irclog2html for #elinux on 20040721

00:10.13anderseeTimRikerOLS: hi
00:11.15fileinvent a transporter
00:12.02anderseenext time my grandma dies, I hope she will be more considerate with the timing
00:12.39anderseemy grandmother passed away yesterday, so I canceled my trip to attend the funeral
00:17.57TimRikerOLSat least you have a better excuse than prpplague who just could not get funding.
00:23.46anderseeI guess the airline gets to keep it now
00:23.53anderseenon-refundable ticket...
00:25.01TimRikerOLSandersee: try changing it for next year.
00:27.39fileeek non-refundable
00:30.40anderseeI was a really good deal.  and I couldn't imagine a reason I wouldn't actually go...
00:37.42fileI _almost_ had enough money to go to the asterisk conference
00:37.46filebut then I factored in entry free
00:38.06filethat upped it $400 USD
02:02.31file[desk]no longer insane?
03:54.17*** join/#elinux markl_ (
04:22.30*** join/#elinux MonMotha (
06:36.59*** join/#elinux hufnus (
08:35.57*** join/#elinux mallum (
08:35.57*** mode/#elinux [+v mallum] by ChanServ