irclog2html for #elinux on 20050125

00:37.03*** join/#elinux [g2] (
01:03.02*** mode/#elinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
01:15.18*** join/#elinux markl_ (
01:16.36prpplaguemmmm, my son put spree in my beer
01:19.50prpplagueandersee: you on aeronix like a flea on a hounddog?
01:47.10*** join/#elinux noclouds (~mhfan@
01:59.50*** join/#elinux eggers (
02:11.59prpplaguechouimat: got any good oggs lately?
02:13.23chouimatprpplague: I have some but I'm watching 24 now so ... in 47 minutes
02:14.24prpplaguechouimat: hehe, np
02:22.04chouimatprpplague: I have some finntroll (bunch of Finns singing in Swedish about Trolls)
02:22.43chouimatprpplague: and they are polka influenced ... it's death metal
02:38.16*** join/#elinux Russ (
02:57.10*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~Ken@
03:00.16*** join/#elinux kergoth (
03:00.17*** join/#elinux file[laptop] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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03:02.08chouimatprpplague: ping
03:21.19*** join/#elinux glytch (
03:42.12*** join/#elinux cdm (
04:12.38*** join/#elinux andersee (~andersen@
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04:27.47*** join/#elinux [mYa]_KiD_Reles (
05:07.06*** join/#elinux andersee (~andersen@
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05:08.06*** join/#elinux chewy (
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05:28.41*** part/#elinux glytch (
05:29.09*** join/#elinux andersee (~andersen@
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06:09.59*** join/#elinux noclouds (~mhfan@
07:26.01*** join/#elinux ljp (~lpotter@
07:37.41*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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09:04.43*** join/#elinux mallum (
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10:21.08*** join/#elinux mrogers ([
10:21.31*** join/#elinux Evanrude ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:59.28*** join/#elinux macneib (macneib@
11:19.25*** join/#elinux jacques_ (
11:19.27*** join/#elinux fontenot_ (
12:03.34*** join/#elinux macneib (macneib@
12:05.12*** join/#elinux macneib (macneib@
12:45.08*** join/#elinux [g2] (
13:27.56prpplaguemorning all
13:36.38*** join/#elinux pb_ (~pb@2002:3e03:42cc:2:20a:5eff:fe00:391e)
14:21.38*** join/#elinux mallum (
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14:27.53*** join/#elinux danielo (
14:48.40*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~Ken@
14:58.47*** join/#elinux prpplague (
14:59.28*** mode/#elinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
15:06.54sorphinprpplague: moin islander
15:06.56sorphinGPSFan: moin
15:11.24sorphinprpplague: sup?
15:13.20prpplaguenada, just stressin
15:14.56file[laptop]I should head to school
15:17.15CosmicPenguinYeah - get out of here!
15:17.18CosmicPenguinoh, and morning,... :)
15:17.37file[laptop]well my exam is in 2 hours...
15:18.08file[laptop]BUT I have an iPod, with music...
15:28.26prpplagueCosmicPenguin: wish you could see this new board
15:28.27[g2]sorphin, this isn't your WIFI phone device, but I thought it was interesting
15:29.22file[laptop]talking to me?
15:29.56[g2]file[laptop], where you the one wanting to play with the WIFI phone ?
15:30.25file[laptop]that's just another common USB driven VoIP device... so many of those
15:30.25[g2]sorry, so many channels so little time :)
15:30.49*** join/#elinux eggers (
15:32.48CosmicPenguinprpplague: is that your companies new toy?
15:37.31prpplagueCosmicPenguin: having some problems with the jtag though
15:40.17prpplagueCosmicPenguin: the entire system is just a little longer than a cf card
15:42.30sorphinnew plague toy? where?
15:42.40prpplaguesorphin: nowhere
15:42.44prpplaguesorphin: still testing
15:43.52sorphinprpplague: then how's the penguin know about it? :P
15:45.06CosmicPenguinHe's discussed it before in this forum... :)
15:48.02prpplaguesorphin: LH79520, ram, flash, mmc socket, two leds, jtag header, and expansion bus, all on a board the same size as the average 802.11b cf card
15:49.01sorphinprpplague: ah, the thing you told me you were planning
15:49.43prpplaguesorphin: not really me
15:49.53prpplaguesorphin: i'm just doing the work
15:49.57prpplaguesorphin: :)
15:50.15prpplaguesorphin: basically doing some feedback and doing the BSP
15:50.41sorphinprpplague: uh huh ;)
15:51.33sorphinprpplague: give youself credit where you deserve it :P
15:52.50prpplagueanyone know of a good calc besides bc?
15:52.59prpplaguefor embedded
15:54.20CosmicPenguinyou want just text based, or graphical?
