irclog2html for #elinux on 20050204

00:52.17*** join/#elinux AMDPenguin (
00:56.49sorphinCosmicPenguin: w/ help of your twin?
01:01.23*** join/#elinux [g2] (
01:01.42sorphin[g2]: evening
01:01.59[g2]-fluhey sorphin
01:11.06hardwireyer all a bunch of sexy mofos
01:11.08hardwireyou know that!
01:14.52ljpget back in yer submarine
01:18.25filewhat's up Mr. Hardwire?
01:18.54hardwirecats must love to poop
01:18.56hardwirecause they sure are lovable right after they do.
01:19.00hardwirenot a damn thing
01:19.04hardwirejust write a lengthy email to a company that wants to make communication airships
01:19.06hardwirelike.. maybe a 2 page email
01:19.10hardwirestatement of need
01:19.19hardwireamazing stuff
01:19.32hardwireif I had more free floating fixed position balloons.. I would be a happy man
01:19.58hardwireif I could even just tether a balloon + 2000 feet I would be a happy man.
01:20.03hardwirewell.. maybe a mile
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02:24.46*** join/#elinux markl_ (
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05:15.55CP|Homemarkl_: what up?
05:31.00*** join/#elinux ljp (~lpotter@
05:39.12RussCP|Home: put the gentoo down and step away from the cd
05:42.17RussCP|Home: I think we have a 12 step program for you
06:07.37markl_CP|Home: not much
06:07.43markl_what is new with you
06:08.17CP|HomeHows the job?
06:08.41markl_our crazy project is done
06:08.49markl_back to 40 hour weeks again
06:08.54CP|Homebonuses all around then?
06:09.03markl_haven't heard much about that
06:09.20markl_but i hear that public companies do that kind of thing
06:09.50CP|HomeThats what they tell me, but then they mumble something about next quarter and disappear for 4 months
06:09.52markl_how is the geode treating you
06:10.06CP|HomeIts doing ok - really really busy
06:10.53markl_did you catch the latest cringely
06:11.21CP|HomeNo, I didn't see that
06:11.25markl_it's about that damn annoying PIC
06:11.35markl_annoying because i can't buy one
06:12.26*** join/#elinux [mYa]_KiD_Reles (
06:13.42CP|HomeThere is close cousin to the PIC that is currently in production that we are working to get directly to the geek market
06:15.25markl_geek market meaning linux pre-installed?
06:16.21CP|Homegeek market meaning it comes in a plain cardboard box with the unit, a CF adapter and a link to the website with drivers, datasheets and community forums
06:17.11CP|Homeethernet, vga, and 4 usb
06:17.23markl_8 watts?
06:17.53CP|HomeThat, actually
06:18.27CP|HomeI'm embaressed to say I don't know how many watts the whole package takes
06:18.33markl_no penguin
06:18.35CP|Homethe processor only needs 1.1, but you probably already new that
06:18.38CP|Homeknew it even
06:18.56CP|HomeDT is the manufactuer, and they sell it as a thin client design
06:19.17CP|HomeThe CE load is theirs
06:20.06markl_looks nice
06:20.13CP|Homeits a damn cute little box
06:20.24markl_much less ugly than pic
06:20.46CP|HomeThats my baby - I did the LInux work for that while the CE guys were doing the PIC
06:21.02markl_when will it be purchaseable
06:21.11markl_and how $$
06:21.14CP|Homeits currently hung up in red tape and politics
06:21.34CP|HomeIt should be cheaper then the PIC
06:22.25markl_why do thin clients not support xdm
06:23.03CP|HomeWindows models usually don't
06:23.41CP|HomeWindows guys have a hard problem understanding that model - the other day I was running some code on one of our opterons, and sending the gui stuff to my desk
06:24.12CP|HomeThe head windows developer was totally blown away that I could do something like that without having to do VNC
06:56.02*** join/#elinux cdm (
07:02.48sorphincdm: evening
07:39.52*** join/#elinux kergoth (
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13:38.13prpplagueho didy ho ho
14:12.55pb_morning prpplague
14:14.15*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~Ken@
14:15.53prpplaguepb_: morning
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15:10.28sorphinwell well, if it isn't a plague and a lackey (sjhill)
15:18.10prpplaguesorphin: morning
15:23.10prpplagueargh, i need to sell this stuff asap
15:23.23prpplaguetoo bad i don't know more ppl in the dfw area
15:24.20sorphinprpplague: use ebay, and specify local pickup, etc, heh, worth a shot
15:24.40sorphinor the paper, that's all i can say.
