irclog2html for #elinux on 20050329

01:10.26*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
01:16.04T0mWnow, if we all could get our own silicon wafer fabrication machines, and some GPL'ed dies ...
01:25.31T0mW2MB of flash would be the absolute minimum to put a uClinux system into something.  
01:26.04T0mWkernel would be somewhere between 800K ... 1.3MB
01:36.54CroftonuClinux os for MMU less machines?
01:38.06T0mWit does fairly well.  downside is that all apps run as root, there is no user mode.
01:38.33Croftonis the overhead worth it?
01:38.52Croftongiven you have lost the protection between processes?
01:40.03T0mWI played with it, it is interesting.
01:40.24CroftonWE are getting a board based on the TI C6X DSP
01:40.49CroftonRumour has it you can run uClinux on it
01:41.09T0mWIt's been a few years though, one serious issue at the time was memory fragmentation.  They were trying to come up with some collection / allocation schemes to reduce that problem.
01:41.10CroftonCan uClinux do threads?
01:41.40T0mWif you want to know more, start with
01:41.53CroftonYeah, I've looked there a little
01:42.14CroftonI need to get another project under control before I start looking into other peoples projects :)
01:42.39T0mWThere is a mailing list as well.  I've been unsubscribed for 2..3 years now, so I don't know what the state of developemnt is.  There was some serious work with getting RTAI running under uClinux.
01:43.52Croftongoogle told me
01:44.25T0mWCrofton: if you want to play with it, get a board from
01:45.15T0mWReal Time Application Interface, IMHO, a far less invasive solution than RT-Linux
01:48.04T0mWRT-Linux takes the approach of rewriting portions of the kernel to optimize it to respond to real time events.  RTAI accepts the kernel as a slow responder and adds an external layer to handle realtime events + fifos & queues to communicate between Linux & RTAI
01:48.31CroftonTI mentions something called DSP Bios
01:48.47CroftonThat ind of sounds like the same thing
01:49.10Croftonwell need to run to the store, wife just had ACL surgery
01:49.16Croftonshe needs alot of ice
01:49.19T0mWI never paid attention to what TI has been doing. they went into DSP back in the early 80's and I wasn't interested in DSP.
01:49.42Croftonwe do signal processing so we are
01:50.01T0mWyeah, so does the military
01:50.21CroftonI am especially interested in connecting DSP to the real world, and reconfiguring the software as needed
02:06.04*** join/#elinux gnufan (~mhfan@
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05:02.47Russbash really demonstrates how stupid some people really are in such sort, simple statements "Didnt Ray Charles die right before [Ray] came out? That would suck if he never even got to see it."
08:27.00*** join/#elinux mallum (
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09:13.40T0mWonly in Pennsylvania...
09:21.23*** join/#elinux Russ (
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13:29.11T0mWkergoth: oh, this could get ugly
13:30.23T0mWkergoth: I'm going to try to "improve" one of my makefiles using the redefine stuff you pointed out the other day.
13:43.48*** join/#elinux bzzbzz (
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15:12.48*** join/#elinux prpplague (prpplague@
15:12.54prpplagueho ho ho
15:16.14prpplagueT0mW: you get your box?
15:19.19chouimat|busyhey prpplague
15:22.02prpplaguechouimat|busy: lo
15:23.21chouimat|busyprpplague: how life?
15:24.52prpplaguechouimat|busy: hecktic
15:24.59prpplaguechouimat|busy: trying to get things organized
15:25.12prpplaguechouimat|busy: i forgot everything runs on its on schedule here
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15:43.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey crack baby
15:44.15CosmicPenguinprpplague: hey island boy
15:44.19CosmicPenguinprpplague: whats crackin'?
15:45.31prpplaguejust trying to get organized
15:45.50prpplagueits gonna take me a week to get all my net and peecee stuff done
15:46.02CosmicPenguinheh - yeah
15:46.10CosmicPenguinBut it must feel good to finally be there
15:46.14CosmicPenguinyou're in the home stretch
15:47.41prpplaguehehe yea
15:47.51prpplaguestill got some bills to pay off and get organized
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19:00.54*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || see prpplague about custom holly-gates jtag dongles
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19:26.51T0mWsomeone is confused:  I get Crylic & Kanji spam now
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21:07.30hardwirexfce 4.2 is nice
21:08.57hardwire** (xfmedia:4783): WARNING **: Failed to open a connection to the D-BUS session bus.  Please ensure that the session bus is running. (0: D-BUS error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed: Unable to determine the address of the message bus)
21:08.57hardwirezsh: segmentation fault  xfmedia
21:09.21hardwireI just wish I could set the panel as full screen width
21:13.50hardwiregot it
21:13.53hardwireinstalled dbus1-utils package
21:13.54hardwireand put it in my xsession
21:13.58hardwireand now settings seem to work :)
21:28.51hardwireyou can put the taskbar in the panel
21:35.15hardwire» rules
21:35.43hardwireblah and ½
21:36.07*** part/#elinux hardwire (~hardwire@
21:38.56Sgt-Donanbn all
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22:55.24TimRikerWhat would you recommend to build a USB device with 64 lights and 32 switches?
22:55.48Crofton_like a chip?
22:56.08MonMothaTimRiker: Well, there's always the EZ-USB
22:56.20MonMothabut you'll still need a bunch of IO expanders, even if you can do a scanned matrix
22:59.03Crofton_I wonder if the ez-usb chip does some kind of serial interace you could get io expanders for?
23:04.20TimRikeridea on cost?
23:20.29*** join/#elinux Crofton__ (
23:43.11MonMothaCrofton__: it has I2C, and you could use like a PCA9555 (or the PCF8584 [I think] for 8 bits) for straight GPIOs.  Maxim makes some LED scanned matrix and 7 segment drivers (some with keyscan) that interface via I2C as well
23:43.59MonMothaTimRiker: well, the dev board I used for my EZ-USB work was $80 in qty. of 1, but that was without any I/O expanders.  I believe the raw AN2131 (the bigger version with more I/O and a bunch of stuff you don't need) is like $9 in qty.
23:44.45MonMothasince you'll have bunches of I/O expanders if you go that route, you may be able to get by with the smaller version.  Cost is the same, but board footprint is about half.
23:44.57MonMothaIIRC, there are also more integrated I2C controllers that talk via USB, but I'm not familiar with them

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