irclog2html for #elinux on 20050305

00:02.55*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
00:08.19*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
00:15.23*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
00:23.04*** join/#elinux Toi ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
00:36.41*** join/#elinux George (~Test@gwright.developer.kde)
00:50.36*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
00:59.07*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
01:10.06*** join/#elinux George (~Test@gwright.developer.kde)
01:37.57*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
01:43.35*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
01:44.25*** join/#elinux divbyzero (
01:45.50*** join/#elinux andersee (
01:45.50*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
01:46.52*** join/#elinux Soopaman (
01:51.50*** join/#elinux George (~Test@gwright.developer.kde)
02:04.16*** join/#elinux hufnus (
02:10.35*** join/#elinux George (~Test@gwright.developer.kde)
02:25.36*** join/#elinux George (~Test@gwright.developer.kde)
02:36.56*** join/#elinux George (~Test@gwright.developer.kde)
02:40.09*** join/#elinux andersee (
02:40.09*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
02:40.12Russanyone have 72 pin DRAM lying around
02:40.14Russhey andersee, unreachable
02:40.48anderseeRuss: should be reachable now...
02:41.14Russbtw, someone mentioned that the bug link for udhcp doesn't work, did something change?
02:43.00*** join/#elinux George (~Test@gwright.developer.kde)
02:43.08Russah, "Shiny new Bug Tracking System!!! - 01-12-05 23:56 - andersen"
02:48.20*** join/#elinux hufnus (
02:48.28*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
02:56.11*** join/#elinux George (~Test@gwright.developer.kde)
03:15.29*** join/#elinux George (~Test@gwright.developer.kde)
04:11.29divbyzerohmm anyone here messed with those littlechips arm boards?
04:12.26divbyzerothe ln2410sbc boards
04:48.47*** join/#elinux Russ (
06:28.16*** join/#elinux sorphin (
06:28.32sorphinyay, works
06:28.40sorphinanyone awake that uses wireless?
06:31.32Soopamani do, but i probably couldn't help you much :/
06:38.04Soopamanovislink, linksys and netgear
06:38.16Soopamanovis is the active one right now
06:38.20Soopamanand it makes me angry
06:38.36sorphinumm. ok
06:38.44sorphinnever heard of em
06:38.55sorphini just need simple
06:38.57sorphinno routing
06:39.04sorphinjust an AP
06:39.11Soopamanthere isn't much difference anymore
06:39.26Soopamanthey are all so cheap you may as well get whatever is cheapest
06:42.16kergothi like my wrt54gs.
06:42.29kergothand of course it can be reflashed with openwrt, which is nice.
06:42.32sorphinprolly too pricey for my uses
06:43.56kergothcan get it for as low as 65-70
06:44.01Soopamani've seen it for like 49 at outpost
06:44.08kergothso its cheap _and_ hackable.
06:44.10kergothcant go wrong
06:44.37sorphinkergoth: well, i don't need a hackable aP, this is only to get missy online and sometimes my laptop
06:45.16kergothright, but you arent going to find anything substantially cheaper anyway.  i wouldnt sacrifice flexibility for 5-10 dollars
06:45.20kergothbut its your call
06:45.35kergoth opinions on the current one?  did a few updates
06:46.56sorphinkergoth: i'm perusing ebay btw, not buying 'brand spanking new'
06:47.12sorphinand nothing flexible needed, it only has to bridge the wireless+ethernet
06:48.23Soopamankergoth, looking for a new job?
06:48.34kergothSoopaman: yep. have been for a while.  current one isnt a very good fit for me
06:49.05Soopamandang, so are all you guys trying to get out of Ti?
06:49.25kergothdont know what you mean
06:49.34kergothtim is changing jobs because his division decided not to use linux
06:50.51Soopamani thought you were all leaving Ti
06:52.44kergothi almost certainly am, due to my performance issues in the past and preconceptions and shit.  tim, dunno if he's transferring in ti or going elsewhere
06:52.55sorphinheh, netstumbler only sees 1 AP around me anywhere
06:56.47Soopamankergoth, performance as in your personal productivity, or how much space they let you work with
06:57.16kergothpersonal producitivity. bored off my ass.
06:58.42Soopamandon't you get paid really well though?
06:59.04kergothabout average for linux work in general.  underpaid for the work i'm doing
06:59.13kergothcourse its double what i made in tech support, so.. :)
06:59.59Soopamani'm still trying to figure out ways to teach recruiters how to evaluate my abilities
09:20.47*** join/#elinux Russ (
09:29.03*** join/#elinux sireesh (~sireesh@
09:31.12sireeshwill anyone help me  to get a Embedded Linux development board which is very low of cost
10:24.07*** join/#elinux George (george@gwright.developer.kde)
11:09.41*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
11:25.29*** join/#elinux mallum (
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13:04.09*** join/#elinux Crofton (
13:05.57*** join/#elinux hossam (~hossam@
14:18.56*** join/#elinux jamie (~jamie@
16:01.57*** join/#elinux file2 (
16:36.18*** join/#elinux jamie (~jamie@
17:11.50*** join/#elinux divbyzero (
18:14.41*** join/#elinux andersee (
18:14.41*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
18:17.17*** join/#elinux divbyzero (
18:50.26*** join/#elinux [mYa]_KiD_Reles (
19:34.45Russchouimat: you get costco out there?
19:35.06filewe do here
19:35.25Russfigured that
19:35.27chouimatRuss: yes why
19:35.31RussI was wondering about french canada
19:35.37Russchouimat: just curious
19:36.01Russyou said you were going food shopping
19:36.30chouimatRuss: but I don't know where the one in Ottawa is
19:36.42Russyou don't go?
19:37.29chouimatRuss: I just walked 5 km (where 1 mile == 1.6km) to get at the grocery store and back
19:37.51Russah, costco is definately not something you can walk back with
19:38.05Russyou live pretty far from the store
19:38.34chouimatRuss: not really I have shopping center and small grocery store but they are more expensive
19:39.01fileand chouimat is cheap
19:39.26chouimatfile: a 1.6km roast beef for 8$ instead of 19$ ;)
19:39.30chouimaterr 1.6kg
19:44.06*** join/#elinux chouimat (
20:24.00*** join/#elinux ionix (
20:25.28ionixHey, what SBC do you recomment for the following project ? A little SBC with Ethernet and RS232. I want to read from the Ethernet and send this to a main server over ethernet. This is for security door appliance... Like RFID tag reader with a central server.
21:55.57*** join/#elinux bzzbzz (~franco@
22:00.14anderseechouimat|nap: I want to see that 1.6km roast beef
22:00.49anderseechouimat|nap: sounds big enough to feed a few countries
22:00.59anderseefile: hey baby, did you miss me?
22:01.17fileandersee: you better believe it!
22:25.10chouimat|napandersee: typo ;)
22:33.22*** join/#elinux ionix (~ionix@
22:34.36*** join/#elinux George_ (george@
23:30.34Russwow, the google mapping and directions are so much cooler than mapquest or yahoo
23:46.50*** join/#elinux ionix (~ionix@

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