irclog2html for #elinux on 20050317

00:00.49kergothCosmicPenguin: got it defining conditionals for STATIC for each group of plugins, and per plugin CFLAGS/LIBS get defined, and have macros to manipulate them.
00:01.13kergothK_PLUGIN_CFLAGS([sqlite3], [-I/usr/local/include])
00:01.13kergothK_PLUGIN_LIBS([sqlite3], [-L/usr/local/lib -lsqlite3])
00:01.13kergothK_PLUGINS_DESC([Database backends to enable.])
00:02.19kergothnow, i'll do up an example on how to use it effectively
00:21.18hardwirejuuuuuuuuuust wonderfull
00:59.57*** join/#elinux noclouds (~mhfan@
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01:24.35*** join/#elinux fishhead (
01:50.33hardwireits the official go drinking and walk your dog day
02:15.37markl_CosmicPenguin: yeah american idiot is excellent
02:15.49markl_i really enjoy holiday
02:46.40*** join/#elinux Crofton_ (
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13:53.35*** join/#elinux cbrake (
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14:10.32cbrakeprpplague: morning
14:10.38prpplaguecbrake: morning
14:10.46prpplaguecbrake: whats cookin today?
14:16.57cbrakeprpplague: not a lot new.  OE builds are working out pretty well for our IDP.  Need to figure out MTD maps today.  And a bunch of WinCE stuff (my primary project ATM).
14:17.14cbrakeprpplague:  how long are you going to be in the states yet?
14:17.32prpplaguecbrake: cool, so you've intergrated oe into your build process?
14:17.43prpplaguecbrake: leaving on the 24th
14:18.24cbrakeprpplague: yes.  OE builds everything -- even U-boot.  Start it up and a few hours later you get a BL image, kernel image, and rootfs image :-)
14:18.38prpplaguecbrake: lovely
14:18.55prpplaguecbrake: there is something about OE that just doesn't sit with me
14:19.16prpplaguecbrake: tried several times over the years to get it working for several of my builds
14:20.30cbrakeprpplague: yeah, I know what you mean.  It has taken me quite a while to get to the point where I can use if effectively -- and I still don't understand much of it.
14:21.35prpplaguecbrake: hehe, i'm still a fan of andersee 's buildroot stuff
14:22.30cbrakeprpplague: never tried it yet, but I hear lots of good things about it.  Does it contain any support for OPIE or GPE?
14:23.18prpplaguecbrake: not per se, it doesn't really include meta data like oe
14:26.18cbrakeyea, guess that is why I've been sticking w/ OE -- life is too short to manually cross compile all those apps.  Guess it also depends what type of system you are building.  Buildroot is no doubt best for smaller systems.
14:27.16*** join/#elinux prpplague^2 (
14:27.32chouimatyay!!! login coredump :(
14:27.50prpplague^2we've been having problems with our firewall killing my irc connections for some reason
14:28.30chouimatprpplague^2: spent the night trying to understand why login coredump of the cf and not on the hdd
14:28.47prpplague^2chouimat: and? any resultS?
14:30.16chouimatprpplague^2: no
14:30.34chouimatprpplague^2: and the release date is today at 17:00
14:31.27chouimatprpplague^2: so I'm trying to see what happens when I downgrade from FreeBSD 5.3 to 4.11 (last version was on 4.9 so should be easier and faster to make it working)
14:32.49chouimatprpplague^2: and I will spend more time to investigate the problem with 5.3 in the following days
14:40.24prpplaguechouimat: lovely
14:40.34prpplaguechouimat: who is this for? i thought you didn't have a job
14:40.52chouimatprpplague: update for a old customer
14:41.31chouimatprpplague: currently thinking about starting Naked Computer Guy Consulting (the domain is not taken yet )
14:50.13CosmicPenguinCrazy linux-pm guys - can't figure out the timezones
16:02.02*** join/#elinux CP|Laptop (
16:02.23CP|LaptopI'm multitasking meetings
16:03.11chouimatCP|Laptop: bad
16:08.56*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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16:54.36chouimat|tiredprpplague: guess what? the stuff work #1 with 4.11
17:12.42prpplaguechouimat|tired: lovely
17:13.03chouimat|tiredprpplague: did the last 2weeks job in 15 minutes :(
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17:27.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: so you ever thought about moving over to the alchemy group there at amd?
17:31.15hardwirewhat do they do?
