irclog2html for #elinux on 20050314

00:00.38*** mode/#elinux [+v file] by ChanServ
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04:00.09Russjust hunted down a mosquito with one of these puppies:
04:41.57*** join/#elinux CP|Home (
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05:05.45CP|HomeMan I hate this desk
07:01.01*** join/#elinux Russ (
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15:16.34prpplaguesjhill: lo ho!
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15:21.13prpplaguechouimat|ibook: hey
15:21.21prpplaguechouimat|ibook: things any better?
15:25.59chouimat|ibookprpplague: a little
15:33.50sjhillprpplague: hello
15:34.55*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
15:38.39prpplaguesjhill: whats cookin?
15:43.52CosmicPenguinFellas, fellas, fellas
15:46.40chouimat|ibookargggggllll only java/c# jobs today :(
15:46.59prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yo!
15:47.07chouimat|ibookhey CosmicPenguin
15:47.31CosmicPenguinprpplague: hows the fam doin' in paradise?  What is it, like 80 down there?
15:48.14chouimat|ibook80F .... phew .... I thought that CosmicPenguin was saying 80C ....
15:50.17CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah... wouldn't that be nice
15:50.23prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, the high for the next 10-days is exactl the same 87
15:50.42prpplagueCosmicPenguin: and the low 76
15:51.22chouimat|ibookCosmicPenguin: yes I know if God wanted the US to use the metric system Jesus would only chose 10 apostles ...
15:51.37prpplaguechouimat|ibook: hehe, thats a good one
15:52.10chouimat|ibookprpplague: yup but I offended some people too with it :)
15:52.14prpplaguechouimat|ibook: hehe, and if god wanted texans to snow ski, he'd have made cow patties white
15:53.38*** join/#elinux chouimat (
16:10.01sjhillprpplague: my son was born on Saturday the 5th...been kind of busy...he spent 4 days in NICU
16:10.17prpplaguesjhill: ouch
16:10.24sjhillhe's doing fine now
16:10.29sjhillno permanent damage
16:10.29prpplaguesjhill: hehe, to bad he couldn't wait a day
16:10.56prpplaguesjhill: do you have any march monkeys in your family?
16:11.23prpplaguesjhill: hehe, you are in for some fun
16:11.24sjhilli was born in Feb. and my wife in Apr.
16:11.51prpplaguesjhill: march ppl are fun fun
16:12.18prpplaguesjhill: congrads
16:13.12CosmicPenguinsjhill: yeah - mazletov
16:14.55CosmicPenguinI'm from Wyoming dammit - cut me some slack
16:15.14sjhilli'm not sure we can be friends anymore then
16:16.25CosmicPenguinI get that alot
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16:40.29fishheadmy static/esd protection bags for all my equipement came in the mail today! YAY!!!! now I can start packing stuff up to move out of the house!
16:42.55*** join/#elinux cdm (~cdm@
16:46.58prpplaguefile: you seen that ?
16:47.30filesounds familiar
16:47.49fileoh, yeah
16:48.03prpplaguefile: any good?
16:48.35filenever tried 'em
16:48.38fileI remember them though
16:49.19prpplaguegotta figure out what yo use soon
17:10.25fishheaddon't leave me!
17:56.54*** join/#elinux file[mac] (~file[mac]
18:00.34chouimat|lunchhi file[mac]
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18:22.00*** join/#elinux Crofton (
18:26.37prpplaguekergoth: the new sharp c1000 looks pretty sweet
18:27.49chouimatprpplague: url
18:28.00*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
18:29.31chouimatprpplague: nice
18:30.22hardwireI definatly want one
18:30.31hardwireevery day we are getting closer and closer to triquarters
18:32.10CroftonI bought a webpal of ebay over the weekend, mainly for comedy value
18:35.48prpplagueCrofton: hehe, why comedy? those are sweet little boxes
18:36.37CroftonWell, mainly for the comedy of running linux on TV
18:36.52CroftonAny idea if you can get them to use 802.11?
18:37.00Croftonand me thrashing around with it
18:37.10prpplagueCrofton: ISA pcmcia adapter
18:37.22Croftonthank you
18:37.57CroftonPCMCIA is cool
18:38.13Crofton4G microdrive in our OSK is amusing
18:38.49T`hello people
18:39.17T`whats that bot command to find when a person was last seen?
18:39.32Crofton~seen T
18:39.45ibott <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 260d 3h 13m 24s ago, saying: 'xoz: Great !   I most certainly will !'.
18:39.46ibotrumour has it, t is ibot's idiotic master from hell that uses Wind0ze...
18:40.43kergothso.. i had this stuff i had to get done like a week ago.. and my boss went on vacation.. and it isnt done.. and he's back
18:40.48kergothtoday isnt going to be a fun day
18:40.50CroftonBe a grad student, every good idea you have only increases your work load
18:40.52prpplaguekergoth: hehe
18:40.58T`thanks Crofton
18:41.09CroftonT`, np
18:41.15kergothprpplague: i'm debating quitting.  i'm really just a burden on ti atm, and i'm running out of time anyway
18:41.18prpplaguekergoth: instead of a red ribbon day, its gonna be a pink slip day?
18:41.20T`~seen t0mw
18:41.21ibott0mw <> was last seen on IRC in channel #elinux, 4d 1h 32m 5s ago, saying: 'TV == mindless erosion of mental resources'.
