irclog2html for #elinux on 20050322

00:02.25*** join/#elinux GPSFan_ (~Ken@
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03:11.44RussI don't have very much right now
03:13.41chouimat|TVnice circus in the us
03:16.20RussI wouldn't call it nice
03:16.31Russthe constitution is suppose to prevent things like this
03:16.51chouimat|TVRuss: I should have put </sarcasm>
03:19.44T0mWRuss, I always have canned stuff around and pasta (several pounds of it) for the "lean" months.
03:20.26chouimat|TVRuss: I keep sardines cans ... so me and the cat can eat
03:20.50RussI think I'll see what I can do with my flour
03:21.20sjhillman, i'm starting to think i should order pizzas for you guys
03:21.43RussI'll make a costco trip soon
03:21.57RussI have plenty of frozen chicken and ground beef chubs
03:22.28T0mWsjhill: us poor starving relations...
03:24.41T0mWchouimat|TV: what you going to do, cook a fat man?
03:24.55T0mWchouimat|TV: now, that is a lean month!
03:25.27chouimat|TVT0mW: just a heavy metal song
03:28.38*** join/#elinux T0mW (
03:34.38T0mWI think it is time to call Netgear support and have them tell me how badly they built the WGR614 v5 router...  
03:35.01T0mWdamned thing won't renew the DHCP lease
03:35.01file[laptop]excellent idea
03:35.19T0mWlease expires and it drops the internet connection
03:35.55sjhillibot: seen sorphin
03:35.56ibotsorphin <> was last seen on IRC in channel #tacobeam, 22h 22m 38s ago, saying: 'night then'.
03:36.06sjhillhow do i leave a note for sorphin?
03:36.11T0mWfile: no wonder they gave a $60 rebate for the $84 I spent on two of them
03:36.43T0mWdunno, maybe TimRiker is still awake?
03:36.53sjhillthat's okay
03:37.04sjhillif you guys see sorphin, tell him to email me
03:37.11sjhillhis email isn't working worth crap
03:37.14T0mWI haven't seen sorphin around that much, is he married yet?
03:37.30chouimat|TVpoor guy ...
03:37.41Russk, breadmaker is now attempting to make bread from random ingredeints
03:38.03T0mWchouimat|TV: everyone must do it at least once.  Then you can share stories about the divorce
03:38.19Russmaybe I should make shake-n-bake
03:38.39chouimat|TVT0mW: maybe ...
03:39.09RussI was really sick the other day, from the flu or something
03:39.24Russso I went to a LAN friday night, and didn't sleep till saturday night
03:39.28Russtook some nyquil
03:39.46Russafter about an hour or two, my gf who is in korea called
03:39.57RussI think that was the most incoherent convesation I have ever had
03:39.59T0mWRuss: hope you make out better than what I did with that pasta + hamburger + sauce thingy I had last night.  Kept me up most of the night with acid stomach
03:40.25RussI kept drifting into sleep and saying completely non-sensical things
03:40.33RussI'll have to ask her what the hell I said
03:40.59T0mWhmmm, did you say "yes" to her at all?
03:41.20RussI don't know, all I remember, is her saying that I won't remember this conversation, will I?
03:41.37T0mWshe'll remind you of the important stuff.  Women are like that
03:42.01Russnot as bad as the time she was talking to me, and telling me how I told her she gets one get out of jail free card
03:42.07RussI kept insisting I didn't
03:42.20Russthen she started explaining how she remembers exactly what I was wearing when I told her
03:42.36Russwhich, since she hasn't seen me for a month...
03:43.01Russanywho, I'm going to try to go cook something that involves meat while the bread is cooking
03:46.55T0mWYoplait yogurt container has on it "protect wildlife, crush container before disposal".  I suppose that is a good idea to do that before you toss it out the car window?
03:49.07Russactually, I find that if you nail it to a tree with the top facing out, it makes a great nest for small birds
03:49.17Russonce the ants clean it out
03:50.17T0mWyeah, that dixie cup shape is kinda hard to "crush", maybe it is a challange or something
03:50.31T0mW"here dude, crush THIS!"
03:51.09TimRikerchouimat|TV: watch the language please.