17:32.56prpplaguehardwire: embedded mips
17:33.51CosmicPenguinprpplague: not really, I couldn't stand austin
17:34.08prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, you didn't like austin? wow
17:34.11CosmicPenguinI work closely with them on architecture stuff though
17:34.18CosmicPenguinprpplague: I like being there for 48 hours
17:34.26CosmicPenguinI couldn't live there - not a chance in hell
17:34.32prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i think thats the first time i've ever heard someone say that
17:35.32*** join/#elinux Sledge__ (~XXX@
17:44.01*** join/#elinux Crofton_ (
17:49.48TimRikerhmm. anyone use pivot_root under 2.6? the kernel processes have the old /initrd/dev/console in use.
17:50.05TimRikerso I can't umount the old fs.
17:56.22prpplagueTimRiker: not me, i'm still using 2.4
17:56.45prpplagueTimRiker: seems like jammhq over in #ltsp had a similiar problem with 2.6
17:58.09CosmicPenguinI not sure if any of the oe'ers have been pivot_rooting in 2.6 or not
17:58.18CosmicPenguinI use unionfs, but I'm not pivot_rooting
17:58.50hardwireI was just about to say something like that
17:59.00hardwireit was gonna be smart
17:59.01hardwireand cool
18:00.49prpplagueboy sandisk has alot of great app notes
18:01.20prpplaguei'm really surprised, i would not have expected sandisk to be so forth coming with implmentation information
18:02.38prpplaguewith the combination of about 4 docs on their website, you have everything you need to write a sd driver
18:16.19TimRikerhmm. 2.6 initrd images seem to use /sbin/pivot_root and kernel processes get the new /dev/console ok.
18:16.50TimRikerhowever when I call pivot_root from not-an-initrd they don't change and I can't umount the old root.
18:23.50Crofton|workmy OSK has expired
18:24.28prpplaguegave up the ghost eh
18:24.40*** join/#elinux sjhill (
18:24.50Crofton|workThe "fix it" button doesn't fix it
18:25.03Crofton|workI must have buggered the boot loader somwhow
18:25.25sjhillprpplague: i agree
18:25.28prpplagueCrofton|work: you can spell relief as J T A G
18:25.50Crofton|workI think I will try JP3 in the other position
18:26.35prpplaguesjhill: this mmc/sd stuff is really interesting, all the pieces you need to write drivers are there, just not in one place
18:27.06sjhillprpplague: dude, that is like all of open source in general
18:27.21prpplaguesjhill: well, i've found it even more so in the mmc/sd stuff
18:27.38Crofton|workhmm internal bootloader is print 10 dots
18:27.59Crofton|workAnd then some guys walk in looking for a demo :)
18:32.59TimRikerCrofton_: use the FRU on the wiki page to reload a bootloader.
18:33.19TimRikeroh. the jumper is wrong if you are getting 10 dots.
18:34.05TimRikerbut it does not boot with jp3 to the right?
18:34.09Crofton|workThey've left
18:34.21Crofton|workwith JP3 to the right nothing happens
18:34.55Crofton|workping TimRiker
18:35.11TimRiker has
18:35.52TimRikerinstall the drivers on a windows xp box. put jp3 to the left, and hook it up to the xp box. run the fru uility and you can reload the bootloader.
18:35.53Crofton|workWhat should I expect with JP3 moved to the left position?
18:36.23TimRikerwith jp3 to the left you are in "full boot" mode. the 64k rom inside the cpu kicks in.
18:36.38Crofton|workI only get dots
18:36.43TimRikerit can talk to usb (ie: the FRU) or to serial.
18:36.44Crofton|work115200 baud?
18:37.15TimRikerCrofton|work: the protocol is not documented. the only thing I have that knows how to talk to it is the FRU.
18:37.43Crofton|workso internal is not people friendly?
18:37.53TimRikerin theory you could upload a new rom over serial, but I don't have a tool to do that.
18:38.24Crofton|workrecovery tool is for widders?
18:38.30TimRikeryeah. =(
18:38.31Crofton|workoops yes
18:38.59Crofton|workI swear, right as I do this, some guys walk in wanting a demo :)
18:39.05TimRikerthough folks tell me it works in a linux hosted vmware windows session.
18:39.25TimRikerCrofton|work: got jtag? that's another option.
18:39.44Crofton|workheh no jtag
18:39.48Crofton|workwe are academics
18:39.53TimRikerk. got a windows box then?
18:40.00Crofton|workwhat software would work with jtag?
18:40.03prpplagueCrofton|work: whats academics got to do with jtag??
