irclog2html for #elinux on 20050608

00:21.07Genesisbonne nuit
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07:48.58*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || see prpplague about custom holly-gates jtag dongles
07:48.59*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
10:31.24*** join/#elinux ibot (
10:31.24*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || see prpplague about custom holly-gates jtag dongles
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14:34.07CosmicPenguinbah - compete with apple
14:34.17CosmicPenguinabout the only competition linux desktops can beat these days is BeOS
14:54.52THeli`sorphin, it could be a PPC by intel though .. heh
14:55.09sorphinTHeli`: taht's not likely tho
14:55.17*** join/#elinux CP|Laptop (
14:55.53THeli`but i was thinking apple will have to do way too much to port all their code to x86
14:56.02sorphinTheCollector: the theory is, is since OSX alredy runs on on x86 (parallel builds), that's why they're doing it
14:56.04THeli`but who knows .. may be they were working on it for a while now
14:56.20sorphinTheli`: the theory is, is since OSX alredy runs on on x86 (parallel builds), that's why they're doing it
14:56.25THeli`dun worry.. it looks like we are the only two in active conv. now
14:56.37sorphini just hate the stupid name matching
14:56.51THelii didnt know OSX ran on x86
14:56.58THelithought u need a VM like pearPC or VMware
14:57.02THelierr not VMware..
14:57.33ade|deskaint it just darwin+ not gui ?
14:57.54THelidarwin yes i heard it has x86 port
14:58.27sorphinpublically, it's just darwin
14:58.34sorphinbut if you look at the roots
14:58.50sorphinosx came from Rhapsody which camed from NeXtStep
14:59.01sorphinall of which had x86 versions
14:59.11sorphinthey've just kept the parallel trees
14:59.39sorphinwhat would make sense
14:59.46sorphinis supporting x86 and ppc
14:59.52sorphinbut not just ditching ppc
15:00.11sorphinthe G5 is a better processor, imho, than what intel has out there
15:00.20THeliwhats that whole altevec dependency for OSX which made it better.. if thats true intel should do something similar probably (which they might cuz apple is a big customer)
15:00.26sorphinAMD tho, is another animal entirely
15:00.49sorphinamd made a 64bit cpu that works
15:01.01sorphinintel had to revc engineer and copy it, because their own sucked
15:01.07ade|deskMIPS all the way :)
15:01.15CosmicPenguinhel yeah!
15:01.17sorphinoh, and how many PPCs do you know of that have MATH ERORRS? :P
15:01.23sorphinor had rather
15:01.31CosmicPenguinbah - so did the pentium for that matter
15:01.43ade|desksorphin: that was years ago though surely
15:01.48sorphinCosmicPenguin: that's what i was talkign about
15:01.59THeliCosmicPenguin, i think he was being sarcastic :-)
15:02.00sorphinade| aye, but intel has a way of braking stuff
15:02.09sorphinlook how the Celeron was 'invented'
15:02.17sorphinP3s w/ defective cache
15:02.22CosmicPenguinwith sorphin I can never tell if he is being sarcastic or not
15:02.41sorphinwtf are you talking about?
15:02.44THelisorphin, what its about the all eyes on me effect? intel just gets more attention when bugs are found?
15:03.08sorphinTHeli: because their bugs seem to be more substantial
15:03.13sorphinthink, F00F
15:03.28sorphinand a cpu that can't even add correctly?
15:03.40ade|desknone of the chip makers are much cop, amd had heat problems, ibm die problems, intel maths etc etc ..
15:03.57sorphinCosmicPenguin: where was i being sarcastic? the math flaws i mentioned were strictly intel
15:04.06CP|LaptopI thought you were bad mouthing the PPC
15:04.11sorphinade| well, if you have heat probs
15:04.16CP|Laptopsee - like I said,  I can never tell
15:04.18sorphinput on a bigger heatsink/fan
15:04.33sorphinis another story
15:04.42sorphinwhy would i be badmouthing the ppc?
15:04.51sorphinlove the G4
15:04.52CP|LaptopI told you I was confused
15:04.53CP|Laptopdrop it
15:04.59THelimac mini!! grrr
15:05.02THeliwith linux i hope?