03:51.45chouimat|TVI found a nice way to have a nice and fun debate: invite the jehovas witnesses and the mormons at the same time ...
03:51.47TimRikersjhill: ibot: botmail for sorpin: get a life
03:51.49chouimat|TVTimRiker: sorry
03:52.15chouimat|TVTimRiker: I got a load of 20 and nothing was responding ...
03:52.28TimRikerchouimat|TV: bummer.
03:53.20chouimat|TVTimRiker: will use "tabarnack" next time
03:53.38TimRiker~x fr en tabarnack
03:53.42sjhillibot: botmail for sorphin: your email is broke again....i reserved my hotel room, but they did not have your block of rooms in the computer. you may want to call and check on that.
03:54.06sjhilldid that go on this channel?
03:54.09sjhillit did, didn't it
03:54.17hardwireI don't believe it did
03:54.19hardwireso sad.
03:54.22TimRikerthe message did, ibot should pm the reply.
03:54.27chouimat|TVTimRiker: Quebec bastardisation of tabernacle
03:54.52chouimat|TVhardwire: still waiting the email :)
03:54.58sjhillwhat's tabernacle?
03:55.00hardwirechouimat|TV: oh deal :)
03:55.09hardwirearound 1:00pm I finished lunch
03:55.16hardwirea few minutes later it was 5:30pm
03:55.24hardwiretime warp
03:55.26chouimat|TVhardwire: nice
03:56.03chouimat|TVok daily show soon
03:57.33hardwire70's show now
03:57.47hardwiregonna need your addy again :)
04:03.19Russok, shake and bake in baking
04:03.58RussT0mW: you know, you can run the frontend on you machine
04:04.34RussSealab 2021 Monkey Banana Ruffle
04:04.39T0mWyeah, but, the other chair is more comfortabel
04:04.45RussRobot Chicken Toyz in the Attic
04:05.10Russok, now its time to play some bf1942
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06:18.11Russbread is almost ready
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06:33.38fishheadhow did I sense
06:33.43fishheadshaka was that retarded canadian fag
06:34.06fishheadI am glad he put me on ignre now
06:34.11fishheadi don't want to catch irc aids
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13:18.51T0mWanybody ever setup samba as a WINS server?  I'm just wondering how much of a PITA that would be to do..
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14:41.29chouimatprpplague: hi
14:41.46prpplaguechouimat: lo
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14:52.31T0mWwhew! newlib certainly has a lot of copyrights attached to it.
14:58.34prpplagueman i can't figure out whats going on with the scoxe stock
14:58.48prpplaguethey have huge swings in price for the last 5 days
14:59.02prpplaguesometimes as low as  3.00 and high as 4.00
15:00.39T0mWcould be that people are purchasing the stock not for long-term investment gains, but for the value of the company for breakup
15:00.40T0mWdesks, chairs, computers, any IP
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15:01.12T0mWmaybe it is REITs that are doing the purchasing?
15:01.50T0mWlocation, location, location...  maybe SCO is sitting on the site of the next WalMart?
15:02.33T0mWor landfill
15:03.25prpplagueT0mW: yea, i want this to be in my new companies press release, "open its doors today in the former building owned by SCO"
15:03.33T0mWsome of that selling may only be investors cross-selling stock to each other in small amounts to support the price of SCOXE
15:04.05T0mWprpplague: in that case, it would be the site of a public toilet
15:05.31T0mWwell, one of life's lessons I learned the other day: don't drink orange juice before going to the gym to workout!
15:06.15T0mWgak, sour stomach
15:07.01T0mWprpplague: what's the code-begging all about?
15:08.11prpplagueT0mW: some smuck on lak begging for an sd card drive for the pxa270
15:08.29chouimatok can I kill this customer?
15:08.37T0mWchouimat: you may
15:08.45prpplague"I need a SD card driver for the PXA270. Someone can help me?I'm using the linux kernel 2.6.8."
15:08.55prpplaguethats the entire post
15:09.27T0mWprpplague: maybe you should send him your fee schedule
15:09.55chouimatT0mW: I started a project for a customer and the customer kind of push me aside so his nephew can have the job ... now he called me to "unfuck" his nephew 3 years of abuse ... (nothing work anymore)
15:10.35T0mWI've about 130K of 8051 binary that I'm going to attempt to compile under ARM7TDMI Thumb and see what size it comes up with.
