irclog2html for #elinux on 20040914

00:01.26*** join/#elinux hufnus (
01:59.36*** join/#elinux file[laptop] (
02:15.01*** join/#elinux hufnus (
03:04.23kergothfuck fuck fuck
03:05.03*** join/#elinux chouimat (
03:09.05*** join/#elinux hufnus (
03:30.43sorphinkergoth: what now? :P
03:30.54kergothi just toasted the first partition of nand on my sl5600
03:31.02kergoththe partition that contains the maintainance menu / updater
03:31.04kergothoops :)
03:31.18kergothnow i need a nand backup image created from the diagnostics menu (safe in ROM), so i can restore it
03:31.30kergothi forgot to make one before i started fucking with mtd drivers  in 2.6
03:31.42sorphinkergoth: now you know why
03:31.50sorphini was only poking at the kernel/initrd
03:31.53sorphinwhen i was doing that
03:32.04kergothi'm fixing the mtd stuff in 2.6 on it
03:32.06kergothnot a lot of choice
03:32.10sorphinblech on 2.7
03:32.48kergothno one i know will voluntarily touch 2.4 with a ten foot pole now
03:32.52sorphinand shakes his head
03:32.56kergothonce you hack on 2.6, you'll never touch 2.4 again
03:33.12kergothand the embedded improvements are a necessity
03:33.19sorphini tell you, malkovich would be a great one, even if he's not british
03:33.26sorphinkergoth: i've looked at/used 2.6
03:44.04*** join/#elinux giga (giga@
03:44.53*** part/#elinux giga (giga@