15:54.24CosmicPenguinbc is fine for the text monkeys
15:55.34prpplagueCosmicPenguin: we have a front end, just need something smaller than bc
15:55.46CosmicPenguindoesn't busybox have a bc?
15:55.55prpplaguedon't think so
15:56.24CosmicPenguinI guess not
15:56.36CosmicPenguinSee, now there would be a useful applet... :)
15:57.10prpplagueCosmicPenguin: ahh bb has dc
15:58.25prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hate that syntax though
15:58.30CosmicPenguinI know, me too
15:58.33CosmicPenguinI can never get used to it
15:59.39prpplaguethat might be a beoych to get the front end working with
15:59.47T`|Helsorphin: lol.. got ur mail.. i hardly ever use gmail
15:59.56T`|Helsup prpplague
16:00.04prpplagueT`|Hel: hey
16:00.10prpplagueargh, i have too much i need to work on
16:00.21T`|Heldamn.. ur the 2nd person who said that since morning!!
16:00.50sorphinT`: heh
16:01.51T`|Helihmm.. boring and slow day today.. atleast its not too cold outside :)
16:16.54sorphinprpplague + barbados = good times
16:17.11*** join/#elinux chouimat (
16:18.25prpplaguesorphin: i sure hope so
16:19.52sorphinprpplague: hey, you got donna there to get you acquainted w/ it all
16:27.20prpplaguesorphin: yea, actually, i know more about the island than she does
16:29.12sorphinprpplague: ok, she'll help make you feel more comfortable :P
16:29.18prpplaguesorphin: almost bought some stuff on ebay last night
16:29.50sorphin9am *ugh*
16:30.06sorphin325 for that, 65 for termite inspection
16:30.17T`|Helijust inspect urself
16:30.23prpplaguesorphin: someone in england was selling an envelope sent from barbados in 1837 which included an original deed for a house in christ church, slave ownership papers, and citizenship papers
16:30.29sorphinT`: it don't work that way
16:30.51T`|Helisorphin: i c. u need some certification?
16:30.54sorphinT`|Heli: you want someone qualified, to find (if there is anything), anything that's wrong before you close on the house
16:30.59sorphinand a license
16:31.04GPSFansorphin: mornin.. congrats on the house, pix look nice, big garage eh?
16:31.11sorphinprpplague: heh
16:31.21sorphinGPSFan: 26' deep
16:31.41GPSFansorphin: space for a few mini's...
16:31.47sorphinGPSFan: heh
16:31.56sorphinyeah, could fit proly 3
16:32.00sorphinnot doing that tho
16:32.14sorphinher car, my car, then the back 1/2 will be an enclosed workshop
16:32.34GPSFancan't have too many tools.
16:32.39*** join/#elinux Toi (
16:32.49sorphinGPSFan: will be nice to finally have a place to work on things
16:33.20GPSFansorphin: beware, stuff expands to fill the available space ;>)
16:33.26sorphinGPSFan: hehe
16:33.51sorphinmine isn't aluminum, and the screw holes suck
16:33.51GPSFanbtdt, & got the teeshirts (boxes) to prove it..
16:34.37sorphinand there's mr grumpy himself
16:34.43ibotTuesday sucks, because it follows Monday (see monday).
16:34.47ibotkergoth: :)
16:36.26CosmicPenguinHmm... maybe its time to start hitting e-bay
16:36.30CosmicPenguinI need a dedicated web server
16:36.33CosmicPenguinand a rack
16:36.56sorphinCosmicPenguin: gotta measure tho and make sure a rack will even fit in this basement (high enough ceiling)
16:36.58CosmicPenguinAnd a switch
16:37.14CosmicPenguinMy current high performance computing center in the basement is based on a picnic table
16:37.51GPSFanCosmicPenguin: better than on the floor ;>)
16:38.22CosmicPenguinYou know, now that I think about it
16:38.57CosmicPenguinThe staircase to my basement isn't finished - I could get some really long lag bolts, and a few nuts
16:39.10CosmicPenguinAnd sort of suspend a rack into the studs
16:39.17sorphinthe channel's full of a few nuts ;)
16:39.42CosmicPenguinyes in deedy
16:43.14*** join/#elinux espasmodicos (
17:03.40*** part/#elinux espasmodicos (
17:15.42*** join/#elinux cdm (
17:16.03pb_hi cdm
17:16.05kergothdont remind me
17:17.46sorphincdm: moin
17:20.17cdmhahah..poor kergoth
18:56.30CosmicPenguinQuick - I need somebody's favorite livecd / Koppix distro
18:57.50sorphinknoppix distro?