15:12.26T0mWchouimat: BTDT, I had to tail-end some C code a guy wrote using my code as the starting point.  I eventually threw his two years worth of worthless code away and rewrote it in two intensive days of onsite work.
15:13.03chouimatT0mW: let me tell you ... I won't have the contract when the guy will saw how much I will ask
15:13.21T0mWsome you win, some you lose
15:14.31chouimatT0mW: the problem is they're using an early prototype (which happened to work ) and they hacked, patched and hacked over the patches for 3 years
15:14.55T0mWI wouldn't fix the code, I would just restart the whole process.  I've found that you waste too much time trying to get into the head of a lousy programmer to try to understand his approach.  Most times it seems the only approach they have is to sling mud against the wall to stop a leak
15:15.25T0mWno style, no plan, just fixit
15:15.46chouimatT0mW: I have a better way of doing this now ... the problem is they will have to fix all the tools they added to the prototype
15:17.58prpplagueargh, i'm surprised that rmk hasn't gotten involved with some the posts lately
15:18.20prpplaguewhy are we discusing GUI's on the LAK list
15:18.21T0mWok....  Thumb compiler built, now what to do, what to do..
15:18.42T0mWprpplague: because they never heard of IRC ?
15:19.03T0mWprpplague: hey, they gonna hold a "wake" for you?
15:19.29T0mWprpplague: ... for the "death" of an American citizen ?
15:20.53prpplagueT0mW: hehe, nope
15:21.05prpplagueT0mW: i'll still have a visa to come back
15:22.39prpplagueT0mW: what is amazing is the fact that its almost as hard to give up your citizenship as it is to get it
15:23.46*** join/#elinux pb_ (~pb@2002:3e03:42cc:2:20a:5eff:fe00:391e)
15:24.10prpplaguepb_: boo
15:24.43prpplaguepb_: how the hell do you keep up with all the stuff going on in the arm realm?
15:24.51T0mWprpplague: heh, they don't want to make it too easy to lose a tax revenue source
15:25.19prpplagueT0mW: yea thats what the state department guy told me
15:25.59prpplagueT0mW: but it seems odd to me, that if they wanted tax revenue, they'd make it easier for ppl to become americans so they _could_ pay taxes
15:26.37prpplagueT0mW: rather than let these illegals work under the table and _not_ pay taxes, and get welfare and food stamps
15:26.58T0mWprpplague: them call them "migrant workers": they pay taxes but get no benefits of citizenship.  win-win situation
15:27.23prpplagueT0mW: hehe, not here
15:27.39prpplagueT0mW: most of the mexicans here get paid under the table
15:27.41prpplagueno taxes
15:27.54T0mWanyway, I've got compiler, linker + lib, now to start putting a makefile together...
15:30.36prpplagueT0mW: actually here and in utah, _illegals_ can go to college for almost free
15:30.57prpplagueT0mW: legals have to pay
15:31.38T0mWwhy not, that makes sense for the government(s) to do something as mindless as that
15:33.06sjhillthat sucks
15:33.35prpplaguesjhill: my wife has been trying to get a visa _legally_ for almost 2 years
15:33.54prpplaguesjhill: and the immigration person told us that there would be no way
15:34.00T0mWI honestly think that these legislators have entirely too much time on their hands.  Maybe we should do like Texas and have a part-time legislature?
15:34.18prpplaguesjhill: they actually told us we'd be better off being illegal
15:34.28T0mWprpplague: hey!
15:34.39chouimatthis is completely stupid ...
15:34.48prpplagueT0mW: ?
15:35.00T0mWprpplague: there's an idea, maybe you could come back and work as an illegal!!!  You'd make more money that way!
15:35.19T0mWthey won't put you in jail, they'd only send you home
15:35.25prpplagueT0mW: hehe, no need, i'll be living in barbados, doing the same job, hehe
15:35.31prpplagueT0mW: hehe
15:35.36T0mWno shit
15:35.37prpplagueT0mW: good point
15:35.55chouimatgrrrr stupid monthly fire alarm test
15:36.12T0mWprpplague: I don't think you could stand not having donna around though
15:36.25pb_hey prpplague
15:36.38pb_prpplague: heh, the easy answer is that I don't.
