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03:39.20sorphinprpplague: yo hillbilly
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03:42.48sorphin~bitchslap sjhill
03:42.50ibotACTION beats the sh*t out of sjhill
03:43.26sjhillsorphin: hey putz
03:47.54sorphinsjhill: hey lackey
03:54.08sorphinsjhill: don't suppose you can source small LCDs eh?
03:54.23sjhillheh, nope
03:56.21MonMothaI'll look in the junk box here at Rose for you
03:56.26MonMothastrange stuff has been known to show up
03:56.37MonMothawhat kind you looking for?
03:58.14sorphinMonMotha: Sony AM309-3
03:58.18sorphinit's from a digital camera
03:58.30sorphinthis one got broken, but the camera itself is just fine..
03:58.40sorphinso if i could dig  up an icd, it'd be gold
03:58.56MonMothahum, I can't make any guarantees on model...1.6" color I take it?
03:59.12MonMothaheck, I can't guarantee there will be any LCDs
03:59.16MonMothathose don't show up often and go quickly
03:59.47sorphinlooking at this one w/o it being on, you see a change in the LCD appearance, when you turn it on, you can see how it's broken
04:00.08sorphinactually surprised it broke, and didn't trash the rest of the camera
04:00.30T`sorphin, whats the LCDs for ?
04:00.45sorphinT`: uh, replacing the broken one in this camera
04:00.51T`sorphin, ooh.. ebay ?
04:01.01sorphinMonMotha: noticed someone hacked the wireless on the Nintendo DS?
04:01.12MonMothaI saw the /. headline
04:01.14sorphinT`: heh, just someone selling one there :P
04:01.24T`cool.. so u got it ?
04:01.27sorphindespite common belief, ebay doesn't have EVERYTHING
04:01.41sorphinT`: huh?
04:01.59sorphinonly thing i got recently was a 1G usb flash drive
04:02.00T`<sorphin> T`: heh, just someone selling one there :P
04:02.08T`u can bid and get it then ?
04:02.15sorphinT`: uhh
04:02.24sorphinwhy would i wanna buy the whole camera from someone?
04:02.27sorphini have the camera :P
04:02.42sorphinfor free i might add
04:02.43T`oh nevermind.. i misunderstood.. i thought they were selling the lcd itself
04:02.57sorphini'd need to find a borked one for that
04:03.04sorphinand hope it wasn't the lcd that's borked
04:03.08sorphinwhat's really funny
04:03.19T`i have a soon-to-be-broken camera.. a kodak dx3700.. is that lcd any help to u
04:03.22sorphinMonMotha: i've found threads via google, for several people needing that LCD for their particular camera
04:03.33sorphint1: i dunno, is it 1.6" ?
04:03.38sorphinT`: ^^^^
04:03.53T`1.6" doesnt mean its the same LCD :P
04:03.58sorphinno shit
04:04.04sorphinif it is 1.6
04:04.08sorphini was gonna have you pop it open
04:04.14sorphinsince this sony seems to be very commonly used
04:04.57sorphinMonMotha: so how is live at rose hulman?
04:05.05T`i can put a post on our univ. bboard for broken camera of that same type.. some kid might decide to sell it if u want
04:05.33sorphinT`: not willing to pop open your borked camera?
04:05.37T`i guess it depends how much u want to spend on the LCD..
04:05.42T`sorphin, its in the lab
04:05.49T`sorphin, T`|Heli is sleeping too
04:07.23T`sorphin, i am trying to find on the web which model this cam uses..
04:09.18sorphinT`: i only found by popping it open.. and googling for said model, and some other people were looking for it
04:10.49T`how do u know its your LCD which is dead?
04:11.23T`hmm.. this page says kodak dx3700 is 1.6"
04:11.55sorphinT`: because the rest of the camera works and it takes pictues fine.. you can see how the LCD is broken..  it's obvious
04:12.50sorphinT`: well, can you pop it open? it shouldn't be too hard, mine was a few screws
04:12.57sorphinand the lcd was on it's own thing on the back
04:13.02sorphinjust connected via ribbons
04:14.43T`sorphin, yea its already in a semi-poped open stage affixed with some glue
04:14.51T`will do it on wednesday
04:15.45T`u can contact a local sony distributor too
04:16.17sorphinT`: that's gonna be more trouble and $ :P
04:16.52T`umm well.. ur only option as a last resort.. ask me sometime on wednesday (T`|Heli is my lab clone)
04:16.56MonMothadamn, I wish my cable box had an svideo output
04:17.14T`hehe just built a tv tuner for my computer :)
04:17.23sorphinT`: around what time?
