irclog2html for #elinux on 20050218

00:04.32*** join/#elinux ibot (
00:04.33*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || see prpplague about custom holly-gates jtag dongles
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00:06.54fishhead<fishhead> <fishhead> well I had to drive 15+ mins to another walmart
00:06.54fishhead<fishhead> <fishhead> but found 2 mp3 kits for $21 each
00:06.54fishhead<fishhead> <fishhead> so I bought one and grumbled that it was $21 when the juicebox was only $13
00:06.55fishhead<fishhead> <fishhead> after I was walking out the store turned out it was down to $9
00:06.55fishhead<fishhead> <fishhead> should have got 2, going to get another juicebox or 2 if the price drops below $13
00:06.55fishhead<Gigs3> Puff-n-Stuff: encoded how?
00:06.57fishhead<fishhead> mp3 kit gives you sd flash reader that works in linux, a 32 meg sd card and a sd to juicebox adaptor
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02:32.12fishhead <--- I hate to fly off about politics but this professor shouldbn't be allowed to get away with this and people need to write the college to fire him
02:37.28Russyou are going to run into professors like that
02:37.54Russjust write something about non-landowners not being able to vote, slavery, women's right to vote, racial equality,etc
02:38.54RussI had a women's study professor who hated men and stated that the bush administration wanted to take away women's right to vote
02:39.52fishheadwell all us talk show guys
02:40.00fishheadare going to pressure the college to fire him
02:40.39Russgood luck
02:40.42Russprobably tenured
02:40.59Russanyway, with dumbasses like that, its much easier to get an A because you know all the buttons
02:41.24fishheadwell at least we will make his life miserable
02:41.28Russyou just write something that you know will make them smile, it can be a piece of crap you wrote on the back of a napkin, you get an A
02:41.30fishheadso he gets a lot of death threats
02:41.49Russhe'll just feel more justified in his position
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02:45.28SoopamanI think tenure should be outlawed
02:45.45prpplaguefishhead: yea, alot of campuses are packed with profs like that
02:46.28fishheadyeah I know
02:46.34fishheadbut it's time we fight back
02:46.44fishheadfreedom of speech DOES NOT MEAN WE HAVE TO PAY FOR HIS SHIT
02:46.50fishheadsoppa I agree
02:46.56fishheadyou should have natural tenure
02:47.01fishheadas in people want you to stay
02:47.04fishheadnot forced bullshit
02:48.50prpplaguei had many of those types of profs in college
02:49.08fishheadhe's get my foot up his ass
02:49.15fishheadi'd drop the college if need be
02:49.19fishheadwhat a real nazi
03:15.01anderseeaka the person teaching all his profs classes and grading all the papers so he had time to work on his side (i.e. real) job
03:17.25anderseewhen in school, you do what the school gods tell you to do.  or else.
03:17.47Russandersee: or pick a different university
03:18.51anderseesadly, being a grad student tends to mean being exploited pretty much everywhere
03:19.10anderseeoh well, glad I'm all done with it
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04:49.38Soopamannot sure if this is off topic/unethical for this chan
04:49.48Soopamanbut does antyone know of a good exploit for pureftpd
04:50.20Soopamantrying to find a telnet/ssh daemon on this router by using the pureftpd daemon as a way in
04:50.40Soopamanthat or if anyone has any tips on reading/opening firmware
04:53.31fishheaddid you see this
04:53.43fishhead<fishhead> <fishhead>
04:53.43fishhead<fishhead> I might buy another one when they drop below $13
04:53.48fishheadgoodnight man
04:55.13Soopamanwhat is that?
04:55.39Soopamanthat's pretty cool
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08:24.01*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || see prpplague about custom holly-gates jtag dongles
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08:29.16*** join/#elinux ibot (
08:29.16*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || see prpplague about custom holly-gates jtag dongles
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08:30.48*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || see prpplague about custom holly-gates jtag dongles
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09:41.40*** join/#elinux ade|desk (~adavey@
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10:23.23*** topic/#elinux is Embedded Linux || || cross compile, uClibc, busybox, tinylogin, handhelds, post-sale linux installs ;-), etc. || free embedded linux training at || see prpplague about custom holly-gates jtag dongles
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13:04.21cozy_hi all
13:05.19cozy_i am new to embedded linux, i am looking for an software emulator that has a network interface too
13:05.39cozy_any idea what i can use?