18:40.06TimRikerCrofton|work: prpplague has cheap jtag par port adapters.
18:40.18Crofton|worksee sw question
18:40.26Crofton|workActually we may have some JTAG stuff
18:40.29TimRikerjflash is a common too.
18:40.51prpplagueCrofton|work: jflash is easy to modify
18:40.53TimRikerer tool. just does flash read/write over jtag.
18:41.02prpplagueCrofton|work: as i had it working with the innovator
18:41.14TimRikerbut if you had a winxp box, the FRU is faster.
18:41.18prpplagueCrofton|work: jtag is your friend
18:41.58TimRikershould be possible to watch the FRU from a vmware session and build a linux tool to do the same. not tried that.
18:42.52TimRikerCrofton|work: note that you'll need a usb gender changer for the FRU. the osk has a host port and so does the winxp box.
18:43.14TimRikerneed a A to A cable. no smarts in it, just a straight through.
18:43.58TimRiker <- I use something like this.
18:44.05Crofton|workLeet ne wack at it a bit
18:44.23Crofton|worker Let me wack
18:44.42TimRikerwhatcha gonna try first? finding an xp box and the fru?
18:45.02Crofton|workThere is a convenient wondows box
18:45.10Crofton|workI think this will go first
18:45.33TimRikerif so you'll be the first non-TIer I know of that's tried it. I sent the FRU to some folks at Sony and they may have used it, but I've not heard back.
18:45.38Crofton|workjflash is linux program?
18:45.51TimRikerjflash is linux, yes.
18:45.57hardwirerated over 20A
18:45.57Crofton|workI was hoping to see something ion the mistral LCD this afternoon :)
18:46.04hardwireanybody seen a bugger that can do that?
18:46.30TimRikerCrofton|work: I'm running debian-unstable on my osk now with a udrive and have X running on the mistral.
18:46.50TimRikernot very "embedded" but a nice env to hack on.
18:47.15Crofton|work2.4 based?
18:47.29TimRikeryeah at present. I'll hack on 2.6 soon.
18:47.44Crofton|workI'll let you know what happens when I am making forward progress again
18:48.17Crofton|workYou swapping to the microdrive?
18:50.15Crofton|workOK now I have to smoke with my leader who I failed in the demo with :)
18:51.43CosmicPenguinhope you're smoking something good
18:52.28TimRikerapparently so.
19:18.09Crofton_Clove cigarettes
19:22.31hardwireI used to smoke cloves
19:22.42Crofton|workping TimRiker ?
19:22.45hardwireI WILL DIE SOONER NOW!
19:25.40*** kick/#elinux [hardwire!] by TimRiker (TimRiker)
19:25.46TimRikersooner apparently.
19:25.48Crofton|workThe flash recovery program is USB only?
19:25.54TimRikerCrofton_: yes.
19:26.02kergoth1:25pm and i just woke up.  forgot to set the alarm
19:26.18Crofton|workYou belong in college :)
19:27.42*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
19:28.05*** join/#elinux hardwire (~hardwire@
19:28.11hardwireI will also be booted sooner, apparently.
19:31.36Crofton|workanyone got a website for jflash?
19:34.03prpplagueCrofton|work: lart pages
19:34.18TimRikerCrofton|work: it's hidden in the deep recesses of the internet. or in the tuxscreen cvs.
19:34.19Crofton|workunfortunatly the jtag I have is usb
19:34.35prpplagueCrofton|work: doh
19:34.44prpplagueCrofton|work: no workie with jflash then
19:34.47Crofton|workTimRiker, the flash recovery program is USB only?
19:34.52TimRikerCrofton|work: then you need whatever software came with your usb version.
19:35.02TimRikerCrofton|work: yes. (still)
19:35.02prpplagueCrofton|work: which jtag dongle do you have?
19:35.09Crofton|workspectrum digital
19:35.30Crofton|workI'm getting ready to shop for gender thingy
19:35.32hardwireyou know when I knew I liked the company I worked for
19:35.44hardwirewhen I spent a day drawing doodles on the whiteboard to help me define a network
19:35.44prpplagueTimRiker: the jflash on the tuxxscreen site has _way_ too many sa-11xx isms
19:35.55hardwireand the higher ups walked in and just marvelled at the genius
19:36.12TimRikerCrofton|work: CCS works with the SD USB jtag. I have the xds510usb here.
19:36.20hardwirethat to me was a good sign that even as newb as I am .. I still hold quite the flame compared to the rest of the company..
