irclog2html for #elinux on 20050412

01:10.52*** join/#elinux sjhill (
01:15.33*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
01:22.31*** join/#elinux noclouds (~mhfan@
02:09.16*** join/#elinux noclouds (~mhfan@
02:10.22*** join/#elinux markl_ (
02:18.11*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
05:09.42*** join/#elinux hufnus (
05:28.02*** join/#elinux cdm (
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09:35.37*** join/#elinux fishhead- (~three@
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12:36.07*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~Ken@
12:46.11*** join/#elinux sjhill (
13:47.15*** join/#elinux vrm (~vrm@
13:49.33file[laptop]mornings are evil
13:50.00file[laptop]let's destroy them
13:50.31T0mWfile[laptop]: you reach a point in life where you are gratefull to see another morning! heh
13:50.54T0mWespecially after some of the stupid shit I pulled, whew
13:54.49*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
14:11.22file[laptop]it's prpplague!
14:26.50prpplagueyep, its me
14:31.18prpplagueCosmicPenguin: lo ho
14:32.03prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i got a job offer yesterday for a place in longmont
14:32.40CosmicPenguinheh - no crap?
14:34.19prpplaguesome ibm contractor
14:34.49CosmicPenguinahhh - sure
14:34.59CosmicPenguinIBM Boulder is huge
14:35.44file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: it's you!
14:35.53CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: its you too
14:36.57chouimatgrrr they cut the water for maintainance while I was taking my shower
14:40.47file[laptop]chouimat: just to annoy you
14:41.03CosmicPenguinAhhh crap
14:41.12CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: your config has trailing blanks
14:41.30chouimatand the water will be out for the day ... so I have to use the cat bowl to remove the soap
14:41.43CosmicPenguindam nwindows
14:42.07file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: open it up in edit in a command window, save it, then open it elsewhere... that'll fix it
14:42.28*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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14:42.41file[laptop]hail Tim
14:42.51CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: I know how to fix it... :)
14:47.30CosmicPenguineveryone here thinks that you have horrible luck and got a buggy dom
14:47.53file[laptop]chouimat: haha
14:48.52chouimatfile[laptop]: =)
14:51.14file[laptop]silly buggy DOMs
14:56.50file[laptop]if it turns out to be my kernel I'll be slightly irritated, just slightly
15:01.11CosmicPenguinchouimat is always so colorful
15:01.24file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: it's because he's french
15:02.32file[laptop]what? it's true
15:03.11chouimatCosmicPenguin: thanks ... I try to be use the f word less often
15:08.29CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: bad news bro - your config and my kernel boot fine
15:08.56CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: now, time to try your kernel
15:09.24file[laptop]so, toasted DOM most likely
15:09.52CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: probalby
15:10.05file[laptop]just my luck
15:11.25CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: possibly
15:15.36*** join/#elinux Soopaman_ (~soopaman@
15:16.21file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: request permission to throw mambo board into fire
15:16.29file[laptop]and watch it BURN!
15:17.10CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: ok, thats enough out ouf you - thats still a damn good board you've got there
15:17.59CosmicPenguinAnd I need you to focus so I can get a decent IP phone running on that thing
15:18.29file[laptop]focus will exist when it is up and running
15:19.08CosmicPenguinAgain, I submit to you that a 44 pin iDE->CF would be a good thing
15:19.15CosmicPenguinSpecially for rapid prototyping
15:19.22CosmicPenguinI'll send you one with a replacment DOM, hows that?
15:19.31file[laptop]and then I have to buy a compactflash card too, and a cf reader
15:20.02CosmicPenguinTrue - but those are investments that will be good for your programming career
15:20.20file[laptop]I'm an SD person :p
15:20.23CosmicPenguinAnd you have a laptop, right?  CF->PCMCIA adapters are like six bucks
15:26.06CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: your kernel comes up fine too - except that its not reading the partition like I thought it would
15:26.19CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: is your initrd doing wierd things in that regard?
15:26.29file[laptop]it's the debian installer initrd
15:27.08CosmicPenguinIts not doing a hdparm -d 1 is it?
15:27.23file[laptop]hdparm isn't even there
15:27.26file[laptop]I checked.
15:27.34CosmicPenguinthe errors happen after the initrd loads?
15:27.45file[laptop]let's take a walk through
15:27.59file[laptop]to make sure.
15:28.56CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: how big a file can your e-mail handle?
15:29.15file[laptop]you can e-mail it to ;)
15:37.07*** join/#elinux cdm (~cdm@
15:37.32CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: ok - i'm going to e-mail you a kernel and a .cramfs suitiable for use as a an initrd
15:40.39CosmicPenguinHopefully that doesn't freak out any e-mail systems
15:43.06file[laptop]there it is
15:44.31file[laptop]need watch
15:45.37CosmicPenguinhopefully watch is big enough
15:47.09CosmicPenguinyeah, that'll do
15:48.20file[laptop]what should my kernel commandline look like?
