irclog2html for #elinux on 20050503

00:01.55*** join/#elinux Soopaman_ (
00:37.21jamieHas anyone here worked on a Sigma Designs 8621L or similar?
00:44.01cdmmmmm...doing MPEG decode hardware support jamie?
00:47.51jamiewell, I'm not doing that bit, Sigma's done that :-)
00:48.59jamieI'm looking for someone to answer a few _really basic_ questions not found on the SD web site, as I don't have the chip's documentation ($$$).
00:52.51jamieIt's quite a nice chip, but for the difficulty getting docs for it.
00:53.02jamiePlays high-def MPEGs nicely :)
00:53.15cdmthat is what I ment - adding support to Linux for that chipset. ;)
00:53.18cdmnot doing the hardware.
00:53.52jamieThe 8620/21L (see has Linux support already.
00:54.02jamieIt's an ARM + video decoder basically.
00:54.23jamieBut I gather that much of the video functionality is in binary drivers.
00:54.42cdmyeah - they aren't big on giving out that level of info without strict NDAs in place.
00:55.23jamieEven then they aren't.  The folks I'm working for didn't even get a response out of Sigma's sales rep, but we found a 3rd party who uses them.
00:57.02jamieStill, good enough to make a video player that's cheaper and quieter than a mini-ITX :)
00:57.57cdmhas to be in their intrerest too. :)
00:58.35jacqueshmm I'm also interested in lirc config for shannon keyboards
01:38.39fishheaddid you see all the info on the juicebox months ago
01:38.52fishhead$60 kids video player down to $13 walmart clearance and the mp3 kit which was $39 down to $9
01:38.53jamiewhat's the juicebox?  (I guess not :)
01:38.57fishhead60mhz arm
01:39.00fishhead240x160 lcd
01:39.03fishhead256 color though
01:39.21fishheadplays movies from special carts but can view pics or play mp3 from sd using the mp3 adaptor cart which you can make yourself btw
01:39.23jamieAh.  I'm working on a video player to drive 1024x768 LCDs upwards to 1920x1080.
01:39.35fishheadwell yeah I know this isn't even on the same universe
01:39.40fishheadbut if you want something just for fun for $13 :P
01:39.51fishhead#pixterdev if you get interested and prpp is the main hacker
01:39.58fishheadhe's usually in this channel
01:39.59jamieI looked for quite long time for an ARM with decent video...  the Sigma Designs thing just sort of turned up by accident.
01:40.11jamiebear in mind I'm not in the US ;-)
01:40.23fishheadoh then you can't get the deal :(
01:40.39fishheadunless the thing goes bust totally and gets cheap everywhere
01:40.47fishheadi'll try to let you know
01:41.03fishheadI bought 7 :P
01:41.15fishheadsold one, gave one to 3 yr old nephew just to play the videos you can buy for it :)
01:41.20jamieso to play movies, it needs the extra hardware of special carts?
01:41.29fishheadwell all the cart is is a rom
01:41.36fishheadwe are trying to find out how to make it play video from SD
01:41.52fishheadalso when it plays video either from cart or demo built into it's flash it loads a video player os
01:42.01fishheadonly uses uclinux for pics or mp3 playback
01:42.11fishheadwe will find out eventualy :)
01:42.17fishheadbtw if you find one cheap
01:42.22fishheadget one without the pinhole led on the front
01:42.39fishheadthe ones without the pinhole have 8 meg ram vs 2 and the rom is a package instead of a glob makes it easier to unsolder
01:43.16jamiewell, I appreciate the tips, but I probably won't see one, and I'm looking at the "bigger picture" i.e. HDTV-size anyway
01:43.25fishheadwell hell yeah that's better
01:43.40fishheadI also have a palm t5 and they have a free video player out now
01:43.49fishheaddoes pretty well with existing divx files that aren't even screen size
01:44.00fishheadlittle sluggish but not bad if I recoded them it would probably playback perfect
01:44.10jamielooked for ages for an ARM or MIPS or something with decent video on the same board, and didn't find one until recently.  Thought I'd have to use a mini-ITX PC.  But the Sigma Designs chip, if you can get it or a board with it on, is pretty good.
01:44.23fishheadi tell you
01:44.30fishheadwhen arm was still acorn computer
01:44.34jamieIt's increasingly found in DVD players etc. I think, so you might stumble across it.
01:44.39fishheadwhoever suggested they start licencing their cpu
01:44.45fishheadwas a genius
01:44.48jamieyes, I remember when ARM was first announced :)
01:44.53fishheadand probably has his own state
01:44.57fishheadthe company paid for
01:45.09fishheadmips isn't doing bad either
01:45.09jamieThey're owned by Intel now.