18:41.41kergothprpplague: thinking about heading back to MN for a couple months.  crash at my townhouse with my dad, cut the expenses while i figure out what to do next
18:41.55prpplaguekergoth: bummer
18:42.13kergothwell, its the only way to get my expenses low enough while i decide waht to do
18:42.17kergothand dont have any family in tx
18:42.19hardwirewhat I really need is to buy an LCD with 802.11b in it
18:42.24hardwireand an RFB extension
18:42.25hardwirenothing else
18:42.36hardwiresome logic
18:42.37hardwirebut still
18:42.51hardwireif I could send PDF's to somebodies ID'ed LCD
18:42.56hardwireand they could walk around with it
18:42.59hardwireand browse through it
18:43.01prpplaguekergoth: yea
18:43.04hardwirethen wipe it off as soon as their done
18:43.07prpplaguekergoth: believe me i understand
18:43.08hardwirethat would save some paper :)
18:43.17hardwireI would be a hero to treehuggers everywhere!
18:43.51CroftonMy friend sat on his PDA in a druken stupor Friday, cracked the LCD
18:43.53hardwirewoooo for coffee
18:44.00Croftonno  loss in my eyes, it runs wince
18:44.03hardwireCrofton: did you call him a dumbass?
18:44.17hardwireyou sohuld
18:44.21hardwireshould even
18:44.22hardwireor call me one
18:44.25hardwireit feels good
18:44.32CroftonWell, that would be like the pot calling the kettle black
18:44.43file[laptop]what if the kettle really is black?
18:44.53CroftonWe take turns being the note so bright friend
18:45.00prpplaguekergoth: i really need to leave early this afternoon to finish up with my moving
18:45.06Croftonkergoth, go to college
18:45.08prpplaguekergoth: my mind really isn't here today
18:45.18Croftonpay off debt with low interest student loans
18:45.30Croftonbut don't mention I suggested that :)
18:45.32hardwiremy mind is going.. dave..
18:46.09kergothi'd like to go back to school, but i really need to figure out wtf i _want_ to do first
18:46.33Croftonyou can figure out while you are in school :)
18:46.54Croftongood undergrad degrees should have broad covereage
18:46.59prpplaguekergoth: yea i can understand that
18:47.20Croftonthe main point is you can set a goal and complete eat in a time frame
18:47.23hardwirekergoth: go be a teacher
18:47.25hardwireor a fireman
18:47.33hardwireor an space man
18:47.40hardwirelive out any and all childhood dreams
18:47.51hardwireI am trying to turn into aqua man myself..
18:47.55kergothCrofton: heh.  i went to college for about a year, ended up overloading myself and burning myself out.  but still, that year didnt get me any closer to figuring it out
18:48.01hardwirejust can't.  umph.. grow gills.
18:48.11prpplaguekergoth: yea, btdt
18:48.12Croftonheh, alot of people make that mistake
18:48.17kergothyou do have a point though, if i cover at least the main generals, thatd help
18:48.31kergothcould always switch careers a few times. get a couple degrees
18:48.35kergoth(as time passes)
18:48.36hardwireno fireman?
18:48.38CroftonA guy that did some work for us a undergrad flunked out
18:48.39kergothno fireman
18:48.44hardwirethats sad
18:48.49prpplaguekergoth: hehe, get you some young college geek groupies
18:48.53hardwirethen again you would scalrd your lip
18:48.56Croftonpartly because He'd rather work on the stuff for us than his school work
18:49.35kergothCrofton: ah, thats no good
18:50.06Croftonum groupies
18:50.07Croftonspring is coming, clothing improves on undergrads ...
18:50.35Croftonheh, some of them dress like strippers
18:50.47Croftonof course in my group there are almost 0 women
18:51.00kergothnow _thats_ a good reason to go back to school
18:51.32Croftongood reason not to graduate
18:51.39hardwireI am so mad at people
18:51.48hardwirethey put the stupidest people in charge of disaster recovery.
18:51.52*** join/#elinux bobcat (
18:51.54Croftonpeople suck
18:52.11CosmicPenguinOk - I need a purpose in life
18:52.30hardwireafter the Exxon Valdez there was a law stating all oil spills needed to employ the best technology bids for comms and recon after each oil spill.
18:52.35hardwireto help clean it up.
18:53.11hardwirethere was another one in alaska before this dutch harbor one.. and a guy put in a proposal that was pretty simple but it would have helped the cleanup effort quite a bit.
18:53.14hardwirethey denied it
18:53.19hardwireso he used Mr Justice.
18:53.31hardwireand got awarded $1,000,000 ish
18:53.38hardwireand that law doesn't exist now.
18:53.41hardwirewhich really sucks
18:53.47file[laptop]hardwire: I have VON pics
18:53.55hardwirefile[laptop]: gimme
18:54.03hardwiredon't distract me.. I am bitching
18:54.03file[laptop]it'll take awhile to upload
18:54.24hardwireto sum it up.. my proposal for using solid voice relay over sat was denied
18:54.29hardwireand data relay
18:54.49file[laptop]why now?
18:54.50hardwirebecause the head ops decided using single sideband to send 100+ char emails via europe was better and cheaper
18:55.02file[laptop]how, interesting
18:55.12hardwireand they can get voice via many many mountain top repeaters.. via the cell phone coop on the other side of the island
18:55.22hardwirethey really don't do their homework
18:55.31hardwirethere are 10 agencys acting on this spill
18:55.49hardwire6 of them are wildlife rescue and fish and game officials
18:56.02hardwirethat all need to send real attachments
18:56.05hardwirevia email or ftp
18:56.06hardwirewhat have you
18:56.13hardwireand recieve weather reports on their own
18:56.21hardwireas well as need to use VoIP
18:56.29hardwireso.. instead.. no emails for you
18:56.54hardwirethe cell company they just hired to set up mountain top repeaters.. only has 6 concurrent lines
18:57.12hardwireand over 50 customers
18:57.18hardwirethey already have overcap issues
18:57.25hardwirethere will be no priority for voice
18:57.30hardwirejust blows my goddamn mind
18:57.38file[laptop]have you told them this?