04:17.32T`sorphin, anytime i am active :)
04:18.08MonMothaT`: you built a tv tuner? as in you designed and manufactured the board?
04:18.10sorphinT`: well, unless you talk through that nick on wednesday :P
04:18.31T`MonMotha, the tuner kit i hacked from a old ATI video card...
04:18.44MonMothaI see...
04:18.50MonMothaI should do that with my old AIW Pro
04:18.53T`MonMotha, i put a PIC to control it through its i2c bus, and added IR sensor, wrote code for an old remote from JVC, and it works now :-)
04:19.24MonMothaT`: how did you get it to talk to the PC? PCI bus?
04:19.26T`yea its very nice.. and small too
04:19.37T`MonMotha, no.. i have a s-video in for my video card
04:19.48MonMothaoh, ok
04:19.59MonMothaso you already had a tv input, just no tuner?
04:20.04T`MonMotha, building a PCI add-on shouldn't be too hard either.. there are chipsets which do it. the BT ones are good
04:20.15T`MonMotha, yes right.. its a VIVO card
04:20.31MonMothaI currently don't have an svideo input actually
04:20.40MonMothaI'm very very tempted to get a pcHDTV 3000
04:20.51MonMothaso I can grab ota hi def programs
04:21.04MonMothayou know if the svideo input on that can grab at higher than 480p?
04:21.13T`i didnt want to spend more $$ un-necessarily.. i already have this old ATI AGP card which i cant use.. so reused its parts
04:21.23MonMothayup, that's what I have.  old AIW Pro AGP
04:21.35MonMothathough if v4l supported it, I could use it directly
04:21.41MonMothait's not one of the supported BT chips
04:21.42sorphinT`: hence why i'm trying to scavenge an lcd ;)
04:21.55T`aah.. then u have to see if u can get a datasheet for your tuner module.. its hard to get them. mine i found it online easily
04:22.16T`sorphin, ??
04:22.38sorphint1: unnessesary $$ :P
04:22.44sorphinT`: ^^^
04:22.46T`i have another tuner module from an old VCR i found in our univ. trash floor.. but i dont have a datasheet for it
04:22.55MonMothaI'm guessing that's why a driver hasn't been written for this thing...apparently the capture device itself isn't supported, just not the tuner
04:22.56T`sorphin, haha good principle :)
04:22.58MonMothaer not just
04:23.13T`MonMotha, are u talking about the pcHDTV ?
04:23.22MonMothano, the ATI All In Wonder series
04:23.38MonMothaI have an old AIW Pro AGP, using the Rage Pro chipset
04:23.43sorphinT`: indeed
04:24.12T`MonMotha, aaah ok. well tuner is just on the i2c bus, the driver uses it to control the channel.. the bt chip is what gives you the video frames.. i believe they might be using some stone age digitizer
04:24.46sorphinT`: tridge has messed w/ that stuff, as has my friend alex
04:24.55MonMothaT`: yup
04:25.03sorphinhacking tivos to use PAL tuners
04:25.09T`aah i c
04:25.18MonMothaby now, I'd think that by now someone would have written a driver for the digitizer though if it was documented
04:25.22MonMothait was a fairly common card
04:25.37MonMothathere is a driver (GATOS project), but it doesn't use v4l and doesn't support everything
04:25.49sorphinMonMotha: i've used GATOS
04:25.58MonMothafor the TV tuner stuff?