13:06.48cozy_i search over google, but i couldn't anything relevant...
13:16.46cozy_nobody?  ;)
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14:14.54sireeshevery one is trying to use WINCE as embedded system os and initialy everone starts with that. If distribution for embedded Linux id available , which contain all development toolset kike WINCE platform builder then everyone will start using embedded Linux as there OS
15:12.58*** join/#elinux prpplague (
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16:00.57prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh island life, front page news,
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16:16.32prpplaguekergoth: morning
16:17.44pb_g'day plague
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16:19.03prpplaguepb_: howdy
16:19.10prpplaguepb_: hows life in histon?
16:19.18prpplaguepb_: gonna have to take a trip there someday
16:20.11prpplaguepb_: nice little backdrop to the "dirty war" movie, with todays annoucement of 30kilos of plutonium missing in the UK
16:22.55Russprpplague: you know how if you go to mexico, they say, "don't drink the water"?
16:23.06Russprpplague: if you go to the UK, don't eat the food
16:24.44prpplagueRuss: hehe, yea, i've heard that
16:25.08prpplagueRuss: hehe, bajans have similiar food , but they spice it up
16:25.20prpplagueRuss: like shepards pie in the west indies is really spicy
16:25.56prpplagueRuss: hehe, difference between texas chilli and newyork chilli
16:26.44chouimathmmmm spices
16:27.32CosmicPenguinmmmm.... chilli
16:27.59CosmicPenguinThat sounds good - maybe I'll make that this weekend
16:27.59chouimatok bbl lunchtime .... damn you all to make me hungry early
16:28.00prpplagueargh, this dram init stuff is a beoych
16:35.53*** part/#elinux cbrake (
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16:39.58prpplaguecbrake_home: hey
16:40.09prpplaguecbrake_home: hanging at the house today?
16:42.19cbrake_homeno, just switching my IRC stuff around.
16:42.52cbrake_homeprpplague: I'm running VNC over SSH to my home systems -- seems to be working pretty well.
16:43.17prpplaguecbrake_home: ahh
16:43.30prpplaguecbrake_home: i'm partial to x11 forwarding over ssh
16:44.09kergoth_for irc, i prefer an irc proxy running at home, connecting to it directly via ssl from various irc clients.
16:44.17cbrake_homeprpplague: yeah, I used to do that, but we have a really bad network connection here (50KB/sec) -- gets a little slow with X
16:44.55CosmicPenguinof course, you can always lose the GUI
16:45.12kergoth_yeah, irssi or epic or bitchx in a screen session always works
16:49.16prpplagueyea i mainly meant instead of vnc
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16:49.32prpplaguei much prefer cli anyway
16:49.53cbrake_homewhat do you guys use for IRC client?
16:53.38prpplaguecbrake_home: xchat for x and bitchx for cli
16:56.03anderseeprpplague: cli is for losers.  I only use sti.
17:00.00CosmicPenguinI lick my fingers and grab onto the wires directly
17:07.10anderseeright before you pee on the electric fence
17:07.59CosmicPenguinhey - the mythbusters showed that to be unlikely
17:09.54anderseeperhaps they did.  But when I was a little kid, my brother convinced me to try it.  Once.  Not _nearly_ as bad as touching the wire, but it certainly was not something to repeat.
17:10.47kergoth_cbrake_home: i use irssi, myself.  xirssi if i -really- need an x client
17:11.16anderseeI suspect these alledged mythbusters didn't try it themselves...  Or hadn't eaten salt recently, or whatever
17:11.35CosmicPenguinandersee: in fact they did try it - I'm ashamed to say that I have watched a grown man pee on national TV
17:12.04CosmicPenguinandersee: and, sadly enough, that was the same episode that they revisited the goldfinger myth, and I saw the same grown man get his temprature taken - the hard way
17:12.44CosmicPenguinOr wait, I'm way off - they busted the peeing on the third rail myth, they confirmed the electric fence myth
17:13.00CosmicPenguinMy apologies
17:13.16anderseeI invite all doubters to try it themselves.
