irclog2html for #elinux on 20050302

00:34.48kergothCosmicPenguin: check works really well for driver unit testing.  gonna see if i can convince my coworkers to start using it for it
00:34.51kergothRunning suite(s): Rtc
00:34.51kergoth100%: Checks: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0
00:34.51kergothtime_case.c:15:P:Time:rtc_rd_time: Passed
00:34.51kergothalarm_case.c:15:P:Alarm:rtc_alm_read: Passed
00:49.11CosmicPenguinkergoth: nice
00:49.29CosmicPenguinkergoth: if you have any publically viewable examples, send them my way, I'm trying to push that here too
00:50.01kergothCosmicPenguin: this /dev/misc/rtc test suite, i can probably gpl it and throw it your way, doubt anyone would mind
00:50.16CosmicPenguinkergoth: awesome
01:12.49kergothCosmicPenguin: hmm, do you know if check has a way to _expect_ a timeout?
01:13.04kergothCosmicPenguin: i.e. i want to make sure that a read() blocks and does _not_ return.
01:13.37kergothhmm, probably not
01:14.02kergothah, can just do a select() and make sure it isnt ready for read, thats good enough
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01:31.09kergothCosmicPenguin: .. let me know how that looks to you
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03:35.41kergothCosmicPenguin: the url i gave you earlier is dead, its now
03:40.19prpplaguekergoth: hey bud
03:40.23prpplaguekergoth: hows things?
03:41.17kergothnot bad, keeping busy.  still job hunting
03:41.26prpplaguekergoth: hehe, donna's second cousin wants to meet you
03:41.41prpplaguekergoth: donna showed her that pic of you with the lip ring
03:42.43prpplaguekergoth: just trying to keep my mind busy
03:42.55prpplaguekergoth: big house, aweful quite
03:43.13prpplaguekergoth: gonna watch bridge over river kwai shortly
03:43.30kergothneed to go grab a beer before you head out
03:43.40prpplagueyea, at the nudie bar
03:44.00prpplaguehehe you should take a quick trip to east texas to my favorite nudie bar
03:44.42prpplaguekergoth: today was chandler's first day at school down there
03:48.06prpplaguekergoth: when i get moved out next week, we can go to the flying saucer or somethig
03:49.32kergothtomw sent out the tux i bought from him.  finally going to have one, after all this time.  as if i'd actually have time to do much with it, though
03:49.37kergothyeah, that works
03:50.37prpplaguekergoth: hehe
03:50.54prpplaguekergoth: i still have 1 and half
03:51.05prpplaguethe half being the core board i hacked
03:51.44prpplaguethink i'll watch shawn of the dead instead
03:52.03prpplaguekergoth: still need to find someone to recommend for the job
03:52.11prpplaguekergoth: you know anyone at TI let me know
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04:11.14prpplaguekergoth: hehe, chandler starts cricket tomorrow
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07:48.07kergothhey cdm
07:53.35cdmhey kergoth - how's life?
07:55.47kergothpretty good, keepin busy.  still job hunting.
07:55.56kergothgot a piercing on friday
07:56.21cdmplayed a lot of Paper Mario over the weekend.
07:56.54cdmworking on some fun stuff at work.
07:57.06cdmanyone know what the difference is between -shared and -pie?
07:57.14cdmthere must be something subtly different, but I don't see it.
07:57.24anderseecdm: shared is like a shared library
07:57.53cdmandersee: sure.  But -pie makes a DYN file as well.
07:57.53anderseecdm: pie is a position independent executable -- a binary that can be relocated anywhere in memory
07:58.13cdmso I am trying to figure out what the difference is, besides semantics.
07:58.52anderseecdm: pie is typically used by the uber security kernel patching folks to prevent certain types of attacks from working
07:59.04cdmandersee: yeah, but won't those some things work on any DYN object?
07:59.18cdmI mean, you can exec() libc and it actually runs.
07:59.33cdmprints stuff out even. ;)
07:59.44anderseecdm: only if the libc authors go to the trouble of making that work
08:00.17cdmandersee: yeah, uclibc doesn't do it.