04:26.02T`oh wait.. now i remember thats the card i have i think! i used GATOS to watch TV a while ago
04:26.13sorphinmy thinkpad has an ATI Rage Pro 128 Mobility
04:26.18sorphinw/ VIVO
04:26.26sorphindoes OpenGL and the video crap
04:26.28T`yea.. u can use my design for laptops :)
04:26.38T`or TVs with dead tuners or something
04:27.07MonMothahum, well I can use my pcHDTV as a secondary tuner when I get it anyway
04:27.21MonMothaso that will give me two tuners, which should be plenty :)
04:27.34sorphinMonMotha: i don't even have an HDTV now.. so any HD programming isn't really appealing ot me right now
04:28.03MonMothasorphin: I just use my computer monitor, which is capable of 720p
04:28.08T`MonMotha, just to let u know.. it shouldn't be hard to built your own HDTV PCI card if u have experience with PCI design
04:28.20MonMothaT`: I don't really, and the pcHDTV is pretty reasonably priced
04:28.31sorphinMonMotha: well, i'd rather use a real tv (not near my machines)
04:28.33T`MonMotha, the mixer circuit, etc.. are all in the frontend which they probably get from some other company
04:28.33MonMothaT`: I'm sure I could do it if I sat down and worked at it, but I've never done any PCI design
04:28.52T`MonMotha, how much does it cost ?
04:28.53MonMothamost of my work has been low speed microcontroller work so far
04:29.06sorphinT`: you better be around wednesday ;)
04:29.13MonMothaT`: $189.99
04:29.20T`sorphin, u bet :-)
04:29.26MonMothaI could probably do cheaper, though not much in the end
04:29.35sorphinMonMotha: until what is it... June of 2005 when that bill goes into effect? ;)
04:29.37MonMothaI do get to make boards for cheap
04:29.38T`sorphin, my prof will fire me if i dont show up ;P
04:29.43MonMothasorphin: true, it doesn't obey the broadcast flag
04:29.52T`sorphin, i skipped work all last week and the next 2 days.. got GRE on tuesday
04:29.53sorphinMonMotha: which supposedly it doesn't ;)
04:30.01T`MonMotha, how so ?
04:30.16T`MonMotha, u work for a fab ?
04:30.20MonMothaT`: whois me :)
04:30.38T`oh the $33 student price from 4pcb ?
04:30.43MonMothaI can do two layer boards on our board milling machine in the basement
04:30.58MonMothaI have to provide my own drill bits though
04:31.02MonMothabut use of the machine is free
04:31.13T`wow.. never did anything like that
04:31.26MonMothayeah, we have a lot of fun stuff here
04:31.31T`is this similar to nail polish + acid method ? or different ?
04:31.32MonMothapay through the nose for it though
04:31.42MonMothaI'm not really sure how it works as I've never done it
04:31.51T`MonMotha, hey! dont talk to me about "paying through the nose"
04:32.03MonMothaapparently they start with stock copper clad and mill off the places you don't want traces or fills
04:32.16MonMothatrue, CMU isn't cheap
04:32.36MonMothaRose is expensive too though; they are the #1 school of undergrad science, math, and engineering in the USA that doesn't give a Ph.D
04:32.52T`MonMotha, yea.. i just got hired full time this year.. so i effectively am paying for 1 year of undergrad.. rest is covered by CMU
04:33.03T`MonMotha, aah i c.. no aid ?
04:33.15MonMothaI have some, but it's still expensive
04:33.46T`i c.. yea ur school is as expensive as CMU!!
04:33.53T`37.5k! damn
04:33.55MonMothaheh, told you :)
04:34.06T`cmu is like 38k i think..
04:34.08MonMothaI paid $35k or so last year w/ my aid
04:34.13T`heh i c
04:34.18MonMothathough that was because I had to buy a laptop (that's a giant space heater)
04:34.41MonMothaanyway, any good resources for designing PCI stuff?
04:35.24T`i have a mindshare book on PCI design..  its pretty good
04:35.43MonMothaheh, or I could just dive in :)
04:35.50MonMothathat's how I started with microcontroller stuff
04:36.34T`well.. its not that hard.. just like any other spec.. however there are rules on your PCB design to make the board work properly
04:37.02T`and i dont think u can mill your own boards.. just get a board fabbed at for students it $33/board
04:37.18MonMothaI've seen some pretty zany stuff milled here
04:37.21T`i just put like 10 different designs on one.. make some random fake wires to connect them all and send in as one board :-X
04:39.27MonMothaI don't see why I couldn't make my own board here.  I know it's got enough precision to do really tiny SMT parts like TSSOPs with no problem
04:42.48T`time to make the boards
04:43.04MonMothanot sure as I've never done it
04:43.21MonMothabut there's usually no line
04:43.46T`no.. i meant its probably not worth the time u spend to make the board cuz u have to do it by hand
04:44.37MonMothayou just feed it all the board layout files from cadence and let it go
04:45.26MonMotha(we're definately a cadence shop around here)
04:46.31MonMothaI know for classes they just have you email the glob of files to a guy and he makes them all and throws them in your mailbox.  Usually 1 day turnaround on that
04:46.48MonMothabut for personal projects, you have to get it set up and started yourself, and provide your own bits
04:48.09MonMothamy impression is that most of the overhead with it is getting it all set up, populating the drills, etc
04:48.31MonMothaI guess I could talk with someone I know who's used it
04:49.18T`god! i have to convince my prof to buy that machine
04:49.23T`would we awesome
04:49.56MonMothayeah, it's nice
04:50.15MonMothait was bought for our development with industry (industry funded projects) program
04:50.22MonMothabut it's available for use by all students of course
04:50.38T`i c... u know the model of the machine ?