15:05.04sorphindisappointed the G5 won't go into a notebook :(
15:05.28THelidid u see that /. article on debian on mac mini?
15:05.32ade|deskare you a mac lover cos its l337 or cos the technology is really better ?
15:05.55sorphinade|desk: the tech
15:06.24sorphindo you really think i'd spend $500 to be l33t?
15:06.31sorphinnot quite
15:06.56ade|desk~lart sorphin
15:07.32sorphincan't go higher because my 1.24ghz G4 was apparently in a batch that couldn't spec higher
15:07.43sorphinnext topic
15:07.50ade|deskoverclocking stuff seems like a bad idea to me
15:08.05sorphinade|desk: only if the item in question can't handle it
15:08.16ade|deskfish ... once upon a time there were 3 little fish ....
15:08.19sorphinsome things are speced at a speed, but undercloked
15:08.50sorphinTHeli: at work, pr0n not an option
15:09.14sorphinCP|Laptop: so what's the scoop? looks like you're still safe at AMD then ?
15:09.37THelisorphin, hehe
15:11.38CP|Laptopas far as I know
15:11.58CP|Laptopthey're still letting me sit in on meetings - I figure thats a good sign
15:13.38THeliu dont seem too interested in staying there cosmic
15:29.27*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
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15:39.15CP|Laptopanyone here ever played with ida?
15:39.21CP|Laptopits a bad ass little app
15:45.22sorphincp| yes
15:45.25sorphini've used it
15:45.36CP|LaptopI've never seen it before yesterday
15:45.48CP|LaptopI was very impressed - it took gdb out behind the woodshed
15:45.58sorphinprpplague: well well, look what the hobo dragged in
15:46.17sorphinCP|Laptop: yeah, IDA is what all the software crackers use too, heh
15:46.31sorphinCP|Laptop: i used it for debugging some MIPS and PPC code
15:46.48CP|LaptopYeah, we used it to debug a app on the SuSE liveCD
15:47.13sorphinprpplague: was watching Millionare last night and saw a David Anders, obviously wasn't you tho ;)
15:47.24Crofton|laptopprpplague, any luck with the LCD?
15:47.51prpplaguesorphin: really?
15:48.01sorphinCP|Laptop: well, i hope they keep you around, i'm sure whatever it was you did, wasn't an intentional mistake
15:48.03prpplagueCrofton|laptop: negative, back bunner now for a few days
15:48.07sorphinprpplague: yes, really
15:48.16prpplaguenot many anders around
16:03.27*** join/#elinux Soopaman (~soopaman@
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16:40.48*** join/#elinux ibot (
16:40.48*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || see prpplague about custom holly-gates jtag dongles
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16:44.48prpplaguekergoth: hey old sould
16:44.55prpplaguekergoth: whats cooking?
16:51.15pb_g'day plague, kergoth
16:51.36prpplaguepb_: hey boss man
17:01.23prpplaguepb_: i swear i've never had so much trouble getting a lcd working
17:01.44pb_hell, you're still fighting with that?
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17:05.55prpplaguepb_: hell ya
17:06.14prpplaguepb_: should have been a 2 day job and its been like 2 weeks and still nothing
17:06.29prpplaguepb_: my best guess is that i've blown the lcd controler
17:07.19prpplaguepb_: whats frustrating is everything "looks" correct
17:09.01*** join/#elinux ibot (
17:09.01*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || see prpplague about custom holly-gates jtag dongles
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17:10.10prpplagueis it too early to start drinking?
17:10.59pb_prpplague: suck
17:11.57prpplaguepb_: you know anyone that might have experience with the PL110?
17:12.10pb_sorry, no
17:12.16pb_could ask on the linux-arm mailing list, I guess
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17:17.18jamieprpplague: is that related to the pt110?
17:20.39prpplaguejamie: negative, pl110 is a arm highspeed bus module for color/grayscale lcd controler
17:22.00jamiedoes your kit not come with any example/demo program at all?
17:22.11jamiethat's usually a good bet, if everything else fails.