18:57.49hardwireI don't have to
18:57.51hardwireeverybody else is
18:57.59file[laptop]and their reply?
18:58.42hardwiretheir reply to everybodys proposals was that they had no clue why comms was listed as a global for the project
18:58.56file[laptop]that's a lousy reply
18:58.58hardwireits private to each vessel now that they revised a gov't controlled RFP
18:59.09hardwirejust blows my mind what people can get away with
18:59.10hardwireeither way
18:59.18hardwireI am still selling my equipment and services to two vessels
18:59.27hardwiresince we own land out there I don't need land rights either
18:59.34hardwireso I am going to set up my quadpod sat dish
18:59.38hardwireand generator system
18:59.46hardwireand a few bouys to repeat wifi
18:59.54hardwireand offer 4 prioritized outbound lines
19:00.01hardwireas well as web/email
19:00.07hardwireyou know
19:00.18hardwireI still get to pass $45,000 through atleast one company
19:00.26hardwirebut as soon as we get this out there and use it
19:00.32hardwireand the cell companies repeaters blow over
19:00.41CosmicPenguinYou sir, are one prolific typer
19:00.45hardwireCosmicPenguin: dude
19:00.49hardwireI was already booted from one channel
19:00.52hardwirebecause of this mentality
19:00.54hardwiredon't boot me
19:01.00CosmicPenguinHey - chill out pal
19:01.05hardwireI am fine
19:01.06CosmicPenguinI was just commenting on your typing ability
19:01.14hardwireyou should hear me talk
19:01.17hardwireits all lazy.
19:01.25file[laptop]he's right, it is
19:01.42hardwireeither way..
19:02.15hardwireonce the other 5 vessels find out we have email capability.. and enough inbound data for handling everything they need we are going to be reselling the services for twice what we would have sold them the unit for
19:02.17hardwirewhich is funny
19:03.05hardwireCosmicPenguin: heh.. I wish I had employees
19:03.13hardwireit would lighten the load on IRC servers if I could vocally bitch
19:03.32hardwireanybody here want to get payed to hear me bitch?
19:05.23hardwirenow thats just sad.
19:05.37Croftonwhere are you doing this?
19:06.12hardwireI am in Anchorage
19:06.16hardwirethe spill is in Dutch harbor
19:06.30hardwirewe have a catamaran (fastcat) and a large boat called the Cape Flattery chartered to help the cleanup
19:07.35hardwireinitially I was just going to offer data abilities.. via a smart offline data bank being dragged back and forth inbetween the internet side of the island and the boats
19:07.55hardwirebasically a carrier pigion with a huge payload
19:08.04hardwireI can't spell worth a damn
19:08.23hardwirebut that changed as soon as they told me that the VHF relays and email abilities wouldn't even work inside the cleanup area
19:08.33hardwireand they had to get over 5 miles off shore and 10 miles total away from the spill
19:08.36hardwirejust to make a call
19:08.40hardwirewhat a waste of gass
19:09.42hardwireand time
19:10.29file[laptop]hardwire is very silly
19:11.12hardwireI am very logical!
19:11.17hardwirethese guys are silly
19:11.28hardwirerestricting voice comms to twice a day
19:22.52CosmicPenguinThere are few things worse then a broken process
19:22.58*** join/#elinux Crofton_ (
19:23.26CosmicPenguinBut one of them is your boss forgetting that the process is broken, because he ofloaded it on to you so he could undertake a 3 week journey on figuring out how to multiply two numbers in assembly
19:23.51CosmicPenguinAnd the other one is that same boss rejecting your proposal for a new process
19:26.22*** join/#elinux Soopaman (
19:29.28CosmicPenguinMan - I have officially had every vestige of interesting work stripped from me
19:29.42CosmicPenguinI'm going to have to invent something soon
19:30.43Crofton_extra, extra OMAP5912OSK for $150.01
19:31.58SoopamanCosmicPenguin, can you invent me a job? ;)
19:32.16CosmicPenguinHeh - good point
19:33.05file[laptop]kergoth: and how would you pay bills?
19:33.29kergotha good friend of mine is willing to hire me to hack on atmel avr firmware while i figure out what to do next
19:33.39kergothand there, i already have a townhouse, so my expenses would drop drastically
19:34.34Soopamando you remember how cold it is up here?
19:34.45kergothheh, yeah.  not looking forward to that
19:34.55kergothbut it should only be for a couple months while i decide what to do next
19:34.57Soopamanthat's my only argument against it
19:35.38kergothits a good argument
19:35.45kergothplus driving in the snow would seriously fuck my crossfire
19:35.52kergothwould need to buy a winter beater car
19:36.28Soopamanif you could find a comparable job up here
19:36.55kergothwell, i'm leaving ti soon no matter what. my time is running out
19:36.56Soopamani seem to like the people (americans) more the closer they are to the border
19:37.10Soopamanwas it a contract position
19:37.27kergothnah, i'm just going to end up canned because my productivity is down
19:38.58ljptoo much JD
19:39.21CosmicPenguinOr not enough
19:40.12ljpsoopaman: you must not like me much, cause I can way far from the border
19:40.20ljpI am way far, that it
19:40.45ljpway south.. and a bit way to the west
19:41.29Soopamanljp, where you from?
19:42.08ljpfrom? the US
19:42.16Soopamani mean where in
19:42.26ljpaustralia :D
19:42.38Soopamanthe thunda from down unda
19:43.09Soopamanhow are the kangeroos, koala bears and sexy women lately?