01:45.16fishheadsince when
01:45.24fishheadintel only has the strongarm version
01:45.39jamieah, easily confused :)
01:45.49fishheadintel got that when they bought out DEC
01:45.56fishheadna there are
01:46.14jamiedidn't someone design an ARM-intruction-set-compatible CPU for an FPGA, only to be threatened with a lawsuit by ARM?
01:46.31jamieI think that's why so many random little chips use MIPS.
01:46.41CARL_SAGENtexas instruments has one
01:46.42jamieAt least you can use all but two of the MIPS instructions without a license!
01:46.44CARL_SAGENcalled OMAP
01:46.51CARL_SAGENthe palm's used to use that
01:46.56jamieyeah, but I bet TI licensed something from ARM to do that.
01:47.02CARL_SAGENfor t1, t2,  but t3 and t5 use strongarm
01:47.07CARL_SAGENyes they did
01:47.12CARL_SAGENthere is intel strongarm
01:47.19CARL_SAGENthere is samsung which is what the juicebox uses
01:47.21CARL_SAGENand many more
01:47.31CARL_SAGENcompany that bought licence and make their own flavor
01:47.34CARL_SAGENsame with mips
01:47.40jamieIt bothers me that lawsuits can be threatened over an instruction set.
01:48.01CARL_SAGENyeah I am pretty conservative and pro business but the patent abuses are getting rediculous
01:48.15CARL_SAGENsuing someone over "blue cpu" patent is just flat out GAY
01:48.31jamie"blue cpu" patent?  Is that where it's housed in a blue ceramic?
01:48.40CARL_SAGENyeah there are literally patents that bad
01:48.50jamiebugger.  I was hoping to make one of those.
01:49.05CARL_SAGENbtw the samsung arm is a arm7tdmi
01:49.09CARL_SAGENwell this model is for the juicebox
01:49.16CARL_SAGENtdmi is a low end model no mmu
01:49.28CARL_SAGENwhich is fine it's used in a ton of embedded stiuff like all those home routers
01:49.56CARL_SAGENI guess tdmi would be the dragonball m68k of the arm family
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03:07.08T0mWjacques: I've got a new MythTV box that I've put together: two PVR250's   I'd like to use those parts from the WebPal because their remote has a fairly nice "thumb" mouse on it
03:16.32T0mWsourceforge sux
03:17.30T0mWidiot search engine won't find a word that I can clearly see in one of the mailing list postings!  Now how dumb is that?!
03:19.01T0mWthing only searches the "topic" of a post, not the body..
03:25.15jacquesyep sourcescourge search is a joke
03:25.51T0mWyeah, subscription required to use a decent engine
03:26.35T0mWwell, I don't see much about the senjii keyboard stuff. I guess I'll have to break out the 'scope and take a look
03:45.40T0mWof course, a 'modprobe ivtv' is supposed to lockup the computer
03:46.07T0mWtoo darned late to do this stuff  :)
03:55.13jacquesthis toolchain stuff is making my brain hurt
03:56.30T0mWalways blows my mind away building out a new toolchain
03:57.15jacquesI dunno why I'm even trying to do it - gcc4.0.0 armeb soft-float cross-toolchain
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04:10.28T0mWjacques: ow, gcc4.0.0 ??!!!
04:11.28T0mWjacques: you want to borrow one of my knives?  They might be sharper
04:14.32T0mWsilly /me, make modules_install before make install
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04:22.55T0mWjacques: you wanna know the difference between a Windows admin and a linux admin?
04:23.58T0mWThe Windows admin doesn't know that he is about to fsck his system up; the linux admin knows that he will probably fsck his system but doesn't care that much 'cause he can fix it.
04:25.42T0mWjacques: I went to the computer show this weekend and brought home 4 250G IDE drives...
04:26.32Soopamanhow much?
04:26.46fileyeah, how much?
04:27.02T0mWcash price was US$139
04:27.19T0mWFull 3 year warranty
04:27.29T0mW8 Meg cache
04:27.51T0mWwell, that started it...
04:28.19T0mWThen ... I "needed" a new Sempron 2800 to power the drives...
04:29.00T0mWthen ... there was the question of using PC2100 DDR with that CPU
04:29.19T0mWTotal damage was a little under $1000
04:29.36T0mWfile: you DO know how this happens, right?
04:30.05T0mWI'll find something usefull for the new box to do
04:31.16T0mWdon't forget the super quiet Antec True Power 480W supply
04:32.41T0mW<sigh>  If anyone would have had 1G Registered ECC DDR, I would have used the Tyan board for this box and also shoved the two 200G SATA drives in there as well
04:32.48jacquesi wish my tax refunds would hurry up and get here
04:33.11T0mWI wish the check from the customer would get here so I can pay for this shit
04:34.45T0mWok, let's see: "memory access violation: slab-0 blah blah", I think my new kernel is toast
05:32.00jacquesboop boop BOOP!