08:00.23T0mWheh, you know you're comfortable with GNU/linux when you intentionally try dangerous stuff
08:00.50cdmso besides syntatic sugar of -fPIC/-shared vs. -fPIE/-pie - what are the differences?
08:01.07cdmlooking at the -pie patches most of the linker commands just changed from -shared to -shared|-pie
08:02.04cdmand functionally I cannot find any difference in compiling and running the resulting binaries.
08:02.25cdmthey are ELF DYN files, with the same DT_INTERP and DT_NEEDED.
08:02.52cdmandersee: I am working on some ELF stuff at work.
08:03.12cdmand trying to decide if I want to clutter out build with pie stuff.
08:03.38cdmor if I can just get the same results with -shared and keep out yet another TLA.
08:03.42anderseemaking exes pie means you are wasting a register to make things pic
08:04.00cdmandersee: sure, but so is -fPIC/-shared.
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08:04.28anderseebut I never do -fPIC on my exes, so at least part of my apps run faster
08:04.31cdmand, AFAIK, the kernel will properly handle non-pic pie/shared objkects.
08:04.54cdmjust ends up doing a bunch of COW work during the load.
08:06.27anderseebut you still end up with a register holding the base addr so everything can be rel
08:06.49cdmno - you just end up patching the text section.
08:06.55anderseefor your exe, that register could have been doing something useful...
08:07.22cdmgcc will emit non-PIC, relocatable code.
08:07.31cdmyou just pay a big price at load time.
08:07.35cdmrather then one at runtime.
08:07.56cdmand you end up having to be fancy with dlopen().
08:08.27cdmregardless - I was just curious if anyone knew if there are actual functional differences between fPIE/pie and fPIC/shared.
08:09.00cdmbecause so far, it just looks like the pie stuff was added to make things like autoconf happy.
08:09.00kergothisnt it solar who does the gentoo security / pie stuff? ask him
08:09.17anderseeI suppose the main difference is that ld would plan on there being a _start in a -pie
08:09.30cdmby keeping shared library generation (fPIC/shared) separate from binaries (fPIE/pie).
08:09.45anderseeand would link it with crt1.o
08:10.12cdmthat could be it - our current libc is a bit of a bastardization of such things.
08:10.16cdmso I wouldn't notice it.
08:10.51cdmandersee: have you guys made any progress with the NPTL stuff?  Been enjoying the discussion on the AKML.
08:11.34anderseethere was a proposal floated to a vendor to fun sjhill porting nptl to uclibc, but they havn't bitten...
08:12.00cdmWhat are the top-sheet issues?
08:12.19anderseewell, mainly just that nobody thus far has felt the urge to do the port
08:13.04cdmdoes it hinge on the TLS stuff at all?
08:14.47anderseecdm: sortof, but not really.  it basically reverts to linuxthreads when the needed bits are absent.
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15:55.17mallumCosmicPenguin: mr amd how does an Opteron 244  scale up against a xeon ?
15:59.54CosmicPenguinask, and yea shall recieve
16:00.51mallumCosmicPenguin: :)
16:01.00mallumCosmicPenguin: such a gent
16:03.52sjhillCosmicPenguin: can i get a job at AMD? huh, please?
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16:54.05CosmicPenguinsjhill: you already have a nice job
16:54.24CosmicPenguinAll this top secret stuff... :)
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17:42.28cdmDoes anyone know of any video cards that support +-90degree rotation under Linux with randr?
17:47.07mallumcdm: non xfbdev ones ?
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17:51.00CosmicPenguinLotsa crap in the new kernel thats for sure
17:55.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i need to go take a crash course in 2.6 driver development
18:03.24CosmicPenguinvi drivers/*/*.c
18:03.27CosmicPenguinthats a crash course
18:03.45kergothalarm_case.c:67:E:Alarm:rtc_alm_interrupt: (after this point) Received signal 9 (Killed)
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18:10.24kergothCosmicPenguin: fyi, check doesnt show a nice "timeout" error when a timeout happens.  it just sends it a kill and tells you that
18:20.03kergothCosmicPenguin: you have a chance to take a look at that rtctest?