18:58.02CosmicPenguinOr something based on Knoppix, i guess
18:58.08CosmicPenguinLike morphix.. :)
18:58.14sorphinlast i checked, there's knoppix, then there's a couple breakoffs, i.e. Astrisix
18:59.59CosmicPenguinI just need something that plays well on its own from a binary file
19:09.39sorphin[dans@wibble ~]$ file file
19:09.39sorphinfile: empty
19:11.46CosmicPenguinstupid X, talk over the damn network
19:16.32*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
19:16.32*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
19:16.41sorphinTimRiker: moin
19:16.56cdmhey TimRiker - you not at the CELF meeting today?
19:19.18prpplagueTimRiker: hey
19:19.44prpplagueTimRiker: some poster on the yahoo zipit group wants to know which items you have copyright on
19:19.56prpplagueTimRiker: i suspect he's from zeroniz
19:20.14jacquesthey don't even begin to get it
19:20.19jacquesboggles the mind
19:21.01TimRikercdm: yep. sitting here on the back row heckling.
19:21.50TimRikerprpplague: possible, yes. I think I'll tell him to grep the sources and find out. That way we could have proof that he's seen them. ;-)
19:22.23CosmicPenguinok - brb, gotta reboot X
19:24.02sorphinTimRiker: heh
19:24.58*** join/#elinux prpplague^2 (
19:25.43prpplague^2TimRiker: yea, thats whay i was gonna post, but i figured you'd do that
19:27.58jacqueswhat do  they intend to do? negotiate licenses with all the copyright holders? do they realize how many ppl have contributed to bb alone?
19:28.11cdmThose aeronix guys work with Portal Player?  That is interesting.
19:40.45jacquesor maybe they intend to remove the GPL licensed portions
19:42.58jacques(either way, they just don't seen to comprehend)
19:44.57TimRikerandersee: wake up and get down here. ;-)
19:47.44*** join/#elinux CosmicPenguin (
19:47.44*** mode/#elinux [+v CosmicPenguin] by ChanServ
19:48.41*** mode/#elinux [+o prpplague] by ChanServ
19:55.10*** join/#elinux darkschneider (
20:11.38ibotthanks, jacques
20:34.27prpplagueCosmicPenguin: crap having problems with thttpd
20:38.10CosmicPenguinis it blowing up?
20:38.30CosmicPenguinmmmm.... flaming web server
20:38.40file[laptop]the server, the server, the server's on fire
20:38.59CosmicPenguinWe don't need no water, let the mother fscker burn
20:39.01kergothwe dont need no water, let the mother f*cker burn.
20:39.04kergothyou beat me
20:39.14file[laptop]kergoth: You're losing your touch
20:39.39file[laptop]poor you
20:48.15*** join/#elinux pb_ (~pb@2002:5168:d330:1:20b:6aff:fe40:e27f)
21:24.00*** join/#elinux mallum (
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21:40.35prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hey how do you normaly remap a key, i.e. press the key numberic keypad + gives you a letter A
21:40.59CosmicPenguinx or console?
21:41.54prpplagueyou use loadkeys ?
21:42.48CosmicPenguinyeah - thats probably the best way
21:43.36prpplagueCosmicPenguin: hmm, i don't see in the man page where you can do single line commands
21:44.22prpplagueCosmicPenguin: nm looks like you can pipe to it
21:44.41*** join/#elinux mallum (
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21:54.15*** join/#elinux chouimat (
22:09.06*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
22:09.06*** mode/#elinux [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
22:16.12TimRikerprpplague: listening to gerg now talking 'bout uClinux
22:16.20prpplagueTimRiker: coool
22:16.34prpplagueTimRiker: unger?
22:16.36TimRikerhe thought the zipit was cool.
22:16.54prpplaguehehe, you need to show him my pixter page, hehe
22:17.44prpplagueTimRiker: anything good about super small uclinux ?
22:18.15TimRikerprpplague: did already. we were looking at it about an hour ago.
22:18.38prpplagueTimRiker: cool, any comments?
22:22.33TimRikerall intro info now. andersee and I are hacking his wireless.
22:22.36*** join/#elinux andersee (~andersee@
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22:23.47CosmicPenguinShame on you!
22:24.14TimRikerCosmicPenguin: we remotely shutdown his powerbook that's up in his room and then took over the hardware address so he couild get on wireless down here. ;-)
22:24.34CosmicPenguinbut I was more concerned that you were using Dells
22:24.36TimRikerhence the dell powerbook. ;-)
22:24.42anderseeso my Dell now claims it has an apple MAC adr
22:24.49jacquesah lol
22:24.55TimRikerno surprise there. ;-)
22:25.22prpplagueTimRiker: fun fun
22:29.11TimRikerwoot! you see the zipit post re GPL?