04:50.59MonMothanope, I've not even seen it
04:51.11MonMothaI've just talked with a couple people who have used it
04:51.14T`uh ok
04:52.09MonMothaoh, and we tried to have a board made for a class project, but the instructions were flawed and the traces ended up being razor thin :)
04:52.22T`haha.. 1mil :)
04:53.04T`i screwed up a board big time.. too much current drain though these 5mil traces.. the board practically fried when i powered it
04:53.09sorphinmmm... vandegraff generator
04:53.12MonMothaT`: yeah, so they didn't make the boards for us since we would probably have just burned up the traces
04:53.21T`that was back 2 years ago. when i was even more stupid and naive :-)
04:54.13MonMothabut we were all set up to have a board dropped in our mailbox :)
04:54.47T`heh i c
04:55.04MonMothayep, there are nice things about paying through the nose for this kind of stuff
04:55.21MonMothaheck, I could go hop into one of the EE labs right now if I wanted to do something
04:55.29MonMothaas long as you don't break anything, they don't care
04:55.41T`anyone here know a place to find native chinese components ? i am trying to find a suitable replacement for a low voltage op-amp for mass production
04:56.05MonMothaheh, no clue :)
04:56.43MonMothatried china? :)
04:56.50T`MonMotha, ah thats cool.. we have good lab facilities here too but most people dont use them too much...
04:57.04MonMothayeah, these are underused for personal stuff too
04:57.11T`yes.. thats where i want to manufacture these boards.. but havent found any ideas on finding a suitable manufacturer
04:57.13MonMothathe profs always like to see people using them for out of class stuff though
04:57.29MonMothaI'm also a member of our ham radio club, which is kinda the EE department's baby :)
04:57.36T`haha i c
04:57.40MonMothaif you hear W9NAA on the air, it's probably me
04:57.44MonMothaat least on HF
04:58.09T`we are big on robotics.. got many students working on robots which are of no use what so ever.. but fun
04:58.39T`dct5000 ?
04:58.59T`u guys hacking a set-top box ?
04:59.05sorphinT`: motorola digital cable box, w/ a MIPS cpu, etc in it
04:59.16sorphinT`: but has a masked rom
04:59.21MonMothaT`: we're attempting to, yes
04:59.30sorphinT`: Tim's former company was doing linux for it
04:59.31MonMothaT`: we have a robot helicopter here actually
04:59.34MonMothaI don't work on it though
04:59.52MonMothawe used to do a solar car, but that got expensive
04:59.52SoopamanMonMotha, what steps do you take to initially "hack" a closed box?
05:00.15MonMothaSoopaman: well, usually take the sucker apart; do a visual inventory of what's in it to try to get a feel for how the startup sequence may proceede
05:00.26MonMothasomeone was nice enough to give us info on the JTAG bus on this sucker, even has a nice header
05:00.48sorphinMonMotha: and that rom stuff doesn't hurt, even tho ours doesn't have that cuz of the masked rom
05:00.53Soopamanahh, so it's almost always hardware hack in, then look around to re-create with software?
05:00.56MonMothathen you want to see if you can get your code running on it.  That's where the mask ROM is making us mad since we can't flash that
05:01.13T`MonMotha, i work in a helicopter lab too :)
05:01.26T`MonMotha, we are the best in the world currently..