17:25.17prpplaguejamie: hehe, i'm doing board bringup on custom hardware
17:26.24jamiefair enough.  sometimes you have a bit of working code to start with, sometimes you don't :)
17:27.16prpplaguejamie: hehe, yea, i have a little from *cough*lineo*cough* but thats of little use
17:27.39jamiedoes lineo's code do _anything_ useful on your board?
17:27.56CosmicPenguins/on your board/
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17:30.28prpplaguejamie: hehe, yea, its a good base to start from, but they only had it coded for one specific lcd model
17:30.48prpplaguejamie: so, i've been going in a making things a little more generic
17:31.11prpplaguejamie: i suspect at the stage in the game that we've got some bad hardware
17:32.29jamieThat'll teach you not to program your embedded kit outdoors during a thunderstorm :)
17:33.01prpplaguejamie: hehe
17:33.23prpplaguejamie: yea, i've got the ee looking over the layouts now
17:34.03jamieCould be something as trivial as stray solder or a broken track?  Checked the connectivity?
17:34.05prpplaguejamie: and whats bad is this lcd fb is the last item i need to push this out the door
17:34.19prpplaguejamie: yea, did continuity checks first thing
17:35.12prpplaguejamie: my guess is during initial testing the pl110 probably tried to init something that shouldn't have been and fried the controler
17:36.15prpplaguejamie: i'm usually pretty good about spotting hardware problems, just my lack of experience with the pl110 is bitting my ass
17:40.31CosmicPenguinwow -that google stock price is out of control
17:45.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: soooooo when are you and the boss coming to visit? hehe, are ya gonna wait till its cold?
17:45.48CosmicPenguinI dunno
17:45.54CosmicPenguinwe've spent just a boatload of money this year
17:46.02CosmicPenguinwe probably need to tone it down a bit
17:53.53prpplaguerain rain rain
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18:36.12CosmicPenguinI thought use strict; was an iternal command in perl.
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19:15.28prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lovely, beewoolie pointed me too a big long thread on lak about the pl110 driver
19:15.56prpplagueCosmicPenguin: not so excellent, lots of bugs
19:19.28CosmicPenguinyou mean that you introduced, or just in general?
19:20.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: in general for mono lcd's
19:22.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: the reason i didn't find it original was it was listed as a problem with qt
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19:25.21CosmicPenguinstupid people
19:25.24CosmicPenguinlearn to write bugs
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20:25.44prpplagueT0mW: thanks
20:25.55prpplagueT0mW: i'm going nuts with this pl110 lcd issue
20:26.44prpplagueT0mW: i can't seem to get my lcd to do a damm thing
20:30.42T0mWI may sound redundant, but this is exactly the type of situation in which an oscilloscope would simply things.
20:31.22T0mWI can think of a number of tests that I could setup, then observe with a scope to verify things are working as expected.
20:34.23prpplagueT0mW: again, i've already checked with oscope
20:34.40prpplagueT0mW: tell me then what you would do
20:36.27T0mWAssuming that you've verified that the clock, line strobe, etc periods have all been checked?
20:37.05T0mWyou have control over those signals, change a register value then the clockrate to the lcd alters as expected?
20:37.56T0mWmathematics works out that if you put X into register_Y, you see Z-ns of signal?
20:41.26T0mWThat would be the first thing that I'd do is to verify that I can exert control over the LCD registers themselves and see an expected change.
20:47.35prpplagueT0mW: yea, all of the timming and control seem correct
20:47.47prpplagueT0mW: but it doesn't seem to be getting any data
20:48.00T0mWNext step would be to setup the LCD registers to form the control signals shaping as per the LCD spec.  e.g. LinePulse polarity, LinePulse period, DotClockPeriod, etc.
20:48.16prpplagueT0mW: all of that appears correct
20:48.57T0mWnow, don't clear the memory of the framebuffer, I would fill it with some galloping pattern, or just plain junk.
20:48.59fishheaddon't mean to interrupt
20:49.04fishheadbut did you see this t0wm
20:49.17T0mWat that point, I would expect to see a bunch of garbage on the display.