18:31.40sjhillprpplague: so go by the 3rd edition of Linux Device Drivers from ORA
18:31.45sjhillbuy even
18:33.13prpplaguesjhill: hehe, i have trouble learning from those types of books
18:33.40prpplaguesjhill: i always prefered lectures in college than just plan study classes
18:34.02prpplaguesjhill: guess i'm just weird
18:42.00CosmicPenguinkergoth: I didn't see it
18:42.04CosmicPenguinkergoth: did you post it or email it?
18:42.20cdmmallum: yeah.
18:43.56mallumcdm: I think most kdrive servers can do it, not sure about xorg ones
18:44.35CosmicPenguinheh - like pb_ said yesterday, he doesn't think Randr in Xorg can rotate
18:45.07cdmmallum: I tried Xati from kdrive, didn't work.
18:45.13mallumcdm: Xvesa ?
18:45.29cdmhave not tried Xvesa - although I really do want acceleration. :)
18:45.54mallumcdm: I doubt there is any randr accel :(
18:46.00mallumrandr is a bit of a hack
18:46.29cdmwhich just put a translation module at the top of the draw stream before the video driver.
18:46.40cdmso a rotated display was very fast.
18:46.53mallumcdm: thats bascially what randr does too
18:46.53kergothCosmicPenguin: posted. here.
18:47.05cdmmallum: so why does it it need low-level driver support?
18:47.13mallumcdm: you wanted accel
18:47.19cdmnone of the QNX drivers had any idea they where being rotated.
18:47.22cdmand had acceleration.
18:47.36cdmfor basic drawing.
18:47.43mallumcdm: doesn't sound like they were accelerated when rotated
18:48.31cdmmallum: it would just rotate the draw stream - so it would do co-ord transforms.  It did mean that large images had to be rotated on the CPU before going to the GPU.
18:48.47cdmbut blits would just have co-ord transformed.
18:48.55cdmit worked really really well.
18:49.45mallumcdm: what chipset are you using ?
18:49.50cdmmallum: Radeon 9200
18:50.03cdmafaik - lemme get specifics.
18:50.08mallumcdm: hmm.
18:50.28mallumcdm: it probably wouldn't be that hard to fix Xati up to do at least some basic accel
18:50.41mallumcdm: copys and solids rotated
18:50.57cdmyeah.  Maybe someday I will get a chance to do it. :)
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18:51.15cdmright now, I will just have to use VMware on windows. ;)
18:51.19mallumXati kdrive is pretty hardcore
18:51.26cdmkdrive is impressive.
18:51.40mallumhow come vmware what does that give you ?
18:52.03cdmmallum: means I can still have ssh access from my Mac to my linux box while having a rotated display for viewing PDFs under Windows. ;)
18:54.08mallumcdm: so you want a rotated display just for viewing pdfs ?
18:54.38cdmwell, it's a big part of why I have m second display in portrait mode rather then landscape.
18:54.49cdmreal PITA to keep rotating it around.
18:56.21mallumcdm: you could run Xephyr from kdrive, think of it as a Xnest that does randr
18:57.12cdmthat is a neat idea.
18:57.35prpplaguesjhill: do you learn most of your stuff from text books?
18:57.55CroftonI learn most of my stuff by doing
18:58.04sjhillit goes both ways for me
18:58.29sjhillbut with tech books, i have to be in front of the computer...i cannot read those just for the sake of reading and remembering
18:58.30Croftontextbooks and lectures just give you vocabulary to communicate with other people about the same problem
18:58.56prpplaguesjhill: yea
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18:59.49prpplaguesjhill: i don't find too many text's that are written in a hands-on approach style
19:00.10sjhillactually the Linux Device Driver books are
19:00.12sjhilli've been impressed
19:00.15cbrakeprpplague: I just read "Linux Kernel Development" by R. Love -- pretty good -- was actually fun to read, but does not cover drivers extensively.
19:01.00prpplaguesjhill: yea, i have the one for the 2.4 but found it hard to follow
19:01.17prpplaguesjhill: maybe i should the 2.6 updated one another chance
19:01.22kergothdont forget to read the articles on porting to 2.6.
