irclog2html for #elinux on 20050307

05:12.11*** join/#elinux ibot (
05:12.11*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || see prpplague about custom holly-gates jtag dongles
05:12.11*** mode/#elinux [+o ibot] by ChanServ
05:38.23*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
05:44.43*** join/#elinux George (~Test@gwright.developer.kde)
05:45.35TimRiker~seen andersee
05:45.41ibotandersee is currently on #uclibc #oe #elinux
05:55.28*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
06:49.22*** join/#elinux ljp (~lpotter@
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13:46.03*** join/#elinux pb_ (~pb@2002:3e03:42cc:2:20a:5eff:fe00:391e)
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14:47.11*** join/#elinux prpplague (
14:48.04prpplagueho ho ho
14:48.09prpplaguemerry freakin monday
15:12.44CosmicPenguinYou still here?  :)
15:14.02prpplagueyea, well, telling my boss today
15:19.03CosmicPenguinprpplague: miss the family?
15:28.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea
15:28.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: plus telling work
15:28.20prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm not good at this quiting stuff
15:32.11sorphinprpplague: too bad it's not like abcsinc was, you could use that nice line from office space... o/~ take this job and shove it, i ain't workin here no more o/~
15:32.26prpplaguesorphin: yea
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15:32.35prpplaguesorphin: big difference between aml and abcsinc
15:32.38sorphineek, it's file
15:33.03sorphinprpplague: yeah, i know
15:33.30filehey hey
15:34.57sorphinfile: you mean suite ;)
15:35.38sorphinfile: find it amusing that VON is going on now, and yesterday someone posted a 'build your own pbx' article on /., heh
15:36.06filewhen we hacked the wifi we noticed and called Mark up
15:37.02filebkw is sitting beside me on his iBook, twisted is on the other bed still unconcious
15:37.45sorphinyou and brian ain't sharin a bed are ya? :P
15:38.07fileI wonder where drumkilla is
15:38.32sorphindammit, my package JUST showed up at the hub this morning.. (it doesn't take from 10:33pm last night till 8:01am today to get from Salina KS to the hub here dammit)
15:38.51sorphinthey just love delaying till the 'scheduled date'
15:38.56sorphini've never had UPS be early
15:39.01sorphinnow fedex, i have
15:41.08prpplagueman there are alot of adds for timesys in linuxjournal
15:41.53sorphincould be because they can't retain anyone? (least from how sjhill spoke of the place)
15:45.25prpplaguesorphin: yea i bet
15:51.47sorphinprpplague: so when you fly out ex-hillbilly?
15:53.43*** join/#elinux hufnus (
16:01.46prpplaguewell the deed is done
16:02.25pb_prpplague: very good
16:04.24pb_prpplague: heh
16:04.27pb_how did your boss take the news?
16:04.49sorphinprpplague: dont' do it! (smoke)
16:05.18sorphinpb_: wotcher
16:05.23pb_hey sorphin
16:05.36sorphinpb_: how's things over the pond?
16:06.02pb_not too bad.  getting ready to head out to CeBIT later in the week.
16:06.40sorphinpb_: any word on anything good there this year?
16:11.19pb_nothing that I've heard of, yet
16:11.57prpplaguepb_: was pretty disappointed
16:12.03sorphinprpplague: i hope you didn't realy smoke :P
16:12.16prpplaguepb_: he want's to work something out for telecommute
16:12.22prpplaguesorphin: yea i did
16:17.12prpplaguesorphin: hehe, yea, smokers generally stink
16:18.20prpplaguefile: hey, which voip service allows you to get a phone number in any area code you want?
16:18.48fileprpplague: none, they all have their limits
16:19.04prpplaguefile: hmm
16:19.04filebut if you just want a regular ol' voip residential one go for vonage or packet8...
16:19.10filethey have the biggest coverage areas
16:19.38prpplaguefile: yea, i'd like to get a local number in the states so i can use it from barbados
16:20.33prpplaguefile: any recommendations?
16:23.11prpplaguefile: vonage give you a choice which area codes your number will be in?
16:24.24prpplaguefile: what kind of $$ ?
16:25.56prpplaguesorphin: yea yea
16:26.00sorphinfile doesn't use either of them
16:26.06sorphinhe works for a voip company ;)
16:26.23prpplaguehmm, why didn't he suggest his own company?
16:26.34sorphinprolly coverage
16:52.27*** join/#elinux markl__ (
17:49.09*** join/#elinux cdm (~cdm@
17:49.26sorphincdm: moin chris
17:56.40anderseecheaper, better international support, and broadvoice has a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) plan, so you can use i.e. your own SPA-2000 or asterisk box
18:05.17*** join/#elinux Crofton (
18:14.28cdmhey sorphin
18:36.00*** join/#elinux prpplague (
18:36.28sorphincdm: hows things?
18:50.36cdmthings are good man.
18:50.41cdmgoing to ESC Tues/Wed
18:51.59sorphinyay, new worm deployed on the corporate network (spreads via msn messenger), google can't find any details on it yet.. thank god i don't use that messenger (not even the internal version)
18:52.32*** join/#elinux [mYa]_KiD_Reles (
18:52.50kergothheh, i talk to coworkers on irc.