15:48.38file[laptop]cause right now I've got cramfs: wrong magic
15:48.43file[laptop]for an error
15:53.54CosmicPenguinhold on
15:59.22CosmicPenguinramdisk_blocksize=4096 init=/linuxrc
16:00.49*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
16:01.21file[laptop]it needs a correct root option ;)
16:01.39CosmicPenguinsooo needy
16:01.48file[laptop]well I wanna have this exactly like yours :p
16:03.32file[laptop]no go
16:03.36file[laptop]same problem
16:04.09file[laptop]same original problem
16:04.17file[laptop]with the reading of the sectors and such
16:07.22CosmicPenguinI'm sending you the DOM off my back
16:07.25CosmicPenguinand a CF adapter
16:11.37file[laptop]I don't know why but my net is so flakey right now
16:12.18file[laptop]can't even get to Google now...
16:12.33file[laptop]nor ISP...
16:12.34file[laptop]okay, brb
16:14.23*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
16:23.08*** join/#elinux Shylock (
16:24.57ShylockDoes anyone have any advice on compiling siproxd for an SH4 with uClibc?  I get "readconf.o(.text+0x3c4): undefined reference to `__movstr_i4_even'"
16:25.48ShylockI'm cross compiling on debian using the SnapGear CD and their sh-linux-gcc and toolchain.
16:36.08prpplagueShylock: most of the folks here are arm
16:36.40CosmicPenguinbut I'm sure that andersee would love to hear about that
16:37.09cdmsounds like something missing from libgcc actually.
16:38.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh yea, i didn't see the uclibc part
16:38.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, all i noticed was sh4, hehe
16:40.18file[laptop]my internet is going crazy, yet again
16:40.33CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: sure, sure
16:41.50*** join/#elinux Crofton_ (
16:48.59CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: you there?
16:50.06file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: yes
16:52.41CosmicPenguinhow much did you pay in duties?
16:53.05file[laptop]$21.08 CAD I believe... so the person at Fedex told me
16:53.17file[laptop]which I don't know how it's so cheap
16:59.52Shylockprpplague: Yeah I would prefer an ARM, but the system I'm hacking is SH4 and it does /almost/ everything I need with the stock firmware.
17:00.11ShylockSo I'm just trying to jam one more program into it.
17:01.09ShylockI think it's not a SH specific error. I think I'm just screwing something up in the LDFLAGS for uClibc
17:04.49file[laptop]reimbursed? wow
17:07.10CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: people are pissed
17:07.23file[laptop]who and why?
17:13.06file[laptop]what an interesting last name
17:13.47CosmicPenguinYep - he's a wild and crazy guy
17:13.49CosmicPenguinthats my boss
17:23.14*** join/#elinux andersee (
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17:31.12file[laptop]I've found my first victim er I mean client to persuade to let me install a managed asterisk pbx at their location
17:31.57file[laptop]the place I'm trying to get ahold of for an apartment showing :p
17:32.12file[laptop]their main line just has a recording, no voicemail, that plays back 3 numbers of people
17:32.18file[laptop]and then the other 3 numbers don't answer
17:32.50file[laptop]I mean, I could atleast turn it into a complicated menu system that puts you on hold forever
17:32.53Crofton_I could hook my phone line to my pc and have a voice system?
17:33.14Crofton_like one of those press 1 to get mad at the robot lady
17:33.23file[laptop]if you want, sure!
17:33.35Crofton_What hardware do I need to interface the phone line to the computer?
17:33.35*** join/#elinux sjhill (
17:33.53file[laptop]the easiest way is a Sipura SPA-3000 adapter
17:33.54sjhillCrofton_: it's called a modem
17:33.59sjhillman, kids these days
17:34.19Crofton_I burned my last modem a couple of years ago
17:34.28file[laptop]Crofton_: you plug your phone line into the adapter and it sends incoming calls to your computer over your LAN, as well you can plug a phone into it to place calls through your computer
17:34.29sjhilloh oh, you mean VOIP...well...okay then
17:34.33Crofton_I used to have a 300 baud modem
17:34.53Crofton_Don't pull age on me!
17:35.41CosmicPenguinthats the funniest thing thats every been said in this room
17:35.57file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: I think you need more coffee
17:36.11CosmicPenguinYeah, I'm pretty sure that not the problem
17:36.11sjhillPull age on you...sounds like your old enough we could pull anything on you
17:36.33Crofton_My first computer had 128 bytes of RAM
17:36.40file[laptop]just like your brain?
17:36.44Crofton_I am not a phone freak though :)
17:36.48sjhilleww, good one
17:36.59sjhill~ibot insult file[laptop]
17:37.30sjhillyeah, so sorphin's wedding was in a huge cathedral...geesh
17:37.40Crofton_can Tivo phone home over voip?
17:37.47file[laptop]Crofton_: meh who knows!
17:38.20Crofton_I must stop looking at phone stuff ....