05:01.30MonMothasomeone did a little reverse engineering on that ROM and found that we should be able to get it to boot our own code from the flash, though we may just replace the mask rom with our own flash part as it's socketed
05:01.38MonMothaT`: is it autonomous though?
05:01.54sorphinMonMotha: i'd do it myself if i had the resources
05:02.01MonMothasorphin: heh, I lack the time
05:02.01T`MonMotha, yes
05:02.08sorphinMonMotha: make time ;)
05:02.13T`MonMotha, we are the ones who started it 13 years ago
05:02.14sorphinMonMotha: stop taking these other projects :P
05:02.20MonMothaT`: hum, I'm trying to remember if rose has competed against CMU, probably
05:02.42T`MonMotha, well.. now we are exclusive to defense/NASA research.. no more competition
05:03.02MonMothaSoopaman: well, our objective is to get the box running our own code, not to steal cable
05:03.19sorphinyeah, we don't really care that it's a digital cable box
05:03.25MonMothaif you just want to steal cable, all you have to do is plug it in on most systems :)
05:03.26T`MonMotha, i am talking about industrial helicopter.. not RC helicopters :)
05:03.38sorphinMonMotha: not really
05:03.39MonMothaT`: ah, this is that autonomous helicopter contest
05:03.50sorphinMonMotha: cuz if the headend doesn't recognize the boxes serial, it won't talk to it
05:03.56MonMothasorphin: the networks around here allow any box full access to the network until they restrict it
05:04.00MonMothayes, Charter is THAT STUPID
05:04.07sorphinMonMotha: uh.. we have charter
05:04.14T`sorphin, why not just read the flash from the board directly ?
05:04.19T`sorphin, byte code hacking :)
05:04.21MonMothawell, I know people have stolen cable here by simply bringing in a cable box and hooking it up
05:04.28MonMothaT`: we have a dump of the ROM
05:04.35sorphinMonMotha: well, i've hooked this box up
05:04.38sorphinMonMotha: saw nada
05:04.45sorphinon the vid output
05:04.45T`MonMotha, well.. why not assemble the code and look at the code ?
05:04.53MonMothasorphin: apparently you have to let it sit there and download it's OS
05:04.57MonMothaits SO
05:05.04MonMothaT`: that's what was done :)
05:05.16T`MonMotha, what are u guys trying to do anyway ?
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05:05.27MonMothawe have some notes somewhere.  it is apparently possible to place code in flash and have it called by the boot ROM with no questions asked
05:05.31sorphinT`: they have usable lil MIPS cpus, and other nice HW in them
05:05.45SoopamanMonMotha, is the awful side effect of hacking the box the ability to get free cable? :)
05:05.46T`sorphin, ok?
05:05.50MonMothaT`: well, I'd love to get it working as a MythTV frontend, even if I could only do MPEG2
05:06.53MonMothathey have pretty dynamite TV out (of course), hardware MPEG2 decode, DOCIS cable mode, QAM digicable, Rage Pro (iirc) gfx, 10/100 ethernet, IEEE 1394, and what we believe to be a hdd connector
05:07.09Soopamanthat's not a bad box at all
05:07.15sorphinMonMotha: not just rage pro
05:07.22sorphinMonMotha: the theatre chip too
05:07.23MonMothaso actually, if you got really fancy, you could make one of those PVRs that just streams the raw MPEG2 from the digital cable uplink to the drive and plays it back later
05:07.26MonMothaso no quality loss
05:07.30MonMothasorphin: I thought that was the MPEG2 decoder
05:07.39SoopamanMonMotha, how much was the box?
05:07.46sorphinSoopaman: $50 from timriker
05:07.48MonMotha$50, while supplies lasted
05:07.54sorphinMonMotha: and they didn't last ;)
05:08.03Soopamanheheh, how does tim get all these fantastic toys?
05:08.17sorphinSoopaman: well, at the time, he was/had worked at lineo
05:08.29sorphinand lineo was the ones doing the linux work for it
05:08.36sorphinbut it got scrapped
05:08.47sorphinthe vr5432
05:08.50Soopamanhow many boxes were left?
