you being upset about work again
14:59.36CosmicPenguinWay to keep on top of things.. :)
14:59.39CosmicPenguindon't you read your e-mail?
15:00.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, yea, did you send me an email?
15:00.15prpplagueuh ok
15:00.41CosmicPenguinthats you, right? :)
15:00.54prpplaguei don't recall getting one
15:06.41prpplaguestill looking
15:06.58CosmicPenguinNice that amltd treats AMD with such respect
15:07.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya wanna re-send it?
15:08.56CosmicPenguinYeah, I'll get it out here shortly
15:09.55CosmicPenguinBasically, the gist is that I have to make this the most community involved chip that AMD has ever produced
15:10.43CosmicPenguinI've been told to plan as though I had unlimited resources
15:13.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: which chip are we talking about?
15:13.47CosmicPenguinOur new one
15:13.53CosmicPenguinThe next generation after Geode LX
15:14.17CosmicPenguinI don't think I'm revealing any secrets if I admit we have a new chip in the pipeline.. :)
15:14.49prpplaguex86 based right?
15:17.01prpplagueits hard for me to get excited about x86 these days, hehe
15:18.26prpplaguesorphin: ping
15:19.00prpplaguecbrake: tell cole that i have working jtag code if he need some
15:20.16CosmicPenguinprpplague: I'm not asking you to be excited - I'm asking you for advice
15:20.30prpplagueCosmicPenguin: OH, heheh
15:20.32CosmicPenguinprpplague: but if you're not interested, I'll find other sources of inspiration
15:20.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ok then
15:20.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, i thought you were wanting to do oss dev work, hehe
15:21.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ie code for hardware
15:22.23prpplaguejeeze whats up with today
15:23.31file[laptop]can someone try to call me?
15:24.14prpplaguewhat do you want me to call you?
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15:25.16file[laptop]Josh, because that's what I'll answer as on the phone :P
15:26.53prpplaguefile[laptop]: my voip phone can only make call inside the US
15:27.15file[laptop]it's a US toll-free number
15:27.20prpplagueoh ok
15:27.24prpplaguei can do that
15:27.37file[laptop]I'm trying to figure out why my call forwarding from downstairs isn't working
15:27.46file[laptop]anyway, 877-278-7565 extension 1001
15:28.28prpplague1001 is not a valid extension
15:28.55prpplagueits telling me that 1001 is not a valid extension
15:29.14file[laptop]bleh one sec
15:29.42file[laptop]maybe this is why...
15:30.13prpplagueok that time it just hung up on me
15:30.34file[laptop]yeah I'm fixing it
15:30.46file[laptop]I'm doing something drastic
15:31.05prpplaguefile[laptop]: i need to get with you sometime about setting up some voip stuff
15:31.35prpplaguefile[laptop]: i've got a location which has broadband and several pots
15:31.48file[laptop]try now
15:32.25prpplaguefile[laptop]: ring
15:33.06prpplagueman there was alot of lag on the phone
15:33.20prpplagueguess going through several voip conversions can do that
15:33.51file[laptop]oh, yeah
15:34.47prpplaguefile[laptop]: anyway, i want to be able to call a ph# in the states, it route to a box here in barbados, then when it picks up allow you to enter a local ph# and it use the local pots
15:34.51prpplaguefile[laptop]: that doable?
15:35.54file[laptop]I do that now
15:35.58prpplaguefile[laptop]: complex?
15:36.08file[laptop]illegal? probably
15:36.20prpplaguedidn't know that
15:36.58prpplaguefile[laptop]: freakin worst buy gave me a hell of a time buying one of those linksys vonage boxes
15:37.10prpplaguefile[laptop]: made me register an address for 911 service
15:37.13file[laptop]well, had...
15:37.23file[laptop]I loaned it to someone... wanna buy another
15:39.19prpplagueyou know, i thought government and laws were suppose to protect you from criminals and unscrupulous people, this first to apply patent stuff is just wrong
15:39.38file[laptop]oh don't even talk about that
15:39.46file[laptop]we're getting sued at work by J2/efax
15:39.49file[laptop]because we do faxing stuff
15:40.41prpplagueargh, appears to be down and i need to do some edits
16:00.28*** join/#elinux file (
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16:04.54prpplagueargh, why is it when i have the time and desire to update wiki, its down
16:05.22jbevrenMurphy's law: What can go wrong does.
16:05.31jbevrenO'Brien's law: Murphy was an optimist.
16:07.04prpplagueanders law: when murphy and o'brien start talking, its time to start drinking
16:08.13jbevrenprpplague: elite
16:08.28sorphinprpplague: you needed something spammy? :P
16:08.32jbevrensorphin: any idea why sleep 1 is 4sec long on the ppc? :)
16:08.45prpplaguesorphin: hey, how do you guys usually handle complaints about security attacks originating from one of your ips?
16:08.48sorphinjbevren: sw rtc sucks ;)
16:09.01jbevrenisnt it fed by a timer though? :P
16:09.18sorphinif it's a sw rtc, the kernel does that
16:09.24sorphinhence why would you need a sw rtc?
16:09.33jbevrencause you need some sort of time reference?
16:10.35sorphinprpplague: uhh.. usually a tkt is opened w/ customer care (if the attackee is a cust too), if not, then it usually get passed to us by one of our peers, or else we catch the outgoign attack via Arbor and nail it
16:10.39sorphinprpplague: why?
