irclog2html for #elinux on 20050714

00:11.55sorphinoh crap, it's the AMDPenguin
00:27.38*** join/#elinux Sgt-Donan (
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05:05.20sorphincdm: evening chris
05:06.32cdmhey man.
05:06.38cdmgreat day for iPod!
05:07.32cdmApple 3Q call was today.
05:07.41cdm6.1 million units last quarter.
05:07.47cdm1.18 million macs.
05:08.17sorphinTheCollector: bought a mac mini
05:08.26sorphinOC'd it and threw in a gig dimm
05:08.38TheCollectorsorphin: very nice
05:09.10sorphinit's a 1.24 running at 1.5
05:09.12sorphinstable as a rock
05:09.57sorphinas for the ipod
05:10.03sorphinmy lyra still does just fine :P
05:10.23TheCollectormy neuros did a kickass job too
05:10.39sorphinand it's a 40G hdd to boot
05:11.09sorphintho usually my 1G flash drive is enough ;)
05:28.16*** join/#elinux hufnus (
05:31.37cdmit's a pretty good cover.
05:35.09file[laptop]I should sleep
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09:36.36eJumbowhen i boot. i dont get Login Prompt at all. but am able to telnet and login. i know it is something to do with initab. but cant find whats the problem. i am using devfs
09:44.04MonMothawhat device?  what are you running on it?
09:49.05eJumboa board
09:49.13eJumboomap 5912
09:49.38MonMothaok, just a dev board?
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09:50.44MonMothaok,  did you build the system that's running on it or did you use something designed for that board by someone else?
10:22.03eJumbojust made a new root file system from scratch and mounting it using nfs
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14:00.19sorphinGPSFan: moin
14:00.21sorphinprpplague: it lives
14:18.25sorphinah good, the AMDPenguin is gone and the CosmicPenguin has returned
14:19.18CosmicPenguinFrom the looks of things, it seems that the plague may have even avoided TS winds
14:20.06sorphinso is the shuttle scrapped till Sept? i couldn't find squat on nasa's site directly on really.. any status reports, even w/ the fuel sensor
14:20.34CosmicPenguinhmmm... I heard it was day to day
14:20.41CosmicPenguinbut yeah, if they miss their window, then they are screwed
14:20.54CosmicPenguinbecuase of course, they want a daylight launch so they can watch things really carefully
14:27.25*** part/#elinux ade|desk (~adavey@
14:58.37GPSFansorphin: g'day..
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15:42.29TheCollectorthe official word is that the earliest they expect to be able to launch is saturday, and they have until the end of the month to launch, or they miss the window
16:05.48sorphinwhat exactly is the 'window' involved here? besides time
16:07.05Crofton_I suspect the window is set by the orbit of the ISS
16:07.24Crofton_the need to launch in daylight and rendevous within a couple of days
16:07.31Crofton_without burning loads of fueal
16:10.28CosmicPenguinyeah, they have to hit the right orbit
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17:33.07*** join/#elinux TimRiker (~timr@TimRiker.bronze.supporter.pdpc)
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17:37.42sorphinTimRiker: moin
17:38.01TimRikermoin all.
17:40.36prpplagueTimRiker: hey hey
17:40.44prpplagueTimRiker: hows life in Utah?
17:41.47TimRikerfine. closing on the house is delayed. folks doing the paperwork called in sick. Still hoping for later today.