19:43.57ljpand topless
19:44.12kergothyay topless
19:45.37Soopamani've heard your women are easier than ours
19:45.44Soopamanand even more so than the americans
19:46.52ljpits too bad my job isnt closer to the beach
19:47.04ljpi keep trying to get them to let me work from the beach
19:47.12Soopamaninstall wimax
19:48.00*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
19:49.59ljpwouldnt help. to much distraction :)
19:51.07Soopamanthen they are doing you a favor :P
19:51.47kergothi still havent done my tax return
19:51.55kergothneed to do it for '02, '03, and '04
19:52.25kergoththey're all refunds of a couple grand.. thatd be good if i quit.
19:52.32kergothguess i shoudl gte off my ass and do it
19:53.12kergothbastard :)
19:53.18kergothhow are things at TT?
19:54.23ljpgood. about to go live with this web site, finally
19:54.40chouimatljp: HI
19:55.26file[laptop]kergoth: how ironic, here I am installing the tax software for my parents
19:55.27ljplooking forward to
19:59.28hardwireso one of my clients is in the uh.. naughty business helping the porn industry on the E side of things
19:59.37hardwireand he just went to his first porn conference
20:00.00hardwirehe said its a little like really liking ice cream
20:00.05hardwireand then going to an ice cream factory..
20:00.11hardwireand then leaving and not wanting ice cream anymore
20:00.20chouimathardwire: LOL
20:00.57hardwirethat and their booth waws directly acrossed from a butch gay porno producer
20:01.11hardwirehe can't go into motorcycle shops anymore after that.
20:01.18chouimathardwire: I wonder what are the actual talks
20:01.22hardwirebecause they had 3 projectors at their booth with gigantic screens
20:01.35hardwirea lot of them at this one were about how to survive online
20:01.46hardwireand how to get payment associations like visa and mastercard to accept you
20:02.07hardwireI am striking up a contract right now with a calling card company that doubles their calling cards as e-debit cards
20:02.18hardwireso anonymous debit cards
20:02.20hardwirefor the most part
20:02.39hardwirewhere the calling card company does all the visa/mc authing
20:02.54hardwirebecause to work with visa/mc in their business.. its around 14% to use them
20:03.01hardwirewhereas this new company will only charge 4.5%
20:03.29hardwirethere are some moral issues swimming around in my head about this.. but oh well..
20:05.02*** join/#elinux Crofton (
20:05.28hardwireanyways.. not to be off topic :)
20:05.42hardwireI need a channel of e-friends I think..
20:05.49hardwiredo you want to be.. my neighbor?
20:06.31ljptoo cold up there
20:09.25kergothhardwire: heh, we started #devlounge to be a place for developers to just bs about nothing.  about things that are off topic everywhere else.  didnt really take off though.
20:09.39CosmicPenguinIt turned into a clone of #commits
20:09.57kergothwell, it only shows the commits of people that are in the channel
20:09.59hardwirekergoth: I have #doomdoom
20:10.01kergothit just happens that nobody talks there either
20:10.01hardwirebut nobody showed
20:10.15kergothhardwire: CIA in #devlounge behaves like CIA in #tacobeam.
20:10.26hardwiresounds craaazy
20:10.28kergoththeres just more people, and nobody talking
20:10.38kergothah well
20:10.41hardwiresee.. my peeps at home aren't responsive over IRC anymore
20:10.48hardwireand I can't just call them.. thats just weird..
20:10.57hardwireso Ithink being stranded in AK is driving me to insanity
20:11.06kergothi never call my friends anymore, at all.  its aim or nothing
20:11.06hardwirethat I can't have pizza and come up with engenius world takover plans
20:11.06ljpthat usually happens there
20:11.08CosmicPenguinWell... duh
20:11.09kergothwhich is strange
20:11.18hardwireljp: coming back soon?
20:11.28ljpme? doubtful
20:11.50ljpchicks run topless on the main beaches here
20:12.00hardwireljp: the seals do here
20:12.03hardwirehubba hubba
20:12.17CosmicPenguinI question the intellgence of a woman who would run topless
20:12.20ljpstay away from the wildlife :)
20:12.20CosmicPenguinAlluring though it is
20:13.28hardwireI found WinESD
20:13.32hardwirea direct sound card emulator
20:13.37hardwirethat should make things easier on me
20:16.49hardwireI am finally getting to a point where my company can make money
20:17.19hardwirebut I can't do it all.. so we have so much just assuming labor that my company won't be retaining
20:17.24hardwirelabor is a feisty bitch.
20:17.51ljpi prefer lounging
20:18.04hardwirewinesd is not XP compatible
20:24.26hardwiremy machine is hosed now
20:25.08CosmicPenguinI want to tear into my boss, but I'm smarter then that
20:25.09CosmicPenguinI think
20:26.03hardwireCosmicPenguin: dude
20:26.10hardwiremy boss isn't really a boss
20:26.16hardwirewhich is why I am migrating into being the boss
20:26.31hardwirehe is just the CEO of the parent corp and holds a strong interest in me
20:26.36hardwiremaking me the boss of my division
20:26.39hardwireand .. only employee of it.
20:26.53hardwireso I can't wait until I am the boss.. and I can tell him to STFU I am busy making your money.
20:27.02hardwirebecause every day he wants me to fix his computer
20:27.13hardwireor make sure his email is working because he is lonely and hasn't received any
20:27.40hardwirehe constantly belittles linux because he doesn't understand it .. and microsoft is a big corp so they are doing something right
20:28.11hardwireit wasn't until one very bad dinner I decided to tell him.. we are on the verge of being a big corp and we don't do ANYTHING right.. that he decided to leave me alone about my OS choice
20:28.20hardwirefor the things that are powering his entire infrastructure
20:28.33hardwiregift horse.. foot mouth.. dunno what to call it..
20:29.41hardwireits just annoying.. his entire knowledge base for the computer industry comes from techtv and stupid consumer magazines.
20:30.17hardwirewhats wild is talking to people in charge of huge IT operations that are windows based.. that always make fun of other OS's
20:30.42hardwirethey know nothing about the compitition.. whereas I was basically weened from what they are running now.. its just sad..