15:26.30*** join/#elinux ljp (~lpotter@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:28.36*** mode/#elinux [+v CosmicPenguin] by ChanServ
15:31.33prpplaguesorphin: yea, probably gonna have a large garage sale next weekedn
15:31.40prpplaguesorphin: but i could use the cash today
15:31.53prpplaguekergoth: need a treadmill? hehe
15:31.54sorphinwell, there's always the pawn shop
15:31.58prpplaguekergoth: or a couch
15:33.25prpplaguekergoth_: you decided anything on your direction?
15:34.14prpplaguekergoth_: i think you'd do well here at aml if you could get over the 9 to 5 thing
15:35.30chouimatmorning sorphin prpplague
15:35.38sorphinchouimat: lo
15:36.29CosmicPenguinWhats this 9 to 5 people keep talking about?
15:36.45sjhillthat's better
15:36.52sjhill~ibot fishslap sorphin
15:36.54ibotACTION slaps sorphin up side the head with a wet fish.
15:36.54sorphinsjhill: nice one, lackey
15:37.01sorphin~whaleslap sjhill
15:37.03ibotACTION slaps sjhill upside and over the head with one freakishly huge killer whale named hugh
15:37.22sorphinchouimat: midnight to 8am? ;)
15:37.41chouimatsorphin: noon to 8p,
15:37.43sjhill12pm-8pm would not be so bad
15:38.08sorphingave me all day to get stuff done
15:38.10kergoth_i work 10-7 at ti.  not too bad
15:38.15chouimatsjhill: you can still get up at 7 but when you get to work you're fully awake
15:38.33sorphinget up at 7? blech
15:38.52pb_morning kergoth
15:39.00pb_g'day sorphin
15:39.04kergoth_i could never get up at 7. half the time i'm still up at 7
15:39.05kergoth_hey pb_
15:39.09sorphinpb_: wotcher mr pb_
15:42.06prpplaguekergoth_: at 5:30 they lock the doors here
15:42.20prpplaguekergoth_: and no one is allowed to come in on weekends
15:42.32sorphinsounds like a kergoth friendly environment ;)
15:45.46CosmicPenguinprpplague: that would seriously piss me off
15:46.02CosmicPenguinI don't want anyone telliing me how to work, even if they think they're looking out for my best interest
15:46.36CosmicPenguinIf I want to stay till 7:00 then by god, I'll stay till 7
15:46.40sorphinCP|Home: i wouldn't mind it, because i dont' view it as they're telling me how to work, that's just when the company runs
15:46.49sorphindamn name matching
15:46.57sorphinCosmicPenguin: then you're insane ;)
15:46.59CosmicPenguindoh - sorry about that
15:49.56prpplagueyea well abcsinc totally broke me on overtime
15:50.20sorphinprpplague: i thoguht the ex wife is what totally broke you
15:51.06sorphinprpplague: just remember, as dictator^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hpresident of barbados, you're always in demand ;)
15:51.35prpplaguesorphin: broke as in spirit not as in paycheck
15:54.10sorphinthis weekend might as well be 2 more weekdays, cuz it's gonna suck
15:56.26CosmicPenguinScrew what
16:04.37*** join/#elinux markl__ (
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16:10.25sorphinCP|Home: well, it's a weekend of more packing, and the 1st bridal shower is tomorrow for missy, and sunday i have to spend my evening, the 1st of 5, w/ some couple for marriage preperation crap cuz of the church, and sunday day is compare 2 tux places
16:11.56JasonMcMI usually work from 8am to 4pm, skipping lunch (Why break my chain of thought?)