20:49.29prpplagueT0mW: i would as well, but i get nothing
20:50.20T0mWlook at the data lines from the CPU --> the LCD itself, you should see something there: a stream of varying data.
20:50.51T0mWit should be banging up/down
20:53.46T0mWalso, look at the rate of change of that data.  If the DMA circuitry of the LCD controller is functioning properly, I would expect to see the datalines of the LCD changing at a rate approximating that of the dot clock.
20:55.24T0mWthe LCD controller is nothing more than a fancy data pump
20:56.26T0mWIt has some fancy features like palletizing color bits, or some such minor change in the value of the data, but it still is a data pumper
20:57.03prpplagueone sec boss on phone
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20:58.37T0mWTypically, at the LCD side, there are hardware registers, shift registers n-bits wide, to accept the serialized data stream, then they assert the collected data to the driver array (parallel array: e.g. 800 bits wide, 1024 bits wide, etc)
21:00.00prpplaguedoesn't appear to be any data going out
21:03.08prpplagueT0mW: yea no data
21:03.16prpplagueT0mW: tried several things but got nothing
21:06.03T0mWnow, I've found that many SDRAMs today will come up with the data cells initialized to ZEROs
21:06.30T0mWyou may have to put some data into your frame buffer memory, initialize it with junk.
21:06.54T0mWwrite a small program or something to do that.
21:07.23T0mWit could also be that when you activate a frame buffer driver, that the driver could be zero-ing the memory.
21:08.15T0mWbecause of both of these issues, I would not jump ahead to the use of a frame buffer code until I did some user level proofing of the LCD controller operation.
21:10.25T0mWAn idea might be to write your own code into the kernel source that will init those registers, fill the frame buffer DMA memory, then startup the LCD controller.  Call that function someplace before init() and end the function with a for(;;) loop (forever).
21:11.30prpplagueT0mW: should be able to just cat some files to /dev/fb
21:11.59T0mWIF, IF, the DMA address of the LCD controller is set properly, yes.
21:12.19T0mWwhat we need to do is verify that that address is set correctly.
21:13.00T0mWyou may think that the LCD DMA is pointing at the /dev/fb buffer address, but it may be pointing at "air" (no ram at all).
21:13.08prpplagueT0mW: right, so how do i double check the matching dma addresses?
21:14.33T0mWThere is a disconnect, in the use of the MMU, where the linux sees the /dev/fb memory at one location while the hardware of the LCD controller sees it at another.  Remember, the LCD controller is probably not affected by the MMU settings of the CPU.  The MMU is there to virtualize the operation of the CPU, not the hardware.
21:15.49prpplagueT0mW: correct
21:16.13prpplagueT0mW: so how do i verify the address? hehe
21:17.20T0mWIIRC, ioremap would let you take a portion of the CPU's virtualized memory and map it to another virtual space?  I'm not sure if ioremap has been deprecated in the 2.6 kernel or not, it was there in 2.4
21:17.21prpplagueT0mW: hmm, the dma controler doesn't appear to have any streams enabled
21:17.38prpplagueT0mW: this is 2.4
21:18.04prpplaguethe odd question is why isn't the dma enabled
21:18.07T0mWthat is how I accessed the IDE hardware of the TuxScreen
21:19.14T0mWI setup CS3 (Chip Select 3) for a hard address in the physical memory map, then I used ioremap to map that address over to a location within the virtual space so I could get at it.
21:19.41T0mWyour MMU setup, head.S?, should do that mapping for you.
21:20.15T0mWyou know the code I'm talking about, where the RAM, etc., gets mapped from real to virtual space?
21:21.35prpplagueT0mW: yea, i know the code, but my question is why i have no dma streams being used
21:21.54T0mWeven if that code is wrong, you should be able to change the LCD DMA register address to some eventual location and get junk coming out the LCD data lines.  keep trying differnet locations, maybe write a program that switches that address every two seconds or so and walk it down through the memory space.  
21:22.30T0mWprpplague: what do you mean by "no dma streams" ?
21:22.42prpplagueT0mW: thats the word sharp uses
21:22.48prpplagueT0mW: for their dma controler
21:22.54T0mWsome error code?