19:01.32kergothif you already have a grasp of 2.4 driver development, thats a big help
19:02.31prpplaguekergoth: grasp would be too big of a word, i'm more like holding on with my finger tips, hehe
19:04.16prpplaguesjhill well fine, run away, hehe
19:04.58prpplaguekergoth: argh, this sales person from digi won't leave me alone
19:06.36prpplaguekergoth: netsilicon and digi are the funniest about sales, you call them and want quotes or product info, and you can't get anyone to call you back, then when you _don't_ want anything they are on the phone every other day calling you
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19:09.49kergothhey tim
19:13.13prpplagueTimRiker: yo!
19:13.19prpplagueTimRiker: nice work on the wiki
19:13.25prpplagueTimRiker: just about to add a few links
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19:26.56prpplagueppl that do that drive me (more) crazy
19:34.30Soopamanwhat's the opensource alternative to Microsoft Project?
19:41.41prpplagueSoopaman: there are several
19:42.21prpplagueSoopaman: there is one that ships with rhat called Mr.Project -
19:46.57mallumthats now planner -
19:49.08prpplagueSoopaman: last time i was in honduras the local linux user group was joking about a project management app that the drug lords were using
19:49.19TimRikerprpplague: =) I figured I'd dump stuff as we talked about it. ;-)
19:49.40prpplagueTimRiker: hehe
19:49.54prpplagueTimRiker: i've got the url for the jflash-linux
19:49.59prpplagueTimRiker: its on the lart pages
19:50.12prpplagueTimRiker: or atleast one version of it
19:50.39prpplagueTimRiker: i spoke to erikm who emailed jbd to kick the server
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20:08.51TimRikerprpplague: ahh.
20:09.42TimRikerprpplague: so are your dongles Macraigor compatible?
20:11.41T0mWIIRC, the pinouts are different for the Macraigor vs. Holly Gates
20:11.48T0mWparallel port pins
20:12.06prpplagueTimRiker: the macraigor and hg are 99% identical (as i understand the schematics) except a couple of the pins on the lpt ports are different
20:12.36prpplagueTimRiker: the same software can be used on either, with the correct defines for each pin that is being used
20:12.38T0mWMacraigor has an open collector reset driver output
20:13.04prpplagueas does the modified HG dongles were are making
20:13.45T0mWprpplague: wonder if you should put some 3 pin shunt jumpers on the new model to jumper it to be Macriagor pinout?
20:14.08T0mWpin 1-2 == HG, pin 2-3 == Macraigor
20:14.14CosmicPenguinkergoth: I like that rtc check stuff - I sent it on
20:14.17kergothspeaking of jtag, i need a mcgraigor compatible cable for myself, at home.  plenty of equipment at work
20:14.21CosmicPenguinI really think thats a clever way of handling things
20:14.25prpplagueT0mW: hmm, i'll ask about that
20:14.31T0mWcheap too
20:14.59prpplaguekergoth: i have some HG's ofcourse
20:15.18kergothif the same software works on both with minor alteration, thatd work.  selling em?
20:15.41kergothCosmicPenguin: cool.  i really love check's simplicity.  no extra crap, just gets out of your way
20:18.06prpplaguekergoth: i'll be doing a pre-garage sale
20:18.09prpplaguekergoth: friday
20:18.24prpplaguekergoth: your welcome to come by
20:19.02TimRikerprpplague: is there a reason to not be completely Macraigor compatible? I understand the the hg lacks some pins, but does the Macraigor have all that is needed?
20:20.28prpplagueTimRiker: only reason we are going with the HG pinouts is we have legacy code designed for the HG pins outs
20:20.50TimRikerprpplague: but that needs to be modified anyway to add the new pins, no?
20:20.53prpplagueTimRiker: plus we aren't 100% sure about copyright stuff
20:21.13prpplagueTimRiker: adding the extra two pins is easy
20:21.16T0mWprpplague: you could also do this to reduce it down to one jumper instead of several.  Add a CMOS 4053 FET switch onto the board and thru the jumper control the cross connnect of the needed pinouts through the SPDT FET switch of the 4053.  a 4053 has three SPDT FET switches inside it, it behaves exactly as a shunt jumper.