05:48.24jacquesthat's the sound of a tuxscreen booting
05:51.33T0mWYAH! YAH! I have picture! HOORAY!
05:51.57T0mWfreaking ivtv is such a bitch to get working
05:52.42jacquesstill? sigh
05:52.47jacquesit's been years
05:53.16T0mWI'm still not sure how I got it working though, it "magically" appeared
05:53.47T0mWRule #1 on a MythTV box: don't mess with working ivtv
05:54.02T0mWRule #2 on a MythTV box: thank the Gods when lirc works
05:54.42jacquesyeah lirc is another one
05:55.04jacquesI was very disappointed at how much CPU lirc uses
05:55.08jacquesis it still like that?
05:56.19T0mWok, where is the mysql script now.....
06:12.01MonMothaT0mW: someone really needs to make a quick little hackish script to do just IR blaster stuff without having to run lirc
06:13.19T0mWlots of stuff need to be done with remote control (set top box) in linux.
06:13.56T0mWsometimes I think there is a slew of (l)users but not many developers, I'm guilty
06:14.08MonMothame as well
06:14.30MonMothapart of the problem is that lirc is an abomination that nobody wants to work on
06:14.41T0mWheh, I'm going to register my Mom at zap2it, wonder if they will think a 72 year old woman is a computer geek?
06:14.56T0mWthat's a good word: abomination!
06:15.14T0mWMonMotha: like hacking XFree86
06:15.44T0mWXFree86 has been the absolute worst code I've ever worked on
06:15.45MonMothaor mozilla
06:17.16MonMothaI've been tempted to dive into the DVB stuff, but haven't found the time
06:17.20MonMothaI have far too much other stuff to do
06:17.53MonMothaI have a PCHDTV card, seems to work, though I can't get signal in here :(
06:18.25MonMothabeen tempted to get an Air2PC card for the QAM tuning, since I don't believe the PCHDTV folk ever got that working
06:20.12MonMotha* The drivers for pcHDTV 3000 have been merged in the vanilla kernel 2.6.12-rc1 or later.    <--- awesome
06:20.17MonMothanow I don't have to patch the living crap out of my kernel
06:26.27jacqueshmm if I wanna get a HD card apparently I have to do it soon
06:27.49T0mWyeah, me too, I wonder what to purchase.  Isn't that broadcast flag thingy going to happen soon?
06:28.02jacquesyeah, like june 1 or something
06:28.32T0mWMonMotha: you using HDTV now?
06:31.20MonMothaT0mW: been attempting to.  Unfortunately, I live in a frickin' faraday cage
06:31.29MonMothaI had it working momentarily at home back with the old v4l drivers
06:31.39MonMothaI have it using DVB now, and it can see a station, but can't even get the callsign
06:36.53T0mWjacques: so, we have to purchase a card soon, eh?
06:37.49jacquesor two
06:55.57T0mWwell...  lirc won't work, why am I not surprised?
06:57.14T0mWtired, cannot see, need food
06:58.10jacquesi would really like to find that shannon keyboard lirc config
07:02.11jacquesthese gigantic tuxscreen power bricks are really annoying
07:02.33MonMothajacques: so make a smaller one
07:02.37MonMothathey're pretty darn simple
07:03.19jacquesyeah I might have to do that
07:06.41MonMothaI need to figure out how to get the PCHDTV DVB drivers to load without using hotplug/udev
07:06.55MonMothathere's no real reason to use all that stuff on this system since the config is completely stati
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12:23.31fishhead <--- I am buying one of these
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12:52.44fishheadcheck it
13:09.58*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
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14:12.54CosmicPenguinOops - don't press that button
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14:14.08prpplague^2ho diddy ho ho
14:18.46prpplague^2whats cookin today folks?
14:19.48prpplague^2CosmicPenguin: things still well there at amd?
14:20.21CosmicPenguinSame ol' same ol'
14:23.30prpplague^2CosmicPenguin: stuck on booting a kernel today
14:24.11prpplague^2CosmicPenguin: can't seem to get all the parms right
14:24.49CosmicPenguinSometimes these things happen
14:25.36prpplague^2CosmicPenguin: more like my brain is dead
14:27.56mallumhey, where is sorphin nowadays ?
14:32.38prpplague^2mallum: no idea, he's been scarce since he moved
14:32.58mallumprpplague^2: he /msg'd me last night out of the blue, but was then quiet
14:34.54prpplague^2mallum: hmm
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14:39.27CosmicPenguinHe came in a few days ago - nobody talked to him, so I think he got a little pissy
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15:22.26chouimat|ibookprpplague: morning
15:23.28prpplaguechouimat|ibook: lo
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17:24.31prpplaguesee the crap i have to fight against
17:24.31CosmicPenguinYou don't like blackberry? :)
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17:24.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, not when they could be using linux/oss alternatives
17:24.34Soopamani don't like black berries at all
17:24.36prpplaguebuggy hiptop?
