irclog2html for #elinux on 20050312

01:35.12*** join/#elinux hufnus (
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07:44.56*** mode/#elinux [+v file] by ChanServ
08:05.07filepo, tate, oh
08:05.36cdmclean it, cut it, boil it in a pot
08:05.46cdmnasty hobbits
08:06.58kergothits not the same unless you spell it hobbitses
08:07.10cdmyou guys watch the EP-III trailer?
08:11.14*** join/#elinux THeli (~Total@GO.HELI.RI.CMU.EDU)
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20:13.40hardwirechouimat: hi
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21:31.19hardwireanybody used usbsnoop or similar and gotten pretty good/readable results out of it?
21:31.33hardwirethis HID protocol to control the Griffen Radioshark might be too complicated for me
21:33.01ljpuse the force, Luke
21:33.10hardwireits there
21:33.11hardwireI can taste it
22:04.49hardwirethe monkeys of reverse eng haunt me
22:28.40hardwireusbsnooping is toughh biz
22:29.42hardwirerec -d /dev/dsp1 -r 44100 -t wav - |  play -t wav -
22:29.44hardwireis fun
22:29.47hardwirefrom the radioshark
22:29.50hardwiresince its a usb audio device
22:29.56hardwirebut the tuning is done via HID
22:30.11hardwireand fuck if I can read the output from usbsnoop
22:30.23hardwireI kinda unstructed one of its control structures
22:30.31hardwireI moved the dial up 10mhz at a time
22:30.37hardwirethat helped point out the pattern
22:30.47hardwireand now I know how to set it to a degree
22:30.59hardwirebut I don't know how to write to it via /dev/input/event4
22:31.07hardwireos.write(event, struct.pack("BBBBxx", 0xc0, 0x12, 0x04, 0x42))
22:31.10hardwirethat should have worked
22:31.18hardwireevent is an open file handle
22:32.50hardwireos.write returns 16
22:32.53hardwireI have no idea what that means
22:32.56hardwireoh well.. bbl..

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.