21:22.57prpplagueT0mW: the dma controler has 4 "streams"
21:23.13prpplagueT0mW: no, doesn't even look like they've been initialized
21:24.12T0mWI would step away from /dev/fb and get back to basics. e.g. can I affect the LCD controller directly.  PROVE what is right, not find what is wrong.
21:24.55prpplagueT0mW: hmm, that is a problem as i'm not sure how to effect it directly
21:25.36T0mWall you really have to remember is that the LCD controller is a data pump
21:25.59CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah - if you have the address wrong, that would explain a lot
21:26.08T0mWit sucks data from RAM, then spits it out the LCD interface.  
21:27.49T0mWdot clock should be 90 degrees out of phase with the data.  Line pulse is the latch for one line of dots and advances the internal Row Counter of the LCD display (horizontal sync), FRAME resets the Row Counter (vertical sync).
21:28.07T0mWprpplague: what type of display are you using?
21:28.20T0mWTFT, SDN, DSTN, ???
21:30.12T0mWeven if you have the dot clock, line pulse, frame timings all messed up, you should still see data coming out the LCD data lines.  Provided you have properly setup the "pump" to actually run
21:31.28T0mWIIRC, there is a pin shift when interfacing to STN with that controller, it is a controller that will do high-end displays like TFT, but you can force it to also do STN + DSTN, but you have to play some tricks with the electrical hookup.
21:31.42T0mWbe that as it may, you will still have something on the data lines.
21:32.01T0mWSTN displays are nothing more than RASTER devices.
21:32.48T0mWshift dots, latch, shift dots, latch, frame sync (reset to top of display), then repeat
21:33.19T0mWworks exactly like a CRT
21:34.23T0mWonly differnce is how it behaves if you try to operate it at too high a frequency, it doesn't get diagonal lines.  heh
21:37.26T0mWI thought I had a schematic for the D-STN hookup that I put together, but I can't find it.
21:37.58T0mWprpplague: whatever, your job is to get data pumping out those data lines.
21:38.16T0mWprpplague: doesn't have to be real data, just get them to wiggle
21:41.44prpplagueT0mW: yea
21:48.25prpplaguehmm, ok, i have an address now to see whats in it
21:50.37T0mWprpplague: I searched the web many times looking for any code that dealt with setting up that LCD controller.  nada, nothing
21:50.54T0mWprpplague: not even a pdf
21:51.09prpplagueT0mW: yea
21:51.24T0mWfailure on Sharp's part
21:51.39prpplagueT0mW: ok so when i write data to fb it shows up at the same address that the dma controler is set for
21:55.29prpplaguesharps docs suck
21:55.51prpplaguemust be why they didn't even use their own chips in the zaurus line
21:58.05T0mWprpplague: right, good test
21:58.55T0mWCPU --> /dev/fb --> MMU --> physical address  ==  LCD_DMA_ACCESS_ADR --> physical address
22:00.54T0mWof course, the frame buffer ram is at a fixed address.  Otherwise, if you use a floating address for the buffer frame, the /dev/fb could do this by accessing the LCD_DMA_ADDRESS regs and setting it to the proper location.
22:01.40T0mWeither way may be how it is done, I suspect that a chunk of memory is allocated, then the /dev/fb points the LCD controller to it's location
22:02.19T0mWbut, it should have to unmap the virtual space over to physical when it assigns it to the LCD DMA regs
22:26.08*** join/#elinux Sad^EYES (
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23:09.35prpplagueT0mW: there is no way i can test the physical address, as its not posted
23:23.56CosmicPenguinMmm... as if the Mt. St. Helens webcam wasn't fun enough
23:24.53T0mWCosmicPenguin: cool!
23:25.08T0mWCosmicPenguin: I was out there last August
23:27.31CosmicPenguinProbably a tad warmer then it is right now
23:27.39CosmicPenguinThe webcam is crappy, but I swear its snowing
23:27.49CosmicPenguinMaybe not, 7C is a bit toasty for snow
23:27.51*** join/#elinux markl_ (
23:56.49*** join/#elinux George__ (george@

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