20:30.54hardwireI have had coffee.. and some over sugared cake..
20:31.07file[laptop]uh huh
20:31.09file[laptop]it shows
20:31.23hardwiregot the hitchis working?
20:31.39CosmicPenguinOk then
20:31.40hardwirewhat about presence.
20:31.43CosmicPenguinI guess I should figure out where file's hardware is
20:31.53hardwirethat would be Cosmic!
20:31.57file[laptop]it's right here
20:32.04hardwirethats just not right.
20:32.16file[laptop]hardwire: as for you, we tried to get presence going... but it sorta kinda like, isn't going... nobody knows why
20:32.32CosmicPenguinYou all need to do less crack before IRCing
20:32.35hardwirefile[laptop]: I didn't expect it to be busy
20:32.47hardwireCosmicPenguin: you are so right :(
20:32.54file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: quiet you, locate hardware
20:33.37hardwirethis should be interesting
20:33.48hardwiregoing to send out an investigative probe for a contract
20:33.57hardwireto analyse a few things before a proposal is written
20:34.05hardwireI wanted to charge the guy.. he said maybe a hardware tradeoff
20:34.25hardwireso I guess I am paying the drone.. and receiving an Xserve g5 w/ full drive population.
20:34.44file[laptop]I want an Xserve
20:34.56hardwireit won't be running the preinstalled OS though
20:35.03file[laptop]I like OSX
20:35.07hardwirehe bought them while I was working at YDL
20:35.22hardwireso thats whats on them.. and I hate YDL
20:35.39hardwiregentoo/debian is most likely whats going on them
20:35.47hardwireI just wish the onboard raid controller was supported well in 2.6.x
20:44.34CosmicPenguinWell, looky there
20:44.39CosmicPenguinESPN crashed Firefox
20:45.38hardwireI am going to go work from home now
20:45.46hardwirebecause.. I can't concentrate worth a damn in the office today.
20:55.11kergothheh, i have a lot of those days
21:48.08T`leaving the job kergoth ?
21:49.52T`kergoth, heh well, hope you read that /. article a few weeks ago on switching jobs
21:51.01hardwirenot me
21:51.05hardwireI felt important.
21:51.57T`hardwire, it was about some guy who quit his job cuz their company wanted to shift to a C# platform.. but there were many good comments on what people had done if they were unhappy with current jobs
21:52.44kergothheh, this is just the wrong position for me.  i couldve transferred elsewhere in ti of course
21:52.48kergoththere are possitions
21:52.53kergothbut i want to figure otu what's best for me first
21:53.03hardwirekergoth: I will put you on island for a few months
21:53.06T`what are you looking for?
21:53.08hardwirethen see how you feel about regular jobs
21:53.14kergothT`: no idea :)
21:53.18T`or may be i shoudl ask what u are not looking for :)
21:54.13kergothi need complex systems to design, architect, or understand.  new things to work on.
21:54.21kergothits the ideas, the design, that interests me
21:54.26kergoththe implementation, much less so
21:54.39kergothso churning out drivers, much the same as all the others, day after day, wasnt a good fit
21:54.48T`systems, you mean a more hardware fit?
21:55.10kergothi mean system in the general sense.  a complex system, an interplay of components
21:55.14kergothnot necessarily hardware
21:55.20T`ok gotcha
21:55.23kergotha linux distribution is a complex system
21:55.24kergothfor example
21:55.40T`you should try a few start-ups for such responsibilities
21:55.57T`not downloading the big guys, but generally i like the small ones where people are hardworking and open to ideas
21:56.03kergothyeah, i've thought about that.  smaller organization.  or perhaps a position in a linux r&d lab
21:56.09T`s/downloading/down playing
21:56.14T`hehe.. weird typo ;/
21:56.37T`kergoth, i do design in a research lab at CMU.. love it absolutely
21:56.52T`a university with good funding might be an option for you.. but pay doesnt tend to be high
21:57.36T`i am a more hardware person though, all my code looks like a bunch of hacks ;)
21:58.18T`only recently i started to look into organisation in coding, etc.. i guess i am looking to get into a job like u had
21:58.45T`were u the one with a friend in VMware ?
21:58.52T`someone had one here.. lol
21:59.09file[laptop]kergoth and I are both a friend of one
21:59.38T`glad to hear that
21:59.51file[laptop]and he's snuggly wuggly like a teddy bear!
22:00.04T`hmm.. not too glad to hear that
22:00.38file[laptop]anyway, shower time!
22:17.08CroftonT`, which lab at CMU?
22:17.27T`Crofton, robotics institute
22:17.47T`Crofton, i work at AHL (helicopter lab)
22:18.38CroftonHmmm, I knew a couple of people who went to CMU a few years back
22:19.20T`oh, this is only my junior year now.. but i work full-time + study ... graduating in 2 months
22:20.17T`are you a student at VT?
22:20.18CroftonI'm in grad school at Va Tech
22:20.29Croftonyeah, I'm in the SW radio group
22:21.20T`oh.. one of my friends is working on it with a prof named Negi
22:22.09Croftonhmm, I'll check and see if people have heard of him
22:23.57T`can you tell me what is the hard part or difficultites in tuning to a certain baseband ?
22:24.12*** part/#elinux cbrake (
22:25.38T`from what i understand u have a setup where you have a ADC -> mixer -> DSP, and the signal input is then tuned to a particular freq on SW ?
22:26.00CroftonTalk to me later about this
22:26.12T`but i guess there are many things u can do on the higher level like the modulation, etc.