20:21.56T0mWonly means another 16pin SOIC on the board
20:22.25prpplagueT0mW: yea, i'll ask, but we have them mainly for product and sales, so me making them available at cost to ppl is just a side benefit
20:22.26T0mWIIRC, they are around 60ohms of series resistance
20:22.31TimRikerprpplague: ugh. should not be any copyright issues, there seem to be lots of projects using the Macraigor style layout.
20:22.53prpplagueTimRiker: we'll our legal ppl were concerned
20:23.11T0mWthose wankers are always concerned about something
20:27.12prpplagueyea, like i said, we are making them as part of a business venture, so we are only addressing our needs and trying to keep the costs low
20:30.34prpplaguetechinically its not
20:30.41prpplagueits fully hg compatible
20:31.35prpplagueTimRiker: and trust me, from what i've seen in the last 3 months, there are hundreds of jtag dongle variations being using in the back rooms
20:32.38prpplagueTimRiker: i'd say 50% of the jtag dongles out there are custom for specific manufacturing purposes
20:35.35prpplagueTimRiker: btw, just for information sake, you can use a jtag dongle to access sd/mmc cards
20:36.38prpplaguecdm: yea well if you got the money
20:41.28cdmvery sweet.  I really like how it has a telnet interface for the CP15 debug output channel.
20:41.52prpplaguecdm: i've not seen a linux client for the bdi2000, is there one?
20:42.06cdmWhat do you mean?  It just uses gdb.
20:42.35prpplaguecdm: ahh, that explains it then
20:42.40cdmit has a telnet monitor, a telnet port for the built-in RS232 port (for feedback), a telnet port for the Cp15 debug channel, and it talks gdb's remote protocol. :)
20:42.46cdmit's a wonderful product.
20:43.18prpplagueodd that the retailers don't mention gdb support
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20:44.49CosmicPenguinprpplague: yeah, gdb is key
20:45.24cdmoh, and it TFTP's images.
20:45.39cdmso downloads are very fast.
20:45.56prpplaguehmm thats very odd
20:46.08prpplaguenone of our vendors knew that it supported gdb
20:47.01cdmvery odd.
20:47.13cdmwe buy right from Abatron.
20:47.20prpplaguecdm: ahh
20:47.29prpplaguecdm: how much are you paying for your bdi2000?
20:48.01cdmsorry - ummmm, $2K I think?
20:49.32prpplaguethats a little less than the quotes we got
20:49.43prpplaguewe were getting quotes for around $2700
20:50.01kergothhm, super early ols discount eh
20:50.35prpplaguenext year for sure
20:51.10CosmicPenguinkergoth: I'm already signed up
20:52.17kergothconsidering the job situation, i doubt ti will be sending me this year
20:53.44CosmicPenguinyou going on your own, then?
20:58.21kergothmost likely
21:01.26prpplaguekergoth: hehe, you want my VIP card for "fanny's" ?
21:02.32CroftonI should have wrote a paper for it
21:07.42prpplaguekergoth: have you already got a price on a plane ticket from dfw to ottawa?
21:08.04kergothnot yet
21:08.14prpplagueaa is about $500
21:08.25kergothnot bad
21:08.36prpplaguehehe, british airways round trip from barbados to ottawa is just $129.00
21:08.41kergothheh, wow
21:08.45CosmicPenguinprpplague: do it, do it now!
21:09.36prpplaguekergoth: it has been my exprience that flying out of dfw is expensive
21:10.24prpplaguekergoth: for kicks sometime, just check the prices on NYC to LAX, then check the same dates for DFW to LAX
21:10.57prpplaguekergoth: DFW to LAX is usually 2x that of NYC to LAX
21:11.08kergothheh, damn
21:33.29prpplagueargh, sharps support web site is like a giant house with a thousand hidden rooms
21:34.10prpplaguekergoth: just found a page with a bunch of the files i've been looking for
21:34.27prpplaguekergoth: they referenced in a bunch of their app notes but are hard as hell to find
21:36.38prpplaguerick sure has sunk low -
21:43.58prpplagueugh that makes me furious
21:44.18prpplaguethat so dishonnors the idea of knighthood
21:53.59ljpnow he can go slay dragons
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