15:36.45prpplaguesjhill: last time we were at immigration, a mexican can in, showed them proof that he'd been living in the US and working for over a year, and they gave him a visa on the spot
15:38.41prpplaguepb_: hehe
15:39.46prpplaguepb_: i need to get back into the habit of writing notes down, there is sooooo much to learn, sooooo little time
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15:42.55T0mWprpplague: hey, they wanted him to pay his 2004 tax bill
15:43.21T0mWprpplague: he was prolly making > $100K
15:48.08pb_prpplague: heh, right.
15:48.30pb_prpplague: this afternoon I started to actually write some code, for the first time in about two months.
15:49.07prpplaguepb_: hehe, was it a shock to your system?
15:49.14pb_a bit, yeah
15:49.31pb_nevermind, I'm sure it won't last.
15:49.35prpplagueanyone know what functionality libgcc_s provides?
15:49.45pb_exception handling, mostly.
15:49.51prpplaguepb_: ahh
15:49.57pb_also stuff like integer division on arm.
15:50.13prpplaguepb_: hmm, odd that i've never run across it before
15:50.31pb_it's only used by shared libraries, and only in gcc 3.x.
15:50.43pb_regular applications still tend to link with the static libgcc.a.
15:50.51prpplaguepb_: ahh gotcha
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16:35.20T0mWanybody know what "interworking" is on ARM, is that some ARM32 <--> ARMTHUMB execution interlayer?
16:36.30prpplagueT0mW: i don't see any references
16:36.38prpplagueT0mW: let me check another source
16:37.15T0mWit must be that I need some switch on arm-elf-gcc to make it emit thumb code instead of 32bit code.  That's all I can figure out.
16:37.52T0mWsituation normal: documentation lags implementations
16:38.49T0mWwonder if that is "--with-dwarf2"
16:39.32T0mWduh, nope
16:43.20pb_T0mW: yes, interworking is the ability to call from arm into thumb and vice versa
16:44.05T0mWyeah, looks that way..  Found some emails addressing that issue
16:44.09T0mWpb_: thanks
17:13.11T0mWheh, date of birth for Yahoo Groups account: July 20, 1907
17:17.47T0mWyahoo sux
17:20.58*** mode/#elinux [+v CosmicPenguin] by ChanServ
17:23.04chouimat|busyhi CosmicPenguin
17:37.38CosmicPenguinHey - the samsung phone shipped
17:37.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ug have you cross compiled sqlite lately?
17:38.01CosmicPenguinhuzzah for ljp
17:38.03CosmicPenguinprpplague: no, I haven't
17:38.18CosmicPenguinprpplague: I've heard that it has issues - but OE has it building... :)
17:38.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: not the right version i need :(
17:41.52CosmicPenguinpoor prpplague
17:42.01CosmicPenguinBut you'll be drinking rum before the week is out
17:42.06CosmicPenguinso cheer up little buddy
17:45.11prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
17:50.40CosmicPenguinanyone have a url to the old school hh.o bootloader?
17:50.47CosmicPenguinAll I see is links to the bootloader-ng
17:51.38prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, should be in the browsable cvs archive
17:52.06CosmicPenguinprpplague: ok - I'm trying to clue in the people around here about loaders
17:52.09CosmicPenguinany other good examples?