19:12.36*** join/#elinux cain (
19:14.16*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
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19:54.40*** join/#elinux hufnus (
20:13.13sorphinkergoth: well, some of these people are sales, etc in the company, so...  to talk to coworkers, i just walk right out my doorway :P
20:13.46kergothi talk to the people in the aisle of cubicles over from me on irc more than i do in person
20:13.50kergothkinda odd
20:14.25sorphinkergoth: well, that's because that's how you are.. some of the shit we have to talk about is easier in person, (and faster), cuz it's usually work talk and security stuff
20:15.37sorphinthere's only 3 of us (plus our lead) in the netsec group, till they bring on a 4th again
20:17.06prpplaguekergoth: i did the same when i was at abcs
20:19.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: argh, there is something to be said for being "simple" , but sometimes being simple can also mean being outright dumb
20:19.39prpplagueCosmicPenguin: this fat fs is simply be is sooooooo stupid sometimes
20:20.56sorphinprpplague: well, remember for what purpose and when it was originally created
20:21.48prpplaguesorphin: to torture POW's in vietnam?
20:22.30sorphinremember, 1970s, DOS, no more than 640k/mem, etc
20:23.30prpplaguesorphin: yes i know the history
20:23.35prpplaguesorphin: :)
20:24.26prpplaguesorphin: hehe i know
20:24.39prpplaguesorphin: had too much coffee and heart pounding excitement for today
20:25.11sorphinjust don't smoke anymore :-P i'm sure donna would prefer it ;)
20:25.17prpplaguesorphin: hehe
20:25.18*** join/#elinux BZFlag (
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20:25.47prpplaguesorphin: its really weird that when i have something very stressful to do, i end up becoming like a zombie
20:26.06prpplaguesorphin: i remember doing it, but it seems like an out of body experience, hehe
20:26.06CosmicPenguinprpplague: yes, fat is stupid, but I don't need to use it, just interact with it
20:26.17sorphinprpplague: indeed
20:26.26CosmicPenguinprpplague:  A good chunk of computer science is dealing with other people stupid ideas
20:26.35sorphinCosmicPenguin: so.. how's the house the penguin built holdin up?
20:27.02prpplague<CosmicPenguin> prpplague: yes, fat <insert abcsinc boss here> is stupid, but I don't need to use it, just interact with it
20:27.18sorphinprpplague: haha
20:28.12CosmicPenguinsorphin: so much to do, no talent to do it with
20:28.20sorphinCosmicPenguin: ah
20:28.33sorphinleast yours is new
20:29.14prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i know what you mean allll tooooo wellll
20:29.35prpplagueCosmicPenguin: spi/mmc is so simple in concept, but seems to be complicated in implmentation
20:29.53CosmicPenguinprpplague: indeed
20:30.15CosmicPenguinprpplague: some times its like the developers came to a fork in the process, and deliberately picked the hardest one
20:30.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, guess thats a decription of a woman as well, hehe
20:30.58prpplaguesimple in concept, complicated in implmentation
20:31.55sorphinprpplague: and comprehension
20:35.40prpplaguebtw, for anyone that cares emsoft has not responded about their gpl violations yet
20:36.00prpplagueif i don't get a response by the 15th, i'm gonna post on the uclinux mailing list
20:37.02CosmicPenguinpost it anyway
20:37.15prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ya think?
20:37.34CosmicPenguinThey're in violation - we think so, andersee thinks so
20:37.47CosmicPenguinIf they have to explain themselves, make them explain themselves to the entire list
20:38.11prpplaguewell, i didn't say in the email that i would give them until the 15th to comply
20:39.20CosmicPenguinComply or respond
20:39.35prpplagueto comply
20:39.48CosmicPenguinThat should be fine then
20:39.58prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ?
20:40.03CosmicPenguinif they give you a lot of smoke, you can still post it and have them explain themselves
20:42.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: and i right in assuming that if a block driver in the kernel works with the fatfs driver in the kernel, that there would be a significant interaction with the kernel api's ?
20:43.00prpplaguemaybe i should ask that on kernelnewbies
20:43.32CosmicPenguinthe fatfs driver is GPLed
20:43.33prpplaguethats what i thought
20:43.59CosmicPenguinNow, I think its a gray area of they don't mark them with that GPL exported tag
20:44.11CosmicPenguinbut thats only if the offending code in question is a binary module
20:44.14prpplagueright, so the test based on what linus posted was if it used enough of the api and interconnection with the kernel
20:44.18CosmicPenguinwhich I gather it isn't, since this is uclinux
20:44.35prpplagueCosmicPenguin: and XIP
20:44.41CosmicPenguineven worse
20:44.47CosmicPenguinor better depending on your point of view
20:48.51prpplagueafter hearing what sjhill had to say about them, you wonder what they are really "aiming" with
20:55.13CosmicPenguinSeems like a whole lot of marketing babble to me
21:10.14*** join/#elinux prpplague (
21:10.46prpplagueargh, my connect sucks
21:21.11*** join/#elinux prpplague (
21:22.44sorphinstupid IT people
21:23.21sorphinsaid i was infected w/ W32.surflog.A, but the scanner he ran, said i wasn't :-P and the machien name he was seeing wasn't my machine name, but whatever
21:25.00*** mode/#elinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
21:27.52prpplaguekergoth: hey, hows the dropbear ssh client shaping up?
21:28.05prpplaguekergoth: still best bet to use openssh's client?
21:40.07sorphinprpplague: so when you fly out?
21:40.28sorphinprpplague: so we can tell the CIA/FBI what plane to watch ;p
21:40.48prpplaguesorphin: don't even kid around about shuch
21:41.37sorphinwell, i was kidding about that last part, but was innocently curious about when you flee to barbados
21:42.29CosmicPenguinnice one
21:42.44sorphini doubt that was me :P
21:43.26sorphin(flee the current president anyways)
22:20.02CosmicPenguinI want a froogle for everything
22:20.18CosmicPenguinI want to be able to froogle landscapers in my area, and rank them by rating
22:20.43CosmicPenguinI wan to give my life to the worship of the froogle and all who froog within
23:08.48*** join/#elinux sarahemm{SA} (
23:48.56*** join/#elinux Soopaman_ (

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