22:26.18T`k sure
22:26.19Croftonoh yeag
22:27.09T`hmm.. actually it should be RF -> mixer -> ADC -> DSP i guess.. hehe
22:40.52Croftonheh Ant -> ADC -> DSP :)
22:40.56Croftonthe perfect SW radio
22:41.04Croftonof course it isn't that easy.
22:52.37T`well, high freq ADC's are damn expensive :) just use a mixer box to filter out the baseband i guess :)
22:53.23ibotextra, extra, read all about it, usrp is a Universal Software Radio Peripheral or
22:53.39CroftonWe are getting one fo these
22:53.46T`woohoo cool
22:53.53Croftonyes very cool
22:54.12CroftonA very cheap way to get real radio signals into a PC
22:54.26CroftonI am hopeful I can connect it to the OMAP OSK board
22:54.40T`oh ur a OMAP fan.. heh
22:55.03CroftonYeah, it makes an interesting target for our groups project
22:55.41T`4 High-Speed AD Converters (64 MS/s, 12-bit Analog Devices AD9862) which can bandpass-sample signals of up to about 200 MHz, digitizing a band as wide as about 32 MHz.
22:55.59T`that means you have to first demix the input RF to remove the bandpass.. right?
22:56.28T`200 Mhz doesnt seem to be enough even to tune UHF or VHF.. but i may be missing something
22:56.46T`oh i get it.. they have the mixers on a daughterboard
22:57.20T`very cool... but would be cooler if they had a wide range of mixing capability and if u can control it all on software :)  time to hack into police freq ;)
22:57.26CroftonYou downconvert the signal
22:57.47Croftonyou could use a LO controled by the computer
22:58.17CroftonYou could downconvert a large band used by the poice and pick out channels with SW
22:58.30hardwirewhat are you guys talking about :)
22:58.38CroftonThe USRP does some channelizing
22:58.43T`LO ?
22:58.51CroftonThen you use the DSP on the OMAP for more signal procesing
22:58.56CroftonLocal Oscillator
22:59.07CroftonAplications for embedded Linux :)
22:59.12Croftonsoftware radio
22:59.19hardwireCrofton: I was going to attempt making a network based RDF
22:59.33hardwirefor public accessable police bands
22:59.38hardwireto demod the callsign
22:59.38Croftonthat would be an amusing project
22:59.43hardwirerecieved at 3 or more locations
22:59.46T`Crofton, oh yes ... a mixer unit has the required oscillators and mixes your input signal to remove the bassband ur output signal is just the pure bandwidth of the signal at a lower freq offset
22:59.54hardwireand just throwing it all at an internet APRS server
23:00.10T`Crofton, board is kinda expensive.. i would have bought it or else ;)
23:00.14hardwirethe NTP drift amount didn't hold a lot of sway
23:00.23T`Crofton, can do a lot of cool things with this.. hehe
23:00.42Croftonheh, that board provides 90% of the capabilty of much higher proced boards
23:00.49hardwireyou could still target a police car w/in about a mile
23:00.58CroftonI want to make a 27MHz cordless phone monitor
23:01.04hardwirethat would be fun
23:01.08hardwirefor covert ops.. yo?
23:01.11T`heh, shouldn't be too hard with this board
23:01.13Croftonof course 27Mhz phones are not as common as they once were
23:01.34hardwirewhat board are you guys looking at?
23:01.34T`btw, how is the usb interface? do they have some drivers already?
23:01.47CroftonWe used to listen to them a few years back, my friens lived across from an apartment complex
23:01.57Croftonnot sure, haven't got ours yet
23:02.01hardwireI am hoping to monitor and transmit on some marine VHF freqs w/o operating w/ an external radio
23:02.14T`Crofton, didnt ur mama tell u its a badhabit to listen to the neighbour chick's phone calls!
23:02.24T`lol.. j/k
23:02.29CroftonHeh, they are funny as shit
23:02.39T`yea i can imagine.. lol
23:03.06T`i used to overhear some calls at my internship a few summers ago... the wife is always pestering this dude who worked at our place
23:03.19T`i guess she expects a gold mountain every day
23:03.21Crofton"I would have done anal sex with him if I loved him"
23:03.42hardwirethat thing is amazing
23:03.52hardwireI wish it was PCI
23:03.58T`hardwire, why is that?
23:04.24hardwirebecause USB isn't exactly a mission critical bus
23:04.49hardwiregigE makes a lot more sense in some situations
23:04.51T`hehe.. usb 2.0 with only one high speed device on it is quite good
23:04.52CroftonWell, if it's mission critical you can the big bucks :)
23:05.03hardwireI don't like big bucks :)
23:05.05hardwireI know
23:05.18T`but its not hard to make this a pci board...
23:05.23Croftonneither do we :)
23:05.28T`who does!
23:05.38hardwireI would really really love this thing to work on GPRS
23:05.53CroftonOf course some of my friends are working on some projects were they are trying to get some big buck stuff
23:05.53T`hardwire, GPRS is a highlevel protocol i think
23:05.56hardwireI don't want to pay Vanu Inc 100,000 for the ir GPRS softmodems
23:06.13hardwireT`: this is how vanu started however..
23:06.13T`but u can prolly tune to taht freq. and send some ping signals.. heh
23:06.15hardwirewith a board like this
23:06.27T`hmm. never heard of vanu.. US based?
23:06.29Croftonwith USB you could connect it to a PDA with USB 2
23:06.42hardwirevanu inc
23:06.55hardwirethey originally made a radio board for PDA's that worked on GPRS freqs
23:07.00hardwireand passed mobile to mobile GSM
23:07.08hardwirethen they made it bigger.. and made a POP for GSM phones
23:07.27hardwirenow they pass everything out of a GPR radio/tranciever over GigE
23:07.32T`Crofton, i assume u can't tune to more than one freq. right?