17:52.54prpplagueCosmicPenguin: blob
17:52.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: apex
17:53.01prpplagueCosmicPenguin: uboot
17:53.04CosmicPenguinI forgot about blob
17:53.05CosmicPenguin~lart me
17:53.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: there is also a good bootloader in the arm system developers guide
17:53.35prpplagueCosmicPenguin: its a good example loader
17:53.46ibotit has been said that blob is the Boot Loader OBject, or
17:54.13ibotfrom memory, apex is a tiny arm bootloader done by marc singer, or, or a hackable dvd player
17:54.28CosmicPenguin1 for 3
17:55.43CosmicPenguinI got a 404 when I clicked it before
17:56.08CosmicPenguinprpplague: no x86 loaders, huh? :)
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17:59.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: to be honest, i'm not very familiar with x86 loaders
18:00.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: there is a great OLS doc on the linux boot process on x86
18:00.16CosmicPenguinprpplague: I was kidding
18:00.31CosmicPenguinprpplague: I've read that
18:00.40prpplagueCosmicPenguin: oh ok
18:00.42CosmicPenguinprpplague: you might not believe me, but we're pretty familiar with the x86 boot process
18:00.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: :)
18:01.05prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, i assumed as much, but i didn't know if you were just collecting information
18:04.47CosmicPenguinwhen ever I talk about a loader, I get blank stares
18:04.53prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
18:05.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, its a pretty foreign concept in the x86 realm
18:05.23prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ppl think about the OS loading directly
18:05.28CosmicPenguinThe CE guys got a loader, so I threw a temper tantrum
18:05.38CosmicPenguin"but dadddd... CE got onee...."
18:08.04prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
18:09.09CosmicPenguinThose damn CE guys - they get everything
18:13.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: squeaky wheel
18:17.59CosmicPenguinkergoth: morning
18:24.54prpplaguekergoth: boo!
18:25.03prpplaguekergoth: whats cookin crack baby?
18:29.40CosmicPenguinprpplague: know of any JTAG setups that just bitbang the serial lines?
18:30.05CosmicPenguinie - no dongles - just the driver and some wires
18:37.51prpplagueCosmicPenguin: isn't  that what the dongle is?
18:38.07prpplagueCosmicPenguin: like the HG dongle is nothing but the parallel port and some buffers
18:38.41prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you need something with a buffer to step down the voltage
18:38.50prpplagueCosmicPenguin: most arm operate at 3.3v on the jtag
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18:40.17CosmicPenguinprpplague: maybe he's thinking that he'll put one on the board
18:40.32prpplagueCosmicPenguin: you could do that, and it would be cost effective
18:40.47prpplagueCosmicPenguin: but then you loose the benefit of being able to use the jtag for other devices
18:41.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: and it would prevent you from using other jtag adapters
18:41.34CosmicPenguinwhy would we want to use other devices? :)
18:41.46CosmicPenguinWe're propriatary here, you know
18:42.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: in qty you can make a jtag HG style dongle for as little as $3.00
18:42.40CosmicPenguinI wish I knew the guys name, I would send him the tuxscreen page
18:42.44kergothi seem to have a second smoke alarm thats never been ehre before
18:42.51kergothunless i never noticed it over the past 2 years
18:42.58kergothso someone mustve installed it when i wasnt here
18:43.02kergothand now its beeping at me
18:43.06kergothdriving me insane
18:43.42prpplaguekergoth: lovely
18:46.06CosmicPenguinHave you guys seen this?
18:46.48CosmicPenguinmarkl_ will find that familiar, I think... :)
18:47.33CosmicPenguinI think I might get involved with that
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19:06.39hardwireanybody know of a completely initrd only linux?
19:06.43hardwirew/ network support?
19:06.52hardwireit would be nice to use that as the tftp loader
19:06.57chouimat|busyhardwire: hi :)
19:07.02hardwirechouimat|busy: yes yes.. hi
19:07.11hardwirelet me break it down for you real quick
19:07.16chouimat|busyhardwire: hehe
19:07.36CosmicPenguinhardwire: heck - an initrd is just a linux image when you think about it
19:07.47CosmicPenguinJust load it as an initrd, and then set your root to /dev/ram and you're there
19:07.55hardwireCosmicPenguin: I was thinking about it :)
19:08.15CosmicPenguinI do that all the time for pxe boot stuff
19:09.36CosmicPenguinThe result is that the personal computer has become far more than a cog in the machine of corporate computing -- it's an essential tool for every individual in the organization.
19:09.42CosmicPenguinpardon my french, but bullshit
19:10.44CosmicPenguinServers + thin clients cost a frction of the price, they don't suffer from employee stupidity, viruses and are easy to upgrade
19:11.04CosmicPenguinThey're only an essential cog in corporate computing because Gates made them that way
19:12.53CosmicPenguinHeh - thats just buildroot
19:13.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, you reading that interview with gates?
