irclog2html for #elinux on 20040818

00:01.34sorphinCosmicPenguin: same Q pointed at you as well, since it does use an AMD acquired cpu/chipset :P
00:12.42*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
00:13.13sorphinMonMotha: sup
00:20.53MonMothasorphin: bumped the power cable
00:21.17sorphinMonMotha: nod
00:21.30sorphinMonMotha: found another 8051 based thing (the ir decoder for the WSP's keyboard)
00:25.06MonMotha8051s are pretty common
00:25.10MonMothathey're cheap and easy to program
00:25.17file[laptop]did somebody say cheap?
00:25.33MonMothather'es cheaper things than 8051
00:25.41MonMothain fact, as far as mircros go, they're not that cheap
00:25.51MonMothahelluva lot cheaper than things like BASIC stamps though :)
00:28.20sorphinfile: we arent' talking about you as a date :P *grin* sorry
01:49.38*** join/#elinux GPSFan (~Ken@
01:56.48*** join/#elinux chouimat (
02:40.01*** join/#elinux sjhill (
02:43.42sjhillhas anyone ever seen 90 degree elbow svga connectors for getting into tight places?
03:06.13*** join/#elinux pattieja (
03:42.24*** join/#elinux andersee (
03:42.24*** mode/#elinux [+o andersee] by ChanServ