17:45.21prpplagueTimRiker: ahh
17:48.14prpplaguestorm wasn't that bad
17:48.20prpplagueit mostly went south of us
17:48.32prpplaguejust downed trees and some flooding
17:48.39prpplaguereally rough seas and high tide
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18:18.31CosmicPenguinprpplague: thats good
18:18.38CosmicPenguinunfortunately, two more depressions are queued up
18:18.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea
18:19.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: both of those are already too far north to come over barbados
18:20.30CosmicPenguinLooks like Jamaica is going to get hit again
18:20.32CosmicPenguinthats two in a row
18:20.59prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea
18:21.23prpplagueCosmicPenguin: word is that things are on the virge of complete chaos there
18:21.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: btw, they have a swarm of FBI agents in Trinidad today about the bombing
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18:22.58CosmicPenguinprpplague: still absoutely nothing in the US media
18:23.08CosmicPenguinthey've either kept it really quiet, or nobody cares
18:24.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, well its got everyone here scared
18:24.39prpplagueCosmicPenguin: especially after those guys pretending to be FBI agents
18:24.56CosmicPenguinYeah - thats no good
18:25.11CosmicPenguinThe timing was very odd too
18:37.09*** join/#elinux chouimat|ibook (
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18:59.21CosmicPenguinDon't you hate it when you craft a long e-mail, and then you accidently kill it?
19:00.38[g2]freudian slip
19:01.01[g2]CP is *afraid* to send the e-mail
19:04.25ibotmethinks prpplague is or Dave Anders
19:04.40prpplague hmm thats not me
19:05.15prpplaguei've never met anyone, other than family, with my last name
19:07.00prpplaguekinda weird see your name and not your picture, hehe
19:07.25CosmicPenguinsue em!
19:07.30CosmicPenguinwho the hell are you, and how did you get my name?
19:07.55*** join/#elinux sjhill (
19:17.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: if you read his bio, his parents names were Holt not Anders
19:17.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: which leads me to believe he changed his name
19:35.29CosmicPenguinI don't know why I read Groklaw, it pisses me off everytime I do
19:42.34CosmicPenguinits driver writin' time
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19:56.39TimRikerprpplague: did you get email from linuxdevices?
20:06.19prpplagueTimRiker: no why?
20:06.56prpplagueTimRiker: they probably don't have a current email for my
20:07.08prpplagueTimRiker: something going on?
20:08.10prpplaguehehe, they did a write up on zipit?
20:10.59prpplagueTimRiker: cute write up
20:11.12prpplagueTimRiker: nice comments about the pages
20:11.42TimRikeroh. did it get posted?
20:12.02prpplagueTimRiker: yea
20:12.45TimRikersure enough. ah well. I had just sent them a few updates. /me hates _here_ links for example.
20:12.45prpplaguehehe, i got a mention, hehe
20:13.10prpplagueTimRiker: thanks for the mention
20:13.47prpplagueTimRiker: i'm gonna be working on the generic soft-spi kernel module this weekend
20:14.29prpplagueTimRiker: guess i should update the page with some of my thoughts regarding the spi interface
20:14.38TimRikersome of my comments to them were to reword things like "Tim Riker has created" ... I put up the site, and I helped, but I'm not the "creator" of the pages.
20:14.53TimRikerprpplague: yep. ;-)
20:16.17prpplagueTimRiker: have to update it saturday after i do some hacking
20:17.24prpplagueTimRiker: this module is similiar to the one posted for the wrt hack
20:17.30prpplagueTimRiker: but a little more generic
20:18.13prpplagueTimRiker: i was considering using a PIC to add some i/o funtionality
20:20.40prpplagueTimRiker: we could add a PIC with an i2c interface
20:21.07prpplagueTimRiker: then have the PIC read data from the mmc or other i/o devices
20:21.55prpplagueTimRiker: otherwise i need to locate an unused memory address, then i could you the memory and data lines for soft spi
20:27.19prpplagueTimRiker: odd, my password isn't working for
20:27.37prpplagueTimRiker: and it doesn't seem to want to send me password info via email
20:27.57*** join/#elinux kergoth (
20:28.16prpplaguekergoth: lo ho
20:29.25TimRikerprpplague: mail sending is borken on SF.
20:29.33prpplagueTimRiker: oh, lovely
20:33.00prpplagueTimRiker: i normally keep my cookies for but i cleared them last monday
20:33.14prpplagueTimRiker: don't know if i've re-logged in since the sf move
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22:20.54sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh, found out that MEMC (who's based here in st louis) is the top silicon wafer maker, heh, the core of all the cpus i have here, coulda been 'started' right here in st louis
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.