19:13.09CosmicPenguinTHat guy is about 3 years too late
19:13.10CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah
19:13.33prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe
19:13.33CosmicPenguinprpplague: let me say, for my part, I'm doing everything I can to kill off the mid range personal computer
19:13.40hardwireourmailserver is being attacked by communist nations..
19:13.43hardwireaccording to the logs
19:14.03prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, thats what gets me the most about abcs, we were at the forefront of doing thin client software
19:14.05hardwirethis truly sucks.. everybody is walking by my office today wondering wtf is wrong with the mail server :(
19:14.12prpplagueCosmicPenguin: and they just pissed it all away
19:14.29CosmicPenguinprpplague: heh
19:14.31prpplagueCosmicPenguin: at one point we were getting 7 or 8 calls a week to do contract work
19:14.39CosmicPenguinprpplague: bad business doesn't mean its a bad idea
19:15.08CosmicPenguinprpplague: like that multimedia link I posted a while back - Mark and I had something very similar 3 years ago
19:15.20CosmicPenguinAnd it wasn't a bad idea - just poorly managed
19:15.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, but if you don't have good backing from your company, all the ideas are just waste
19:16.27prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i feel horrible when i see posts about something "new" that we were doing back 3 or 4 years ago
19:19.42CosmicPenguinme too
19:19.51CosmicPenguinIts like... damn
19:20.14CosmicPenguinBut it sort of validates your thinking process
19:24.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: almost as bad as seeing that what i'm working on is stuff that pb_ and andersee were doing 4 or 5 years ago, hehe
19:25.57CosmicPenguinprpplague: luckily, they are around to ask questions of
19:26.02CosmicPenguinprpplague: or curse, as the case may be
19:26.35chouimat|busyok sent ... hmmm this customers will be royaly pissed off
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19:29.45chouimat|busyT0mW: i just sent the quote to the moron who asked me to fix the buildstuff ...
19:31.01CosmicPenguinSounds like you have a healthy relationship with your clients there
19:32.32chouimat|busyCosmicPenguin: this one put me aside after I finished the first prototype so his nephew can take over ... and after 4 years of "patching" the system doesn't work so I have to fix it, rewrite is not an option so I need 6 months (at least) and it will cost 60 000cad
19:33.21chouimat|busyCosmicPenguin: I just don't want to do it ... so I bidded far higher than the guy is willing to pay ...
19:33.45CroftonGreat position to be :)
19:34.26chouimat|busyCrofton: doing it mean having him on the phone for hours every day yelling at me
19:34.53CroftonThat sort of thing costs alot
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20:15.24hardwirestoring in a tar is doing a lot of good.
20:15.31hardwireI need to make the partitions a little more flexable however.
20:15.57hardwireI might end up using an ext2 r/o partition to store settings
20:16.18hardwirethat never gets mounted except once to populate the live, reformatted partition..a nd another few times for saving settings
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22:02.28T0mW~convert 60,000CAD to USD
22:02.43T0mW~convert 60000CAD to USD
22:03.10T0mW~convert 60000 CAD to USD
22:03.34pb_ibot, change 60000 CAD to USD
22:04.06T0mWI guess convert is for Celsius
22:04.24T0mW~convert 25C to F
22:04.26pb_ibot, convert 10 hours to millifornights
22:04.29pb_ibot, convert 10 hours to milliforntights
22:04.34pb_ibot, convert 10 hours to millifortnights
22:04.39pb_heh, third time luck
22:05.31T0mWibot, do you know what you are doing?
22:05.33ibotyes, I know what you are doing.
22:06.05T0mWibot, then, why didn't you stop me?
22:11.06T0mWchouimat|busy: I hope you get the job, then you can really have something to bitch about.  Good for the old blood pressure, heh
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22:22.37chouimat|busyT0mW: hehe
22:23.19T0mWchouimat|busy: you watch, you greedy so-and-so, God will visit this contract upon you just to punish you!
22:24.06chouimat|busyT0mW: bah
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22:24.57TimRikerso zipitpet posted the code to encrypt/decrypt the zipit rom images, but the code uses key files and there are no docs on creating those.
22:25.43CosmicPenguinIts always something

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