irclog2html for #elinux on 20050413

01:12.00*** join/#elinux Soopaman_ (~soopaman@
01:56.17file[laptop]ibot: wednesday?
01:56.18ibotWednesday sucks, because it is only half way through the week.
01:57.43file[laptop]ibot: tuesday?
01:57.44ibotTuesday sucks, because it follows Monday (see monday).
02:09.15*** join/#elinux cdm (
02:13.26*** join/#elinux Soopaman (~soopaman@
02:18.25*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
02:47.22*** join/#elinux markl_ (
02:59.53*** join/#elinux Sgt-Donan (
03:26.09*** join/#elinux hufnus (
07:25.40*** join/#elinux vrm (
08:04.01*** join/#elinux mallum (
08:04.01*** mode/#elinux [+v mallum] by ChanServ
10:32.07*** join/#elinux noclouds (~mhfan@
12:15.17*** join/#elinux ebv_ (
12:32.58*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
12:43.55*** join/#elinux noclouds (~mhfan@
12:51.52*** join/#elinux prpplague (
13:04.48*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~Ken@
13:14.00*** join/#elinux jamie (
13:14.15prpplaguecbrake: lo
13:14.23prpplaguecbrake: hows dev work going?
13:19.28cbrakeprpplague: Not much new.  Winding down on a project and looking at some new opportunities.
13:19.53cbrakeprpplague: trying to get ALSA/Touch stuff straightened out on my Mainstone.
13:19.56cbrakeprpplague:  and you?
13:32.39prpplaguecbrake: still getting adjusted after the move
13:32.55prpplaguecbrake: hopefully get all settled by the end of the week
14:26.14*** join/#elinux vrm_ (
14:28.54*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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14:33.32*** join/#elinux Soopaman (~soopaman@
14:35.48*** join/#elinux sjhill (
14:39.57sjhillhmm, seems no one has ever done IPC over PCI before
14:40.53CosmicPenguinsjhill: shouldn't be too bad though - your device has shared memory?
15:11.22*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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15:16.54*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
15:16.55*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
15:25.00*** join/#elinux CP|Laptop (
16:35.58*** join/#elinux T0mW (
16:37.43*** join/#elinux Crofton__ (
17:10.08*** join/#elinux cdm (~cdm@
17:13.52T0mWyes, you are correct.  ;)
17:16.32CosmicPenguinahhh - isn't that cute?
17:17.35T0mWCosmicPenguin: you making fun of my new hairstyle?
17:23.07CosmicPenguinT0mW: no - I was trying to comment on your whole 8051 thing, but I failed horribly
17:23.12CosmicPenguinI will now withdraw in shame
17:23.31T0mWaw crap
17:23.51T0mWI am cursed to die programming 8051 assembler
17:35.52*** join/#elinux hufnus (
17:38.10Crofton__hmmm 8052, know much about cypress fx2 chips?
18:06.48*** join/#elinux andersee (
18:06.48*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
18:08.02MonMothaI know the original EZ-USB (non FX version)
18:08.36MonMothaI gather they're much different from the FX series thoguh
18:20.52Crofton__I;m slugging through adding 1.1 capability to some firmware that was done for 2.0 transfers only
18:52.46*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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19:05.37*** join/#elinux chouimat (~dieu@chouinard.developer.kde)
19:12.44MonMothaah, one wouldn't have that problem on a non-FX device
19:12.52MonMothathe original EZ-USB did full speed only
19:41.09MonMothaCrofton__: EZ-USB is fun stuff.  The documentation is overly complete at times, providing duplicate information that you're not likely to need anyway, and incomplete at other times, failing to mention things that are kinda useful for making it work at all
19:42.25CosmicPenguinstupid tax person - cutting it really damn close
19:46.19jamieMm, EZ-USB.  Nice chip.
19:47.20jamieI programmed mine using the nice C compiler, no assembler required except for certain very small timing-optimised sequences.
19:48.09MonMothamy stuff's all written in assembler, but I don't really mind that
19:51.15file[laptop]grrr touchpad
20:57.18CosmicPenguinmallum: thats that device I've been talking about
20:58.23mallumChanServ: ?
20:58.29mallumCosmicPenguin: ? rather
20:58.38mallumCosmicPenguin: looks pretty interesting
20:59.49mallumCosmicPenguin: ah they repackged it ?
21:00.04CosmicPenguinThey added a 40g storage device of some sort
21:00.18CosmicPenguinand apparently a Linux image
21:02.30CosmicPenguin700 buckaroos for tax prep
21:02.36CosmicPenguinThats gonna make me walk funny
21:03.01file[laptop]hey look, it's my geode... except... not silver!
21:18.34*** join/#elinux sjhill (
21:41.25*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
21:42.09prpplaguebroadband is working
21:42.31prpplaguekergoth: vonage phone too
21:42.43prpplaguekergoth: hehe, i have a fort worth number
21:43.13file[laptop]be happy!
21:48.51*** join/#elinux markl__ (
22:02.42T0mWprpplague: shaved my head
22:03.23T0mWprpplague: got a few razor burns / scrapes in the process :(
22:03.39mallumCosmicPenguin: its a nice size, but the case is pretty dull
22:04.13sjhillT0mW: pictures, i want pictures
22:04.19mallumCosmicPenguin: 340 euros aint a bad price though
22:05.29mallumCosmicPenguin: and whys it all in german
22:08.43CosmicPenguinmallum: aapparnetly its a german store... :)
22:10.11mallumCosmicPenguin: bah 'old europe'
22:10.24prpplagueT0mW: hehe fun
22:12.25CosmicPenguinmallum: at least its closer then Longmont Colorado
22:15.55CosmicPenguinWow - I totally miscalculated my taxes this year
23:14.00markl__CosmicPenguin: in a good way or bad

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.