05:08.54MonMothaSoopaman: not many
05:08.56sorphinis the same MIPS that's in the normal S2 tivo
05:08.56MonMothalike 10
05:09.07sorphinso i'd like this pile of $100 to get some use :P
05:09.19MonMothasorphin: well, at the least, they're worth more than that as digital cable boxes
05:09.28MonMothaand you should be able to call up your cable co and get the box auth'd
05:09.39MonMothathere's apparently an FCC reg that says they have to let you do that
05:09.46sorphinMonMotha: not really since we don't have digital cable
05:09.59MonMothawell, you'd have to buy digital cable
05:10.06sorphinand that'll never happen ;)
05:10.09MonMothabut they couldn't charge you to rent the box
05:10.13MonMothasince it's yours
05:10.42sorphinMonMotha: i'd personally like to use them for better purposes
05:10.53MonMothaas would I
05:11.02MonMothaI'd really love to see a myth frontend with full hardware decoder support
05:11.52T`why hack if u cant get that box  anymore :/
05:11.53MonMothagetting the linux kernel booting would be a nice start though :)
05:12.05MonMothaT`: it's still made, just not easily acquireable by hackers :)
05:12.20MonMothathe DCT-5000 is the base model of what is usually used by the cable company provided PVR boxes
05:12.30MonMotha(DCT-5500 IIRC is the one with the HDD preinstalled)
05:12.34T`hmm ic.. so whats the non-hacker way to acquire one?
05:12.35sorphinT`: yo ujust don't understand do you?
05:12.41MonMothaT`: ebay likely
05:12.50sorphinMonMotha: 5002
05:12.53MonMothaand don't ask where they got it from :)
05:12.58sorphinMonMotha: according to tim
05:13.02sorphinor 5003
05:13.04T`hehe.. well i was just curious
05:13.16sorphinT`: i'll sell you one for $50 :P
05:13.29MonMothait's hard to actually purchase them in small quantity since everyone assumes you want to steal cable
05:13.38T`sorphin, hmm. not bad.. i dont have cable here though
05:13.56sorphinT`: again, they're hack toys at this point
05:14.07MonMothayou could probably get by if you were willing to buy a few thousand :)
05:14.17Soopamanwhy not just buy tivo's like me :D
05:14.21MonMothaor buy them from a shady outfit who assumes you want to steal cable :)
05:14.25sorphinSoopaman: uhh
05:14.36sorphin~bitchslap Soopaman the stupid canadian
05:14.38ibotACTION beats the sh*t out of Soopaman the stupid canadian
05:14.45T`sorphin, can it do HD ?
05:14.57sorphinT`: it's a digital cable box
05:15.15T`sorphin, is that a yes ?
05:15.32sorphinT`: it's an i don't have a clue, since i don't have either HDTV nor digital cable
05:15.46MonMothaT`: my guess is yes
05:15.54MonMothaat least from what I know of the TV output hardware
05:16.03MonMothathe MPEG decoder may not be fast enough to decode a 1080i signal though, not sue
05:16.19sorphinMonMotha: well, there is HD other than 1080i
05:16.27MonMothasorphin: true, it may be able to do 720x
05:16.32T`i c... hmm cool.. might wanna hack a bit when i got time
05:16.41MonMotha1080i is what is commonly broadcast in the US as "hi-def"
05:16.53MonMothasome stations do 720p, or rarely 720i
05:16.53sorphinMonMotha: my prob is i always buy in pairs
05:17.04sorphinhence the webpals, tuxscreens, dcts
05:17.12MonMothaI ended up with 4 webpals, to do hardware hacking
05:17.30sorphinMonMotha: well, my webpals work now.. i just have nothing to do w/ them right now
05:17.39MonMothaI need to get linux on them
05:17.45MonMothaI've got one hacked up quite a bit
05:17.49MonMothahave a laptop HDD for it
05:18.00MonMothano clue what I'm actually going to do with it though :)
05:18.03MonMothamaybe an MP3 player?
05:18.10MonMothaI could put a hardware decoder in it
05:18.24MonMothathough it has an FPU; may be fast enough to decode in software
05:18.41T`MonMotha, i will sell u a mp3 hack kit :) i built one a few months ago.. heh
05:18.41MonMothaI should put a floppy drive on it, just because I can
05:18.51MonMothaheh, I've got all the stuff to do hardware MP3
05:18.53sorphinstupid AOL commercials
05:19.06MonMothausing STA013
05:19.08sorphinMonMotha: sucks that i couldn't pull more ISA lines
05:19.19MonMothayeah, there's just not much left unused
05:19.35MonMothayou could grab a couple more interrupts if you want, though they're edge triggered
05:19.36sorphinMonMotha: and it doesn't provide some too
05:19.45sorphinMonMotha: interrupts aren't the issue
05:19.53sorphinmost cards wan't DMA
05:19.58MonMothahowever, the superio chip is wired up for edge trigger, and connected to a level, so you could steal that one and reroute it
05:20.00sorphinof some sort
05:20.01T`no DMA controller on this ?