22:30.09jacquesand the stalling begins....
22:31.06jacquesuhh, we harassed TimRiker at his workplace because we always *intended* to release the source...
22:31.08TimRikermust be an RSN clause in thier version of the GPL that's not in mine.
22:32.46jacquesthe smartest thing they have said so far "the potential opportunities to extend its capabilities"
22:33.35anderseeextending it to do spiffy new things might make it worth buying one
22:33.50jacquesit would certainly gain my interest
22:36.58*** join/#elinux macneib (macneib@
22:37.08TimRikerLooks like a nice ssh-in-my-pocket device to have around.
22:39.00sorphinheh, "Ralph"
22:39.21prpplagueTimRiker: cool
22:40.24prpplagueandersee did you have to get your pappy involved?
22:40.29anderseeslapping dropbear onto a zippit would be a killer application
22:40.51anderseeprpplague: too busy, I'd not even talked to him about it yet
22:41.00prpplagueandersee: ahh
22:41.07prpplagueandersee: conference going well?
22:42.05sorphinonce again, someone from my group is going to the next Nanog, and i won't be, because, well, i can't travel for one
22:43.45anderseeprpplague: going well thus far...
23:25.18*** join/#elinux TimRiker (
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23:33.28sorphinTimRiker: re
23:34.15prpplaguehmm, i need a good keyboard reading routine
23:39.13sorphinthe zipit wireless website has a typo
23:39.26sorphin"No pop-ups, Spim or Viruses"
23:39.32sorphinwtf is Spim?
23:40.37*** join/#elinux andersee (~andersee@
23:40.37*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ
23:41.11sorphinandersee: your fav new company can't spell
23:41.44TimRikerspim, spim, spim, spim. wonderful spim.
23:42.43CosmicPenguinYou spim me round, like a record, right round
23:43.46TimRiker~spell spim
23:43.47ibotpossible spellings for spim: spin Sim Spam spam skim slim spic spit swim spume spumy shim Spain spine spiny spun sip
23:44.48TimRikerI go spimming / spimming in water / spimming in the pool / spimming is cool / I go spimming.
23:45.11sorphinTimRiker: what color'd you buy?
23:45.31TimRikersorphin: got charcol. shouda picked up pink. ;-)
23:46.18TimRikerpink is the new black. you hadn't heard?
23:47.25TimRikerno BZFlag demo though. =/
23:47.47CosmicPenguinYeah, I'll get right on that
23:47.50sorphinandersee: does he not know who you are?
23:48.01anderseesorphin: clearly not
23:48.03TimRiker'parrently not.
23:48.15CosmicPenguin"Do you know who I am?  No busybox for you.  NEXT!"
23:48.21sorphinCosmicPenguin: ha
23:48.35TimRikermust say he did keep a straight face though. very impressive.
23:49.17TimRikernew clause in the busybox license. if you use dietlibc or uc-libc in any of your products we revoke your rights to uClibc.
23:49.28anderseeI managed to supress the stream of nasty replies that came to mind
23:49.32CosmicPenguinWow - thats so bitkeeper
23:49.43TimRikerCosmicPenguin: heh. hellO larry.
23:50.08TimRikerandersee: ah, let em out... ;-)
23:50.22sorphinandersee: show him who he's messin with ;)
23:50.47anderseeTimRiker: I would like to poke further at directfb...  Seems to have some merit
23:51.01anderseewould be nice to have a bit more help from the window manager
23:51.14TimRikerandersee: agreed. I'll at least hook it up on an ARM and see how it performs.
23:52.03anderseemaking apps draw their own window decorations is a nice option, but not a sane default
23:53.03anderseeI wonder how well directfb would work on the Z-6000L
23:53.25CosmicPenguinprobably wouldn't be too bad
23:54.04CosmicPenguinIts on our list of things to port to the Geode
23:56.18anderseeItd also be nice if directfb had some sortof builtin default widget set
23:56.24anderseeleast as an option
23:56.54anderseewould allow much lighter weight apps than using qt, gtk, etc
23:58.12anderseeCosmicPenguin: that has been a failing in wicrowindows, x, etc
23:58.49anderseeCosmicPenguin: if wicrowindows had included some widgets it would have been much cooler..
23:59.08CosmicPenguintoolkit was always a problem
23:59.25TimRiker~bzfrag geode
23:59.28ibotACTION destroys geode with a guided missle
23:59.52anderseealso wonder about device support....
23:59.53CosmicPenguinThe problem with open source graphical engines is that you always have the debate

Generated by by Jeff Waugh - find it at! Modified by Tim Riker to work with blootbot logs, split per channel, etc.