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17:28.42Soopamanprpplague, well not buggy, but it doesn't do what i want it to efficiently
17:28.56Soopamanso i have to add it to the list of my other heavily modified gadgets
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17:38.21prpplagueSoopaman: what is a hiptop?
17:38.21prpplagueekk, major kernel panic
17:38.21CosmicPenguinprpplague: well, figure out what a laptop is, and then re-arrange the body parts
17:38.21T0mWnsorf, huh?
17:38.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, just not heard that phrase before, didn't know if that was a name brand/model
17:38.22CosmicPenguinprpplague: heh - these days, who knows?
17:40.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ugh, this is a horrible kernel panic
17:42.26Soopamanprpplague, umm they are knows as a Sidekick
17:42.31Soopamansidekick 2
17:42.49Soopamanpretty much a young person's blackberry
17:43.26CosmicPenguinprpplague: what did you blow up?
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18:28.04T0mWdoes this make sense to anyone?  I'm looking at the WebPal keyboard signal to the IR XMIT diode, it appears that the data stream (bits) are being modulated at 66KHz ?
18:28.25T0mWIIRC, 38KHz is one of the carrier freqs
18:28.46T0mWMonMotha: ping
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20:45.44prpplagueho ho hum
20:45.55prpplagueTimRiker: getting anywhere on the lpgl stuff?
20:46.00prpplagueTimRiker: for the zipit?
20:46.19prpplagueTimRiker:  i need to press those guys on the juicebox stuff
21:09.41TimRikerprpplague: you saw the posts on the list just now, yes? fsf is getting involved.
21:11.21prpplagueTimRiker: yea, just wondering what the "minor issues" were
21:11.33prpplagueTimRiker: i need to get fsf involved with the juicebox
21:12.07T0mWminor issue could be that supplied source doesn't compile?
21:15.29TimRikerprpplague: 1) no mention of GPL/LGPL in packaging, 2) no sources or offer for sources included 3) no object file for the Zipit binary. Note that number 3 is _not_ a minor issue in my opinion.
21:16.29TimRikerI'd just like them to convert over to using bb, iwconfig, and zipit off one dynamic uclibc, with no glibc in the picture.
21:17.27TimRikersave space and likely run faster. I have no idea why they use glibc for Zipit. I expect they got the other binaries from "someone else" and the working toolchain they use is for glibc.
21:34.34fishheadOH BTW
21:35.02fishheadK THX
21:35.05fishhead.RANT OFF
21:37.09CosmicPenguinTimRiker: Or possibly, they just didn't bother to see if an alternative existed
21:37.41prpplagueTimRiker: i agree
21:39.09fishheadt0mw I am planning on merging a juicebox with my webpal
21:47.55prpplaguefishhead: please use a little restraint
21:48.10prpplaguefishhead: 1) easy on the caps, 2) easy on the language
21:48.19fishheadyes sir
21:48.42prpplaguekergoth: hey bud, how goes it?
21:56.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ok i guess i'm dense today, or doing all this bootloader flash stuff has rotted my brain, but what is CSS?
21:57.31CosmicPenguincascading style sheets
21:57.32jacquescascading style sheets?
21:57.47CosmicPenguinI was messing with a clone for my internal stuff, and I was playing with it
21:57.59CosmicPenguinit just reinforces my opinion that all web programming is inherently evil
21:58.36prpplaguewell....i hope you real guru's don't mind, i've just finished my third BSP and i'm gonna take this oportunity to say....
21:59.04*** kick/#elinux [fishhead!] by TimRiker (language)
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22:00.58TimRikerprpplague: I've had enough of giving warnings to fishead. kick him at will. If he still does not get it, I'll start banning him.
22:03.33prpplagueTimRiker: understood
22:03.51prpplaguefishhead: and if you get banned here, you go in my channels as well
22:04.10fishheadI see
22:04.20fishheadwel I guess that means I will take all my friends with me out of your channels
22:04.35fileso, that means only you are leaving?
22:04.47fishheadha ha
22:05.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, its such a great feeling to see that # come up on the console of a new board
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22:06.57*** kick/#elinux [fishhead!~billybob@] by prpplague (prpplague)
22:08.01TimRikerprpplague: congrats. it is a good feeling. ;-)
22:08.44prpplagueTimRiker: yea it is
22:11.28CosmicPenguinprpplague: definately - especially when you spend lots of time struggling with it
22:13.07prpplagueif anyone cares, fishead has been extremely erratic in my other channels with some "violent" wordage
22:34.37CroftonIt was weird, this morning fishhead was almost normal .....
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22:39.39CroftonSo normal I was thinking it was a different person :)
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Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.