19:36.22hardwireso sad..
19:36.30Crofton|workYeah, I'm not sure exactly what we have in the way of code composer
19:36.57Crofton|workBasically I need a usb cable and an A to B thingy?
19:37.05Crofton|workYeah, I found that
19:37.49prpplagueCrofton|work: if you have a parallel port dongle, you can have jflash running pretty quick
19:38.12Crofton|workHeh, the parallel port thingy is the limiting factor
19:38.16Crofton|workHow much are yours?
19:38.36Crofton|workHeh, we'll keep that in mind
19:38.37prpplagueyou can build one for around $5.00
19:38.43TimRikerand the software is free.
19:38.51Crofton|workWhen I calm down after this circus I may order one
19:39.03Crofton|workBut I want to see the penguin today !
19:40.01hardwireis jtag a standard?
19:40.28hardwireright on mofo
19:40.47hardwirethem theres a perty wiki
19:41.29TimRikeror you can get the xds510usb for $1799 and CCS for $5400
19:41.32hardwirewhat the heck i8s a zipit!
19:41.37prpplagueyou know the old saying, give a man a fish
19:41.47hardwireoh.. I see
19:41.53hardwireit just seems crazy like
19:41.59prpplaguehardwire: ?
19:42.03hardwireanybody here have one?
19:42.09Crofton|workHeh, I'm off to the store :)
19:42.26Crofton|workApparently alcoholim is rampant in rural Alaska
19:42.46hardwireyou bet it is
19:42.58hardwirethere were people walking around with their dogs at the park with beers yesterday
19:43.00hardwirea whole lot of em
19:43.08hardwirethats so a no no
19:43.24hardwireor are you talking about me?
19:43.27TimRikerhardwire: I have a Zipit. there are folks hacking em on the yahoo boards. I've not yet modded mine.
19:44.18prpplagueTimRiker: hehe, old habbit
19:44.28hardwireprpplague: the dick tracy watch..
19:44.42hardwirethe inductive charger.. just hang around AC lines all day and the watch charges?
19:45.35Crofton_TimRiker, Can I use my own uboot image with the FRP?
19:46.17prpplagueTimRiker: i don't think rmk ever posted his jtag tools
19:46.41Crofton_Or does the one included have the "right" number for booting 2.6 kernels?
19:47.00Crofton_Heh, guess he's working :)
19:47.39TimRikerCrofton|work: yes. one of the images in that dir is the uboot image. just replace it.
19:48.08TimRikerprpplague: rmk's tools were in a cvs server someplace. I forget where.
19:48.12kergothah, lazy, thats a reason i can understand :)
19:48.52TimRikerkergoth: I keep meaning to add a ~today macro to ibot bot you, but same excuse. too lazy.
19:52.08prpplagueTimRiker: hmm, i'll check again
19:53.58prpplagueTimRiker: you are right -
19:54.57prpplagueTimRiker: added to the page
19:57.27TimRikerCrofton|work: I looked around the office and found a usb-A to usb-A cable. I suspect you may find one too if you ask around. one of my cheapo usb cameras uses that style.
19:57.56prpplagueTimRiker: so, about the sd interface for the zipit
19:58.04TimRikeryeah? got pins?
19:58.13prpplagueTimRiker: well i have two options
19:58.39prpplagueTimRiker: either use 4 gpio's or go through the serial port
19:59.16prpplagueTimRiker: if i go through the serial port, i'll be using a PIC to do the spi
19:59.33prpplagueTimRiker: which would give us access to some more gpios
19:59.42prpplagueTimRiker: (on the PIC)
20:01.50prpplagueTimRiker: the 7312 has spi, but i'm not sure if its brought out
20:05.42TimRikercheaper is better imho. i'd rather use gpio or spi if we can find the pins.
20:13.13prpplagueTimRiker: i'd have to look and see if the spi is brought out
20:13.24prpplagueTimRiker: the spi isn't multiplexed
20:13.35prpplagueTimRiker: so its doubtful that it is being used for something else
20:14.21prpplagueTimRiker: i wonder if the wifi chip is being access on the bus or via spi
20:16.39prpplagueTimRiker: hehe, i need to buy a couple, and take the cpu off so i can see the traces
20:29.45TimRikerthe kernel source is there. should be able to tell if the spi is in use by grepping that. still need to find the pins though.
20:30.15TimRikerdid someone get jtag working? could use jtag to toggle the spi pins and then look for the signal.