05:20.05MonMothayeah, you're not gunna do DMA on this sucker
05:20.14sorphinT`: on the webpal? no
05:20.20sorphinit's a cirrus ARM
05:20.29MonMothaat least not without some VERY serious hacking (I recall it has a bus hold mechanism, but you'd have to bring your own DMA controlle)
05:21.00MonMothaPIO for YOU!
05:21.08T`hmm i c
05:21.25sorphinMonMotha: well, the prob is, all the cards i have (even the NE2000 based) cads i have i nthe Tivos
05:21.27sorphinwon't work
05:21.30MonMothathere was someone who threw an FPGA in a webpal, just to have fun :)
05:21.36MonMothaI've never seen an NE2000 that required DMA
05:21.44sorphinMonMotha: yeah, bigbrd put in an RTC chip
05:21.45MonMothathe 8390 didn't support it
05:21.48T`life is so simplified now.. i have dma controllers on board on all these new embedded processors
05:21.56sorphinMonMotha: the lines this card requires tho
05:21.59MonMothayeah, that's how I was going to wire up my MP3 decoder
05:22.02sorphinaren't there
05:22.06MonMothausing those GPIOs
05:22.38sorphini remember, cuz i mapped out the isa connector
05:22.48sorphinand the signals were no where to be found on the webpal
05:22.55MonMothaI can then put an IO expander on my I2C bus (those lines are open collector, suitable for bit banging I2C directly, which the STA013 requires anyway) to control the lines I just stole from the TV encoder
05:23.10MonMotha(which aren't really needed anyway)
05:23.19MonMothayeah, it has no DMA functionality
05:23.28MonMothathe PS7500 is actually a really tough proc to work with
05:23.34MonMothalots of legacy functionality
05:23.40MonMothathat you just have to turn off
05:23.46sorphinMonMotha: what really sucks is my poor WSP can't do IDE anymore :(... traces for the resistor networks are borked, and as many times as i've tried to fix it..
05:23.56sorphinstill won't do proper
05:24.29MonMothatried re-running the lines with 30 guage?
05:25.00sorphinMonMotha: some of em are hard..
05:25.03MonMothaPIO IDE should be clocked slow enough that you shoudl be able to run your own lines without too mcuh problem
05:25.21sorphinMonMotha: i may just use the DOC
05:25.25MonMothaI know I've seen PIO mode 0 done on a wire-wrapped board :)
05:25.45sorphinwhat's funny is my SBCs all have DOC sockets... too bad i'll never use them.. since they are gonna be Olives
05:25.52sorphinand JunOS won't talk to a DOC
05:26.05sorphinOn even
05:26.09MonMothathose thing
05:26.18MonMothadon't they require a binary driver in linux?
05:26.35MonMotha(which I think is only available for x86)
05:26.57MonMothayou can do that?
05:26.58sorphinin linux
05:27.05sorphinthat's how the kernel sees it
05:27.18MonMothathat's how they work in hardware though?
05:27.28sorphinjust compiled a normal kernel w/ DOC support
05:27.38sorphinMonMotha: if it were a binary driver
05:27.42MonMothaoh, they made a driver for it?
05:27.43sorphinit couldn't be shipped w/ the kernel ;)
05:27.54MonMothaI know the dev kit for the SBC I have went all nuts about this binary driver you had to use
05:27.57sorphinMonMotha: in the core, it's just NAND flash
05:28.04MonMothait's in 2.4, right?
05:28.21sorphinyou used to have to use their driver
05:28.25MonMothawow...I didn't see that
05:28.31MonMothawhen did those drivers come around?
05:28.45sorphinMonMotha: not sure what version.. it's been quite a while
05:29.06MonMothado they offer samples by chance?