23:07.40hardwireand have a low power p133 for the most part just route thr RTP
23:08.06T`hardwire, ah i c. so you can buy like a PCMCIA adapter for PDA ?
23:08.13CroftonActually you can
23:08.31Croftonas long as the frequencies are "close"
23:08.35T`hardwire, i have built-in wlan in my pda.. but it sux.. horrible antenna
23:08.44hardwirewell I am really awnting a board just like this
23:08.53hardwirewith an RX/TX module
23:09.11T`Crofton, i c.. cool
23:09.25T`Crofton, have a look at blackfin dsps... they are cool.. i use them
23:09.59CroftonCan you run linux oon them?
23:10.11Croftonthey have a MMU?
23:10.24T`lol.. u want a MMU ! ?
23:10.36Croftonthis would be uclinux then?
23:10.50T`yes it is
23:11.03T`i never tried the linux on it though.. not really needed for anything i do
23:11.15T`i should do it sometime just for the kicks
23:11.16CroftonHow much are eval boards?
23:11.40CroftonYeah, if I get a cheap/free board, it would be nice to port our SW radio stuff to it
23:12.05hardwirethat board runs linux?
23:12.27T`hardwire, no.. i am talking about a different dsp chipset which has linux support
23:12.55T`hardwire, blackfin series are dsps' from analog devices
23:13.13T`Crofton, is ur sw radio functional?
23:13.38CroftonWe are working on an open source SCA
23:13.55Croftonwhich is "an operating system for SW radios" :)
23:14.18CroftonWe have made a radio with it, but it is not suitable for release
23:14.19T`hehe i c
23:14.32CroftonWe hope to have some demos based on the USRP by summer
23:14.41Croftonthat should be suitable for release
23:14.43T`are there any free radios out there already?
23:14.51Croftonlook at gnuradio
23:15.08CroftonThey are the guys behind the USRP
23:15.33T`oh wow.. great. the hdtv capturing works good :)
23:16.34T`Crofton, if i wanted to play with gnuradio and not need to loot a bank for that board.. is there an alternative?
23:17.26CroftonThey may have some circuits to couple low bandwidth stuff into yout soundcard
23:17.44Croftonsearch for "open source drm decoder" for an example
23:17.46T`ah the line-in ?
23:18.12hardwiremy girlfriend complains that the dishwasher doesn't work
23:18.16Croftonpeople use mixers to down convert to low frequency and then play with the signal
23:18.18hardwirebut she never pre-rinses anything
23:18.37hardwirei guess I can't be right about this one
23:18.42hardwireand now we haev an expensive drying rack.
23:18.50T`Crofton, yea, i was thinking of that.. hehe.. i can make a mixer pretty cheap and easy
23:19.11CroftonWell I need to run home
23:19.16T`k later
23:19.17CroftonI'll catch you guys later
23:23.06MonMothaoh yea sdr
23:23.29MonMothaI've been meaning to build a little capture card that can at least do higher bandwidth than a sound card
23:23.53T`MonMotha, higher by how much
23:24.54MonMothaT`: I'd like a few hundred kHz worth of bandwidth, say enough to digitize an entire amateur HF band at once
23:25.44T`a tv tuner is probably enough then?
23:26.12T`you might have to get a tuner module kit which suits your purpose however
23:26.43T`i built an external tv tuner with my nvidia video in... may be u can use a mixer and the nvidia video in somehow
23:26.50MonMothacertainly would be, though I thought most TV tuner cards pretty much assumed you'd be receiving TV and handled all the sync and stuff for you, as well as assuming VSB AM for the video and FM for the subchannel audio
23:27.21T`i believe that is configurable in your video digitizer
23:27.37T`but then you hardly even get their datasheets :/
23:27.53MonMothathat's the problem these days: nobody will give you specs
23:28.08T`hehe yea.. dumbasses
23:28.09MonMothaI remember buying hardware that came with entire books on programming specs, full schematics, etc
23:28.18CosmicPenguinWho's talking to me?
23:28.21CosmicPenguinbring it on
23:28.25T`haha CosmicPenguin
23:28.38T`u work for conexant cosmic?
23:28.56T`MonMotha, hehe ... natsemi my friend
23:29.00MonMothawhois him :)
23:29.03T`MonMotha, and maxim i guess
23:29.15MonMothamaxim is pretty good, as is national semi
23:29.28MonMothathough the bitches at Broadcom...
23:29.45T`broadcom and conexant are really secretive
23:29.57T`i had this problem with Prism.. now they got bought over
23:30.26T`was trying to get their wifi mixer chip specs and they asked me for 20k upfront deposit.. LOL
23:30.26MonMothathe wifi guys haev all adopted the "FCC won't let us because you could make it do illegal stuff" excuse
23:30.44MonMothathough I will say the reps always have to dodge my whole "I'm licensed on that band, come again?" thing :)
23:31.03T`u have to be "licensed" to use wifi?
23:31.19MonMothano, but it just so happens that amateurs are primary on the bottom half of the wifi band :)
23:31.32T`oh.. i have no clue about ham and radio operation.. should probably join that club here sometime
23:32.02MonMothaactually, I guess we're secondary to radiolocation on that band, which doesn't normally mean much
23:32.15MonMothathis is all in the USA of course
23:32.29T`no clue what that means ;) too much ham jargan. haha
23:32.58MonMothanot ham jargon so much as FCC policy jargon
23:33.47MonMothaprimary operators are afforded protection from interference by other operations, and may cause interference (in most cases) to other operations, secondary operators must avoid interference to primary operators and are given no protection (or very limited protection) from primary operations
23:34.08MonMothaof course, wifi is unlicensed, which means that if my transmitter kills your wifi and I'm otherwise operating legally, there ain't a damn thing you acn do about it
23:34.23MonMothalook! I'm running CW at 5 million WPM on 2.45GHz!
