irclog2html for #elinux on 20050319

00:18.44hardwireCosmicPenguin: its going to be really weird to have a filesystem that repopulates itself with programs like asterisk and routing daemons every time it boots :)
00:19.04hardwirefrom a tarball
00:23.51CosmicPenguinits going to be tougher to debug, thats for sure
00:24.05CosmicPenguinbut I really like that idea
00:24.59hardwireworking on it now
00:25.04hardwireqemu is being really realyl slow
00:26.29hardwireso much cheaper than professional rack screws.. stupidly expensive
00:26.48hardwiremost places sell them for 0.25 each
00:26.51hardwireor more
00:36.08*** join/#elinux ShakaZulu (
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05:02.38anderseefile: ouch
05:03.35fileandersee, and busybox are down according to someone
05:07.36anderseefile: they are down according to cron on my box...
05:07.52anderseefile: looking into the problem
05:22.17*** join/#elinux SecretSquirrel (
05:32.28SecretSquirrelAnyone up to helping me with what I'm pretty sure is a newbie problem related to applying the 2.6.9 patch?
05:39.39SecretSquirrel[mcnamara@ecthelion linux-2.6.9]$ patch -p0 < ../linux-2.6.9-uc0.patch
05:39.39SecretSquirrelpatching file linux-2.6.9/arch/armnommu/boot/bootp/
05:39.39SecretSquirrelpatching file linux-2.6.9/arch/armnommu/boot/bootp/init.S
05:39.39SecretSquirrelpatching file linux-2.6.9/arch/armnommu/boot/bootp/Makefile
05:39.53SecretSquirrelpatching file linux-2.6.9/arch/armnommu/mm/proc-s3c4510b.S
05:39.53SecretSquirrelpatching file linux-2.6.9/arch/armnommu/mm/proc-syms.c
05:39.53SecretSquirrelcan't find file to patch at input line 18742
05:39.53SecretSquirrelPerhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
05:39.53SecretSquirrelThe text leading up to this was:
05:39.56SecretSquirrel|diff -Naur linux-2.6.9/arch/m68knommu/defconfig linux-2.6.9-uc0/arch/m68knommu/defconfig
05:39.58SecretSquirrel|--- linux-2.6.9/arch/m68knommu/defconfig       2004-10-28 11:08:54.000000000 +1000
05:40.00SecretSquirrel|+++ linux-2.6.9-uc0/arch/m68knommu/defconfig   2004-10-28 11:11:41.000000000 +1000
05:40.04SecretSquirrelFile to patch:
05:40.19SecretSquirrelAnd therein lies the problem.  What stupidly simple thing have I missed?
05:47.07kergothits trying to patch a file that doesnt exist, sounds like.
05:47.39SecretSquirrelYup. Which leads to the followup: why doesn't it exist?
05:48.11SecretSquirrelMy understanding is that the uclinux patches are against the stock releases
05:48.27SecretSquirrelOf course I could be wrong... :)
05:53.50SecretSquirrelOh man I really was being dumb....
05:54.42SecretSquirrelusing -p1 instead of -p0 fixed it.  Since so many files patched with -p0 I assumed it was the correct option.  Again: *sigh*
06:55.51hardwireI feel so happy.
06:58.31kergoth@familyguy 11
06:58.32kbotkergoth: <Chris> When I got caught with my hand down my pants at school, I had to keep it down there for a whole week... WHAT A WEEK!
06:59.59kbothardwire: Error: "simpsons" is not a valid command.
07:00.18kbotkergoth: Error: "deepthoguhts" is not a valid command.
07:00.22kbotkergoth: To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kinda scary. I've wondered where this started, and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus and a clown killed my dad.
07:00.35hardwireI like that one
07:00.43kbothardwire: It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at that man.
07:00.57hardwireI feel all manly
07:01.02hardwirebought a huge ribeye steak tonight
07:01.06hardwireslapped that mofo on the grill
07:01.08hardwirethen ate it up num.
07:01.37hardwiredoesn't explain why I am online atm instead of out clubbing women.. but oh well..
07:03.01hardwireI really should have generated a sparse file for this qemu root
07:03.08hardwirethat would be a little easier to transfer around
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15:59.43SecretSquirrel*yawn* Yes, it is.  :)
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19:37.56hardwirekergoth: yay.. I am all rammsteined now
19:58.43hardwirewhat sucks is that now everybody at the office thinks I am a nazi
20:06.37hardwirethat little fish head isn't even here.
20:06.39hardwireoh well
20:09.03hardwiretheres somebody here named fish head
20:09.06hardwirehow funny is that?
20:22.06hardwireit would be a little hard to delete a file in a unionfs environment..
20:22.18hardwireif the original file was on a read only fs.
20:53.08kergothhardwire: unionfs can do it.  not well, but it can.  it has "whiteout".  removing a file in the union where the real file is in a read only lower union creates a dotfile.  i.e. .wh.filename.  as long as that exists, unionfs hides the real one.
20:53.15kergothhardwire: the ugly thing is just that, its by filename, not inode
20:53.31kergothso you could mount the lower mount rw, remove the file, copy a new one over it, and its still whited out in the union
20:53.36hardwirethat sounds ugly
20:53.41hardwirebut it will work
20:54.03hardwirestripped debian down to 180 megs raw
20:54.22hardwiresquashfsed it to 69
20:54.34hardwireneed to remove a few things that shouldn't exist
20:54.41hardwirelike the archive lists
20:54.44hardwireand oh.. man..
20:55.40hardwirebut other than that
20:55.43hardwirethis is coming along well
20:55.58hardwirenot sure why but I feel more comfortable running 2.4.x on these boards
20:56.02hardwireinstead of 2.6.8
21:00.35hardwireI am not going to have enough time to get this done I think
21:09.01hardwireoh my tummy needs foodsies
21:29.29*** join/#elinux hufnus (
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