05:29.16sorphindon't think so
05:29.24sorphinbut i know where you can get some... 72M cheap
05:29.45MonMothahum, because I have an x86 SBC that supporst it
05:29.57MonMothaI'd like to use it so I can run my "firmware" off a separate device from my storage
05:30.08sorphinMonMotha: fyi, look in the kernel for:
05:30.17MonMothaI'm currently using CF for both purposes, btu that means that if I upgrade a customer I have to move the firmware partition to the new card
05:30.24MonMothaI'dl ike to be able to just slap a new CF card in and have it work
05:30.24sorphinM-Systems Disk-On-Chip 2000 :P
05:30.29MonMothayeah, I see it
05:30.49MonMothausing the DiskOnChip would also make "hacking" my device at least more difficult for the casual person
05:31.10sorphinmoron sent me the wrong ones, and i'm waiting for him to get a hold of the person he sent mine to
05:32.14MonMothait shows up as flash, right? so it would be wise to use jffs?
05:32.53sorphinyeah, you use the MTD driver for it
05:33.10sorphini dunno, i've never had anything other than FAT on them
05:33.23sorphincept when they have QNX on them originally
05:33.37MonMothawell, I'd need at least a UNIX type fs, so I would be using ext2 if I used NFTL
05:33.55MonMothabut if I'm going to do that, I might as well just use jffs2
05:34.00MonMothawell, in general, my systems run readonly
05:34.13sorphinMonMotha: FYI
05:35.00sorphinmy SBCS are: McroTek MSPC-6886
05:35.06sorphinMacrotek even
05:35.20sorphinand atleast these support P3s :P since they have them on already
05:35.23MonMothawe already have one I use for development.  It's a Technologic Systems TS-4500
05:35.24sorphinleast mine do
05:35.29MonMothaheh, these are AMD Elans :)
05:35.42sorphinMonMotha: the ones in the crystal PCs were made by TrentonTech
05:35.54sorphinbastards changed revs to handle P3s
05:36.15MonMothathis is dual etherent, 64MB of RAM, 2MB of flash
05:36.22MonMothathey come with less RAM normally
05:36.26MonMothabut my dev kit has additional
05:36.36sorphinwell, for what i need these for...
05:36.45sorphinno special HW
05:37.05MonMothathese are also made to run linux
05:37.51sorphinMonMotha: these will be routing ;)
05:38.05MonMothathis has done that
05:38.12MonMothathough not w/ much bandwidth
05:38.14MonMothaa couple T1s or so
05:38.44MonMothaI'm going to make it into a mail server next I think
05:39.03MonMothaI think our clients would get a kick out of a mail server you could hold in your hand
05:39.03sorphinMonMotha: these will be Juniper Olives
05:39.22MonMothaah, so you're hacking together some real hardware
05:39.24sorphinMonMotha: these are PICMG boards
05:39.36sorphinthat plug into isa/pci backplanes
05:39.42sorphindiff type of SBC
05:40.05MonMothathis is just a little embedded unit
05:40.31MonMothawell, I think I'm going to head to bed
05:40.34MonMothaI do have class tomorrow
05:41.33sorphinwaiting on my laundry to dry
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06:04.40iboti heard prpplague is or Dave Anders
06:04.57sorphinT0mW: yo
06:05.27T0mWprpplague: it is definately the CPLD!  I lifted pin 76 off the CPLD (data bit 6) and now I can read that bit via JTAG.
06:06.52T0mWsorphin: bbiam
06:09.57T0mWsorphin: Damn! that was a bitch to figure out!
06:10.54T0mWfinally dawned on me that if I thought that this part was jamming the Databus, then why not lift one pin and find out.  So... I got out the microscope...
06:11.29T0mWnow to put the pin back so the dev board will run again!
06:14.49T0mWhooboy, we are just a few hours away from getting this working.  That is once Dave wakes his lazy tail up and gets back to work!
06:19.10T0mWsorphin: hey, you want a ham + cheese sandwich, or aren't you hungry?
06:22.40sorphinT0mW: i'm always up for a ham n cheese
06:22.51sorphin(too bad i didn't have one w/ my clam chowder i just had)
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06:58.34T`hrmm.. so everyone's sleeping ?
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07:48.39T`heh.. its night :) heading to bed.. gnite
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10:03.28ibotprpplague is, like, or Dave Anders
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11:57.12T0mWMr mallum, good morning
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