16:12.43sorphinJasonMcM: i sometimes need the sugar
16:12.46[g2]go'n to the church and I'm gonna get married .... :)
16:13.08JasonMcMsorphin: That's what 37 seconds at the microwive with a HotPocket(tm) is for.
16:15.04sorphinJasonMcM: well, that'll prolly be the way once i'm at hte new house and have a real place to put my food :P
16:15.15sorphin[g2]: heh, the formal wedding is her idea
16:15.42[g2]sorphin, It's nice of you to go along with her wishes
16:18.17sorphin[g2]: well, it's one of those situations, that either you do or you won't be getting hitched, so...
16:18.28sorphinnot realy a choice
16:18.38sorphinthis wedding is her "dream", location, etc
16:18.56[g2]s/hitched/hitched to that woman/ :)
16:19.43*** join/#elinux chouimat (
16:30.35sorphin[g2]: no, more like hitched at all
16:31.49sorphin[g2]: i dont' believe there's multiple people that are perfect for you out there, i think if the 1st time fails, then that person wasn't the perfect one for you..  missy however, is properly suited fo rme
16:32.01sorphin[g2]: everyone has their own deal i guess
16:32.23[g2]what's important is that you are happy with yours
16:32.47sorphin[g2]: tnx
16:33.26CosmicPenguinI like that you say its marriage preperation crap
16:33.39sorphinCP|Home: that's what they "call" it
16:33.46CosmicPenguinSomehow, I don't think your personality is suited to the pagentry of the big day
16:34.14sorphinbut they required you to go to the free session
16:34.14prpplagueJasonMcM: yea, i rarely take lunch unless i have to go and take care of something
16:34.40sorphinCosmicPenguin: and yours was? :P
16:35.03CosmicPenguinHey, i was at least able to take it in stride
16:35.36CosmicPenguinBut then again, ocassionally I dare to like something thats "popular"
16:36.04prpplague~seen t0mW
16:36.05ibott0mw <tom@> was last seen on IRC in channel #elinux, 2d 19h 48m 38s ago, saying: 'k, look into it now'.
16:39.07sorphinCosmicPenguin: uh huh
16:39.28sorphinprpplague: the house is already doign that, the being married won't change anything any more than it's already doing
16:54.36sorphintho, i was gonna use my refund and get a mac mini, well, that idea has been abolished, ala missy
17:50.06prpplaguepb_: whats cookin today in the UK?
17:54.10prpplaguesorphin: looks like i'm gonna have to file single this year
17:54.28prpplaguesorphin: doesn't look like we are gonna be able to get donna a taxpayer id
17:54.46prpplaguesorphin: which means i'll get nothing back, probably owe money
17:57.00sorphinprpplague: lovely
18:00.59*** join/#elinux sjhill (
18:05.01chouimatok now people doesn't know how to make money anymore
18:05.12prpplaguesorphin: hey you got that url for the vacation commercial?
18:05.30sorphinprpplague: hold
18:09.56pb_prpplague: not a whole lot, just about to head home.  been debugging some pre-production boards from a supplier in the far east.
18:37.40*** join/#elinux cdm (
18:49.03sorphincdm: moin
18:54.04cdmhey man.
19:05.41*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
19:08.38CosmicPenguinstupid proxy
19:08.43CosmicPenguin~lart the AMD proxy
19:28.46prpplagueis the still down?
19:35.43*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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20:09.02prpplaguekergoth_: you are using u-boot for some of the oe builds right?
20:09.17kergothu-boot's used on the omap boards.  oe doesnt build it yet
20:09.19kergothi dont think anyway
20:09.51prpplaguekergoth: hmm
20:09.58prpplaguekergoth: you said you like it right?
20:10.07kergothworks well. featureful
20:10.35prpplaguekergoth: complicated to build and/or modify?
20:14.05prpplaguekergoth: you used rrload?
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20:17.22cbrakeprpplague: the scripting support built into uboot is very handy.
20:18.26prpplaguecbrake: downloading it now to have a look
20:19.03cbrakeprpplague: get the latest out of CVS.  The last released version is quite old.