17:38.43Crofton_I like the idea of having a voice response system on my home phone lline
17:39.51sjhillCosmicPenguin: i'd toast my cell phone if i didn't have a kid now
17:40.05file[laptop]my cellphone is my friend
17:40.19Crofton_damn work interupts
17:40.29file[laptop]although I have to figure out some way to forward my office extension to two numbers now, and avoiding voicemail on them both
17:41.31CosmicPenguinif I had the wherewithall and hardware, I would definately consider Asterisk in my house
17:41.49file[laptop]haha my apartment is going to have a nifty asterisk setup
17:42.07CosmicPenguinThough I'm less then inclined to bail on POTS for the near future
17:44.32file[laptop]I'm still gonna have an analog line
17:45.08file[laptop]silly CP
17:46.21CosmicPenguinA mambo with a bluetooth dongle, a headset and a keypad would be nice though
17:47.06CosmicPenguinGet rid of the frickin' crt
17:47.27CosmicPenguinWe have a sweet little dongle that uses the DDC lines as a uart
17:48.44CosmicPenguinA little injection molding, and you've got a serial nice for a charater LCD
17:49.07file[laptop]oh no, CP is thinking...
17:57.34Crofton_anyone know much about the cypress fx2 usb chip?
18:22.00file[laptop]apparently not
18:22.25CosmicPenguinHey - a guy was just in here talking about that very chip earilier... :)
18:47.14*** join/#elinux prpplague (~billybob@
18:48.14CosmicPenguinHmm.... my tax person persists in not calling
18:48.44prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm gonna file for an extension
18:48.51CosmicPenguinprpplague: I might have to too
18:48.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey, whats the word in thin client area
18:48.57CosmicPenguinstupid H&R block
18:49.05CosmicPenguinThey're thin and their clienty
18:49.11prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you got any good recommendations lately?
18:49.24file[laptop]CP likes mambo, mambo CP
18:49.39CosmicPenguinprpplague: I can only recommend the stuff that has Geodes in it... :)
18:50.27CosmicPenguinThats the new one out of Wyse
18:52.48prpplagueCosmicPenguin: thats way above the current average cost
18:53.33CosmicPenguinYeah, well you know how it is - inital release, low volume
18:53.52CosmicPenguinAnd quite frankly, the Wyse name sells
18:54.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea $350 is about 2x most of the others right now
18:54.25fishhead-geode seems like a ok cpu for low performance stuff
18:54.41CosmicPenguinHey, I just make the damn things
18:54.42fishhead-hey prpp
18:54.46CosmicPenguinI don't give three shits about what the price is
18:54.46fishhead-how is the new trends
18:54.53fishhead-or whoever they say that
18:55.03prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
18:55.37prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea
19:33.31CosmicPenguinLandscaping supplies are 'spensive
19:34.04file[laptop]uh huh
19:49.45cbrakeHmm, just got a call from AMD -- wanted to schedule some time to talk about my experiences w/ Geodes :-)
19:50.11file[laptop]oh no, RUN!
19:51.16CosmicPenguincbrake: nuh-uh...
19:51.19CosmicPenguincbrake: seriously?
19:51.50cbrakeyeah, not sure where they got my name.  I did sign up on the development web site -- so probably there.
19:53.06cbrakeCosmicPenguin: I did a little WinCE work on a GX2 project about a year ago, but thats about it.
19:53.37CosmicPenguinThats really strange
19:53.46CosmicPenguinWell, be brutally honest
19:53.57file[laptop]I find the AMD site so hard to navigate, gives me a headache
19:54.02CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: heh - you and me both
19:54.54cbrakefile[laptop]: OK, I'll add the website to my list of gripes when they call :-)
20:05.10*** join/#elinux chouimat (~dieu@chouinard.developer.kde)
20:08.37CosmicPenguincbrake: yeah - feel free to let em have it - maybe they'll listen if it comes from a customer
20:08.49CosmicPenguinI think the marketing guys are blocking on my extension number
20:13.11cbrakeCosmicPenguin: yeah, that's typical -- most organizations are very resistant to any type of change in my experience -- after awhile it is easier to just shut up which is not good.
20:14.07CosmicPenguinIts not in my nature to shutup about things that piss me off
20:14.12CosmicPenguinoften to my own personal ruin
20:17.27cbrakeCosmicPenguin: been there.  People seldom understand Logic -- they have to be sold -- and I'm not a very good salesman yet -- too many more interesting things to do.  I did read a book recently called "Solution Selling" which was pretty good.
20:18.11chouimatwow ... no wonder the .com crashed ... too many clueless morons are allowed to start a company and worse of it have kids
20:24.46file[laptop]yay kergoth!
20:32.33CosmicPenguinThe GUI now mostly uses GTK+2 widgets - Adobe Reader
20:40.31CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: isn't that piece of plastic on the underside of the mambo annoying?
20:41.18file[laptop]what piece of plastic?
20:41.35CosmicPenguinthat sheet of plastic protecting the board from the metal case/
20:41.39file[laptop]ah yes
20:42.22file[laptop]it's... interesting
22:03.29*** join/#elinux Crofton_ (
22:51.46CosmicPenguinyeah?  what?
22:53.53CosmicPenguinTrying to get this image loader to be a bit more sane
22:57.38*** join/#elinux bzzbzz (
23:13.59*** join/#elinux file[mac] (~file[mac]
23:34.55*** join/#elinux Sgt-Donan (

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