irclog2html for #elinux on 20050324

00:01.13*** join/#elinux Crofton_ (
00:34.41*** join/#elinux cdm (~cdm@
01:03.39*** join/#elinux noclouds (~mhfan@
01:11.51*** join/#elinux fog_proxy (~fog_proxy@
01:14.53fog_proxyhi all.I have a bash script file,which called awk to do something.In awk script,there is line like this "if (a == 0)".The problem is this line get the different result in the same bash enviroment(busybox ash+awk),but the kernel and compiler different.any idea?
01:31.00fishheadthere goes a cool man!
01:59.12*** join/#elinux fog_ (~fog_proxy@
02:48.20fog_I can make my problem more clear now.such a command "awk 'BEGIN {a="0";if(a==0) printf("OK\n")}' ",returns "OK" on my intel box,while returns NULL on mips box.both boxes use the same busybox(awk and ash)any idea?
02:53.30*** join/#elinux sjhill (
03:29.55*** join/#elinux fog_proxy (~fog_proxy@
03:35.23*** join/#elinux hardwire (~hardwire@
03:36.09*** join/#elinux hufnus (
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06:03.49*** join/#elinux fog_ (~fog_proxy@
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08:04.29*** join/#elinux fog_proxy (~fog_proxy@
08:06.55*** join/#elinux ade|desk (
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09:21.42*** join/#elinux fog_proxy (~fog_proxy@
09:59.13cdmibot: seen a7r
09:59.15ibota7r <~alexander@> was last seen on IRC in channel, 178d 4h 57m 34s ago, saying: 'that sucks.'.
09:59.24cdmthat was a long time ago.
13:11.55fishhead <--- this is just wrong :P
13:23.53fishhead <---- HAHAHAHAA, "YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE!"
13:26.07*** join/#elinux cbrake (
13:36.21*** join/#elinux sjhill (
13:48.23*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~Ken@
15:18.39*** join/#elinux [mYa]_awy_Reles (
15:36.14CosmicPenguinchouimat: morning
15:58.36CosmicPenguinheh - wireless power
15:58.45CosmicPenguinI wonder how many poor souls are going to get fried before that gets perfected?
15:59.17chouimatCosmicPenguin: cool a portable microwave oven ...
16:08.34*** join/#elinux hufnus (
16:54.02*** join/#elinux Crofton__ (
17:45.48*** join/#elinux cdm (~cdm@
18:03.55*** join/#elinux sorphin (
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18:39.44*** part/#elinux sorphin (
18:57.54*** join/#elinux andersee (
18:57.54*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
19:16.29*** join/#elinux Hajotja (
19:16.59*** part/#elinux Hajotja (
19:20.51*** join/#elinux chouimat (
19:35.31CosmicPenguinkergoth: how goes it?
19:40.58*** join/#elinux Sgt-Donan (
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20:12.22*** join/#elinux Soopaman_ (
20:35.04*** join/#elinux SecretSquirrel (
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21:04.41file[laptop]status report!
21:06.00CosmicPenguinI hired a eunuch to hand carry it to Canada
21:06.08file[laptop]I am unsurprised.
21:06.27CosmicPenguinHe's on a mean tempered donkey
21:06.42file[laptop]given good weather.
21:06.44CosmicPenguinWhat year is it now?
21:06.56file[laptop]odd five!
21:07.07CosmicPenguinI think we can beat the next summer olympicas
21:07.35CosmicPenguinheh - no really, it should go out today or tommorrow if the guy gets lazy on me
21:07.48CosmicPenguinwe're doing all the special voodoo required by the crack Canada customs service
21:09.16SoopamanCosmicPenguin, depending on what you're bringing over, just pack 1 extra suitcase
21:09.18Soopamanand fly it over
21:09.29CosmicPenguinI'm not delivering it
21:09.30CosmicPenguinscre wthat
21:09.40Soopamanwhy what is it?
21:09.44file[laptop]you know you wanna
21:10.13Soopamanare you scared of all the fresh air, clean water, and freedom us canadians enjoy
21:10.14CosmicPenguinI'm going to try to bring some to OLS, we'll see how that works out
21:31.45*** join/#elinux chouimat (
22:20.41*** part/#elinux cbrake (
23:10.24*** join/#elinux Crofton_ (
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23:19.52*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
23:45.33*** join/#elinux hufnus (
23:52.44*** join/#elinux T0mW (

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.