irclog2html for #elinux on 20050429

01:30.19*** join/#elinux noclouds (~mhfan@
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01:47.07CP|HomeWe're seeing double
01:47.39fileeek CP @ Home
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13:49.49xyzis there any IRQ channel on cross compilation ?
13:50.54Crofton__not that I know ff, what are you trying to do?
13:52.24*** join/#elinux Soopaman_ (
13:53.15xyzcross compiling perl
13:53.21xyzfor arm processor
13:53.21*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~Ken@
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13:53.51xyzconfigure is failing
13:55.05Crofton__you have the cross tool chain built?
13:55.53Crofton__I use openembedded to do cross builds
13:56.36Crofton__I have heard good things about crosstools, but I have never tried that approach
13:57.51xyzi have cross tool chain built
13:58.08xyzconfigure it self is failing
13:58.11Crofton__Unfortunatly i have never tried building perl myself, sorry
14:13.02*** part/#elinux xyz (
14:24.07prpplaguejeeze its hot today
14:24.51Crofton__luckt bugger
14:25.40Crofton__48 here
14:28.10prpplague88 here, and feels like 99 with the humidity
14:28.36Crofton__sounds much nicer than heere :)
14:30.46CosmicPenguinAbout 8 inches of snow here
14:31.03CosmicPenguinMy poor newly laid sod
14:31.52Crofton__CP where are you?
14:32.27CosmicPenguinStill, its April frickin' 29th - snow is not usual this time of year
14:32.49Crofton__heh, we had flurries last weekend
14:32.58Crofton__way to frickin cold
14:33.10Crofton__and we where standing in a cow field drinking beer all weekend
14:34.44CosmicPenguinMmm... looks like fun
14:34.57CosmicPenguinReminds me of the early spring camping / drinking trips we undertook in high school
14:37.09Crofton__This has been going on for over 30 years
14:37.41Crofton__The firepit is visible in aerial photos :)
14:37.57Crofton__unfortunatly google maps has poor caverage for that area
14:46.26prpplagueho ho hum
14:46.58prpplagueok lets all say it together on a count of 3....1...2.....3 "lineo code sucks"
14:47.40CosmicPenguinAnd look at the rockstars that bailed from Lineo too....
14:47.49CosmicPenguinThats management and process gone horribly wrong
14:49.49CosmicPenguinThey had some really, really good geeks down there - Exhibits 1 and 2:  Tim and Erik
14:54.18prpplaguei don't have any firsthand knowledge of lineo management, but from the looks of the code, someone made some trade offs between quality and money
14:54.58chouimatprpplague: if you think lineo code is bad ... you should see the non opensource code of xandros ...
14:55.12CosmicPenguinMy boss is on a rampage
14:55.35CosmicPenguinhe quoted a They Might be Giants song, and so many people gave him blank stares that he is distributing MP3s of the songs to all the managers
14:56.31prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i hate ot say it , but i don't anything about that either
14:57.01CosmicPenguinif there is a single geek rock band in the world, its TMBG
14:58.28prpplagueugh these lineo patches make me want to vomit
15:08.20*** join/#elinux mallum_ (
15:20.20CosmicPenguinGo Geode, baby yeah!
15:21.48prpplaguelord its hot today
16:04.51*** part/#elinux ade|desk (~adavey@
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16:50.54prpplagueCosmicPenguin: c&w is gonna have a booth at the "reggie on the hill" concert tomorrow showing off PIC and broadband services
16:51.48CosmicPenguinprpplague: you need to get some photos... :)
16:51.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: don't plan on going
16:52.04prpplaguemaybe another time
16:52.41prpplagueand for your cricket fans, i saw gary sobers in town yesterday :)
16:53.08*** join/#elinux markl__ (
16:55.21CosmicPenguinprpplague: damn
16:55.27CosmicPenguinprpplague: that would have been cool
16:55.49prpplagueCosmicPenguin: some of donna's cousins are going, i'll see if they can get some
16:56.00T0mW"All participants were selected through a computer ballot system drawn from Microsoft users "
16:56.16T0mWguess that means I didn't win the 600,000 EUROs?
16:56.17prpplagueT0mW: you reading about that report
16:56.28T0mWjunk mail crap
16:57.01T0mWsomehow, heh, my email address was entered into the lottery!!! WOW!
16:57.48T0mW"Edith, we just won a contest" ... "That's fine Archie"
17:02.58*** join/#elinux Crofton (
17:23.36T0mWGee! What a novel concept: Power over Ethernet...
17:24.55chouimatT0mW: LOL
17:25.04CosmicPenguin~whaleslap T0mW
17:25.08ibotACTION slaps T0mW upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
17:25.12CosmicPenguinYou will not speak ill of the Geode!
17:26.03CosmicPenguinPoor little mars rover
17:26.16CosmicPenguinThats what happens when the guys at JPL get drunk and drive
17:28.16T0mWok, maybe they can simply wait for another sandstorm
17:29.20T0mWWell, I am done with that 8051 program, now to wait for the purchase order to show up
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18:47.35GvzEvxrehmm. when debug is connected on the zipit, what should one expect on serial?
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19:39.58T0mWCosmicPenguin: IMHO, the next Rover should walk on spiderlegs
19:40.51CosmicPenguinheh - that reminds me of Dr. Zoidberg's car when he goes back to his home planet
19:54.13*** join/#elinux ljp (~lpotter@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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21:18.51jacquessigh, is zipit still being buttheads?
21:21.35TimRikerjust wishing I had more space, and the static linked to glibc Zipit app gets in the way.
21:40.42jacquesTimRiker, done any tuxscreen stuff lately?
21:40.57jacquesI just rearranged my computer room and have space for some tuxscreens now
21:41.17jacquesI recall you were updating the buildroot a couple of months ago
21:49.29TimRikerjacques: got 2.6 working with the keyboard, then ran into the sad state of ucb1x00 drivers in 2.6
21:49.44jjshoeTimRiker what's this device your working on now?
21:49.51jacquesTimRiker, ah, that mean no touchscreen ?
21:52.38TimRikerjacques: correct. works in 2.4, but not yet in 2.6
21:53.11TimRiker2.6 is also missing the dsp stuff so tuxphone happy beeps are missing.
21:54.08CosmicPenguin~lart usb1x00
21:54.44CosmicPenguinThe DSP driver should come over easily under the care of one who is familiar with 2.4 and 2.6 driver structures
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23:42.32*** join/#elinux Sgt-Donan (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.