17:13.58anderseeonce at 4 years old was plenty of 'learnin for one lifetime
17:14.25CosmicPenguinAt least it didn't do any permanant damage... :)
17:15.04anderseecept for the extra eyes, wings, and tentacles, my kids are all fine
17:15.15prpplagueandersee: hehe
17:16.58CosmicPenguinI think that probably has more to do with you living on old mining sites then the electric fence... ;)
17:18.05CosmicPenguinBut not when you had the kids...:)
17:18.55anderseeno doubt my old house was on top of uranium mine tailings
17:19.02anderseeor some such
17:19.46CosmicPenguinWhats scary is that they're building a hospital on the Murray Smelter site
17:20.19anderseeCosmicPenguin: at least they will be certain to get lots of repeat customers
17:20.38anderseegood for business
17:20.58CosmicPenguinThat place was a superfund site not 5 years ago
17:21.42CosmicPenguinI mean, yea for the environment if they cleaned it up and it is safe now
17:21.44*** join/#elinux Toi (
17:21.46CosmicPenguinbut if they didn't... well....
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17:54.39kergoth_hey cdm
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18:05.10*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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18:05.27kergothhey tim
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18:13.18prpplagueTimRiker: lo
18:20.27TimRiker~seen dave-osk
18:20.36ibotdave-osk <> was last seen on IRC in channel #oe, 3d 20h 18m 48s ago, saying: '... but the size in my build was 30 MB.  So, shouldn't opie-collections check "30" not "24"?'.
18:36.52CosmicPenguinwhat sort of evil never never land does this code think its in?
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19:29.01CosmicPenguinhmmm..... interesting
19:29.44CosmicPenguinThe way 2.6 is set up, nothing sets the inital mode of a framebuffer unless the framebuffer console is set up
19:30.05CosmicPenguinAnd microwindows dislikes that
19:30.25kergothcant mw check what modes are supported, and switch to one on its own?
19:30.42CosmicPenguinit should be
19:31.07CosmicPenguinbut I suspect that qte suffers from the same illness
19:32.43CosmicPenguinhmm.....  thats quite interesting
19:33.55CosmicPenguinshould a device using /dev/fb0 assume that the framebuffer is in a sane mode before it starts?
19:34.09kergothgood question
19:45.48CosmicPenguinI think the answer to that question is yes
19:51.43prpplagueCosmicPenguin: this sdram init process is a nightmare
19:51.54prpplagueCosmicPenguin: its extremely sensitive
19:52.39CosmicPenguinI'm sure
19:53.54CosmicPenguinI'm pissed I need to take on the fsckin' framebuffer console
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22:20.35TimRikerwell, having a frame does _not_ mean that your virtual console is on that frame buffer.
22:21.08TimRikerI used to boot with a console on a mono card and then bring up the vga card after the fact.
22:21.54CosmicPenguinTimRiker: this is very true
22:22.11CosmicPenguinBut in the interest of pretending I'm an embedded developer, I didn't want that infrastructure at all... :)
22:22.32TimRikertoday that would be really rare, but having 2 video cards is not all that rare and microwindows/pixel/Nano-X Window System/WhateverGregCallsItNext should handle that.
22:22.48CosmicPenguingood luck with that
22:22.52CosmicPenguinit won't start on anything but tty0
22:23.12TimRikeran obvious design limitation.
22:23.20CosmicPenguinI spent a day trying to hack it to use arbitrary vcs one time
22:23.26CosmicPenguinneedless to say, it didn't work
22:23.59CosmicPenguinI should look at that again - I really want a bootmenu demo
22:24.54CosmicPenguinHeh - thats probably what I'm fighting with right now
22:25.00CosmicPenguinI *want* the damn cursor!
22:25.26TimRikeropie still had the same stinking startup code last I looked. insane.
22:25.38kergothmost of that resides in qte
22:25.44kergothnot opie or qtopia
22:25.56CosmicPenguinWell, if anyone knows where one turns on or off the cursor, I would appreciate it
22:26.15TimRikergrep qte for /dev/tty* ;-)
22:26.18CosmicPenguinjust randomly clicking on the screen until you hit an icon makes for a poor demo...