20:19.16prpplaguecbrake: oh, ok
20:22.45prpplaguecbrake: uboot latest release says jan5,2005
20:22.57prpplaguecbrake: is that "old" in your book? heheh
20:23.54prpplagueeeh gads, thats alot of files
20:24.01cbrakeprpplague: yeah, that is pretty old for this open source stuff you know ... :-)
20:24.36cbrakeprpplague: actually, have not tracked the releases in the last month or two -- good to see there is something fairly recent.
20:26.30prpplaguecbrake: hehe, our base build is on versions of gpl'd software over 2 years old
20:29.51cbrakeprpplague: yeah, that is about where our IDP builds are.  I'm slowing getting them current again.
20:45.34TimRikermy issue with u-boot is that it is large. blob could be < 32k but u-boot on the omap hardware is normally > 65k which means 128k and then another block for params which is 128k
20:45.48TimRikerI hate giving up 256k just for a bootloader. =(
20:46.02prpplagueTimRiker: agreed, and space is an issue on this
20:46.32TimRikerI wonder if anyone has hacked u-boot to store it's params and env in the same block?
20:46.34kergothit can be shrunk down though.  jian did some work on that for nand boot
20:47.04prpplagueTimRiker: my custom bootloader is just 3k
20:47.11TimRikeron omap devices where you can reflash over usb even if they are dead, I'm not so worried about rewriting u-boot itself when I do a "saveenv"
20:47.32prpplagueTimRiker: granted it doesn't do anything except boot the kernel
20:47.42TimRikerkergoth: where is jian's work on that? Is it in u-boot cvs?
20:48.46TimRikerprpplague: nod. netwinder builds a kernel that boots directly from 0x0, they just link in the hardware init. course then they normally use that kernel to boot another kernel off a filesystem.
20:49.21prpplagueTimRiker: thats neat
20:50.16prpplagueTimRiker: i need to be able to load a kernel and ramdisk from mmc
20:50.45prpplagueTimRiker: i was thinking about hacking my custom bootloader with fat support
20:50.57prpplagueTimRiker: i think i could probably keep it pretty small
20:52.00TimRikerprpplague: uboot has mmc and fat support. ;-)
20:53.45kergothTimRiker: not sure if that has gone upstream.  probably best off pinging him on it
20:53.56prpplagueTimRiker: yea, i'd still have to get uboot up and running on the lh79520
20:54.06TimRikerok, will do.
20:54.47cbrakeprpplague: uboot it is nice for development if nothing else.
20:55.27TimRikerprpplague: =) current list: 74xx_7xx arm1136 arm720t arm920t arm925t arm926ejs at91rm9200 coldfire i386 ixp lh7a40x mc9328 mcf52x2 microblaze mips mpc5xx mpc5xxx mpc8220 mpc824x mpc8260 mpc85xx mpc8xx nios nios2 ppc4xx pxa s3c44b0 sa1100 xscale
20:55.44TimRikerarm720t is what you have, yes?
20:56.57TimRikerlooks like these boards use the arm720t: ep7312 evb4510 impa7 modnet50   any of those familiar?
20:59.47sorphin~curse djb
20:59.48ibotMay you be reincarnated as a Windows XP administrator, djb !
21:00.30prpplagueTimRiker: yea its an arm720t
21:00.43prpplagueTimRiker: but no sharp
21:01.23prpplagueTimRiker: the sharp series has been kinda ignored since *cough* lineo created those nightmare patches
21:01.46TimRikersounds like a trend
21:02.12prpplagueTimRiker: ignored by the linux community
21:02.26prpplagueTimRiker: they are extremely popular in the biz market
21:03.20prpplagueTimRiker: most of the mid size business love them because they are available in qfp packaging and sharp is guarranting availablitity until 2012
21:11.03prpplagueanyone done some fat hacking other than CosmicPenguin
21:11.32fileZipit status!
21:11.33CosmicPenguinThats me, a fat hacker!