16:10.56sorphinjbevren: look at the sw rtc source ? :P
16:11.32prpplaguesorphin: i reported an attack from an ip at, a hosting service, and they are acting like they don't even care
16:11.34jbevrensorphin: heh
16:11.50sorphinprpplague: well, some places are incompetent
16:12.13prpplaguedamit, i wish tim would hurry up and get off sourceforge
16:16.27*** part/#elinux sorphin (
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16:34.45prpplaguewahoo is back up
16:35.00jbevrenfor a few mins at least?:)
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17:06.55prpplagueCosmicPenguin: jeeze my step-daughters father is being an ass about child support, how lame is that
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17:17.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: did you resend that email?
17:19.45CosmicPenguinprpplague: not yet
17:55.55CosmicPenguinfrom userland
17:56.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: is it just a standard register?
17:57.01CosmicPenguinwell, its set in the page table
17:57.31CosmicPenguinhmmm..... interesting
17:57.48CosmicPenguinThe point is that you specify a certain page (say, kernel heap memory) to be non executable
17:57.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: couldn't you use something like devmem2 for that?
17:57.54CosmicPenguinprpplague: perhaps
17:57.57CosmicPenguinthats a good idea
17:59.42CosmicPenguinNeed to figure out how to control the NX bit
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18:16.53prpplagueCosmicPenguin: be nice to have a proc entry
18:20.34prpplagueoh i see, interesting
18:20.46jbevrenno-execute :)
18:51.31CosmicPenguin"For this test, you need to write a buffer overflow exploit"
18:51.33CosmicPenguinmkay boss!
18:51.55jbevrenwhy not just toss some code in a buffer and jump to it?
18:52.58CosmicPenguinThats the plan - but we need to be able to control it from userland
18:53.16CosmicPenguinSort of a proof of concept thing - "see, when I turn off NX, "foo" prints, but when I turn it on, it doesn't"
18:53.20CosmicPenguinAnd then we ship
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20:38.44jbevrenNobody is sad in #eLinux! What a happy channel. :-)
20:38.48jbevrenahh haha hah!
20:39.18SarahEmmerr... okay :)
20:40.02SarahEmmahh ehhehe
21:09.13Soopamanfor the record
21:09.17Soopamanfuck shit piss sorphin
21:17.48jbevrenTimRiker: contrary, you can spell appreciate :)
21:18.08jbevrenSoopaman: yeah, stop saying sorphin.
21:18.35TimRikerjbevren: now, see? that _was_ funny.
21:18.40CosmicPenguinanyone know these guys:
21:18.43jbevrentim :)
21:18.51jbevrenTimRiker: I try, but sadly often fail ;-)
21:19.09CosmicPenguinYeah, I'll agree with that
21:21.31TimRikerCosmicPenguin: Right off the bat, they make claims without backing them up: "Using the Warewulf cluster toolkit and cAos Linux version 2, we have been able to build a package that is far superior then anything in its class."  I'm skeptical at best.
21:24.42TimRikerCosmicPenguin: from what I can tell "guys" == Greg Kurtzer
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21:27.16CosmicPenguinTimRiker: hmmm...  we just met the "executive team" and Greg Kurtzer wasn't one of them
21:35.00TimRikerCosmicPenguin: it's a scam. join debian and be done with it. ;-)
21:36.42CosmicPenguinTimRiker: heh
21:36.52CosmicPenguinTimRiker: you know how *I* feel
21:37.22CosmicPenguinplease Lord, let the heat sync be on right
21:37.38jbevrensorry, I was trying to think of something
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21:40.03jbevren(safe for work) rated R for Riker :)
21:40.30sorphinwell, that's 1 thing down, 500 to go for the week
21:43.09jbevrenwc -l /etc/passwd
21:43.17jbevrenI think I'll say no more accounts on this server
21:43.37SoopamanTimRiker, sorry about the language before
21:50.15CosmicPenguinyou wouldn't be laughing if you knew it had your name in it.. :)
21:50.39TimRikerSoopaman: not a biggie. but thanx.
21:51.39*** join/#elinux GPSFan (n=Ken@
21:51.48sorphinGPSFan: hola ken
21:52.44SarahEmmsorphin[mini]: i would have when i was <17 if here existed back then
21:52.54SarahEmmand i knew bout it
21:56.24sorphinmy point tho was, language isn't as big of a deal as it's being made out to be (least to me...) not like we're cursing every other word around here, heh
21:56.49sorphinanyways, since i know i'll be the minor opinion, i'm going home.
22:03.44CosmicPenguinI agree with that policy
22:03.53CosmicPenguinWe're here to be professionals
22:08.44CosmicPenguinmmmmm...... FX-57
22:08.52CosmicPenguinNow *this* is why I work for AMD.. :)
22:09.15sorphinCosmicPenguin: professionals eh? i'll remember that the next time something gets pasted/said that isn't professional then :P
22:09.44CosmicPenguinsorphin: please do, ya DoS findin' web mokey
22:10.22CosmicPenguinmonkey even
22:38.31GPSFansorphin: g'day, antennas arrived today. ;>)
23:09.32*** join/#elinux sjhill (
23:10.43sjhilli'm on vacation back in Ohio
23:10.55sjhilli'm in the sticks essentially, but the ADSL is incredible
23:11.11jbevrenI'm in a town of 700
23:11.58jbevrenI ended up with 8qt of it
23:12.02sjhillwell, i should probably leave the starbucks i'm in and go find my wife
23:12.28jbevrenwho needs wifes.
23:12.30jbevrenhehe wifes.
23:12.50sjhilleither you don't have one or she isn't as awesome as mine :)
23:13.21jbevrenIve been single 10 years
23:13.21sjhillwell, time to fly
23:13.24jbevrensee ya
23:18.42*** join/#elinux hufnus (

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