22:26.53kergothheh, cp means the mouse cursor, not the cursor on the tty
22:27.00TimRikeriirc qte does devfs and non devfs names rather than looking to see what's there.
22:27.01CosmicPenguinoh, heh
22:27.03CosmicPenguinstupid terms
22:27.08CosmicPenguindon't be ambigious
22:29.46CosmicPenguinIts time for QTE to meet the Geode graphics accelerator
22:30.55file[laptop]and VoIP.
22:31.30CosmicPenguinFirst give me a client worth three cents and I'll add it
22:31.53file[laptop]loan me nice hardware and a client might appear for you
22:32.29CosmicPenguinyou serious clark?
22:32.46file[laptop]SIP based?
22:34.13file[laptop]but yes, it is possible
22:36.39file[laptop]17 days till I'm at VON
22:38.08kergothfile[laptop]: so.. you've played with various session management and control protocols for your voip stuff.  are they capable of handling video streams as well as audio? what about multicasting?
22:38.39file[laptop]kergoth: in SIP video is there... it's just another RTP stream of data
22:39.01kergothright, that was my understanding, but i wanted to confirm with someone who has real world experience with such things
22:39.08kergothhow would audio/video synchronization be handled, i wonder
22:39.27file[laptop]independent, there's no real syncing...
22:39.32file[laptop]it's fun
22:39.34kergothhmm, that could be an issue
22:39.39file[laptop]cause on the audio component you can have silence suppresion
22:39.44file[laptop]meaning audio isn't transmitted always ;)
22:39.45kergothahh right
22:39.51kergothso each end has to handle that
22:39.54kergothmakes sense
22:40.02file[laptop]so rather hard to keep it in sync
22:40.26file[laptop]IAX2 has the capability for video... but nothing uses it
22:40.38kergoththinking about getting into some set top box type stuff, and sdp/sip might be useful for subscribing to and creating video/audio streams to/from the device
22:40.59file[laptop]you can abuse SIP rather nicely
22:41.21kergothhave you looked at the sdpng bits?  i was reading the internet drafts earlier
22:41.58file[laptop]there is one thing about SIP though that's bothersome - each implementer has their own interpretation of the RFC
22:42.08file[laptop]so some things go funky
22:42.14CosmicPenguinkergoth: theres rdp/rstp too
22:42.35file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: but I would seriously be interested in doing something ;)
22:43.05file[laptop]stupid web stuff and silly Windows apps at school are driving me crazy
22:43.41kergothso, does anyone know what this iptv stuff is exactly?  finding a protocol specification seems to be next to impossible
22:44.02file[laptop]probably done on purpose haha
22:44.13file[laptop]but what are you exactly trying to do... if I dare inquire
22:44.15kergothright, i figure its one of two things
22:44.45kergotheither iptv is highly commercial and you have to pay for the info
22:44.53kergothor its known open technologies and they dotn want people to know that.
22:45.05file[laptop]hrm it's RSVP and HTTP
22:47.06CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: I can help you out
22:49.19file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: details!
22:52.03CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: I'm heading off to roam the bulding in search of the people with the toys
22:52.14file[laptop]have fun
22:52.43CosmicPenguinbut first /me finds where qte cursors are turned off
22:53.43CosmicPenguinIt seems like something like that shouldn't be in a fsckin' header file
22:53.46CosmicPenguinbut hey, thats just me
22:54.46kergothyou'd think thatd just be a ./configure option or something
22:54.58kergotheither that, or controlled by the input device.  default to off with TS, on with mouse, or something
23:01.48file[laptop]CosmicPenguin: what did you have in mind for the toy, and what for the GUI...
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23:04.24CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: hold on, gonna talk to my boss
23:04.28cainHello... Where Can i buy the S3C4510B chip or similar samsung chips in US????
23:17.33fishheadis that the samsung chip based on arm7tdmi
23:21.36cainyes is a samsung chip
23:22.10fishheadyou aren't in us are you ?
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23:46.43CosmicPenguinfile[laptop]: ok, man, I think we've got it

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