23:34.55T`ah i get ur point...
23:36.09MonMothathough I'll admit that's kind of a loophole since there's little reason to run CW that fast (you could only do it by computer, and then there are more efficient modulation schemes like PSK)
23:37.06T`oh.. CW is some kinda modulation?
23:37.26MonMothamorse code
23:37.47MonMothaIE turning a carrier on and off - "constant wave"
23:38.34T`yea i did some reading on a few modulations.. i was playing with asterisk a few years ago... i think telephone is FSK
23:38.51T`well, my memory is rusty on that now.. hehe
23:38.57MonMothawell, voice telephone would be effectively AM
23:38.59T`heh.. u use it file?
23:39.07T`MonMotha, hmm.. sure?
23:39.12file[laptop]you have no idea :)
23:39.16file[laptop]I worked at the Digium booth at VON
23:39.32T`VON i assume is some Voip conference?
23:39.44T`aah.. so u worked for digum?
23:39.45MonMothathat would be the nature of that kind of a signal.  without the carrier and double sideband of course.  You've effectively got a baseband audio signal on a couple of wires
23:39.58file[laptop]they brought us all together
23:40.13file[laptop]there I am unpacking an LCD
23:40.20T`file, aah gotcha.. mark gave me a free fxs/fxo card.. p100 or osmething like that
23:40.38T`ooh.. lol
23:40.44T`cool :) lots of space for *
23:41.21T`yea i was doing it as a school funded project.. so he was being nice with a free card .. cool guy
23:41.35file[laptop]yeah Mark is nice
23:41.44T`what did u work on in * ?
23:41.55file[laptop]I do SIP stuff mostly
23:42.32file[laptop]I want to rewrite the entire thing really
23:42.45T`lol.. tell me about it ;P thats how i feel everytime i do something
23:44.34file[laptop]time to bite my lip and sync my iPod to my Mac
23:44.49T`file, its been a while since i was on #asterisk.. like 2years+ .. things must have changed a lot.. is that guy who owns nufone from IL still there?
23:44.54T`i forgot his name.. lol
23:45.09file[laptop]Jeremy Macnamara
23:45.15T`aah yea.. thats right
23:45.26T`he told me some crazy stories of how he crashed his plane.. lol
23:45.46file[laptop]where's CosmicPenguin? got something to tell him
23:45.52T`in iceland
23:46.05CosmicPenguinfile: you talkin' to me?
23:46.20file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: Snom took my idea of putting a PBX in a tiny box
23:46.32file[laptop]and actually did it
23:46.56file[laptop]it eerily reminds me of a geode board
23:47.18file[laptop]trying to find pic
23:47.48T`oh wow.. nice!
23:47.56CosmicPenguinWhats in that?
23:47.57file[laptop]it doesn't run asterisk mind you
23:48.04file[laptop]dunno, couldn't get anything out of the guy
23:48.06T`oh.. so what does it run?
23:48.11file[laptop]their own PBX
23:48.19T`is it any good?
23:48.36file[laptop]well it's licensed, so I've never used it... 'nor can I without paying for a license
23:48.57file[laptop]but from what I've seen with it, it's written to work on different platforms+OSes
23:49.02CosmicPenguinWhat is that, a CF slot, a PS2 slot and two nics?
23:49.20T`at one point i was looking into making a small board like that.. and run * on it.. but dropped hte idea... i had almost no knowledge on how to do the telephone circuitry stuff
23:49.37CosmicPenguinThat might be x86, I don't know
23:49.41file[laptop]there's not much info
23:49.42CosmicPenguincan * run on a MMUless OS?
23:49.43T`file, if u find someone who might be interested and can fill in for me on some of the analog stuff involved i might work on it :)
23:50.06file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: good question, never tried
23:50.13CosmicPenguinI don't like the name SNOM, it sounds make up
23:50.15file[laptop]I know it has to be patched+mucked with to work on ARM...
23:50.19file[laptop]they're swedish
23:50.20T`why do u need mmu for * .. how is it gonna know?
23:50.29CosmicPenguinWhats your name... err.. um... snom.  Thats it
23:50.45T`uclinux i heard has mmu emulation
23:51.08MonMothaT`: analog telephone is downright ugly
23:51.20CosmicPenguinfile: Could you even get a price out of the guy?
23:51.22file[laptop]the Snom guy got beat up really bad
23:51.29file[laptop]at the IAX2 presentation
23:51.40file[laptop]at the end of it in big black letters, "There should be only one protocol - SIP."
23:51.43file[laptop]it was fun
23:51.46file[laptop]ANYWAY - let me find the page I got
23:52.10file[laptop]nope no pricing
23:52.23file[laptop]no info at all towards codecs either, processor, etc
23:52.40CosmicPenguinI'm sure they can toss an additional 200% on top of cost just because its "cutting edge VoIP"
23:52.57T`MonMotha, well, the termination still is largely analog.. so you will need some circuitry to interface with these T1 "splitters" or whatever they are called.. lol
23:53.15T`telco routers may be?
23:53.28T`damn.. i forgot a lot of stuff :-p
23:54.41MonMothawell, I was just talking about normal loops given to customers by the telco
23:54.59MonMothathe signaling is basically brute force hacks on top of hacks
23:55.32CosmicPenguinfile: sure wouldn't be hard to make a box though - I'll bet T0mW has the skillz to do the board
23:55.45T`MonMotha, heh i c
23:58.06file[laptop]I saw VoIP boards too
23:59.22CosmicPenguinWell, find somebody who will sell a 100,000 of them and get them to contact AMD
23:59.37CosmicPenguinWe'll do the rest... :)
23:59.46CosmicPenguinGeode and VoIP - A match made in heaven
23:59.57file[laptop]get me a preliminary board and we'll see :p

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.