irclog2html for #elinux on 20041103

00:04.34CosmicPenguinspeak of the devil
00:06.26sorphinfunny, this morning it was crowded as hell
00:06.33sorphintonight, i didn't have to wait more than 5 mins
00:07.03CosmicPenguinMaybe the truth squad had already rounded up everybody at your location
00:07.10sorphinkergoth: ewww.. enlightenment
00:07.14sorphinCosmicPenguin: heh
00:07.29sorphinfunny, nader wasn't even on the ballot, i found that one amusing
00:07.36sorphini thought he ran
00:07.54sorphinnot that he'd ever win
00:07.59sorphinor are they writeins
00:08.05kergothheh, e17's bits are quite nice
00:08.26sorphinkergoth: heh
00:08.32sorphini always found E to be too dark
00:08.44kergothheh, so pick a different theme.
00:09.26kergothCosmicPenguin: i assume you mean it eliminates them the emitted binary packages, not the ones used at image creation time?  you playing with read only images?
00:09.28sorphinkergoth: tbh, these days, i'm not in X enough to care anymore
00:09.35kergothheh, same here
00:10.30sorphinkergoth: what's new
00:11.00cosmic_homekergoth: yeah, I've been using static images for quite a while now
00:11.25kergothnada, busy with work, trying to regain my boss's confidence in me.  started going out with a chick, which is occupying quite a bit of time
00:11.32kergothtrying to stop sucking at managing my time and projects
00:11.55sorphinkergoth: just saw bush is in the lead right now.. blech
00:12.29sorphin3 states to 1 so far
00:12.32sorphinbut it ain't over yet
00:14.04sorphinwelp, looks like KY is banning gay marriages
00:15.16sorphinkergoth: they let you vote?
00:15.33kergothdidnt vote.  far too apolitical
00:17.42sorphineven i voted, and i think the whole governmental hierarchy sucks
00:18.05kergoththey can both go fuck themselves as far as i'm concerned
00:18.19sorphinkergoth: while that may be the case
00:18.22kergothi'm reminded of the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
00:18.38kergoththe person who can get the job is the person you certainly dont want to have the job
00:18.40sorphinkergoth: one of em is gonna be there, i doubt the US will ever change in that regard
00:36.03fishheadgay marriage is losing
00:36.20cdmwhy cheer for that?
00:36.30fishheadbecause marriage is between a man and a woman
00:36.33fishheadplain and simple
00:37.06cdmwell, that is silly.  Perhaps within a church, but certainly not within the state.
00:38.25kergothi dont quite get marraige as a legal thing anyway
00:38.35kergothwho i decide to live with should be my business
00:38.52fishheadyeah it's your business
00:38.56fishheadso stop trying to stick it into ours
00:38.59fishheadthat's the problem
00:39.04fishheadyou gay people started this shit
00:39.36kergothare you trying to get banned again?  stop with the idiotic insults.
00:39.58fishheadit's a fact dude
00:41.09fishheadi won't change my mind but I will drop the issue in the channel if you want
00:41.24kergothyou completely missed the point.
00:41.33kergothi'm not gay, i'm arguing that marraige itself is an idiotic institution
00:41.40kergothcompletely pointless
00:41.51fishheadI don't believe so
00:44.24jacqueskergoth, who are you talking to?
00:44.41kergothjacques: fishhead. for some reason i dont have him on ignore
00:44.53jacqueswell there was your first mistake :-D
00:45.32sorphinya know
00:45.50sorphini almost agreed w/ fishhead on something, but that passed in microseconds
00:46.10sorphinkergoth: and you say that now.. just wait.. i used to think it was pointless too :P
00:46.16sorphinas did dave, remember
00:46.48kergothheh, i've been in love. twice. views havent changed yet
00:46.50kergothbut ya never know
00:47.08sorphinkergoth: exactly
00:47.15sorphinkergoth: stranger things have happened
00:47.36sorphinno one ever saw me getting hitched.. hell my friend heather was shocked
00:48.08sorphinshe saw me as the eternal bachelor
00:48.09sorphinand on a diff subject.. this is sick... 486 messages to dans-domain in 1 day
00:48.12sorphinall spam
00:48.22fishheadI think I have given up on this laptop
00:48.26fishhead486-100 8 meg  of ram
00:48.33fishheadI reached the point in my life I am burned out
00:48.40fishheadsell the lcd I think
00:48.41sorphinkergoth: it's sick because the only place that email addr exists is in my whois records
00:48.41kergothi just dont understand it, myself.  i'm far too much of a realist to honestly expect to stay with someone indefinately
00:48.42fishheadand toss the rest
00:49.14sorphinkergoth: that's why all the web whois things have required some manual input of random picked image chars
00:53.08sorphinNader 9,216 1%
00:53.28sorphingee.. looks like he'll win :P not
01:04.20sorphinheh, this just shows how things could go
01:04.25sorphinbush has the most popular right now
01:04.32sorphinbut kerry has the electoral right now
01:08.59cdmfishhead, are you married?
01:11.40sorphincdm: fishhead? married?... riiight
01:11.58MonMothaI didn'
01:12.10MonMothaI didn't think Nader was on enough ballots to take 270 electoral votes
01:12.29sorphinMonMotha: he wasn't even on ours.. i guess he is a writein here
01:12.31MonMothaBadnarik (the Libertarian) is
01:12.36MonMothahe's on every state's ballot
01:12.42MonMothabut yet they don't bother to put his stats up
01:15.12fishheadcdm I haven't even dated yet
01:15.14fishheadand I am almost 31
01:21.55sorphinheh, nader's up to 17,464 votes
01:21.56fishheadyou know what guys
01:22.00sorphinthat's just wasting your vote
01:22.04fishheadme trashing this old 486 laptop with 8 meg of ram
01:22.13fishheadand selling off the display with the other 2 lcd's I have
01:22.15fishheadworks out good
01:22.27fishheadbecause my mom's laptop needs a new lion batt and ac adaptor
01:22.30fishheadso I can trade for parts
01:22.57fishheadI wish I could attach the lcd to the webpal :/
01:23.04fishheadmabye I can get a cheap 5 inch analog one :P
01:24.28cdmfishhead, you have not even dated yet and you are almost 31?
01:24.36cdmhvae you been in jail for 16 years?
01:25.07cdmlet me tell ya man, the hand doesn't do it justice.
01:27.06fishheadyeah I was in jail
01:27.10fishheadinside my own head
01:27.22fishheadI have aspergers symdrome they think
01:28.07sorphincdm: careful
01:28.55cdmsorphin, ?
01:29.13sorphincdm: what you speak about ;)
01:29.33sorphin"family channel" as tim riker would put it
01:30.19cdmsorphin, hehehe, I was trying to be delicate.
01:32.12fishhead[20:32] <fishhead> "fingerhut"
01:32.12fishhead[20:32] * X sets mode: +l 160
01:32.12fishhead[20:32] <fishhead> how would you like to have that last name like that senator does
01:32.12fishhead[20:32] <fishhead> sounds like a bad porono
01:38.58fishheadI should play with these
01:39.01MonMothasorphin: did you see last week's episode of south park?
01:39.02fishheadI got 2 of these free
01:39.05fishheadmight get a 3rd free
01:39.09fishheadfrom business with phones that died
01:39.16fishheadjust have to make max232 adaptors and new roms
01:51.58sorphinMonMotha: i don't watch southpark
01:52.06MonMothaah, I don't really blame you
01:52.10MonMothathough last week's was pretty good