21:14.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hehe, as soon as donna and the kids leave, i'm gonna like spend 24x7 hacking
21:15.58TimRikerfile: huh? no zipit update that I'm aware of. someone posted on the mailing list that:
21:16.45TimRikerso the urls also work with if anyone cares.
21:17.06filehow, nice
21:17.44prpplagueTimRiker: still no source yet
21:17.55prpplagueTimRiker: probably gonna stall till the last minute
21:18.09TimRikernope. and afaik nobody but darren has gotten a promise of source.
21:23.40prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, how hard do you think it will be to implement a fat fs in the bootloader?
21:24.34CosmicPenguinnot hard at all
21:27.21prpplagueCosmicPenguin: recommend a url with some fat specs?
21:29.54CosmicPenguinthats a good summary
21:30.29CosmicPenguinBut like I said before, the best teacher is the dosfstools code
21:30.43prpplagueyea, already looking at that source
21:30.48CosmicPenguinOnce you understand the organization of the tables, it all sort of falls into place
21:31.09CosmicPenguinAnother good reference might be the syslinux code too
21:31.35CosmicPenguinThats a bootloader that knows vfat, and it does it all in assembly to boot
21:31.41CosmicPenguinno pun intended
21:32.09CosmicPenguinIn fact, my inital dosfstools work freaked out syslinux, so I got to know that code pretty well to determine the right thing to do
21:34.13prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea i remember
21:36.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i'm wondering if i really need to even bother with doing a fat fs
21:36.18prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i could just dd the files on their for now
21:43.24prpplaguenever really looked at the guts of fat
21:43.45prpplagueCosmicPenguin: be nice to have a detail description of implementing fatfs
21:44.54*** join/#elinux pb_ (~pb@2002:5168:d330:1:20b:6aff:fe40:e27f)
21:49.37CosmicPenguinprpplague: its really very simple
21:50.02prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, found a description
21:50.23CosmicPenguinYou have your bootsector, that ponts to everything, and then you have your entries in the fat
21:52.06file[laptop]sounds fattening, do you have that in low fat?
21:52.57CosmicPenguinsure - i've got 8 bit fat, does that work for you?
21:53.17file[laptop]no ;(
21:53.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i probably just need to work on dd'n the files first
21:57.31prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, if i get my mmc driver working and i can read/write to it with no problem, implementing a fatfs shouldn't be difficult from what i read
22:11.22CosmicPenguinI don't think it will be painful at all
22:11.35CosmicPenguinIn fact, the bootloader code will be not bad at all
22:12.05CosmicPenguingo to the bootsector, find the fat offset, jump to the fat, loop all fats, find the file name, jump to the offset and read
22:13.03prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea
22:13.08prpplaguethats what i gathered
22:13.48CosmicPenguinprpplague: you don't have to worry about any formatting or positioning or anything, and thats nice
22:14.09prpplagueCosmicPenguin: yea, this doesn't look bad at all
22:14.24prpplagueCosmicPenguin: i think i can probably test this with my jtag dongle and a mmc card
22:14.45CosmicPenguinWhen you get that done, port it to x86 and send it to my bios team
22:15.00prpplaguehehe why?
22:15.16CosmicPenguincause I need a loader, dammit!
22:15.38CosmicPenguinIf I could get rid of a standard x86 bootloader, I would be the happiest guy in the whole world
22:48.58*** join/#elinux T` (
22:58.55prpplaguelater folks
22:58.58prpplaguehave a good weekend
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23:30.33TimRikerfrom zipit: "We are in the middle of releasing a new update to the product and website.  One of the updates to the website will include a way for you to download the GPL and LGPL code."
23:34.29CosmicPenguinits a new thing - its called a URL
23:34.45CosmicPenguinIts hip, its today, its now
23:39.24*** join/#elinux T` (~total@
23:53.20jacquesI heard of this thing called FTP - apparently you don't even *need* a website for it to work!!!
23:54.12CosmicPenguinhe's a witch!
23:54.37jacquesaaah! don't burn me!
23:55.19CosmicPenguinNext thing you know, he'll be telling me to replace all my IPX networks with TCP/IP

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