20:30.34TimRikerI suppose a modified kernel would work too.
20:30.41*** join/#elinux ShakaZulu (
20:30.42sjhillwhatcha' guys buildin'?
20:31.02ShakaZulusexy women
20:31.03sjhillShakaZulu: you kill me Soopaman
20:32.27prpplaguesjhill: i have a crazy idea about adding a sd/mmc slot to the zipit
20:32.56sjhillyeah, you get crazy points for that
20:35.07prpplaguesjhill: hehe
20:35.18prpplaguesjhill: i've fallen in love with mmc/sd
20:35.28prpplaguesjhill: really neat for small projects
20:37.09prpplagueTimRiker: yea, it wouldn't take much to toggle the spi lines
20:39.25prpplagueTimRiker: i found that the rockbox project has some great sd/mmc code
20:39.32prpplagueTimRiker: very well writen
20:43.26Crofton|workTimRiker, How do I install the windows driver for the flash recovery utility?
20:44.54Crofton|workHow do I recompile the windows kernel?
20:46.10Crofton|workI tried pluuging the OSK into the USB port but that didn't work
20:51.11*** join/#elinux prpplague^2 (
20:51.55TimRikerCrofton|work: did you have jp3 to the left at the time?
20:52.15TimRikerthen reset the osk, and windows should ask for a driver.
20:54.59Crofton|workoops now
20:55.34Crofton|workI am not real good at this windows stuff
20:58.31Crofton|workum does the driver work with widder 2000?
21:02.30TimRiker <- adding stuff here...
21:02.52TimRikerCrofton|work: don't know. it might. XP is the only thing I've tried it on.
21:03.01TimRikerfeel free to add comments to the wiki page.
21:07.22*** join/#elinux Soopaman_ (
21:11.48prpplaguejeeze cingulars web site sucks
21:15.06Crofton|workTimeRiker: does the flash recover work with the osk?
21:29.56*** join/#elinux hufnus (
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21:49.53*** join/#elinux Crofton (
21:54.19Croftonyay beer
21:54.25prpplague^2wahoo beer
21:54.36prpplague^2chouimat|beer: drink something good
21:54.49prpplague^2chouimat|beer: not any of that yellow american piss, hehe
21:55.07Croftonum bber
22:10.03chouimat|pubprpplague^2: i got invited at a st.patrick party so ... guess what I will drink ;)
22:10.21prpplague^2chouimat|pub: an irish red?
22:10.36chouimat|pubprpplague^2: guinness or cider or whatever
22:11.18TimRikerCrofton|work: huh? the FRU is only for the OSK.
22:12.23TimRikerany omap 16xx, 17xx, 2xxx and probably more uses a similar protocol, but would ID as a different device under windows.
22:25.25CroftonYeah, we couldn't club 2K or XP into using the USB driver
22:26.21CroftonI need to bolt, but if you want to ask me about our problems, I amy be able to spend some time trying to figure out why it isn't working for us
22:26.45CroftonWe found an eval copy of code composer and a jtag and got that hooked up
22:26.58kergothi read 'eval' as 'evil'
22:27.02kergothand i thought 'yep.'
22:27.37CroftonWe had the jtag for another project
22:27.47CroftonWe could get 10 OSK's for the price :)
22:28.14CroftonI have gone backward today
22:28.21CroftonTime to quit before I do more damage
22:43.40*** join/#elinux Soopaman_ (
22:44.49TimRikerhmm. /me wonders why the drivers didn't work.
22:45.46TimRikeribot: 5400 + 1799 / 295
22:45.55TimRikeribot: ( 5400 + 1799 ) / 295
22:46.05TimRiker24 OSKs in fact.
22:47.48TimRikeribot: dict silly
22:56.54file[laptop]now through the smoke she calls to me... to make my way across the flame
22:56.59file[laptop]to save the day or maybe melt away
22:57.03file[laptop]I guess it's all the same
22:57.07file[laptop]so I will walk through the fire
22:57.35CosmicPenguinHey people
22:58.02*** join/#elinux jamie (~jamie@
22:58.34file[laptop]hi CosmicPenguin
22:59.07file[laptop]these endless are finally ending in a blaze
22:59.13file[laptop]and we are caught in the fire... the point of no return
22:59.34CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: werd
23:00.46CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: I'm getting nothing out of marketing, I've escalated the problem
23:00.52CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: I apologize for their stupidity
23:01.06file[laptop]you're funny

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.