irclog2html for #elinux on 20050531

00:15.19*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
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01:24.56*** join/#elinux chouimat (~dieu@chouinard.developer.kde)
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09:09.02*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || see prpplague about custom holly-gates jtag dongles
09:09.02*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
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17:28.21*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
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17:53.58TheCollectorT0mW: in the diagram for the IDE interface, is IC3 on the tuxscreen, or does it need to be purchased?
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20:47.19T0mWTheCollector: IC3 is a CPLD device, a 22V10, it is a Flash-based device and it needs to be programmed
20:48.30TheCollectorT0mW: is it on the Shannon board, or do I need to order it?
20:49.24TheCollectorI don't have my tuxscreen in front of me, unfortunately
20:52.09fishheadthey make cplds with flash now ?
20:52.14fishheadok that's it
20:53.10fishheadI tell you while I don't understand it all but I get the gist of it
20:53.26fishheadthis reconfigurable logic stuff is freaking awesome for stuff that either changes a lot or on the fly
20:53.49fishheadi was listening to a seminar on a produce for pda'
20:54.00fishheadfor different flash types, cards, ide etc
20:54.15fishheadthat would just do a initital id pin scan and reconfig on demand for that interface
20:54.24fishheadinstead of having like 10 specialized interface chips
20:55.28T0mWTheCollector: Digikey prolly has ATF22V10 devices (Atmel is what I use here).
20:56.06fishheadt0mW how much are those roughly ?
20:56.12T0mWTheCollector: I located the JEDEC file for those equations, I'll put that on the site now, that way you won't have to fuss with WinCUPL to build the JEDEC.
20:56.50fishheadyou guys scare me
20:59.00fishheadi found a celeron 400 in the trash, in excellent shape, the psu was blown due to both swollen and popped caps and a fan that was so frozen I almost couldn't turn it with my fingers, so the main FET decided to do a statue of liberty torch impersination all the way thru the other side of the pcb
20:59.46fishheadI bring this up because I seen the bad caps get a lot of embedded stuff too like routers etc
21:03.09T0mWTheCollector: Ok, stuff is now there.  Thanks for pointing that out.  Do you have access to programming equipment?
21:04.30TheCollectornope - is it something that can be easily homebrewed, or is it better to go and buy one?
21:08.10T0mWThat should work, it is REV C instead of a REV B device, 15ns instead of 20ns I used...
21:08.51T0mWTheCollector: Where are you (QTH)?
21:09.11T0mWUSA, Europe, Afganistan? where?
21:12.37*** join/#elinux cluecon[file] (
21:15.19prpplaguechouimat: ping
21:15.38prpplague~fishslap chouimat
21:15.39ibotACTION slaps chouimat up side the head with a wet fish.
21:15.44fishheadvery nice
21:15.59chouimatprpplague: yes?
21:16.11prpplaguechouimat: i need a frenglish translator
21:16.18chouimatprpplague: ok
21:16.23fishhead#pixterdev chou
21:16.25prpplaguechouimat: mind joining #pixterdev for a few minutes
21:16.33fishheadyou are welcome to idle there too if insterested
21:20.51T0mWTheCollector: I have a blank PCB for the TuxIDE yet.
21:25.09*** join/#elinux fishhead- (
21:35.48TheCollectorT0mW: Dallas, TX
21:35.56TheCollectorsorry, had a meeting
21:38.10T0mWTheCollector: $30 to my paypal account would get you a blank PCB + programmed 22v10 chip...
21:51.34TheCollectorT0mW: I'll think about it - I might have access to a 22V10 programmer on campus
21:54.05TheCollectorhowever, if I can't get one on campus, I'll probably buy yours
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